Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 13, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Siarrjcror) (Eduryiy j^fress
Editor and Manager.
Per year $2 00
If paid is advance $1 SO
Advert i enielitsare published at the rate of one
dollar per square for one insertion and fifty cents
per square for eachsubsequentinsortion.
Bates by the year or for six or three months are
low ana uail'orui, and will be furnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising persquare, three
tii>iesorless,s2 00; each subsequent insertionSO
cents per square.
Local notices ten cents per line for one insertion,
five cents per line for eaclisubsequentconsecutive
i ncertion.
Obituary notices over Ove lines, ten cents per
i uc. Hiinpli'atinounccniPntso!'bii'.h!<,marriages
and deaths will be Inserted free.
Business Cards, flvi liix < or 1. &j.ot per year
over live lines, tit the regular rales of advertising
No iocalinserted for ie's than 7."i ets. per issue.
Tin Job department oft lie PHESS is complete,
and affords facilities for doing the b. -,t class of
No paper will be discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out oftl;e county must be paid for
i n advance.
xdbtewlv.sMW*v!vmrTK3r'*3T»-7y." vx< r- : w ammammmm
Republican State Convention.
To the Republican olc-' or;, of Penn
I am directed by tho Republican
State Oommittec to announce that the
Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their
duly chosen representatives, will meet
in Convention at the Opera House, in
the city of Harrisburg, on Wednesday,
August '2lst, 1901, at 10:30 o'clock a. m.
for the purpose of nominating candi
dates for the following offices, to-wit:
One person for the office of Justice
of tlie Supreme Court.
One person for the office of State
In accordance with the rules govern
ing the organization, tho representa
tion in the State Convention will be
based on the vote polled at the last
Presidential election. Under the rules
each legislative district is entitled to
one delegate for every two thousand
votes cast for the Presidential Electors
in 1900, and an additional delegate for
every fraction of two thousand votes
polled in excess of one thousand.
By- order of the Republican State
W. R. ANDREWS, I U , .
C. E. VOOBHKKS, j Secretaries.
Party of Capitalists.
A special car, the Sinuamahoning, of
the Buffalo and Susquehana Railroad
Company, came in this morning attach
ed to the Lousvillc and Nashville train
from Pass Christian, bringing a party
of 11 men, capitalists whose combined
ratings in the commercial directories
aggregate some $50,000,000. They are
lumber and railroad men out for a holi
day and incidently they are looking
over the lumber regions of the South
ern states for the purpose of determin
ing where the very best lumber in
vestments can be made int the future.
The personnel of the party is:
F. H. Goodyear of Buffalo, N. Y.,
chairman of the board of directors of
the Buffalo and Susquehana Railroad
Company; O S. Woolworth of Scran
ton, Pa.; Charles I. James of Baltimore,
member ot the Pennsylvania Joint
Lumber and Land Company; N. N.
Metcalf of Austin, Pa.; W. L. Sykes of
Galeton, Pa., president of tho Empori
um, Lumber Company, with mills at
Keating, Austin, Summit, and Galeton,
Pa.; P. L Peck, Scranton, Pa ; John
Rapeije, of lfopewell, N. J.; C. I. Mil
liard of St. Louis: S. S. Bullis of Gulf
port, Miss.; Louis Pearcc of Buffalo, N.
Y.— New Orleans States.
A £tarc itar&ain.
A handsome Chickering piano,
carved rosewood case, will be dis
posed of at a nominal sum. Apply
to Emporium Furniture Co. 7-tf
Olean Races.
The opening event of the Lake Erie
Trotting circuit this year will occur at
Olean on Tuesday, June 18th. The fol
lowing excellent program has been ar
ranged and the races will be clean and
properly conducted. Programme of
classes and purses.
No. 1 2.28 class, pacing, $400.00; No.
2. 2.15 class, pacing, $400.00; No. 3. 2.20
trottin;.-, 8400.00
No. 4. 2.3) class, trotting, $400.00;
No. 5 L' 15. I rotting, $400.00; 6. 2.18,
pacing, ;-400 00.
No. 7. 2 12 class, trotting, $400.00; No.
8. 2.17, trotting, $400.00; No. 9, 2.12
class, pacing, $400.00.
No. 10. free for all, (Democracy,
Prince Albert, barred,) $400.00; No. 11
2.24 class, trotting $400.00; No. 12. 2.22
class, pacing, §400.00. Starting Judge,
Albert H. Merrill, of Danvers, Mass.
On the opening day, June 18th, there
will be an unusual opportunity pre
sented to the pubiic for their enjoy
ment. Buffalo Bill's Wild West shows
will be in the city and will show on the
grounds adjoining the race course.
This will give an opportunity to see
good horse racing in the afternoon and
the show in the evening, with but the
expense of one trip to the city. The
track is in excellent shape and besides
the 25 horses in training there now,
there will be many more arrive before
the racing day. Tho track is one-half
mile; the hotel accomodations are first
class and street cars run to the gates.
This signature is on every I o\ cri the genuine !
Laxative Brotno=Quinine Tablet* |
the remedy that citres a cold in one tlay
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Schmidt's leeUream, Ices and Fancy I
Baking are popular.
111 many instances attacks of cholera
j morbus terminate fatally before medicine
i eati be procured or a physician summoned.
: The sale way is to keep at hand a reliable
i medicine for use in such cases. For this
! purpose there is nothing so sure as Cham
j berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
: Remedy gave me relief in fifteen minutes."
J For sale by L. Taggart.
The fact that von Waldersee lias de
cided to cut us out of his itinerary will
be borne with equanimity.
Dyspeptics cannot be long lived because
to live requires nourishment Food is not
j nourishing until it is digested. A dis
j ordered stomach cannot digest food, it
must have assistance. Kodol Dyspepsia
! Cure digests ali kinds of food without aid
1 from the stomach, allowing it to rest and
: reaaiu its natural functions. Its ele
ments are exactly the same as the natural
digestive fluids and it simply can't help
but do you good. 11. C. Dodson.
The next time a woman gets cross at
you remember that sho has to wear a
corset and be patient.
Call at li. Taggart's drug store and get
a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach
I and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant
i physic. They also improve the appetite,
strengthen the digestion and regulate the
j liver and bowel.-. They are easy to take
! and pleasant in effect.
A man thinks he knows' but a woman
i knows better.
You may as well expect to run a steam
I engine without water as to find an active,
| energetic man with a torpid liver and you
may know that his liver is torpid when he
i doe.-, not relish his food or feels dull and
[ languid after eating, often has headache
! and sometimes dizziness. A few doses of
I Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
| will restore his liver to its normal f'unc
{ tions, renew his vitality, improve his
j digestion and make him feel like a new
} man. Price, 2."> cents. Samples free at
j L. Taggart's drug store.
A day of sorrow is longer than a
' month of joy.
A Good Thing-
German Syrup is the special prescrip
tion of Dr. A. Doschece, a celebrated Ger
man Physician, and is acknowledged to
j be one of the most fortunate discoveries
lin Medicine. It quickly cures Coughs,
Colds and all Lung troubles of the severest
| nature, removing, as it does, the cause of
' the affection and leaving the parts in a
j strong and healthy condition. It is not
| an experimental medicine, but has stood
i the test of years, giving satisfaction in
every case, which its rapidly increasing
sale every season confirms. Two million
bottles sold annually, lioseliee's German
Syrup was introduced in the I "nitedStates
in 18(5S, and is now sold in every town
and village in the civilized world. Three
| doses will relieve any ordinary tough.
I 1 'rice T5 ets. Sold by L. Taggart. Get
1 Green's Prize Almanac.
Medicine cures the man who is nut fated
j to die.
How to Avoid Trouble.
Now is the time to provide yourself
i and family with a bottle of Chamberlain's
| Colic, most certain to bo needed before
I the summer is over, and if procured now
I may save you a trip to town in the night
!or in your busiest season. It is every-
I where admitted to be the most sucecsful
' medicine in use for bowel complaints,
i both for children and adults. Xo family
can afford to be without it. For sale by
L. Taggart.
According to the official report the
expenses of the funeral of Queen Victoria
reached a total of £35,000.
Head It in His Newspaper.
George Schaub, a well known, German
citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a con
stant reader of the Dayton Volkszeitung.
He knows that this paper aims to adver
tise only the best in its colums, and when
he saw Chamberlain's Pain Balm adver
tised therein for lame back, he did not
hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his
wife, who for eight weeks had suffered
with the most terrible pains in her back
and could get no relief. He says:"After
using the Pain Halm tor a few days my
wife said to me, 'I feel as though born
anew,' and before using the entire contents
of the bottle the unbearable pains had en
tirely vanished and she could again take
up her household duties." He is very
thankful and hopes that all suffering like
wise will hear of her wonderful recovery.
This valuable liniment is for sale by L.
Seven Years In Bed.
"Will wonders ever cease '!" inquire
the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Law
rence, Kan. They knew she had been
unable to leave her bed in seven years
on account of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration and general debility;
but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters
enabled me to walk," she writes, "and
in three months I felt like a new per
son." Women suffering from Headache,
Backache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness,
Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells
will find it a priceless blcssinir, Try it.
Satisfaction is guaranteed. Only 50c.
li. Taggart.
Homeseekers' Excursions.
On the first and third Tuesdays of j
February, March, April, May and June j
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul I
Railway Co. will sell Homeseekers' Ex- j
eursion tickets from Chicago to points j
in lowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, |
Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, South Da- J
kota, North Dakota, Montana, Utah, I
Oregon, Washington and British Col- |
umbia, at rate of one fare, plus two j
dollars, for the round trip, good for
twenty-one days. For full particulars j
call on or address W. S. Howell, G. E. I
P. A., 381 Broadway, New York, or
John R. Pott, D. P. A., 810 Park Build- I
ing, Pittsburg, Pa. 49-21t I
riore Hill.
Everybody busy these days,
lien Wagner visited Beeccwood friends
! Sunday.
G'. A. Ross transacted business in Em
! poriuin Saturdiiy.
W. Ji. Tlioinas, of Bryan Hill, visited
friends here on Saturday.
llev. Poyer preached a very able ser
! mon at the M. K. Church, Sunday.
Mrs. Coral Frank, of Johnsonbnrg, is
spending a few days with Mr. Card and
Miss Lilly Card, ot Johnsonburg, is
spending the summer with her parents at
this place.
Miss Bertha Whalley, one ot' our
j charming young ladies, is visiting Clear
j Creek friends.
Prof. \V. J. Leavitt, <jf Beech wood,
was shaking hands with his many friends
1 here Friday and Saturday.
Messrs. Clias. and Joe Beldiu left on
j Monday for North Mend, where they ex
pect to work in the woods.
Messrs. Chas. Hockley and A. 11.
I chafer, the Emporium surveyors, made a
| business trip to our village last week.
•jess-oo Skillman, our hustling lumber
j man, entertained a party of fishermen last
j Sattirdav. They all report a pleasant
Walter Ingersoll and Wm. Jordan,
two of our best woodsmen, have taken a
large job from Alex. Mason. Hope they
will be successful.
A very pleasant social event was the
! dance, given by I 'elbert Reed last Friday
i night. A large number of our young
I people, together with several others from
j distant places, attended. The merry
| revelry lasted until the ''wee small hours"
I of the morning, when the guests departed
i highly pleased with the evening's entcr
| tainmcnt.
; My little son had an attack of whoop
| ing cough and was threatened with
! pneumonia; but for Chamberlain's Cough
I Kcmedy wo would have had a serious
| ' iuie of it. It also saved him from several
j severe attacks of croup.—ll. J. Strick
| fa den, editor World Herald, Fair Haven,
| Wash. For sale by L. Taggart.
Didn't Marry For Money.
The Boston man, who lately married a
i sickly rich young woman, is happy now,
: for he not Dr. King's New Life Pills,
I which restored her to perfect health.
I Infallible for Jaundice, Biliousness,
I Malaria, Fever and Ague aud all Liver
j and Stomach troubles. Gentle but cflec
tive. Only 25c ; t drug store. L. Tag
Public Sale of Real Estate
| The following described premises will beof
| fered at public sale on
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M.
Sale to be on the respective premises,
and the properties to be positively sold to tho
highest bidder. The purpose of the sale to set
tle an estate.
TERMS —One hundred dollars when
hid is accepted, and balance of one-forth of pur.
chase price upon delivery of deed, balance to be
I paid in four equal annual payments, with inter
est, to be secured by bond, anil mortgage on
premises, and the buildings thereon to be insured
payable to Hyde, Murphy & Co., as their interest
may appear.
ALL that certain lot 50 feet front by
160 feet deep, on the north side of West Allegany
avenue, having erected thereon one new two
story frame dwelling house, with water and gas
connections and all modern improvements, with
the necessary outbuildings, and sidewalks, shade
and fruit trees.
ALSO all that certain property known
as the"l. L. Craven Homestead",having erected
thereon one large frame house, with out-kitcheus,
wood-houses, store rooms, pantries, and porches,
large varandas extend around two sides of the
house with upper and lower floors, driven wells
of excellent water, in kitchen and on porch, city
water and gas, large frame barn and other out
buildings, about one hundred choice fruit trees
grapes and small fruits in abundance, a line
garden and shade and ornamental trees and
shrubs. This property is situated on an eminence
just over the Driftwood Creek, overlooking the
town of Emporium, and is one of the finest resi
dence locations in the county.
ALSO all that certain lot situate on
the comer of Fourth and Vine streets, being 100
feet front on Fourth street, 100 feet deep, and
having erected thereon one two-story frame
dwelling house 18x28 feet, with two story wing
11x18 feet, one story kitchen 12x14 feet, bay
window on east side, with usual outbuildings.
Fitted with city water and gas, yard has several
fruit trees and good fence surrounding it.
AKSO all that certain lot situate on
the east side of Vine street, just north and adjoin
ing the last mentioned lot, being 50 feet front on
Vine street and 100 feet deep, having erected
thereon, fronting Vine street, one two-story frame
dwelling house 16 x 24 feet with two story wing
12 x 16 feet, one and one-half story kitchen 11x20
feet, and usual outbuildings. Fitted with city
water and natural gas. Also frame barn 16 Tj
feet. Yard lias several fruit trees and good fence
surrounding it.
All of tho above properties are in good coudi
ion, recently painted, and sidewalks in good re
pair. All to be sold at auction on the date men
tioned above.
Aunt Rache l's
4 USi
1 ' i
./ : . i r'
For the Head and Hair and l?o<iy.
The body and limbs of every child
should be rubbed with 4 Us after every
bath. Just enough dropped in the palm
of the hand to rub over every part of ths
surface of a child, once a day will keep
the skin soft and. white, the pores free
from netting clogged with impurity pass
ing out from the system. A teaspoon
full is sufficient to moisten the cuticle
(skm covering) of a grown person. The
effect is wonderful: pimples on the body
and face are entirely removed by a few
applications of the 4 Us. Druggist* sell
; Hpy ij Pail
ft V wJfij Iwl 1 rvCEfa
t ; FOR 20 YEARS £
s 1-sas ietiai!.WOßM Remedl&s. \
SEIOT ? ''??!.£ 6U*MKTEEB.^
«r I'rrpareit br V
ntnuvDsos NtfuiciKi; to., ST. tons. 112
For sale hyL. Taggart. HMMf.
dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
«<: artificially digest food and aids
[ ature in strengthening and recon
jtruetins the exhausted digestive or
(tane. IL is the latest discovered digest*
ant and tonic. No other preparation
e;i;i approach it in efficiency. It in?
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Btouach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Cast i algia, Cramps and
ail other results of imperfect digestion.
Price .Vic. ami #t. Lnrze size contains SVj 1 imos
small size. Book all aboutdyspepsiamailedfree
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT &CO.. Cljicag?
1 Blood & Oil
R. C. Dodaon, Agent,
35-91y. Emporium, Pa
Oar Spring and
Summer Goods
Have arrived. A much
larger and finer line than
we usually buy for warm
weather good s. We
can't be excelled.
We have the largest and
nicest stock of
""" i
in the county, at prices
that defy competition.
Our store is full of good
goods and bargains. We
invite inspection. Come
and see us.
SlcrtiiiK Run, e*a.
| PILES H^uppositorgl
Li .. - IJ Matt# Thompson, Supt. H
k■ | r.saJcl Kchooln, Staiesvillc, N. writes :" 1 can say H
f.T: tbey >«>u rlalin for them." l»r. S. M. Devon-, H
y Uaven ilook, . Vn., wrltt'S : " They give universal nails- «¥
M fwtion." I»r. II D MMiill, rinrkgburr, Tenn., writes: H
lu equal journ. PaiCß,' 50 CBNTS. Samples Free. Sold H
SoM in Emporium by 1 . Taggart and R. C. '
Dodson. I
I Furniture. >
W Our factory is now running and we must have '?>
$6 room to show our new line of Bed Room Suits
and Sideboards. Therefore, we have cut prices <5"
.Q, 011 every suit 011 our floor. Jj.
1h 1 i
Solid Oak. Handsomely Carved, Solid Brass i Q
r <> J Trimmiug. 24 x 30 Glass "JmO «■
# Birds-Eye Mapel, Double Swell, Solid Crasb££ fjA r-
; v Trimmings, 24 x 30 Glass,
| | |
* Dining Room. *
u, Up-to-date Sideboards, hand-carved. w
Dining Tables, polished tops and flutel legs. $
j#j Dining Chairs. p
Go-Carts. J
d Every Baby in this town shouldown one of our &
lovely Go-Cart.s. Patent wheels, independent ac- *-
A tion, neat, nice, safe and comfortable. &
I? Gold Medal Refrigerators. 'l'
u* The best Refrigerator 011 the market, will be rf
.u, found 011 our floor and we hereby challenge compe- 0-
w titors to produce an equal. *
& Couches and Rockers. &
These articles need no comment from us. Our M
Tj daily sales of them show plainly their superiority y
u over all others. n
Wr _
$ . &
Remember the place, next door to they?
Furniture Dealers. Funeral Directors.
Residence up stairs. Open all night. £
< \ UI'RXAUI) EGAN, Manager. ,-<>
\ \ \ \ \ X \ \" \ N \ \ . N \ \ \: N \ \ \ X \ N \ \ /
j|. • %
When Buying Clothes '
/ /
; Ready-to-Wear %
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ '/
i %.
% 1
i ... . P
Never disappoints his customers in excel- ■ 4
%. lence of the fabric, correctness of style and the
' prices. Y'
% We are making some worthy bargains and /
f| -particularly we mention. \-
/ Extra Finished Worsted Business Suits ✓
z from $6 to sl4. /
/ Many styles in Cheviot, Tweeds and Clay y
Worsted suits at $8.50 to SIO.OO. y
Fine All-wool Blue suits, single and double
/ breasted, nicely lined and finished, SB.OO, sro.oo K
<■ and $12.00. '
/ Special bargains in Men's All-wool Pants, /
/ Big catch. ✓
z Boys' Suits SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00, £2.50,#3.00
iy and up to close out. £
Elegant line of Men's Shoes. &
•M &
/ • /
/ /
» t 4
/ <
> '
' .IP' 'i
/ P f
'/ /
/ ✓
/ '/■
/ /
A /
y Opposite Post Office, Emporium, Pa. /
% ''4
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