4 Carper® r) Gaupfy |f ress. ESTABLISHED BV O. B. GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year 12 00 If paid in advance )l 50 Political Announcements. All Announcements under thin head rnunt be tigned by the candidate and paid in advance to ins ure publication. County Commissioner. Having lived in this county nearly all my life and never having asked for, or held, a county office, I have taken this opportunity to offer myself as candidate for County Commissioner, subject to decision of the Republican County Convention. DELOS BURLINGAME. Sizerville, Pa., Feb. 20, 1899. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Judge of Supreme Court, J. HAY BROWN, Lancaster. Judge of Superior Court, JOSIAH R. ADAMS, Philadelphia. State Treasurer. LT.-COL. JAMES E. BARNETT, Washington County. All those who would dishonor the flag naturally look to the Democratic party for help. With patriots it is different. The State regiments arriving from the Philippines do not bring back with them the supply of ter rible stories the anti-expansion cranks were expecting. It will be noticed that the Dem ocratic platform makers are too busy with foreign matters to pay attention to the "full dinner-pail" question. Mr. Bryan is still trying to master the difficult feat of riding three different parties in the State of Nebraska. The country circus riders will be able to learn some thing from his experience. Everything indicates at present that the fall trade will be about the biggest boom ever witnessed in this country or in the world. It will be a hard matter to make the sober common people believe that the "advance agent of prosperity" is not a great success. Bryan says 30,000 traveling men will oppose the Republican party. Traveling men throughout the country are having the biggest sales on record, and what is more, they know to whom they owe their prosperity. —\V orcester (Mass.) ' 'Spy-" The fact that over 100,000 claims were rejected shows the care taken by the present Administration in dealing with the Pension question, and also is an evidence that too much care cannot be exercised to keep the Treasury from being looted by fraudulent claimants. Just now it looks on the surface as though Bryan was certain to be nominated again next year, but if the Republicans carry Nebraska this fall, and thus beat Bryan in his own state, the two-thirds rule of the Democratic Convention would be almost certain to beat his nomination. This is a Republican year—and the bank clearances and commer cial agency reports show that fully 50 per cent, more business is being done in the United States than was done during the reign ofGroverll. And yet you will now and then run across a hollow-headed poli tician who will tell you that it would be well for this country to go back to the deed sea stagnation of those hard old Free-Trade and free-soup Democratic days.—Dar lington, (.Mo.) "Record." Atkinson, leader of the "Antis" in Boston, has served notice on the President that he has been given a few days of grace to repent of his expansion policy and withdraw the troops from the Philippines, and threaten to form a party of their own if their requests are not com plied with. There was no use of doing this. They should act at once, for they have quite a job before them. Iloar and Atkinson •should make a ticket that would .add greatly to the humors of the