Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 21, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    Sixty Men are Buried in a
Colliery's Depths.
Wrecked and Sot Fire to tlie
]\line Shaft.
Ilispcrale I:florin are Iteliiu Made to
Iteacli the 1 iiiprlnoiied .Men. but (lie
< liance* are Lurgel)' Against An) uf
Tliem Hciiiu Found A lit e.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 10. —A special
10 the Post-lntelligcncer from Vic
toria, 15. ('., says: What is feared
will prove to be one of the most hor
rible mine accidents in the history
not only of the province but of the
Dominion occurred Friday at the
I'nion mines, owned by the Welling
Colliery Co., of which Jaincs Duns
muir, the premier of the province, is
the principal shareholder. The tele
graphic advices received so far give
110 complete story of the accident,
but newspaper correspondents are
•hurrying by steamer and tug' boats
to the scene and the full facts will
soon be obtained.
As near as can be gathered the
explosion took place at about It
o'clock Friday morning in Xo. 6
shaft. This shaft is situated in the
village of Cumberland. There were
•io men in it when the explosion took
place and not one of them escaped.
The explosion ignited the mine,
wrecking the shaft from midway
down to the bottom and filling it
with a solid mass of rocks, earth and
timbers. The first explosion was
followed by several more, while a
dense volume of smoke pouring from
the vent holes indicated 111 yt fire as
well as gas was doing destructive
work below.
As soon as possible after the acci
dent the men of the morning shift in
.\o. 5 shaft organized a rescue party.
\o. 5 is situated about a mile from
Xo. 0, hut the two workings are con
nected by a tunnel, and through this
channel an attempt was made to help
the unfortunate fellows in the
wrecked shaft.
They had not cut their way many
yards through the debris when they
encountered fire, which rendered the
place untenable and obliged tbe
party to desist.
The message came back by tele
phone to the surface conveying the
heart-breaking news to the relatives
of the imprisoned lyen. whose urging
was not necessary to induce the re
lief party to return to their appar
ently hopeless task. Overcome at
last by g\is and smoke they reluctant
ly withdrew from Xo. 5 and com
menced work on a long cut from Xo.
4. the only other means of reaching
the men. Work oj this was prose
en ted with the greatest vigor until
an abatement of the fire in Xo. 5 en
abled them to once more return
Many of the men are married and
have large families.
Immediately upon receipt of the
news at the head office of the Duns
miiir Co. a special train was sent to
Xanaimo. Premier Dunsmuir has
not returned from Ottawa, but his
personal representative, A. J. Lind
sey; his son, Robert Dunsmuir; Mr.
Little, the superintendent of the
mine, and Inspector of Mines Mor
gan, left on this special. At Xanai
mo, which was reached last evening,
the steamer Joan awaited them, and
on her they will proceed 00 miles by
water to Union bay, the remaining
six miles by land to Cumberland to
be made 011 the Dunsmuir colliery
Kven should the rescuing party
reach the interior of the wrecked
workings soon, there is little hope
for any of the men locked up in the
shaft. John Bryner, ex-member of
parliament, brother-in-law of the pre
mier and ex-manager of a portion of
the Dunsmuir mining business, said
last nig-ht that scarcely any hope
could be held out for the men. The
only way in which any of thern could
escape would be by reaching some
remote portion of the workings to
which the fatal gases and smoke
could not penetrate. The gas in a
coal mine, he said, did its work ill a
few minutes. Hence the hopeless
ness of the task of saving men who
had been in it for hours.
A second explosion occurred in Xo.
5 shaft at Union colliery last night,
but all tbe men had left the work- !
ings. This explosion prevents any
further attempts being made to res
cue tbe entombed miners through Xo.
5 shaft.
A 'lYri'ible Weapon.
Berlin, Feb. 16. Tn the rcichstag
yesterday one of the military com
missioners said the tests with the
machine gums firing 300 shots per
minute were satisfactory and that,
the whole army would be fitted out
with them during the present year.
Will be Sunk at Sea.
Lorenzo Marques?, Feb. ir>.- The
ammunition, guns and shells surren
dered by the Boers to the Portuguese
at Komatipoort will be sunk at sea.
Schwab to .Manage tlie Combine.
Xew York, Feb. Ifi. —The World
says: Charles M. Sclnwab, president
of the Carnegie St-eel Co., was finally
selected yesterday as the head of the
big steel combination. "Mr. Schwab
enjoys the confidence of every one
with whom he has dealt," said one of
Andrew Carnegie's close friends and
business associates last night. "lie
is the only man in the country quali
fied by ability, training and tempera
ment to manage the new empire of
industry. He has the confidence of
Morgan and RovKefeller, the love of
Carnegie and the good will of the
£O,OOO employes of the Carnegie Co."
They Attempt to Hum Tlirff < lilanso
Hotels—Prompt Work by Kiuplove*
Pre vented llneli Itnnuij!! l .
Chicago, Feb. 15.—Fires were nrt
simultaneously on four floors in the
Palmer liouse last evening and 35
minutes later fires were discovered
on two floors of tilie Great Northern
hotel. Two men, supposed to be
'hotel thieves, were seen to run from
the Palmer house. During the ex
citement SSOO worth of jewelry was
stolen from one of the rooms of the
Great Northern.
Another hotel fire of suspicious
origin, had been discovered only "4
hours before. The three fires con
vince the police that an organized
gang of incendiaries Is operating 1 in
Chicago. (lt»od descriptions have
been secured of the two men who
were seen running from tihe Palmer
house and :i number of detectives are
at work on the ease.
The three tires were:
Palmer House—Four fires set sim
ultaneously in baskets of linen on dif
ferent floors. Fires extinguished by
guests and employes. Two suspects
seen, but allowed to escape. Dam
age nominal.
Great Northern Tlotel—Simultane
ous fires discovered on the H. and .7.
floors. Odor of kerosene on H. floor.
.7. S. Friest, of New York, reported
SSOO worth of jewelry had been
stolen from his room. Damage of
SI,OOO by fire and small panic among
the guests.
Hotel Grace—Fire of suspicion's
origin discovered in linen closet.
TXamagv nominal.
The most dangerous fire in the
Palmer h'ouse was on the fifth floor.
It was extinguished at personal risk
by John MeWilliams, jr.. a senior at
Princeton university and the 20-year
old son of John MeWilliams, a bank
er of Odell, 111.
The police agree fliat tbe fires were
incendiary and last night every im
portant down town hotel was guard
ed by a detail of officers in plain
clothes watching for tbe men sus
pected of having started the fires. A
telephone message was received at
the Palmer bouse while the fire at
the Great Northern was in progress:
"How is your blaze coining on?"
was asked. "The (ireat Northern
is burning finely."
"Who are you?" asked Head Clerk
Grant, but the inquirer laughed and
hung up the receiver.
Jefl'rle* and ft tih llti a re TCn joined from ln
ln Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, Feb. 15. —There will be
no contest between Jeffries and Ruh
lin or any one else in the Saengerfest
hall in this e.ty to-night and no other
date has been fixed for the contest.
Neither will there be any mobiliza
tion of troops in this city to keep Jef
fries and Kulilin from meeting. The
permanent injunction issued Thurs
day by Judge tin I lister against the
proposed championship contest has
caused the indefinite postponement
of the arrangements of the state and
county authorities, as well as the
promoters of the contest.
Judge Hollisrter sustained the state
on all points at issue. He not only
held that courts of equity have juris
diction against a public nuisance, but
also that prize fights are public nuis
ances and that the proposed contest
between Jeffries and Riihlin was to
be a prize fig-lit for the championship
of the world and not a boxing match
for points. The decision was severe
in language as well as decisive in its
holding. It held the proposed event
to be a public nuisance, a moral
wrong, a crime before the law and
such a menace to society as should
be ' restrained even in courts of
A Chicago Report Says that 108 Fac
tories urn be t'nder One
Chicago, Feb. 15. —The Record says:
The newest thing in consolidation is
the tin can combine which is now
being formed with a capital stock of
$10,000,000. The promoter is W. 11.
Moore, who has managed many sim
ilar enterprises. it is alleged an
agreement has been signed with the
understanding that after April 1 the
American Tin Can Co. will control
tihe output of every factory in *he
country. At present there are 108
tin can factories in this country.
There are 05 small factories which
will be closed. This will throw near
ly 4,000 people out of employment
and means a loss of nearly $3,000 a
day to the discharged employes. The
reasons given for the formation of
the big corporation is that for some
time the prices of the product of the
tin can factories have been going
down, until now it is claimed there is
scarcely any profit and, considering
fre .pient bad accounts Which cannot
be collected, the position has become
sr <li that tbe large owners of this
k jrl of property must organize to
p ptect themselves.
Country Hankers Or;anir.e,
Chicago, Feb. 15. —Over 30 bankers
from Michigan, Indiana and Wiscon
sin met here Thursday and took the
preliminary steps toward forming an
association of country bankers. The
aggregate capital represented is be
tween $50,000,000 and $75,000,000. The
primary object, it is said, is to enable
bankers in the smaller towns, by a
co-operative system, to control enter
prises, or furnish the loans for them
in their home towns. The system
will be similar to the one operated
by the Canadian branch banks.
ChlneHC tiiiddlK Far from Settled.
London, Feb, 15.—The Tien-Tsin
correspondent of tihe Standard says:
"The situation in I'ekio is again be
coming complicated, and the pros
pects of a settlement more remote
til si n ever. Count Von Wa Idersee is
said to have sent an ultimatum to
the Chinese court."
Hartli Trembled.
Nashville, Tetin., Feb. 15.-—Quite a
severe earthquake shock was felt last
night at Union City, Tenn. Houses
rocked and windlows and crockery
rattled. The wave was from west to
east and lasted several seconds.
9100 Reward fIOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure in
nil its stages, and that is Catarrh. Ball's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Ball's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its cura
tive powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any cage that it fails to cure.
Send for list oi' testimonials.
Address F. J. Cheney fl- Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Bali's Family l'ills are the best.
NOll Hemic.
"What nonsense!" exclaimed Mr. Meek
ton as he tossed aside the heart-to-heart
talks page. "What utter nonsense!"
"To what are you referring?" inquired his
"To the assertion that a woman need not
expect a man to pay her as much attention
after they are married as he paid her be
fore. 1 am absolutely sure, Henrietta, that
I mind quicker now than 1 ever did." —
Washington Star.
A Decision Reversed.
Mr. Dennis Median, at one time in the
gun business at 90 Maiden Lane, New York,
wrote: "Your Lotion hascured me of Chron
ic Eczema, with which I have been af
flicted three years, and which, after being
in different hospitals eleven weeks, the
physicians pronounced incurable. Your
Lotion quickly relieved me of the terrible
itching, and in five weeks I was aB well as
ever." This is one of many instances in
which Palmer's Lotion has effected a com
plete cure after the case had been abandoned
by the physicians treating it. If your drug
pint does not have it, write to Solon Palmer,
374 Pearl Street, Xew York, for samples of
Palmer's Lotion and Lotion Soap.
Milken Matter* Even.
"Yes, weiare receiving and answering mes
sages from Mars every day," said the Emi
nent Scientist.
"But, if you cannot understand the mes«-
sages, how can you answer them?" asked
the Obtruse Person.
"Huh!" replied the Eminent Scientist,
"they can't understand the answers,
either."—Baltimore American.
CoaidilnK Lend* to Consumption,
Kemp's Balsam will stop the Cough at
once. Co to your druggist to-day and get a
sample bottle free. Large bottles 25 and 50
cents. Go at once: delays are dangerous.
Our Fickle Climate.—"l got my cutter
down yesterday." "Did you? Ride?"
"Nop. Dusted it aad put it back."—Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Lots of men fizz'e out because they think
they are such srrcat ''business" men. —Wash-
ington (la.) Democrat.
New Boarder—"Can I get my meals on
time?" Landlady "Xo. yn»i will have to
pay in advance."—Harlem Life.
The manner in which you are being
"worked," probably excites the contempt
of your acquaintances.—Atchison Globe.
Most of the hard iuck in this world is due
to getting a streak of good luck and then
sitting down to wait for more.—Town Top
Wealth doesn't bring genuine happiness
except, of course, when it fa'.is to a man
whose wife simply won't be snubbed.—De
troit Journal.
It is to the credit of bahirs tlrnt they won't
show off in the presence of company, ;ind
lamentable that the same cannot be said of
grown people.—Atchison Globe.
Football Note.—Bill Kikhard "Wot's
&e matter with the referee? Has he lorst
'is 'ead?" Jem Crushem—"Oh, no! Only
an ear, a few teeth and some hair."—Glas
gow Evening Times.
You can (tool some of the people all of
the time; and by being real busy for three
months before election you can kiss the
babies of enough more to' make up a good
working majority.-—Puck.
Mr. Newpop—"You haven't seen our baby
yet. He s only three months old, but I tell
you he's bright." Jack Kaeheller—"That so?
•, e_ T e , r T?' t "P on bishind legsiand beg?"
—Philadelphia Press.
It was during the natural history hour.
'Give me," asked the teacher, "an example
of the alleged deceitful character of the cat."
"In restaurant it is> sometimes said to pass
itself on for a rabbit," answered the head
boy.—Philadelphia Times.
For the Family I
All ages hail with delight the coming of the most wonderful, meritorious preparation that will lighten the ills If
of humanity and will do away with the taking of obnoxious, violent purges, inconvenient liquids, and pills that tear S?
your life out. Simply because in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic you will find just what you want, convenient in as
form, pleasant of taste (just like candy) and of never-failing remedial action. They have found a place in millions
of homes, and are the favorite medicine of the whole family, from baby to good old grandpa. ©
Dont fc>e> fooled wltH substitutes for CASCARETS! S
cent a respite-— Enquirer. ' Q
Hg "I take pleaanre In pralslnir your vnlTi- slirU 112 3
I able remedy CASCARETS. I ami my whole SC
family received relief from the Orst small box £3
re I w " tried. I certainly recommoDd CASCAHKTB tinu. M HHH
HHH for the cures tb.-y make and trust they will g%
Jgßflßr Swr WW WHBBK fure Oud a place In every home. Yours for success." pho" mm
itStmnW Mr USMim ,„I (1 I'F.TIK WEBU. Jr.. liflr n
MgMm PalmGrovu Ave., McKecsport,Pa. C 3
SBKS Vn, run
.. MHK jfflg H| I B| £A | £9B jSj jjf BMRS §r J J
I"?" ° WELS " W ° Vi i 1
5c RAXTEEO TO CTRE all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliousness* €UARA9ITT.ED TO CURE: Five years ngo the flrat bo* of CAR*
112 3 P"®.breath, bad blood, wind on the Momuoh, bloated bow«*ls, Tool mouth* CAHETf) wiu aold. Now It Is over *l* million boxes a year, greater than any mM
M ,irhf ' Indigestion, pimples, pains after eatlnu, liver trouble, sallow com* similar medicine In the world. This Is absolute proof of treat merit, and fIW
am Si#?! ? n . < * dl**lness. When your howels don't move regularly you aro our best testimonial* We have faith, and will sell CASCA BETS absolutely C 3
WW 5: "lug T t.onstlpatloa kills more people than all other <lUcM»es together. guaranteed to cure or money refunded. «o buy today* two SOc boxes, give
JC * V.. 1 * •tarter for the chronic allmeuts and l*»ng years of suffVrl ng thot come them a fair, honest trial, as per simple directions, and If you are not watlstled pm
p3 S«.r^.n r mi| tter what alls you, start taking CANCIRFTN today, for after using one AOe box, return the unused ftOe l»ox and the empty box to mm
m# *:*J! « w n . eirrr *rt well and be well all the time until you put your bowels us by mall, or the druggist from whom you purchased It, and get your money tfW
mm „'5 nl, * aae our advlcef start with CAHCAIIKTH today, uader an absolute back fbr both boxes. Take our ad vice—no matter what alls you—start today. C 3
mm guarantee to cure or money refunded* Health will uutckly follow and you will bless the day you tlrnt started the use V
SQ dl oftAHCA If jp/i'w. Book free by mall. Add: BTKKLINU KKIIBIH CO., New York ort'htesjjo. f*
Cheap Rntrs to Callfornla.
February 12th and each Tuesday there
after, until and including April 30tn, Special
Low Kate Colonist Tickets will be sold via
the Southern Pacific's Company's "Ogden"
and "Sunset" Routes to all points is Califor
nia. The rate will be: From Chicago
$30.00, from St. Louis, Memphis and New
Orleans $'27.50, from Omaha, Kansas City,
etc., $25.00. Corresponding iow rates from
all other points east and north.
For particulars and detailed information
pertaining to the Southern Pacific Com
pany's Routes, and these special rates to Cal
ifornia, call upon or address
W. (i. Neimyer, G. W. A., S. I'. Co., 238
Clark St., Chicago, 111.
W. 11. Connor, C. A., S. P. Co., Chamber
of Commerce Hldg., Cincinnati, Ohio.
ii.(i. Herring, ('. A., S. P. Co., 711 Park
Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa.
L. K. Townsley, C. A., S. P. Co., 421 Olive
St., St. Louis, Mo.
(C. Cary, C. A., S. P. Co., 208 Sheidley
Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
Had a Variety.
"What is your husband's favorite fiction?"
asked the inquisitive person.
"I can hardly say at a moment's notice,"
said the patient wife, "whether he prefers
the sick friend story or the detained at the
office on business narrative."—lndianapolis
An Innovation.
The Louisville & Nashville R. R. together
with its connecting lines has inaugurated
the Florida Limited, which is a daily, soiid
train, wide vestibuled, steam heated, gas
lighted, with dining ear service for meal*
en route to Thomasville, Ga., Jacksonville
and St. Augustiine, Fla. The sleeper leaving
Cincinnati at 11:15 a. m. is attached at
Nashville, running via Birmingham and
Montgomery, Plant System to Jacksonville,
and Florida East Coast to St. Augustine,
arriving at the latter city at 7:30 tlienext
evening. Mr. C. L. Stone, General Passen
ger Agent, Louisville & Nashville R. K.,
Louisville, Ky., will answer all inquiries con
cerning this train and furnish printed mat
ter concerning it.
Good Credential*.
"Yes, it is terrible," moaned the Weep
ing Mother. "It is terrible to think of our
little son in the hands of the kidnapers."
"But," said the Sympathizing Friend,
"think of the social presitige it gives you."—
Baltimore American.
A Remedy for the Grippe,
Physicians recommend KEMP'S BAL
SAM for patients afflicted with the grippe,
as it is especially adapted for the throat and
lungs. Don't wait for the first symptoms,
but get a bottle to-day and keep it on hand
for use the moment it is needed. If neg
./'Aw*!'e grippe brings on pneumonia.
KI'.MI'S BALSAM prevents this by keep
ing the cough loose and the lungs free from
inflammation. All druggists, 25c and 50c.
Avoidlntc the Hush.
Politician—Tell me the best way to get out
of politics.
Friend Turn prohibitionist.
"Oh, that's too sudden: I want to get out
gradually."—The Smart Set.
Career and Character of Abraham
An address by Joseph Choate, Ambas
sador to Great Britain, on the career and
character of Abraham Lincoln—his early
life—his early struggles with the world—
his character as developed in the later years
of his life and his administration, which
placed his name so high on the world's roll
of honor and fame, has been published by
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
and may be had by sending six (6) cents in
postage to F. A. Miller, General Passenger
Agent, Chicago, 111.
Not a Mil run in.
"Mr. Perkins, 1 father dislike to take your
last daughter away from you."
"Oh, that's all right; she is the last one,
but. I don't intend to let her go 0110 cent
cheaper than the others. What salary do
you get!"— Detroit Free Press.
There IN a Class of People
Who are injured by the use of coffee. Re
cently there has been placed in all the gro
cery stores a new preparation called
GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes
the place of coffee. The most delicate stom
ach receives it without distress, and but few
can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over
} as much. Children may drink it with
ireat benefit. 15 cts. and 25 cts. per pack
tge. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O.
Those Great Inventions.
Admiring Friend—What makes you think
your discovery was so great a success?
Professoi —Why, as soon as«l announced
the idea every savant in Europe remembered
that he had known of it since he cut his
first teeth! —Chicago Daily News.
Throw physic to the dogs—if you don't
want the dogs—but if you want good diges
tion chew Becman's Pepsin Gum.
A conceited man cannot possiblv give ;
anybody else any credit for having any sense. !
•—Washington (la.) Democrat.
Of National Reputation are the Men Who
Recommend Peruna to Fellow Sufferers.
A Remarkable Case Reported From the State
of New York.
House of Representatives, I
Washington, Feb. 4, 1899. (
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus,
Gentlemen—" I have taken Peruna
now for two weeks, and find lam very
; much relieved. 1 feel that my cure
will be permanent. I have also taken
it for la grippe, and I take pleasure e:i
recommending Peruna as an excelleut
! remedy to all fellow sufferers." —
j M. W. Howard.
Congressman Howard's home ad
! dress is Fort Payne, Ala.
MOST people think that catarrh is a
disease confined to the head and now.
Nothing is farther from the truth. Jt
] may be that the nose and throat is the oft
enest affected by catarrh, but if this is so it is
60 only because these parts are more ex
posed to the vicissitudes of the climate than
the other parts of the body.
Every organ, every duct, every cavity of
the human body is liable to catarrh. A mul
titude of ailments depend on catarrh. This
is true winter and summer. Catarrh causes
many cases of chronic disease, where the
victim lias not the slightest suspicion that
catarrh has anything to do with it.
The following letter which gives the ex
perience of Mr. A. C. Lockhart is a case Ln
Mr. A. C. Lockhart, West Henrietta, X.
Y., Box 58, in a letter written to Dr. Hurt
man says the following of Peruna:
"About fifteen years ago I commenced to
be ailing, and consulted a physician. He
pronounced my trouble a species of dys
pepsia, and advised me, after he had treat
ed me about six months, to get a leave of ab-
No Smoke Hoaaa. Smoke meat with
Made from hickory wood. Givea delicioaa flavor.
■ ■ Cbeapßr.cleaner than old way. Send for cir-
ML. cular. E. krunner Si Bra., .Hilton, Pa*
sence from my business and go into tlie conn
try. i did so and got temporary relief. 1
went back to work again, but was taken,
with very distressing pain&in my stomach.
"I seldom had a passage of the bowela
naturally. I consulted another physician
with, no better results. The disease kept
growing on me, until I had exhausted the
ability of sixteen of Rochester's best phy
sicians. The last physician advised ine to
give up my work and go south, after he had
treated me for one year.
"I was given a thorough examination wiU*
the X-ray. They nould not even determine
what my trouble was. Some of your testi
monials in the Rochester papers seemed to
me worthy of consideration, and I made up
my mind to try a bottle of Peruna. Before
the bottle was half gone] noticed a change
for the better. lam row on the fifth bottle,
and have not an ache or pain anywhere. My
( bowels move regularly every day, and I have
taken on eighteen pounds of ffesh. I have
recommended Peruna to a great many, and
they recommend it very highly. I have told
■ several people that if thev would take a bot
tle of Peruna, and could then candidly say
; that it had not benefited them, I would pay
for the medicine." —A. ('. Lockhart.
Mr. W. P. Peterson, of Morris, 111., says:
"I was nearly dead with catarrhal dys
pepsia and am "now a well man, better, in
fact, than I have been for twenty years o*
"Since I got cured by your Peruna I have
been consulted by a great many people."
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use of I'eruna, write
i at once to Dr. Hartm-an, giving a full state
i ment of your case, and he will lie pleased to
give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Ifartman, President of Th»
Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
■ O ■ quk'k relief and cured worofc
Caseti. Book of testimonials nnd lO day*' treittrupnft
Free Dr. U. U. GREEN'S SONS, iiox D. Atlanta, Ua.
A. N. K.-C IHS2
plenae atute that you saw the Advertlw
ment In this paper.