Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 30, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Serrrjeror) jf ress I
Editor and Manager.
Per year $2 00
If paid is advance 50
Adverti ementsare published at the rate of one
dollar per square for one insertion and fifty cents
per squill'e for each subsequentinsertion.
Rates by the year or for six or threemonthsare
low andaniform,and willbefurnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising per square, three
times or less, $2 00; each subsequent insertionso
cents per square.
Local notfeesten cents per lineforonei nsertion,
ft ve cents perline for eaclisubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
ine. Simpleannouncementsofbirths.marriages
and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year
over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising
Nolocalinserted for less than 75 cts.per issue, j
The Job department of the PRESS is complete, 1
and affords facilities for doing the best class of
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out of the county must be paid for
in advance.
There is nothing like a new baby to
reform a woman politician.
4* +
+ 4-
Just think of Populist Pettigrew as a
plutocratic railway manager!
+ +
+ -f
Washington's murder mystery has
resulted in an incredible confession that
doesn't really confess anything at all.
+ +
+ +
If a closed season isn't soon proclaim
ed in the Philippines, there will be 110
rebels left to breed next year's game.
t t
The New York Evening Post, the
great mugwump sheet, has discovered
that Tammany has been robbing the
+ 112
+ T
How in the world will the Sultan be
able to grind out his explanations now
that he has abolished the typewriter
girl ?
After being, for so long, a terror to
the pedestrian, the bicyclist is now
taking his turn at being terrorized—by
the automobile.
+ +
+ +
A Kansas town has read the riot act
to three families who have boen indulg
ing in the crime of playing billiards in
their own houses. What next?
112 +
T t
The powers have fallen back into
their old habits of sending ultimatums
to the Sultan. Somethings get to be
second nature.
♦ ►
Senator Morgan of Alabama says that
Mr. Bryan stood with one foot ou Dem
cracy and one in the mud. There is no
doubt at all about the mud.
-r +
+ +
China's method of paying her old
debts by contracting new ones is by
no means new. Somebody robbed
Peter to pay Paul a few centuries ago.
+ +
+ +
Mr. Bryan deplores the fact he will
have a hard battle to keep his peculiar
principles to the front in 1901, but the
rest of the country, Democrats includ
ed, welcome the difficulty.
t +
+ T
General Chaffee has been to work re
pairing General Waldersee's lacerated
feelings to such good purpose that the
Kaiser is meditating forgiving us alto
The consensus of Republican opinion
in regard so Mr. Babcock seems to be
that he is suffering under a temporary
aberration of intellect, but that he will
convalesce if given time.
Wisconsin has attempted to impose
an export tax on ice Bent out of the
state. It won't take the courts very
long to slay this proposition when they
get around to it.
X i
Large deposits of natural soap have
been found in Wyoming. Now the
only thing needful is a towl mine, and
Wyoming will be well qualified to get
rid of her tramps.
4- +
+ +
Of course, Lipton has had lots of
luck, but the chances are that it has
been chiefly due to the fact that he
didn't come up against the yankees
until lately.
J. J. Hill says that the only way to
make money in stocks is to buy them
outright. That is to say, to make
money on the street one must be rich
enough not to need it.
The pension attorneys now send run
ners to meet the returning transports
at San Francisco and pull the soldiers
into their offices. Thus the pension
roll grows.
What is the difference between Wall-
Street brokers and green-goods men ?
Neither takes any advantage of any
one except those who are trying to
take advantage of somebody else.
t t
Injunctions are necessary court
weapons, but, all the same, that Ken
tucky Judge who enjoined the collec
tion of union dues and strike assess
ments, struck at the very foundation of
civil liberty and gave an excellent
weapon to the foes of legitimate court
Flret Fork.
Editor Press:—
Cliff Loshbaugh lias returned from W.
Va. anil talks ol going to work for U. S.
Mrs. Garry Mason, of Sterling, is
houße-kceping for Goss Bros, at this
The mill men say they will be here
very shortly, and be prepared to make
all kinds of lumber and shingles.
Some of our farmers are getting way
behind, with their planting as the wet
weather has "Hoodooed" them.
V. A. Brooks and his corps of men
are running the warrant lines in this sec
tion. when the weather is suitable.
Mrs. Klsie Beckner and Geo. Beckner's
youngest daughter came tip from Miss
issippi to spend the warm season which
hasn't arrived here yet.
I)r. Colcord is kept very busy with his
gardeningoperations and medical practice.
Helped Lou Bailey and Fred Peno "out
of the brush" last week.
W. Bailey who has been siek all
winter, is reported to be a good deal
better, with prospects of recovery. Dr.
Bradford of Austin is attending him.
A special train brought in 108 French
men (mo-tly) from Tuppers lake station,N.
!Y. Some of them being Canada men,
i -Bark lluskers" and they are at work
| on several jobs of Fee Bros, in this
I section.
A livery stable has started up at the
I Post office, with Chas. Farley, Prop, in
fact we are getting more metropolitan
every day, and you can almost smell oil
I along the highway between here and
i Potter Co. line, as operations have eom
| commenced but the drill has not started
I jet.
Rich Valley.
Editor I*ress:—
Alonzo Swesey was in the Valley this
Miss Fossie Housler was visiting in
town this week.
Miss lluby Lewis visited friends at
this place on Monday.
Miss Gertie Lewis had business at
Port Allegany this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Lockwood
visited Sizerville last week.
Milton Lewis, of Emporium, visited
Elk Fork friends on Sunday.
Messrs. Fred Peterson and Elmer
Newton are working up Cooks llun.
The Misses Anna and Alda Carter are
attending the summer school at Empo
Frank Craven is making extensive
improvements arouud his handsome
The liars club held a meeting this
week. Verney Lewis was elected as
chairman and carried off the honors. He
said he caught a trout 2G inches long and
weighed three pounds, in a sream that
a six quart pail would hold all the water
that would ruu in in a day. William
Put man was on the sick list and could
not testify.
j Editor Press:
The boys say the more raiu the more
Asa Kreitner is now night operator
at the station.
Geo. Hart and Bro, left here yesterday
for the Pan American. They are going
to take it all in from top to botom.
IT. C. Crawford is shipping from eight
to ten cars of lumber daily and orders by
every mail. An evidence of prosperity.
E. D. Sizer has reshingled the Bath
House and is putting in a steam heater
with an upright engine for filling the
tanks on short notice.
There are about 75 Italians cutting
paper wood between here and Gardeau.
An old farmer near them says, "such
velups I have no use for, dey would bust
up a millionair."
W. B. Moore the every day genial
lumberman, has a large contract of baik
peeling on First Fork. If he does not
make a success there none others need
attempt. F. Ames will finish up his
work on Crooked Run.
The new long distance telephone Co.
have located their line and by July first
wo will have connections with the out
side world. An office will be located at
this place, a convenience that will be ap
Sterling Run Tannery News.
Editor Prest:—
Lots of rain and mud now-a-days.
James Berry visited the county seat
on Monday.
Mrs. Ed. Norton aud family visited
friends here on Thursday.
The Little folks of this place attended
a party on Moore Hill Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. William Berry visited
their son at Caledonia over Sunday.
Thomas (Juinn, of Emporium, visited
this place 011 Sunday.
Easy to Cure a Cold
if you go about it right. Take two or
three Krause's Cold Cure Capsules during
the day aud two before retiring at night.
This will insure a good night's rest and a
free movement ol the bowels next morn
j ing. Continue the treatment next day
j and your cold will melt away.
Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. may
Editor I*ress:—
Mrs. Jennie Rhodes, of Wiscousin, is
visiting friends and relatives here.
H. S. Saterlee, of Lock Haven, is in
town this week in the interest of his in
surance business.
Barclay Bro's. will shut down their
mill on Decoration Day to give their
employes a chance to participate in doing
honor to our soldiers and citizen dead.
That little yarn about Arkansas corn
has had a very discouraging effect on the
"club" at this place. The members are
talking of disbanding and surrendering
their bard earned honors in favor of the
PRESS. Pap says: "Mullin can have
the goat and we will burn our charter
and rent the hall to the dagos."
Editor Press:—
A slide on the B. & S. caused train to
be late Monday.
The big mill is shut down for a few
days on account of high water.
Miss Maud Wykoff, and Mrs. Thomas
Collins are visiting Miss Hattie Shafer
this weeek.
Elmer Dininey is moving to Straight
this week where he intends to locate for
a while.
By the way whiskey and beer is going
up the First Fork the people up that
way do not intend togo dry.
C. W. Bcldcn and Jonothan Cloutz
are getting a harpoon made to capture
some of the big fish after season opens.
The Sinnemahoning cornet band gave
a social at this place last week. The band
is getting along fine and will make good
showing in the near future.
The roads are very bad, taking two of
Barclay Bros, largest teams to draw a
cord of wood now, as our Supervisor has
gotten excited over the big fish and forgot
all about the roads.
X. 11. McCloskey reports that whilst
driving along near the wagon bridge a
large fish supposed to be Susquehanna
Salmon made such a splashing that it
frightened his team.
The inhabitants over near the red
bridge are greatly excited over some big
fish that have been seen there lately. Look
out for some big fish stories as some of
the members ot the S. L. C. are making
great preparations to capture some as
soon as season opens.
W. C. 136 P. (3. S. of A. will observe
Memorial day at this place and Sinnema
honing on the 30th. Au invitation has
been given to the Sunday schools and all
to attend and make a good turn out. The
mill will shut down in the afternoon for
the memorial services. Memorial services
will be continued in the church in the
evening by Rev. Fause. The Sinnema
honingband will furnish music for the
See picture of Alfred Speer in another
column the original wine grower in the
I nited States whose wines have beoome
famous over the world also his * * *
Climax Grape Brandy. 7-8t
A (iood Thing.
German Syrup is the special prescrip
tion of Dr. A. A. Boshee, a celebrated
German Physician and is acknowledged
to be one ol the most fortunate discover
ies iu Medicine It quickly cures Coughs,
Colds and all Lung troubles of the sever
est nature, removing, as it does, the cause
of the affection and leaving the parts in a
strong and healthy condition. It is not
an experimental medicine, but lias stood
the test of years, giving satisfaction in
every case, which its rapidly increasing
sale every seasou confirms. Two million
bottles sold annually. Boschee's Ger
man Syrup was introduced iu the United
States in 18(58, and is now sold in every
town and village iu the civilized world.
Three doses will relieve an ordinary
cough. Price 75c. Sold by L. Taggart.
Get Green's Prize Almauac. 2n34eow
After all it is very important what
people say behind your back; what peo
ple say to your face is usually coppered.
See What a President Say« About Brandy for
The President of the Baltimore Medi
cal College, who has thoroughly 'tested
Speer's wines and brandy says:
"Speer's Climax Brandy is a pure and
valuable article in all cases of disease in
•which a reliable stimulant is required. I
regard it superior to most French bran
dies. 7-8t eow
The average girl is engaged so many
times that the engagement ring simply
serves instead of a thread to remind her.
For Female Complaint 3
and diseases arising from an impure state
of the blood Lichty's Celery Nerve Com
pound is an invaluable specific. Sold by
L. Taggart. may
It is just like the board of trade in
some families; a member can always find
somebody to take the other side.
Stops the Cough
And Works off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cuie a
cold iu one day. No Cure, n > Pay.
Price 2") cents. 2<»yl
Blood & Liver!
R. C. Dodson, Agent,
35-91y. Emporium, Pa
IT ANTED—Men and women make good
VV money working for us at home in their
spare time No experience or investment re
quired. Write at once to Hermann Manufactur
ing Co., 12S So. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 13-3
I j">OR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms
J? Apply to J. L. Fobert, over Express office.
RENT—Furnished rooms, live minutes
JJ ride from Pan-American grounds. Address
428 Ashland Ave.,
11-tf Buffalo, N. Y.
WHEEL.— An entirely new Featherstone,
lady's bicycle that cost $35, will be sold
dirt cheap. Apply at PHKSH office.
FANCY FOWL EGGS.—I am prepared to
furnish Buff Leghorn and Indian Game eggs
for setting— l 3 for 41.00. First ordersget the eggs
6-13T D. W, DONOVON.
IpOR SALE—New and Popular Books, 10 cents
' each. Each book containing 61 large dou
ble column pages. Paper covers. "Joker's Bug
et," "Fireside Games," "Modern Eutertain
nients," "The National Handy Dictionary,"
"Money-Making Secrets," "Etiquette of Court
ship," "Humorous Dialogues," "Humorous
Recitations," "The Minstrel Show," "Detective
Stories,""The Mystic Oracle," "Outdoor Games,"
"Women May Earn Money," "Astrology Made
Easy," "Dialect Recitations," "Fifteen Complete
Novelettes," "The Handy Cyclopedia," "75 Com
plete Stories," "Mesmerism and Clairvoyance,"
"156 Popular Songs," "Mrs. Partington's Grab
Bag," "The Art of Ventriloquism," "Dramatic
Recitations," "Famous Comic Recitations," "A
Cart-Load of Fun," and "Purlor Magic."
SPECIAL OFFER—We will send any 1 books
described, postpaid, for 25c.
11-13t E. T. DRUM & CO., Warren, Pa.
AX Ordinance providing for an increase of the
indebtedness of the Jiorough of Emporium for
the purpose of purchasing and erecting an elec
tric tight plant.
Whereas the qualified electors of the Borough
of Emporium at an election duly held for that
purpose on the 21st day of February 1901
authorized the Council of said borough to in
crease the indebtedness thereof in the sum of
seven thousand dollars for the purpose of pur
chasing and erecting an Electric Light Plant.
Therefore be it ordained:
Section I.—The indebtedness of the Borough of
Emporium be and is hereby increased in the sum
of seven thousand dollars for the purpose of
purchasing and erecting an electric light iplant
for said borough.
Section 2. - Coupon bonds to the amount of
seven thousand dollars in the sum of one hun
dred dollars each shall be issued to bear interest
at the rate of four per cent, per annum, payable
semi-annually, said bonds to be payable in ten
years from the date thereof and redeemable at
any time after one year at the option of said
borough and shall be sold for not less than par.
Section 3.—An annual tax of four mills on the
dollar upon all property in the Borough of Em
porium subject to taxation for Borough purposes
is hereby levied, to commence in the year 1901
and continue for ten years which shall be ap
plied as fast as it accumulates to the payment of
the interest on said bonds and the liquidation of
the principal thereof.
Section 4.—The proper officers of the Borough
shall make and file in the office of the Clerk of
the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cameron county
a statement as required by law before any of said
bonds be issued.
Section s,—This ordinance shall take effect as
soon as it is published as provided by law.
G. F. BALCOM, President.
C. JAY GOODKOUGH. Secretary.
Approved May 15th, 1901.
E. O. BARD WELL, Chief Burgess.
■ «
Our Spring and
Summer Goods
Have arrived. A much
larger and finer line than
we usually buy for warm
weather goods. We
can't be excelled.
We have the largest and
nicest stock of
in the county, at prices
that defy competition.
Our store is flill of good
goods and bargains. We
invite inspection. Come
and see us.
Sterling Run, *•«.
H _
u. rs ** {j
When a man comes to us and says that
So and so will make a suit for three
dollars less, we usually ask him why he
doesn't have So and so make it. The in
variable answer is: "Well I like your
work better." That's just the point, our
work is better. It takes more time and
earnest effort to make it better and the
"extra" three dollars is the right price
for the extra work.
The Tailor and Furnisher.
J. L. FOBERT, Manager.
I Furniture, 112
* . w
W Our factory is now running and we must have W
room to show our new line of Bed Room Suits jg>
Tpf and Sideboards. Therefore, we have cut prices
Jvi, on every suit 011 our floor.
Solid Oak, Handsomely Carved, Solid Brass (MQ 'ty-
Trimmiug, 24 x 30 Glass, «•
Birds-Eye Mapel, Double Swell, Solid *
;<* Trimmings, 24 x 30 Glass, £, L"
__| |
a Dining Room.
ft Up-to-date Sideboards, hand-carved.
Dining Tables, polished tops and flutel legs. $
& Dining Chairs. M
$ Go-Carts. &
p Every Baby in this town shoul down one of our jS
lovely Go-Carts. Patent wheels, independent ac
ty tion, neat, nice, safe and comfortable. $
$ Gold Medal Refrigerators. ¥
The best Refrigerator on the market, will be ?j*
found on our floor and we hereby challenge compe- Q.
titors to produce an equal. £«•
& Couches and Rockers. &
M These articles need no comment from us. Our
Q daily sales of them show plainly their superiority Ij
ft over all others. jQ,
Remember the place, next door to the W
y Furniture Dealers. Funeral Directors. U
Residence up stairs. Open all night. &
ft BERNARD EGAN, Manager. ft
m &
\ \ \ \ \: N \ \ \ N X \ X.N.N N NIN N N N.N N N N* N/ 1
% %
/ £
ITen Day Sale. I
% * %
| At HARRIS' |
l P
Until Wednesday, June sth, we will |
$ make a §
I #
! Special Cut Sale to I
I ~ |
1 Reduce Stock. I
I s |
I *
112 Mens' Dollar Shirts |
« s
| at 65 Cents. §
$ I
| I
% $
8 . 8
P Opposite Post Office, Emporium, Pa. /
% 'A
Y\- \ \ N N , N X \.\ N N N N \ N N N N N N \ X X X.\\