THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 36. Wall Paper.; An immense stock of Wall I'aper just received at I OLD RELIABLE | DRUG STORE. Six double rolls and board ering sufficient for the paper, for fifty cents. Six double rolls and suffi- | cient boardering for eighty cents, of a high grade paper. Will furnish you elegant paper at 12, 13, 14 and 15 cents per double roll. The paper I am telling you about is here. Step in and Bee it. L. TAUUART. — i SEETHE K I /lew /Arrivals i FOR 1901! [n Without a doubt the largest, |0 (11 high-class, popular manufac- Lf| ~j turesof Cloths ever brought JJ: |n into Cameron county, at nj Gj R. SEGER & p COMPANY'S. J1 We have taken especial care nj fli in the selection of our goods "1 nj and propose giving our hun- L |n * dreds of customers. *> ru FFL HONEST. WELL-MADE GLOTHIN6 BJ [U AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. In Every dollar's worth of goods lu must give the wearer satisfac- j^l rj tion. We desire all who in- [n If) tend purchasing a suit of [u clothes this spring to file their J*j rjj orders early, that care may be m il given to every customer, no lu ft matter whether you want a x] n] sls or S4O suit. |n R. SEGER & CO. jjj L Opposite M. E. Church. SHHSHSHS SSHS dSHS3SESSH°J | I Carpets. II UR s tock of Carpets, Rtigs and I Mattings is the largest and most I complete in the county. Having antici j pated the wants of our customers, we have bought very heavily for this J spring's trade. Not only is our stock the largest, in the county, but our custo mers will get better value for less money here than elsewhere. Now if yon need « a carpet, come and look our line over. We know we can please you. And as we have said before, the prices are the « lowest. An immense line of oil cloth. WALL PAPER.—Large and fine stock. . I M. C. TiLIS, II I P" ~P EASTMAN'S KODAK £ NEW STOCK OF WALL PAPER AT 1 II - H„ S. LLOYD'S. I I \ rk Youcancarry itliiyourlianrix onyoui shoul- i> [iJ der, in your pocket or on yourbicyole. £ |fj I ~! You press the button anrl the Kodak will S