4 oJ we will all feel good. We never . ?? boast, but will just say that, as z' |? every one knows, our stock is * large and just what you want to % see. !/, Every department is fully up ; to date. * y ; FRANK F. SEOER. ' / Kaflt Allegheny Ave \. \ \ V \ . \ \ \ \ \ X \ \ Kodol Dyspepsia CSure Digests what yo u > ary examination* made. Attv'a fee not dne until patent < * la secured. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN -19 YEARS < 1 J ACVtJAL EXPERIENCE. Book "How to obtain Patenta," < • .etc., sent froa. Patent* procured through E. O. 81ggeri < ■ rocflve special notice, without charge, in thtj 'INVENTIVE ACE {lllustrated monthly—Eleventh year—term*, $1 a year. | I I C. B. HOWARD & CO. I C. B. HOWARD & CO. I . We have just received our new spring line * Q' I/I Q car P et sam and they are the finest we Is. n VJUI UCL U have ever We get our carpets direct n from tlie manufacturer and thus save the jobbers profit which we give to our custo- iners. We c.in give you a better quality at & M a smaller price than any other house in & W town. g I*f The finest and cheapest line of Rugs ever fi Ullff fl displayed in Emporium, can now be seen at 112: w IIUHIJ our store. Come at once and get your choice as they will not last long at the prices we & are selling them. a* W A/l V Our Dry Goods and Notion Department is y w well stocked with the latest Dress Goods, U 1 r\ 1 Linings, Corsets, Gloves and in fact every- Xf a' .• IrAAnQ thing that can be bought at a first class Drv M J IS UUIIU Goods Store. 7 $ W We are ageuts for the DEMOREST Sewing Machines 112? ft which are conceded by competent judges to be the equal f\ M of any high priced machine 011 the market. When think- $ V ing of buying a machine call and see our Demorests and A & you will have us send one to your home. Prices from $19.50 to $25.00. $ Liberal Terms. | C. 1 HoSfcOMP/lIY. I ****** ****** r.. P 2 as 111 111 HE! i &** j«Si jWkJWfc j«k m. not nut *.. & iß&aacmafciSfc We extend our compliments to the citizens of Cameron and adjoining counties for their rapidly and increasing patronage. We would invite all to see I our large display of GENERAL HARDWARE and ; BUILDERS' MATERIAL. We would call especial j attention to our We again desire to call attention to our OIL and GAS STOVES. The Ladies delight. THE WELSBACH LIGHT. This popular light the grea gas saver, is growing in popular with our people. All who de jsire to economize in gas bill?^ — should use these burners. Cal TWaF and see them. r*sf w w * w******** ** **** *•* ** ■** %*■ ww•* * **'** *** g 111 Ml J A S % i»k jfe *ik m mskrHHk a• & j«fe mm. s%ia* % m