Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 06, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Editor and Manager.
Per year f 2 00
If paid is advance 112 1 SO
Advert i ementu are published at the rate of one
dollar per square for one insertion and liftycents
per square for eachsubsequentinsertion.
Rates by the year or for six or threemouthsare
low una Jniform,and will befurnished on appli
Lofjal and Official.\dvcrtisin{,'pcrsquare,three
times or less, $2 00; each subsequent insertionSO
cents per square.
Local notfqpsteneer.ts per lineforonei nsertion,
five cents per line for each subsequenteoiisecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents pc-r
line. Simpleannouncenients of births, marriages
and deaths will beinserted free.
B Cards, five lint s or less i >.05 per year
over live lines, at the regular rates of advertising
Xo local inserted for less thr.n 75 eta. per issue.
The Job department of the I'niiss is complete,
and Allnrds facilities for doii>;; the best class of
No paper will be discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher.
Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for
in advance.
High Constable—W. IT. WELSH
Council mil n— FR AN KLI N HOUSLER.
School Director—R. It. McQUAY.
Constable W. 11. WELSH.
Judge of Election JOH. FREIXDELL,
rnspector of Election—S. J. K LINE.
Councilman—C. Q. CATLIN.
Constable—HAßßY HEMPHILL.
J udße of Election —F. P. RENTZ.
Inspector of Election—LEE HALDERMAN.
Councilman—C. F. MANKEY, F. P. STRAYER.
School Director —L. K. HUNTINGTON.
Judge of Election —A. CHAPMAN.
Inspector of Klectiort—C. A. VAN LEW.
Elkin Is the Choice of the Republicans
"Who favors the nomination of
Attorney (ieneral Elkin for Gover
nor of Pennsylvania ?" asks the
Indiana Progress, and it answers,
"the Stalwart Republicans!"
And then: "Who is opposing the
nomination of Attorney General
Elkin for Governor?'' and its
answer is, "the Insurgents."
Mr. Elkin is in the hands of the
people, and he looks to them for the
nomination, says the Philadelphia
Inquirer. That they will give it
to him there can be no doubt.
With the exception of ex- Lieu ten
ant < Jovernor Watrcs lie is the only
candidate before them, and judging
i'.oiu the iippearance . the expres
sions of opinion anil tin (diction of
delegates thus far he will be the
only candidate when the conven
tion meets.
The field is open to everyone.
All who wish to be candidates have
;i perfect right to contest for dele
gated If there are any insurgents
of any account left, why are they
not in the field with a candidate?
Not a single man have they sug
gested. Not an attempt has been
made by them to produce a can
didate for the people to pass upon.
This is a Republican State, anil it
is expected that while Republicans
may differ concerning a nomination
and may contest with each other
even bitterly before conventions,
the time for lighting each other ex
pires with the choice of the ma
But that is not the way of the
Insurgents. They are no longer
Republicans. That is why they
are not in the field. They are
mere party wreckers, and they join
with the Guffeys and the Gordons
and the like in attempts to over
throw the Republican'party. And
could they succeed in doing so,
what would be the result? Just as
in Philadelphia the Union party
became a shelter for ambitious or
disabled politicians and an aid to a
few ambitious ones, so would the
Insurgents be sold out in the State
and left stranded.
There is not the slightest use in
bothering with the Insurgents for a
minute. A party-wrecker will he
a party-wrecker no matter what the
Republican majority desires. There
is but one course for the Republi
can party in Pennsylvania to pur
sue, and that is togo right along
attending to its own business and
permitting the Republican voters
at the primaries to choose delegates
to the Gubernatorial convention.
When they have made their
choice it will be ratified by the
voters in November.
Saved Her Child's Life.
"In three weeks our chubby little boy
was changed by Pneumonia almost to
a skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Watkins, of
Pleasant City, O. "A terrible cough set
in, that, in spite of a good doctor's treat
ment for several weeks, grew worse every
day. We then used Dr. King's Now
Discovery for Consumption, and our darl
ing was soon sound and well We are
sure this grand medicine saved his life."
Millions know it's the only sure cure for
Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. L.
Taggart guarantees satisfaction. 50c,
81.00. Trial bottles free. L. Taggart.
It is not the revolution that destroys
the machinery; it is the friction.
Something That Will Do You Good.
We know of no way in which we can
he of more service to our readers than to
tell them of something that will be of
real good to them. For tiii> reason we
want to acquaint them with what we
con.'ider one of the very best remedies on
the market for coughs, colds, and that
alarming complaint, croup. Wo refer to
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have
used it with such good results in our
family so long that it bar become a
household necessity. Hy its prompt use
we haven't any doubt but that it has time
and again prevented croup., The testi
mony is given upon our own experience,
and wo suggest that our readt is, especially
those who have small children, always
keep it in tlfeir homes as a safeguard
ag uust .croup.—Camden"(S. (-'.J Messen
ger. For sale by L. Taggart.
The man rarely marries the woman lie
jokes about; she often marries the man
she laughs at.
A Legacy Ol The Grip.
Is often a run-down system. Weak
ness. nervousness, lack of appetite, energy
and ambition, with disordered liver and
kidneys often follow an attack of this
wretched disease. The greatest need
then is Kleetrie Hitters, the splendid
tunic, blood purifier and regulator of
Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. Thou
sands have proved that they wonderfully
strengthen the nerves, build up the
system, and restore to health and good
spirits after an attack of Grip. If suf
fering, try them. * Inly 50c. Perfect
satisfaction guaranteed by L. Taggart.
Marriage is like putting your hand iu
to a bag with ninety-nine snakes and
one cel.
Bilious Colic.
11. Seever, a carpenter and builder of
Kenton, Tenn., when suffering intensely
from an attack of bilious colic, sent to a
near by drug store for something to re
lieve him. The drugget sent him a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
arid l)iarrhoea Remedy, three doses of
which effected a permanent cure. This
is the only remedy that can be depended
upon in the most severe cases of colic and
'cholera m -rbus. Mo t druggists know
this and recommend it when such a
medicine is called for. For sale by L.
When a man and a w nnan IIIMI V.
their romance cense- and their hi-: ry
Mr. Wheeler Got Hid of His lthcumatism
' During the winter ot IS!iS I v.,i so
lame iri my joints, in fuet :iII over my
body, lliat 1 could hardly hobble around,
when 1 bought a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Halm. From the first application
I began to get well, and was cured and
have worked steadily all the year.—li.
Wheeler, North wood, N Y. For sale by
b. Taggart.
Life is a flower of which love is the
.Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best and most famous compound
in the world to conquer aches and kill
fains. Cures Cuts, heals Burns and
Jruises, subdues Inflammation, masters
Piles. Millions of Boxes sold yearly.
Works wonders in Boils, Ulcers Felons,
Skin Eruptions. It cures or no pay. 25c
at L. Taggart's drug store.
Maid want nothing but husbands, and
when they have them, they want every
Millions Put To Work.
The wonderful activity of the new
century is shown by an enormous de
mand for the world's best workers—Dr.
King's New Life Pills. For Constipa
tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, or any
trouble of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys
they're unrivaled. Only 25c at L. Tag
gart's drug store.
Who hath love in his breast liath spurs
in his heels.
Clark's Wise Suggestion.
"I have lately been much troubled
with dyspepsia, belching and sour stom
ach," writes M. S. Mead, leading phar
macist of Attleboro, Mass. "I could eat
hardly anything without suffering several
hours. My clerk suggested I try Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure which I did with most
happy results. 1 have had no more
trouble and when one can goto eating
mince pie, cheese, candy and nuts after
such a time, their digestion must be
pretty good. 1 endorse Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure heartily. "You don't have to diet.
Eat all the good food you want but don t
overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests your food.—R. C. Dodson.
Mothers can safely give Foley's Honey
and Tar to their children for coughs and
colds, for it contains no opiates or other
poisons. L. Taggart.
Rich Valley.
Some of our Maccabees took in the
dance at Sizerville, Friday niirlil.
Mrs. Lucy Lewis is steadily improving
under the careful attention of Dr. Smith.
The meetings at Elk Lick school house
still continue. There is good attendance.
Mr. S. ]). Housler had a wood-bee on
Thursday and now has a nice pile of
wood at his door.
Mrs. Joseph Ilolcomb and daughter
Etta, of Emporium, visited Mrs. Isaac
Lewis a few days since.
Mrs. Ida Ilolcomb, formerly a resident
of this place, but now living at Geneva,
Indiana, is visiting friends here at the
Mr. Robert McMannus cauic near
being crushed by a falling tree last Tues
day. while at his work in the woods. Ho
was injured some and we learn would
have been instantly crushed but for the
tree striking" a log.
On Tuesday, mail carrier. Mr. I>. L
Spenefc, while passing a load of hay on
th • dug road leading to Elk Lick, tipped
over, bis horse and cutler tumbling down
a f-teep embankment to (lie railroad be
neath, a distance of several feet. Mr.
Spenee jumped out and some others, who
witnessed the accident, succeeded in ex
tricating the horse and sleigh and Mr.
Spenee started for home in <|uite a
dilapidated condition. For till this he
was on hand with the mail the next
morning, and his faithful animal not
much the worse for bis attempt at coast
ing. ZA.NTUM'K.
Letter to S. Hacket.
Emporium, Pa.
Dear Sir: No man lias more need ofa
quick and open mind for good new
things than a grocery man. The whole
town looks to him for advice to buy
this, and not to buy that, among 1001
contrivances, it's his business to know
what is good, to find out quick what is
better, to drop the good, and sell his
neighbors the better.
Our paint is not new—wo are our
selves 145 years old—it is new to some
"Read what we guarantee:
"If you have any fault to find with
this paint, either now in putting it on
or afterward in tho wear, teli your
dealer about it.
"We authorize him to do what is
light at our expense."
This is our sort way of saying the
paint is good. It is better than good,
it is best; the only good paint.
Old-fashion painter's paint, lead and
oil, is not good any longer—wears out
in three years. Ours lasts six years,
seven years, eight years, ten years,
fifteen—in favorable conditions.
Dcvoe lead and zine is the paint.
Yours truly,
P. W. DKVOE & Co.
Where love is, there is no labor, and if
there is labor, the labor is loved.
Special Low-Rate Excursions via Penn
sylvania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany announces that on February 19,
March 21, and April 3 it will run special
excursions from Buffalo, Bradford,
Tituaville, Fi'M.-i Creek, Kinzim, Tidi
oute, and principal intermediate sta
tin: on the Bulfu o and Allegheny
Valley Division, and lrom points on
the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad,
Erie to Lock Haven, inclusive, to
Washington for the benefit of all who
may wish to visit the National Capitol
Round-trip tickets, good going on all
regular trains on day of issue, and good
returning on any regular train within
ten days, exclusive of going date, will
be sold at rate of SIO.OO lor the round
trip from points on the Buffalo and
Allegheny Valley Division, and from
Erie, St. Marys, and intermediate
points; and at rate of §8.95 from Drift
wood; $8.15 from Renovo; §7 30 from
Lock Haven, and proportionate rates
from other points.
These tickets will be good to return
via Harrisburg or Philadelphia, and to
stop off at Philadelphia returning if
deposited with ticket agent at Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
For additional information consult
small hand bills, apply to ticket agents,
or address B. P. Fraser, Passenger
Agent Buffalo District, 307 Main Street,
Elicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y., or E. S.
Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Will
iamsport, Pa. 50-2222 2t.
Love at first sight keeps the divorce
court busy.
A Night Alarm.
Worse than an alarm of fire at night is
the brassy cough of croup which sounds
like the children's death knell and it
means death unless something is done
quickly. -Foley's Honey and Tar never
tails to give instant relief and quickly
cures the worst forms of croup. Mrs. P.
L. Cordier, of Mannington. Ky., writes:
"My three year old ;Jrl had a severe case
of croup; the doctor said she could not
live. I got a bottle of Foley's llonev
and Tar. the first dose gave quick relief
and saved her life." Refuse substitutes.
L. Taggart.
Love on only one side means misery
on both sides.
A Thousand Dollars Thrown Away.
Mr. W. W. Baker, of Plainview, Neb.,
writes: "My wife had lung trouble for
over fifteen years Wo tried a number
of doctors and spent over a thousand dol
lars without any relief. She was very
low and I lost all hope, when a friend
suggested trying Foley's Honey and Tar,
which I did; and thanks be to this remedy
it saved her life. She is stronger and
enjoys better health than she has ever
known in ten years. We shall never be
without Foley's Honey and Tar and
would ask those afflicted to try it." L.
!!!■■■ ii jiwjimam—mam
BJOIwjLS salve
""<» mo"* !-«viiing salve in tho world.
\ V v.\ \ \ \ \ \ \/
/ /
Dress Well! „ I
Look Well! How -1
c i
. To dress well and look well is .
' the aim of the average man. 3
/ You cannot do better so pur- /
. chase one of those neat-fitting, g
112 stylish suits at
/ oun new '
/ /
', Will please you and the prices
/ will make them go, make you
happy, make 11s feel good and " 112
' we will all feel good. We never ■
/ boast, but will just, say that, as /
. every one knows, our stock is
large and just what yon want to '
/ see. /
Every dcj)artmcnt is fully up .
' to date. '
/ /
East Allegheny Ave.
/\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ N
TTlTr'Ti'''' TT*T J llTl—Blllifni¥liriTliTli T' j
ffl A safr, certain riOiof for Suppressed §
Sj Menstruation. Nnvorknown tofutl. .Safe! B
H Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed Bj
ta or money Refunded. Sent prepaid form
H 31.00 per liox. Will send thmuon trial, to Ej
m be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. Eg
Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart.
ours if you try
4 4 and ours is so strong we
1 11 rr* guarantee a cure or refund
money, and vvc send you
free trial bottle if you write for it.
SIIIIyOH S costs 25 cents and will cure Con
sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all
I,nng Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold
in a day, and thus prevent serious results.
It has been doing these things for 50 years.
S. C. WELLS & Co., I,e Roy, N. Y.
.Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects the Stomach
are the most fatal of all dis
Efli EV'Q ™ EY
I OLE I Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50 j. and SI.OO.
L. Taggart, Emporium, Pa* 3G 2s.
S illlfewr; OS
S I *6iii ■H. 1
jg Physicians Prescribe it for H
I their most delicate patients, g
piLBS R'^^'supposi^l
jl|j by t»re«a»ti MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. Ml
Sold in "Emporium by L. Taggart. Call for
free sample.
■ I
| DR. §
Druggists In Ito 8 minutes 25c,g0c.$i.g]
R. C. Dodson, Agent,
36-28ly. Emporium, P«
A? P
Male. Always reliable. ion. i\sk Druggist for
fHICIIKKTKK'M in Bed and
<>•<»l«i mi'tullio boxes, Kcalod with blue ribbon.
S nkeno oilier. Ki>fiiM k Niibh(l< i
futionn anil imiini !«»«•». Buy of your Druggist, i
or send Ic. in stamp.-* for I« ular ♦, TcHti
iiioviiiil** ami ** Keller for Ijariioft,*' in letter,
by return .tluil. 10,000 Testimonials. Hold by
all Druggißts.
8100 Slaillsou Square, PHILA., PA.
JUcullou this paper.
112 Clothin |
The past year has been a record M
fp- breaker in our business, and we m
'•0. will not stoj) here, but will make 5^
|f a special effort by giving the peo- |§
pie better values so as to increase J§
Jf our business still more. M
B| please you if you arc thinking of «|
buying a suit, at prices that will M
flg be much lower than elsewhere. 9
Hi We have a nice line of these
popular hats and invite the gentle- H
men to inspect our stock. We H
are always pleased to show goods.
We have taken especial care to
keep our assortment of Furnish- 91
ings complete 111 every detail. j||l
We carry the most handsome H
stock of Ladies Furs in this sec- fSa
tion of the state and our prices H
are moderate, considering the
quality of goods we handle.
The People's Popular Clothier.
I lilMColli <x Li(m!, t'i
1- I
| prepared l
iii * ..., s i
I r or 1
i the se&so?}|
[j We have opened and are displaying a it
[| choice line of . . ft
II m
in specially selected for the . . ||r
I _ _ Winter |
| ® Season. |
m I
We have gathered such articles as
combine elegance with
utility and at p
I Very Reasonable |
| Prices |
I j|
JJLO """ " ' '—lL _P;Vy
□ □' __=r