~— j ple and Inexpensive That Every body Can lint e It.. A tight barrel makes an excellent coop for chickens, as it is almost ready for use as it is. Throw a lot cf dry loam into the bottom, when GOOD BARREL COOP, turned on its side, to make a level floor, and nail two strips at the front, as shown. Malt? a front of laths as shown in the cut and place against the strips. A nail at either side will liold it in plac£. During th*- day let the slatted part be at the bottom, to the chicks can run in and out. At night simply turn the front arwund in its place, so that the more solid part may come at the bottom to keep out prowling enemies and to keep the chicks in.—Orange Judd Farmer. PRESERVING EGGS. Formula t'*e " One specialist said no medicine could help me, 1 I must submit to an operation. " I wrote to Mrs. Pink ham, stating my case, and received a prompt reply. I took Lydia £« Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and followed the advice given me and now I suffer no more• If any one cares to know more about my case, I will cheerfully answer all letters."— i MISS EDNA ELLIS, Hig ginsport, Ohio, If Von Have Pimples, Tetter, Eczema or any disease of the skin or Mucous Membranes that can be reached by an outward application, it can he cured by using Palmer's Lotion, the jreat beautifier and Skin Curer, which |kuulJ., Minneapolis, Minn.. Jan. (i, 1900. A few men are self-made, but many more are self unmade.—Chicago Daily News. To Cure n Cold In One liny Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it tails to cure. 25c. "No, Geraldine, the partition of China is not the same thing as the Chinese walk- Indianapolis News. Throw physic to the dogs—if you don't want the dogs—but if you want good diges tion chew Beeman's Pepsin Gum. A great bar to education is the habit that ignorant people have of getting angry when they cannot understand.—Town Topics. Hull's Catnrrfi Cure Is a Constitutional Cure. Price, 70c. Danger cannot be surmounted without danger.—-Chicago Daily News. WALTHAM WATCHES The name Waltham engraved on every movement the American Waltham Watch Company makes, guarantees the movement absolutely and without any reservation whatsoever. The Perfected American Watch ", an illustrated book of interesting information about watches, . 11. HANSON. G. I'. A.. Chicago. I AniFC When Doctor*ami others fall toreli< vo bHIIICdt you. try N K. M. It:11 never f.-iiln. Bo* fm- Mm. 11. A. Rowuu. Mllnuukic. Wihi. Ifl ?UCATIO N A L. ~ FRANKLIN COLLEGE il-,« &EK nnciafcOMiniHtf*-; total.llWa year: book* fr«-. . Ih.uhl and iiion sl. fitlinnc(i«'ti n<-t>ul< <>rix; catalogue t) with |»lan to rnrn fuoilk Ml.oir.t. W. A, niLI.IAUS, D.D., I'ri-i. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. Conducted by the Sisters of tlio Holy Crr.sc., Chartered 1X55. Thorough Knglish and Classical education. Regular Collegiate Degrees." I:t Preparatory Department students care fully prepared for Collegiate course. Physical and Chemical laboratories well equipped. Con servatory of Music and School of Art. flvm nasium under direction of graduate of Roston Normal School of Gymnastics. Catalogue tree. The 46tli year opens Sept. 4. 1000. Address. DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY, St. flary's Academy, - Notre Dame, Indiana. 7