Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 01, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Mrs.
Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard
street, Philadelphia. IV, when she found
that Dr. Kind's New Discovery l«r (\>n
suiuption liad completely cured her of a
hacking cough that for many years had
made life a burden. All other remedies
and doctors could give her no help, but
says of this royal cure, "It soon removed
the pain in my chest and I can now
sleep soundly, something I can scarcely
remember doing before. I teel like
sounding its praises throughout the uni
verse." So will everyone who tries Dr.
King's New Discovery for any trouble of
the throat, chest or luntrs. Price 50c.
and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at L.
Taggart's drug store; cvcrv bottle guaran
Sir Redvers thinks it will not be so
painful if he tells it slow.
"I think 1 would go crazy with pain
were it not for Chamberlain's Pain Baltn,"
writes Mr. W. H. Stapleton, Herminie,
Pa. "I have been afflicted with rheu
matism for several years and have tried
remedies without number, hut Pain Balm
the best medicine 1 have got hold of."
One application relieves the pain. For
s ile by L. Taggart, Druggist. feb
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Some are found bleeding and
sore, while others have a fit
of the blues. Now if there
should be any so unfortunate
as to suffer from the effects of
accidents we have the Balm
for their pains and aches,let it
be either for man or beast.
Our linimentand powdersfor
horses or cattle are always
the best.
Our medicines are pure and
always get there. The prices
!lre right, too.
Our patent medicine depart
ment is supplied with all the
standard remedies and we can
supply your on short notice.
Our toilet and fancy goods
department we keep up to
the times.
Our Prescription depart
ment receives our closest at
tention and all calls answered
day or night. Just touch the
button. In fact we are here
to do business and serve the
\ The Cure that Cures /
Coughs? K
\ Colds, J
p Grippe, (k
\ Whooping Cough, Asthma, 1
Bronchitis and Incipient A
Consumption, Is fc*
r oTJos]
25 dsA
R. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.
(lier own nolectlon) to every subscriber. Reantlful col
orva lithographed plates and lllubtrutlor.,. Orlirlnai
latest, artistic, eiyulslt* strictly up to-do to designs'
Dressmaking economies, fancy work, houfiehold hint®,
sM-.rt current topic*. etc. Subucrlho to-day.
Only l»0c. yearly. Lady amenta wonted. bend tor terms.
For ladi»"?, inlsseg, frlrls and little children. Thnt COP
UUn stylish " olno' effect not attaint <\ hy the tin- of an*
Other patterns. Have no equal forbtyleand perfect lit
' ier. ( nly 10 and 16 cent -n nc
«*f • m nearly every city and town, or by mn-lh
Ask lor thein. Absolutely very latest up-to-date styles.
lis-11 0 14th SlreM, .... Sew York City, N.
BPfe W PR ° nr 'atnoup 63
aft S XLS » ready April Wth. Write K
8988 MS when ready: Prices will fflh
kB MMBa RMfe lie P.werthan vou think. Idf
H WaVKalllf We deliver H
■ XSW Om&ha or at. Paul, ae ■
tViiltliiK t« Be Enlrn.
The wasp Is not a vegetarian, like the
bee, und so tin' wasp mother has be
fore her tin; problem of supporting her
young with meat As her eggs are laid
out ill hot weather and as food enough
must be stored in the cell with the egg
•to mature the young insects, the ques
tion is how to preserve the meat fresh
for so long a time.
After a tube Is finished except one
end, which Is left open, she tiles off on
a hunt for spiders. She finds a fat.
healthy one, pounces upon it, stings It.
carries it off and places it in the mud
cell. She repeats this process until
she has placed as many spiders in the
tube as, according to her judgment,
will be needed. She then lays an egg
in the cell and walls up the opening.
Whether it is the result of a subtle
poison or whether it is a special spot
in the spider's nervous system where
the sting is inserted we do not know,
but certain it is that after being thus
stung the spider lives on in a paralyzed
condition for weeks and even months.
It can move only slightly and remains
helpless in its mud septilelier until the
wasp egg hatches into a voracious
grul), which at once falls to and eats
with great relish the meat thus miracu
lously preserved.
Whether the spider can feel pain in
this paralyzed state is not known; but
it certainly retains its sight and so
watches the wasp grub growing, and
a spider's natural fear of a wasp would
cause ample suffering to atone for its
own onslaught on Hies.
I'eler Cooper Met the SpiritM.
During Peter Cooper's lifetime he
was a frequent visitor at the home of
S. J. Pardessus, on Pacific street,
At one time Mr. Cooper became great
ly interested in the spirit manifesta
tions of the Fox sisters and was anx
ious to investigate their rappings per
sonally, but he did not like to attend
one of their public seances, for lie fear
ed recognition and consequently a
great deal of talk. Finally it was ar
ranged that one of the sisters should
spend a night at Mr. Pardessus' house
and the doughty Peter be Invited to
meet her.
Miss Fox came, and the spirits came
too. The family retired early, Mr.
Cooper occupying a bedroom on the op
posite side of the hall from that of the
fair ally of the supernatural. lie was
just settling himself comfortably for
"a long winter's nap" when a rapping
began on the headboard of his bed
which sent shivers to his very marrow.
It was only the beginning of a "rat,
tat, tat," that kept up at intervals dur
ing the night in all parts of the room,
and before daylight came Mr. Cooper
had listened to enough spirits to last
him a lifetime. lie never said much
about the experience, but he never
asked to have it repeated.—New York
Mail and Express.
Don't Give lip tile Ship.
Somewhat more than 50 years ago it
happened to me to meet at the house
of a mutual friend a daughter of the
late Major Benjamin Kussell, for many
years editor of the Boston Centinel.
She was a bright, interesting woman
and a brilliant raconteur, and she told
me a number of anecdotes of her fa
ther, who was a strongly individualized
and notable character for a good many
years. Among them was the follow
The battle between the Chesapeake
and the Shannon took place just off the
Massachusetts coast, and a sailor in
some way got ashore and hurried to
Boston with the news. It was in the
night, and lie went straight to The Cen
tinel office, where he found Major Itus
sell, to whom he told the story, includ
ing the death of Lawrence.
"What were his last words?" said the
"Don't know," said tiio man.
"Didn't lie say, 'Don't give up the
ship?' "
"Don't know," said the man.
"Oil, lie did!" said the major. "I'll
make him say it." And he did—so
much for history.—Hartford Courant.
The Effect of IIIh Faef.
An amusing story is told at the ex
pense of Winston Churchill, the author.
An old man, seeing the picture of
Churchill displayed in the window of a
Baltimore bookseller, inquired of a by
stander whom it represented.
"Winston Churchill," was the reply.
"Where does ho preach?"
Being told that Mr. Churchill was not
a preacher, he asked: "Ain't he? What
did you say his name is?"
"Winston Churchill. lie writes nov
"Does what?"
"Writes novels."
The man shook his head with a look
of pity and declared: "Too bad! Too
bad! He has a good face."
At the Examination.
Teacher (to little Isidor, who is very
poor at fractions)—lf I need 3% yards
of cloth for a suit and the clotli costs
gulden a yard, what will the suit
cost ?
Isidor—To begin with, teacher, 3
yards would be enough for a suit, and
you could get it at our store for 2 gul
den. The suit would cost you (i gul
den.—Fliegende Blatter.
"Somethings Hot."
D'Orsay was at a dinner at Disraeli's,
which was not of a kind to suit the
fashionable gourmet and where every
thing had been cold. At the end of
dinner there was brought in some half
melted ice in a dish. "Thank heaven!"
Bold D'Orsay. "At last we have got
something hot."—Sir Algernon West's
I'nlse Doctrine.
School Examiner—What is tlie mean
ing of false doctrine?
Schoolboy—Please, sir, it's when the
doctor gives the wrong stuff to people
who are sick.—Boston Christian Itegis
Cost of Living in Sweden.
It used to be the general opinion that
one could live cheaply in Sweden, but the
tables are rapidly turning. Every article
of general consumption ban advanced per
ceptibly in the last year, and the people
are complaining on all sides.
An apartment of seven or eight rooms
in .Stockholm, without electric light, bath
rooms or steam heat, costs 85(1(1 per an
num. Half that amount was formerly a
fair price. Let the flat be new and have
a bath, central heating and other conven
iences and §750 would have to be paid.
Four dollars a month was formerly
good pay for a general houseworker,
while now they command §5 and 80 a
month. First-class butter is quoted at
35 cents a pound. Meat and fish have
gained 25 per cent. Oysters are a delica
cy. Vegetables are almost impossible to
Bucklen'g Arnica Salve .
The best Salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents a box. For sale by L. Taggart.
We, the undersigned druggists, offer a
reward of 50 cents to any person who
purchases of us. two 25 cent boxes of
Baxter's Mandruks Bitters Tablets, if it
fails to euro constipation, biliousness,
sick-headache, jaundice, loss of appetite,
sour stomach, dyspepsia, liver eomplaiut,
or any of the diseases for which it is
recommended. Price 25 cents for either
tablets or liquid. We will also refund
the money on one package of either if it
fails to give satisfaction. L. Taggart.
R. C. Dodson. 34-251y
Admiral Dewey seems to have subsid
ed into ordinary citizenship.
Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware
of counterfeit and worthless salve offered
for DeWitt's Witch Ilazel Salve. De-
Witt's is the only original. An infallible
cure for piles and all skin diseases. R.
C. Dodson. Sly
The work of electing national delegates
will soon begin.
The modern and most effective cure
for constipation and all liver troubles—
the famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. 11. <\ Dodson. Sly
Secretary Burger, of the Traosvaal
European agency, has arrived at St.
G. TI.Ap, ileton. Justice of the Peace,
Clarksburg, N. .J., says, "DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are the pills made for con
stipation. We use no others." (Quickly
cure all liver and bowel troubles. R. C.
Dodson. Sly
President Steyn, of the Orange Free
State, is visiting President Kruger at
Lewis Dennis, Salem, Tud., says,
"Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more
good than anything 1 ever took.'' It
digests what you eat and can not help but
cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles. 11.
C. Dodson. Sly
Miss Helen Gould has contributed
85,000 to Berea College. Kentucky.
-J. I. Bevy, Logan ton, Pa., writes, "I
am willing to take my oath that 1 was
cured of pneumonia entirely by the use
of One Minute Cough Cure after doctors
failed. ft also cured my children of
whooping cough." Quickly relieves aud
cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and
throat and lung troubles. Children all
like it. Mothers endorse it. R. C.
Dodson. Sly
Judge Kohlsaat, of the United States
Circuit Court decided that the Illinois
anti-trust law of 18915 was void.
L. T. Travis, Agent Southern R. R.,
Saliua, Ga., writes, "I cannot say too
much in praise of One Minute Cough
Cure. In my case it worked like a
charm." The only harmless remedy that
gives immediate results. Cures coughs,
colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and
lung troubles. 11. C. Dodson. Sly
President McKinley will now do some
proclamating in the Philippines.
There is no better medicine for the
babies than Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. Its pleasant taste and prompt and
effectual cures make it a favorite with
mothers and small children. It quickly
cures their coughs and colds, preventing
pneumonia or other serious consequences.
It also cures croup and it lias been used
in tens of thousands of eases without a
single failure so far as we have been able
to learn. It not only cures croup but
when given as soon as the croupy cough
appears will prevent the attack. In cases
of whooping cough it liquefies the tough
mucus, making it easier to expectorate,
and lessens the soverity and frequency of
the paroxysms of coughing, thus depriv
ing that disease of all dangerous conse
quences. For sale by L. Taggart. feb
If we could only arrange a little
weather reeiprociy with Australia.
SSOO Iteward.
We will pay the above reward lor any
case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Indigestion. Constipation or
Costiveness we cannot cure with Liverita,
the up-to-date Little Liver I'ill, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely Vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. 25c boxes con
tain 100 Pills, lOc boxes contain -10 Pills,
5c boxes eontaines 15 Pills. Beware of
substitutions and imitations. Sent by
mail; stamps taken. NEB VITA MED
ICAL CO., Cor. Clinton and Jackson
Sts., Chicago, 111. Sold bv R. C. Dod
son, Druggist Emporium, Pa. 34-491y
Senator Mason is continuing his at
tempts to secure the intervention of the
Cnited States on behalf of the Boers.
1'". B. Thirkield, Health Inspector ol
Chicago, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot
be too highly recommended. It cured
me of severe dyspepsia." It digests what
you eat and cures indigestion, heartburn
and all forms of dyspepsia. R. C. Dod
son. Sly
Bryan has lost heart since his arrival
in the east.
Don't irritate your lungs with a stub
born cough when a pleasant and effective
remedy may be found in Ballard's Hore
hound Syrup. Price 25c. and 50c. L.
Taggart's. feb
A good many British are getting to
Pretoria on Boer transportation orders.
Faults ot digestion causes disorders of
the liver, and the whole system becomes
deranged. Herbine perfects the process
i of digestion and assimilation, and thus
makes pure blood. Price 50c. L. Tag
gart. feb
After the fall election, poems will be
l due on"The man with the crow."
Are you restless at night and harassed
by a bad cough? Use Ballard's Hore
hound Syrup, it will secure you sound
sleep, and effect a prompt aud radical
cure. Price 25 cents and 50 cents. L.
Taggart. feb
Frequently accidents occur in the
household, which cause burns, cuts,
sprains and bruises. For use in such
cases Ballard's Snow Liniment has for
many years been a constant favorite
family remedy. Price 25c. and 50c. L.
Taggart's. feb
| The Modder is going somewhat out of
Children who are troubled with worms
are pale in the face, fretful by spells,
restless in sleep, have blue rings around
their eyes, bad dreams, variable appetite,
and pick the nose. White's Cream
Vermifuge will kill and expel these para
sites. Price 25 cents. L. Taggart. feb
The trust killers have been Spion
Koppcd in Chicago.
'fabler's Buckeye Pile < )intment is no
panacea, but is recommended for piles
only. These it will cure. Price 50 cts.,
in bottles; tubes, 75 cents, L. Taggart.
Parkhurst does not believe in a schoon
erless Sunday.
We, the undersigned, do hereby
agree to refund the money on two
25 cent bottles or boxes of Baxter's
Mandrake Bitters, if it fails to cure
constipation, biliousness, sick head
ache, jaundice, loss of appetite, sour
stomach, dyspepsia, liver complaint, or
any of the diseases for which it is re
commeded. It is highly recommended
as a tonic and blood purifier. Sold
liquid in bottles, and tablets in boxes.
Price 25 cents for either. One pack
age of either guaranteed to give satis
faction or money refunded. L. Tag
gart, It. C. Dodson. 34-24-ly
Thirty-One Days' Tour via Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for a special personally
conducted tour through California, to
leave New York and Philadelphia on
February 27, by special Pullman drawing
room sleeping car and connecting at
El Paso with the "Mexico and California
Special, composed exclusively of Pullman
parlor-smoking, dining, drawing-room
sleeping, compartment and observation
cars, for tour through California, return
ing by March 29.
Round-trip tickets, covering all neces
sary expenses, 8375 from all points on
Pennsylvania Railroad.
For further information apply to ticket
agents; Tourist Agent, 11 (!l! Broadwav,
New York ; 4 Court Street, Brooklyn;
789 Broad Street, Newark, N. .J,; B.
Courleander, Jr., Passenger Agent Balti
more District, Baltimore, Md.; Colin
Studds, Passenger Agent Southeastern
District, Washington, D. C.; Thos. E.
Watt, Passenger Agent Western District,
Pittsburg, Pa.; or address Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Philadelphia. 1531-45-8t
Two-weeks' Tour Via Pennsylvania Rail
The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour
of the season to Jacksonville, allowing
two weeks it: Florida, will leave New
York and Philadelphia February (!.
Excursion tickets, including railway
transportation, Pullman accommodations
(one berth), and meals en route in both
directions while traveling n the special
train, will be sold at the following rates:
New York. 850.00; Philadelphia, Harris
burg, Baltimore and Washington, 845.00.
Pittsburg, 853.00, and at proportionate
rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries, and other in
formation apply to ticket agents; Tourist
Agent at 119(5 Broadway, New York; I
Court Street. Brooklyn; 781) Broad
Street, Newark, N. J.: B. Courleander.
Jr.. Passenger Agent, Baltimore District,
Baltimore, Md.; Colin Studds, Passenger
Agent Southeastern District, Washington,
D. C ; Thos. I']. Watt. Passenger Ageut
Western District, Pittsburg. Pa., or Geo.
W. Boyd, Broad Stri >et Station, Philadel
Forty-six Days' Tonr Via Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Railroad personally
conducted tour to Mexico and California
which leaves New York and Philade phia
on Februaiy 12 (Pittsburg, February 13) j
by special Pullman train, covers a large
and intensely interesting portion of N6rth
America. Mexico. California and Colo
rado are a mighty trio in all that appeals
to and fascinates the tourist.
Stops will be made at San Antonio,
Tampico, Guanajuata, Guadalajara, Que
retaro, City of Mexico (five days), Cuer
navaca, Aguascalientes, Los Angeles, San
Diego. Riverside, Pasadena, Santa Bar
bara, San Jose (Mt. Hamilton), Pel
Monte, San Francisco (five days), Salt
Lake City, Colorado Springs, Denver.
Chicago, and other points of interest.
Fourteen days will be spent in Mexico
and nineteen in California.
The "Mexico and California Special,"
an exclusively Pullman train of Parlor-
Smoking, Dining, Drawing-room Sleeping,
and Observation cars, will be used over
the entire route.
Round-trip rate, includingaUnecessary
expenses during the entire trip, 8550
from all points on the Pennsylvania Rail
road System east of Pittsburg; 8545 from
Pittsburg. For itinerary and full in
formation apply to ticket agents; Tourist
Agent, 119(5 Broadway, New York; 4
Court Street, Brooklyn; 789 Broad
Street, Newark, N. J.; B. Courleander,
Jr.; Passenger Agent Baltimore District,
Baltimore, Md.; Colin Studds, Passenger
Agent Southeastern District, Washing
ton, P. C.; Thos. E. Watt, Passenger
Agent, Western District, Pittsburg, I'a.,
or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia. 1535-45-6t
Twenty-three Days'Tourvia Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for a special personally-con
ducted tour through Old Mexico by
special pullman train of parlor-snioking
dining, sleeping, compartment and obser
vation cars, to leave New York and Phil
adelphia February 12, visiting all the
principal points of interest in the " Land
of Montezuma," and spending five days
in the City of M<xico.
Round-trip tickets, covering all neces
sary expenses, 8300 from all points on
the Pennsylvania Railroad.
For further information apply to ticket
agents; Tourist Agent, 1190 Broadway,
New York; 4 Court Strict, Brooklyn;
789 Broad Street. Newark, N. J.; B.
Courlaender, Jr., Passenger Agent Balti
more District, Baltimore, Md.; Colin
Studds, Passenger Agent Southeastern
District, Washington, I). C. Passenger
Agent, Western District, Pittsburg. Pa.;
or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent. Philadelphia.
Special Low-Rate Excursions via Penn
sylvania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces that on December 23, Feb
ruary 21, March 15, and April 7, it will
run special excursions from points on the
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, Erie to
Lock Haven, inclusive, to Washington,
for the benefit of all who may wish to
visit the National Capitol. Round-trip
tickets, good going on all regular trains
on day of issue, and good return
ing on any regular train within ten days,
exclusive of going date, will be sold at
rate of 810 from Erie, St. Marys and
intermediate points; 88.95 from Diitt
wood; 88.15 from llenovo; 87.30 from
Lock Haven; and proportionate rates
from other points.
Holders of special excursion tickets to
Washington, can puichase at the Penn
sylvania Railroad Ticket Offices in
Washington, excursion tickets to Rich
mond at rate of 84.00 and to Old Point
Comfort (all rail) at 8(5.00; from the
pursers of the Northfolk and Washing
ton Steamboat Company, excursion tick
ets (not including meals and staterooms
on steamers) to Old Point Comfort or
Northfolk, Ya., at 83.50, and to Virginia
Beach, Princess Anne Hotel, at 84.50;
and at the Washington. Alexandria and
Mt. Vernon Electric Railway Company,
excursion tickets to Mt Vernon and re
turn at rate of 50 cents.
For lull information consult small
handbills, apply to ticket agents, or ad
dress E. S. Harrar, Division Ticket
Agent, Williauisport, Pa.. 1519-41-18t
miwn A /.'t'j l ' s'■'4!wfflE<Ln * s ** lC * arc:osl h°use > ts kind in the country. AYe pay spot
$? %| j y'' 1 Cash for a// kinds of Shins and Furs.
■ (l:A I 1 'j/fffifid.- Our assorting is considered the most liberal and ourremit-
IMI V 'lli'l W''' tances the most prompt. We remit by draft, money order
H'fjjv , (11,' \s+L KW •' VVW or cash on the same day the shipment arrives. We charge
n' ft'''' 'X'SIW n« commission on furs, and pay express or freight charges
II ti'f \k'l\'lH'Vv when same do not exceed 10 per cent of the value of ship-
KM J U 'Mi' ! ;[y ment. We keen vou posted at all times on the prices of all
Mm r 'ft'"' kinds of fiii-s. Write to-day for Price List and Quotations.
I k , , , As to our responsibility we refer by permission to—
B,'j / lU\\K\X t " 7'■ 'if™ DESERET NATIONAL BANK, Salt Lake City, Utah.
B.j * PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK, Rock Island, 111.
M !\\ IOWA NATIONAL BANK, Ottumwa, lowa.
Hllfh \
SB' 1 ; >Vn ■ NELSON AIORRIS & CO., Beef and Pork Packers, Chicago.
H i'< V ROSENBAIin BROS. & CO., Union Stock Yards.
■ CLAY, ROBINSON & CO., Union stock Yards.
123 SS39SKHE ' Ghlaaa °'
The Cameron County Press
Is the best advertising medium in this section of the State;
has a larger circulation than any other weekly paper pub
in Western Pennsylvania. Rates given upon application.
Department is equipped with all the up-to-date styles of
type and first-class work can be done on short notice.
A Beautiful Woman's
attractiveness depends
largely on the appearance
conies then there is' an ap
pcaranceof age even though
she may look and feel as
young as ever. Under these circumstances gray
hair is a draw back both to men and women.
has been a blessing to many thousands of men and
women (over three million bottles of this preparation
have been sold in the United States, England and
France during I8Q8) who are now enjoying a fine head
of hair produced by this unequalled preparation for
restoring, strengthening and beautifying the hair.
Hair-Health quickly cleanses the scalp, removes the
dandruff and stops failing and breaking of the hair.
That is the expression of many who have had their
gray hairs restored to natural color and their bald spot
covered with hair after using one bottle of Hair-Health.
It positively restores gray hair to its youthful beauty
and color. It is riot a dye, and its use cannot be de
tected Hair-Health will not stain the hands or cloth
ing. It prevents hair falling alter much perspiration.
Hair-Health is sold by leading druggists everywhere.
Price. 50c. for large bottle, or sent by express, prepaid,
in plain sealed package, on receipt of 60c., by the
LONDON SUPPLY CO., 853 Broadway. N. Y.
Remember the name, "Hair-Health." Re/use all
substitutes. Money refunded if it doc snot benefit you.
i known for 15 yoars as the £
For sale by L. Taggart. ::j-l-ly.
' . Always reliable. Ladi e«, ask Druggist for
<;<i Ijs metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon.
S'»lie no oilier. Ke finte danecrouM MubNtfi
iiilitMMsind imitation**. Huy of your Druggist,
end i«*. In stamps f«<r Partionlar«i, Tfllti*
Miontalit and " Kelief for I,ad lew," in letter
i)v return Mall. 10,000 Testimonials. Sold bj
all Druggists.
ttlOO .Madison .Square, I*lll LA., PA.
Mention this paper.
49-26t e o w
DJUTENTC trademarks
;rAlSilllD AN VBS G D HTS :
► Notice in 41 Inventive Age " Hi Bv ■■ ■§ '
y Book "How to obtain Patents" | 11 !■ '
Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured. ]
[ Letters strictly confidential. Address,
E. G. SIGGERS. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. C. J
The Place to Buy Cheap ?
£ J. F. PARS^^|
II « y.r) play most effectively
a festive scene when thrown
I hy waxen caudles. g
fc 'Jj The light that heightens 1
| * Tj beauty's charm, that gives the
k i I finished touch to the drawing k
| | i room or dining room, is the |
S i \ mellow glow of
| Sold in all colors and shades 112
I to harmonize with any interior S
| hangings or decorations. t
5 Manufactured by E
K For sa lo everywhere. ( _