PRETTY BACK YARDS. Dwellers In Need Not lie W itli o 111 an Attractive Spot lle»eiu biinK ■> Ileal tiartlen. Even if a country garden is denied us. it is possible to obtain much pleas ure with what we possess, and it is surprising that the back yards of eity houses are the forlorn, neglected places that they generally are, at best being only a square grass plot utilized for dnying clothes, and a narrow border planted with a few straggling perennials. If there are children in the family sometimes abortive attempts are made at a flow er bed. As the majority of people who own town houses seldom leave the city before the middle of June, returning by the middle of Septem ber. and as the head and bread-winner of the family practically stays all fummer in town, it is a wonder that these back yards are not generally made beautiful by a little care and attention, especially as the dining room windows are aj>t to overlook the inclosure. Not infrequently there is either a small or balcony, where it would be pleasant to sit if the outlook were attractive. Where two houses of the same cali ber back up against each other in adjacent streets, the space left open is an elongated square 25 feet wide. This might, if properly utilized, con tain much beauty and sweetness. If he clothes posts are a necessity they :ould (despite the laundress' prob able objection) be arranged so as to leave the center space free. If there is an even brick wall the task of ren dering it beautiful is an easy one. Generally, however, ugly board walls rm the boundaries, but it is pos le to get over this difficulty with aid of the wire netting which is sed for chicken yards and which jould be quickly covered with vines— annuals, and what is more satisfac- ARBO* 6 / \ •| J # ftOwMSj I | AN ATTRACTIVE: BACK YARD. ory. perennials, which are of slower rowth, but which could be planted it the same time. If there are children in the fam an arbor is a source of great pleas re as a playhouse, and might form .he center of the wall. This also *ould be constructed of the wire net np, if supported by a wooden frame, 1 should have a small table in the iter, surrounded by a wooden nch. A pretty and effective group * for either side of the summer >use would be sunflowers, holly jete, lilacs and, as th" autumn nd spring should chiefly be consid recl, chrysanthemums and the bril intly flowering shrubs that bloom in e early spring. It is possible to en ' the lovely procession of bulbs in a wn-yard garden. The crocuses, hya nths. daffodils and tulips all come to aturity before the exodus to the •untry begins, while in the autumn fyie garden will be gay in geraniums nd later summer flowers until frost. The accompanying sketch shows a mple plan for beautifying the regu tion inclosure, in which it will be J n the clothes poles are not forg-ot n. It is to be hoped, however, that ddy will be limited as to their use, •d that the lines will not remain •tehed for more than two days of week. —Chicago Daily News. tome G(»oo growl.—Chicago Democrat. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infalli ble medicine for coughs and colds.—N. W. Samuel, Ocean Grove, N l?eb. D, 1900. THE MARKETS. New York. June Z Flour Steady and unchanged. Wheat- No. 2 red 77%e. Corn —No. 2 at 42'/ic. Oats- No. 2 white Beeves- Steers $4.50-5.15.60. Veals $4.00(0 0.50. Sheep—Lower at $3.50(05.10, lambs $7.00(« K. 40. Hogs—Market nominal. Cleveland. ,7line 2.—Flour —Winter wheat, patents, $4.00(u4.10, Wheat —No. 2 red 74% c. Corn—-No. 2 yellow 28cr. Butler- Best creamery 21c, Cheese —York state 12y 3 c. Eggs—Strictly fresh J2(fi 12%e. Potatoes Best grades 35f«40c. Cattle —Choice steers $4.!)05i 5.10. fair $4,505(4.75, calves $6.(>0(m(1.50. Sheep—Choice $4.50(rt4.75, fair $4.00 (it 4.25, best lambs $5.75(fi 0.00. Hogs—Yorkers $5.20. pigs $4.90. Toledo. June 2.- Wheat—Spot 74',4c. Corn- No. 2 cash :;s%c. Oats- No. 2 cash 22e. Clover Seed Prime new $5.05. Oil rnehanged. East Buffalo, June 2. —Cattle I Jest, steers $5.10(fi5.05, veals $5.005i0.50. llogß I lest Yorkers $5.40. Sheep—Choice lambs $0.40(ft0.50, prime wethers s4.Ss(fi 5.25. East Liberty, June 2. —Cattle —Ex- tra steers $5.70, good $5,110. Hogs Yorkers $5.20(u 5,.'!5. Sheep Native lambs $5,755' 0.25, sheep $4.75(ii 4.55. Cincinnati, June 2. —Hogs —Active at. $4.405(5.25. • •' Cattle —Strong ut $3.50(ake Country," apply to nearest ticket agent or address with four cents in postage, Geo. H. HeafFord, General Passenger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chicago, 111. A nice, refined new expression is: "Aw! stop chewing the rag or you'll get lint in your lungs!"—lndianapolis News. CouKllillK I.emlw to Con sIIm pt lon. Kemp's Balsam will stop the Cough at once. Goto your druggist today anu get u sample bottle free. Large bottles 25 and 50 cents. Go at once; delays are dangerous. Weary Women Rest and help for weary women are found in Lydia Em Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It makes wo men strong and healthy to bear their burdens, and overcomes those Ills to which women are subject because they are womcnw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound j Is known from coast to coast. It has cured more sick women than any other medicine. its friends are everywhere and they are constantly writing thankful lettGrs whioh appear In this paper. If you are puzzled write for Mrs. Pinkham's ad vice- Her address is Lynn, Mass. She well charge, you nothing and she has restored a million wom*n to healthm nDHDCV HKW DISfOVKKY; gives L/ |\ W B w ■ quick relief and cures worst ; ca*es. iStook of tentirnonialh ami MMHJH' tmitiw nt : (W VJI H. H.UREEN'B SONS. Box I>, Atlanta,*}*. I $5.00 A DAY! ! with rfc to introduce our noin the country. Wrrt-e International Manuf * Co., Parsons, Kansas. Use Certain Corn Cure. Price, 15c. TEXAS MAP and Kmitfrnnts Information, ti rents; ; I Information Rurt*au; Bo* 1026. SAN ANTONIO, Tex. WALTHAM WATCHES \ The factory of the Waltham Watch Company is the largest and most complete establishment of the kind in this or any other country. Waltham Watches are the most accurate pocket time-pieces it is pos sible to make. Waltham Watches are for sale by all retail jewelers. peaI—3—HWTfWSIS——BK aWMMMWrJ—WWWWBWI» W ' * m. I—IUI MfiUß u;iai— * '* C|| A news ink that IS CHEAP is manufactured by ► The Queen City Printing Ink Co., \ H Cincinnati, Ohio y j Who have had 40 years' experience in making NEWS INK * ETO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS V Such as, the Speed of the Press—the Texture of the Paper the v Temperature of the Press Room, etc. It goes FARTHER ADDS > to the look of a paper—and IS CHEAP or at least ECONOMI- \ ACAD, which is THE TEST for the word CHEAP. This Is printed •uitlh THAT ink. ', P NEWS j The "FOR GRANULATED EYELIDS, I would not take $500.00 for the good Palmer's Lotion has done my son, w1:o had been in care of a physician for 15 months." Lotion Soap Prevent* and assists, in curing sore eyes, and sore eyelids. At druggists only. fWv©^\ fe ® r ©&JTT! J \ HIRES Rootbeer J$ will contribute more to it than MBm tons <»f ice and :t fans. AiM i>l^tiurs CO. FOR HATKH, MAPS, TIME-TABLES, ETC., IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING A THIP, ANY PORTION OF WHICH CAN UK MADE OVER THE GEO. J. CHARLTON, GENERAL PANHCNOBR AND TICKET A«KMX> CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. CHICAGO"OMAHiI jlllx °Da ST / ford, Dubuque, \ / Waterloo, 1 ort DodKoand('nim cil liluffs. Butlct '■ZZ-'library-smoking- cars. sleeping cars, free reclining chair ears dining cars. Send to the undersigned for a free copy of Pictures and ing this new line as seen from tlio car wmuow. Tickets of agents of I. C. If. It.and connecting lines. A. U. HANSON, (i. I'. A., Chicago. BKADKRS OF THIS PAPER DESIRING TO BUY ANYTHING ADVERTISED IN ITS COLUMNS SHOULD INSIST UPON HAVING WHAT THEY ASK FOR, REFUSING j ! ALL SUBSTITUTES Ult IMITATIONS. I B rt fi PC I &| ft The befit Bed Rope 1 i KUUriNua (included. Snbntitntes for P'™ l "- S »nipl<-B free. H miriIMATiSM S^ic B &^