8 IFIRE SALE 11 "°Lth JASPER WW I7 ST„ 1 I Kill STORE " UST » | p§|| The insurance adjusters have vacated my establishment Sgj and now comes a big contract and big bargains SSj for the people in |J§| 3 Clothing, 1 H .Gents' g |j C Furnishing® || Goods, II m Shoes, 9 S I runks, &c. ll g§a These goods have been slightly damaged by water and I |§| j{lrej| must dispose of the entire stock at once no matter how Em great the sacrifice may be tome. This is not a Sale of goods £§|S damaged by lire, only slightly water soiled. Many tables of |s| were not even touched by the water and again many were 6§j P§| carried from the store before the fire department commenc jpjßj ed work. ||2| § SALE NOW GOING ON. SECURE THE BIG BARGAINS. § Us , By visiting my*establishment you will be waited upon by obliging clerks, and goods cheerfully shown. |l|| IBoys Suits At Less Tlian Half Former Price, Our Shoe Department will go at the same low prices, gd although not a drop of water touched these goods. THESE GOODS MUST BE SOLD K&S FOR WHAT WE CAN GET. ran You will never again meet with such bargains. Had we SSI fSSg the room to care for these goods the sale would never take Jgs place, but in order to dispose of these goods we are offering &i§! EH the entire stock at SACRIFICE SALE PRICES. I JASPER HARRIS. | jjj|p OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE, EMPORIUM, PA. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1900. Sec two girls in another column feath ering grapes for Spoor's wine. Read all about them. Speer's wines are unex celled by any in the world. 42-8t There's a chance for the wireless wiz ards out on the Santa Fe system. To Cure a Void in One Day Take Laxative Biomo Quinine Tablets. All druggists relund the money if it fails to ctire. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. 2Gly Old Defective Flue is liable to be prominently mentioned at any moment. Especially for Delicate Ladies and the Aged For medical use, physicians say Speer's Port Wine surpasses the imported. Del icate ladies and aged people find it the best wine to be procured. 43-enw-8w It would be interesting to know what kind of hats llathbone's coachman wears now. August Flower. "It is a surprising fact," Kays Prof. Houton, "that in my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, I have met more people having used Green's August Flower than any other remedy, lor dyspepsia, deranged liver and stomach, and for constipation. I find for tourists and lor salesmen, and for persons filling office positions, where headaches and general bad feelings from irregular habits exist, that Green's August Flower is a grand remedy. It does not injure the system by frequent use, and is excellent for sour stomachs and indigestion." Sample bottles free at L. Taggart's, Emporium, Pa. Sold by dealers in all civilized countries. Get Green's Prize Almanac. ln34eow A rummage sale of some of the old presents might help along toward the new ones. Food Changed to Poison. Putrefying food in the intestines pro duces effects iike those of arsenic, but Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing constipation, biliousness, sick headache, fevers, all liver, kidney and bowel troubles. Only 25c at L. Taggart. Dec There is little prospect that the new creed patterns will be available before midsummer. Krause's Headache Capsules are unlike anything prepared in America. They were first prescribed by Dr. Krause, Germany's famous court physician, long bctore antipyrine was discovered, and are almost marvelous, so speedily do they cure the most distressing cases. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Dec There need be no fear that the cold weather will interfere with canal digging in Congress. The Best Cold Cure. Is oue you can take without interruption to business. One that does not effect the head or hearing like the continued use of quinine. One that cures speedily and leaves you feeling fresh and clear-headed. Such a one is Krause's Cold Cure. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Dec Towne will not be obliged do look around for an emergency ration until after the holidays. Jangling Nerves. Are you irritable? Do you sleep badly? Is it hard to consentrate your thoughts? Is your appetite poor? Do you feel tired, restless and despondent? Try Lichty's Celery Compound. It will do you more good than anything you have ever tried. Sold by L. Taggart. Dec The Sultau says "Hello Cap!" to the commander of the Kentucky just as if there was nothing up. This signature i 3 on every box of the genuine Laxative Bro;no=Qi:inine Tablets the remedy that curcx* /» cold in oue day Just now a good many people are learning for the first time that Portugal indulges in the luxury of a King. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Those who seek the distinction of sup plying the White House Christmas turkey should remember about the early bird. Colds nelt Away if you use Krause's Cold Cure. Prepared in convenient capsule form they are easy to take and effeet a speedy cure of the most obstinate eases. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Dec The statement that the Preside nt wrote his message by hand is an admission that he has not learned the typewriter. Many persons have had tho experience of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North Strat ford, N. 11., who says,"For yeais 1 suf fered torture from chronic indigestion, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a well man of me." It dig, sts what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia and every form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at once even in the worst cases, and can't I help but do you good. R. C. Dodson. Sly ! ALL SORTS. Don't use any of the counterfeits of DeWitt's Witchllazel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause in jury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for piles, ec zema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and skin diseases. 11. C. Dodson. Bly We're close to a skating stage. Ilelp is needed at once when a person's life is in danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat aud lung troubles. It. C. Dodson. 81y Now the meter gets a move on. When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, but we can't live without food. Kodol dyspepsia Cure "digests what you eat" so that you can eat all the good food you want while it is restoring the digestive organs to health. It is the only preparation that digests all kinds of food. R. C. Dodson. Sly Wu is considerably off on creeds. Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate results is One .< inute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent con sumption. R. C. Dodson. Sly There's nose paint in these breezes. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse the liver, remove obstructions and invig orate the system. R. C. Dodson. Bly The magnates arc throwing excruciat ing throes. When you need a soothing and healing antiseptic application for any purpose, use the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, a well-known cure for piles and skin dis eases. It heals sores without leaving a scar. Beware of counterfeits. R. C. Dodson 81y The original Lincoln man has been dis covered again. For family use in numberless ways BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT is a useful and valuable remedy. Price 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. Dec Adlai is being noticeably neglecled by tho magazines. TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT has been thoroughly tested for many years, and is a positive cure for this most distressing and embarrassing of troubles. Price 50 cents in bottles. Tubes 75 cents. L. Taggart. Dec. It may be that Adlai is engaged on a historical novel. Worms take rotuge in the small intes tine, where they can easily multiply. WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE will destroy these parasites. The verdict of the people tells plainly how well it has succeeded. Price 25 cents. L. Taggart. Dec Many youngsters are now in favor of stocking expansion. Praise the bridge that carries you over cither a flood or a cough. BALLARD'S IIOREIIOUND SVItUP has brought so many over throat and lung troubles, such as coughs, colds, bronchitis, etc., that its praises are sung everywhere. Price 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. Dec This will cause a tendency to (late Christmas mittens ahead. Disease and danger lurk in the vital organs. The blood becomes vitiated and the general health is undermined when ever the stomach and liver fail to perform their functions as nature intended. HER BINE will tone up the stomach, regulate the liver, where other preparations only relieve. Price 50 cents. L. Taggart. Dec There is less talk of creed revision on the part of the Democracy. An attractive woman thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Iler form glows with health and her face blooms with its beau ty. When troubled with a costive habit, she takes a few doses of HERBINE to cleanse her system of all impurities. Price 5(1 cents. L. Taggart. Dec It is now disclosed that Bryan was not consulted about the message. Says he Was Tortured. "I suffered such pain frotu corns I could hardly walk," writes 11. liobinson, Hillsborough, 111., "but Bucklin's Arnica Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic, on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Perfect heal er of skin diseases and piles. Cure, guar anteed by L. Taggart, 25c. Dee NERVITA~piLLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure linpotency, Nifilit Emissions, Loss of Mom. ory, nil wasting disoases, —i all effocts of self-abuse or fS _ J excess and indiscretion. TWA nerve tonic and pill Q jjUblood builder. Briups tlio pink slow to palo tfor checks and restores the JjjViiro of youth. By mail CTS« VTi \soc tier box. O boxes for ■ 3«J.50, with our bankable tjauruntee to cure or refund the money patd. Semi for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. Netviia Tablets;™"™ (YELLOW LADEL) Immediate Results Positively f?narantoecl enro for LOPS of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Usoof Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain package. SI.OO a box, 0 for $5.00 witn our bankable eruar antee bona to cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts,, CHICACC, ILL. So'.d by R. C. Doclson, Druggist, 34-481y. Emporium, Pa. Scene In Speer's Vineyards, AT PASSAIC. N. J. Catherine the Oporto C»rapo (or fort 6c Burgundy Wine. Weakly- persona, Invalids and the aged, find this Is fust what they want, a Kenulneold-fashioned, rich Blood-making Wine. Speer's Port & Burgundy Wine. The Finest Wine in the world from his 56 Acres of Vineyards, where the soil is rich in iron, imparting ' it to the Oporto grape and the grape j to the Wine —causes the dark.deep j rich color, and blood-making' i property of this life-giving Wine. The Iron in it. This is the Wine I that beats the world in its valua ble medicinal qualities, for family use and evening parties; it is especially beneficial for females, invalids and aged persons. The Port Wine is nine years old and the Burgundy, a rich dry wine | eight years old. I The Claret equals the finest French j product. j Druggists and Grocers Sell it. f^HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS A. A. ? FEVER*, Congestions, In (lamina* < LHHS $ iions, Lung Fever, Milk Fever. 11. 11, > SPRAltfti, Lamerceas, Injuries, CURES) Kheuinutism. S?F K THROAT, Quimy, EpUootlc, CURBS j VUtcinpcr, j i'i'hto j ORMS, Dot.,, Grubs. S'JSailnfluenza, Inflamed clicks > Lun«n, Pictiro.Pneumonia. F- M'OLIC. Bellyaehe, Wind-lilown, I CURES > Diarrhea, Dysentery* 0.0. Prevents MIMAIt It I AGE. 'uiu£g } WDAEY A IJLADDEH DISORDERS. '* "* DISEASES, Mange, Eruptions, CURBS > L leers, Grease, Farcy. J, . K,lTlo\, Ktarinc Coat. ( iii&i j litdiit'i'nlion, Momacli Htaggers. 60a. «Ach; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Hook, &c., $7. At druggists or sent prepaid 011 receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William & John Sts., New York. VETERINARY MANUAL SENT FREE. NERVOUS DEBILITY, vital ivi:arm:ss and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in useover4o years, the oniy successful remedy. $1 pel vial,or apccial package with powder,for $5 Sold by Druggists, or sent pout-paid on receipt of price. OL'MPIIKKYS' MED. CO., Cor. William & John Sis., New Yorb Red Suppress?!! KsiistruaSlon Cross PAINFUL Menstruation Tansy ■*, n ■ ■ liiKEGUIAKIXIES. E9 ill $5 Are Safe and Reliable. 9 BR E G A£K Purely Vege- The Ladies ® PRICESI.OO Sent postpaid on receipt ot price. Money refunded it not es eay - Yin fla Cinchona Co, Dea Moines, lowa. Sold by L. Taggart. 25-266 IN QUANTITY. SEST IN QUALIT^ i WHITE'S CREAM ¥ERSVIIFUGE| Z FOR 20 YEARS Z \ Has led all WORM Remedies. \ JEVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. 9 tfi SOU) IIV AI.L SBtOUISTS fa / Prepared bj \ \ RICIIAEDSOS HKDK INK CO., HT. LOl'lft. / For sale by L. Taggart. 35-26-ly. Cf CHESTER'S ENGLISH PILLS " . Always reliable. Lad leu, ask Druggist fov •■U fiIi;STKH\S LNULI»II in Ked and .it metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. ■ ««»Other. Kefu«e dangerouM Kiib»ti