THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 35. |SaSSHSHS2SHSciSHSHSH=iHSiH2SjiJ ! STORE NEWS | S Dress Goods. g § Autumn Styles. rfl Unusual values right upon the Ln Ln threshold of the season. Yes ™ [H that is the welcome news. See nj 1 n] them—you are sure to be inter- m uj ested. [n j | Mattings. HI Good Mattings, lowly priced, n] m You can be suited in this matting U] Ln section of ours. Every style of [}j [n durable matting is here. Good nj n] mattings at little prices that is uj jjj the story. uj j I Waist and Shirt § Bargains. [fl Your special attention is call- m In e d to these waist and skirt bar- ri! [U g a in ß . This lot offered at very "J nl low prices, contains only those Ln j Ui of correct style and standard QJ ■ jjj quality. 3 j S M.O. TULIS. m 0> "=TH EHHSHSHS HSESHSELSTdSHS SHiJ OLD RELIABLE DRUG STORE'S Prescription Department is np to date in every par ticular. Hundreds will at test to the very low prices. 30 years experience. Wall Paper. 2000 rolls at 3c per roll. A great variety of high grade paper at greatly re duced prices. Paints! Paints! Paints! Paints, oils and varnishes, a full line. Enamel paints, varnishes and stains, in all colors. Fishing Tackle. Save money ! Call for your Prescrip ns , Paper, Paints, Oils Fishing Jcklj . L. TAGGART , Prop. V J R. Seger&Co., THE PIONEER TAILORS. Opposite M. E. Churcli, Emporium, Pa. STYLISH CLOTHES for the people, GUARANTEED FITS. We carry at all times, the largest line of' imported and domestic goods to be found in this section of the state. Our prices are within the reach of all, while we aim to please our customers. New SUMM Kll STYLES now here. STYLISH BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS. R. SEGER cV CO. w m EASTMAN'S KODAK £ • . r—~ IFI> LLOYD'S LONG RANGE FORECAST OF THE RX( TLL'WFJLL WEATHER AND EASTMAN'S KODAK. !, • I / \ Spring trade is booming, notwithstanding the general coin- Pj fl Ns\ ii \ < DAAMJUp i of dealers about the weather, forest fires and dull trade. ||jl lj < s DUULUILLLL. \ \\ c ar p to date, away ahead of any previous season. Why? jj n 2 112 £ Clear-sighted men and women have discovered where they can get I - i-uiDAY. Local thunder showers. j fc'w^w"7 j "wAvA«.v/'v best and tlie most for their money in wall [taper; in gloss white en -1 112, vr ! i