& Pain in Head, Side and Back. For years X aulfiwadwlth pjln in the head, pain in the side, and In the small of the hack. I was nervous and constipated and could not pleep, The pllln nnd other medicines I tried onlv made a bad mullet' worse. Then I tried Celi'iy Kline. <>no packugo cured mo ami made a nc.v wniiuip of mo.—Mrs. Hi. Klee haunner, Croton-ou-Hudson, N. Y. Celtti v Kin# Upnstipntion and ,Verve, Stomach, Li* or at» KJduey i>iseaHe«. 2 Sold b> fc. C 1 c. mli-j i J ; , Pa - H3n B p. "~ !f . [i H Fr'\-V(-7<* *> : Hi! RE if 5 A. A. {FRVERB, ♦'ori!:eHt->rnlnSlainma* ». H, ( sl'H 1 ! 'i-. Lamini**, Injuries, OTUESS lt!;eiliualis-:i. C.('.iwißß TBJiOAT. iiuiis;, Epizootic. CURES ) Übl«l)|K!t, Sn&h VOEMfS ' l - et *' tiruba - E. R. H'Ol LUIIK*. I'lenro-Pneumtmiit. F. F.H'OI.H'. Be!ly»rhc, Wind-Hlown. CURES > llliirilit'.i, Dv«w'Jtery. G.uiacli Kta«Ker». UUc. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Hook, &<•., $7. At druggists or S'-nt prepai'l on receipt of price. Humphreys' McilfH..' Cor. William & John Ktn., New York. Vi:.i lUNAKY H'IANUAI. SENT FII;:-- nkkyouk iTiTitii.lTv, VITAI. WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopnthio Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or special package with powd er,for $5 Sol.l by Brugginti, or >« |,oel paid . n roculpt of prlco. UL'XI'HHCYS* 3IEl>. CO - ., <-' or. HUHaui * JoLa Els., Sen Tor!; H : .sp9psia Cure Didcsii vjhiii you eat. it art ifi'Mally digests tlie food and aids Katuro i:t strengthening and rccon ftiuctingt.li ; exhausted digestive or gans. It i.itholatestdiscovereddigest ant and lonic. No other preparation can < pproach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspep.-.ia, I tidiest ion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache. Gnstralgia, Crampsand allot her results ci imperfect digestion. PricoGCe. aiid 51. Larrre size contains 8 H timcii giiiall si/.-. Huol. ail aU.ut dyspcpsiamailedfres Pie Dared by E. C. DeWITT &CO.. Cbicag? Failure in life is more often due to exhausted nerve force than to lack of capital. Strong nerves ore the capital that helps men conquer conditions. When people lose their capital they set to work to regain it. When we lose our nerve force we ought to seek a means of getting it back. There is a way, certain and scientific. feed the nerves, making them steady B and strong as steel. We do not believe they can fail to H cure Nervous Debility ana physical ex- H haustion; that'swliy we agree to refund B your money if six boxes..do not cure I SI.OO per box; 6 boxes 85.09, mailed I securely sealed upou receipt of price. I Book free. Address, PEAI. MEDICINE H Co., Cleveland, Ohio. St For sale by B.C. UodJon. Emporium. Pa. 51 iBLEH'S Iff 1 i ICSCEYE nillil OINTMENT l jj CUSES NOTHING BUT PILES. 2 ZA SURE and CERTAIN CURE k 7 known for 15 years as the fa J BEST REMEDY for PiLES. y SOLD BY Alt DRUGGISTS. V ( Prytrod t7 EICEABtSOH KZD. CO., ST. LOUI3. ) For sale byL. Taggart. 35-26-ly. j|«B^ j :> Ce£am | 1 Educatson 1 fi An exceptional opportunity offered Hi M to young men and young women to m IB prepare lor touching or for business. Bj P Four regular courses; also special fi\ S3 work In Music, Shorthand, Type- Mj rj writing. Strong teaching force, well k> B graded work, good discipline and M ® bard study, inturo bent results to | Central State | iNorma! School % [1 L9CI! HAVSfi. Clinton Co., P/l. $ u Handsumn IjiitUii. rs porfectly equipped, <3 M Hteam hent, < lectrir: ilglitH, abundance of Ha E] pure mountain v*;jt€r, extensive rumpus W [j and athletic irrcui'd i. Wend for ci*taioi.'. 33 J. P. rUCXIMGEH, Principal, 3} Central Stat?; Normal Scliool, % S LOCK HAVEN, PA. BANNER SA LVE the most healing salve In the world. lnat .-Jtoa-amguai ■!i»|>l lilillllh-jbwtt mrmwnjoL < tiood Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. More than sev enty-live per cent, of the people in the United States are afflicted with these tli;- 1 eases and their effects; such a Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costivencss, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart Burn, Waterbiash, Gnawing and Burning pains at tin Pit of the Stomach, yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Dis agreeable Taste in the mouth, Coming up of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, et;\ Goto your Druirgist and get a bottle of August Mower for 75 cents. Two doses will r< lieve you. Try it. Sold by L. Taggart. (Jet Green's Prize Almanac. 1 u3icow It Icuks us if the administration was bound to be Krown, no matter what hap- Pcns "fu dealing with man, remember that a'spoonful of oil will go farther than a uallou of vinegar." The same may be id of children. There is nothing so good lor children as the old-fashioned castor oil. However much they may abhor it, it is their best medicine fir disorders of the bowels. In the more severe cases of diarrhoea and dysentery, however, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given after the oil operates, and a quick euro is sure to follow. For sale by L. Taggart. [f tiny had those 30-foot snakes down in Texas they might use them to stop oil wells. .Tosh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind., is a poor man, but he savs he would not be without Chamberlain's I'ain Balm if it cost live dollars a bottle, for it saved him from being a cripple. No external ap plication is equal to this liniment for stiff and swollen joints, contracted muscles, stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic and muscular pains. It has also cured num erous cases of partial paralysis. It is for sale by L. Taggart. Tt appears now that everybody knew all about Cervera's movements almost before he started. A Certain Cure for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. ''Some years ago 1 was one of a party lhat intended making a long bicycle trip," says F. L. Taylor, of New Albany, Brail ford Connty, Pa. "I was taken suddenly with diarrhoea, and was about to give up the trip, when editor Ward, of theLacey villc Messenger, suggested that 1 take a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I purchased a bottle and took two doses, one before starting and one on the route. I made the trip successfully, and never felt any ill effect. Again last summer T was almost com pletely run down with an attack of' dysentery. I bought a bottle of this same remedy, and this time one dose cured me." For sale by L. Taggart. Some mosquito or other bug is buisly engaged in communicating Senatorial fever hereabouts. A Communication. Mr. Editor—Allow me to speak a few words in favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I suffered for three years with the bronchitis and could not sleep at nights. 1 tried several deetors and vari ous patent medicines, but could get noth ing to give me any relief until my wife got a bottle of this valuable medicine, which has completely relieved me.—W. S. BOOKMAN, Bagnell, Mo This remedy is for sale by L. Taggart. It would be interesting to know what "Bob" Evans thinks of the insectivorous proclivities of llaeket.t. A Night ot Terror. "Awlul anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Mach ias, Me., when the doctors said she would die from Pneumonia before morning" writes Mrs. S. 11. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, which had more than once saved her life, and cured her of Consumption. After taking, she slept all night. Further use entirely cured her." This marvellous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and 81.00. Trial bottles free at L. Taggart's drug store. The official forecasters being now in session at, Milwaukee, they are neglecting the daily rain program. Stood Death Off. E. B. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., once fooled a grave-digger. He says: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. 1 persuaded him to try Electric Bitters, and he was soon much better, but continued their use until he wis wholly cured. lam sure Electric Bitters saved his life." This remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs and purities the blood; aids digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, kidney trouble-*, female complaints; gives perfect health. Only 50c at L. Taggart's drug store. It seems, according to a dispatch from St. Louis, that there is a party out there in favor of the free coinage of railroad tickets. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is op each box. 25c. 2Gly CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1901. ALL SORTS. A never failing cure lor outs, hums, scalds, nlct;rs wounds aiid .sores is Do- Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. A most soothing and healing remedy for all skin a flections. Accept only the genuine. !>. C. Dodsou. There's but little hot air ahead. T.\ I'l.Ktt's liITKEYK Pi Mi OINTMENT is not a panacea, hut is recommended for blind, bleeding or protruding piles, and it will cure the most obstinate eases. Price, ."ii! cents in bottles. Tubes. 7f> cents. IJ. Taggart. Travel to ilanisburg has fallen off. !>. W. Pursell, Kintcrsiville, Pa., says ! lie sulfered 25 year- with jiilf and could obtain no relief until DeWitt's Witch i Hazel Halve effected a permanent cure. Counterfeits are worthless. li. C. Dud son. Just a few days for tit .-i raw hat. WHITE'S CK HAM VERMIX'TOF. is < ■- sentially 'he child's tonic. It improves the digestion and assimilation of (bod, strengthening the nervous system and re storing the::s to the health, vigoi and elasticity of spirits natural to childhood. Price, 25 cents. L. Taggart. Liptou's boat appears to be talk proof Sid Darling, 1012 Howard i-t. Port Huron, Mieli. writes: "I have tried many pills and laxatives but DeWitt's Little Early Risers are far the best pills I have ever used." They never gripe. R. C. Dodson. The Shamrock is getting taster every day. Take life as it comes, and make the most of all circumstances, but for a bad cough or cold, take BAM.AUI»'S IIOKE HOUNI) Svnui', the best known remedy for quick relief and sure cure. Price, 2.") and 50 cents. L. Taggart. ('apt. Forsyth is now in line to be Hacketted. Don't wait until you become chronically constipated but take DeWitt's Little Early Risers now and then. They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easy to take. Safe pills. It. (\ Dodson. There are fears of discord in the Euro pean concert. If you are troubled with inodorous breath heart burn, flatulency, headache, acidity, pains after eating, loss of' appeti tite, persistent melancholy, or low spirits. Yon need a tonic, a few doses of HEU HINE will give ycfu the recuperative force to remove these disordor.s. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. Roosevelt shows signs ol breaking out his club topsails. Henry Braydon, Harris, N. C., says: "I took medicine 20 years for asthma but one bottle of One Minute Cough Cur.: did me more good than any thing else during that tinis. Best Cough Cure." R. C. Dodson. The banks of the Monongahely may soon be Wabashed. Corn-buskers' sprained wrists, barbed wire cuts and sprains, or cuts from any other cause, are quickly healed when BAM, A tin's SNOW OINTMENT is prompt ly applied. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. If Jeff and ltuhfin want to fight, why don't they goto Luzon ? Norri.s Silver, North Stratford, N. 11., 'T purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure when suffering with a cough doctors told me was incurable. Oue bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. To-day lam a well man." R. C. Dodson. The weather man cannot get out of the shower-predicting habit. Thousands suffer with torpid liver, pro ducing great depression of spirits, indi gestion, constipation, headache, etc. HF.R JUNE will stimulate the liver, keep the bowels regular, and restore a healthful buoyancy of spirits. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. Future Wild West shows will probably exhibit the bucking auto. Many physicians are now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly having found that it is the best prescription they can write because it is the one preparation which coutains the elements necessary to digest not on.y some kinds of food but all kinds and it therefore cures indigestion and dyspepsia no matter what its cause. It. C. Dodson. Texas oil wells have stopped killing, but the lynchers are still at it. When you want a pleasant physic try the new remedy, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at L. Taggart's drug store. The Sultan is taking a think as to whether it is cheaper to fight or pay. Geo. W. Lane, Pewamo, Mich., writes: "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble that I ever used. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times compell ing me to stay in bed and causing tnc un told agony. lam completely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In recommend ing it to friends who suffer from indiges tion I always offer to pay for it if it fails. Thus far I have never paid." It. C. Dodson. Schley would have saved himself a big lot of trouble il he had gone away, too. Have you a sense of fullness in the region of your stomach after eating ? If so you will be benefitted by using Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They also cure belching and sour atom- ! aeli. They regulate the bowels too. i Price, 25 cents. Sold by L. Taggart. A Shocking Calnmity 11 Lately befell :i railroad laborer." ! writes Dr. A. Kellett, of Williford, Ark. ! "Ifis foot was badly crushed, but I>uck- i leu's Arnica Salve quickly cured hiin. j It's : imply wonderful for Burns, l'oils, i Piles aud all skin eruptions. It's the world's champion healer. (Jure guaran teed. 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. < )nc ablc-boilicd shot gun in the hands of a sheriff cowed the latest body of lynchers. Workinß Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thins: that ever wa , made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weak ness into strjngth, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by L. Taggait. • The (ii: h in the House of Commons t>ro having a v ry good run !or their I money lately. No j-leliof for 20 Years. '•I had bronchitis for twenty years/ said Mrs. Minerva "tiinitb, v.i' Danville, 01., and never got relief until I used Foley's Honey aud Tar which is a sure cure for throat and lung diseases." L. Taggart. For whan Krick paid for that picture he could have bought a whole paint mill. Consumption Threatened. 0. Unger, 212 Maple St., Champaign, 111., writes: ''l was troubled with a hack ing cough for a year aud 112 thought 1 had consumption. I' tried a groat many remedies and was under the carc of physicians for several months. I used one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. ft cured me, auu I have not been troubled since." L. Taggart. It looks as ii" some of our European tourists would have to swim home. A Ijittle Known Pact. That the majority of serious diseases originate in disorder of the kidneys. Foley's Kidney (Jure is guaranteed. Be sure to get Foley's. L. Taggart. "•O" - No longer does the "matchless loader" cut much of a figure in platforms. If. C. Watkins, sexton of the Metho dist Church, Springfield, Pa., says: "My wife has been very bad with kidney trouble and tried several doctors without benefit After taking one bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure, was -much better, and was completely cured after taking four bottles." L. Taggart. Chas. Replogle, of Atwater, 0., was unable to work on account of kidney trouble. After using Foley's Kidney Cure four days fie was cured. 1.. Taggart. IM II Imm KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. EM CY'G KIDNEY CURE IS a rULCI 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. an d SI.OO. L. Taggart, Emporium, Pa. 3(> 28. CHICHESTER'S OWLISH PENNYROYAL FILLS Malt'. Always reliable. LXMSIOK, ask Druggist for CIIICIIESTEB'N in Ked and (■old metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Tah« no other. DU»f(i«o sub^ii fietioriM un choice line of . . m | FANCY § DRY GOODS I |J specially selected for the . . |j I „ Summer 1 l i • . Season. I SOU , I M We have gathered such articles a combine elegance with I! [' utility and at ! 11] Verv Reasonable II - T) . id | 1 riees " 1 |—— —— - jjj AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION . PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THH COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR AP PROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GEN ERAL ASSEMBLY OK THE COMMON. WKAL'i'll OF PENNSYLVANIA. PUB LISHED bV ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OFT) (H COM MON WE A LTH, IN PVI tri U\N (1; OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THECONSTIM TION . A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Section 1. lie it resolved by the Senate and House of Represent) tives of the Commonwealth in General Assembly met. That the following is proposed as amend menu to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accord ante with the provisions of the eighteenth arti cle thereof: Amendment One to Article Eight, .Section One. Add at the end ot the first paragraph of said section, alter the words "shall he entitled to vote at nil elections," the •• r.r-K "subject how ever to such laws recurring and regulating '.ho registration of electors us th • General Assembly may enact," ;.o that (lie fain u:-t;un shall read a i follows: Section 1. Qualifications of Klectors. Every male citizens twenty-one ytu.i,, r pi.:>•■< -sing t he. following qualifications, ••{•ali be cntitled to vote at all elections, » n'.; Imwev -r to such laws requiring and regv. ui.v.; '>:e rtKislratioti of eluclors as the General Afemlily may enact: i. He ahull havo been a ci.:zen i>; theL.niied Stales at least one month. 11. He shall havo resided in the State one year i'-r having previously been u jU ililled el. ctor :■ native born citizen of the •■State, he shall h.-.vi i ■ moved therefrom and returned, then six months,) immediately preceding the election. 3, Ho shall have resided in the election dis irict where he shall nifor to vote at least tv/o months immediately pi '., !:nthe election. ■I. If twenty-two y\ nrs of: ,ie and upwards, he shall have paid with two year : a State or county ta::, which shall Lave been asse.edrtt Itust two months and paid at least .-no month before the election. Amendment Two 112, > Art !cl< Eiglil. .lection Seven. Strike out from said feet ion the words "but no elector shall be deprived of the privilege of vot ing by reason of his name not being registered," and add to said section the following words, "bu! laws regulating and requiring the registration < 112 electors may be enacted to apply to cities only, provided that such law s be uniform for cities of the same class," so that the Mid section shall read as follows: Section 7. Uniformity of Election laws.—All laws regulating the holding of elections by the citizens or for the registration of electors shall be uniform throughout the state, 'out laws regu lating and requiring the registration of electors may he enacted to apply tonities only, provided that such laws he uniform for cities of the same class. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. GRIEST. Secretary of the Commonwealth. A MENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION . JTA PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL AS SEMBLY OF Till! COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER . OK THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMON WEALTH. IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and 1 House of Representatives of the ( ommonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of thesame. That the following is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth cf Pennsylvania, in accordance with the provisions of the Eighteenth an icle thereof. Amendment. Strike out section four of article eight, and in , sert in place thereof as follows: Section 1. All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot or by such other method as may be prescribed by law: Provided, That secrecy in voting be preserved. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. GRIEST, Secretary of the Commonwealth. I rnaflam bbqii's j ■ A safe, certain relief for Suppressed B jg Menstruation. Never known to fail. Safe! H HSure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed B ■or money Refunded. Si nt prepaid form H 81.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to H ra be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. K §£ UNITED MEDICAL CO. Box 74. LANCASTER. PA. § Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart.