Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 17, 1900, Image 8

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    Tra* iUth tiiilde.
In effect Nov. 19, i
TL< A ins ea vI. I;M i'o i;i u.M i-:as avard
5 15 A. M. Train 8 week tia.\a n.: "-..nUnj,
Wi'.kesbarre, Mcrauton, Huzieton, PottsviJle,
Harrisburg andinteriiieiliutesUr icus, arriving
at Philadelphia6.23l\ M., New York 1).30P. M.,
Baltimore ti.OO P. M., Washington 7.15 I'. M.
Pullman Parlor ear from Williamsport to
Philadelphia and from Kane
to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Haiti
more and Washington.
315 P. M.—Train H week days for Harris
burg and intermediate stations, arriving
at Philadelphia,4.2s A. M., New Y0rk7.13 A.M.
Baltimore, 2:30 Washingtwn, 405. Pullman
sleeping cars from Harrisburg to Phil
adelphia and New York. Philadelphia pas
aengerscan remainii:sleeper undisturbed un
til 7:30 A. M.
0 37 P. M.—Train 4 Daily for Sunbury, Harris
burg and intermediate stations arriving at
Philadelphia 6.52 A. M., New York 9.33 A.MMv. v
weekdays, (10.83 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 6.35
A. M.. Washington 7.45 A.M. Pullman sleep
ing cars from Erie and Williamsport to Phila
delphia and Williamsport to Washington.
Passengers in sleeper for Baltimore and Wash
ington will be transferred into Washington
sleeper at Williamsport. Passenger cars from
Erie to Philadelphia and Williamsport to
5:10 A. M.—Emporium Junction—Train 9 weed
days for p:rie, Kidgway, Dußois, Clermont ank
intermediate stat ions.
10 25 A M. Train 3 Daily for Erie and
week days for Dußois and intermediate
623 P. M. Train 15. weekdays for Kane
and intermediate stations.
Train 9 leaves New York s:f>s p. m. t Philadelphia
8:50 p. m., Washington 7:20 p. ni., Baltimore
8:40 p. m., arriving at Emporium Junction 5:10
а. in., week days, with Pullman Sleepers and
passenger coaches, from Philadelphia to Erie
and from Washington and Baltimore to Will
Train :> leaves New York 7.55 p. m., Philadel
phia 11.20 p. in., Washington 10*40 p. m, Balti
more 11.55 p, m., daily, arriving at Emporium
10.25 a. ni.. with Pullman Palace Sleeping
Cars from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and
passenger coaches {'mm Philadelphia to Erie
ami Baltimore t • Williamsport-on Sundays
only Pullman Sleepers from Philadelphia to
Train 15 leaves Philadelphia K.lO a. in., Washing
ton 7. r >'> a.m., Baltimore 8.5*. a.m., Wilkesbarre
10:55 A.M., week days, arriving at Emporium
б.23 P.M., with Parlor car from Philadelphia
to Williamsport.and passenger coaches from
Philadelphia to Kane.
J.V Connections.
(Week days.)
Soi r i '.'AKD. Stations. NOKIIIWAHD
P.M. .M• • M.I |P. M. P. M. P. M.
8 55 1 00:.... Henovo J 500 11 05
3 50j 11 15 (» OOJ Kane 112 20 3 It) 82*
41011 31 0 223 .Wilcox Jll 58 Jl7 Bul
4 23 11 49 6 3Pm. .Johnsonburg.. I 9 55 2 34 7 45
[_ , »
4 45 12 10 7 00 . -Ridgway,.... I 935 2 15 7 20
4 52 12 17 7 071 Island Run... I 9 28 2 08, 7 13
4 57 12 22 7 12 Carman Tr'nferl 9 23. 2 03 7 08
50512 30 721 . Croyland.... §9 15 1 54 fi 59
50912 33 725 .Shorts Mills.. 911 1 51 112» 56
51212 30 7 28] . Blue Rock... 907 147 112. 52
5 10 12 10 7 3»j Carrier 9 02 1 13 G 48
52612 50 7 43. .Brockway villc 853 1 33 ; 038
53012 51 7 17i ...Lanes .Mills.. 8 17 1 28 633
7 slfi.McMinn ,i Sm't. 843
538 1 01 7 Slj.Harvevs Run.. 839 1 19 624
5 45 I 10 8 OOJ..Falls Creek... 8 35 1 15 6 20
8 10|.■ • • Dußois .... I 8 15 1 00 6 05
ft 65 l i 1 ) 8 331 .Falls Greek... f70512 18 <• 15
7 41 1 V> 8 151. UeynoMsville.. g 6 53 12 38 6 02
7 55 2 10 a 12J . . Brookville .. I 6 15 12 12 5 26
8 25 2 52 9 50|New Bethlehem " 11 38 4 10
Through Palace Car to Pittsburg on train leav
ing Falls Creek at 8:33 A. M.; returning on train
leaving Pittsburg at 1:10 p. in.
General Manager. CJen'l Passenger Agt.
On and after Jan. 1, 1900, passenger trains will
depart from Johnsonburg as follows:
B:4S A. M.—Week days, from P. &E. Station
for Mt. Jewett, Bradford and intermediate
2:o£ P. M. Daily, including Sunday, from B.
It. A. P. Station, Grant Street, Fast Express,
solid vestihuled train for Bradfoid, Buffalo
and Rochester, equipped with cafe anil re
clining chair cars.
4:23 P. M.—Week days, from P. & E. station,
for Mt. Jewett, Bradford and intermediate
0:12. A. M. -Weekdays, from P. & E. station
for Ridgway, Brockwayville, Dußois, i'unxsu
tawney and intermediate points.
1:40 P. M. Daily including Sunday, from B. R.
& P. station, Grant Street, Fa t E*pre s, solid
vestibuled train for Ridgway, Dußois, Punxsu
tawuey, Butler and Pittsburg, equipped with
cafe and reclining chair cars.
0:12 P. M. —Week days, from P. E. station,
for Ridgway, Brockwayville, Dußois, Punxsu
tiuvney, and intermediate stations.
Thousand mile tickets, good for passage be
tween all stations on It.K.& P. Ry., and N.Y.O.Jv:
H.R. Ii . Pt una. Division -at twenty $20.) dollars.
Passengers are requested to purchase tickets
before entering the cars. An excess charge of
ten cents will be collected by conductors when
fares are paid on trains, from all stations where
a ticket office is maintained.
EDWARD C. LAPEY,Gen. Pass. Agt.
Rochester,N. v .
Taking effect June 15th. 1898.
KAHTWA lilt.
Tf 10 4 li I
I*. M. I'. M. A. M. P. M.
Port Allegany, Lv. :L 15 7 is 12 10
Coleman, *3 'Ji 00 *!2 15
Hurtville, »:J 30 7 29 12 22
Roulette, 3 40 7 r>!i 12 30
Knowlton's, *:j 45 "12 33
Mina, S 59 7 48 12 40
Olmsted I 05 *7 50 *l2 It
Hammonds °° ,a »12 4!)
Coudersport. {£*■ 1207 57 12
North Coudersport, 00 *1 05
Frlnk's *6 26 *1 M
Colcsburg *(\ :m 121
Seven Bridge:;, *6 3B *l2l
Uaymonds's, «r; i<) i35
Hold, G54 141
Newfield, 1 45
Newfield Junction 702 150
Perkins, »i ;;;)
Carpenter's, °° »l 68
Crowcll'B »7 10 "1 59
Ulysses, Ar 718 210
WEST W A no.
j 1 5 3
A. M. P. M. A. M
Ulysses, I.v. 7 32 2 30 10 05 ....
Crowell's, *7 41 *2 39 *lO 15
Carpenter's, 00 *2 I! *lO m
Perkins, *2 11*10 21
NewfleldlJunction, 7 17 2 48 10 25
Newfield *7 51 2 50 *lO 30
Gold, 7 55 2 51 10 35
Raymond's *7 59 2 59*10 40
Seven Bridges «8 11 •:! 11 10 55
Colesburg *8 11 11 11 00
Krink's *8 22 *3 2• 11 09 ... .
North Coudersport 31 11 20
( Ar. 8 3o 330 11 3'J
Coudersport, / P.M..
I Lv. 81! r, 00 120
Hammonds 00 0
Olmsted, *8 18 «G 00 *1 27 ....
Mina, 850 810 i n
Knowlton's, 05 *8 18 01
Roulette !> 00 <> 21 145
Hurtville i) 03 629 255
Colctimn,. 't; :i~,
Poit Allegany 9 21. 640 2 .Til
(*) Flag stations. ( ) Trains do not stop.
Connections—At Ulyi .< ■ with N.V.C. & 11.1t.R.
for points north and south. At Newlield Junc
tion with Buffalo & :Sus<|iielianiu It. !:. north of
Wellsville, south ot (laleton and Ansonia. At
Port Allegany with W. N. V. & P. It. It., north
lor Butlalo, Olean, Bradford anil Sinethport;
south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium
and Penn'a R. R., point.'!.
B. A. McCLURE, Oen'l Supt.
Coudersport, Pa.
(' cititsc the livov, purity tlie blood, in
vigorate tin' body by DoW'iitV J.ii
tlt! l'iiirly risers. 'l'lk-su I'aiiimi.s little pills
always act promptly. 11. 0. Dodnon. Sly
llow woulit it do to make the ticket
and so as so allow everybody to
fill it into suit ?
11. Clark, Chauncey, Ga., says DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve cured liim of [files
that had afflicted liiui for twenty years.
It is also a speedy cure for skin diseases.
Beware of dangerous counterfeits. 11. C.
Dodson. Sly
The middle-of-the-roadcrats had better
step to the side when the Mclvinley
train conies along.
"I think DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are the best pills in the world," says W.
E. Lake, Happy Creek, Va. They re
move all obstructions ol the liver and
bowels, act quickly and uever gripe. K.
C. Dodson. Sly
If the Sioux tribe of I'ops have their
way, Kansas City may need only say
"me too."
Otto Korb, Grand Chancellor, K. I'.,
Hoonville, Ind., says, "DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve sooths the most delicate skin
and heals the most stubborn ulcer with
certain and good results." Cures piles
and skin diseases. Don't buy an iuimi
tation. 11. C. Dodson. iy
llobs is tuakim; some great hits, but
the Boers arc making the runs.
•J. I. Carson, Prothonotary, Washing
ton. I'a., says,"l have found Ivodol Dys
pepsia Cure an excellent remedy ill case
of stomach trouble, and have derived
great benefit from its use." It digests
what you eat aud can not fail to cure.
11. C. Dodson. 81y
The Democratic sidi .-hows are leaving
nothing for the main circus.
'•No family can afford to be without
One Minute Cough Cure. It wiil stop a
cough and cure a cold quicker than any
other medicine," writes C. W. Williams,
Sterling llun, l'a. It cures croup, bron
chitis and all throat and lung troubles
and prevents consumption. Pleasant and
harmless. 11. ('. Dodson. Sly
Those new shells must be something
like greesed lightning.
W. 11. Shipman, Beardsley, Minn.,
under oath, save he suffered Irom dyspep
sia for twenty-five years. Doctors and
dietimr gave but little relief. Finally he
used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and now cats
what he likes and as much as he wants,
and he feels like a new man. It digests
what you eat. 1!. ('. Dodson.
If you want to Lend Money,
Advertise in the PUESS.
An Epidemic cf Whooping Cough.
Last winter during an epidemic of
whooping cough my children contracted
tin.' disease, having severe coughing stiells.
We had used Chamberlain s Cough Rem
edy very successfully for cruun and natur
ally turned to it at that time and found ii
relieved the cough and effected a com
plete cure.— JOHN 10. CLIKI-'OHH, Pro
prietor Norwood House, Norwood, N. V.
This remedy i, for sale by L. Tajgart.
.Many vein hopes are entertained by
buyers of coal lands.
.at.'i AI fine lialsam in every cake.
S'COl H» Jl J, itf*! thc P .Scalp
ii healthy and
o free from
i! ft n h !?t| dandruff,
" , /v " xll Im I1 /O the hair
§ S BH fine and
' lifw WJ silken and
® ™ tli^skin
t !).ildnerr, is caused by dandruff. To keep the
•1 :!/> and beard in healthy condition, make a
ulicr with
r» uid shampoo freely. If
dt) restore [, r ray W?"*
: \ 1 :r to youthful color,
iltsy'6Ha?r c HealthafterjßMßc\r
injr with Hariina, andMHg.
.yp.t-ss will disappear and|lß^b,
I y L' >NI»ON SUPI'LY (' 1.,-^vXm—■
.. i u«iway, HAW York. Ucfuno ail subatitutos. ,
\. A, |FEVERS, ConßeNtioim, iMfl/uuma*
CURES j tion», Luna; Fewr, Milk Fever.
11. II.) SI*KAI.\s. I InjuricM,
CURES J Itlieuinmiimt.
< . <'. / MIUK TfIIICIAT, Quinsy, Kpi/.oolie,
CURES J DiHtoniper.
rU*RRS | K, |JO(H, (ir 111)8.
M, I']. M'Ol (ilh, ('old-;. liifluerr/.n, inilaincil
CURES ) Liiiikh, l*lruro-l*iM'iiiiioniii.
1.1 . M OLir. Ilrll\ urlir, Wind-illou 11,
CURES) Diarrhea. I>v»c*iitrry.
Prcvcnm .>IIHC AHIUA<; 1:.
' *5 141 H -\E V 111. V l>l>l-:it DISditnKKH.
J. I. ?SKI\ DhKASIIS, Kruptloiifl,
CURES ) 1 let* l'M, (jireuHe, I'aivy.
>*-. K. t H Ml rOM)lTIO\, Siarine font.
(I;I:ES > Sluuuern.
WJc. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifies, Hook, &e., s<.
At druggists or sent prepaid on reeolnt of price.
HunipiirevH* Medicine Co., Cor. William & John
V 3 Al2 4 WC] .1i 2 k E*j S S
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific
No. in useover4o yen , tli<s only
successful r<-inecly.
Slpci vial,or special package with powder, for $5
80M by Drii/'-lHt.i, or sent .11 - ii»t of price.
UtairilUKVS* MED. CO., tor. William t* John Sln.,Xew York
S The Place <0 liny Cheap )
\ IS AT ?
( J. F. PARSONS. (
At tho last meeting of tho Junior Ep~
worth League the following officers
were elected for the ensuing term: Mrs.
S. L. Stoddard, Superintendent; Alvira
Parr, President; First Vice-President,
Grace Lloyd; Second V. P., .Myrtle
Gregory; Third V. P., Nora Stauffer;
Fourth V. P., Mabel Halderman; See'y,
Emma Ellis; Treasurer. Edith Heilman;
Organist, Maude Thomas; Ass't Organ
ist, Bertha Gregory; Wardens, Stanley
Smith and Alicia Swain.
Hon. A. C. Hopkins, of this city, has
been given honorable mention for tho
efforts be has put forth to secure tracts
in this county for forestry reservation.
This honorable mention conies from the
State Forestry commission, which, at
the suggestion of Governor Stone, has
adopted a resolution that the tracts
purchased south and southwest of Ren
ovo shall be named the "Hopkins For
estry Reservation." As already pub
lished 50,000 acres are included in the
reservation. —Clinton Democrat.
In good condition she is sweet and lovable,
and sings life's song on a Joyful harmonious
string. Out of order or unstrung, there is
discordance and unhappiness. Just as there
is one keynote to all music so there is one key
note to health. A woman might as well try
to fly without wings as to fee! well and look
well while the organs that make her a woman
are weak or diseased. She must be healthy
Inside or she can't be healthy outside. There
are thousands of women suffering silently all
over the country. Mistaken modesty urges
their silence. While there is nothing more
admirable than a modest v/oman, health is
of the first importance. Every other
sideration should give way before it. Brad
field's Female Regulator is a med.cinr fot
women's ills. It is . ——■,
est way to cure leu- Q-jy,' \
corrhea, falling of Pjnp \
the woi.ib, nervous- iY| j\
ness, headache, 'rf |if : | t
backache and gen- ||, j. I
era! weakne-s. You I ii|
will be astonished j • I
at the result, es- j Ijllt. Vf \ " if
pecially if you have jMj
been experiment- jvj'ftjiffl'J?l
ing v/ith other so- liilji 'J
called remedies. li ill j iKi® jfrv -i JIH
We are not asking I ftJlUJflff
you to try an uncer- |i /
tainty. Bradfield's ||
F?egulatorhasmade :
happy thousands of s{l
firg' ! \ioruo. I• v j \ .>1
Atiu(ltil) Gil. -
A Young Girl's Experience.
My daughter's nerves were terribly out of
order. She was thin and weak; the least noise
startled her, and she was wakeful at niu'ht.
Before she had taken one
King tlies change In her was so great that she
could hardly he taken for the same girl. She
is rapidly growing well and strong, her com
plexion is perfect, and she sleeps well every
night.—Mrs. Lucy MeXutt, Hrush Valley, I'a.
< *elery King for 1 he Nerves, Stomach. 1 iver
and Kidneys is sold In 25c. and 50c. } acka
by drier-,ists and dealers.
li. C. DodHon, Emporium, P:i.
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor end Manhood
Cure Xinpotency, Xiglit Emissions, Loss of Mom.
yc* ,as Ss®i>' or >'t M '' wasting diseases, r—
all etl'ects of self-abuso or
muT —r (4 excess and indiscretion.
nervo tonic and pgi t *3
V" builder. Briiips
i T >WTtlio pink «low to palo &'C. C"tk
ij. cheeks and restores the fJw*
aK®W ir " of youth. Hy mail CTS.
, V'*" \soe per box. 0 boxes for ..
$2.50, witli our bankable ganrantee to cure
or refund tlio money paid. Send for circular
and copy of our bankable guarantee) bond.
(YELLOW LABEL) Immediate R.sulis
Positively guaranteed euro for Loss of Power,
Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs,
Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra
tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and tho
Kesults of Execs-ivo Use of Tobacco, Opium or
Liquor. By mail in plain package, SI.OO a
box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guar
antee bond to cure in 30 days or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, !LL.
Sold by R. C. Dodson, Druggist,
34-48ly. Emporium, Pa.
• *
• ... reliable. Jbttflie*. ask f<>:
trait's II ia lU,| iir: i
.ct'Uillic boxes, Healed with blue ribboa.
1- ru> olfipr. Kefuw mul;
• Jiny of your ]>ru."
ia stamps fur I'nrCicn Jar*. *l*4-— 4 "i
• • ,i.. and *• for Pisnllcu," in o '."c r
• ■ .. »*/2 JlO.OOOTestimonials. Kuld
Mquarp, PISILA., l»iL.
Xlcnl.'or: t!iiri pupcr*
43-261, e o \v
P&TC6ITC »®S» :
A a iara 6 O A,O „ c ßr»B H,s :
► Notice in "inventive Age" BBBKMBEM <
V Book "How to obtain Patents" B S3 Els San' I
v Charges moderate. Kofer- ti',l patent is secured. '
112 Letters strictly confidinti il. Address. '
E. G. SIGGERS. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D.C. ,
I'm no longer in the service,
Said I lie ex-active railroad man,
They have put, me out of practice
Upon tho pension plan.
They took me on at twenty-five,
When I was young and stout,
And now that I am sixty-five,
They ask me to get out.
! Of course. I'll have enough to eat,
Perhaps I'll have a pass,
And as they can't discharge me now,
They'll have to take my "sass."
I'm going to try to live at least
Three score and ten more years,
The pension until I'm deceased,
Is due me it appears.
We're only good for forty years
Of service on the road,
But if I don't live forty more
On pensions I'll be snowed.
The man who works the limit through
For forty years and still.
Without a wooden peg or two,
Can walk, is hard to kill.
I'll call upon the agent too,
At frequent intermissions.
Just when he's feeling awful blue
About his lost commissions.
I'll tell him not to mourn and weep,
Or try to pull his hair,
I For all his tears he ought to keep,
I And his head's already bare.
He'll get commissioned soon to join
The pensioner's brigade,
And have to take his meager coin
Like me, I am afraid.
For they'll be selling tickets,
With a common slot machine,
And he'll listen to the crickets,
With the things that once have been.
—Pittsburg Post.
Young Hen in Politics.
A young man entering upon political
work can make his individual effort of
much avail. As a rule he must be will
ing to enter the ranks as a private.
Hero as elsewhere, it is difficult to en
list as an officer of tho line. This fact
deters many from entering into politics.
But working in the ranks there are
many things which he can do, and
should be willing to do, if he feels that
the success of his party will be for the
public good. It is the detail work which
is of value. To talk for party, or brag
| for party, or bet for party, does not
| take the place of work for the party,
I says N. C. Sears in the Saturday Eve-
I ning Post.
There are many ways in which this
j detail work can be done. The young
[ man can see that his friends and neigh
[ bors do not forget to register. Together
' with a few others he can divide up tne
| territory of his px-eeinct and thus per-
I form tills task systematically and thor-
I oughly. During the campaign he can
| see that meetings arc arranged wher
ever most needed in his ward. Tho
| general committee ar • likely to over
look the needs of particular localities
| unless their attention is called to them.
He can, with his friends, arrange the
1 details of such meetings, obtain good
j speakers for them, through the general
I committee, and see that meetings are
| held throughout his district. He can
j aid in preventing fraudulent practices
|at his polling place. If he be of capac
| ity as a public speaker, he can readily j
; obtain opportunity to speak at such '
j meetings in his own locality and else- j
I where. But the detail work is more I
' important than oratory.
Just as soon as he has demonstrated j
by detail work that he is in earnest
j and willing to do other and less attract- ;
jive things than mere public speaking, j
his work and influence v. T ill be recog- |
nized by his party. As his labor be
comes more apparent in results his j
influence within his party will grow j
and he will be able, with, the co-opera- i
tion of others of his kind, to keep out of
| the transactions of his party within his
district anything which savors of dis
honesty or demagogism. In other
words he can largely help to make the
politics of hi.-: district so cl< an and repu
table that no man could feel that he !
was likely to be contaminated or de- ;
graded by participating in the rights
and duties of his citizenship.
He Thrashed His Rival.
The Cross Fork News describes the
partingofacouple in that neighborhood 1
as follows:
A rather pleasing and interesting \
episode transpired on Tuesday morning
at Abbott and was enjoyed by all tho
passengers and crew of the early train.
A man and his wife boarded tho train !
at McCoys, the wife paid her fare to !
the Junction and when the conductor I
came up to the husband he asked what 1
the fare to the next station—Abbott— ;
was. He handed over the stated 1
amount and remarked that he was go- !
ing up there to lick a fellow who was 1
going to run away with bio wife and !
stepped into the baggage ear to divest :
himself of Ins outside shirt and fix him- J
self for the jol) of licking his rival. In
the meantime the news was thoroughly |
circulated to passengers and train crow
so that ere they reached Abbott all ;
were ready to see the meeting of the
two antagonists. When tho train stop
<;• d, -are enough, on the platform with
grip in hand stood the rival. No soon- ;
<*>■ had the train stoppc '1 than oft to the
pl.tlf ;'m fl-'W tho husband and dashed
at tf;< nmn with the grip, striking out
right and left f.ttd then clinching him 1
II > >iv<i his .-Iv.:! and commenced punch
in until ho yelled for help through
more fear than hurt. The crowd then
inter!' red and the rival arose and
elim! « d on the train and joined the wife
who paid his fs;re to tho Junction but
ere they dep::rt.-d the husband apprised
the wife of tho fact thai lit had licked
her hobo and now she could take him
and go. This is what we call down- |
right coolness in all partu sand beats
all records we have ever heard of.
■ j. "•*»' t re-uedy (jr n- rv<.r. prostration am! all diseases of the generativa
■■■■ ' ' ' ••• citis'-r .s>;s, S' • . .NVrvous l'rostratioti. Paiiin.M- ... • Manhood
Xicpotency, Ni;»btly biuti ,v; 01; :.. Youthful Errors, Mental Worrv, t '.cr ssivo use
"" " of Tobacco or Opium, iv'iich lead to Consumption and Insanity. With every
APTFR IKiiviO order wo (,-uarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at, sl.oo oer box
HI n.n iJvitid. o boxes for $5.00. IHC. JIOTT'S CIli: ni( AL CO., Cleveland, Ohio!
Forsale by L. Taggart, Emporium, Pa.
_ A ! f.H IN DOUBT, TRT iTiey nave stood the test of year*.
VTD'i'^ 1 /""> _ -rn and have cured thousands of
vElkt ijO r. *' /{i\ of Nervous Diseases, such
circulation, make digestioa
• , .... perfect, and impart a healthy
vigor to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked permanently . Unless patients
*# C iP r ?^ Cr i S u sf their condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death.
Mailed sealed. Price fi per box; 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund the noney,
noney, *5.00. bend for free book. Address. PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.
For sale by R.C. Dodson. Emporium, Pa.
If Popular
rffi' D NUTS
D y, .j,
Daily Delivery. AD orders driven prompt atn;
skillful attention.
I 1
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops ami Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, tfc
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. It destroys Worms atttl allays Feverish ness.
It cures I)ianim:a ami Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth
ing' Troubles and cures Constipation. It; regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
Si Bears the Signature of -
in Use For Over 30 Years-
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Pretty, good and cheap. We can only c xtend to you j
•:V an invitation to come and see our troodi;. Printers' ink o
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cannot toll the story. We will say this, however, if |
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you want good value for good money you should see our j A
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»•' assorti'.ient. I %
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tJ t.'OJiSISTS. j ■
Sc\ eral good kinds here. We pay particular attention
■'i. 11
1 to our corset stock. We select thoso brands which in
I our opinion are the best. One thing is certain, no V
(.1 mean, miserable corsets are here and our prices are I n
fi #
down to the lowest notch. I
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A new §I.OO glove Here's good news for you. We've I
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■A' i secured the very best kid glove wo have been able to
I find, to retail at J?' 1.00, It's here nwaitinif your verdict. .-J,
i %
A Won't you come and pass on it.l A
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.J, t Some especially good -values. V. hen a manufacturer ] □
112 I I
/ J i over-produces then lie's pretty sure ol loosin; some ■ y ; '
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v- money. And incldently sombody is bound to profit by «
a : |
v. \ it. You loir exception- J w
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ally good hosiery at exceedingly Sow pri .
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j €\ 12, I1IOWAR2& & COMPANY. | y
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