Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 04, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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(u<arr)ei»or) Goui)fy {%*
Editor and Manager.
Per year $2 00
If paid in advance fl 60
Advertisementsarepublished at the rate of one
ioiiar persquareforoneinsertion and tiftycents
per square for each subsequent insertion.
Rates by the year or for six or threemonthsare
low anduniform.andwiilbefurnishedon appli
I.efcal and Official Advert ising per square, three
times or less, $2 00; each subsequent msertionSO
cents per square.
Local notlcesten cents per line for onei nsertion,
five cents pcrline for each subsequentconsecutive
1 ncertion.
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
ine. Simpleannouncementsoi'births,marriages
•And deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, live lines or less $5.90 per year
over flvelines, at the regular rates of advertising
Nolocalinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
!Vud affords facilities for doing the best class of
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out ofthecounty must be paid for
in advance.
Lynching may once have been a
disease, hut it is rapidly becoming
a habit.
Well, everybody will now con
cede that G rover is the greatest
ex-President in the country.
Why doesn't some real enterpris
ing editor invite Boni to come over
and edit his paper for a week.
Boni might be glad of the money.
The Democrats are declaring how
much they admire General Harri
son. Times have changed since
the old days of the so-called force
Poor "antis". The Philippines
are so quiet that they can't find
anything to grumble over, and even
Cuba seems about to accept the
protection offered to her and be
Why not extend that "Cabinet
on Wheels" idea by shipping Con
gress to the Philippines in a big
steamer that will allow speechmak
ing togo on en route?
China has declined to yield Man
churia to Russia. Now we shall
see whether Adamzad wants that
country badly enough to fight for
Bryan will only bring himself in
to greater contempt than ever by
such attacks as his latest on Mr.
Cleveland. To offer an ex-Presi
dent of the l T nited States S"> for an
article may be funny in Nebraska
but it is ridiculous elsewhere.
m .
Milkmen in many parts of the
country have taken a hint from
the footpads, and have adopted
rubber boots so as not to disturb
their customers unnecessarily.
They are also a protection from
It is reported that the President
did not know that Representative
Rodenburg had voted to starve out
the civil service commission only a
year ago, when he appointed hitu
to a post on it. It is possible that
the appointment may be revoked.
Secretory Root may goto Manila
his summer in order to study the
conditions there for himself. No
written or verbal report can take
place of personajl investigation
1 it is to be hoped that the Sec
retary's plan will not be allowed to
fall through.
The Philippine Information So
ciety, and "anti''association, after
careful investigation has admitted
publicly that the war in the Phil
ippines was started by tin; natives.
Its members haven't apologized for
past falsehoods on the subject, how
Educational tests are things that
two people can play at. How
would the Democrats like it if the
Republicans should adopt the
Maryland qualification in New
York,disfranchising about one-half
of Tammany's foreign support in
the greater city?
Great Britian's reasons for refus
ing to accept the 1 lay-Poncefore
treaty as amended, strike us as be
ing merely a variation of the old
bargaining customs that won her
the title of a nation of shopkeepers.
She wants to know what we'll give
to boot. Possibly, she will find
Sterling Run Tannery News.
The Buffalo club is all the rage at the
George Dillen who has been on the
sick list is able to be out again.
Wonder what the attraction is for the
Sterling Run girls at the tannery.
Mr. Dennis Donovon, of Emporium,
passed through this place on Monday.
Miss Millie Berry aud Miss Flossie
Bunce visited their auut, Mrs. L. W.
Spence, at Buckwalter, this week.
James Berry left on Monday for
Sizervillo where lie will work in the woods.
Miss Nannie Spence, of More Hill,
visited relatives at this place over Sun
Mr. Sam II ess and Mr. Shoeni, who
have been employed at the tannery have
moved their families to Kunkle, Luzerne
Editor Press:— #
We have mud some days and snow
some days.
Ira Ayers has rented E. D. Sizer's
Miss Mattie Collins made our school
niarm an official visit. She is\i pleasant
lady to meet.
H. C. Crawford has started his mill.
He has let it to M. C. Arnott, of Rou
lette. Matt was a resident here, back in
the sixties.
Johnnie Burgc is head mau in the
mill. Mother and hini live alone.
11. W. Marntindale was called to
Philadelphia on account of the serious
illness of bis sister.
Ed. Sizer has a new shot gun and a
punching bag. lie says his muscle will
be developed soon.
Ezra Smith is clerking for W. R.
Sizer. lie is a very efficient hand.
Constable Wygant is keepiug an eye
on the fish pole 3. It will not be healthy
for any one to be caught with any trout
before the 15th.
There is considerable talk of drilling
another well on Sizer Run, near the one
that was so strong with gas. We hope
the work will commence at once as there
was such good indications at the last.
Charley Wellcr has had his share of
trouble lately. He Jell down stairs and
broke his ribs, thieves broke into his
barn and stole his harness and robes.
He says"l fix em ven I gets arount."
flart Bros, have sold their livery to
Mr. Fitzgerald, of Austin. Norris &
Farley will have some lively competition.
First Fork.
Editor Press:
Farmers have started the spring cam
paign of plowing.
Aint it about time for tiic ground-hog
to let up on us a little ?
The April fools, peepers and toads
have showed up again.
Barclay Bros.' drive "hung up" Fri
day night near Mahon Bros' landing.
Br. Colcord disposed of a couple of
valuable cows last week. If the price
received is any indication.
Mae Logue's house was on fire on
the roof Friday, during a stiff gale, but
by the help of some passing people was
put out.
Haley Bros, hava taken the contract
to cut and peel the hemlock in Brooks
Run and are on the ground already. It
is estimated at 15,000,000 feet.
A Hungarian was nearly scalped on
Sunday by falling ofl a baud ear, while
intoxicated. He was sent to Austin hos
pital after being ' fixed up" by Dr. Col
cord of this place.
A big fire at Blowvillo on Friday
night destroyed the St. Elmo Hotel and
opera house, belonging to Mrs. Powers,
of Austin and the drug store building
close by. Hotel was insured but did
not hear the amount.
April Ist, 1901. [J?'
Mason Hill.
Editor Press :
Take carc of your life and the Lord
will take care of your death.
Maud Williams is doing house work
for Mr. W. W. Marsh.
Win. Wlieaton came up on Saturday
to see his sick child.
Ueo. English made a flying trip to
Benezette on Monday.
Huntley Miller left on .Monday for
Medix Run, where he will engage in
work the coming summer.
Mrs. C. M. Bailey was in Enterprise
Saturday, visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs.
(). S. Bailey, wiio has just returned trom
Williamsport hospital, where she under
went a successful operation for appendi
Dr. Corbctt paid a professional visit on
the Hill Friday, to see the sick child of
Mrs. W. Wheaton.
Mrs. Mel. Hamilton from the west, is
at present visiting her father, Mr. Geo.
Elder S. Ebersole filled his appoint
ment at the school house last Sunday and
gave a very able discourse on "Reading
and Studying the Bible in our Homes,"
and if all who heard him, would follow
his advice, and read their Bibles, all of
us, lovingly, faithfully, constantly, we
should have a generation of strong and
spiritual christians, when our boys and
girls grow up.
We have just received the sad news of
the death of Calvin Barr, on Monday, at
Medix Run, the eldest of the family of
A. 11. Barr. on Huston Hill. From
what wc can learn he had only been sick
nine*; last Friday with appendicitis. Two
doctors from Dußois and Dr. McGarrick,
of Medix Itun perforniedjan operation and
he never rallied and died before they
had finished. He leaves a wife and five
children, lather, mother two sisters and
one brother to mourn his untimely death.
He was a man greatly beloved by every
body and especially his own folks.
Another birthday surprise. This time
it being at the home of Mrs. Jacob Mil
ler, it being her 08 anniversary. A num
ber of her relatives and friends came
with eatables and presents and enjoyed
the day hugely. Those from off the hill
were: Mrs William Smith, Mrs. Frank
Sterling, (sisters), Sterling Run; Mrs. J.
0. Smith, (sister), Huntley; Mrs. A. S.
Bailey, (sister-in-law); John Williams,
(nephew), Huston Hill; Mrs. C. W.Wil
liams, Mr. 0. J. Miller (children), Miss
Maud Williams, (grand-child); Mr.
David Marsh, Mrs. C. M. I'ailey, Mrs.
Mrs. K. G. llicks and J.M. English and
t +
Editor Cameron County I'rcsn:—
McKinley times is what we like.
Business is booming here now and j
everybody is happy.
John Hull and crew have returned
from the log drive.
The mills and logjobs of Barclay Bros
employ about 300 men.
The roads 011 this side of the creek are
almost impassable.
The log train commenced hauling logs
from Zircon Uun, Monday.
Pap Blodget is news agent for the
North American, at this place.
The shingle mill will begin operations
sometime the first of next week.
The wood mill is again running full
blast, after making some repairs.
The First Fork drive hung up at Bur
liugame's on occount of low water.
W. F. Shade is around again, lie
had a badly bruised foot and leg.
W. L. Barclay is at his accustomed
place in the office, after a brief illness.
J. 11. Batchelder has added another
fiue cow to his stock, making 14 head.
Isaac Floyd brought the log engine up
from Reuovo. the first of the week, where
it underwent repairs.
G. 11. WykofF will run a log engine at
llyner, where he has gone, for B. V.
WykofF, this summer.
Pap Blodget is going to erect a new
shoe shop, sell fresh roasted peanuts and
give accommodations to the S. L. C.
Joel Speaker, blacksmith for Barclay
Bro's, was on the sick list a few days and
<!. W. Gore occupied his position during
his absence.
Barclay Bro's will erect camps this
month, for bark peeling. They will cut
1,500,000 feet in Lick Island Bun and
10,000,000 feet in Zirces Bun this season.
The L. C. is taking in new members at
every meeting, and as several parties were
out fishing last Sunday, we may look for
some whoppers, if the. fish Warden don't
get them before the next session.
D. C. Lininger intends togo to Austin
Bay Smith of Black Pole, was in town
Dr. S. S. Smith was in town one day
last week.
Ed. Chalmers made a business trip to
Emporium, Saturday.
Levi Smith transacted business in
Johnsonburg last week.
Daniel Sullivan is now night foreman
on the P. & E. railroad.
B. E. Osborn is making improvements
on his residence on Fourth street.
Mr. J. Kephart visited his daughter,
Mrs. A. F. Walker one day last week.
Mr. Charles Penington has moved his
family from Emporium to his farm on
Oak Hill.
Mr. S. Coudriet has returned from
Cowley Run where he has been at work
in the woods.
Warren MeConnell offers u reward of
§IOO for the arrest of the person or per
sons who stole the wheel of oft his truck.
Ed. Chalmers intends locating in Bul
falo soon, where he has secured a posi
tion at the Pan-American.
Boys you must not get too «ay when
you are in the P. ().. or Uncle Sain may
get after you, and then you may be sorrv.
M. 11. Morse was home from IJig j
Run one day last week, where he has a
large log job. M. 11. is an experienced '
E. 11. Lininger has resigned his posi- !
tion with Warren MeConnell and intends !
leaving us shortly. He has accepted a |
position at Wcedville,Clearfield county in '
the post-office at that place.
We learn that John J. Snyder has j
taken unto himself a wife and has taken j
up his residence at Wcedville, where he j
is engaged in business. John will be!
pleasantly remembered by our older resi- ;
R fell Valley.
Editor Press:—
North (Jreek is booming.
Henry Carter is working for Albert
Randolph Lock wood built a new wood
shed this week.
Elmer Marshall is now working on
log loader No. -.
Clive said that chit ken roast was all i
right* Who was the ccok?
A warm sugar party is to be held at !
Lafayette Lock woo Is Friday night.
Misses Flossie and Virgin'a Ilousler
visited the Misses Ruby and Oim 1 Lewis
last week. MAOQIE.
Low Rates West.
Commencing February 12, and every
Tuesday thereafter until April 30, 1901,
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail
way Co. will sell tickets to points in
North Dakota, Minnesota, Idaho, Col
orado, Utah, Oregon, Washington and
British Columbia, at greatly reduced
rates. For the benefit of settlers. For
full information call on or address W.
S. Howell, G. E. P. A., 381 Broadway,
New York, or John 11. Pott, D. P. A.,
810 Park Building, Pittsburg,Pa. 49-12t
Homeseekers' Excursions.
On the first and third Tuesdays of
February, March, April, May and June
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Co. will sell Homeseekers' Ex
cursion tickets from Chicago to points
in lowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming,
Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, South Da
kota, North Dakota, Montana, Utah,
Oregon, Washington and British Col
umbia, at rate of one fare, plus two
dollars, for the round trip, good for
twenty-one days. For full particulars
call on or address VV. S. Howell, G. E.
P. A., 381 Broadway, New York, or
John R. Pott, I). P. A., 810 Park Build
ing, Pittsburg, Pa. 49-21t
The Election Returns Show
That the Lackawanna Railroad has
been elected Americas most comfort
able Railroad. If the result of election
suited you, take a trip 011 the Lacka
wanna with your family; if it went the
other way, get even by taking a little
journey, and forget your troubles.
Remember Lackawanna Agents can
sell you tickets to any point in Greater
America. Excursion rates are now in
effect to all Southern resorts, Cuba,
Florida and the Pacific Coast. If you
want to know all about your proposed
trip, call on nearest D. L. & VV. R. R.
Agent, or write Fred P. Fox, Div. Pass.
Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. 37-tf
On the first and third Tuesday's of
each month the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway will sell round-trip
excursion tickets from Chicago, Mil
waukee and other points on its line to
a great many points in South Dakota,
North Dakota and other Western and
Northwestern States at about one fare.
Take a trip west and seethe wonderful
crops and what an amount of good land
can be purchased for a little money.
Further information as to rates, routes,
prices of farm lands, etc., may be ob
tained by addressing W. S. Howell,
General Eastern Passenger Agent, 381
Broadway, New York,or John R. Pott,
District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg,
Pa. 3 4t
If yod toish • ® 9 e
Fully illustrated, &
Cleanest printed, 112
Easiest read Seed Catalogue
a ® s ® for
It is a mine of information on gard
-15 ening—all about Vegetable Seeds,
I Flower Seeds, Small Fruits, Bulbs,
Plants, Roses, Shrubbery, etc.
Nearly '2OJ new Photo-Kngravings, illus
trating all departments. Text carefully re
vised and up-to-date in every respect. The
best catalogue we have ever sent out.
Seeiiin is Relieving*
Send for one to-day. Free if you mention
this paper and tell what you grow most.
James Vicjks Sons,
3 Stone Street,
Rochester, N. V.
Cut this advertisement out and send it with
your request for a catalogue. If you men
tion this paper you will also receive a pack
et ot Flower Seeds Free.— EDITOK.
i Cet an |
Education 1
An exceptional opportunity offered 0
; to young men and young women to 19
' prepare for teaching or for business. §3
j Four regular courses; also special 0
; work In Music, Shorthand, Type- H
i writing. .Strong teaching force, well HI
graded work, good discipline and M
bard study, insure best results to la
; otudents of Kg
I Centra! State I
j Normal School I
\ LOCK KAVSN. Clinton Co., PA.
[ Handsome buildings perfectly equipped. (5
r steam heat, electric lights, abundance of |f|
t pure mountain water, extenflive campus |g|
£ and athletic grounds. Cxpenaes low. Bend Kg
h fur catalog. ug
!. P.. FtiCKINGEiJ, Principal,
;i Central State Normal School, >1
Cures Drunkenness.
J\eeley Cu^ ras
A m, d the
Write ,or g| INSTITUTE,
H.nHo» 4246 Firth AT..,
Q * OKUI ' VlTTbUfllU. FA.
Or, Fenner's KIDNEY
~ Cure."
For nil Kidney, Bladder and Urinary
Troubles, Lame flack.Heart l)ls»ase.Skiii
Disease, Rheumatism, Bed Wetting, etc.
Unfailing in Female Weakness.
By deaieru. Wvjdze by mail COcFredonia.NY.
R. C. Doclson, Agent,
35 91j\ Emporium, Pa.
Meldrum &
Anderson Co.
396 to 408 Main St.—American Block,
The G-reat
Our store is one of the attrac
tons of the city. All convenien
ces and comforts for visitors.
Bureau of information.
Ladies' parlors and waiting
Refreshment room for ladies
and gentlemen. Meals any time
between 8 a. 111. and 6 p. m. at
moderate prices.
Headquarters foriiPan-Ameri
can souvenirs, BuffaloJ'ancl Nia
gara Falls souvenirs,
We are now showing new
spring goods in all departments,
including millinery, cloaks,suits,
waists, gloves and neckwear.
In dress goods,'silks and wash
fabrics we also lead the trade of
We show hundreds of private
patterns in new carpets which
can be seen in 110 other [store in
All correspondence promptly
attended to.
ADAM, llKl,lllll J! ANDERSON CO.,
396-108 MainJStreet,
Th e A merica n Block.
C rl]ld We have just received one \
S I ill iIIVI 0 lulu carload of Fertilizer for \
( Potatoes, Corn and Grain C
J /"I 1 T"i 1 ? in 100 11). sacks, at §1.25 per 112
j Gardeners Read! =-=— i
\We carry one of the most IWe are agents for the
/ complete stocks of ■ Demorest Sewing Machine, /
\ General I Oliver Chilled Plows, ?
} Merchandise 1 Munnsviiie Plows. \
\ . . , .. .. 4 H Aspinwall Potato Planters and \
1 to be found in the county. ■ J
112 r, , if iSi Cutters. v
\ Com® and see for yourself and ■ Catalogue on request. J
112 get prices. ■ i C
J ■— ————f )
JOHN E. SMITH, Sterling Run, Pa.
112 popular p " ncv^ eam ,
Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and
skillful attention.
for flnfartts and "children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought lias borne the signa
ture of Chas. 11. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over JSO years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
"Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children—Experience against Experiment.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
in Use For Over 30 Years.
I Furniture 1
|j|j Everything in
stock that goes
||jJ to make up a W
first-class Fur- f||
niture Store. .
Will not be un
der sold by 111
any one. . .
II Carpets,
g, Oil-Cloth, |
| Linoleum,
Mattings. #
One of the best
Sew ing Ma
||| chines in the [j||l
|® world, sold |||
here—the M
| "fjomestie." I
S Undertaking ■
I in a " its I
branches v|f
ifPll , W\
|gj promptly
attended to.
#'! M 1
You all know
llU'il Mil
the place. '3!
| GEO. J. LABAR, |
ij. Cor. Fourth and Chestnut St., ft