EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Jan. 11,1901. NSMOPHJLA, per jack 112 1 'lO ttraham, " 60 Uye " 60 Buckwheat, " 75 Patent Meal.., " 48 Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 10 Chop Feed, " 1 1® White Middlings. " 1 1" Bran, *' 1 10 Corn, per bushel. jj White Oats, per bushel •M Choice Clover Seed, 1 Choice Timothy Seed, ! A t Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed, Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, I R.C. DODSON, THE lDrucjcjist, GnPORIIIH, »»A . LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. fi^ Ms Only the purest drugs are good for sick people. They can't afford to ex periment. You may safely trust your prescriptions with us. We make a specialty of this work and are proud of the success we have achieved. Doctors appreciate the care and ac curacy with which their prescriptions are compounded and that accounts fur our large trade. It. C. DODSON. Court House, EMPORIUM, PA. Friday Evening, Feb. 8, Jlflojart Symphony (Jlab, of New York. Benefit of EMPORIUM FIREMEN'S FUND. It is with pleasure the Firemen's Entertainment Committee an nounce the engagement of this popular musical organization. Admission, - SO Cls LOCAL DEPARTMIiNT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That which you would like to ace in thin department ,let un know by poa a card, or letter, personalia. Miss Reed attended the hop at Re novo last Thursday evening. Hon. L. Taggart has been confined to his bed the past two days with the grippe. W. C. Griffiths, editor of Austin Re publican, registered at the Warner House on Tuesday. County Commissioner A. F. Vogt's patent lumberman's calked rubber will make him a fortune. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Auchu expect to ic. jjH from the best Oluterean wheat, with only Boneless Bacon—Whole pieces per lb. ■> N™ the rough bran removed, 25c and 45c llVic. • package. LARD—White Rose, best and goes farth- Ki est, per lb. 11c. W% CDCPIfti C CALIFORNIA HAMS, Dold quality per lb. 9c. Ol tUIMLO POTATOES, medium size, line quality, per bushel,6oc. £3 NEGGS will be plentiful and hens lay regularly if fed Pratt's Poultry fc|| Food. The greatest of Poultry Regulators. Use no other. Trial pack- J 3 II ages, 10c. PI N Telephone <>, Fourth St. J. H. DAY. £1 M N i Emporium Furniture Co. 1 §1 I fS WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE YOU. GIVE US A CALL. !|| ———— [m ittiHii! liar 1 OOC FINE BROADCLOTH CASKET, FUNERAL CAR CQC vl 3 JU. - - - AND SERVICES, - - - OUU. w RESIDENCE UP STAIRS. OPEN ALL NIGIIT. |||l Remember the place, next door to the jl| ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. I EMPORIUM HUE GOMPAIYj BERNARD EG-AN, Manager, ffl lemporium. - - - PAJ GrSCH MIDT'S,'^ FOR !ipf^ V V '' ;A FRESH BREAD, J popular Tancy^e c s » ea „. / : n NUTS * CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful attention. §. iIN D3UQT, TRT They nare stood the teit of years, £ - and have cured thousands of , \ fffjcaies of Nervous Diseases, such * 1 V m Debility, Dixziness,Sleepless fl /"l Pl y 3 • ,; y and Varicocele, Atrophy, &c. ALiii6S»( 1 ' V" ** -1| ill lit, \r They clear the brain, strengthen Q T-tX the circulation, make digestion perfect, and impart a healthy vigor to the whole beincj. Ali drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients are properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death. Mailed sealed. Price $ i per box; 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund the money, $5.00. Send tor free. book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0. For sale by R.C. Dodson, Emporium. Pa. for infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought has borne tlie signa ture of Chas. 11. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good " are hut Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought y* Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. The Cameron County Press Is the best advertising medium in this section of the State; has a larger circulation than any other weekly paper pub in Western Pennsylvania. Rates given upon application. OUR JOB PRINTING Department is equipped with all the up-to-date styles of type and first-class work can be done on short notice. 5