Four Typical American Women The Wives of the Four Principal National Candidates Kr?. Ida Saxton McKinley is a granddaughter of John Saxton, the founder of the Canton Repository. The families of both her parents were smong the pioneers of Ohio. She was born in Canton June 8, 3847. She sent to the seminary at Media, fc'a., but delicacy of constitution com piled her to leave the school at 16 years of age and continue her educa tion at home. Her father, James Sax ton, was an advocate of business edu cation for women, and she spent some time as his assistant in the Saxton bank at Canton. After the close of the civil war she was sent to Europe to finish her education, and upon her return made the acquaintance of Maj. McKinley, to whom she was married en January £5, 1871. The invalidism which has so strongly brought out I'resident McKinley's devotion to his wife did not attack her until after tier marriage. The home life of the president and bis wife is ideal, and EA7£/S/ T 1- II INSIDE BENT OF BARN ROOF. ecnted in the drawing. J B, B, are pieces of board 12 or 14 inches wide at the widest point, spiked or nailed on each side of the joint in the raft ers. A piece same thickness as raft ers should be fitted in between these boards, filling space formed by the tinple in the rafters and all firmly nailed together. Cis a piece of board j eight inches wide spiked on each side of pair of rafters at ridge. The car ; track can be hung on these. The ridge of barn should be one- | half as many feet above the plates as the barn is in width. The I dotted half circle touching at the ! points marked a, a, a, a. a, shows the form of the roof if properly made, j Rafters two feet from centers. I§4b Small boys, and many times large ones, MM occasionally girls, too, big and little, l^ jat |> X' I \A V_ v suffer terribly from convulsive pains or i • . ' ! "cramps" in the bowels and stomach — £/J K \ pain SO violent that it "doubles up" the V Yy\ I / ' ' ones attacked, and makes it impossible for . |fv vi \ —/ them to stand up. }> *( j\ j . ;i ■ / Some people call it colic, but most honest, \J/J J J I plain-spoken people call it '"belly-ache" and very I/K^ / ) &XC \ properly, for the seat of the trouble is in the .• J CaP 1 U \ bowels, and caused by the violent efforts of the Vfßb. \ bowels to rid themselves of something which I/ \ doesn't belong there. The small boy usually 112 j — j '\V\ \ pfP gets it from over-eating or from eating forbidden I i \v\ \ fruit, and suffers mostly in the summer time. ' //fflP 1 . 1 / /~K It's spring now, and"in times of peace, prepare j'm" ■ \ \i / x r war *" Let *ke boys and girls and the big J M J( folks, too, for that matter, clean out the clogged Snt' I I F i Y CJH channels filled with winter biie and putrid undi -7 U L- * gested food, strengthen the 30-feet of bowel ' *1 ■ —■ l • ■ canal, liven up the liver, and "summer belly , „ , aches" will have no terrors, because they won't fepJrc T 7 r "! ake the H 7 ache-proof is to use CASCARETS, gentle, sweet, fragrant the perfect system cleaners and bowel strengthened. For fear that anybody in the family should ever be attacked by belly-ache, keep a box of CASCARETS in the house always, and remember that all pains and troubles in your insides are 25c. 50c!*^^ykMiEC5lll^* ,^^^^DRUGGISTS To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a box free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, mentioning advertisement and paper. * 4W o-.1-.c W*hcn * preparation has ,in advertised rep utation thiil is world wide, it means that 1 preparation is meritorious. U you to intc J a L tiirf to buy an article that has achieved universal popularity like ( ascarets (',mdy | Cathartic for example, you feel it lias the , indorsement of the world. The judgment I ol tin- people is infallible because it i 8 j m . I personal. J'he retailer who wants to sell you j s ! "lething else" in place of the article you I as* for. has an ax ti grind. Don't it stand to I r eas °n'' He's trying to sell something that I ,K not what he represents it to be Why? | Because he exp< cts to derive an < xtra profit our of your credulity. Don't you see through his little game? The man who will I try to sell you c. substitute for Cuscurots is a fraud. Beware of him! Me is trying to I steal the honestly earned benefits of a repu ! fation which another business man has paid I lor. and if his conscience will allow him to |go SO far. he will go farther. It he cheat# his customer in on< way. he will in another .Mil, it is not safe to do business with him. Beware of the C'ascaret substitutor! Kernember Cascarets are never sold in bulk but in metal boxes with the long tailed c ( every box and eath tablet stamped A man smoking a cigarette boarded a T nion traction ear, and a woman handed him an anti-cigarette tract. "Thank you, ma said he."l j] take it home to my son. ' —Muncie Star. The lioxem of ( lilnn are attempting to solve a gigantic problem, but tii' y are going about it in the wrong way and will never succeed. Some people, in this country, seem to think that they have as great a puzzle on their hands in selecting a location for a home. They will certainly go about it in the wrong way unless they in spect. the beautiful farming countrv on the line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway in Marinette county, Wisconsin, where the cropsare of the best, work plenty, fine markets, excellent climate, pure, soft water; land sold (heap and on long time. Vv hy rent a farm when yen can buy one for less than yon pay for rent? Address C. K. Rollins, Land Agent. 101 La Salle St., Chi cago, 111. Give a rig plenty of milk and it will make * bog ot itself. —Chicago Dai!} News. C'ltrlcr'n Ink good and so cheap that no family can afford to be without it. Is yours Carter's? A girl !S>» forgive a man for kissing her on the impulse of the moment, but never for apologizing for it.—lndianapolis News. "Papa, what is the difference between a professional and an amateur golf player?" "Oh, about $5,000 a year."—Town 'lopies. To fore a Cold In tln<> IJny Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. A1 druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 26c Man's inhumanity toman enables the po liceman to draw his salary.—( hicago Daily News. Drugs have their uses, but don't store them in your stomach. Beeman's Pepsin Gum aids the natural forces to perform their functions. Black cigars ar« the very latest in widowers' weeds. —Chicago Daily News. Ilall • Catarrh Cure Is a Constitutional Cure. Pi ice, 75c. nun (""ism u.atic Compound is jm Sfc K I "woniy positive cure fust «. In I ■■ I I perience speaks foritself IJnnoi Killb oo b. CaiUorUitt avu, Übicagu. 1 Cigar Dealers Like | 0 to have their regular customers smoke 2 Old V lrginia Cheroots ■ ■ because they know that once a man ■ m starts smoking them he is "fixed/' £ J and that he will have no more trouble 2 # with him trying to satisfy him with • 2 different kinds of Five Cent cigars. 2 Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this " ye»r. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. ® POOR LITTLE JOHNNY! AND HIS "TUMMY"! - MY OWN SELF ACAJN." Mr*. Gaten Writu to Mrs. Plr.khaiEi, Follows Her Advicf and IN Made Well. " DF.AU MRS PINKHAM: For nearly two and one-half years I have been in feeblehealth. AftermylittlechilGcarue I have taken Lydia 1". Pinkliatn's Vege table Compound as advised and now send you a letter for publication. For several years I was in sueli wretrbed health that life w;.s almost a burden. I could hardly walk across the floor, was so feeble. Several of our best physicians attended me, but failed to help. 1 concluded to write to you for advice. Jn a few days i received such a kind, motherly letter I followed your instructions and am my 'old self' a fain. Was greatly benefited before I had used one bottle. May (iod bless you for what vou are doing for suffer ing women." MRS. CLARA GATES, Johns P. 0.. Miss., Oct. C, I(3y the Sisters of tho Holy Cross. Chartered 1855. Thorough English and Classical education. Regular Collegiate Degrees. In Prcparator}' Department students care fully prepared for Collegiate course. Physical and Chemical laboratories well equipped. Con servatory of Music and School of Art. fiym nasium under direction of graduate of Boston Normal School of Gymnastics. Catalogue free. The 46th year opens Sept. 4. lfcOO. Address, DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY, St. Hary's Academy, - Notre Dame, Indi&no. I AR|CC» When Doctor s»and others fall to relieve kNUtkai vou.try N F. M. H: it never fails B<,x frci-. IH rm. It. A. Bownn, Milwaukee, Win. A. N. K.- c 1825 Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. ÜBC CsJ In time. Hold bv drunclstH. Ml atesEMHxisEcazaSi 7