Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 21, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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F. C. Corsets
ma K e
i*lfyJh. We have
'lbfV them in *ll
VrF style* end
jVy shapes to fit
every figure,
Jfct and every
corset is sold
under this
i \ mwßw most liberal
"Money re
funded after
<+ 1 four weeHs*
trial if corset is
not satisfactory.
LooK for this
Trade MarKon
inside of corset
and on box. '»—
Sole MaKers
Kalamazoo, Mich.
39 H. A ZARPS & CO.
:siM3£«s3^fcf.. r
I 1 w
Cso-6 an
I Education *
/> t- e.roeptlorvil opportunity offered 3
>i f»v. •-. ; : v Lly;l to .. f j jLiinj women to *jj
F4 ""'Op.u't .'or • toMng or for business. M
Cj l-o ; i cyJtNtfn; also special ft l
Si worit in Ai.i.t'.c, Shorthand, Type- «jj
g wrUln/s. u: '.'.nj? teaching force, well H
S pr:iJ ;il \f, good discipline and {\
A *»• 112 i Kt» intare bcit resuUii to
| etudsats cf gl
\ (Mrf Stat® g
| sK«ai School 1
|j LOCtf J-N'VIV. flfntcn Co.. PA.
fl . •: "cctly equipped, Pj
j * ;. • ligiito, abundance 112
if < tennlve cawi us i*
Wand etuieuc j juii-.j. l Ai<uaes lew. tend vl
H M.ICX!! 1.2 a, Principal, !
| C'-iLiu &?.te 'torawl Seiio'j], $
'-vi:-:. PA.
no reflection
| r Plj mellow glow that ifp ,>;j
111, G9R99VA jjli
fell Was Sandiest^,
M Prepared in many color tiota h
I iio but- j^
|TM|Er| ra p
I "Itoent
J i'.nown for 15 years as tho ft
D:i»rc4I:7SI!!EA33SCK«ED. CO., BT. LOUIQ. /
P( i t :.;< I.i \ 'j ag -26-Iy.
7^gy«ga^iK^-g3 t "»»»'iqy*
t'acliagSß. MIkIsSH DesMoines,la.
L. Taggart.
'j A safe, certain relief for Suppressed I
H Menstruation. Never known to full. Hnfe! I
J Sure! Speedy! Batisfactlon (guaranteed fi
IE? or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for E
[K 81.00 i>i'r box. Will send them on trial, to £
H| be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. I
jjjj UNIYCb V.nOICALCO., Elox 7*. L.ncAttTgi^P«^H
Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart.
ru CurM Drunkenness.'
iCeeley o^
,i m, " THE
S e,or i ¥i'fp |NSTiTUTE -
U I | A 4246 Fifth AT*.,
Foley's Kidney Care
makes kidneys arid bladder right.
"• •» mc' healing salve in the world.
They Dlullkc the Wet Weather and
Seek, a Place of Safety.
Both wild and taino animals, four
footed or with wings, have a deep seat
ed aversion to wet weather. Even wa
ter fowl will seek a dry hiding place
wben It rains.
Did you ever wntch the actions of
qattle before a big storm? If so, you
must have seen them grow more and
more uneasy as the clouds gathered.
You also saw them run up and down
the field, as If seeking to escape some
impending danger. Finally, when the
storm breaks, they draw close together
and with lowered heads present a pic
ture of despair.
Domestic animals when it rains will
always keep indoors, or, failing that,
they will seek shelter by the barn or
under trees or beneath the hedges and
thickets—in sh«rt, in any convenient
place where they may not be entirely
exposed to the downpour.
It is the same with fowls. They dis
like the rain, which soaks their feath
ers. They seek sheltered places and
creep under wagons or behind boxes
and boards. Chickens do not mind get
ting their feet wet, for they will scratch
the ground soon after a shower in
search of worms and beetles.
Wild birds do their best to keep out
of the rain. Some of them build a roof
over their nests; others choose a home
under the eaves or under a projecting
cliff, where they may be safe from the
discomfort that the rain brings.
But most of them are without shelter
provided in advance by their own fore
thought. These take refuge In any
place that they happen to find at hand.
If you watch them before the storm,
you will see them looking for such a
place. If the storm comes suddenly,
the small and helpless ones seem be
wildered, flying from tree to tree and
from limb to limb, quite unable to make
up their minds exactly where to hide
themselves.—Pittsburg Dispatch.
It is said that hornets never use the
same nest a second season.
The largest egg laid by any European
bird Is that of the swan; the smallest
that of the golden crested wren.
The silkworm is three inches long
and is well provided with legs, having
no less than sixteen of these valuable
A French farmer has made experi
ments which show that caterpillars
avoid black objects, but are attracted
in numbers by white.
Greyhounds are pictured on Egyptian
monuments carved 3000 B. C. The
Arab boarliound is the oldest type of
domestic dog at present existing.
Mosquitoes were unknown in Swit
zerland until the completion of the St.
Gothard tunnel under the Alps. The
tunnel gave them a short cut to the
land of William Tell.
A pigeon in harvest time eats its own
weight in grain a day, and a blackbird
or thrush will eat its own weight daily
of ripe fruit. Many kinds of birds exist
In summer largely upon plants raised
by man for his food.
Xo Tick Tlaere.
"No doubt you see that I am one of
the diffident men," observed the drum
mer, "one of the sort who don't com
pare watches with the town clock and
tell everybody for a block around that
the clock is seven minutes off. I was
up in a Massachusetts town a few
weeks ago, and I had to make a cer
tain train or loss a thousand dollar or
der. I looked at my watch and in a
furtive way compared it with the town
clock. It looked to me as if there was
a big difference between the two, but
I decided togo by the clock. I went
into three or four places, loafed around
and was killing time when an acquaint
ance came along and said:
" 'I thought you were going to make
that 2:30 train?'
v " 'Yes, I am,' I replied.
" 'When?'
" 'This afternoon, of course.'
" 'By what time?'
" 'By your town clock. I've got half
an hour yet.'
" 'Oh, you have!' he laughed. 'Well,
let me tell you that our clock hasn't
been running for a week, and you have
lost your train by an hour and a quar
ter.' "
Spongre Finliinsf-
Sponges are gathered by means of a
long pole with a hook attached to the
lower end, with which the sponge fish
erman Is very expert. He lies upon his
Gtomaeh in the stern of a boat looking
through an ordinary water bucket with
a glass bottom, which does away with
the glare from the water and allows
him to survey the bottom leisurely
while the boatman rows,or sculls the
boat. A schooner lies at anchor near
by, from which a half dozen or more
of these small boats flsli. It returns to
port when it is loaded, or at night, as
the case may be.
II is I,:M'.<IMC«II>OM.
A nouveau riche recently attended a
picture sale. A friend who had noticed
him at the sale asked afterward, "Did
you pick up anything at that picture
sale, Jorkins?" and the other respond
ed: "Oh, yes; a couple of landscapes.
One of 'em was a basket of fruit and
the other a storm at sea."—Boston Com
mercial Bulletin.
Where Ilmiicer 1.1e.H.
"I want to be famous," said the boy.
"Well, you'll have to be mighty care
ful," answered the father. "There are
more people who make fools of them
selves trying to be famous than in any
other way."-—Chicago I'ost.
Turn About.
"It's queer how many people trust a
"I don't know. Did you never notice
how many peoplq a doctor trusts?"—
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Recommends It To Trainmen.
G. 11. Hausan, Lima, ()., Engineer L.
E. &. W. R. R., writes: "I have been
troubled a great deal with backache. I
was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure,
and one bottle entirely relieved me. I
gladly recommend it to any one. espec
ially my friends among the train men,
who are usually similarly ffliacted." L.
They only are wise who know that
they know nothing.
Sellable and Gentle.
"Apill's a pill," says the saw. But
there are pills and pills. You want a pill
wbich is certain, thorough and gentle.
Mustn't gripe. DeWitt's Little Early
Risers fill the bill. Purely vegetable.
Do not force but assists the bowels to
act. Strengthen and invigorate. Small
and easy to take. R. C. Hudson.
Double ignorance is where a man is
ignorant of his ignorance.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature-of /-&CC4U4/.
—— wmmmmmm ■ i ■ ggggggggggggg
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
the disease, without exciting disorder in
any other part of the system.
I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. ,i£s
Si—Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic...
3—Teething, Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .'ZH
<l—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults
7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25
B—Neuralgia, Toothache, Foceoche 25
9—Headache, Siclc Headache, Vertigo.. .25
10—Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2s
11— Suppressed or Painful Periods . .25
12—Whites, Too Prof use Periods .25
13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness. 25
14—Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions .25
15—llheiiiuatlsm, Rheumatic Pains 25
IG—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25
19—Catarrh, Influenza. Cold in the Head .25
20— Whooping-Couah 25
27—Kidney Diseases 25
28—Xervous Debility 1.00
30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. 25
77—Grip, Hay Fever .25
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed Free.
SoTu by druggists, or Rent on receiDtof price.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William « John Sts.
New York.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestunts and digests all kinds of
food, ltgivcs instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. Tliu most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
j thousands of dyspeptics have been
J cured after everything else failed. It
| prevents formation of gas on the stom
; acb, relieving all distress after eating.
i Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take.
It can't heSp
but do you good
Prepared only by E. C. Dr. WITT & Co., < liicaga
The {i. bottle contains S'A times the 50c. size.
R. C. Oodson. Emporium, Pa.
Not in Nature 1
for anyone to always feel tired. There H
is 110 need to drag out au existence H
without ambition. 9
Weak nerves are responsible for lan- H
guor, depression, debility and varico- B
Diseased nerves, whether due to over
work, over-indulgence or any other H
cause, can be made strong as steel ly H
the use of
They tone and invigorate everyorgan I
of the body, soothe and strengthen the £J
nerves and transform broken down KG
men and women into strong, healthy, ■
vigorous, ruddy-cheeked persons, if I
you find this isn't so, you get your R
money back. .
81.00 per box; 6 boxes (with guaran- [3
tee), $5.00. Book free. PEAL MEDI- BJ
CINE Co., Cleveland, Ohio. K3
Forsaie by B.C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.6l
' — =
are the most fatal of all dis
lULE.V 0 Guaranteed Remedy
l or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
; nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c. and SI.OO.
L. Taggart, Emporium, Pa. 36 28.
■Send your business direct to Washington, j
| naves time, costs less, better service* 5
j My office close to TJ. 8. Patent Office. FREE prelimln- £
i J try examinations made. Atty's fee not due until patent 112
J ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. Book "How to obtain Patents," J
4 etc., sent free. Patents procured through E. O. Biggero £
;receive special notice, without charge, in tho H
\ illustrated monthly—Eleventh year—terms, $1 a year £
Kodofi dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
moves the unhealthy tissue upon which
worms thrive; it brings, and quickly, a
healthy condition of body, where worms
cannot exist. Price, 25 cents. L. Taggart.
3lan punishes the action, but God the
Never try to coax a cold or use
the remedy that unfailingly conquers
is the great specific for all throat and
lung troubles. Price, 25 and 50 cents.
L. Taggart.
Hell is full of good intentions, and
heaven of good works.
Many people are suffering tearfully
from indigestion or dyspepsia, when one
single bottle ot HERBINE would bring
about a prompt and permanent cure. A
few doses will do more for a weak stom
ach than a prolonged course of any other
medicine. Price, 50 cents.
Intentions, like eggs, soon spoil unless
For all fresh cuts or woumds, either on
the human subject or on animals, BAL
i.Aim'+i SNOW LINIMENT is excellent;
while for corn-huskers' sprained wrists,
barbed-wire cuts and sores on working
horses, it cannot ba too highly commenc
ed. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart.
A man who gives his children habits
of industry provides better than by giving
There is probably no disease more dis
tressing aud annoying than piles, RAU
daily curing case!. - of years' standing of
itching and bleeding piles. The cure be
gins on the first application, a tittle per
severance makes the cure complete, Price,
50 cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. L.
Industry is Fortune's right hand, and
frugality has left.
Geo. A. Points, Upper Sandusky, (>.,
writes: "I have been using Foley's
Honey and Tar for hoarseness and find
it the best remedy I ever tried. It
stopped the cough immediately and re
lieved all soreness." Tako none but
Foley's. L. Taggart.
The bee from his industry in the sum
mer eats honey all the winter.
To-day take Foley's Honey and tar.
Tt positively prevents pneumonia, or other
serious results from colds. It may be too
late to morrow. L. Taggart.
< )no honey bee is better than a IIOUKO
full of flies.
Adolpli Bluner, Grand Mound. la.,
writes: '-1 have used Foky > Honey aud
Tar in my family and think it is the best
cough cure on the market. I would not
be without it in my home, as there is
nothing so good for coughs and colds. L.
There is always room for a man of
force, and lie makes room for many.
\V. J. Shively, Batcsville, <).. speaking
of Banner Salve, says: '-I used it for
piles, audit has done me mora good than
any salve I have ever used, and I have
tried a great man}' kinds.'' L. Taggart.
Nothing so difficult but may be won
by industry.
Seymour Webb, Moira, N. V.. writes:
"I had been troubled with my kidneys
for twenty-five years and had triad several
physicians but received no relief u.itil I
bought a bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure.
After usiug two bottles I was absolutely
cured. I earnestly recommend Foley's
Kidney cure." Take only Foley's. L.
Taggart 'a.
This world belongs to the energetic.
For Hoarseness.
Benj. Ingerson, of liuttou, Ind., says
he had not spoken a word above a whis
per for months, and one bottle of Foley's
Honey and Tar restored his voice. Be
sure you get Foley's. L. Taggart.
Industry need not wish.
To Cure A Cough
Stop coughing, as it irritates the lungs,
and gives them no chance to heal. Foley's
Honey and Tar cures without causing a
strain in throwing off the phlegm like
common cough expectorants. L. Taggart.
Some men go through a forest and see
no firewood.
Easy to Cure a Cold
if you go about it right. Take two or
three Krause's Cold Cure Capsules dur
ing the day and two before retiring at
night. This will insure a good night's
rest and a free movement of the bowels
next morning. Continue the treatment
next day and your cold will melt away.
Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart.
An ass will deny more in an hour than
a hundred philosophers will prove in a
When You Get a Headache
don't waste a minute but goto your drug
gist and get a box of Krause's Headache
Capsules. They will prevent paint, even
though your skull were cracked. They
are harmless, too. Read the guarantee.
Price ~~>c. Sold by L. Taguart.
Ignorance thinks the rest of the world
For Shattered Nerves.
A remedy that will soothe, build up
the wasted tissues and enrich the blood
is indispensable. Lichty's Celery Nerve
Compound has been wonderfully suc
cessful in cases of nervousness, as thou
sands of grateful people will to tify.
Sold by L. Taggart.
Foley's honey and Tar
for children,safe,sure. No opiates.
New Departure
Popular Clothing House,
We take pleasure in informing the ladies of Cameron county
that we have added a first-class line of
Ladies' Furs
and Capes,
Aud invite their inspection. Our furs are from one of the
most reliable houses in the country and we propose giving our lady
customers some genuine bargains. Come in and see.
Continues to increase in favor and the people are keeping our
popular UNION MADE CLOTHING moving. Our early winter
line of goods cannot be excelled in this section.
We have them in all grades aud prices. We especially call
your attention to our popular Automobile Overcoat and other up
to-date styles. Our store was never in better shape to serve the
wants of the public. COME!
Remember the'place—Directly
Opposite Post Office, Emporium, Pa.
for 6r.ife and Children.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OIL Pare
goric, Drops and Sootliiiig Syrups. It is Flersanfc. it
contains neither Oritur., Morphine nor other xtarcotio
substance. It destroys Worms and allays ieveviShnosjß.
St cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves l:eetli-
Troubles sutd cures Constipation, t rcg;nafces tne
Stomach and Uoweis, giving l liealthy and natural sleey.
The Children's Panacea —The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signal are
In Use For Over 30 Years,
BT.-rTT?' ; ?>' V.'
112 Popular ""u
| n NUTS
Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and
skillful attention.
ufc A cur ® f u * r * nt€cd ,112 y° u ÜBe m
I PILES supposhorg i
FU A A Juliiiditf j, Malt. Thompson, Supt. jj
B Ora.leti Schools, Htatcsvillo, N. C., writes : " 1 can MJ U
LrJ they do nil you claim for them." Or. S. M. l»«vor»», S3
EH liaveu Hocit.W. V«i., writ.-* : "They give unlTernal *atir
faction." Ilr. H. I'. Mo-Gill, T»nn.. *«!te»: ffi
lTii " la a practi.-c of 'iS yean*. I have found no reme ty to Tl
W cqunl yours. " I'tth - *, 60 l INN. Samples Free. SoM W|
O fc; '"u'cfilel,. SUDY, LANCASTER, PA. bV
Sold in 1 Emporium by 1,. Taggart. Call for
free sample.
II Blood & Liver!
I?. O. Dodsf>u,
36-28ly. Emporium. P»
tfrum Lite* REVIVO
THE ©f MO.
Sg*jgtLE3XTOaX H.E23FiiXSrO"SP
protlncos tJia abovo results lu !10 clays. It acta
powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fall,
toun;- mo j r.-lU repaln thoir lost manhood, and eld
men will rocovor tlioir youthful vigor by uoina
ItEViVO. I- quickly nrvd euroly rcjlorca Nervous
ooee, Lout Vitality, Zrcpotsncy. Nightly Emissions.
Lost Power Falling Memory, Wast inn DiEeasee, and
all effects of eolf-abuso or eicarsand indiscretion,
which unfits onofcrstudy,bu6lnes?orrr.srris'-e. U
not oaly curia by starting at ths scat of disease,but
iiia.Ttoat norTe toalo and bloofl s>talld.?r, bring*
iußl-v.S tlm y-lalt glow to palo chocs*3 and ra
storing tbo tire of youth. It vard3 oif Jnsoaits
1 ant«. Connamptlon. Insist on havins ]REVIVO>ao
other. It cca bo carried in vcct pocket. By mail,
is'l.COperpscteaßo.or eix for ©B.OO, with a gjosl
ftSro "isrlftcrs nuaraoteo So ctyo or refmiiS
iho money. Book and ndvlso froo. Address
ROYAL MEDICINE CO., '^ 0 ,^ y a m o. u ,l!L P '-'
•' For Sal;' in Emj < rir.nt, by IJ. C. IH'dson.