10 Business Cards. 11. W. liIiEEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. A business relatingto estate,collections, real estates, OrpUau's Court and general law business will receive promptattention. 42-ly. J. C. JOHNSON. J. P. MONARNEY JOHNBON Hi McNARNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW' EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en. mated to them. 16-ly. MICHAELBRENNAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Real estate and pension claim agent, 35-ly. Emporium, Pa. THOMAS WADDINGTON, Emporium, Pa., CONTRACTOR FOR MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. All orders in my line promptly executed. All kinds or building and cut-stone, supplied at low prices. Agent for marble or granite monuments. Lettering neatly done. AMERICAN HOUSE, East Emporium. Pa.,» JOHN L.JOHNSON, Prop'r. Having resumed proprietorship of this old and well established House I invite die patronage of the public. House newly furnished and thor oughly renovated. 481y F. D. LEET. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and INSURANCE AQ'T. EMPORIUM, PA To LAND OWNERS AND OTHERS IN CAMKRON AND i ADJOINING COUNTIES. I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard wood timber lands,alsostuinpagc&c., and parties desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call on me. F. D. LEET. CITY HOTEL, | WM. McGEE, PROPRIETOR Emporium, l"a. Having again taken possession of thisoldand popular house I solicit a share of the public pat ronage. The house is newly furnishedand is one of the bestappointed hotels in Cameron county. 80-ly. THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. WILUAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. I take pleasure in informing the public that I have purchased the old and popular Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be my endeavor to serve the public in a manner that shall meet with their approbation. Give me a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours. n027-lyr Wm. McDONALD. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, THOS. j. LYfc'ETT. PROPRIETOR Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. This new and commodious hotel is now opened for the accommodation of the public. New in al Its appointments, every attention willbepaidto the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17 ly MAY GOULD, TEACHER OF PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY, Also dealer in all the Popular sheet Music, Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this place. F. C. RIECK, D. D. S„ DENTIST. Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa. Uas and other local anaesthetics ad nimistered for the painless extraction SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in cluding Crown and Bridge Work. X The Place to J. F. PARS^^| | GROCERIES. | rfi J. A. KINSLER, U] J fu ; [i{ Carries nothing but the best that tan be p] obtained in the line of |jj | Groceries and | Provisions, f}i Flour, Salt and Smoked Meats, !fl nj Canned Goods, etc. |id HI Teas, Coffees, Fruits, Confectionery, [ji |n Tobacco and Cigars. ijl Goods Delivered Free any place in xl pj Town. [j; fjj Call and see me and get prices. "I [J| J. A. KINSLER, | W Near P. &E. Depot. LT| IS. E. MURRY,| | PRACTICAL [J i PLUMBER, GAS P AND I STEAM FITTER. | r I have recently added an fsj | entirely new line of IS I Plumbing Goods to my K already large stock. I,? 9 handle andjkeep constant- 0 | ly in stock jsj; S GAS AND STEAM FITTINGS, S SEWER PIPES, I 0 GAS STOVES, ETC. K K ni g IMy store room is well sup- Hi gj plied with Bath Tubs, | Wash Stands, Gas Lamps H Wand anything required in N my trade. Contracts N taken for all lines of work; r satisfaction guaranteed, ss y Write me when yon have | 0 any work in my line. J Jp Out of town orders promptly | fel attended to. | .% S. E. MURRY. | BEE /77 -/ RJ Y / / / IT A S~Y IPAflSfS^S'i > ADVICE A3 TO PATENTABILITY PBLPI" ' k Notice in "Inventive Age" as BS p BB < V Book "How toobtain Patents" g ■■■■lb ' ' Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured. ' Letters strictly confidential. Address, ' E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington, D.C.J AFTER THE BATTLE Some are lound bleeding and sore, while others have a fit of the blues. Now if there should be any so unfortunate as to suffer from the eftects of accidents we have the Balm for their pains and aches,let it be either for man or beast. Our.liniment and powdersfor horses or cattle are always the best. Our medicines are pure and 112 always get there. The prices are right too. uur patent medicine depart ment is supplied with all the standard remedies and we can supply your on short notice. Our toilet and fancy goods department we keep" up to the times. Our Prescription depart ment receives our closest at tention and all calls answered day or night. Just touch the button. In fact wo are here to do business and serve the j public. M. - A. • ROCKWELL, THE PHARMACIST, ggflasaggg ' I, ' y Get are •! Education 1 !H An exceptional opportunity offered 112,! to young men and young women to 1i * j prepare for teaching or for business. !>•, B J'our regular courses; also special Ji{ E work in Music, Shorthand, Type- M K v/ritiag. Strong teaching force, well i E {traded work, good discipline and S* hard study, insure best resuitß to *4 K students of i i 112 Central State j< ! Normal School •* jj LOCK HAVEN. Clinton Co., PA. J II Handsome buildings perfectly equipped. rl Ft cam heat, electric lights, abundance of m fcj ijur« mountain water. extensive raiupus (••* *1 and athletic grounds. Ex penses low. Htnd J'-J »| for catalog. *1 J. R. FLtCKINGErt, Principal. L Central State Normal School, LOCK HAVEN, PA. •> W 3 P. X.BLfclMbE,! C* (• 5 $> •) (• Emporium, Pa. '• •) •) Bottler and Dealer In (• (• i> •) v:.(• (• •) •) •> (• "DTTTTT? • • (2 % WINES, S I WHISKIES S •) •> (• (• (• And Liquors of all Kinds. (• •> •) ( * „ <• •)S»S.«>S T ' (• (• •j The best of goods always carried 2 (• in stock and everything •) , , 8 (• ,« warranted as rep resented. <9 I S | <• Special Attention Paid to £ •) Mail Orders. •, 9 <« » S) I I EMPORIUM, PA. I <• * •) J. A. Fisher, PRACTICAL fiorse $ Sboer, Broad Street, Emporium, Pa. | SSOO Reward. | Lfl The above Reward will be paid ru K for information that will lead to the Jjj (• arrest and conviction of the party £ ru or parties who placed iron and slabs n [J] on the track of the Emporium & Lrr [n Rich Valley R. R., near the eastfjj nJ line of Franklin Housler's farm, on f}J the even ng of Nov- 21st, 1891. In $ HENRY AUCHU, nj 38-tf President, in 2HHSHSHS 2HHSHSHS HSHSHSHH t| branches & B promptly A' |®| attended to. |||l 111 You all know |i|