4 €lcarr)ei?or) ®oui)fy j^ress ESTABLISHED BY C. B.QOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year |2 00 If paid in advance $1 50 ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements are published at the rate of one iollar per squarefor oneinsertion and fiftycents per square for each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are low and uniform, and willbefurnished on appli cation. Legal and OfflcialAdvertisingperscjuare,three timesorless, |2 00; each subsequent insertionSO cents per square. Local noticesten cents per line for one insertion, Ave cents per line for eachsubsequentconsecutive i ncertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per line. Simpleannouncements of births, marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising No localinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The.lob department of the PRF.SS is complete, and affords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for in advance. EDITORIAL HENTION. llow are the mighty fallen! Grover Cleveland's autograph brings only four shillings in the London market. Emperor William evidently thinks that he can stir up troubles enough of his own without assum ing any of Oom Paul's. The census of "domestic ani mals not on farms'' in the United States, is plainly inaccurate. It puts several cities down as having only one or two asses. Well, Lord Roberts having set tled the Boer war, Lord Kitchener will now proceed to settle it again. Thus there will he glory enough for all. Both Chicago and New York are having spasms of reform, and the dive keepers have put up their shutters and retired to live on their savings lor a week or two. This thing of breaking wills is getting serious. Pretty soon all estates will go according to the law of interstate descent if this thing continues much longer. It seems strange that Minister Choate isn't able to patch up a truce between the Prince of Wales and Tod Sloane. What does he think he drawi his salary for? Talk about German trade restric tions and of coal to New castle and of anything else of the sort that may occur to you. Here is the United States shipping cab bage to Germany to make sauer kraut! Pity the sorrows of the poor. The poor brewers who increased their output only three million bar rels in 1900 and the poor bank de positors who have to blow in all their wealth on revenue stamps are both on the point of bankruptcy. As we expected, Col. Mills' re port demonstrates to any fair mind ed man that Cadet Booz was not killed by hazing, and that the chances are he was not hazed at all. Still, since an official investigation would be more conclusive, let us have one by all means. As Senator Frye declared in the Senate recently, the pending ship ping bill scarcely even resembles the original Hanna-Payne bill. Discussion has resulted in so many amendments that the former can hardly be recognized in the latter. Only the principle remains. Now a Boston man has decided that he will compete for the honor of defending the America's Cup against Sir Thomas Lipton. The more the merrier. The cup is a national matter and should be de fended without regard to the origin of the defender. The latest plan of the Democratic members of the Ways and Means Committee seems to be a somewhat novel one. They want to reduce taxation beyond the safe limit so as to compel the Government to issue bonds to pay the expenses of the Philippine troubles. The idea is that this would force retirement from the islands. Mr. Bryan refused to be an actor, but he is now filling the role of hired man to the magazines. Solomon Up-To-Date. No man can espouse a good cause on an empty stomach; therefore, satisfy his hunger before you fill him with religion. The life of a man is in the power of his tongue, yet a dumb man generally lives as long as an orator. He that ftndeth a good wife flndeth a good thing, but every man that gets married does not always hold a win ning ticket in the matrimonial lottery. A man that has friends must be friendly; yet a purchased friend is sel dom a true one. He that is noted for giving gifts hath lots of friends, especially at Christmas tide. He that witneßseth a lie shall not go unpunished; yet there are plenty of perjurers who are living in affluence through their testimony. He that keepeth the commandment# keepeth his soul; but the men who keep their soul are few and far be tween. I2OeALJ^OTieES. Fine boxes of bon-bons from 25c to 50c, at H. S. Lloyd's. A wonderful stock of Holiday goods at Taggart's Drug Store. A fine line of Bibles, and "Key of Heaven" can be found at H. S. Lloyd's. Sterling silver comb and brush sets at Taggart's for fifty cents a set. The best goods at the lowest prices is what keeps Laßar's team busy—watch them. 42 Beautiful assortment of China pieces on exhibition and..sale at Taggart's Drug Store. FOR BENT. —Furnished rooms to let. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Hackenberg, Em porium, Pa. 41-4t Your children's Xmas will not be complete without some of that choice confectionery at H. S. Lloyd's. The only place in the county to buy the best furniture at the lowest prices, at Laßar's. 42 Taggart's old-time twenty-five cent table is running full blast, at back end of his Drug Store. WANTED QUICK.— Do you want a doctor quick? Phone No. 26, and Dr. Heilman can be had instantly from any part of town. 40-4t Parlor suits, book cases, chofFoniers, bedroom suits, in fact everything in the furniture line, going cheap at La- Bar's. 42 Rocking chairs ! Rocking chairs!! Rocking chairs !!! an endless variety to select from for Christmas. All prices at Laßar's. 42 FOR SALE.— A well watered farm with good buildings, for sale or rent. Termß easy. Also town property for sale. Apply to F. D. Leet, Emporium, Pa. 41-4t We have a larger and better stock of books than ever before, from "Mother Goose" to the latest novels at H. S. Lloyd's. Zinc and Grinding Maife Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf Don't let that foolish fad (Ebony) cost you three or four dollars in a comb and brush set, but goto Taggart's Drug Store —as fine set as can be made for four dollars. SHAW'S PURE MALT.—Is no doc tored compound, but a pure, wholesome and strengthening stimulant. Especi ally commended for medical purposes. Sold by F. X. Blumle, Emporium, Pa. n2-yl It pays to buy the best—or at least to get the best value for your money. We make no reduction on goods be cause they have been injured in any way, therefore you get the real article, without blemish. N. SEGER. ATTRACTIVE GOODS.—H. A. Zar ps & Company, at the Fair Store have a wonderful attractive line of goods now displayed for Chistmas, consisting of the greatest variety of fancy goods, toys, and —well it is simply impossible to enumerate the wonderful line of goods. Call and inspect them. Pennsylvania Railroad Company will Issue Clerical Orders for 1901. The Pennsylvania Raiiroad Company announces that clerical orders will be issued for the year 1901 to ordained clergymen having regular charge of churches located on or near the line of their road. xVpplication blanks may be obtained of ticket agents, and same should reach the General Office by December 22, so that orders may be mailed by Decem ber 31 to clergymen entitled to receive them. Orders will be issued only on individual application of clergymen when made on blanks furnished by the Company and certified to by one of its agents. 1844-lt The Election Returns Show That the Lackawanna Railroad has been elected Americas most comfort able Railroad. If the result of election suited you, take a trip 011 the Lacka wanna with your family; if it went the other way, get even by taking a little journey, and forget your troubles. Remember Lackawanna Agents can sell you tickets to any point in Greater America. Excursion rates are now in effect to all Southern resorts, Cuba, Florida and the Pacific Coast. If you want to know all about your proposed trip, call on nearest D. L. & W. R. li. Agent, or write Fred P. Fox, Div. Pass. Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. 37-tf CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1900. Stops the Cough And Works off the Cold, Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a eold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. 26yl On the Scent of Bribery. A Primrose Dame, canvassing a Lon don constituency, called upon a Mrs. Smith and asked for her husband's vote. Mrs. Smith expressed regret, but was afraid her husband would vote for the Liberals. "The fact is," she said, "he has been promised a new suit of clothes if he votes for the other side." The Prim rose Dame was in an ecstasy of curiosity. "Who had made the promise?" Mrs. Smith mustn't tell. Half a sovereign was offered for the information; but Mrs. Smith was of the opinion that she could n't tell for that. "Well, look here, I'll give you a sovereign if you tell me," said the lady at last. Then Mrs. Smith suc cumbed to the tempter. Having received the money she revealed the secret. "If you will know ma'am it's me &s told him that if he'd vote for the Radicals I'd give him a new suit of clothes—and thank you for helping to pay for it.'"—London Chronicle. A Woman's Awful Peril. "There is only one chance to save your fe and that is through an operation" were the startling words heard by Mrs. L. B. Hunt of Lime Itidge, Wis , from her doctor after he had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stone.s had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electric Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a wonder ful stomach, liver and kidney remedy. Cures dyspepsia, loss of appetite. Try it. Only 50 cents. Guaranteed. For sale by L. Taggart. Dec New York has a Malay Colony. We have a small number of Malays and Lascars in the sailors' boarding-house district, which is situated near the East and North rivers, down town. The Ma lays are chiefly Manila men, although many come from Batavia, Samarang and Singapore. The Lascars are from India. They are all so dark as to be taken for negroes, but their features are Caucasian and their hair is straight, stiff and wiry. They are peaceable and orderly up to a certain point, and then they lose all self control and generally resort to the knife. The number varies from fifty to four and five hundred. They are inveterate smok ers, and many of them use opium as well as tobacco.—New York Post. Sow Death Near. "It often made my heart ache," writes L. C. Oversreet, of Elgin, Tcnn., "to hear my wife cough until it seemed her weak and sore lungs would collapse. Good doctors said she was so far gone with consumption that no medicine or earthly help could save her, but a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery and persistent use of this excellent medi cine saved her life." It's absolutely guaranteed for Coughs, Colds Bronchitis, Asthma and all throat and lung diseases. 50c and 81.00 at L. Taggart's. Dec Cameron. Editor Press:— E. 11. Lininger visited the county seat Monday. E. I). Parks of Emporium was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Fox of Drift wood was in town Monday, the guests of W. H. Morse and family. F. Germio moved his family down from the little dam, and occupies one of the houses in the Block Row. L. K. Huntington of Emporium was in town Tuesday looking after business. Warren McConnell and Joe Yocum visited the county seat Saturday. John Schwab of the C. S. N. S. at Lock Haven is home until after the Hol idays. George Cooley who has been to school at Brookville the past few months arrived home Saturday to spend the Holidays. Sam Ebersole of Sterling Run was in town Tuesday on business. Able Morton of First Fork was in town Wednesday, the guest of E. F. Comley and family. B.E. Smith of Sterling Run was a vis itor to our village on Wednesday. The dance in K. G. E. hall last Fridav was a success. Everybody enjoyed a good time. Alex. Schwab moved his family into one of the Block houses last week from First ward. F. 11. Lundy, who has been operatin» here for several weeks past, loft last Sat urday forTamaqua where he has accepted a position on the Philadelphia & Reading It. R. Mr. Osborne of Sterling Run has taken his place here. Letter to W. H. Cramer. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: It is your business to know what materials to put into a house as well as to plan it. Of course, you know the effect of zinc on lead in paint toughens it. Do you also know the greater effect of zinc ground in? For a painter can't grind; he can only mix. Devoe lead and zinc is thoroughly ground in oil. The result is an intimate mixture. Your painter can only mix; he can't grind; there's no need of grinding by hand. He should buy lead and zinc ground together in oil. Devoe lead and zinc is that; the pro portions are right besides. It outlasts lead and oil two to one, and costs no more—even less; for hand-work can't compete with machine- work. Yours truly, 16 F. W. DEVOE & Co. Sinnamahonlng. Editor Prett:— The Buffalo & Susquehanna railroad is now connected with the P. & E., at this place, and after some ballasting and lining up is done, will be ready for business. I have been reliably informed that, the first regular train, a mixed one, will be placed in service about Jan. Ist. This road will be of more benefit and importance to this place than may at first appear. Not only will it open up a more convenient avenue of trade and communication between Cameron and Potter counties but will also be of much importance from a commercial standpoint. Our mills will no longer be compelled to depend on rain and snow for a supply of logs, but they can be brought here by rail—a convenience to the parties interested. Besides this the lumber market of western New York will be more accessible to the Sinnamahoning valley, the benefits of which is at present somewhat speculative and must be solved by future developments, but in all events our people have just cause for being elated over the adveut of this new railroad. Barclay Bros', new bridge, crossing the First Fork, which was partly built and damaged by the recent flood is being rap idly completed and will, when finished, withstand any ordinary flood without injury. Parties desiring to secure first-class music for the holidays will do well to consult Pap Blodget and his Zobo band. Their"selections"have a very s(h)oothing effect on human nature. There can ex ist no care or sorrow, rats, cats, dogs or crying babies when this combination be gins to toot. Neither would the blowing of steam whistles and the ringing of church bells annoy you when this band is getting in its work on schedule time. Terms cheerfully furnished on applica tion. •TOE. The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They never gripe. R. C. Dodson. 81y New Publication. The revision of a work which has been before the public for over forty years, and which has an annual circulation of over ten million copies in five different lang uages, is somewhat remarkable. Its veu erable author here gives the result of half a century of professional experience iu perfecting his system of medicine. As a guide to those who use his Specifics and valuable hints as to diet and care of the sick this Manual of 144 pages is admir ably systemized for the needs of the sick. We especially notice the unmistakable professional tone which pervades every page of the book. This pocket edition contains a portrait of the author, and the cover is a beautiful half-tone from an or iginal model, and will be sent free, postage prepaid, on recjuest to the Humphreys' Medicine Company, corner William and John Streets, New York. Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co. 396 to 408 Main St.—American Block, BTJF'F'.A.IjO, N. Y. We are making the greatest and fin est display of holiday goods ever shown in Buffalo. In all departments of our great dry goods store we show an extraor dinary variety of useful and novel arti cles suitable for Christmas gifts. We lead the trade in Christmas books, toys, dolls, games, fancy goods, art novel ties, handkerchiefs, gloves, furs and in all staple dry goods departments. You must not visit Buffalo without seeing our grand Christmas display. Pay you to come to Buffalo for no other reason. Pan- American Sou venir Handker chiefs. With Pan-American flag border and the famous artistic "Beck Design" in center can only be bought from us. These elegant souvenir squares in silk and satin, with the unique and beautiful "Beck Design" in centre and the border of the flags of all the North and South American countries arc truly works of art arid make Christmas presents of rare val ue. The flag border is copyrighted by us and we have the exclusive priviledge of using the "Beck Design" on fabrics, and, as we have said, these splendid souvenirs and advertisements of the great Pan- American Exposition of next year can be bought only from us We have the following kinds: 24-incli surah silk squares, SI.OO each, with your choice of Beck Design in cen tre or view of Niagara Falls, satin squares, 51.50 each. Those flag handkerchiefs or squares make elegant pillow tops. We have pillows made up at §4, §5 and $5.50 Heavy sateen pillow toj s, Gsc each. AIIIM, MElDlill A- ANIIEItSOS CO., The American Block. BUFFALO, N. Y Fl v .* • -OUCT, TRf TTievnarcstood theteftofyearf, V £ , ..—. 112 cured thousands of K I U « iu,i< U • £ i/J ///ycases o( Nerrous Diseases, such If (W 1(v . ... , • A-'Jilt Ijcb ' l »y. l>luines!,Slee[iles»- fr rf i *.l, -/. J J»«» » nd Varicocele,Atrophy, &C. MUhIII • ' „jnrTThey clear the brain, strengthen the circulation, make digestion -*®S6T?? 0 ''" ' h ? whole being. All drains and losses are checked patents Mailed se le't U p ' CO K^"'2 r lS worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death. HfiwFlSfjX 1 Z *' P« t»*: 6 boxes, with Iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund tho *» money, fc.oo. Send for free book. Address. PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0. For sale by B.C. lJodson, Eoiporium, Pa. The Cameron County Press Is the best advertising medium in this section of the State; has a larger circulation than any other weekly paper pub in Western Pennsylvania. Rates given upon application. OUR JOB PRINTING Department is equipped with all the up-to-date styles of type and first-class work can be done on short notice. G. SCHMIDT'S. 1 — HEADQUARTERS FOR FRESH BREAD, § popular 1™.,.. CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful skillful attention. for infants and Chi idren. The Kind You Have Always Bought bas l>orne the signa ture of Clias. H. Fletcher, and lias been made under liis personal supervision for over years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. _______ THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. FIRST ORJSAT |A™VEEARYSALE:! One Year Ago, i When we first entered this business field as HONEST, pj !' up-to-date, "PRICE LOWERING HUSTLERS" for the || people's patronage, we were met with the cold and most bit- |||)| ter enmity of the high-priced profit-grasping monopoly, who J|> fought us, "tooth and nail," both in the open and in the §||j dark. But we drove, rough shod, over these 100% autocrats and right from the start victory perched on our low|priced ifl banner. M iThis month we shall celebrate our signal mercantile Ip victory and First Birthday by giving the public, who stood !H by us so nobly and aided us by their most liberal patronage |lf and personal support, the greatest lay out of Gigantic Bar- W gains ever offered iu any town on earth. For months we have persistently planned for this event, ffl v and now have the finest and largest line of !|| Holiday Furniture in this County. Come one! Come all ! and join iu this first GREAT Hf ll ANNIVERSARY BARGAIN JUBILEE. H HI AN ENDLESS LINE OF BEAUTIFUL CHAIRS. §§ |j| MAIL ORDERS receive prompt and conscientious attention ||f pi WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE YOU. GIVE US A CALL. |Scienlilic Embalming! MM J h FINE BROADCLOTH CASKET, FUNERAL CAR COP M , OOU. - - - AND SERVICES, - - - OJO, «| H RESIDENCE UP STAIRS. OPEN ALL NIGIIT. pf (|| Remember the place, next door to the 11 1 ODD FELLOWS BLOCK.I in 111! HIE COMPANY.; ' H BERNARD EG-AN, Manager, - - 3PA J