Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 04, 1901, Image 8

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    iiriA. I ill 111 !■! I IMWiMIMBT—IMIBi——III I_IU
The sale of three million bottles of this elegant hair dressing in the United stater. and Qreat
Ltrltain in iß;>v proves that It has surpassing merit cud does all that is claimed for It.
4 *ON» fi SS.I ♦ to rcslorc g r ay, white or faded
has been a blessing to thousands 1 H I • I ♦ hair to youthful color and life,
who have become gray or bald. 4 \T W \* 112 ilt acts on the roots, giving them
May's Hair-Health is a health- a kgi 4 the required nourishment and
ful hair food, restoring youthful I a positively produces luxuriant
color and beauty to gray and faded I 9^%WW* • I thick hair on bald heads,
hair. Removes and prevents I I # 9$
dandruff and stops falling and Iv IM M I Not A Gray H Mi* Low t,
breaking of the hair. It It not alf \ «SW I the testimony of hundreds using it.
dye, and positively will not dis- T U|C / I -*T Hay s Hair-Health is a dainty
color the scalp, hands or clothing, T |Y_ *J QC Wk 1 dressing and a necessary adjunct
and its use cannot be detected by T \\ 112 112?. W tto every toilet, and unlike other
your best friend. T T preparations, has healthful action
, 4 J£l. Ton the roots of the hair, causing
Prevents hair falhng after fea . fURm* KM|t J ,he hair to it, original color,
bathing or much perspiration. I*l 'W whether black, brown or golden.
One Bottle Does It. j.large soc. bottles! At LeadingOruggists.
Cut out and sigy this Coupon in five days and take it to any of the following druggists, and they
will give you a large bottle of hay's Hair-health and a 25c. cake of Harfina Medicated soap, the
best soap you can use for Hair, Scalp, Complexion, [<ath and Toilet, both for Fifty cents; regular retail
price, 75 cents. I'his offer is good once only to same family, redeemed by leading druggists every
w here at their shops only, «.r by the LONDON SUPPLY CO., 853 Broadway, New York, either
with or without soap, by express, prepaid, in plain sealed package on receipt of 60c. and this coupon.
fSIIARAMTCBa Any person purchasing Hay's Hair-
UUAVlp&ln I Lk Health anywhere in the United States,
NAM I'. who has not been benefited, may have his money back by ad
dressing LONDON SUPPLY C 0..85.1 Broadway, New York.
Remember tkr names, Hay's Ha ir-Health " and "//arfina
J\ I l>»\i.S.">, Refuse all substitutes. Insist on having //. //. tf.
following druggists supply Ha>'s hair- Meult!t and Hariina Soup in their shops only :
L, TAGGART, Emporium, Pa.
Sheriff's Sale.
I >Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF Levari Facias is-
I j sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Cameron county, and to ine directed, I have
seized, levied upon and taken into execution and
will expose for sale to the highest and best bidder
at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House,
in fi]mporiuin, Cameron county, Pa., on
Friday. 19! Ii Hay of April A. 11.. 1901,
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M.,
The following described real estate,
All that certain piece, parcel and lot "('ground,
situate, lying and being In the township of (Jib- s
son, county of Cameron and state of Pennsylva
nia, bounded anil described as follows, to* wit:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Warrant
No. 5470; thence south along the east line of said
Warrant and the east line of Warrant No. 5471. j
six hundred and forty (610) rojs to the southeast j
corner of said Warrant No. 5171; thence west i
along the south line of said Warrant No. 5471, four |
hundred and forty four and eignt-tenths j
4418-10) rods to a post; thence north ifcw MO rods j
to a hemlock on the north side of Bennett's |
Branch Creek; thenco north fifty-four (51) de
grees east one hundred and sixty-seven 1167)
rods to a rock oak; thence north two hundred,
and eighteen and three-tenth (218 3-10) rods to a
post in the north line of said Warrant No. 5170;
thence east along the north line of said Warrant, !
No. 5170, three hundred and ten and seven-tenths !
310 7-10) rods to the northeast corner of said J
Warrant No, 5470, the place of beginning. Con- j
taining one thousand four hundred and sixty- j
six <litis) acres, more or less, and being the east I
part of said Warrants Nos 5470 and 5471. Ex
cepting and reserving therefrom the following I
live pieces of land: First:—Beginning at the ,
hemlock on the north bank of Bennetts Branch
Creek; thence down said creek, by its several
courses, one hundred and thirty-two (132) rods
to a hemlock; thence northeasterly one hundred
and two (102) rods to a black oak: thence north
seventy >7O) rods to a chestnut oak; thence south
fifty-four (541 degrees, west nineteen (19> rods to
a rock oak in the west line of the above described
piece; thence south fifty-four (54) degrees, west
one hundred and sixty-seven (107) rods to the
hemlock, the place ol beginning. Containing |
ninety (90) acres, more or less, deeded by James |
Mix to Hezekiah Mix, by deed recorded in Elk
county. Deed Book "B, at page 305. Second:—
Beginning at a maple on the bank of Mix ltun;
thence west fourteen (14) rods to a stone; thence
north twelve (12) rods to a post; thence east four
teen (14) rods to the bank of said run; thence
south twelve (l2)iods to a thorn apple, tlieplace
of begnning. Containing one acre on which is or
was an old saw mill. Conveyed by James Mix to
Hezekiah Mix by deed dated Sept. 15th, 1849, and
recorded in Elk county. Deed Book "B," page
307. Third:—On the north side of Bennetts
Branch Creek, beginning at a post by land of
Hezekiah Mix; thence north twenty-two and
three-fourths (22 1 ,) degrees, east ten (10) rods;
thence south seventy-seven (77) degrees east, four
(4) rods; thence south seven (7) degrees west, ten
10) rods; thence by public road north seventy
lour and one fourth 74',) degrees west, seven (7)
rods to the place of beginning. Containing fifty
five (55) square rods. Conveyed by Henry Mix
and J. J. Mix to the School Directors of Gibson
School district by deed dated, Dec. Ist, 1857 and
recorded in Elk county. Deed Book "G," at page
486. Fourth:—Beginning at a post on the east
line of Warrant No. 5481, sixty (60) rods from
pine (corner of S. Mix); thence south fifty-four
and one-half (61} degrees west, thirty-two (32)
rods to a post; thence north fifty-two (52) degrees
west, sixty-four and one-half (64) rodstoapost;
thence north fifty-four and one-half (54V.) de
grees east ninety-nine (99) rods to a post on the
Warrant line; thence south along said Warrant
line to the place of beginning. Containing
twenty-one (21) acres, more or less, being part of
Warrant No. 5471, conveyed by James .Mix to
Solomon .Mix in 1857 and recorded in Elkcounty,
Deed Book "G" page 560. And also the right of
way of the Allegheny Valley Railroad or the
liennetts Branch extension ol said rail road over
and across said land. Also further reserving all
that lot of land, described as follow s: Commenc
ing at a point on the easterly bank of Mix Ilun at
the mouth of the first run emptying into Mix
Run on the left hand side as you"go up said Mix
Hun; thence easterly up said run that so empties
into Mix Run six hundred (600) feet: thence
northwesterly and parallel with said Mix Run,
thirteen hundred (1300) feet to a post; thence
westerly and parallel with the first described
line six hundred (6001 feet to the bank of said Mix
Run; thence up said Mix Run thirteen hundred
(1301)) feet to the place of beginning. Also the
full and exclusive right and priviledge to the
grantors, their heirs and assigns forever to use
and occupy said run, known as Mix Run, from
its mouth where it empties into Bennetts Branch
up said run so far as the parties of the first part
owned or had any priviledge for lumbering pur
poses. running and storing logs and lumber and
all other purposes.
Also the right and privilege to build, construct
and maintain dams in and across said Mix Run,
at such points and places as the grantors or their
heirs and assigns may at any time select, at such
height as they may desire and to flood and cover
with water all such lands on both sides of said
run as they may require for ponds above said
dams, and to use said ponds for the storage of
logs and for all other purposes. Also the right,
title and privilege to D. J. McDonald, his heirs
and assigns forever, to build, construct and main
tain a railroad and track from such point or place
on the Bennetts Branch extension of the Alle
gheny Valley Railroad, as he, or his heirs, or as
signs may select, over the said lands and pre
mises, and up the valley of said Mix Run to any
mill, manufactory, or place of business said Mc-
Donald, his heirs or assigns may hereafter have
or build on said runs; said track and road bed,
therefor, not to exceed 25 feet in width. Also re
serving unto the said D. J. McDonald, his heirs
and assigns, all his right, title and interest in,
and to all the timber on said lands. The undi
vided one half of the landsabove described being
the same land which D. J. McDonald and wife
conveyed to Amanda Apker and Edith Clark, by
deed dated the 23rd day of December, 1878, and
recorded in the Recorder's office in Cameron
county, in Deed Book "F", page 79, etc. The
other undivided half being the same land
conveyed to George W. Apker and Robert Clark
by Mary McDonald and James J. McDonald, ex
ecutors of D. J. McDonald, deceased, by deed
dated January 28th, 1887, and filed February Bth,
1887, in the Court of Common Please of Cameron
county, in No. 12, May Term, 1886, together with
the hereditaments and appurtenances.
IMPROVKMESTS— One hundred acres improved
and cultivated land, having thereon au apple
orchard of one hundred bearing trees; one dwell
ing house one and one-half story, size 16 feet by
32 feet; one well of water; one barn 21 feet bv 30
feet with shed attached; one barn 18 feet by 24
feet with shed attached; one house 20 feet by 40
feet two stories; one well of water, one ice house,
and other necessary out-buildings. The streams
known as Mix Run and Bennetts Branch, run
through this property. Also the Allegheny Val
ley llailroad, running through this property, has
a station thereon.
Seized and taken into execution and to bo sold
as the pronerty of GEORGE W. APKER, A MAN
CLARK husband and administrator of Edith
( lark, deceased, and W. E. CLARK, lien at law
of Edith Clark, deceased, at (lie suit of j. w
BROOKBANK, trading as J. O. Brookbank Si
TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged
until the purchase monev is paid in full.
JOHN D. SWOPE, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, I
Emporium. Pa., March 18, 19C1. {
YEAR 1900.
I)u2 from Geo. Minard,Sup'vr pay fund, $137 57
Due from Geo. Minard, Supervisor
common road fund, 163 60
Due from W. F. Lewis, Supervisor on
general account,.- 51 26
Due from P. S. Culver, Coll. special road
fund, on old duplicate, 2,070 43
Due from P. 8. Culver, Coll. poor fund
on old duplicate, 53 86
Due from L. Lock wood. Coll. special
road fund, 341 78
Due from L. Lock wood, Coll. poor fund 304 76
Due from L. Lock wood, Coll. Supervis
ors pay fund, 116 95
Due from P. M. Culver, Coll., special
road fund 1900 duplicate, 417 49
Due from P. 8. Culver, Coll. Supervisors
pay fund, 1900 duplicate, 130 19
Due from P. S. Culver, Coll. poor fund,
1900 duplicate 252 18
Due from P. S. Culver, Coll.certified by
Supervisors, 43 31
Due from County Treas. Supervisors
pay fund, 73 62
Due from Co. Treas. common r0ad,.... 240 94
Due from Co. Treas. special road, 240 94
Total assets $1,668 88
Total liabilities, 4,194 69
Assets over liabilities, $17119
Due on Judgments, $2,900 81
Due from Geo. Minard, Supervisor, on
general account, 1,232 85
Due from Geo. Minard, Supr'vr, from
special road fund, 2 00
Total liabilities, $1,191 69
W. P, LEWIS, Supervisor, in account with Ship
pen Township, for the year 1900.
To amount of 1900 Duplicate, $l3O 57
To amount of orders drawn 623 50
$1,054 07
By exoneraitons $ 12 84
By amount certified to collector, 21 82
By amount of duplicate worked, 351 30
By Jonathan Lewis, work on road, 9 00
By D. N. Chandler, work on road, 13 00
By D. N. Chandler, services as town
clerk, 2*5 00
By L. K. Hunlington, work on road— 175 00
By Chas. E. Chad wick, work on road,.. 14 50
By Casper Sipple, work on road, 2 00
By E. C. Davy, plank 20 50
By Geo. Baxter, work on road 14 00
By I. H. Leggitt, work on road 7 00
By Elihu Chadwick, work on road, 35 50
By Fritz Craven, work on road, 4 50
By K. Lock wood, work on road, 7 70
By Frank Craven, work on road, 3 50
By A. Ingersoll. work on road, 7 00
By T. J. Norton, work on road, 8 50
By A. C. G.iodwin, work on road, 10 13
By Mark Wright, work on road, 1 67
By Joe Craven, work on road, 11 50
By Sam Lewis, work on road, 13 10
By A. M Matteson, work on road, 3 00
By Hoy Chadwick, work on road 10 00
By Walker, Howard & Co., sundries,... 2 25
By 133 days services at $1.50, 199 50
By paid township auditors, 11 00
By paid C. J. Goodnough, services 5 00
To balance due township, 51 26
$1,051 07
W. F. LEWIS, Supervisor in account with Ship
pen township road fund, to pay orders.
To amount of orders drawn $205 CO
By orders paid and cancelled, $295 00
GEO. MINARD, Supervisor, in account with
Shippen township.
To amount of 1900 duplicate, $129 80
To amount of orders drawn, 652 63
By balance due Minard, 1,232 85
82,315 28
By Exonerations, #27 91
By certified to collector, 21 49
By amount of duplicate worked 342 31
ByT. J. Norton, team work, 4 73
By I. 11. Leggett, work on road, 19 42
By Claud Lyon, work on road 4 50
By Geo. Dickinson, work on road, 5 25
By Daniel Kriner, work on road, 16 75
By Jos. Besig, work on road, 15 75
By W. Berfield, work on road 20 50
By H. C. Crum, work on road 6 00
By John Dodge, work on road, 6 00
By Gilman Leavitt. work on road, 36 90
By Geo. Leavitt, work on road 31 87
By Jacob Andrews, work on bridge,. 50 92
Bv A. J. Inieersoll, work on road, 3 50
By Frank Berfield, work on road, 7 50
By H. R. Dodge, work on road, 28 00
By Ray Lyon, work on road, 6 00
By Owen Dininney, work on road 17 50
By John Doll, building 90 rods road,... 90 00
By John Doll, work on road, 34 41
By Del. Towner, work on r0ad,....... 31 50
By H. H. Crick, work on road, 2 58
By Wm. Crick, work on road, 2 12
By A. B. Doll, building 52 rods of road,. 39 00
By O. P. Freeman, work on road, 7 96
By S. G. Haven, work on road, 3 00
I By Geo. H. Dodge, work on r0ad,,...*. 41 25
By Chas. Dodge, work on road,. 20 92
By Allan Baldwin, work on road, 114 62
' By N. P. Minard, work on road 269 60
By Bert Housler, work on road, 82 50
By Rob't Littlefield, work on road, 19 50
By Michael Zimmett, work on r0ad,.... 4 50
By Larry Smith, work on road, 9 75
By A. E. Jenks, work on road, 9 00
By Casper Sipple. work on road, 1 07
By Jacob Andrews, work on road, 87 70
By D. M. Toner, work on road, 74 09
j By Frank Geswender, work on road,... 10 84
! By Allen Bliss, work on road, 2 25
I By E. C. Wainwright, work on road,... 15 19
! By C. E. Cole, work on road, 10 68
i By J. G. Nyheart, work on road, 41 02
! By Patrick Curry, work on road, 2 50
| By Geo. Markett, work on road, 54 13
j By I). Kirkpatrick, work on road, 3 60
i By Wm. Glover, work on road, 9 55
! By Win. McDonald, work on road, 18 50
i By freight bill, June '2, 1900, 6 02
By S. B. Hopkins, work on road, 23 05
By C. R. Kline, lumber, spikes, labor,.. 20 51
By Climax Powder Co., fuse, etc., 1 65
i By Sam. Doll, work on road, 3 00
i By L. K. Huntington, two shovels, 1 60
By Johnson & McNarney, legal services, 25 00
By Keystone Powder Co., dynamite,etc. 12 15
By E. W. Gaskil), work on road, 62 30
By K. C. Davey, lumber 38 02
By Walker, Howard & Co., invoice, 23 31
By llaupt&llauber,repairs on machine, 15 10
By Henry Lyon, lube rand watertrough, 26 00
By Hall, Kaul Co., sewer pipe 13 47
By G. W. Spangler, labor, 15 00
i By Rob't Warner, timber, 21 00
i By 144 days, at $1.50, 216 00
$2,315 08
Between Smokes.
It shows weakness to resort to strong
drink to drown sorrows; it only multi
plies them, and drowns the finer sensi
bilities of man's nature.
The supreme test of an old-fashioned
family is that the father and sons never
learn to sit in the parlor as if they were
used to it.— Atchison Globe.
If a person gave a tramp dog too
much encouragement, ho would wag
his tail off.—Atohison Globe.
The Kittanning Tribune yawns, rubs
its eyes and says: "How much pleas
anter this world would be as a place of
residence were it as easy to goto bed at
night as it is to remain there in the
Hal. due ()eo. Miiiard, $1,232.85.
GEO. MINAKD, Supervisor. in account with
Shippen township Road Fund, to pay orders
To orders 011 1898 tax, slsl 93
To orders on 1599 tax, 41100
To orders oil 1900 tax, 1,063 96
$1,659 89
By draft Good Roads Machine, $2 00
By orders paid and cancelled 1,494 29
To balance, due township road 163 60
|1,669 89
GEO. MINARD, Supervisor, in account with
Shippen township supervisors pay fund for
To amount received from County Treas
urer, 1899 tax S2OB 13
To amount received from County Treas
urer on 1900 duplicate, 132 "5
To amount received from Coll. Lock
wood, 1899 duplicate, 96 26
To amount received from Coll. Culver,
on 1900 duplicate 121 11
To amount received from Coll. Culver,
011 old duplicate 17 14
$875 42
NOTE.-This fund passed through the hands of
Geo. Minard alone—W. F. Lewis, Supervisor,
having no connection with it.
By orders of A. Cheesbro, ex-Supervisor, $54 52
By orders of Frank A. Lewis, ex-Super
visor 98 54
By orders of W. W. Lewis, ex- Sup'ver, 291 32
By orders of A, J. Ingersol), ex-Snp'vr,. 290 47
To balance due fund 137 57
$875 -12
GEO. MINARI), Supervisor, in account with
Shippen township, special road fund for 1900.
To ajuiount received from CountyTreas-
Urer, 1898 tax, $99 00
To amount received from County Treas
urer, 1899 tax 157 00
To amount received from County Treas
crer, 1900 tax . 1,801 91
To amount received from Coll. Culver,
on 1900 duplicate, 113 19
To amount received from Coll. Culver.
on old duplicate. 400 00
By balance, due Geo. Minard, 2 00
12,873 10
By judgments and costs paid, 12.573 10
The public is hereby notified that the Shippen
Township Fund to pay Road Orders for 1901, is
about $2,000.00 and any Road Orders issued in
excess of that amount will he illegal and pay
ment of them will be resisted by the Township.
The Township Clerk, Mr. W. W. Lewis, will al
ways be prepared to furnish information as to
the amount lor which orders have been drawn.
JAMES HOBSON, Overseer of Poor, in account
wi'h Shippen Township Poor Fund for 1900.
To balance due Fund at last settlement $lO9 50
To amount received from Co. Treas.- . 599 00
To amt received from Coll. Loekwood, 57 00
To amt received from Coll. Culver 151 14
f916 64
By Dr. Heilman, account Annie Priest,
Mrs. Hoovis SSO 50
By Township Auditors, 13 00
By Wernersville Asylum, account How
ard Priest, 27 00
By Sheriff Swope. Marcus Prentice cost, 6 04
By Thos. Waddington, bal. due as
Overseer, 11 25
By C. li. Howard & Co., merchandise. 212 95
By Balconi & Lloyd, merchandise 21 17
By C. R. Kline & Co., merchandise 131 00
By Mrs.Kirkpatrick, account Mrs.Laird, 10 00
By Geo. J. Laßar, undertaker, 25 00
By Johnson & McNarney attorneys,.... 20 00
By L. K. Huntington, merchandise 77 71
By Protlionotary Gnoduough, cost, 3 00
By D. M. Toner, wood, Mrs. Filling,... 3 00
By Walker, Howard & Co., mds 1 80
By Di. Baker, services, . 50 50
By Dr. Reese, account Ellen Skillnian, 36 00
By 1). M. Toner, repairing Mrs. Hoovis'
house 3 50
By Geo. Market, repairing Mrs. Hoovis'
house, 5 75
By Revenue stamps, 2 00
By two days team work 8 <lO
By 52 days services, at $1 50 7S 00
By Geo Market, digging two graves 2 75
To balance due Poor Fund 1900,.... 50 72
$916 61
JOHN W. LEWIS, Overseer of Poor in account
with Shippen Township Poor Fund 1900.
To amount received from County Treas, $599 00
To amount received, Coll. Loekwood,.. SO 00
To amount received Coll. Culver 95 28
To amount received from G. E. Hous
ler on S. D. Housler judgment, 101 00
SS7S 28
By W. Hamilton, wood, $2 25
By F. A. Lewis, wood, 2 25
By Making Tax Duplicate, 2 00
By L. K. Huntington, merchandise 160 60
By team work for Mrs. Granger, 10 00
By Wernersville Asylum, Priest 51 74
By Geo. J. Laßar, undertaker, 102 00
By N. Cutler, moving Mrs. Stratton,
freight, R. R. ticket, etc 10 50
By Dr. Baker, services 50 00
By McKean county, E. K. Peasley, 112 66
By L. Taggart. medicine, 4 35
By M. M. Larrabee, J. P., fees, 6 00
By Balconi & Lloyd, merchandise, 27 81
By C. R. Kline & Co.. merchandise 29 66
By 46 days services at $1.50 69 00
To balance due Poor Fund, 237 37
SB7B 28
P. S. CULVER. Tax Collector, in account with
Special Road Fund of Shippen Township.
To amount of duplicate lor 1900 SBBI 87
By exonerations, $25 60
By rebate, 17 10
By commission, 11 49
By paid Johnson & McNarney, Attys... 13 19
To balance, due Fund, 417 49
SBB4 87
P. 8. CULVER, Tax Collector, in account with
Shippen Township Poor Fund.
To amount of Duplicate, for 1900 $531 16
By exonerations, sls 47
By rebate, 10 23
By commission ' 46 85
By paid Johnson & McNarney, Attys... 246 43
To balance due Fund, 252 18.
$531 16
P. 8. CULVER, Tax Collector, in account with
Shippen township Supervisors' Pay Fund.
To amount of Duplicate for 1900 $267 42
By exonerations, $7 71
By rebate, 1 99
By commission, 339
By paid Johnson & McNarney, Attys... 121 51
To balance due Fund, 129 79
$267 42
We. the undersigned AuditorsofShippentown
ship, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct
statement of the Assets and Liabilities of said
Township of Shippen; also, the accounts of \V.
F. Lewis and Geo. Minard, Supervisors; James
Hohson andJ.W. Lewis, Poor Masters and P.
S. Culver, Tax Collector and the foregoing is .
true and correct statement of the same.
Witness our hands and seals this lltli day of
March, 1900.
11. J. NEWTON.
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's
Little Early Risers will remove all im
purities from your system, cleanse your
bowels, make them regular. R. C. Pod
son. 81y
Aggie moved before the First.
Neuralgic pains, rheumatism, lumbago
and sciatic pains, yield to the penetrating
influence of BALLARD'S SNOW LINI
MENT. Price 25c and 00c. L. Tag
gart. Apr
Aggie wears his hair just as of old. |
Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds, and
chafing quickly heal by the use of l)e- j
Witt's Witch Ilazel Salve. Ft is imitated.
Re sure you get DeWitt's. R. C. Pod- i
son. 81y j
Fu list on is running ahead of his ticket, i
effectually destroys worms, it also increas- j
es the appetite, aids assimilation anil j
transforms a frail infant into one of robust J
health. Price 25c. L. Taugart. Apr ;
Texas oil comes without much coaxing, j
Vou cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy !
cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is j
sluggish and your bowels clogged. Pe j
Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the
whole system. They never gripe. R. j
C. Podson. 81 v
The spring coal strike has been post- |
Most women with female weakness suf- ]
f'er dreadfully from piles in addition to !
their other pains. They may be cured j
OINTMENT. Price 50 cents in bottles, j
tubes 75 cents. L. Taggart. Apr
The Aguinaldos can now hold a family j
Spring coughs are specially dangerous j
and unless cured at once, serious results |
often follow. One .Minute Cough Cure ,
acts like magic. It is not a common |
mixture but is a high grade remedy. R.
C. Podson. 81y
Now the Fillipino capital is clean off
the map.
An ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure, and a bottle of BALLARD'S
HOREIIOUND SYRUP used in time is
worth a staff of physicians with a drug
store or two included. Price 25 and 50
cents. L. Taggart. Apr
ft was a long pull in Nebrasks but
they arrived.
1, 1 had piles so bid I could get no rest
nor find a cure until I tried PeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. Alter using it once, \
I forgot I ever had anything like Piles." j
—E. C. Boice, Somers Point, N. Y. I
Look out for imitations. Bo sure you j
ask for DeWitt's. R. C. Dodson. 8!y j
The walking was bad but Funston
didn't mind it.
Perfect digestion is the only founda
tion for perfect health. The food we eat
makes all the blood we have, which in
turn feeds every nerve, muscle and tissue
in the body. HERBINE quickens the
appetite, aids digestion, gives tone and
vigor to all the functions and ensures
good health. Price 5(1 cents. L Tag
gart. Apr
It's a pity for the Aunties, but sorrows
come to us all.
Vou will waste time if you try to cure
indigestion or dyspepsia by starving your
self. That only makes it worse when
you do eat heartily. You always need
plenty of good food properly digested.
Kodol Dyspepsia (Jure is the result of
years of scientific research for something
that would digest not only some elements
of food but every kind. And it is the
one remedy that will do it. 11. C. Pod
son. SI v
His nibs of Sulu is a regular gold
mounted patriot.
Nearly every person needs a tonic medi
cine at this time of year to brace up and
invigorate the nervous system, to cleanse
the bowels, liver and kidneys. HERBINE
is the best and safe remedy to do this, as
it will cure constipation,regulate the liver
and enrich the blood. Price 50c. L.
Taggart. Apr
Even those who have moved are not
feeling unmoved.
"I have been troubled with indigestion
for ten years, have tried many things and
spent much money to no purpose until I
tried Kodol Pycpepsia Cure. I have
taken two bottles and gotten more relief'
from them than all other medicines taken.
1 feel more like a boy than I have felt
in twenty years."—Anderson Riggs, of
Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands have tes
tified as did Mr. Riggs. R. C. Podson.
Drinking Funston's health may cause
a drought in Kansas.
A Raging, Roaring Flood.
Washed down a telegraph line which
Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to re
pair. ''Standing waist deep in icy water,"
lie writes, "gave me a terrible cold and
cough. It grew worse daily. Fiually
the best doctors in Oakland, Neb., Sioux
City and Omaha said I had consumption
and could not live. Then I began using
Dr. King's New Discovery and was whol
ly cured by six bottles" Positively
guaranteed for coughs, colds and all
throat and lung troubles by L. Taggart. ]
Price 50c. Apr
It was the greatest surprise party Ag- j
gic ever went up against.
A Spring Tonic.
Everybody need ? a tonic in the sprint:, |
at this time the system craves a tonic, ft j
is hourecleaning time for your body. 1
Liehiy's Celery Nerve Compound will i
tone up your nerves, blood, kidneys anil I
liver, and fill you with health and energy. |
Sold bv L. Taggart. Apr I
It was a sort of a wooden horse trick
they played on Aggie.
He Kept His Leg.
Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of
Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with a
rusty wire. Inflammation and blood
poisoning set in. For two years he suf
fered intensely. Then the best doctors
urged amputation, "but," he writes. "I
used one bottle of Electric Bitters and
14 boxes of Huckleu's Arnica Salve and
my leg was sound and well as ever." For
j eruptions, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, sores
! and all blood disorders Electric Bitters
) has no rival on earth. Try them, L.
j Taggart will guarantee satisfaction or re
| fund money. Only 50 cents. Apr
j It's too bad about Meiklejohn, but we
! cannot all be Senators.
The Best Cold Cure
I is one you can take without interruption
|to business. One that does uot effect the
! head or hearing like the continued use of
; quinine. One that cures speedily and
j leaves you feeling fresh and clear-headed.
[ Such a one is Krause's Cold Cure.
Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Apr
No doubt, after all, Aguinaldo is glad
; that he is out of the woods.
Job Couldn't Have Stood It
If he'd had itching piles. They're ter
ribly annoying, but Buckiin's Arnica
j Salve will cure the worst case of piles on
I earth. It bus cured thousands. For in
juries, pains or bodily eruptions it's the
j best salve in the world. Price 25c a box.
: Cure guaranteed. Sold by L. Taggart.
The only ex-President that Bryan ap
i proves of lias been captured.
Jangling Nerves.
Are you irritable ? Po you sleep bad
jly ? Is it hard to concentrate your
thoughts? Is your appetite poor ? Do
you feel tired, restless and despondeut ?
Try Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound.
It will do you more good thau any thing
you have ever tried.
Sold by L. Taggart. Apr
A book by Funston now would sell for
more than that of Web Davis.
'Tis Easy to Feel Good.
Countless thousands have found a
blessing to the body in Dr. King's New
Life Pills, which positively cure constipa
tion, sick headache, dizziness, jaundice,
malaria, fever and ague and all liver and
stomach troubles. Purely vegetable:
never gripe or weaken. Only 25c at L.
Taggart's. Apr
| Not all the courts in Kentucky are
willing to be overridden by Gocbelism.
See a woman in another column pick
ing grapes for Speer's wines. Read all
about it. Excellent for weakly persons
and the aged particularly for females.
Heller's Testimony.
Albert Heller, living at 1114 Farnhaui
St., Omaha, says: ' I have tried most
every thing that is used as a preventative
or cure for headache, but nothing did me
so much good as Krause's Headache
Capsules. Others who have used them
say the same thing."
Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Apr
Honor Roll of Emporium Schools.
The following are the names of those missing
no days during month of March:
HIGH SCHOOL.—Fred Lloyd, Guy Klees, El
mer Baxter, J. M. Bair, Lora SlcQuay, Margaret
Nickler, Iva Leet, Olive Malov.
GRAMMAR GRADE. —Dan Welch, Andrew
Zwald, Russel McQuay, Frank Naugle, George
Mankey, Linn Strayer, Jay Nangle, Carl Mankey,
Myrtle Lloyd, Christie .McDonald, Edith Heilman,
Jane Kaye, Sadie Edwards, Myrtle Kautz, Juiia
llogan, Emma Ellis, Vera Olmsted, Elizabeth
Lecliner, Lulu Slinyder, William Gantz, Ray
mond Klees.
A INTERMEDIATE.—Martha Schlecht, Floyd
Faucett, Frank Dodson, Emma Krall. Mary
Welch, Edith DeArmit, Kathryn Hogan, Bessie
Shearer, Torreuce Barner, Chariot Speuce.
B INTERMEDIATE. - Florence Cleary, Howell
Burnell. Dora Stevens, John Welch, Joe Hacket,
Evard Klock. Earl McDougall. Frank McCaslin,
Leo Nangle, Rosa Danforth, Vera Speuce, Mag
dalene Mankey, Mary Farrell, Nellie Swartz,
Wayne Barner.
Thcs. Cummingg, Chas. Jessop, Clyde Fisher,
Burton Edwards, Clair Craven, Herbie Vogt,
Perry Harbot, John Robinson, Chas. Farrel,
Ilarry Fountain, Alfred Zwald, Boyd Slinyder,
Thos. Bailey, Willie Welsh.
A PRIMARY.—Annie Welsh, Maggie Kelley,
Sophy Ruberto. Nina Hertig, Pliebie Hacket,
Cora Hacket, Nora Grace, May McCullough,
Margaret Dodson, Esther Nystrom, Lierda Bo
gart, Earl Palmer, George Fetter, Erick Nystrom,
Harry Shearer, Charlie Foster, Clyde Poster,
Clyde Thomas, Ronald Rieck, Harold Jewel,
Eddie Baldwin.
A PRIMARY, W. W.-George Barker, Ellen
Auchu, Claude Campbell, Elizabeth Crandall.
John Ellis, Etta Fetter, Russell Evans, Peail
(joss, Pearl McGrain, Carol Hout, Warntr Judd,
Mabel Morrison, Hilda Swanson, Matthew Law
ler, Joe McNarney, Louisa Welsh, Clinton New
ton, Samuel Shadman, Harold Gross, Howard
Peppernian, Gordon Vogt, Max Spence, Lenford
Francis Robinson, Harry Hogan, Lloyd Swartz,
Minnie Petter, Dawson Wright, Frank Farrell,
Geo. Kishell, Jay Gross, Katie Murray, Clara
Weisenfluh, Lizzie Zwald, Rena Jordan, Lawrence
Ooodyear, Gerald Horning, Carl Carlson, Annie
Kelly, Marshall Patterson, Frank Bailey, Clyde
Fetter, Henry Streich.
Lloyd Johnston, Clark Metzger, Harry SDeuce,
: Clara Zwald, Gertrude Peppernian, John Lawler,
Samuel Kline, Margaret Streich, Clyde Swartz,
Boyd Fetter, Charles Spence.
B PRIMARY, E. W.-Edward Viner, Neal
Coppersmith, Robert Leitze, Chas. Cummford,
Willie Nelson, Oscar Foster, John Hertig, Will
iam drace, Henry Schweikart, Cameron Roberto,
Edwin Olson, Ophelia Dodson, Ruth Seifreid,
Kathryn Welsh, Gladys Krebs, Elva Shugart,
Kathryn O'Malley, Rose Quinn, Mary Quinn,
Marion Barnes.
Hon. CIIAS. A. MAYER President Judge and
Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of
| the l'eace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common
s Picas for the county of Cameron have issued
I heir precept bearing date the 26th day of January
I A. D., 1901, and to me directed for holding
I Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail Delivery,
I Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Orphans' Court.
I and Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough ot
Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 22d day ol
April, 1001, at '2 o'clock, p. in., and to con-
I tinuo one week.
Notice is hereby given to Ihe Coroners, Justices
; of the Peace and Constables within the county,
| that they be tln-ii and therein their proper per
! sons, at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day. with their
! rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and
: other roniemherances, to do thme things which
to their offices appertain to be done. And those
I '» ho are bound by their recognizance to prosecute
against them as will be just.
Dated at Emporium, l'a., March 2. r >, 1901,
iand in the 121 th year of the Independence of the
United States of America.
J. D. SWOPE. Shcrift'.
And -trtrir Climax Brandy.
THIS CELEBRATED WINE is the pure juice
of the, Oporto Grape, raised in Speers vine
yards, and left hanging until they shrink and part
ly raisin before leathering. It is invaluable
Tonic and Strengthcnm*; K'ropertlcn
are unsurpassed by any other wines in the world,
being produced under Mr. Speer's personal super
vision, at his own vineyards, the past forty years.
Itn purity and genuineness are guaranteed by the
principal Hospitals and Hoards of Health who
have examined it. It is particularly beneficial to
the aged, debilitated and the weaker sex. In every
respect it is A WINE TO HE KELIEI) ON.
[See that the signature «>t' ALFKKD SPECK, Pas
saic, N. J M is over the cork of each bottle.]
Spcer's (Socialite) Claret
Js held in high estimation for its richness as a Dry
Table Wine, gj)eeialiy suited for dinner use.
Specr's P.J. Sherry
Is a wine of Superior Character and partakes of
the rich qualities of the grape from which it is
Spcer's ★★★ Climax Brandy
IS A PURE distillation of the grape, and stands
Unrivaled ill this country for medicinal purposes,
and equal in every respect to the high price Old
Cognac Brandies of France, from which it cannot
be distinguished.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
tlio disease, without exciting disorder in
any other part of the system.
1— Fevers. Congestions, Inflammations. .25
2—Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25
3—'Teething, Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .25
4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25
7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25
B—Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache 25
!)—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25
10—Dyspepsia, Indigestlon.WeakStomach.2s
11 — Suppressed or Painful Periods 25
12—'Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25
13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25
14—Halt lllicum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25
15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25
16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25
19—Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head .25
20—Whooplng-Coug 25
27— Kidney IHSCIIMCS 25
28—Nervous Debility 1.00
30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed 25
77—Grip. Hay Fever 25
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed Free.
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price,
Humphreys' Med. Cor. William & John Sts*
New York.
\ The Cure that Cures 1
Coughs, &
\ Colds, 112
$ Grippe, A
\ Whooping Cough. Asthma, J
Bronchitis and Incipient A
CConsumption, Is g
I) Ttve German remedy" /|
V~ Cures ■at\&
A\ 25^50<ASA
Sold by R. C. Dodaon,Emporium, Pa.
in life is more often due to exhausted
nerve force than to lack of capital. ,
Strong nerves are the capital that
helps men conquer conditions. ;
When people lose their capital they
set to work to regain it.
; When we lose our nerve force we
ought to seek a means of getting it
back. There is a way, certain and
feed the nerves, making them steady
ami strong as steel.
i We <lo not believe they can fail to
cure Nervous Debility ana physical ex
haustion: that's why we agree to refund
your money if six boxes do not cure
SI.OO per box; 6 boxes $5.00, mailed
securely sealed upou receipt of price.
Book free. Address, PEAL MEDICINE
Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale by R.C. Dodson, Emporium. Pa 51
i ttfcc«£ & wlffefiw V
If; FO'i'-V t2© YEARS £
v Has ?•><! sii V/OEiii K&rnedios.
83 mis
.•« HO 1,3 3V AXA 33 EC©OIBTB fa
' 112 I'repureU by \
For sale by L. Tagf :irt. 35-26-ly*