returns favored Van Sunt, but his lead is slight. The Mo Kin ley vote seems to be considerably more ilian £O,OOO more than that for Bryan. WASI' 1 NGTON. Seattle. Nov. S. — About one-half of the total vote of the state of Wash ington has been reported .did shows McKinley 27.4X1, Bryan 20*51. For governor. Frink, rep., 23,030; Kogers, g c. Corn —No. 2 at 45c. Oats--No. 2 white 28c. Butter —Creamery IOC"24o. Cheese —Large white 10%(itl0%c. Eggs—Firm at 23(&26c. Cleveland, Nov. 10.— Flour —Winter wheat, patents, $4.05(("« 40c. Cattle —Choice steers $4.50(a5.00, light $4.40(u 4.60, calves $6.00(«6.75. Sheep—Good $3.60(jt3.75, best lambs $5.2'>(«5.40. Hogs—Yorkers and pigs $4.05. Toledo, Nov. 10. —Wheat—Cash 76V 4 C. Corn —Cash at 37'yjjC. Oats—Cash 22c. East Liberty, Nov. 10.—Cattle —Ex- tra ss.soffi 5.70, good $1.90(«5.20. Hogs—Heavy $5.10. Yorkers $5 15. Sheep—Prime wethers choice lambs $5.00(d 5.25. East Buffalo, Nov. 10.—Cattle— Heavy steers $5.20, calves $7.75. Hogs—Yorkers $5.10, roughs $4.45@ 4.V0. Slice]) —Wethers $4.10t7r 4.35, lambs $5.25(0 5.40. Cincinnati, Nov. 10. —Hogs—Active n t $3.50@4.90. - Cattle —Steady at $2.25(5 5.00. Sheep—Easier at $1.50(^13.75, Motherhood m female trouble bear healthy children ? How anxious women ought to be to give their children the blessing of a good constitution 1 Many women long for a child to bless their home, but be cause of some debility or displacement of the female organs, they are barren. Preparation for healthy maternity is accomplished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound more suc cessfully than by any other medicine, because it gives tone and strength to the parts, curing all displacements and in flammation. Actual sterility in women is very rare. If any woman thinks she is sterile, let her write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., whose advice is given free to all expectant or would be mothers. Mrs. A. D. Jarret, Belmont, Ohio, writes: " DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : —I must write and tell you what your Vege table Compound has done for me. Before taking your medicine I was unable to carry babe to maturity, having lost two—one at six months and one at seven The doctor said next time I would die, but thanks to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I did not die. but am the proud mother of a six months old girl baby. She weighs nineteen pounds and has never seen a sick day in her life. She is the delight of our home." Mrs. Whitney's Gratitude. " DEAR MR. PINKHAM :—From the time I was sixteen years old till I was twenty-three I was troubled with weakness of the kidneys and terrible pains when my monthly periods came on. I made up my mind to try your IBHESP**! Vegetable Compound, and'was soon relieved. The doctor said I never would be able togo my full time and have a living child, as I was con stitutionally weak. I had lost a baby at seven ' IglaflP months and half. The next time I continued to take your Compound: and I said then, if I ll ll went my full time and my baby lived to be m Gt- three months old, I should send a letter to TOO. (.J fay My baby is now seven months old. and is as I jgMT \ /r healthy and hearty as any one could wish. I {nL n cannot express my gratitute to you. I was so RRL kad that I did not dare togo away from home If, to stay any length of time Praise God for I ' F F I' \ & Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable COIII IMRS.L.Z.V*..TNEYO**BABY pound; and may others who are suffering j j do a 8 j am j fj n( j re ii e f Wishing you suc cess in the future as in the past, and may many homes be brightened as mine lias been."—MßS. L. Z. WHITNEY, 4 Flint St., Somerville, Mass." The medicine that cures the ills of women is lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I —i——— Dr. Bull's Cough fa] Cures a Cough or Cold at once. W"MH Vfe OHBnX JB) Conquers Croup, Whooping-Cough, W® jgjl Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Grippe and AT Consumption. Mothers praise it. Doctors prescribe it. Quick, sure results. Get only Dr. Bull's 1 Price, 25 4QE I Dr - Uull ' s cure Constipation. Fifty pills, 10 cts. Trial box, 5 eta. WALTHAM WATCHES Ralph Waldo Emerson in an essay on Eloquence said, in speaking of a man whom he described as a Godsend to his town, "He is put together like a Waltham Watch." " The Perfected American Watch ", an illustrated book of interesting information about 'watches, will be sent free upon request. American Waltham Watch Company, i Waltham, Mass. MSHORTHANDADM As much Miperlor to ordinary addition as utrmtK ruphy l« to fiiuK wrltlntr. Hlmple, rapid, accu rate. Can add and prove quicker than any adding machine. -\o mcntul utruln. A child can become prollclent in fiOday.s. Complete Instruction* In 4 lenaonn. Sent prepaid oil receiptof sl. I.earner can re-imburse many time- over teaching others Address MIDIiANJI PITH. CO.. IMB Hill 1 e Ntreeti - t illt,'At«Oi ILL. Dnlnty Dtiiertu Can be made with Burnham's Hasty Jelly con. Delicious jellies from purest ingredi ents. Dissolve a package in hot water and 1 set away to cool. Get a package at your Grocer's to-day. There are six flavors; orange, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, peach, wild cherry and the undavored "eajfsfoot" for making wine and coffee jellies.' '• riDODC V !yE,V DISCOVERT; gives vlW# ■ quick relief undcureu worst rn>.f»a. Dock of testimonials* and lO day*' treatment I «««• i;. 11. 11. UKKKN'B SONS, Box D, Atlanta. Ua. READERS OF THIS PAPER DESIRING TO BUY ANYTHING ADVERTISED IN ITS COLUMNS SHOULD INSIST UPON HAVING WHAT THEY ASK FOB, REFUSING ALL SUBSTITUTES OK IMITATIONS. — ■ HO! FOR OKLAHOMA! 31,000,000 ucitm new land* to open to settlement Subscribe for THE KIOWA CHlEF,devoted to infor mation about these lands. One year. SIOO. Sinpla copy. loe. Subscribers receive free illustrated book c»»? j Oklahoma. Morgan's Manual <2lO pa ire Settler's liuide> with line sectional map, SI.OO. Map. 25 cent*. At' above,sl.76. Address DICK T. MORGAN, I'EKW, O. A. N. K.—C 1838 rH CURES WHElifc ALL ELSE FAILS. E3 |pd