tlwulf A Great Nerve Medicine. Celery King cleanses the system and build* It tip. It makes the blood pure. It beautifies tlio complexion. It cures constipation and liver disorders. It cures headache and most other aches. Celery King curc3 Nerve, .Stomach, Live) and Kidney diseases. 1 Sold IJV R. 0. I9cdson,Emj)oHum, Pa HUMPHREYS 7 Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or IMeeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im mediate—cure certain. It cures Burn;: and Scalds. The relief instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, "ore and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Three Sizes, 25c., 50e. and SI.OO Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., ('or. William dc John Hit*., KEW YORK. %Jpepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Pricesoc. and 81. Larse size contains 2V4 times Small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free Prepared by E. C. DeWITT &Co„ CblcaflS (Men Suffering! 112 . - , o irom loss of nervous force often owe their condition to youthful ignorance— that fearful enemy to health. It is the business cf science to repair the damage caused by the tnoughtless practices of yontli. Nervous Debility never get:; well of itself. Its victims drag through a miserable existence, weak, listless, despondent. literally feed the hungry nerves, giving them the precise ingredients de manded by nature. This wonderful remedy cures Nervous Debility, stops all drains, replaces wasted tissues, sends rich, warm life blood tingling through every part, making every or gati net and causing you to gluw with ealtb. SI.OO per box; 6 boxes (with guaran tee to cure), $5.00. Book free. PEAL MEDICIXK Co., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by R.C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa. 51 *BUCK EYE riLL \ OINTMENT j CURES NOTHING BUT PILES. Z J? A SURE and CERTAIN CURE ■ > known for IS years as tho L i BEST REMEDY for PSLES. Z y SOLD BY ADD DRUGGISTS. P S. Proparad ty BICEABS3ON MED. CO., ST. LOUIS. ) For sale byL. Taggart. .'ls-26-ly. %' v. <*V'• ' • TV' "• i»V tj* [Get an Education I An exceptional opportunity offered I to young men and young women to prepare for teaching or for business. Four regular courses; also special work In Music, Shorthand, Type writing. Strong teaching force, well graded work, eood discipline and hard study, lnsuro best result# to I j studenta of j I Central State j Normal School LOCH HAVEN. Clinton Co.. PA. I Handsome buildings |»rrfect!y equipped, t ; steam heut. electric llgbta, abundance of K \ pure mount rin wmer, extensive campus wj ■ und athletic grounds. Ex lenses low. Bend Kg 5 for catalog. H I. R. FLICKINGER, Principal, i Central State Kormal School, | I LOCK HAVEN,PA. BANNER SALVE "•i most honling salve In the world. A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special proscrip tion of l)r. A. lioscheee, a celebrated Ger man Physician, and is acknowledged to lie one of the most fortunate discoveries in Medicine. It quickly cures Coughs. Colds and all Lung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not an experimental medicine, but has stood the test of years, giving satisfaction in every case, which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Bosehee's German Syrup was introduced in the 1 nited States iu 1808, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary eoagli. l'rieo 75 cts. Sold by L. Taggart. Get Green's Prize Almanac. 2-35-cow. ALL SORTS. Alter exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. It never fails to stop a cold if taken in time. L. Taggart. Give many your hand, but few your head. Do you suffer from piles? If so do not turn to surgery for relief. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will act more quickly, surely and safely, saving you the expense and danger of an operation. It. C. Dodson. It's a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor. When suffering from raektng cough, take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. The soreness will be relieved and a warm, grateful teeling and healing of the parts affected will be experienced. L. Taggart, Tell everybody your business aud the devil will do it.for you. C. M. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt., says his child was completely cured of a bad case of eczema by the use of De Witts Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles. 11. C. Dodson. Young folks tell what they do, old folks what they have done, and fools what they intend to do. J. < (dgers, of Frosthurg, Md., writes: "I had a very bad attack of kidney com plaint aud tried Foley's Kidney Cure which gave me immediate relief, and I was perfectly cured after taking two bottles." Be sure you take Foley's. L. Taggart. Make your affairs known in the market place, and one will call them black and another white. W. T. Wesson, Gholsonville, Va., druggist, writes: "Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satislaction. My customers say it is the best remedy for cou»lis, colds, throat and lung troubles." K. C. Dodson. The bosoms of the wise are the tombs of secrets. Backache should never be neglected it means kidney disorder which, if al lowed to run too long, may result in Bright's disease, diabetes or other serious and often fatal complaints. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kidneys well. L. Taggart. From the noisome pestilence, from tin poisonous viper, from the man who be trays a woman's secret, deliver us, Good Lord. Mothers everywhere praise One Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings it ha.v re lieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved. Stiikes at the root of the trouble and draws out the inflammation. The children's favorite. Cough Cure, It. C. Dodson. If you wish another to keep your secret, first keep it yourself. A report from Supt. J. C. Gluek, Reform School, Pruntytytown, W. Ya. Oct. 18th, 11)00. '-After trying all other advertised cough medicines we have de cided to use Foley's Honey and Tar ex clusively in the West Viaginia Reform School. I find it the most effective, and absolutely harmless." L. Taggart. Tell your friend a lie, and if lie keep it secret tell him the truth. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere stimulant to tired nature. It affords the stomach complete and absolute rest by digesting the food you eat. You don't have to diet but can enjoy all the good food you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure instantly relieves that distressed feeling after eating, giving you new life and vigor. It. C. Dodson. Thy friend has a friend and thy friend's friend has a friend, so be discreet. Chas. 11. Wessmar, Evanston, 111., writes: "My boy two and one-hall years old had a severe cold which rcfu: ed to yield to any treatment until we tried Foley's Honey and Tar. He was com pletely cured before using one bottle." Take none but Foley's. L. Taggart. If you would not have your enemy know your secret, tell it not to your friend. "I had long suffered from indigestion," writes G. A. Le Deis, Cedar City., Mo. "Like others I tried many preparations but never found anything that did me good until I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. One bottle cured me. A friend who had suffered similarly I put on the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. He is gaining fast and will soon be able to work. Before he used Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure indigestion had made him a total wreck. It. 0. Dodson. Shun the inquisitive, for lie is ever a leaky vessel. Do Witt's Little Risers never disap point. They arc safe, prompt, gentle, ef fective in removing all impurities from the liver and bowels. Small and eai.y to take. Never gripe or distress. It. C. Dodson. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1901. We have seen the frail infant when the faint struck: for existeuee seemed almost ended, resuscitated and made strong by the use of WHITES CREAM VERMIII (IE. Price,'Js cents. L. Tng gart. A man can keep another's secret bet ter than his own; a woman, her own better thau another's. S. A. Ingalls, Crown Point, N, Y., writes: '-My wife suffered from kidney trouble for years. She was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure and in less than a week after she began using it, she was greatly improved and three bottles cured her. L. Taggart. If the unlucky man were a barber, men would be born without heads. Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Ind., "Pe Witt's Little Early Risers never bind me double like other pills, but do their work thoroughly and make rue feel like a boy." Certain, thorough, gentle It. C. Dodson. If the unlucky man were to trade in winding sheets, no one would die. Corn-buskers' sprained wrists, barbed wire cuts, burns, bruises, severe lacera tions and external injuries of any kind are promptly and happily cured by apply ing BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Tagtrart. Confide a secret to a dumb woman and it will make her speak. Mrs. T. Briddleman, of Par. hallville, Mich., was trouled with salt rheum for thirleen years and had tried a number of doctors without relief. After two ap plications of Banner Salve, her hands be came better and in a short time she was entirely cured. Beware of substitutes. L. Taggart. Good luck is often bad luck in dis guise. "A stitch in time saves nine," and a dose of BALLARD'S HORKIIOI NI» SYRUP at the beginning of a cold will save you many weary hours and even days of dis tressing and harassing cough. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. Pitch the lucky man into the Nile, and he will come up with a fish in his mouth. There arc thousands of people, suffer ing untold torture from piles, because of the popular impression that they cannot be cured. TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT will cure them and the patient will remain cured. Price, 50 cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. From twelve eugs the lucky mm gets thirteen chicks. Happiness depends very much on the condition of the liver and kidneys. The ills of life make but little impression on those whose digestion is good. Vou can regulate your liver and kidneys with II KRBINE and enjoy health and buoy ancy of spirits. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. Lucky men are as rare as white crows. In anaemia and most women's ailments the digestion is weak, the making of col or. flesh and strength out of food, is im perfect so that the patient is weak, wan, nervous and dyspeptic. This condition can be corrected by taking a course of HEUBINE. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. Last year I'nelc Sam turned out new coins worth $1:50,000,000, of which $99,- 000,000 were gold. Tot Causes Night Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup." writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ivy., '-it seemed ! it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanenly cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relievd.'' Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and 31.00, Trial bottles free at L. Taggarts. In one New York factory ;50,000,000 cigarettes a week are turned out on an average all the year round. A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier of Cherokee, lowa, that uearly proved fatal. It came through his kid neys. His back got so lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Elec tric Bitters which effected such a won derful change that he writes he feels like a now man. This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidney trouble, puri fies the blood aud builds up your health. Only 50c at L. Taggart's Drug Store. The ships of the world, excluding na vies, are worth $294,000,000, of which Europe's share is 8227,000,000. Stepped Into Live Coals. "When a child I burned my foot frightfully," writes W. 11. Eads, of Jouesville, Va., "which caused horrible leg sores for .'SO years, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed." Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores. Bruises and Piles. Sold by L. Taggart 25e. Labor in the south is in great demand and the negroes an: better paid than thev have ever been in their lives before. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. Ihß Kind You Have Always Bought sSnaturo'of What's Your Face Worth P Sometimes a iortuue, but uever, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced 1 .ok, moth patches and blotches on the skin, —all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear Skin. Rosy Chocks, Hicli Complexion. Only 25 cents at L. Taggarts Drug Store. In Now Hampshire the state govern ment pays a bounty on dead grasshoppers at the rate of 81 a bushel. To Curt; n Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is CD each box. 25c. 2(jlv This aignature i u ! v:' i 0.. ., 1001, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M„ The following described real estate, to-wit: ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Grove, County of Cameron and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows to-wit: Regiuning at the maple corner on the line of the Pennsylvania Joint Lumber and Land Companv, and the Miller estate; thence north thirty-two degrees east along the line of the Miller estate one hundred and eighteen rrds to an oak corner; thence north seventy-six and one half degrees west, seventy four rods to the base of the hill; thence along the base of the hill south nine de grees west, thirty-tliree rods to a post; thence across flat north sixty-seven degrees weft, sev enty-one rods to a point in the east side of the First Fork stream; thence south down said stream ten rods; thence south four degrees east down said stream thirty-nine rods; thence south twenty-two tiegi i es east down said stream thirty rods; thence south forty-eight degrees east down said stream thirty-nine rods;thence south twenty one degrees east down said stream ten rods to line of I?. B. Logue; thence cast on said Logue line thirty-four rods to the place of beginning, containing sixty-six acres more or less, ex cepting and reserving all.that part of the land above described which was sold by the sheriff of Cameron county, to Rarclay Brothers on the day of containing thirty-nine acres more or less. The above tlecribed property is cleared and under cultivation. Seized and taken into execution and to be sold as the property of the estate of ALEXANDER MILLKIt. dec-a- vd. at the suit of BARCLAY BROTHERS. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged until the purchase money is paid in full. JOHN D. SVVOPE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, } Emporium, Pa., 5ept.30,1901. < Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of Venditioni Ex ponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cameron county. Pa., and to me directed I have seized, levied upon and taken in execution and will expose lor sale to the highest and best bidder at public vendue or out cry, at the Court House, in Emporium, Cameron county. Pa., on Friday, 2.*) th Day of Oct. A. !)., 1901, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M., The following described real estate, to-wit: ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Ship pen, county of Cameron and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows to-ivit: Said tract of land is located in Warrant No. 393, beginning at a po:nt ten feet south of culvert east ofbr idge No. 8:! on the Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road and thirty-three feet south of the center of said road; thence easterly along the south side of tho right of way of said railroad two hundred am! seventy feet to a point; thence southerly and at right angles with said line three hundred and twenty six and six-tenths feet to a point; thence westerly and parallel with said first line two hundred and seventy feet to a point; thence northerly three hundred and twenty-two and six tenths feet to the place of beginning containing two acres, more or less a id having thereon erected one creamery with ail the necessary apparatus and appurtenances for the manufacture of butter and cheese with engine, boiler, shafting, belts, pulleys and all other appliances necessary for the operation of said creamery. And also the right of ivuv over and across the land of Maria L. Wiley, Orant S. Wilev, Sadie A. Wiley, now Jones, Charles C. Wiley and .1 ettie Wiley, widow and heirs of J. S. Wiley, de ceased from the land herein!.i-fore described to the public highway leading l'roni Emporium to Cameron, said right of way to be over a roadway as now used by said parties la t above named. Also a right of way over unl across the lands of the said parties last above named, known as the Lyman Wiley lot to the said public road from the land hereinbefore described with the right to use the privileges of the said Orant S. Wiley of building, maintaining and using a road under and through the culvert of the Philadel phia and Erie Rail R< :*d Company leading to the said Lyman Wiley lot. Seized, taken into ex cu: : oi and to he sold as the property of the EMI'OL.'JUM CREAMERY COMPANY at the suit of the .SPRINGER SEPA RATOR COMPANY now for the use of the Na tional United Manufacturing Company and the National Unitcil Manufacturing Company. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged until purchase money is paid iu full. JOHN 1). SWOPE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Ollice, i Emporium, Pa., Sept 30th, 1901. S Register's No?ice. STATE OK PENNSYLVANIA, > „„ _ COUNTY OF CAMERON J NS : "VTOTICE is hereby given that Chas. Seger and H, G. Olmsted, Executors of the last will and testament of Anna M. Matteson, late of Shipper! township, decease!; W L. Thomas, Administrator of the estate of Elia« Peters, late ofshippen township, deceased; Walter Hatten, Executor of the last will and testament of Sarah C. Hatten, late of Driftwood borough, deceased; and B. E. Smith, one of the Administrators of j Charles H. Stewart, lute of Lumber Township, deceased, have filet, their tirst and final accounts of their administration of said several estates and the same will be presented to the Orphans Court at October term next, for confirmation ni si. C. JAY OOODNOUGH, Register Register's OfTicc, ) Emporium, Pa., Sept. 30,1P01. ( /"10URT PROCLAMATION.— WHEHEAS:— The V J Hon. CHAS. A. MAYEH President Judge and the Hons. JOHN MCDONALD and Ui:o. A.WALKER, Associate J ridges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the 31st day of Aug. A. 1)., 1901, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quarter Sc-ion-: of the Peace Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas in the Borough ol Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 2bth day ofO. <. IWH, a. 10 o'clock, a. ni. and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to Hi" Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then ,IIM there i i tio'ir proper per son;. at 10 o'clock, a. I.I„ ef said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, > \aiiiinations, and other rememberanees. I' • o those things which to their offices : pp..-< ain i-> done. And those <*ho are bound by ;h ii recognizance to prosecute I agiinst them as will be iu>t. Dated •.!' F.iupari.n.i. Pa., Oct Ist, ]»oi, and in the 123 th y-'rofth. Independence of the United Slates of . uer J. D. SWOPE, Sheriff. , TilK iM;s I'll K BUST MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISERS IN THIS SKQHON. LOW PRICE | PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FOR RENT. A CCOMMOD ATIONS in private family. Rea- Xl sonable rates. Convenient to cars, anil :<0 minutes walk to tbo fan-American grounds. Secure rooms in advance. MRS. GEORGE GRIDLEY, 7 Ada Place, Hufh>4p, N. Y- Take Jefferson car to Lyth Ave. 75 cents per night forgone or $1.50 per room. ]7>OR RENT—Furnished rooms, five minutes 7 ride from Pan-American grounds. Address MHS. N. M. GOULD, 428 Ashland Ave., 11-tf Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE. "IT'OR SALE—A good residence on West Fifth _F street. For 112 urther particulars apply to J. R. Fetter, Emporium, Pa. | ."H)R SALE—A good residence, in pleasant I' part of town; water and gas; good barn. Located on West Fifth street. Emporium. For further information apply to PHESS office. 23tf Y s "J"/ /r/Ysr^/z' z z • szrn W SEE THE | fisw /Irrlvdls:! sj FOR 1901! | Without a doubt the largest, high-class, popular manufac- R > tures of Cloths ever brought W SJ into Cameron county, at U N R | R. SEQER & N COMPANY'S. |$ 5 S » x : We have taken especial care 7 • in the selection of our goods SI and propose giving our hun- S ? dred3 of customers. K2 * HONEST, WELL-MADE GLOTHiNG R v AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. [> Every dollar's worth of goods 'jjj P must give the wearer satisfac- > £ tion. We desire all who in- Sj tend purchasing a suit of (N clothes this Fall to file their orders early, that care may be |) given to every customer, no matter whether you want a N R. SEQER & CO. I in B Opposite M. E. Church. k, V ®S7!7^SA:ZTZTZZfeZZZS.77 J Our New I I Fall Goods, j Have arrived and we are S ready for the Fall and S || Winter campaign. I During the past few I months we have almost entirely closed out all left- jjp over stock, therefore start I in with an Entirely New Stock. READY-MADE CLOTHING, (Stylish.make.) H ELEGANT LINK of FURNISHINGS, . B TRUNKS, SATCHELS, &c. We are agents for the LION jg Brand Shirts and have recently I received a very fine assortment I oft hese celebrated $!.()() SHIRTS. They Are Beauties. I y We continue to keep the. I MAC HURDLE I DRESS SHIRTS. We want every citizen of this § I county to call and inspect our S H present stock, feeling assured jjj 8 that you will be pleased j R. SEGER & SON, | " ares run k enness * G® 3- KEELEY INSTITUTE, LB. 4218 Firth L'llXillllUi, J'A. AUDITORS' REPORT Of the Poormasters' Accounts of Empo rium Borough for the Year 1900-1901. JOHN W. KRINER, Poormaster, in account with Emporium Borough Poor Fund. RECEIPTS. j Cash on hand from last audit $32 22 Rec'ed from C. 11. Jessop, Colt. 1897 tax 25 17 Rcc'ed from C. H. Jessop, Coll. 1898 tax 373 19 Rec'ed from C. H. Jessop, Coll. 1889 tax 167 78 Rcc'ed from C. H. Jessop, Coll. 1900 tax 220 56 |BIB 92 EXPENDITURES. For relief of Geo. Harrison (73 50 For relief of H.Reinhart 48 00 For relief of Mrs. Stack pole 122 40 For relief of K. N. Hhafer 94 71 For reliefof Mary Ellen Mundy 110 00 For relief of Mrs. Patterson 17 00 Paid Warren Asylum for Stackpoleand Willett 136 59 Paid for wood for Thos. Smith 3 10 Paid fare for tramps 25 05 Paid Cameron Co.. Press for priuting audit 20 00 Paid B. W. Green, for retainer 20 00 Expenses for transferring Mulcahy from Pittsburg to Warren, I'a.. in clusive of bill of Pittsburgh Poor Authorities 103 75 Paid J. F. Parsons for rent of room 3 00 Making report to State Board of Chari ties 5 00 $782 01 Balance in hands of John W. Kriner 36 01 PETER SCHWEIKART, Poormaster, in account with Emporium Borough Poor Fumi. RECEIPTS. Rec'ed from C. H. Jessop, Coll. 1897 lax $2.36 01 Rec'ed from C. H. Jessop, Coll. 1900 tax 120 99 $657 00 EXPENDITURES. Paid for relief of tramps $0 40 For relief of L. Gilford 81 60 For relief of J. Hitchcock 103 35 For relief of A. N. Peeler 63 76 For relief of Sam Parker 108 05 Paid A. W. Baker, M. D., !or attending Gifford 97 00 $463 25 Bal. ill hands of Peter Schweikart 193 75 RECAPITULATION OF POORMASTERS AC COUNTS. Cash in hands of John W. Kriner $36 91 Cash in hands of Peter Schweikart... 173 75 Cash in hands of S. S. Hacket, late Poormaster 94 31 Due from C. 11. Jessop, Coll. 1899 tax... 263 1] Due from C. H. Jessop, Coll. 1900 tax... 660 10 Total assets #1,248 48 LIABILITIES. Outstanding order, F. C. Rieck, No. 37 $3 40 Reed, Nos. 3, 4, 5 43 33 Outstanding orders of J. W. Kriner Nos 37, 42, 43, 44 183 00 Total liabilities $229 73 We, the undersigned Auditors of the Borough of Emporium, do hereby certify that we have examined, audited, adjusted and settled the ac counts of the Poormasters of said Borough, and that the foregoing is a true and correct state ment of the same. GRANT S. ALLEN, A. C. BLUM, A. F. ANDREWS, Auditors. | Good Jailorinc) AX SMALL PRICKS. GOME to my place, pick out your cloth, let me measure you. and have .vour clothes made by one of the greatest tailoiing establishments in the world. It will cost less than the same suit made by an ordinary tailor, almost as little as rer.dy-made clothes cost; and you will have perfect fit, good cloth, good making and right style. Messrs. Wanamaker & Brown, of Phila delphia, do the work. They have been doing it for forty years. They have a big I business in Philadelphia * and have branches in over a thousand cities in the United States. They buy cloth by hundreds of thous ands of yards, keep about a hundred men busy cutting into suits, hundreds more tailoring it and sewing it; one man, who I does nothing but buy cloth and linings and buttons; another, who designs the styles (he knows all about what London is doing—also what I'm tellinghim about your wants); another, who keeps the big I army of tailors doing their work right. I it is one great big perfect-working | machine; and vet the work it does for " you is as individual as if you were their lonlv customers. Tne Fall and Winter Cloths are ready k now, and they are beautiful, j Any tailor can show you beautiful I cloths; but lam talking of beauty that is j more than skin deep. It is in the way these cloths are treated, how the clothes N fit, how they wear. i Messrs. Wanamaker «fc Brown author -9 ize me to give you perfect satisfaction, I whatever it costs. i W. A. MILLER, j EMPORIUiI, PA. | KIDNEY DIocrtSES | are the most fatal of all dis eases. EM CV'Q ™ EY CURE it 1 rULC I 0 Guaranteed Remedy !or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi | nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. L. Taggart, Emporium, Pa. 36-28. CHICHESTER'S ERGUSH •PENNYROYAL PILLS j o°° p te e. ttrtfe. Always reliable. Iridic**, ask Druggist for | >t(i'roiiH hiihNtl* ] lutionsanO liny of your Druggist, I or send le. in stnm;>< r | ctionlaU and •• Uti in Mt*r t : bv return Dfluil. Tesiiinoiiiids. bold by all Druggists. CHICHESTER CIISMIC'iL CO. I 2SCO Sladiuau .^quurc, Aleutian iL'n dm>ci*. I! flladam Dean's | I Jsj \ safe, certain relief for Suppressed Bj I 'H Menstruation. Never known to fall. Safe! HI 1 '.53 Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed Bj j 1 ; or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for 50 ! per box. Will send tliem on trial, to Ki be paid for when relieved. Humpies Free. IS 1 UNITED MEDICAL CO., Hon 74. L«nc»stcm. P» |S j: • I Hold in Kiuporium b.v L. Taggart. j Foley*s Honey and Tar i for children,safe,sure. No opiates.