Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 14, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. 34.
To Relocate the Districts.
The next legislature will have before it
a bill for the relocation of publie school
districts. (>ne of the features of the
measure will be that school districts need
not necessarily conform to the ward,
borough or township lines. The idea is to
make each school district responsible only
for the children living within its limits.
Twenty-Five Year's Constant Use With
out a Failure.
The fir>t indication of croup is hoarse
ness, and iti a child subject to that dis
ease it may be taken a- a sure sign of the
approach of an attack. Following this
hoarseness is u peculiar rough cough, [f
Chamberlain's cough remedy is given as
soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even
after the croupy cough appears, it will
prevent the attack. It is used in many
thousands of homes in this broad land
and never disappoints the anxious mothers.
We have yet to learn of a single instance
in which it has not proved effectual. No
other preparation can show such a record
—twenty-five years' constant use without
a failure. For sale by L. Taggart. dec
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
Thanksgiving is hard on the diges
tion. People eat heavily of richest
sort of food and feel depressed in con
sequence. Don't he alarmed —-there is
no need for worry. Doctor will give
you good advice. Will tell you what
to take. Prescription he gives will he
best filled by us. You get confidence
by taking what he recommends. You
get health from what we prepare for
you from his prescription.
it. c. uonsoN.
Popular Variety Store j
New line of winter Coats and
Capes. Elegant in texture and
j make.
Newest styles in Fancy Dress
Fine line of Ready-made Cloth
ing of the best manufacture.
Ladies' • Furnishing • Goods.
112 Tinware, Glassware,
r Silverware, Dishes, by sets,
112 One hundred piece
< Dinner and Tea Sets,
I Crockery,
< Lamps, Lanterns,
112 Clocks,
112 Table Oil Cloth,
r Clothes Wringers,
( Window Shades, Wall Paper,
\ Sewing Machines,
Emporium, I'a. j
EASTMAN'S KODAK ) . . ' JLT"" -L ~~ J " :
n ■ \ *' v WmM I /Ems C pJ
IWhen you were not thinking of Christinas yet, we baked a Jj|
I' s /J s DTTTM PR > plum-cake for Yule-tide. It is very rich; we give you a few |!
|l| J ( rLUili"Unl\ij! S slices of it on another page of this week's PRESS, but in order to |J ■:
;| ) < fully appreciate it you want to visit our store; "seeing is believing." |J|
>| FRIDAY, colder and probably snow flurries. \ ,/w/w^rt/vVVi Tlie little folks all say thrit its the greatest toy show in Kllipo- j.-i
jfi SATURDAY, Fair and cold. \ riuin, and they seem to be practically a unit in the wish that Santa Clans will do his choos- =J
• SUNDAY, Fair and warmer. > illg here. [lll
11 You can carry it in your hands,on vonr shoul- C ||j|]
• der, in your pocket or on yourbicyle. 5 f= ji
I You press the button and the Kodak will I __ . __ __ „ |i
(jjj do the rest HARRY S. LLOYD.
CHRISTMAS goods in endless pro
fusion at D. F. Cramer's Variety Store.
You can buv a good sled for boy or
girl, cheaper of M. C. Tuiis than of
any one else. 41-3t.
Another furniture establishment is
about to be opened in Emporium.
Watch the PRESS.
See the new Platnum Photos at
Scliriever's Gallery. They are just the
thing for Xmas presents.
Have your pictures framed at Sch
riever's. He has a new and large line
of mouldings and frames always on
LADIES' fine kid and Mocha gloves,
at bargain prices. D. F. CRAMER.
XMAS PHOTOS. —There is nothing
more acceptable for an Xmas present
than a good photo of yourself. Sch
riever makes them you know.
FOK SALE. —One span of good, heavy
draught-horses, with harness, nearly
new; also a pair of bob sleds used but a
few weeks; all at a bargain. Price
away down.
41-2t Sterling Run.
glass will never entirely take theplace of
silver, yet the demand for the beauti
ful and artistic cut glass dishes is con
stantly increasing. We notice some of
the choicest patterns from the most
celebrated makers at Metzger's, at as
tonishing low prices. 41-2t.
LOG Jon TO LET. —We are ready to
contract for the hauling of 7,000,000 feet
of logs, all skidded and in good shape.
Distance to be hauled, three miles.
Roads made. Apply to
Colegrove, or Norwich.
cordance with an old established v.u_tom
the Buffalo, Rochester <?c Pittsburg Ry.
will, this year, issue excursiod tickets
between all stations on its line, account
Christmas and New Years Holidays, at
a fare and one-third for the round trip.
Tickets will be sold and good going on
Dec. 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31, 1899, limited
for return passage until Jan. 2, 1900.
Don't mind bad weather but goto
Scliriever's and have your Xmas
photos made. See his latest styles.
L. Taggart has stood behind the pre
scription counter in the town of Em
porium for about thirty years, and he
is entirely safe in saying that he has
personally filled more physician's pre
scriptions than all the rest of the drug
gists in the county combined. Do you
not think, in view of this experience
and his very low prices you will be
better served by taking your prescrip
tions to him.
THE FAD FOR EBONY. —Perhaps the
most appreciated present a young man
can receive is a fine hair brush. A
really fine brush is a luxury. Genuine
ebony is the most suitable material for
a good brush as it is not only durable
but handsome. Now put on one, two
or three of those elegant sterling
j silver initals, and you have a present
fit for a king. The line at Metzger's is
J the best I have seen and the young
! men are watching it eagerly. 41-2
For dolls, toys and games goto M.C.
Tulis'. Largest stock and lowest
prices. 41.3t.
rings are being worn this season than
for years past, and while fashion de
crees that more jewelry of all kinds
shall be worn, finger rings are the
favored articles. Opals are the favorite
settings, both in solitaire and in
combination with other stones, the
latter way being probably the most
popular. I notice that Metzger has an
an elegant assortment of carefully
selected rings at very reasonable
prices. 41-2t
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WKßSTKß.
Some New Thoughts for Those Who
Prefer Picnic Lunches.
Madge was making out a list of
things for the picnic lunch. One
wanted one sort of sandwich, another
of the party another and so on, and as
they were mentioned were written
down until there were nineteen differ
ent kinds. This led to a discussion
of how many different kinds there
Then some one remarked that she
had read in the New York Sun there
were sixty-five virieties. The time
was when there were but three—ham,
tongue and corned beef—with its thin
spread of mustard.
Sandwiches are sold by a number of
grocers all ready for use, nicely put up
in tin boxes until time to take tlieni
out and serve, and are fine.
Besides the familiar ham, tongue,
corned beef, roast beef, turkey, and
chicken sandwiches, there are sold in
these days, either already prepared or
made to order, a dozen varieties of
what might be called fish sandwiches,
these including the commonly sold
sardine sandwiches and anchovy sand
wiches, and sandwiches made with
little fish called sardelles, and salmon
sandwiches, and sandwiches made with
muskallonge, soft shell crab sand
wiches, lobster sandwiches, shrimp
sandwiches, codfish sandwiches and
sandwiches made with a fried codfish
cake between slices of bread. Of
cheese sandwiches there ten at least,
including many regularly supplied and
others made to order.
There are sold nowadays sandwiches
made of various kinds salads, and
orders for such sandwiches are not un
usual. In a place where sandwiches in
great variety are sold, if a customer
asked for a salad sandwich the waiter
wouldn't need to ask what was wanted,
he would know and he would get it for
him without question as a matter of
course, and the same would be true if
the request were for a tomato sand
wich or a sandwich made with water
Of combination sandwiches, made of
more than one kind of meat, as sand
wiches of ham and chicken, chicken,
tongue, and so on, there are various
kinds, as there are also of sandwiches
made of various materials combined,
as for instance, sandwiches made of
minced ham and chow chow, sand
wiches of chopped chicken, ham and
egg, sandwiches of minced tongue and
chicken, egg sandwiches and so 011.
So it would not be very difficult to
enumerate the sixty-five varieties of
sandwiches now made, and new varie
ties are being added all the time.
One of the best of sandwiches served
at a local restaurant is the Club sand
wich, made of small, thin pieces of
turkey, ham, beef, lettuce, pickles,
plenty of red pepper and salt, with an
excellent mayonnaise dressing be
tween two buttered slices of bread,
which are cut triangular shape.
For those who want a good sand
wich but do not want a box sandwich
it may be of interest to know they
may be gotton at the hotels. The
hotels get up fine fresh ones. One
hotel sends out a fine caviere sand
wich made of toasted bread, caviere
and slices of lemon between.—Phila.
The Washinj»toniana.
Among a collection of curios in J. F.
Parsons' display window, this week,
we noticed a somewhat old and inter
esting publication of the life of Wash
ington. The title of the book is "The
Washingtoniana," and it contains a
sketch of the life and death of "Our
Immortal George," and a copious col
lection of eulogies, orations, poems,
etc.. dedicated to him by the compilers,
Messrs. F. Johnston and Wm. Hamil
ton. It was published in Lancaster in
the year 1802.
Amos Wagner, the well known
architect, died at Willismsport on Sun
The PRESS is greatly pleased to
announce that arrangements have
been perfected whereby every
widow residing within tlie limits of
our Borough will be»presented with
a turkey for their Christinas din
ner, by leaving or sending their
name and street address to the
PKKSH not later than Saturday,
j Dec. 'J.'L We are, through the
kindness of an Emporium gentle-
J man who desires to know that
j every widow within our corporate
I limits shall be provided with a
steaming turkey dinner and has
taken this method of niakii %
j known his desire and kindness,
I permitted to make this announce
! ineut. All names must be deliv
ered by mail, or personally, not
' later than Saturday, Dee. 23rd.
Send us the names at once. No
publicity will be given the matter
and it will be treated in confidence.
We Have It.
City plate printers are advertising
to print visiting cards from new
I Roman. We have the identical type
, and can furnish you calling cards, or
j wedding invitations, for less money
| than you can get the same in the city.
Died at Bradford.
j James McMahon, aged ab_ t2l
! years, died at the Bradford House, at
Bradford last Friday, of pneumonia,
i His remains were taken to Driftwood
| for burial, where his parents reside.
, His funeral took place 011 Monday.
First Prize Awarded.
Prize outline of children's sermon,
for which Rev. E. E. A. Deavor, Ph.
| IX, of this place received the first prize,
i for furnishing the best original outline
! for a sermon to children, by the Funk
j & Wagnalls Publishing Co., of New
| York.
| There were hundreds of competitors
| on both sides of the Atlantic and in
j Mission Lands, which speaks well for
| our pastor.—Austin Autograph.
New Furniture Store.
An up-to-date and extensive furni
l ture establishment will, in a few days,
; be opened in the vacant store room in
\ the Olmsted block, one door west of
! Odd Fellows' block, by The Emporium
j Furniture Company, composed of
; gentlemen of capital. Mr. Bernard
; Eagan will be the manager for the new
| Co. It is the intention of the new
I firm to be open in time for the Holiday
j trade.
Election of Officers.
At the regular review of Gladioli
j Hive, No 32, L. O. T. M., Thursday
i evening, Dec 7, the following officers
i were elected for the ensuing year:
j Lady Com., Debbie Hockley; Lieut,
j Com., Myra Warner; RecordK., Helena
Butler; Chaplain, Sarah Swartz; Mis
-1 tress-at-Arms, Hattie Swartz; Sergt.
■ Mamie Miller; Sentinel, Mary Zarps;
Picket, Mary Cummings. Refresh
i ments were served and all enjoyed a
pleasant evening.
Shook Hands With Lincoln.
! Our jolly, good-natured county
i treasurer, Oren Courtright, was in
| town Thursday afternoon. While re
' lating war experiences to a brother
veteran, Oren remarked that "thirty
! seven years ago to-day I shook hands
! with Abraham Lincoln at Washington,
after a wait for several hours." Oren
was a good, fearless soldier.—Couders
! port Enterprise. Yes, friend, and
j always a fearless, to-be-relied upon
; Republican ever afterwards. Mr.
| Cortright served his country faithfully
j during the war as a member of Capt.
i J. C. Johnson's company and never
fails to visit his old commander when
in Emporium.
|| STORE ?!
I . NEWS. |
*■ * IT is an immense satisfaction to £2
112? * ni >' Cloaks at a store where the
Cloaks are not only the best, but IMI
! where the trouble of fitting and buy- M
!M / i"g is the least. H
$ i~-f"T Here you find the "between
j sizes" which makes it easy to get sti*
: l ' lc exac t fit and avoid delav in **
m.* alterations. if 2
V " V'*'* ,M KFFIP I*
fit/ ably the greatest N
)I '©C' collection of sea- j£|J
5% Hr sonable apparel at
H itijfe'.;' ,j),i j."!' such LOW prices ftfg
M as Emporium has I/WWi Sjj
*? - rarely—it ever— f"H *3
j* * enjoyed before. #U
When you consider that this is the com- >^||®
meuceinent, not the end of the season, and
that you have months before you for wear
t|jjj ing what you buy. The pricing seems plie
kg uonienal. Every one of these dozens of garments is made *.*
jljj with due regard for present fashions.
£3 Correct fit is a certainty with this enormous assortment,
** and the choice of patterns to those who come in early is
*|3 absolutely beyond record. m
U Mm . Children's Reefers m-* K
II and Baby Cloaks, ||
VtfPyjpyjlSy What happy times for children
these times at the Big Store.
N usm So many bright new things. N
I beauties snug and warm. w * m
&ifi ] Such a variety to delight the! 9 iffT cr ~ SH
IN BIRLB- 1 £1
* Mothers and fathers have MPfh, j sortment we have ever
w*'* been coming here a good shown and that means jpfjf
H many years,and it is only !""ch, forour leadership
N . ii, . * . , t m tins line is undisputed.
natural the girls want to WSSmiL You can buy here the M
*ls come also. beat made garments at
£2 To delight the girls and moderate prices, -and *«
*J please the parents, we are i»IER in?' e f\ £*
offering better values in v OU r monev iN
N children's wear than ever t e t- i i St#!
hpfnrH rafM.iwftalft I nieness of style and
N All the worthy new 3®BEP, . ar T. intli » B ° l - $
styles in Children's lteefers : inked here.
are here, ihe greatest as- i Come and see them.
Ci The richness and elegance of our Dress Goods
P* 1)1 O|J|S UUUUb. a K r eat'y to the success of this up-to-date
Tlie stock we are showing is equal to all the demands that are be- £*|
jps ing made upon it, which means that it is the best selected and most £l
jfcij complete stock in the county.
*3 Our special exhibit of high class novelties in Black Dress Goods, £2
9% embraces the very latest offerings of the leading importers. Prices IH
are somewhat less than usual asking elsewhere.
Sd T oHino' IH/dicitO Beautiful styles in Ladies' Waists, made jkjjt
Y LAULCS HALSLS. Ladies' Cloth and French JJ
iPli *''lannel, plain colors, stripes and checks. If
NOur offerings this season are the best we have ever made.
One strong feature is perfection in fit, another is fashionable cut
and finish, a third, values that cannot be matched. giS
TInHAmirAITI , High quality and Low prices are made possible
N ULLUUL WTJDL. ' iere b y nuying and selling largely and quickly on
small margins, and the accurate knowledge of the
N woolen market that enabled us to take advantage of the recent rise
We bought Low and Sell as we buy. People of taste appreciate
UK the excellent quality, generous fullness and beautiful finish of all of
Nour garments shown in this department. The general high qualitv
and low prices of our underwear will surprise you. " ***
Bin nl/nto It is fortunate all around that we bought so earlv IHCS
DidlJKclO. 2 n ,? so lar S e, y of . these staple goods. All ofthem **
I?5l fully up to our high standard so that we are able to
JS furnish the best of Blankets at last year's prices, and some special lots 5S
SiS even lower figures. We assure you that our Blanket Department
£* offers better values than can be had elsewhere. *
LJO nf] 1/o >l/1 fl i fifo , We are now offex-ing a collection of Hand-
RLDLLUKCL Glllulb. k( '^ chielß Which surpasses in interest and ex- j|||
jty cellance of values any we have heretofore
shown, rhis collection of beautiful Handkerchiefs is of such an tin- 3£
usual character that we urgently invite you to call and take advantage
£2 of the opportunity to buy the finest of fine handkerchiefs at prices that
yt % make it a pleasure to spend money. Sfi
N Beautiful creations typifying all that in new in the handkerchief
world, are to be found in this vast stock. PV
fin A rhinQ " y? a appreciate nice goods, prettily made, %%
Si riliC Ullllla. y° ll V'i" be pleased with our immense assortment
n One of the most popular advantages of buying China hero is the N
satisfaction of always getting dependable up-to-date China at prices s *
within the reach of all. What you get here must at all times be of the £
PS highest standard in style and make, and you will always find us ready
ffli to supply at the lowest possible prices.
| M. C. TULIS. I
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
NO. 42.