Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 24, 1901, Page 8, Image 7

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Scene In Speer's Vineyards,
Gathering ih« Oporto Crape for
Port Jk Burgundy Wine.
Weakly persona. Invalids ami the ajred, find tills is
what they want, a Ktnuiue old-fashioned, rich
Wi ne.^^
Speer's Port & Burgundy
The Finest Wine in the world from
his 56 Acres of Vineyards, where
the soil is rich in iron, imparting
it to the Oporto grape and the grape
to the Wine —causes the dark,deep
rich color, and blood-making>
property of this life-giving Wine.
The Iron in it. This is the Wine
that beats the world in its valua
ble medicinal qualities, for family
use and evening parties; it is
especially beneficial for females,
invalids and aged persons.
The Port Wine is nine years old
and the Burgundy, a rich dry wine
eight years old.
The Claret equals the finest French
Druggists and Grocers Sell it.
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief.
It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or
Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im
mediate—cure certain.
It cures Burns and Scalds. The relief
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and
Sore Nipples. Invaluable.
It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects,
Mosquito Bites and Sunburns.
Three Sizes, 25c., 50e. and SI.OO
Sold by Druggists, or sent pro-paid on receipt of price.
Cor. William & John eta.. RiEW YORK.
■■■ „ rtlf Menstruation
Tansy j^ vemiyß^
E9 lllfi Are Safe and Reliable.
| 1119 gr Perfectly HsrmleM
The Ladies'
Sent postpaid on receipt ol W
price. Money refunded It not a*
-Yin de Cinchona Co,
DM Moines, lowa.
Sold by L Tajigart. £5-26t
A Great Nerve Medicine.
Celery King cleanses the system and builds
it up.
It mokes the blood pure.
It beautifies the complexion.
It cures constipation and liver disorders.
It cures beadacbe and most other aches.
Celery King cures Nerve, stomach, Liver
and Kidney diseases. 1
Sold by R. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.
Anvnno nenrtlng a sketch HIM) description mnj
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on I'atentß
sent free. Oldest aitency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
gpfctal Wilier, without chargo, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nrtrest clr
rulat um of iiny sclent lllc Journal. Terms, $3 a
year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co. 36,Broadwa> New York
Branch Office, (525 F St.. Washington, I). C.
The fragile babe and the growing child I
are strengthened by WH ITE'S CREAM
VERMIFUGE. It destroys worms, gets !
digestion at work, and so rebuilds the I
body. Price 25 cents. L. Taggart.
Watch him who does not hold long to
an opinion.
Whosoever has suffered from piles
knows how painful and troublesome thev
OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure piUs.
Price 50 cents in bottles. Tubes 75
cents. L. Taggart. Jan
A writer in a Buffalo paper says that
"hardly one person out of 25 in that city
who claim to waltz really knows how."
The properties of BALLARD'S
SNOW LINIMENT possesses a range of
usefulness greater than any other remedy.
A day seldom passes in any household,
especially where there are children, that
it is not needed. Price 25 and 50 cents.
L. Taggart. Jau
The population of Berlin will complete
its 2,000,000 by the end of 1902. The
present figure is about 1,843,000.
Many a bright and happy household
lias been thrown into sadness and sorrow
because of the death of a loved one from
a neglected cold. BALLARD'S IIORE
HOUND SYRUP is the great cure for
coughs, colds and all pulmonary ailments.
Price 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. Jan
Only one colored soldier wears the
Victoria cross—Lance Sergeant Gordon
of the West Indian regiment.
HERBINE should be used to enrich
and purify the blood; it cures all forms of
blood disorders, is especially useful in
fevers, skin eruptions, boils, pimples,
blackheads, scrofula, salt rheum and ev
ery form of blood impurity; it is a safe
and effectual cure. Price 50 cents. L.
Taggart. Jan
Australians hold a world's record in
tea consumption, krinking nearly eight
pounds a head yearly.
Many of the blotches, pimples and other
affections of the skin are caused by the
failure of the liver and kidneys to cast off
impurities, which remain iD the system.
HERBINE will stimulate the liver and
kidneys, and cleanse the system of all
impurities. Price 50 cents. L. Tag
gart. , Jan
Shetland has had the largest herring
catch on record—32o,4oo crans, valued
at over 81,500,000.
Quality and not quantity makes De-
Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable
little liver pills. 11. C. Dodson. 81y
Within 11 years the De Beers mines
have yielded diamonds to the value of
over 8100,000,000.
Such little pills as DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are very easily taken, and
they arc wonderfully effective in cleansing
the liver and bowels. It. C. Dodson. Sly
Norway has to import 250.000 tons of
grain a year. She exports 135,000 tons
of fish yearly.
The merited reputation for curing piles,
sores and skin diseases acquired by De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, has led to the
making ot worthless counterfeits. Be
sure to get only DeWitt's Salve. R. C.
Dodson. Sly
The czar has 27,000 wood police, who
each cut £45 worth of wood a year.
They do more than our wood policemen.
The most soothing, healing and anti
septic application ever devised is DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves at once
and cures piles, sores, eczema and skin
diseases. Beware of imitations. R. C.
Dodson. 81y
Bootblacks may not do business in
Boston on Sunday.
When threatened by pneumonia or any
other lung trouble, prompt relief is nec
essary, as it is dangerous to delay. We
would suggest that One Minute Cough
Cure be taken as soon as indications of
having taken cold are noticed. It cures
quickly and its early use prevents con
sumption. It. C. Dodson. 8!y
Pleasure is a nice thing but very ex
Head Feels Like Bursting.
Maybe you were out late last night?
If you had taken a Krause's Headache
Capsule before retiring your head would
be cool and clear this morning. Take
one now and you will be all right in an
half hour. Price 25 cents. Sold by L.
Taggart. Jan
A child is a text book worth studying.
Old Fashioned Cold Cures
are going out of date. The busy man of
today cannot afford to lie abed a whole
day and undergo the martyrdom of the
sweating process. Krause's Cold Cure
are capsules of convenient size, and can
be taken without danger while performing
your usual duties. They cure in 24
hours. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart.
Some people are very conscientious—
in regard to their pocket book.
Rosy Checks?
Do you want them ? Do you simply
want to glow with health ? Do you want
to eat well, sleep well and work well?
j Try Litehy's Celery Compound. Sold by
L. Taggart. Jan
It is easy to find words, but many it is
j who cannot discriminate between nonsense
and argument.
A Simple Cold Cure.
Krause's Cold Cure, in capsule form,
is easy to take and does not affect the
head or hearing like quinine. Try it to
day. Price 25c Sold by L. Taggart.
Fast Trains by the Pennsylvania.
It is learned that on Febrnary 15 the
Pennsylvania Railroad will put on two
solid vestibuled trains between Phila
delphia and Buffalo, preparatory to
taking care of the Buffalo Expo>ition
The trains will make the runs in 11
hours. The train west will leave Phil
adelphia at 8:30 a. m.
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flower still has the larg
est sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers' and grandmothers'
never thought of using anything else for
indig< stion or biliousness. Doctors were
scarce, and they seldom heard of appen
dicitis, nervous prostration or heart fail
ure, etc. They used August Flower to
cleans out the system and stop fermenta
tion of undigested food, regulate the ac
tion of the liver, stimulate the nervous
and organic action of the system, and that
is all they took when they were feeling
dull and bad with headaches and other
aches. You only need a few doses of
Green's August Flower, in liquid form,
to make you satisfied there is nothing
serious the matter with you. L. Taggart.
Get Green's Prize Almanac. ln34eow
Merchants in London are still selling
Boer relics, and, however little their in
trinsic value may be, they bring high
Blown to Atoms.
The old idea that the body sometimes
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
has been exploded; for Dr. King's New
Lite Pills, which are perfectly harmless,
gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex
pel poisonous matter, cleanse the system
and absolutely cure constipation and sick
headache. Only 25c at L. Taggart's
drugstore. Jan
According to the recent cases of hazing
by those college toughs there is no penalty
prescribed for killing a rnufi just for fun.
Thousands Sent into Exile.
Every year a large number of poor
sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked
with coughs are urged togo to another
climate. But this is costly and not always
sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption will cure
you at home. It's the most infallible
medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all
Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The
first dose brings relief. Astounding cures
result from persistent use. Trial bottle
free at L. Taggart's. Price 50c and
SI.OO. Every bottle guaranteed. Jan
When the newspapers murder a man
the verdict of the Coroner is either sui
cide or heart failure.
Pepsin preparations often fail to relieve
indigestion because they can digest only
albnminous foods. There is one prepar
ation that digests all classes of food, and
that is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures
the worst cases of indigestion and gives
instant relief, for it digests what you eat.
R. C. Dodson. Sly
When you ' meet a man who wants
work you can always tell it because he
Persons who suffer from indigestion
can not expect to live long, because they
cannot eat the food required to nourish
the body and the products of the undi
gested foods they do eat poison the blood.
It is important to cure indigestion as soon
as possible, and the best method of doing
this is to use the preparation known as
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what
you eat and restores all digestive organs
to perfect health. R. C. Dodson. Sly
Have nothing to do with the man who
evades the point of argumeut.
This season theie is a large death rate
among children from croup and lung
troubles. Prompt action will save the
little ones from these terrible diseases.
We know of nothing so certain to give
instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure.
It can also be relied upon in grippe and
all throat and lung troubles of adults
Pleasant to take. 11. C. Dodson. 81y
A misfit illustration is more inharmo
nious than a white patch on your black
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets
the remedy that rnr<-s it cold in one day
There is a man in Emporium who is so
afraid that someone will hire him that he
won't take his eyes off the ground.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Epworth League Excursion to Cali
On account of the Epworth League
meeting at San Francisco, July 18-21,
1901, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railway Company will sell excur
sion tickets from Chicago on July 6-13,
1001, good to return until August 31,
1901. Fare going and returning via
any direet route SSO. Going direct
i route and returning via Portland, $69.
Going direct route and returning via
Los Angeles and Shasta route, §03.50.
For sleeping car reservations and full
particulars call oil or address W. 8.
Howell, G. E. P. A., 381 Broadway,
New York, or John R. Pott, D. P. A.,
810 Park building, Pittsburg, Pa. 48-3t
If you want a Boarder,
I Advertise in the PBESS.
"Florida Fast Mail"
"Florida and West India Short Line"
Winter Resorts of the South.
The Only Line Operating Daily Trains to
The "Florida Fast Mail." another of
the Seaboard Air Line Railway's splen
didly equipped trains, leaves New York
daily at 12:10 a. m., 23d Street Station,
Pennsylvania Railroad, with Pullman
Drawing Room Sleeping Car and Day
Coaches to Raleigh, Southern Pines, Co
lumbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, where
connections are made for St. Augustine,
Tampa and all Florida points. This train
connects at New York with train leaving
Boston 7:00 p. m. Leaves Philadelphia
3:50 a. m., Baltimore 0:22 a. m„ Wash
ington 10:55 a. m., Richmond 2:40 p.m.,
arriving at Southern Pines 9:35 p. m.,
Columbia 1:45 a. m., Savannah 5:00 a.
m., Jacksonville 0:10 a. m., St. Augustine
11:10 a. m., Tampa 5:30 p. in. Through
Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper New
York to Jacksonville. Through Vesti
buled Passenger Coaches and perfect ser
For information call on or write to all
Pennsylvania I! ail road offices, or Seaboard
Air Line Railway representatives at 306
Washington street, Bostou, Mass.; 12(10
and 371 Broadway, New York; 30 South
Third St., Philadelphia; 207 East German
St., Baltimore; 1434 New York Ave.,
Washington, or to R. E. L. Bunch, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Portsmouth, Va.
47-Feb. 1
i t
"Florida and Metropolitan Limited"
"Florida and West India Short Line"
Winter Resorts of the South.
The Only Lines Operating Daily Trains to
Effective January 14th, the Seaboard
Air Line Railway, the only line operating
daily limited trains to Florida, will put on
its magnificent new train, "Florida and
Metropolitan Limited," solid from New
York via Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington to Richmond, Raleigh, Columbia,
Savannah, Jacksonville and St. Augustine.
Connections at Jacksonville for Tampa
and all Florida points, and at St. Augus
tine for the East Coast. This train also
carries Drawing Room Sleeping car New
York to Atlanta. Leaves Boston 12:03
a. in., New York 12:55 p. m., (from 23d
street station Pennsylvania Railroad),
Philadelphia 3:29 p. m., Baltimore 5:45
p. in., Washington 6:55 p. m., ariivingat
Southern Pines, N. C. 5:56 a. m., Colum
bus, S. C., 10:00 a. m., Savannah, Ga.,
12:25 p. in., Jacksonville 3:50 p. m., St.
Augustine 5:00 p. m., Tampa 6:30 a. m.,
Charlotte 9:51 a. m., Atlanta 4:35 p. m.
Connections are made both at Miami on
the East Coast and Port Tampa on the
West Coast for Key West and Havana.
The "Florida and Metropolitan Limited"
is luxuriously equipped in every respect, I
with Pullman Drawing Room Car, Com
partment Car with Drawing Rooms and
State Rooms, Observation Car, through
Day Coaches and unexcelled Pullman
Dining Car service.
For further information, call on or
write to ail Pennsylvania Railroad offices;
or representatives of the Seaboard Air
Line Railway at 306 Washington street,
Boston, Mass.; 1206 and 371 Broadway,
New York; 30 South Third street, Phil
adelphia, 207 East German street, Balti
more; 1434 New York Ave.,Washington,
or to 11. E. L. Bunch, General Passenger
Agent, Portsmouth, Ya. 47-Feb .
t t
Special Low-Rate Excursion via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces that on February 7, April 4,
and May 15, it will run special excur
sions from Buffalo, Bradford, Titußville,
Falls Creek, Kinzua, Tidioute, and
principal intermediate stations on the
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division
and from points on the Philadelphia
and Erie Railroad, Erie to Lock Haven,
inclusive, to Washington for the bene
fit of all who may want to visit the
National Capitol. Round-trip tickets,
good going on all regular trains on day
of issue, and good returning on any
regular train within ten days,exclusive
of going date, will be sold at rate of
SIO.OO for the round trip from points on
the Buftalo and Allegheny Valley Di
vision, and from Erie, St. Marys, and
intermediate points; and at rate of $8.95
from Driftwood; $8.15 from RenoVo;
$7.30 from Lock Haven, and proportion
ate rates from other points.
These tickets will be good to return
via Harrisburg or Philadelphia, and to
stop off at Baltimore and Philadelphia
returning, if deposited with station
ticket agents.
For additional information consult
small hand bills, apply to ticket agenta,
or address B. P. Fraser, Passenger
Agent Buffalo District, 307 Ellicott
Square, Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y., or
E S. Harrar, Division Ticket Agent,
Williamsport, Pa. 1860-48-2t
The Election Returns Show
That the Lackawanna Railroad has
been elected Americas most comfort
able Railroad. If the result of election
suited you, take a trip on the Lacka
, wanna with your family; if it went the
! other way, get even by taking a little
: journey, and forget your troubles.
! Remember Lackawanna Agents can
sell you tickets to any point in Greater
America. Excursion rates are now in
effect to all Southern resorts, Cuba,
Florida and the Pacific Coast. If you
want to know all about your proposed
trip, call on nearest D. L. & W. R. R.
Agent, or write Fred P. Fox, Div. Pass.
Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. 37-tf
Thirty-five Days' Tour via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for a special personally
conducted tour through California, to
leave New York and Philadelphia on
February 14, by the "Golden Gate
Special," composed exclusively of Pull
man parlor-smoking, dining, drawing
room sleeping, compartment, aud ob
servation cars, returning by March 20.
This special train will be run over the
entire route. The best hotels will be
used where extended stops are made,
but the train will be at the constant
command of the party.
Round-trip tlcketa, covering all nec
essary expenses, $450 from all points
on Pennsylvania Railroad except Pitta
burg, from which point the rate will be
For further information apply to
ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 1106
Broadway, New York; 4 Court Street,
Brooklyn; 789 Broad Street, Newark,
N. J.; B. Courlaender, Jr., Passenger
Agent Baltimore District, Baltimore,
Ma.; Colin Studds, Passenger Agent
Southeastern District, Washington, D.
C.; Thos. E. Watt, Passenger Agent
Western District, Pittsburg, Pa., or
address Geo W. Boyd, Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Philadelphia.
1858 47-2t
t i
Personally-Conducted Tour via Penn
sylvania Railroad.
The first Jacksonville tour of the sea
son via the Pennsylvania Railroad, al
lowing two weeks in Florida, leaves
New York, Philadelphia and Washing
ton by special train Februay 5. Ex
cursion tickets, including railway
transportation, Pullman accommoda
tions (one berth), and meals en route
in both directions while traveling on
the special train, will be sold at the
following rates: New York, $50.00;
Buffalo, $54.25; Rochester, $54 00; El
mira, $51.45; Erie, $64 85; Williamsport,
$50.00; Wilkesbarre, $50.35, and at pro
portionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries, and full in
formation apply to ticket agents; B. P.
Fraser, Passenger Agent Buffalo Dis
trict, 307 Main street, Ellicott Square,
Buffalo, N. Y.; F. Palmateer, City
Ticket Agent, 20 State street, corner
Corinthian, Rochester, N. Y.; E. S.
Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Will
iamsport, Pa., or address Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
See two girls in another column gath
ering grapes for Speer's wine. Head all
about them. Speer's wines are unex
celled by any in the world. 42-8t
Increase of Indebtedness of the Bor
ough of Emporium, Pa.
NOTICE is hereby given that an election will
be held in the Uose House in the Eastward
of the Borough of Emporium, at the City Hall in
the Middle Ward of Emporium Borough and at
the Rink in the West Ward of the Borough of
Emporium on
Tuesday, the 19th Day of Feb. A. D., 1901,
from 7 o'clock, a. m., to 7 o'clock, p. m„ under
the provisions of the several Acts of Assembly,
and the supplements thereto, in such case made
and provided, for the purpose of obtaining the
assent of the electors of the Borough of Em pori
um to the proposed increase of the indebtedness
of the said Borough for the purpose of purchas
ing necessary ground, erecting an electric light
plant, with the necessary appurtenances thereto,
for the purpose of lighting the streets and public
buildings of Emporium and supplying electric
lights to the public.
Last Assessed valuation $258,259 00
Amount of existing debt (net) 2,609 50
Amount of proposed increase, 7,000 00
Per centagc of proposed increase.. 2.7
Purpose of proposed increase—for purchasing
necessary ground, erecting an electric light
plant, with the necessary appurtenances thereto,
for the purpose of lighting the streets and public
buildings of Emporium and supplying electric
lights to the public.
F. P. STRAYER.President of Council.
E. O. BARDWELL, Burgess.
N'OTICE is hereby given that the Commissio
ners of Cameron county will meet the Tax
Payers at the following "named places, for the
purpose of hearing and determining Appeals on
the Triennial Assessment for 1901. The hours
for hearing will be at each place as follows:
Shippen Township, at the Commissioners'
Office, February 11th and 12th, 1901, from 9 a. m.
to 4 p. m.
Emporium Borough at the Commissioners'
Office, February 13th and 14th, 1901, from 9 a. m.
to 4 p. in.
Portage township, at Sizer Springs House,
February 15th, 1901, from 9 a. 4 p. m.
Lumber Township, Sterling Run, at Alpine
House, February 26th, 1901, from 9 a. 4 p. m.
Gibson Township and Driftwood Borough, at
Commercial Hotel, Driftwood,Pa..February 27th,
1901, from 9 a. 4 p. ill.
Grove Township, at J. M. Shafer's Hotel, Feb
ruary 21st, 1901, from 10 a. 5 p. ni
Notice is therefore given to the Assessors of
the several Townships and Boroughs that they
be present with the board in their respective
districts as well as all persons who may feel
themselves aggrieved. The Assessors are requir
ed to give each taxable a notice at least five (5)
days before the day of Appeals.
A. F. VOGT, ) Pountv
A W MASON v county
E." w! GAS KILL, > Commissioners.
I. K. HOCKLEY, Clerk.
January 15th, 1901.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that an application
will be made to the Governor of Pennsyl
vania oil Wednesday, February 6th, 1901, Josiah
Howard, Joseph Kaye, Henry Auchu. B. W.
Green and Wm.A.Auchu under the act of Assem
bly, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorpo
ration and regulation of certain corporations,"
approved April 29th, 1874, and the supplements
thereto, for the charter of an intended corpora
tion to be called C. B. HOWARD COMPANY,
the character and object of which is for the pur
pose of acquiring by purchase, lease or exchange
timber, timber lands and logs for manufacturing
lumber, doing mill work and making articles
manufactured from wood, and for the purpose of
selling and disposing of such lands, timber, logs
and lumber and other article made therefrom,
and the buying and selling of such articles, and
for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all
the rights, benefits, and privileges of said Act of
Assembly aud supplements thereto.
17-3t Solicitors.
Cash Buyers M Country I'roduec,
Dressed Poultry, Game, Furs, Eggs
and Butter.
Write for the present paying prices.
DANIELSI& CO., Bankers, 6 Wall St., N. Y.
| All Commerciai;Agencies, Express Co.'s,
i Dealers in Produce in U. S. and Canada,
' Established Trade of over 20 years. 34tf.
I Get an
An exceptional opportunity offered
to young men and young women to
prepare for teaching or for bualnesa.
Four regular couraea; also special
work In Muilc, Shorthand, Type
writing. Strong teaching force, well
graded work, good discipline and
bard study. Insure beat results to Kg
students of M
Central State
Normal School 1
| LOCK HAVEN. Clinton Co.. PA.
I Handsome buildings perfectly equipped. 0
J steam beat, electric lights, abundance of M
J pure inountaln water, extensive campus [£f
i and athletic grounds. Expenses low. Bend M
•J for catalog. B
1. R. FLICKINGER, Principal. 'i
112 Central State Normal School, |
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Curo Impotoncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem
yteu ory, all wasting diaoasos, r
all effects of self-abuse or
jEST—J excess and iiidiscretion.
nerve tonic and PILLS
jIN blood builder. Brings
T •wftlio pink glow to pale
IfrjPStWr chaofis una restores the
yflro of youth. By mail CTS.
x 50c per box. 8 boxes for' ——
$2.50, with our bankable gaurantee to cure
or refund the money paid. Send for circular
and copy of our bankable guarantee bond.
Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power,
Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs,
Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nerv6us Prostra
tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the
Besults of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or
Liquor. By mail in plain package. SI.OO a
box, 6 for $6.00 with our bankable guar
antee bond to cure In 30 days or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton6l Jackson Sts., CHICAGO. Ilk
Sold by R. C. Dodson, Druggist,
34-481y. Emporium, Pa.
*o*l Wc have them
in all styles and
J2& v shapes to fit every
112 figure, and every
corse - ® s °ld under
j|g|r ) ) this most '* liberal
* s refunded after four
weeks' trial if corset is not satisfac
Look for this Trade
Mark on inside of
corset and on box. *
Sole Makers. Kalamazoo, Mich
W. H. Cramer 37-13t
A Rood looking
horso and poor look-
Ing harness Is tho
worut klad of a com-
Harness 021
not only makes tho harness and the .KA
horse look better, but makes the MIA
leather soft and pliable, puts It In con- (llm
..I.i * A , ditlon to lost—twice aa long ||
{)!IIlillml//f us ordinarily would. IwNk
mMEh iff 11 It ® ol< * "«7"h*re ,a
WPH| I alecs, ilado by
fe.llP 1
M Cures Drunkenness.
K™eeley c "sp
Write lor ■ INSTITUTE.
BeskleL «2«8 F.nh
y Notice in " Inventive Age " BB Bs Si Hi <
► Book "liow to obtain Patents" |) ■■nalB <
£ Chargee mnderale. No fee till patent is secured. '
J Letters strict! 7 confidential. Address, '
£ E. G. SINGERS, Patent Lawyer. Washington, D. C.'
v;s3n 042-1 y
|Dr, Fanner's KIDNEY \
"am Backache Cure. "
For nil Kidney. Bladder anil Urlniuv
Troubles. Um« Back.Heart Disease Skin
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By dealer*. size by mail «OcFredonla,NY.
R. C. Dodson, Agent,
35 " 91 y- Emporium, Pa t