MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT! FOR THE YEAR 1901. Mercantile Appraiser's Notice. Names and kind of license of dealers in the County of Cameron, Pa. The appeal will be held at the County Treasurer's office in Emporium on Friday, May 10,1901, between the hours of 9 a. m.and 3 p. m EMPORIUM BOROUGH. Bardwell, Mrs. E. 0., milliner}'. Bupp, A. E., tobacco. Bedard, the Tailor, turnishine goods. Balcom & Lloyd, general m'dse. Bliss, Mrs. Henry, eaiing house. Catlin, 0. G., flour and feed. Cramer, W. H., variety store. Cummings, John, cigars. Costello, John, cigars. Creighton, James, billiards and pool. Dodson, It. C., drugs. Donovon, D. W., cigars. Day, J. H., groceries and meats. Edgcomb, Henry, general m'dse. Emporium Furniture Co., furniture. Emporium Milling Co.. flour & feed. Gross, Wrn., meats. Howard, C. B. & Co., general m'dse. Ilirsch, K. H., jewplry. Hogan, M. T., general m'dse. Hurteau, Edith, millinery. Harris, Jasper, clothing. Hockley, I. K , coal and wood. Haupt, Mrs. H. 0., candy and cigars. Hacket, S. J., general m'dse. Huntington, L. K., general m'dse. j Hacket, S. S., general m'dse. Jcssup, C. H , butter. Johnson, John L., cigars. Judd, F. Q., harness. Kinzler, J. A , groceries. Kelly, Richard, cigars Kelly, John, hay and feed. Laßar, Geo. J., furniture. Larrabee, M. M., merchandise. Lloyd, 11. S., stationery. Lechner, Joseph, boots and shoes. Lloyd, It. J., cigars. Leet & Co., general m'dse. Lysette, T. J., cigars. Lewis, P. E., eating house. McDougall, Alex., groceries & me its. Metzger, Geo. Jr., jewelry. McGee, Wm., cigar*. Murphy, Michael, cigars. McDonald, Wm., cigars. McDonald, A. A , cigars and tobacco. McDonald, S. D., cigara. McDonald, A. A., billiards and pool. Olmsted, H. C., geueral m'dse. Olmsted, D. E., general m'dse. Overhiser, I. 0., candy and cigars. Overhiser, K., candy and cigara. Parsons, J. F., general m'dse. Raymond, 11. L., millinery. Rockwell, M. A., drugs. Seger, R. & Son, clothing, Schmidt, C. G., confectionery. Schlecht, John, groceries. Sehweikart, Peter, general m'dse. Slocum, B. A & Co., general m'dse. Shives, Frank, general m'dse. Seger, N., clothing. Shoup, Peter, cigars. Taggart, L., drugs. Tulis, M. C., general m'dse. Vogt, A. F & Co., boots and shoes. Walker, Howard & Co., hardware. Wheeler, J. L, cigars. Wheeler, J. L., broker. Zarps, 11. A. & Co., cigars. BRIFTWOOD. Brookbank,J.O. &Co., general m'dse. Dwyer, W. H., groceries. Fox, Frank Jr., meats. Krider & Youthers, general m'dse. McDonald, A. M., cigars. McVicker, Fred, cigars. McCool, S. D., cigars. McCool, Mrs. S. I)., millinery. Mitchell, W. H., general m'dse. Nefcy, M. E., millinery. Roth rock, W. E., agent, clothing. Riley, T. J., cigars. BEECHWOOD. Cline, C. R. & Co., general m'dse. CAMERON. McConnell, Warren, groceries. SIZERVILLE. Fee Bros., general m'dse. Hart, Geo., general m'dse. Martindale, H. W., cigars. Nudia, Gus., general m'dse. Sizer, W. R., general m'dse. Wyeretall, Carl, meats. SINNAMAHONING. Barclay Bro's, general m'dse. Baird, D. P., agent, general m'dse. Bailey, O. L., cigars. Blodget, M , cigars. Snyder, T. \V., candy and cigars. Lightner, H. 8., general m'dse. Shafer, Geo. P., cigars. Silen, Nathan, clothing. Wolfe, J. F., meats. STERLING RUN. Craven, C. 0., general m'dse. Ebersole, E. M., geueral m'dse. Furlong, Mrs Mary A., cigars. Mahoney, Patrick, cigars. McOwen, B. & Co., general m'dse. Smith, Mrs. Jane M., millinery. Smith, J. E., general merchandise. Any person so ascertained or assess ed who shall fail to attend such appeal, or to appeal from the decision of the appraiser to the Commcm Please with in ten days thereafter, will not be per mitted to set up as a defence to the recovery of the amount of the license to which he is requested to pay when suit shall be brought, that he is not a dealer in merchandise, &e. The law further provides that it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer to sue for the recovery of ail licenses duly returned to him by the Mercantile Ap praiser if not paid on or before the first day of July in each and every year, within ten days after date, and said Treasurer shall not be discharged from any such license unless he brings suit to recover the same on or before that date. I. K. HOCKLEY, Mercantile Appraiser, 1901. !rmEß?nnnj t BUCK EYE rillDZ 1 OINTMENT j; CURES NQTHIHS BUT PRES.* 7 A SURE and CERTAIN CURE 6 9 known for 15 years as the 4 » BEST REMEDY for PILES. Z I SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. P \ Proevoity EICKABCBSU MED. CO., GT. LOUIS. ) For sile byL. Taggart. "5-tC-ly. ALFRED SPEER, THE ORIGINAL Port Grape Wine Producer In America, i The tirst native wine sold and j used in San Francisco and Sacra mento was from Speer's Passaic, N. J., vineyards, was shipped around Cape Horn before there was any railroad to California, and are now being- used by physi cians and first families there as the richest and best wine to be had T I'ot tti I'< a °d every \ corset is sold i I \ under this most liberal warrant — "Monev refunded after four weeks' trial if corset is not satisfactory." Look for this Tffftf Trade Mark on ; inside of corset and on box. ' KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. Sole Makers. Kalamazoo, Mich, j FOR SALE BY 5-13t W. H. CRAMER. ilusincMH Cards. B. W. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. A business relating to estate, collections, real estates, Orphan's Court and general law business will receive prom pt attention. 42-1 y. J.C.JOHNSON. J. P. MCNARNEY JOHNSON & McNARNEY, A TTO RNEYS-AT- LA W« EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en rusted totbem. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENNAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Real estate and pension claim agent, 35-ly. Emporium, Pa. THOMAS WADDINQTON, Emporium, Pa., CONTRACTOR FOR MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. All orders in my line promptly executed. All kinds of building and cut-stone, supplied at low prices. Agent for marble or granite monuments. Lettering neatly done. AMERICAN HOUSE, East Emporium, Pa.. JOHN L. JOHNSON, Prop'r. Having resumed proprietorship of this old and well established House I invite ilie patronage of the public. House newly furnished and thor oughly renovated. 48ly F. D. LEET. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and INSURANCE AG'T. EMPORIUM, PA To LAND OWNERS AND OTHEKS IN CAMEUON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard j wood timber lauds, also stumpage&c., and parties desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call on me. F. D. LEET. | CITY HOTEL, WM. MCOEE, PROPRIETOR Emporium, I'a. j Having again taken possession of thisoldand | popular house I solicit a share of the public pat- I ronage. The house is newly furnislicdand is one j of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county. 1 10-i.v. | TIIE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, ! (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. | I take pleasure in informing the public that j i have purchased the old and popular Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be my endeavor to serve the public in a manner that shall meet with their approbation. Oive me a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours. n027-lyr Win. MeDONAI.D. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, THOS. J. LYSETT, PROPRIETOR Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. This new and commodious hotel is now opened forthe accommodation of the public. Newinal | ltsappointments, every attention willbepaidto ! the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17 ly MAY GOULD, TEACHER OP PIANO, HARMONY AND THRORY, Also dealer in all the Popular Sheet Music, Emporium, Pa. | Scholarstaught either at my home on Sixth street or at the homes of the pupils. Out oftown scholars will be given dates at my roomsin this place. F.C. RIECK.D. D. S., DENTIST. i Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa. j Oas and other local anaesthetics ad mfEgSSXiiiinistered ' ur the painless extraction SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in cluding Crown and Bridge Work. CAMERON COUNTY PREvSS, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1901. NOTICES. TO THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION, 1 Wednesday, May 15th, via Buffalo, Roches ter &, PitJsbnrg Railway. The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh j Ry. Co. announce the tirst excursion to the Pan-American Exposition on above date. Train will leave Ridgway at 1:45 p. m. There is no question that the Pan-American Exposition is the grand est and most complete ever given on this continent. In many ways it ex cells every similar enterprise in the history of the world. Chief among its merits is the fact that everything can be easily seen and comprehended, but to get an adequate idea of the immens ity and beauty of its wonderful display it must be visited. The fare from j Ridgway is $3.00 for the round trip. Tickets will be good going only on train scheduled above and for return passage on any regular train leaving iluffalo prior to midnight of Friday, May 17th. They will not be good in sleeping or chair cars in either direc- ! tion. For tickets, time tables and full in formation consult the nearest agent of the company or address A. F. Raveret, Excursion Agent, Rochester, N. Y. WASHINGTON. Last Low-Rate Excursion via Pennsylvania Railroad. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run 011 May 15th the last special excursion for the season from Buffalo, Bradford, Titusville, Falls Creek, Kin zua, Tidioute, and principal intermedi ate stations on the Buffalo and Alle gheny Valley Division, and from points on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, Erie to Look Haven, inclusive, to Wash ington for the benefit of all who may wish to visit the National Capital. Round-trip tickets, good going on all regular trains on day of issue, and good returning on any regular train within ten days, exclusive of going date, will be sold at rate of §lO 00 for the round trip from points on the Buf falo and Allegheny Valley Division,and from Erie, St. Marys, and intermediate points; and at rate of §8.95 from Drift- from Renovo; §7 30 from Lock Haven; and proportionate rates from other points. These tickets will be good to return via Harrisburg or Philadelphia, and to stop off at Baltimore and Philadelphia returning if deposited with station agents. For additional information consult small handbills, apply to ticket agents, or address B. P. Eraser, Passenger Agent Buffalo District, 307 Main street, Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y., or E. S. Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Will iamsport, Pa. 1922-11-lt Pennsylvania Railroad Summer Excursion Tickets to Buffalo, Niagara Fails, and Other Summer Resorts. On April 30, 1901, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will place on sale Summer excursion tickets to Buffalo on account of the Pan-American Exposi tion, and to Niagara Falls. On May 1, 1901, the regular Summer excursion tickets to all the principal Summer resorts east of Pittsburg and Buffalo will be placed on sale at ticket offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. These tickets will bear the usual Summer excursion limit of October 31, 1901, except that the Niagara Falls tickets will be good to return until No vember 30, 1901. The Pennsylvania Railroad Summer excursion route book for 1901 will bo issued, as heretofore on June 1. ______ 1920-11-lt The Election Returns Show That the Lackawanna Railroad has been elected Americas most comfort able Railroad. If the result of election suited you, take a trip on the Lacka wanna with your family; if it went the other way, get even by taking a little journey, and forget your troubles. Remember Lackawanna Agents can sell you tickets to any point in Greater America. Excursion rates are now in effect to all Southern resorts, Cuba, Florida and the Pacific Coast. If you want to know all about your proposed trip, call on nearest D. L. & W. R'. R. Agent, or write Fred P. Fox, Div. Pass. Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. 37-tf Homeseekers' Excursions. On the first and third Tuesdays of February, March, April, May and June the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. will sell Homeseekers' Ex cursion tickets from Chicago to points in lowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, South Da kota, North Dakota, Montana, Utah, Oregon, Washington and British Col umbia, at rate of one fare, plus two dollars, for the round trip, good for twenty-one days. For full particulars call on or address W. S. Howell, 0. E. P. A., 381 Broadway, New York, or ' John R. Pott, D. P. A., 810 Park Build ing, Pittsburg, Pa. 49-21t Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln. ; An address by Joseph Choate, Am | bassadore to (Ireatßritain, on the career | and character of Abraham Lincoln— his early life—his early struggles with | the world—his character as developed in the later years of his life and his ad ministration, which placed his name so high 011 the world's roll of honor and ! fame, has been published by the Chica go, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway and I may be had by sending six (6) cents in j postage to F. A. Miller, General Pas i senger Agent, Chicago, 111. 11-3t It is wise to limit one's wants—we will secure happiness more quickly. Easy to Cure a Cold jit you go about it right. Take Iwo or I three Kra use's Cold Cure Capsules during I the day aud two before retiring at night, i This will insure a good night's rest and a I free movement ot the bowels next morn ! ing. Continue the treatment next day ! and your cold will melt away. I'riee 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. may Many a fellow has gone broke on a j friendly tip. Sfo/m the Coiif/h And Works oft the Cold. j Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a ! cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. 26yl ALL SORTS. You are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly. DcWitt's Little Early Risers remove the cause of d it-ease. R. C. Pod son. 1 Oly Some men are good because they never get away from home. Cyclists should always carry a bottle of BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT, in case of accident, it applied immediately, it will subdue the pain, prevent swelling and discoloration, and quickly heal the wounds. Price 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. may The chances arc teu to one that the other fellow knows you are lying. The least in quantity and most in qual ity describes DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous pills tor constipation aud liver complaints. R. C. Dodson. 1 Oly Some men think their wives are jeal ous when they are only disgusted. Don't despair because you have a weak constitution. The vitalizing principle of II EItIUNE will assuredly strengthen it. In every drop of HERHINE there is life. There is a stimulating, regenerating pow er. unequaled in the whole range ot med icinal preparations. Price 50 cents. L. Taggart. may When two dogs meet, there is always a prospect of a fight. Don't act like a dog. DcWitt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parts ot the bowels and re move the impurities speedily with no dis comfort. They are famous for their efficiency. Easy to take, never gripe. It. C. Dodson. 1 Oly The great forces, so far as men are concerned are heredity and surroundings. Children who are weak, fretful or troublesome should be given a few doses of WHITE CHKAM VEHMIFUUE. They will then become strong,healthy and active, have rosy cheeks, bright eyes, will be hap py and laughing all the day long. Price 25 cents. L. Taggart. may There is usually something wrong with a man who carries a woman's watch. Skin affections will readily disappear by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt's you will get good results. It is the quick and positive cure for piles. It. C. Dodson. 1 Oly. Some women would rather listen to a story about a spell of sickness than read a novel. Rheumatism is conceded to have its origin in a poisoned condition of the blood, and to be most successfully treated by HERBINE, which acts upon the liver, kidneys and other blood purifying orgaus, thereby divesting the system of offending agents. Price 50c. L. Taggart. tnav If we were a woman, we would nip an annual joke in the bud by refusing to clean house. Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Hrook, N. C., says he suffered with piles lor fifteen years. He tried many remedies with no results until he used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him. It. C. Dodson. Idly About all a boy is good for until he is fifteen is to run errands arid eat up the last piece of pie. When the liver fails to secrete bile, the blood becomes loaded with bilious prop erties, the digestion becomes impaired and the bowels constipated. HERBINE has a direct action 011 the liver and excretory organs, and a few doses will cure any case ot biliousness. Price 50 cents. L. Tag gart. may When a girl marries, there is always a howl from her sisters that she is takiug away their "things." ' : Our little girl was unconscious from strangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of croup. I quickly secured a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving her three doses. The croup was master ed and our little darling speedily recov ered," so writes A. L. Spafford, Chester, Mich. It. C. Dodson. 1 Oly A woman is always jealous in the same old way, man tries to lie out of it in the same old way. Piles are not only most painful, but also very dangerous, as the inflamed no dules are very apt to take on malignant action and cancer ot the rectum is pro duced. They should bj cured. TAII LER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT will cure the most obstinate cases. Price 50 cents in bottles. Tubes 75 cents. L. Taggart. may Half the comfort we get out of the idea of heaven is the belief that some one we dislike will never get there. "I have been suffering from dyspepsia for the past twenty years and have been j unable after trying all preparations and j physicians to get any relief. After tak ! ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I found relief and am now in better health than I have been for twenty years. I can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too highly." Thus writes Mrs. C. O. Rob erts, North Creek, Ark. It. C. Dodson. 1 Oly If a woman's confidence in her hus band makes you laugh, be kind enough to both of them not to let her see it. If people only knew what we know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure it would be used 111 nearly every household, as there are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullness after eating, belching, flatulence, sour stomach or watcrbrash, caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A | preparation such as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which, with 110 aid from the stom ach, will digest your food, certainly can't help but do you irood. It. C. Dodson. lOly It Saved his Leg. P. A. Danforth, of LaGrange, Ga., suffered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg; bur writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For ulcers, wounds, piles, it's the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. may President's day at the Pan-American will be June 13. Old Soldier's Experience. M. M. Austiu, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, lud., writes: l, My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only 25c at L. Tag gart's drug store. mav This signature ia on every box of the genuine Laxative BrornoQninine Tablets the remedy that cnmi n ciild in one day Some women, when they talk gossip, have the iriten.«e look in their eyes that distinguishes a miser when he counts his money. Fought for His Life. •Mv father and sister both died of consumption," writes .J. T. Wcatherwax, 111 Wyandott, Mich., ''and 1 was saved from the same frightful fate only by Dr. King's New Discovery. An attack of pneumonia left an obstinate cough and lung trouble, which an excellent doctor could not help, but a few months' use of this wonderful medicine made me as well as ever and I gained much in weight. Infallible for coughs, colds and all throat and lung trouble. Trial bottles free Guaranteed bottles 50c and 81.00 at L i'aggart s. may If your father is not a financial success, remember the drain on his ambition in keeping his children supplied with bread and milk and shoes. Shudders at his Past. "I recall now with horror," says mail carrier Burnett Mann, of Levanna, O . "my three years of suffering from kidney trouble. I was hardly ever free from dull aches or acute pains in my back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made me groan. I felt tired, worn out, about ready to trive up, when 1 began to use Electric Bitters, but six bottles completely cured me and made me feel like a new man." They're unrivaled to regulate stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by L. Taggart. Only 50c. may We never knew a woman who had successfully reared a family of children to manhood and womanhood, who ever wished "that I had my life to live over again." The Spring Fever is a malady which no one can escape at this season of the year. The vitality is usually overtaxed during the winter months, and spring finds the system all run down. The blood is thinned and im pure. The kidneys and liver are inactive —resulting in loss of energy and appetite, and a derangement ot the nerves. Licli ty's Celery Nerve Compound will purify your blood, tone up your nerves, and leave you feeling fresh and energetic. Sold by L. Taggart. may When You get a Headache don't waste a minute but goto yourdrug gist and get a box of Krause's Headache Capsules. They will prevent pain, even though your skull were cracked. They are harmless, too. Read the guarantee. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. may When a man complains because his meals are not ready on time, his wife blames the woman caller who stayed so long, and whom she followed clear to the front gate begging her not togo so soon. S The Place to Buy Cheap / ; J. F. PARSONS. P g gtylish (jlotlies. $ UJ ™ - [J: If] There are mighty few men these [" [u days who will wear ready-made m clothing—because stvlish, perfect- j 1 It. fittiug garments made to measure J{] uj cost a trifle more. JJj Ul Do you know that it is impossi- f^j |u hie for ready-made clothing to be JJI Lrj up-to-date? |u m TIN: iiKuiY-mni; STIFF OFFERED FOR uj SUK VIIU WAS " ||U>|: l tsT WIMI lip 3 I AVI> ix m T(> MONTHS III:- [n Oi IIIVD STYLE. (• (• C (• '(• | m We take your measure, we fit FL fU you, and we turn out for you gar- LP Uj meats jj. Uj UP TO THE jjj [jj MINUTE. £ LH All the New lireen and Olive Effects. [Jj pJ Every garment goes with our Ln LH guarantee for serviceability and HJ Ju satisfaction. UJ Cj BEDiLRD, jfl uil The Tailor and Furnisher. jll | J. L. FOBERT, Manager. | 111 Emporium, Pa. U] A Beautiful Woman realues that abundant hair faded there is an appearance K look and feel as youn? as J ever. Under these circum- back to men and women. HAY'S HAIR-HEALTH is a blessing to thousands who now have a fine head of hair. Insist on having Hay's hair-Health. It quickly cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff and slops falling and baking of the- hair. "One bottle docs It is the expression of many who have had their gray hairs restored to youthful color and their bald spot covered with hair after using one bottle. "tt ? Hair-Health positively restores gray hair to youthful beauty and color. Is not a dye. Its use cannot be detected. It will not stain the scalp or cloth ing. Prevents hair falling after much perspiration. Ask for Hay's Hair-Health and refuse all substi lutes, ti.rl.rl. is sold by leading druggists everywhere. .Sent by express, prepaid, in plain sealed package, by LONDON SUPPLY CO., 853 Hroadway, N. Y., also a 25c. rake Martina Medicated Soap, best soap for toilet, bath, ckm and hair. All on receipt of 60c. and this ad. LARGE 50c. BOTTLtS AT ALL DRUGOISTS'- T^UNsf A Great Nerve Medicine. Celery King cleanses the system and builds it tip. It makes lite blood pure. It beuutlfles the complexion. It cures constipation and liver disorders. IT cures headache and most other aches. Celery King cares Nerve, Stomach, Liver and Kidney diseases. 1 Sold i>y It 0 I) > Isii, Emwinm, Pfi (Strong Nerves | are the true source of good, healthy I appearance. Persons with half-starved nerves al ways look worried and "<1 ragged-out." You cannot be happy without nerve vigor; you cannot be natural without all the powers which nature meant you to have. produce a healthful glow which art cannot imitate. They invigorate every organ, put new force to the nerves, I elasticity to the step and round out the face and form to lines of health and beauty. SI.OO per box: C boxes (with written guarantee), so.oo. Book free. PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by R.C. Dodson, Emporium. Pa. £1 f&t frura Life. !RE¥iVO 112 hesiobes VITALITY THE Cf MO. FnBKTOH; J=VEJ2V£!3:£3"Xr produces the abovo rosnlts In 30 days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all ethers tall. younr men will rogain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using KEVIVO. It quickly and surely rcatoros Nervous ness. Loet Vitality, Iru potency. Nightly Emificions, Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects ol self abuso or exceßsand indiscretion, which nnflts one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at tho seat of disease, but lsagre&t nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring ing bacU the. pink glow to pale cheeks and to- Btorlnr; the flro of yoath. It wards off Insanity and Coneumption. Insist on having KEVIVO. no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mall •1.00 per package, or els for 85.00, tvlthapoal tlvo written guarantee to euro or refund the money. Book and advlso free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., "^lncA^ruu^'- For Sale in Emporium, by R. C. Dodson. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im mediate — cure certain. It cures Burns and Scalds. The relief instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' IVIED. CO., Cor. William & John Sts., SEW \ORIi. &T 'Lure?. Drunkenness. Wjg _ "VS _ Cures Drug i\ e _ el gy the" KEELEY Writofor «jg-AgiINSTITUTE, , 112 4248 Fifth Are., P«HSf| HARRISBURG.PA. CUI?EL- ALLDRIIJK AND DRUG ADDICTIONS. N £VJ LF KUPNI'-IHELI N ZVJ MANAGEMENT I^R^FENNER^SJ^ Blood & Liver! REMEDY, AND Jgq nerveTSS^S It. C. Dix Wort, Agent, 35 9!y. Emp Tinm. Pa 9