A breath 01 Pine Ualsam in every cake. III T W "" Tliis perfect A Product of Porfect Purity *°*p is m >de FOR ROUGH SKIN. cated, il destroys disease perms, keeps the pores open and makes the skin soft and velvety. No other soap so effet live for purifying and beautifying the complex. - i n. The only preventive of pimples and blackheads. L sed by physicians for bath, sick room and nursery. 26c. cake* at leading drug fchopa, or :t rakrt, 6oe. Mailed on roceipi ut |»rioe by LOKIXJN SI PI'I.Y CO., SVI ilr<>td»ay, N.Y. n C A CNESS AND HEAD ULAI NOISES CURED r i.lustraii-d bv»i».k of fe'itiuiotuaU, 43 pages. | 11 mm mm VETERINARY SPECIFICS A. A.IFEVERK Congestion*, I nil annuo- CURES ) tioiiH, Lung Fever, Milk Fever. 11. lI.jKPHAnw, I.QineiiCNH, Injuries, (IKES) KliriiuiallMin. {KOItK THROAT, Epizootic, CURES > Distemper. JtJUiiwOU-MK ISotH, (irubn. fc-1, E. M'Ol Cold*. Influenza, [nllnmcd ■RES ) Luii;:", l'leurn-l'ueuinoniu. I . I . H OLM . Uell vnclic. Wind-IJlonn, CURES) Diarrhea, I>>Mentciy. G.G. Prevent** >IIM AHl{|\(iK. DE \IM>KK DISOFIDEKS. B. I. )S?il\ llh M Mange, Eruption*, CURES ) I leers. 4*rea*e, I'nrev. .?. li. ) II \K) COMHTIO.V sinring < ont. ■CUES J IndigcMticn, Moiuaeli Mugger*. Wc. each; Stable Care, Ton Specifics, Book, Ac., $7. At druggists or scut prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., v>»r. William & John ftts., New \ork. VETERINARY MANT AL SENT FREE. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAI. WUAKXKSS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over AO years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or special package with powder,for $5 Sold bj Di aggisM, or seat post paid out • • l|»t «>' pi Ice. DCHPIIUIiVS'MKD. CO., t or. U .ilium U Jul:n HU., New York \ The Cure that Cures i p Coughs, (s\ \ Colds, J p Grippe, (k W. Whooping Cough, Asthma, J Bronchitis and Incipient A Cj' Consumption, Is FoIM p y g The GERMAN REMEDY" d \jr iVvc&'t -ax\& Vuwa AXscasea. j li. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa. c jHSHSHSH SHSHSHSB SHSHS^ | S«>OQ f(eWard.: n] The above Reward will be paid [n J] for information that will lead to tlieju arrest and conviction of the party f{] m or parties who placed iron and Blabs in Ln on the track of the Emporium &rJ Q; liicli Valley il. if., near the enst|j] riJ line of Franklin Housler's farm, on [n Lrj the evening of Nov 21st, 1891. pj $ HENRY Aucnu, p| ru 38-tf President, ut Business Cards. Ji. W. GREEN", ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, I'u. A business relating to estate,collections, real estates. Orphan's Court and generallaw business will receive prompt attention. 42-ly. J. C. JOHNSON. J. P. MCNARNEY, JOHNSON & McNARNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en rusted to them. 16-ly. MIC HAEL li RK NNA N, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Real estate an«l pension claim agent, 3-3-1 y. * Emporium, Pa. K. 1). LEEI. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and INSURANCE AG'T. EMPORIUM, PA To LANN Ow NP.SAND OTHERS IN CA MERON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard vfooritimber lands,alsostumpage<&c. 112 andparties desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call on me. F. D. LEET. ITY HOTEL, WM. McQEE, PROPRIETOR Emporium, Pa. Having again taken possession of thisoldand popular house I solicit a share of the public pat ronage. The house is newly furnisliedand is one of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county. 30-1. y. THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,; Emporium, Pa. ! "7^WII.EIAM MCDONAID, Proprietor. I take pleasure in infV rminfe the public that [ have purchased the old t;nr the accommodation of Ihe public. New in all its:ipj ointments every ' ' *ition willbepaidto the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly MAY (JOULD, TEACHER OF PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY, Also dealer in all the Popular Sheet Music, Emporium, Pa. Sell'.!ars tauoht either at my home on Sixth st r< ■( I or at the homes of the pupils. Out oftown Bcliolars will be given uatcs at my roomsin this place. i . h i.Et'K, ri. D. s.. DENTIST. Office over Drug Store, Emporium, Pa. CMS and other local anar sihelic.s ad- Tt-}^~'Z\ i: 11 i'''- ru• 1 for the pain le ■ - ext racti<>n T t of teeth. SPF.t 112 ALT Y: Pre-c: v:it inn of natural teeth, in cluding Crown and Bridge Work. 112 will visit Dr'flwood the first Tuesday, and Sinneniahoning the third Wednesday of each month. Wanted-An Idsa SSS Protect your Ideas: thry may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDERUURN & CO., Patent Attor neys. Washington, D. C., for their 01, Mo prize offer and libl of two hundred inventioiis wanted. EXCURSION NOTICES. (1. A. R. ENCAMPMENT. keduced Rates to (iettysburg, Pa., via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account O. A. R. Encampment. For the G. A. R. Encampment, De partment ot Pennsylvania, at Gettys burg, .Juife 2-9, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will sell excursion tickets to Gettysburg from all stations on its line in the State of Pennsylvania at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold and good going June 2-5 and to return until June 11, inclusive (min imum rate fifty cents). 1606-13-2t Reduced Rates to Philadelphia. On account of the Republican Na tional Convention at Philadelphia, June 19, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Philadel phia from all stations on its line AT RATE OK ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP (minimum rate 50 cents). Tickets will be sold and good going June 15 to 19, inclusive, and returning to June 26, in clusive. 1598-12-5t ALL SORTS. "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the finest pills I ever used."—l>. J. Moore, Millbrook. Ala. Tliey (juiekly cure all liver and bowel troubles, li. ('. Dodson. i-'-iy As between the overripe oyster and the irreen strawberry, it uii»ht be as well to tike soup. "After suffering from piles lor fifteen years I was cured by using two boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." writes W. .). I'axter, North Jirook, N. 0. It heals everything. Beware of counterfeits. I!. C. Dodson. lil-ly Courtes-y and kindness arc good things for family use but many people reserve them for strangers. The easiest and most effective method of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWitt's Little Ear ly Risers, the famous little pills for cleans ing the liver and bowels. It. C. Dodson. 13-ly One swallow may not make a summer, but one bull frog makes a spring, and one banana skin a fall. J. C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn., says, "I cannot say too much for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. One box of it cured what the doctors called au incurable ulcer on my jaw." Cures piles and all skin diseases. Louk out for worthless imita tions. It. C. Dodson. 13-ly When a boy begins to wash his neck without being iicked to do it, it is a sign he is passing through his first love affair. "I bad stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope ol being cured till I be gan to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has done me so much good I call it :lie savior of my life," writes W. R. Wilkin son, Albony, Tenn. It digests what you eat. It. C. Dodson. 13-ly One good way of keeping the boys and girls in the home is to have plenty of attractive reading matter there. . W. S. Musser, Millhcim, Pa., saved the life of his littiy girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure when she was dying from croup. It is the only haini less remedy that gives immediate results. It quickly cures coughs, colds,bronchitis, grippe, asthma and all throat and lung trouble. 11. C. Dodson. U5-ly If a mini has a good scheme and makes money out of it people call him a geuius; if he loses they call him a fool "After suffering from severe dyspepsia over twelve years and using many reme dies without permanent good I finally took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It did me so much good I recommend it to every one," writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Recorder, Cillicothe. Mo. It diirests what you eat. R. C. Dodson. 13-ly "The newspapers of a town are its looking glasses," says an exchange. In this connection we might state that some towns have mighty poor mirrors. J. (,). Hood, Justice of the Peace, Crosby, Miss., makes the following state ment: "I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it. My wife could not get her breath and the first dose of it relieved her. It has also benefited mv whole family." It acts immediately and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis, asthma and all throat and lung trouble. R. C. Dodson. 13-ly The healthy contest for second place on on the ticket is occasioned by the fact that the nominee will be a winner. Howard. We, the undersigned druggists, offer a reward of 50 cents to any person who purchases of us. two 25 cent boxes of Baxter's Mandraks Bitters Tablets, if it fails to cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headache, jaundice, loss of appetite, sour stomach, dyspepsia, liver complaint, or any of the diseases for which it is recommended. Price 25 cents for either tablets or liquid. We will also refund the money on one package of either if it fails to give sitisfaction. L. Tagsart. R. C. Dodson. !-54-251y According to our weather man, who generally comes close, it will rain Sunday. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy bo.w. The doctor ! called mi said at fir.~t it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it tirev.' worse and the doctor then said ! bad rheumatism. I coiitin *o grow v.i.i and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlain's Pain Halm. I tried it and one half of a fifty cent bottle cured me en tirely. I now recommend it to all my friends.— F. A. Habcoek, F.rie, Pa. For sale by L. Taggart, druggist. jun CAMP;RON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNK 1900. TraTClerHUulitv. RAILROAD. X PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD DIVISION. 11l effect M.iv 27. IPOO. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM II AST WARD tt 15 A. M. Truiii 12 week days lor Sunbury, Wilkesbarre, Scrantou, Hazleton, Pottsville, llarrixburn ami intermediate slat ions, arriving at Philadelphia 6.281'. M., New Y0rk9.30 P. M., Baltimore 6.00 P. M., Washington 7.15 P. M. Pullman Parlor car I'rom Williamsport to Philadelphia and passeiiKercoacheHfrom Kane to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Balti more and Washington. 3 iJO P. M.—Train 6 daily for Harrisburg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia,4.2s A. M., New York 7.13 A. M. Baltimore, 2:30 A.M. Washingtan, 4:05 A.M. Pullman sleeping cars from Harrisburgto Phil adelphia and New York. Philadelphia pas senßerscan remainiusleeper undisturbed un ti17:30 A. M. 0 42 P. M.—Train 4 Daily for Sunbury, Harris burg and intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia 6.52 A. M., New York 9.33 A. M., weekdays, (10.33 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 6.35 A. M., Washington 7.44 A.M. Pullman sleep ing cars from Erie, Buffalo and Williamsport to Philadelphia and Buti'alo, Williamsport to Washington. Passenger cars from Erie to Philadelphia and Buffalo to Washington. WESTWARD. 5:10 A. M.—Emporium Junction—Train a week days for Erie, Ridgway, Dußois, Clermont and intermediate stations. 10 25 A. M. Train 3 Daily for Erie and week days for Dußois and intermediate stations. 0 23 P. M. Train 61, week days lor Kane and intermediate stations. THROUGH TRAINS FOR EMPORIUM FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. Train it leaves New York 5:55 p. m., Philadelphia 8:50 p. in., Washington 7:15 p. 111., Baltimore 8:45 p.m., daily, arrivingat Emporium Junction 5:10 a. m., with Pullman Sleepers and passenger coaches, from Philadelphia to Erie week days and from Philadelphia andWashing ton to Buffalo, daily. Passenger coaches, Philadelphia to Eric, week days: Washington to Buffalo, daily; Oil Sundays this train ar rives at Emporium, 5:13 A. M. Train 3 leaves New York 7.55 p. m., Philadel phia 11.20 p. m., Washington 10.10 p. m, Balti more 11.55 p, in., daily, arriving at Emporium 10.25 a. ni., with Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Erie and Baltimore to Williamsport-on Sundays only Pullman Sleepers from Philadelphia to Erie. Train HI leaves Philadelphiaß.lo a. m., Washing ton 7.55 a.m., Baltimore 8.55 a. m., Wilkesbarre 10:55 A.M., weekdays, arriving at Emporium 6.23 I'. M., with Parlor car from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Kane. o IDG WAY & CLEARFIELD RAILROAD and XV Connections. (Week days.) SOUTHWARD. Stations. NOBTHWAB9 P. M . jA. M. A. M.L P. M. I\ M. P. M. 3 25 11 12 6 001 Kane 12 20 3 05 8 25 343 11 31 622 .. .Wilcox 11 58 a 45 805 3 56 11 46 6 36 ..Johnsonbui'g.. 9 55 2 33 7 52 I I I 15 12 10 7 00 .. Ridgwav,.... 935 215 7 30 12212 17 707 . Island Run... 92S 2 OS, 723 427 7 12 Carman Tr'nfer 9 23i 2 03| 4 35 12 30 7 21 .. Croyland.... !) 15: 1 541 7 09 13912 33 725 ..Shorts Mills.. 911 1 51 705 4 12 12 36 728 ...Blue Rock... 907 1 47 701 1 46 12 40 7 33 Carrier 9 02 1 43 6 57 45612 50 743 .Brockwayville. 853 1 33 647 1 59 12 51 7 17 . .Lanes Mills.. 847 1 28 643 751 .McMinns Sm't. 843 507 193 751 .Harveys Run.. 839 1 lfl! 635 515 1 10 800..Falls Creek... BSi 115:6 30 5 30 125 8 10| Dußois 825 1 10! 6 10 5 17 1 20 821 Falls Creek... j 7 01 11 00 630 531 1 32 8 38 .Reynoldsville. I 1 00: 6 14 602 1 59 905 Brookville... !61012 33 537 6 18 2 38 9 45 New Bethlehem i 11 58 4 19 7 28 3 15 10 20 . Red Bank.... I It 23 4 05 9 55 5 30 12 40j.. ..Pittsburg ... 1 9 10 1 10 P. M. P. M. P. M (A . M. A. M. P. M. Through Palace Car to Pittsburg on train leav ing Falls Creek at 8:25 A. M.; returning on train leaving Pittsburg at 1:10 p. ill. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agl. TIME TABLE No. 28. COUDERSPORT & PORT ALLEGANY R. R. Talcing effect June 15th. 1898. EASTWARD. 10 4 *> '2 STATIONS. P. M.!'. M. A. M. P. M. Port Allegany, Lv. U 15 7 18 12 10 Coleman, *3 23 00 *l2 15 Burtville *3 30 7 29 12 22 Roulette, 3 40 7 30 12 30 Knowlton's, *3 45 ' *l2 33 Mina, *3 59 7 40 12 10 Olmsted, 405*7 50 . . *l2 44 Hammond.s, °° 00 ..... M2 49 112 Ar. 1 20 7 57 12 53 Coudersport. - Lv „ 15 , (;0 North Coudersport, ! 00 *1 05 Frlnk's, *6 29 *1 14 Colesburg, *6 36 121 Seven Bridges *6 39 *1 21 KAviuonds's, *6 49 135 Gold, 654 111 Newlield 1 45 Newfield Junction, 702 150 Perkins 00 «l 53 Carpenter's, 00 *1 56 Crowell's, "7 10 '1 59 Ulysses, Ar. 718 210 WESTWARD. 1 513 A. M. P. M. A. M Ulysses, Lv. 7 32 2 30 10 05 .... Crowell's »7 41 *2 39 »10 15 Carpenter's, 00 *2 11 »I0 18 Perkins, •2 44 *lO 21 NewfieldlJunction, 7 47 2 16 10 25 Newlield, "7 51 250 *lO 30 Gold 7 55 2 54 10 85 Raymond's »7 59 2 59 *lO 40 Seven Bridges *8 11 »3 11 *lO 55 Coleslmrg, *8 14 814 *llOO Frink's *8 38,*8 22 *ll 09 North Coudersport 00 '3 31 *ll 20 ( Ar. 8 36 3 36 11 30 Coudersport, < P.M.! ( Lv. 841 600 120 Hammonds 00 00 00 Olmsted »8 46 »6 06 *1 27 Mina, 850 610 131 Knowlton's, 00 *6 18 00 Roulette 9 00 6 21 1 45 Burtville. 908 629 2 55! Coleman 00 *6 35 00 ! Poit Allegany I 9 21; C4O 2 35; (*) Flag stations. (°°) Trains do not stop. Connections —At Ulysses with N.Y.C. & H.R.R. for points north and south. At Newlield Junc tion with Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R. north of Wellsville, south of Galeton andAnsonia. At Port Allegany with W. N. Y. &P. R. R., north lor Buffalo, Olean, Bradford and Smethport; south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium and Penn'a R. R., points. B. A. McCLURE, Gen'l Supt. Coudersport, Pa. TIUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURGH O RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. 011 and after Jan. 1. 1900, passenger trains will departfrom Johnsonburg as follows: NORTH BOUND. 8:48 A. M.—Week days, from P. &E. Station for Mt. Jewett, Bradford and intermediate stations. 2:02 P.M. Daily, including Sunday, from li. It. & P. Station, Grant Street, Fast Express, solid vestibuled train for Bradfoid, Buffalo and Rochester, equipped with cafe and re clining chair cars. 4:23 P. M. Week days, from P. A I-;. station, for Mt. Jewett, Bradford and intermediate stations. SOUTII BOUND. 0:12. A. M. Weekdays, from lv A- K. station for Ridgway, Brockwayville, DuHofs, Puuxsu tawney and intermediate points. 1:4.0 P. M. I >:. ily including Sunday, from 1;. 11. & !'. station, Grant Street, Fa t I".:.pre.-s, solid vestibuled train for Ridgway, Dußois, Pnnv.su tawney, Butler and Pittsburg, equipped with cafe and reclining chair cars. 0:12 P. M.—Week days, from i'.Al'. >tation, for Ridgway, Brockwayville, Dußois, Punxsu tawney, and intermediate stations. Thousand mile tickets, good for passage be tween all stations on li.lt.,Vl'. Ry.,and N.Y.C. A: ll.lt. R.il'enna. Division at twenty is2oi dollars. Passengers are requested to purchase tickets before entering the ears. An excess charge of len cents will be collected by conductors when fares are paid on trains, from all stations where a ticket office is maintained. EDWARD C. LAPEY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Rochester,K. v . Travelers' (iulclc. \ LLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY. XV 111 Effect Sunday, May 27th, 1900. (Eastern Standard Time.) EASTBOUND. STATIONS. NO.B. 13. 1 5 7 41 I I Via A. V. Ry. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M P. M A. M. Pittsburg,. Lv > +6 15+9 10 +l4O *505 J 9 10 Red Bank, 1 9 '22 11 23 4 05 7 50 11 15 Lawsonham 1 934 4 18 11 26 New Bethle'lll 10 08 11 58 4 49 8 25 11 55 Brookville +6 10 10 55 12 S3 5 37 9 07 12 41 , Reynoldsville,. 647 11 27 100614 935 114 Falls Creek 7 01 ! 11 43 1 10 6309 50 1 29 Dußois 7 08 +ll 50 125 6 38 *955 { 1 35 Sabula, 7 20 ; 1 38 6 54 Pennfleld, 7 39 1 55 715 5? Benne/.ette 8 15 2 29 7 49 & Driftwood +8 65 +3 05 +825 ? via P. & E. Div k Driftwood.. Lv. *9 00 +4 00 Emporium, Ar. *lO 25 +6 23 A. M. A. M. I'. M. P. M I'. M V. M. WESTBOUND. STATIONS. No. 8 0 2 14 10 42 Via P. A. E. Div A. M. A.M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Emporium, Lv. +8 20 +3 15 Driftwood, Ar +9 00 +3 58 Via A. V. Ry ... . Driftwood, Lv. +6 30 +1125 +5 50 Bennezette, 7 05 12 00 6 27 Pennfield, 7 39 12 34 7 03 Sabula 7 56 12 51 7 21 Dußois "6 25 8 15 1 10 +5 10 7 35 J4 10 Falls Creek 6 32 8 251 20 5 17 7 42 1 17 Reynoldsville,.. 6 17 838 1 32 531 758 432 Brookville 7 18 9 05 1 59 6 02 +8 30 5 05 New Bethle'lll. 8 01 9 15 2 38 6 48 5 50 Lawsonham,.. 88310 10 304 717 . . 619 Red Bank, 8 45 1 0 20 3 15 7 28 6 30 Pittsburg, Ar... *ll 15 41240 +5 30 +9 55 9 30 A. M. I'. M.IP. M. P. M. P. M. 1-. X. Note—Train 7 on Sundays will make all stops between Red Bank and Dußois. ♦Daily. +Daily except Sunday. JSundav only. CHAS. B. PRICE, JAS. I'. ANDERSON, Gen'l Supt Gen'l Passenger Agt. Port Allegany, Coudersport, Smethport, Eldred, Bradford, Olean and Buffalo, connecting at Buf falo for points East and West. Buffalo Special, daily, 5:15 A. M. Buffalo Express, daily except Sunday 8.35 A. M. Mail, (1031 daily except Sunday 1.50 P. M. Train No. 103 (mail) will connect at Olean with River Division for Allegany,Bradford,Salamanca Warren, Oil City and Pittsburg. Call 011 E. C. DAVISON, Agent, Emporium, for time tables or other information R. BELL, Gen'l Supt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Pass'ngr .t Ticket Agt. Mooney-Brisbane Building. Corner Main and Clinton Streets, Buffalo, N. Y. BUFFALO & SUSQUEHANNA R. R Time Table taking Effect Feb. lltli. 1900. W '( ;(Y o\. , 1 \L ■,,-Y'r.L -VT^ """jt ' /j IS; A ■■; ' A CALEToll>^ i \ 1 ■HN... 7 i\.p K/V a Y L,\.V A s I tJ r . ; LIUFCIO ANJ SUSQUEHANNA RCIIROJ%! "The (irand Scenic Route." HEAD UP. A.M. P. LC.IP. K P. M. jir.K't'ng Suit... 855 7 15' 12 25 c Austin, 810 6 47;. . 12 00 e Costello, 6 10! 11 54 £ ...Wharton 6 29 11 44 «' Cross Fork J'ct, 5 44 11 00 Corbett 5 17 10 34 = ...Germania 5 07 10 26 50 do. Galeton P.M. 5 00' 10 20 ar. " 7 00 i 1 Ofi ! 7,00 ... Gaines, ... 6 47 12 47 8 50 i 6 47 .. .Wcstfield, ... till ... 112 11 816 6 11 .. Knoxvllle ... 5 55 11 55 8 00 5 55 Osceola 5 46 Til -IB 7 51 5 16 ....Eikland, 5 41 11 11 7 46 5 41 Lv Addison,.... 5 10 |ll 10 7 15 5 10 P. M. P. M.'A. M. A. M!'. M. I READ DOWN. . . . \ A. M.'P. M. P. M.!A.M LvlC'tmgSmt 12 40 7 :!0 9 10 - Austin 6 40 1 0) 800 9 50 o Costello 6 50 111 £ ....Wharton.... 7 02 1 26 A Cross Fork Jet. 7 47 2 09 'i. ... Corbett 8 14 2 36 £ ....Germania... 8 25 2 47 ' JJ Lv. I Galeto "-■ 838 *2*B3 ..... *8 38 Gaines 8 50 3 06 8 50 .. Westfield 933 343 933 .. Knoxville... . 947 3 5(5 947 Osceola Y 58 4 00 0 58 Eikland 10 03 4 11 10 03 AR . Addison 10 34 143 10 34 A. M. P. M _ 1 lulu! Head up. Head down. P. M. P. M. A. M.| | A. M. P. U r> 00 10 LO Ar.. Galeton Lv 0 so L o."> I ■ _ _ ' P. M. L'. M. A.M. ▲. M.LP. M 2 53 8 55 10 10 ar. .Galeton.. lv 8 38 7 10 .... 2 29 8 42 10 09 Gaines 9 00 7 23 '2 00 s «.I 50 lv Ansonia .;IR 22 7 45 ... STATIONS. A.M. .... P. M. A.M. ar dp A. M. P.M.... 1 "0 30 ILP Cross Fork ar 12 00 7 001 All trains run daily except Sunday. CONNECTIONS. At Keating Summit with W. N. Y. & P. It. R. lor all points north and south. At Ansonia with Fall Brook R. R. for all points north and south. At Newfield Junction with C. I'. A. R. R. west for Coudersport, east for Ulysses and points on Cowanesque Valley branch of Fall Brook* U.K. At Genesee for points on the New York & Pennsylvania R. R. At Addison with Erie P. R. for points east and west. At Wellsville witfi Er'e R. 11. for points east and west. H.C. UNDERHILUGOIN Fass.AKt.Kufliilo, N.Y W. C. L'ARK. (II'II'L Supt. Galeton. Pa. I M.J. MCMAHON, Div. I'ars's AG't., Galeton, Pa. J. 11. GOODYEAR, Ass't Gen'l Supt., Austin, Pa. J. A. Fisher, PRACTICAL HOF&K ,L jj ii ii vt,, fc v I'.YV V \Ti 0 I« 7 Broad Street, Emporitr.:i, Pa. j The I'ltKss, one year §1.30. NOTICE, N'OTICE is hereby Kiven that B.W.Green, Receiver of the Mankey Furniture C'oni -1 panv, filed his second partial account on May 21st. I KKH); that the said account was coulirmed ni ni May 21st, 1900, and if no exceptions are filed j within three weeks the said account will be con ! firmed absolute. BY ORDER OF THE COURT. Prothonotary's Office, Emporium, Pa., May 21st, 1900.—n13-3t EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Enlate of ANNA M. MATTESON, deceased. IETTEKS Testamentary on the Estate ot Anna M. Matteson, late of Shippen Township, Cameron County, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to H.C.GlmstedandCharlesSeger, residing in the Horough of Emporium, County ' and State aforesaid, to whom all persons indebted j to said estate are requested to make payment, j and those having claims or demands, will make ' known the same without delay. H. C. OLMSTED. CHARLES BEGER. Executors. ■ GKEEN & SHAFFBH, j Solicitors for Executors, i Emporium, Pa., May 22nd, 1900.—n13-6t. IN THE ORPHAN S COURT OF CAMERON COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of lIEZEKIAH MIX, deceased. rpHE Auditor appointed by the Court to distri" I bute the fund in the hands of J. O. Brook bank, Executor, of the estate of Hezekiah Mix, deceased, as shown by his lirst partial account, will meet the parties interested lor the purposes of his appointment on Friday. June 15,1900, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the olflce of Johnson *V: Mc- Narney, Emporium, Pa., when and where all parties interested are required to present and profe their claims or be forever debarred from comingiu upon said fund. J. C. JOHNSON, nl3-lt Auditor. Acini?niterators' Notice. Estate of CHAULES 77. STEWART, deceased. I ETTERS of administration on the Estate of 1 J Charles H. Stewart, late of Lumber town ship, Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased, having been prrauted to li. E, Smith, Mrs. Cora Stewart and W. A. McClellan, residing in said 1 township, to whom all persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands, will make known the samo without delay. B. E. SMITH. M RS. CORA STEWART. , W. A. MqCLELLAN Administrators. | GREKN & SHAFFER, Solicitors for Administrators. Sterling Run, Pa.. May 7th, 1900.—n11-Gt. sisHsarasasESHsasp GROCERIES. 1 | A nJ J. A. KINSLER, K . ui J ' SJ J [!J Carries nothing but the best that can be =] obtained in the line of : c{ Groceries and h | Provisions, ■ (Jj Flour, Salt and Smoked .Meats, «] ril Canned Goods, etc. II; :«] Teas, Colfees, Fruits, Confectionery, [Jj In Tobacco and Cigars. «| [j. (ioods Delivered Free any place in HI Town. I|j fu Call and see me and get prices. If] .1. A. KINSLER, HJ ( Near P. TV: ii. Depot. . - I GRAND LINE OF NEW PATTERNS IN ALL GRADES OF CAR PF.TINGS. Aclam, Melclrum & Anderson 00. ;5915 to JOB Main St.— American Block, HUF'B'AI-O, V. New Wash Fabrics. We ask attention to our splendid stock | ot' new wash fabrics, comprising all tlic ; choicest materials and novelties (roin the | European manufacturers and from our | homo markets, including— 'i—-inc-li silk zepliyr clotli. a half silk ! fabric in corded and fancy stripes and | checks in pinks, blues, reds, heliotrope ! and black and white, Tfic to 81.00 yard I'O-inch silk pongee, half silk fabric in | stripes and iaucy effects for shirts and I shirt waists, 50c yard. OLI-INCH Scotch madras in new plain ! and corded stripes, all colors, .'SSE and 40c | yard. 32-inch linen ginghams, in stripes and | and solid colors, 2">c yard. Great variety of choice, dainty patterns in the real inported Irish dimities, 25C yard. Matchles* assortment of best Scotch ginghams, in staple and fancy stripes and j novelty effects, 25c, 35c and 50c yard. 32-ineh royal madras, a good cloth, in j pretty stripes, fast colors, 2He yard. Best American dimities, in new and ; pretty pultons. 15c yard. 40 pieces good Scotch :.'iughauis, in checks plaid and Wripes, special value 15c ■ yard, worth 25c. wO-iiirh ''able cords, like pique cloth, small HI designs, printed oil white and : tinted ground.;, 121 c yard. 28-inch corded ginghams, in stripes and check-, good colors, 12]eyard. L - inch extra quality domesth ging hams, in stylish stripes and colors. 10c yard. \\m, 3IKLDIiI'3I & A.MIM CO., The American Block. BUFFALO, N. Y Final Clearance Sale! —AT — FrankShives' During the month of MARCH we sliall dispose of our stock of DRY GOODS, SHOES AM NOTIONS. We are not resorting to a fake sale, but a genuine closing out sale of this department. We shall retire from the sale of this line of gools, in order to devote the space to our rapidly increas ing Grocery and Meat business. First come will get the pick. HUNDREDS OF GREAT BARGAINS. Ladies' and Children's Shoes less than cost. A $3.00 Shoe for $2.00; $2.50 shoe for sr.6o. They must go. Ladies' Corsets 25'/, below cost. Ladies' and Children's Under wear very cheap. Hoys' Knee Pants, a nice line at cost. Sheeting Muslin, Pillow Case Muslin, all togo at sacrifice prices, to close out the line. Full line of Ladies and Chil dren's Hosiery. Thread, Buttons, Braid, Car pet Warp, etc., thrown in as bargains. A few pieces of Dress Goods and a quantity of notions includ ed in this sale. We are almost giving away these goods, so determined are we to get them oft our hands. Call and see the bargains. OUR GROCERY DEPART MENT Remains, as ever, the best in the county and in order to keep with the demand shall continue to carry at all times only the pur est and best, at the same time selling at prices fair to all. PURE STALL FED MEATS 111 addition to every variety of Iresli and salt meats in our pion eer Meat Market, we have a great advantage over other deal ers, that should count with thoughtful buyers. We are kill ing our own cattle, wintered and stall fed at our farm, thereby giving our customers only the purest and most wholesome meat. A word to the wise is sufficient. SEEDS 1 SEEDS! Fanners should remember that we continue to be the headquart ers lor Field, Grass and Garden Seeds. Leave your orders eailv. We invite our Cameron countv patrons to call and see us.