Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 07, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    R.C. DODSON,
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
Uncle Sam has his hand in now and
may be depended onto deal our cor
rect medicine. Such medicines as all
druggists know bring about the result
sought for. They include nothing but
the pure article and if compounded the
way they are put together enters into
their efficacy. Medicines need con
serving and looking after. Many de
teriorate with age; these must be de
stroyed and new obtained. This is one
of our special cares. It will pay you to
get this sort of service.
Emporium, Pa., June 15, 1899.
NEMOPHILA, persack |1 20
Graham, - 60
Rye — 60
Buckwheat, "... 65
Patent Meal " 40
Coarse Meal, per 100, 95
Chop Feed " 95
White Middlings. " 1 00
Bran, " 95
Corn, per bushel, 53
White Oats, per bushel 10
Choice Clover Seed, "1
Choice Timothy Seed, ! »t Market Prices
Choice Millet Seed, 112 At Markct 1 nces -
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, |
Contributions invited. That which you would
like to see in this department, let us know by pos
tal card . or letter, personally.
B. W. Green is visiting at his Tioga
county farm.
J. M. Davison is now night clerk at
the Warner House.
M. Blodget, of Sinnemahoning, was
in town on Tuesday.
Col. J. O. Brookbank, of Driftwood,
was in town oil Monday.
V. A. Brooks, of Sinnemahoning,
was in town on Wednesday.
S. E. Murry has fitted up his new
plumbing establishment in fine shape.
Mrs. R. C. Dodson visited friends at
Toronto and Niagara Falls last week.
Miss Edith Murry is now book
keeper in her brother's plumbing es
Geo. J. Laßar and Joshua Bair at
tended the G. A. R. encampment at
Geo. W. Bupp, of Emporium made a
business trip to Port Allegany Wednes
day. —Reporter.
John Lind, the merchant tailor, ac
companied by his wife are visiting in
Buffalo this week.
Mr. E. S. Bode, of Ithaca, N. Y.,
spent Saturday and Sunday with G. A.
Walker and family.
Dr. Rieck wheeled to Smethport on
Sunday. Fritz Seger accompanied
him part of the way.
Miss Collins, county Supt. of schools,
visited in Emporium on Monday and
favored the PRESS with a call.
Mr. and Mrs Thos. Gallagher are
taking in the sights at Philadelphia
this week and visiting relatives.
Mrs. Decker, of Ridgway, attended
the funeral of A.L ■ Pepper, last Mon
day. She is Mr. Terwilliger's sister.
Supt. Roberts and family, ofßenovo,
came up to Emporium last Tuesday
and transacted business at J. B.
Schriever's photo studio.
W. L. Sykes and family, of Buffalo,
spent Sunday in town. They have
purchased a residence at Galeton and
will move to that place
Geo. A. Walker and Josiah Howard
and thirty-four other business men
were entertained by William Howard,
on Monday, near North Bend.
Mr. A. L. Reed, of Oil City, one of
the proprietors of the Enterprise Mills,
transacted business in Emporium on
Monday. He also called to see the
O. S. Peters and W. L. Thomas
viewed the G. A. R. parade in Phila
delphia on Tuesday. They are highly
pleased with what they saw.
Walter Thompson has a new breed
of pheasants called "Gallolly" on ex
hibition at his barber shop. This one
was treed by Dalrymple's dog and
shot by Harry Lloyd.
Mrs. J. C. Beldin, of More Hill, pre
sented ye editor with some delicious
apples grown on their hill farm. She
also left with us a tomato, weighing
Delos Burlingame took in the Wells
ville fair.
Miss Goldie Lyons is visiting friends
in Austin.
Mrs. Chas. Zarps has been quite ill
this week.
Supt. Brady is in Philadelphia to
day on business.
Rev. Shriner and wife are enjoying
a visit to Toronto.
Miss Esther Chew returned to her
home .it Bradford on Monday.
S. T. Howard and family visited Mrs.
M. A, Rockwell over Sunday.
Jos. Housler is up from Lock Haven
visiting his friends and relatives.
Frank X. Blumle and wife, are tak
ing in the Toronto fair this week.
Miss Florence Card left last Friday
to visit her parents in Olean, N. Y.
Miss Mary Robinson, of this place,
is attending Normal at West Chester.
Mrs. J. M. Gillan and child of Phila
delphia, are visiting Dr. Smith and
Miss Ada Collins, of Huntley, is
shopping and visiting friends in town
A. L. Ensign is erecting a residence
near Portage bridge, below the Junc
tion depot.
Mrs. Carrie Spence visited her
broth Harry Ness and family at John
sonburg over Sunday.
Mr. Alfred Bastress, of Shamokin,
Pa., was guest of Mrs. M. E. Mayze
and family, on Monday.
Daley Murphy, of Pittsburg, is the
guest of his uncle Michael, at the Com
mercial Hotel this week.
Misses Mayo and Biggins, of Eldred,
were in Emporium Monday evening,
enroute to Philadelphia and West
John T. Olmsted, of Coudersport,
was the guest of Emporium relatives
Friday, enroute to Dickinson Seminary
at Williamsport.
The Misses Jennie and Jessie Norris
and Mrs. Borland, of Kane, were the
guests of Miss Edith Hurteau, Satur
day and Sunday.
Misses Clara Olmsted and Anna
Metzger, assisted as bridesmaid at the
Robertson-Larrabee wedding, at Port
Allegany yesterday.
Mrs. Geo. Metzger, Jr., and mother,
Mrs. R. M. Overhiser, attended the
Robertson-Larrabee wedding at Port
Allegany, on Wednesday.
Mrs E. C. Davison, and daughter
Mary accompanied by Ralph are visit
in Chambersburg a few days after
which Ralph will return to school.
Mrs. Fowler, of Oshkosh, Wis., who
has been visiting her cousin Fred
Julian and wife, at this place left yes
terday for Buffalo to visit her brother,
J. R. Waters.
Don M. Larrabee, of this place, acted
as groomsman at the wedding of his
cousin, Miss Pauline R. Larrabee, to
E. A. Robertson, which took place at
Port Allegany yesterday.
Henry Haupt and Geo. Walker, Jr.,
visited Port Allegany last Monday and
arranged for a game of ball between
Star Hose Company and Mountaineer
Hose Company teams, at Port Alle
gany, Friday, Sept. loth—the last day
of the fair.
Our old friend Jack Swope, of Em
porium, was a welcome caller at the
Press office, while in town on Thurs
day. "Jack" was our next door neigh
bor once; and our firm friend always.—
Port Allegany Press.
O. S. Peters and ex-County Treasurer
W. L. Thomas returned from Phila
delphia yesterday morning and re
port Elias Peters greatly improved,
with very favorable chances of his
entire recovery. He is in the German
On August 28th, Mr. Michael Mc-
Carthy received the sad news of the
death of his sister, Miss Allie A. Mc-
Carthy, at her home at Hamilton, Ont.
Michael left on the above date to at
tend the funeral which took place on
Tuesday. Mr. McCarthy returned
home on Friday.
Henry Auehu returned on Tuesday
from a visit to Montreal, where he
placed his daughter in school. While
Mr. Auchu is a native of Canada he is
I a loyal and patriotic American and
i says he felt good when he saw so
! many American flags displayed in the
! procession of laborers at Montreal on
! Monday—it being Labor Day.
Mr. Harry Ness, formerly of this
j place, but for several years in the em-
I ploy of the B. R. &P. R. R. Co., at
I Jolinsonburg, has accepted a more
! lucrative position with that Com
pany, at Allegheny City, Pa., and
left on Sunday last to enter upon
| the discharge of his duties. He
j expects to move his family to that
j place in a few weeks.
V. A. Brooks, of Sinnemahoning,
| was doing business in Austin Tuesday,
I and made this office a pleasant call
j while in town Miss Louise Floyd
j has returned to Jier home in Sinnema
! honing A. J. Haskins an old and
[ esteemed resident of Cowley Run,
! died at his home on Thursday
| last, after a lingering illness.
Deceased was 61 years old and
had been a resident of that
J neighborhood for many years. Fun
| era! was held at the residence on Sat
j urday last, and interment at Siwrville,
Pa.-- Austin Autograph.
Tom Carney is ou the sick list.
School opened Tuesday morning with
about thirty pupils enrolled.
Fred Cooley left for his home in
Brookville last Thursday.
G. B. Shearer visited the county seat
Sam Ebersole was a visitor to our
town Saturday.
Isaac Wykoff and his bark runneis
had business in Emporium Saturday.
Ed. Morse, of Emporium, was visiting
relatives in town Sunday.
Elihu Lewis, of Emporium, was a
caller in town Tuesday.
George Wallace left Tuesday morning j
for Dents Run where he has charge of j
the lath mill at that place.
Notes and News.
Read the financial statement of Em
porium borough, published in this ■
Your word is your servant as long
as you retain it, but it becomes your
master when you suffer it to escape.
Last Friday, C. B. Howard & Com
pany shut down work at five o'clock in
honor of the late Chas. B. Howard's
As to sleeping in church, people go
there for conscience's sake, and what
shows better than quiet sleep that the
conscience is all right?— Ex.
M. T. Hogan is considering plans for
the erection of a two-story building,
25x60, on his present location, to be
occupied by himself as a store.
'•You may fire when ready, Gridley,"
the order which Admiral Dewey gave
to the commander of the Olyrcpia
when he opened the fight in Manila
bay, will be flashed on the face of the
Palisades, opposite Harlem, when
Dewey comes home.
A splendid way to write advertise
ments is to imagine a customer stand
ing before your counter. Putin your
advertisement exactly what you would
say were she standing face to face with
you —Grocery World.
This is how Bill Nye wrote an adver
tisement offering for sale his cow:
"Owing to my ill-health I will sell at
ray residence, township No. 19, range
18, according to government survey,
one plush raspberry cow, aged 8 years.
She is a good milker and is not afraid
of cars or anything else. She is of un
daunted courage and gives milk fre
quently. To a man who does not fear
death in any form she would be a great
boon She is very much attached to
her present home by means of a stay
chain, but she will be sold to any one
who will agree to treat her right. She
is one-fourth short horn and three
fourths hyena. I will also throw in a
double-barrel shotgun which goes with
her. In May she usually goes away
for a week or two and returns with a
tall red calf with wabbly legs. Her
name is Rose. I would rather sell her
to a non-resident."
Spreads Like Wildfire.
You can't keep a good thing down.
News of it travels fast. When things
are "the best" they become "the best
selling." Abraham Hare, a leading
druggist, of Belleville, 0., writes:
Electric Bitters are the best selling
bitters I have ever handled in my 20
years'experience." You know why ?
Most diseases begin in disorders of the
stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood
and nerves. Electric Bitters tones up
the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys
and bowels, purities the blood,
strengthens the nerves, hence cures
multitudes of maladies. It builds up
the entire system. Puts new life and
vigor into any weak, sickly, run-down
man or woman. Only 50 cents. Sold
by L. Taggart, druggist, guaranteed.
A Word to Mothers.
Mothers of children affected with
croup or a severe cold need not hesitate
to administer Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It gontains 110 opiate nor
narcotic in any form and may be given
as confidently to the babe as to an
adult. The great success that has at
tended its use in the treatment of colds
and croup has won for it the approval
and praise it has received throughout
the United States and in many foreign
lands For sale by L. Taggart. drug
gist. Sept.
The oyster season is now here.
\ The Cure that Cures
p Coughs, &
\ Colds, j
p Grippe, ik
V Whooping Cough, Asthma, 1
Bronchitis and Incipient A
CJ' Consumption, Is g
The GERMAN remedy" £
\\vroa\. -atvd J
a\\ 25S^50ds«
R. G. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.
KUTCMTG tra d D e e si MA s ßKS ;
HI! fell I & and o c b°S g d hts :
I y Notice in 44 Inventive Age" W® p ■■ *
> Book "How to obtain Patents" | IBlbilh 4
Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured. i
Letters strictly confidential. Address.
E. G. SIGGEttS, Patent Lawyer. Washington, D.C.
\ v % \ \ \ v \ \ v v:\ \ x
| Greeting 112
% t
j| We are having a big trade -j*
in groceries and meats, the
& biggest we ever remember.
\ WHY ? ig
5 112
■;i. Because we do business on p
P business principles. We
6 cater alike to the masses /
/ and carry a line of goods to /
| suit the purse of the poorest
or the fastidious taste of the j
I richest. *
| ✓
K / We carry a complete line of /
Groceries and Meats and the
p quality is always the best.
(Jive us a call.
I Alex. McDougall, --
1 " %
j Groceries and rieai. y
J| Emporium, Pa.
/\\\\X\S \ \ X X \\
is. E. MURRY,
I have recently added an
entirely new line of i
Plumbing Goods to my |
already large stock. I $
handle and keep constant- $
jh ly in stock «
My store room is well sup- 4
plied with Bath Tubs, J
5 Wash Stands, Gas Lamps J
H aud anything required in 1
my trade. Contracts J
ij taken for all lines of work; fi
N satisfaction guaranteed. |
rl Write me when you have
H any work in my line. j
Out of town orders promptly I
attended to. |
% Su>?Y / 7 7 7 S 77777;/:./ 7 A
\ \ X \ \ \ N N \ \ \ \a \7
; Cari'Dilh j
/ c I <
/ /
% '
7 , /
$ The ruling idea is to
fi provide what the people k,
112 want at prices consistent $
/ with quality of goods %
s and service rendered
% %
6 /
7 Is given this in all %
things and especially in /
% Spices, Flavoring Rx-
tracts and Vinegar.
% 4.
And full strength is '/
\p needed to make Spicing
! . and Picklingsuccessful. y
l' Can you afford to use ,
% anything but the very /
best goods to be had for '
/ this purpose? The sea- /
y son for their extensive /
/ use is here. We have /
the goods. /
/ , 1
That they are as rep-
p resented, with each
i article sold. 0
% White Pickling, Pure
P Cider and Malt Vinegar.
7[ Herbs, Spices, whole or <
■7 ground, seeds for sea-
I? soning. Extracts.
'7 '/
/ /
/ Telephone <>. y
/ /
' J.H.DAY, '
/ 1 /
/ /
ly Fourth St., Emporium, Pa.
/\\\\S\\ \ \ \ \ \N
\ \ \ \ \ -\ s \ n. v \ \:\/
% %
'y The Fourth Street Druggist,
n r I
| The Sanitary ;
I Still. ... |
I have recently purchased and placed
/ in my Drug Store one of the popular and 7
, greatly endorsed Sanitary Stills, inanu
> factored by THE CUPSEORAPH CO., of b
, Chicaero, 111. There is no process of ■-
y ({lteration which will purify water. Na- '&
ture's process; of vaporizing water and f-<
/. cooling it into refreshing showers of pure %
rain water is repeated by the Sanitary 112.
y Stdl in our store. We distill all water y
11 2/«. used in both our Prescription Depart- y
ment and Soda Water Fountains.
/ %
| Purity is our Motto.
I'. O. Building, Emporium, Pa. 'y
/\ \ \ \ \ X N VVV\.\\
Suits, at
Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa.
SUITS FROM $12.00 TO $30.00.
I HI 111 USE! 1
We extend our compliments to the citizens of
Cameron and adjoining counties for their rapidly and
| increasing patronage. We would invite all to see
our large display of GENERAL HARDWARE and
BUILDERS' MATERIAL. We would call especial |
attention to our
Mil ill I CAS m
ffireComprising the best
f n the world. Our
an d popular Store
- ' l ' 's, ' s headquarters for
many useful articles
| and house-keep er s
' what we have,
We again desire to call attention to our OIL and
GAS STOVES. The Ladies delight.
This popular light the great If
gas saver, is growing in popular
with our people. All who de fez' s '-
sire to economize in gas •
jshould use these burners. Call
and set them.
*t* *& iifc us* jot ** * % *t* ** ** * • h. *& *st m ant * * #* m- isst ** &* m *
1 nil ins 11
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It prints
all the news, and all the news It prints
Is true.
IT S DIFFERENT, because It's bright
and brisk, up-to-date and vigorous, but
not yellow.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because Its only
policy Is to tell the truth. It has no
covert or personal interests to promote.
It serves no political ambition, no creed,
no class prejudice, no mere partisan
IT'S DIFFERENT, because it advocates
equal taxation and battles against the
existing system, which favors the rich
corporation at the expense of the
farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer
and the wage-earner.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because it stands
for Republican principles, and makes
war upon all who, under the stolen
name of Republicanism, are disloyal
to those principles.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because it believes
manhood and not money should rule.
Therefore It upholds the rights of all,
as against the aggressive power of the
privileged few.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because no boss, no
corporation, can control one line of its
j space.
| IT'S DIFFERENT, because it is non
sectarian and broad; every party, every
faith, every class, and the workingman
equally with the millionaire, gets a fair
hearing In Its columns.
cause It upholds faith in ONE
humanity, and the pro- CENT
gressof mankind toward Every
! higher Ideals, larger .
hopes and better living. wnere
■ IT'S DIFFERENT. It will continue to
be different. Watch The North Ameri
can and see It grow.
! The Place to Buy Cheap )
! K E LE Y CUR E, '
I t' 1 a'l fltVru a r a nppet<io, bui'ils nfi the
A "vs'.-.-'i. oi ovt liaoc, lirij'i'.en:; fi. • 1 12;
\ b»i jtlect .yi.l in; on« 'or busmen.
t) Booklet > "' • \"V*.'sV:.v.S' ..
' v , "i li#.!(Boi':i° | n.'>t I* luKifthAvft \
1 '■ V- *>'.;> *;v • VT. fylj