Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 24, 1900, Image 8

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    Travelers Ciulcle.
11l • licet Nov. 19, 18S9.
b 15 A. M -Train f> week days :oi Sunbury,
Wilke.sbarre, Scranton, Hazlelou, Pottsville,
Ilarrisburg und iuternicdiatcstni ionii, arriving
at Philadelphia 0.23 P.M., New York 9.30 P. M„
lialtimore ti.ou P. M., Washington 7.15 P. M.
Pullman Parlor car from Williamsport to
Philadelphia and passengercoaches from Kane
to Philadelphia ami Williamsport to Balti
more and Washington.
3 15 P. M.—Train 6 week days for Hams
burg anil intermediate stations, arriving
at Philadelphia,4.2s A. M., New Y0rk7.13 A.M.
Baltimore, 2:30 Washington, 405. Pullman
sleeping cars from Harrisburg to Phil,
adelphia and New York. Philadelphia pas
sengerscan remainin sleeper undisturbed un
ti17:30 A. M.
9 37 I*. M.—Train 4 Daily for Sunbury, Harris
burg and intermediate stations arriving at
Philadelphia 6.52 A. M., New York 9.33 A. M.,
weekdays, (10.33 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 6.35
A. M„ Washington 7.45 A. M. Pullman sleep
ing cars from Erie and Williamsport to Phila
delphia and Williamsport to Washington.
Passengers in sleeper for Baltimore and Wash
ington will be transferred into Washington
sleeper at Williamsport. Passenger cars from
Erie to Philadelphia and Williamsport to
5:10 A. M.—Emporium Junction—Train 9 week
days for Erie, Ridgway, Dußois, Clerniontand
intermediate stations.
10 25 A. M. —Train 3 Daily for Erie and
week days for Dußois and intermediate
G 23 P. M. Train 15. week days lor Kane
and intermediate stations.
Train 9 leaves New York 5:55 p. m., Philadelphia
H:SO p. m., Washington 7:20 p. m., Baltimore
8:40 p. m., arriving at Emporium Junction 5:10
a. ni., week days, with Pullman Sleepers and
passenger coaches, from Philadelphia to Erie
anil from Washington and Baltimore to Will
Train 3 leaves New York 7.55 p. m., Philadel
phia 11.20 p. m., Washington 10.40 p. m, Balti
more 11.55 p, m., daily, arriving at Emporium
10.23 a. m., with Pullman Palace Sleeping
Oars from Philadelphia to Willinmsport, and
passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Erie
and Baltimore to Williamsp rt— on Sundays
only Pullman Sleepers from Philadelphia to
Train 15 leaves Philadelphia 8.40 a. m., Washing
ton 7.55 a.m., Baltimore 8.5") a.m., Wilkesbarre
10:55 A. M., weekdays, arriving .1! Emporium
0.23 P.M., with Parlor car from Philadelphia
to Williamsport.and passenger coaches from
Philadelphia to Kane.
1\ Connections.
(Week days.)
P. M. ;A. M. A. M.J |l'. M. V. M. P. M.
.... 855 4 ooj.. . Renovo ! 50011 05
ill OS 5 52J ...St. Marys 2 40 9 05
3 50111 1") ti OOJ .... Kane il2 20 3 in 8 25
4 10 11 34 6 221.. ..Wilcox Ell 58 2 47 8 01
4 21;11 49 6 36^. .Johnsonburg..| 9 55 2 34 7 45
4 45 12 10 7 00 ..Ridgway, 9 35 2 15 7 20
45212 17 707 .Island Run... 928 2OHI 713
4 57 12 22 7 12 Carman Tr'nfer 923 203 7OH
50512 30 721 . Croyland 915 1 51 fi 59
50912 33 725 ..Shorts Mills.. 911 151j 656
5 12 12 30 7 28 .. .Blue Rock... 9 07 1 47 6 52
5 16 12 10 733 Carrier 9 02 1 43 fi 48
52612 50 743 .Brockwayville. 853 1 Si 638
53012 51 747 ...Lanes Mills.. 847 128 633
751 .McMinns Sm't. 843
53S 103 754 Harvevs Run.. 839 1 19 624
545 1 10 800..Falls Creek .. 835 1 15 (1 20
8 10 Dußois 8 15 1 00 6 05
555 1 40 8 331 Falls Creek. .. I 7 05 12 48 fi 15
7 13 1 50 8 4"i| rievnoldsville. I 6 53 12 38 fi 02
7 55 2 1(1 9 121 . lirookville .. I C 15 12 12 5 26
8 25' 2 52 9 50jNew Bethlehem I 11 38 4 10
P.M. P.M.I JA.M. A.M. P.M.
Through Palace Car to Pittsburg on train leav
ing Falls Creek at 8:35 A. M.; returning on train
leaving Pittsburg at 1:40 p. m.
General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt.
: I. fi. OLMSTED!
❖ _ $
Now is the time you &•
M want floor coverings. &
6 W
112 Carpets, Ma ft nig, etc. Q
We've got "em." Kle- 'iv
gant line of Tapestry, #
all wool Ingrains, some
that are not all wool, «•
y Rag, Jnte, etc. No sam- ■ +
pie business. We meas- V
y nre and match the carpets
: 1 in your presence,
•yy Largest line of Mat- n
Q tings. All prices, from
• the cheapest to the best
cotton chain matting. .•<(►'
vV IVindoiv Shades. y)
p The largest, best and **•
cheapest line of Lace f <j
14-! Curtains ever shown in :■s'
W Emporium. v>'
All cotton goods are 4-
U advancing in price. LI
•- ' u
W Wc have an nice as-
sortment of Muslins, Q>
Prints, Ginghams, Per- y
.vj, cales, Satines, etc.,which JJ.
TT you will save money by w
buying now.
O Dress Goods. -J
sX, Our line of dress goods M.
rf is fine. Crepones, Vene- W
tions, all colors in pat-
terns; 110 two alike. '4-
.4' Beautiful "Foulard"
W vSilks, hemstiched, all
colorings. The proper w
p thing for Shirt Waists. S,
.tX Choice assortment of XS
"n* dress v Skirts from 50c, to 1
4 . 112
Gents Furnishings. M,
SA Pants, Shirts, Overalls, Yf
V " Blouses, Hosiery, Neck
n wear, etc.
■T'- Staple Groceries.
ft Teas, Coffee, Tobacco, 4
W Granulated Sugar, 6c at 'ft
-A' present. Also everything
U in the grocery line. U
He ward.
Wo, the undersigned druj-fiif-tf, offer a
reward of 50 cents to any person who
purchases of us, two 2"> cent boxes of
Baxter's Mandraks Bitters Tablets, if it
fails to cure constipation, biliousness,
sick-headache, jaundice, loss ofapjx.aite,
sour stomach, dyspepsia, liver complaint,
or any of the diseases for which it is
recommended. Price 25 cents lor cither
tablets or liquid. We will also refund
the money on one package of either if it
fails to give satisfaction. L. Taggart.
It. C. Dodson. 34-251y
A man's hair as a rule turns gray five
years sooner than a woman's.
SSOO Keward.
We will pay the above reward for any
case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Siek
Headache, Indigestion. Constipation or
Costiveness we cannot cure with Liverita,
the up-to-date Little Liver Pill, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely Vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. 25c boxes con
tain 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills,
5e boxes containes 15 Pills. Beware of
substitutions and imitations. Sent hy
mail; stamps taken. NEKYITA MED
ICAL CO., Cor. Clinton and Jackson
Sts., Chicago, 111. Sold bv I>. Hod
son, Druggist Emporium, l'a. .">f-4!)ly
A model mau is the one who lives up
to his wife's expectations of him.
Fia?r-Hca!th is warranted
1..- u heel hair to its youthful
Killing and breaking of the
h i:r. it is not a dye, and■
duces luxuriant hair on Laid
heads. Keeps the scalp
dean and healthy. Does not rub off and is not greasy.
I lay's Hair-Health, a fragrant hair dressing, briny
back original color, i whether brown % black or golden.
Ask for Hay's Hair-Health and refuse oil substi
tutes. M.I 1.11. is sold by leading druggists everywhere.
Sent by express, prepaid, in plain sealed package by
LONDON SUI FLV CO.. 85.? Broadway, N. Y., also a 25c.
cake Martina Medicated Soap, best soap for toilet,
bath, skin ana hair. All on receipt ol 60c. and this ad
quickly at home by an invisible device ; helps ears an glasses
help eves. Uuic, <on v-rsit ion. whispers heard No pain.
Self Adjusting. Used and endorsed by physi
clam. Write to K. JIISC'OX.ttS B'war, N.Y., m M *■ m
tor iilustrute'd book of trstiiuonials, IS pact's. B ■ ■■■■■
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief,
It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or
Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im
mediate—cure certain.
It cures Burns and Scalds. The relief
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and
Sore Nipples. Invaluable.
It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects,
.Mosquito Bites and Sunburns.
Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO
Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price.
Cor. William & John Sts., XEW YORK.
V The Cure that Cures /
jp Goughs 9 (sj
\ Golds, J
& Grippe, (k
Whooping Cough, Asthma, I
Bronchitis and Incipient A
t)' Consumption, Is
g The German £
It. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.
L won'lerful improvomrnt In Fr!<*ftan lYcfl* P'vl
ilia- ilnrk. kirioticmolCarria " :> cisnv- n :
AM any other in the* market. Irictioi. <*l it* <• J IVrcl,
causing all th«» feed Kfnrini; to Htaml Miil while back
in;:; tsvcnl MivitiK in powrr \t«-nr. Cat:*
logue and prfc**s free. Also Sjirint?
C«lfivntnrH, Corn J'lnnU'rt*, Midler*. etc.
Jifrnfioii t/ii t paper.
aIENCII Sj JMfra., Yoik* liu
Tin* I'litic 1.0 lliiv Cheap /
► — b \
T@ trade-MARKS :
;rfe i &M I & AND 0 C BTAINED HTS :
Notice in u Inventive Age " && upC gp <
► Book "How toobtain Patents" 8 SBEIDBB '
Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured. (
' Letters strictly confidential. Address, .
E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington, 0. C. j
Reduced Rates to (iettysburji, Pa., via
Pennsylvania Railroad, Account
G. A. R. Encampment.
For the G. A. R. Encampment, De
partment ot Pennsylvania, at Gettys
burg, June 2-9, the Pennsylvania Hail
road Company will sell excursion tickets |
to Gettysburg from all stations on its
line in the State of Pennsylvania at rate
of one fare for the round trip. Tickets
to be sold and good going June 2-5 and
to return until June 11, inclusive (min
imum rate titty cents). 1606-13-2t ;
Reduced Rates to Philadelphia.
On account of the Republican Na- j
tional Convention at Philadelphia, June
19, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell excursion tickets to Philadel- •
phia from all stations on its line AT
(minimum rateso cents). Tickets will
be sold and good going June 15 to 19,
inclusive, and returning to June 26, in
clusive. 1598-12-5t i
Summer Excursion Book.
The W. N. Y. & P. Ry. is making
great preparations for a heavy Excur
sion travel, this season. The company
has just issued a booklet giving a list of
the Niagara Falls, Toronto and Thous- !
and Island Excursions to be run during
the season, together with other interest
ing matter in connection with the Ex
cursion Resorts mentioned. These 1
books can be had by sending two cents
postage to S. B. Newton, Excursion
Manager, W. N. Y. & P. Ry., 614
Mooney Building, Buffalo, N. Y.
The track repairmen of the I'ennsyl- :
vania railroad have been granted an
advance in wages from §1.12 to §1.56
jjer day The advance was made nec
essary by tho scarcity of men. The
old hands were leaving the work by
hundreds to accept better paying po
All Epidemic of Whooping Cough.
Last winter during an epidemic of
whooping cough my children contracted
the disease, having severe coughing spells.
We had used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy very successfully fur croup and natur
ally turned to it at that time and found it
relieved the cough and effected a com
plete cure.— JOHN E. CLIFFORD, Pro
prietor Norwood House, Norwood, N. V.
This remedy is for sale by L. Taggart.
"J)eA\ itt s Little Early Risers are the
finest pills I ever used."—l>. .J. Moore,
Millbrook, Ala. They ijuiekly cure all
liver and bowel troubles. 11. C. Dodson. 1
I.•{-]>• j
A woman's view of society generally ;
depends on whether she is inside or out- I
"After suffering from piles for fifteen I
years I was cured by using two boxes of '
DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." writes W. !
•J. Baxter, North Brook, N. C. It heals j
everything. Beware of counterfeits. 11. i
C. Dodson. 13-ly
Love is a species of heart disease of
which the doctor knows nothing.
The easiest an<l most effective method !
of purifying the blood and invigorating ;
the system is to take DeWitt's Little Ear- i
ly Risers, the famous little pills for cleans- !
itig the liver and bowels. R. C. Dodson. |
13-ly |
Wigwag—"They say a fool is born
every minute." Borrowell—"Thank }
J. C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn., says, I
"1 cannot say too much for DeWitt's j
itch Hazel Salve. One box of it cured
what the doctors called an incurable ulcer
on my jaw." Cures piles and all skin '
diseases. Louk out for worthless imita- j
(ions. It. C. Dodson. I's-ly
To be true to others we have but to he j
true to ourselves.
"I had stomach trouble twenty years (
and gave up hope oi being cured till I be- j
gan to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It j
has done me so much good 1 call it :ho j
savior ol my life," writes W. R. Wilkin
son, Albony, Tenn. It digests what you J
eat. It. C. Dodson. 1 ; >-Iy
A man with a moustache ought never !
to cat soup in public.
\V. S. Musscr, Millhcim, Pa., saved !
the life of his littie girl by giving her j
One Minute Cough Cure when she was j
dying from croup. It is the only harm- j
less remedy that gives immediate results. '
It quickly cures coughs, colds,bronchitis, I
grippe, asthma and all throat and lung
trouble. R. C. Dodson. 13-ly
A man may reach the pinnacle of fame, I
but he will probably find it pretty lonely ;
up there.
"After suffering from severe dyspepsia i
over twelve years and using many retne- !
dies without permanent good 1 finally
took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It did me
ho much good 1 recommend it to every
one," writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and
Recorder, ('illioothe, Mo. It digests what ;
you eat. It. C. Dodson. 13-ly
Because you believe a man is made ol
dust is no reason why you should let other !
people walk all over you.
J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, j
Crosby, Mi.-s., makes the following state
ment: "I can certify that One .Minute
Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for
it. My wife could not get her breath
and the first dose of it relieved her. It !
has also benefited my whole family."' It
acts immediately and cures coughs, colds,
croup, urippe, bronchitis, asthiua and all
throat aud lung trouble. R. C. Dodson.
Even nature believes in making a fresh ;
start—all the trees and flowers arc turning
over new leaves.
Council Proceedings.
Regular meeting Borough Council, ]
May 7th, 1900.
Present: Messrs. Burke, Schweikart, .
Murry Murphy. No quorum.
Spec meeting Borough Council, >
May 21, 900.
Present:—Messrs. Burke, Strayer, j
Schweikart, Murry, Murphy, Howard, j
Absent: —Messrs. Shafer, Catlin.
President Strayer stated that the ob j
ject of the meeting was to consider the I
advisability of electing another police- j
man, to fill vacancies in tho Board of j
Health, and to instruct the Street Com- 1
missioner regarding streets and cross
The following communication from
the Burgess was read:
May 21st, 1900. |
To the Common Council of Emporium: i
GENTLEMEN:— It seems to be beyond |
question that there is more drunken- :
nees and disorder on our streets than ,
the citizens care to put up with, and I 1
believe that the appointment of anoth- ;
er policeman would meet with public j
approval. The East Ward is certainly j
entitled to more protection than it now
receives and I think that with one more
policeman all sections of the Borough
could be properly protected. Any ac
tion you may take looking to the ap
pointment of a good, sober, reliable
man, at a fair compensation will meet
with my hearty approval. A cheap
policeman is dear at any price.
Chief Burgess.
Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded by
Mr. Murphy, that President of Council
be authorized to advertise for a police
man at a salary of §SO per month. Car
Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded by
Mr. Murphy, that Street Commissioner
be instructed to putin stone crossings
on Fourth street at Episcopal Church
and M. E. Church when said crossings
need repairs. Carried.
Dr. R. P. Heilman having declined to
serve as member of the Board of Health
tho President of Council recommended
the name of Dr. A. W. Baker to serve
as a member of the Board of Health, to
fill tho vacancy caused by the resigna
tion of Dr. E. O. Bardwell and the same
was confirmed by Council.
A communication from the Board of
! Health was laid over until the next
j regular meeting.
On motion Council adjourned.
Beech wood.
This place is not dead yet.
Miss Ethel Kautz is visiting her
parents at this place.
The Reid Bro's. arc at home doing tli#
farming for (lie old folks.
Mr. E. Bush is hustling the paper
wood up Pan Cake hollow.
llev. Hopkins' meeting was largely at
tended by the young folks.
Miss Jennie Bush and Miss Mauiie
Shoup returned to Emporium Sunday
Mack and Jim did not care much
much about <:oin:i to church on Sunday
Peter Hush gave a dance last Friday
night which was largely attended, and all
report a good time.
The forest fires visited ttiis place again
but wen; extinguished by the rain before
much damage was done.
Miss Mamie Shoup, of Emporium,
was visiting her friends Mioses Mabel
and Jennie Bush of this place a few days.
There was a large crowd of young
people at the Park, swinging on Sunday
afternoon. A number of them also cauie
back in tho evening and stayed very late.
Too bad the day was not long enough.
The wedding bells rang out agin at
this place. Miss Phoebe Prentis and
11. Sullivan were the contracting parties.
The boys serenaded the happy couple and j
as a result they all smoked.
1 After lie Comes 1
2 rj *
$ lie has a hard enough time. Every- 2 !
<5 thing that the expectant mother j
<; can do to help her child she should jfl J
J? do. One of the greatest blessings '
4; she can give him is health, but to j
J5 do this, she must have health her- vB j
£ self. She should use every means j
<s'; to improve her physical condition. ,3 j
*1 She should, by all means, supply r* !
herself with j
| Motfier 9 s
f|llf|k Friend® |
It will take her jj j
P thrOU etiiy e
crisis rC j
n ' ment which y
"2 gives strength 'jj
1 antl vigor to the? 8
m\ -&i \\W ) muscles. Com- W
IIP) lnon seuse will j®
Fpi - \ show you i
. SimSN V that the !
ggpßjra;, stronger the 5 |
jss£ muscles are, Si
<». which bear the tp j
112 J stra '". the less j? ;
W pain there will be. g
Of A woman living in Fort Wayne, $
W Ind., says: " Mother's Friend did 2J
wonders for me. Praise God 112 r '
*• your liniment."
ji Read this from Hunel, Cal. yj
" Mother's Friend is a blessing to *0
2J all women who undergo nature's $
onleal of childbirth." fj
Get Mother's Friend at the »
*; drug store. S8 per bottle. %
Atlanta, Ga.
rS i
Write for our free illustrated book, " Before jg j
44 lJaby is Horn." pi
Ifo v v «#' »V v M «e»' vst "s» W
" or ani ' banish "pains
; of menstruation." I hey are " LIFE SAViiHS" to girls at
womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm—life
becomes a pleasure. SI.OO |»Klt ISOX JJY MAIL,. Sold
'SESSSIS 4 b y druggists. I)R. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
Foraale by L. Taj?gart, Emporium, Pa.
J nee«is r\ relinblr. c»onthir, repainting medicine. On'jr 1 arralcta and
\ puren drugs eil'juid be used. If you want tho bvtfi, get
0 Dr. Peal's FS32s
112 \ Th * r * re P l,o ™? 1 ' »* ,e certain In result. The eennlne(Dr. real's) ncTerdisao
ooint. Sent any where, 81.00. Address tzi.L ilBBltlUB Co., ClCTaUtid, (J. "
For sale by B.C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.
G. SCHMIDT'S, 1 -""
<***&#*#*& FRESH BREAD..
M popular
1 « '™
' ■lf - -\v .-Tf; XT
Daily Delivery. Ali orders uiven prompt and
skillful attention.
for Bnfants and ChHdren. "
*■ i— wmrnnx-r.
The Kind You Hiive Always Bouprlit lias borne tlie signa
ture of Clias. 11. Fletcher, and Inis Ix-cn made under liis
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
"Just-as-good" are hut Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children—Experience against Experiment.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of M
In Use For Over 30 Years.
J yjiuwuy. l l
B' i | x
# i
u A
*4? i j-
;i j H
Pretty, gooil and cheap. We can only extend to you <&>
h ... i $
an invitation to come and see our goods. Printers' inlr |
H j W
cannot tell the story. We will say this, however, if I
*! I W
} you want good value for good money you should see our I
-fy ' ' |
.<>' assortment. !s.'
' - y 2-
6 *
''< j' Several good kinds liero. Wo pav particular attention
■ 1 * H
to our corset stock. We select those brands which in 1
fr . .
our opinion aro the best. One thing is certain, no
mean, miserable corsets art; here and our prices are
ft down to the lowest notch. '<►
ft A new §I.OO glove Here's good news for you. We've
w- secured the very best kid glove we have beer, able to j -4.
V * V
llnd, to retail at §I.OO. It's here awaiting your verdict. ! {
112 t
Won't you come and pass 011 it. j
& !
4- HOSIERY. I '<►'
h' -V'
v ! -y^
Some especially good -values. When a manufacturer j Q
L.' s !
rj i over produces then he's pretty sure of loosing some [ .
j j ».
i money. And iueidently : ombody is bound to i:roiit by J 4-'
,'.y 112 ' j ♦
t,j » it. You are invited to share in some lots of ox :"ption- |
>V I ally good hosiery at exceedingly low prices i rf
h 1 1
• I *
u i C, E5. HOWARE &. COMPAKY. "Q
& ! &
|1 : | $