8 & •"•••••• •••• •• • • #• «•«••• to | R. SEGER & SON. 112 • '» (Jf Next to Hank, Emporium, Pa. • ® (• •> (• V I NOW OPENING! I (• •) <• •> II line 11 i X # piling { liFiii®. | (• •) <• •> <• •> c* •> (• •> <• •> c § (• |j s Neckwear! I ( * ! <• *> (• •> <• The Finest assortment of ,5 I: > " neckwear ever seen in this '• Si (• ' <• county. 2 (• J Z •<> • • <• s • •> ; •> % I i New i; 1 I Shapes $ ! « •) jj in Hats! ii • •» * $ 2 *> 2 2 •> 1 Cm ' % I R. SEGER i SON. 1 <: $ ?. « •••••••••••••••••a* •• • •' Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co. 396 to 408 Main St.—American Block; BUFFALO, Y. Dress Goods 52-inch Venetian cloth mixtures, beautiful fabrics of good quality, in all the new spring shades, including gray, blue and brown mixtures, also a lighter weight cloth in brown, tan, blue and green, plain colors, 75c yard, worth SI.OO. Very pretty 42-inch silk and wool plaids for shirt waists and separate skirts, choice colorings, 00c yard. 46-inch spring and summer weight poplins in browns, greens, drabs and blues, fashionable fabric. 75c yard, worth SI.OO. Elegant quality of 50-inch navy blue cheviot, 75c yard, worth SI.OO. All-wool challies, the newest and daintiest patterns, 29c and 35c yard. Finest qualities with satin stripes, 59c and 75e yard. 38-inch all-wool basket and canvas dress goods in combinations of brown and black, green and black and mix tures of browns and greens in very choice colorings, at 25c yard,worth 50c. 46-inch all-wool granite suitings, the best colors of the season in all the new shades, splendid values, 50c yard. New Silks Very handsome line of French fou lards in navy and white and black and white, with satin stripes, 50c yard, worth 75c, all handsome stylish pat terns. Superb quality of black satin Duch esse, all silk with beautiful luster, 85c yard, worth $1.25. Swiss taffeta novelty silks, plain and checks, extremely fashionable; also in rich plain colors, 58c yard, worth 85c. Finest quality imported Habutai wash silks in checks, stripes and greys, 40c and 50c yard, a wonderful variety to choose from. Wash Fabrics 200 pieces of French organdies in beautiful patterns, all new goods, 12'.c yard, worth 25c. Linen zephyrs, stripes and checks, in pinks, blues ana black and whites, 28c yard, worth 35c. New Madras cloths in very attractive colors and patterns for waists and skirts, 15c yard, worth 25c. Best value in the city in Oxford shirt ings and dress ginghams at yard. Fancy chambrays in dainty effects, 25c yard. Punjab percales in all the best colors, stripes and checks, yard wide, at 12\c yard. Superior quality of sateens, black grounds, with colored Dresden pat terns, 12! yard. Butterick Patterns We are agents for Butterick patterns and publications and have always on hand a complete stock of all the latest patterns for every article of dress. AMI, lELMI'X A- ANDERSON CO., Tbe American Block. BUFFALO, N. Y EXCURSION NOTICES. NATIONAL EXPORT EXPOSITION, AT PHILADELPHIA. Reduced Rates Via the Pennsylvania Railroad. The National Export Exposition, which opens at Philadelphia on Sep tember 14 and continues uutil Novem ber 30, will be the most interesting and j important event occurring in Philadel phia since the Centennial Exhibition of j 187 C. In addition to its valuable com mercial exhibits it will present many features of popular interest and amuse i ment. The United States Marine Band, j Sousa's Band, the Banda Itossa, Innes' | Band, Damrosch's Orchestra, and other ! celebrated bands will furnish music | alternately, and a Midway Plaisance, ! equal if not superior to the famous ! World's Fair Midway at Chicago, and ; comprising a Chinese Village, a Chi- I nese Theatre, acrobats and customs; an Oriental Village, London Ghost Show, i Hagenbaclc's Wild Animal Show, Blar | ney Castle, and many other unique | presentations, will furnish abundant and diversified amusement. Arrange ments have also been made for Mando lin, Guitar and Banjo Concerts, and for j a grand chorus from the German Sing ' ing Societies. For this occasion the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from all points on its line, to Philadelphia and return, at rate of a fare and a third for the round trip plus price of admission. These tickets will be sold during the continuance of the | Exposition and will be good for return [ passage until November 30. For specific rates and additional in formation apply to nearest Ticket | Agent. 1418-26 4t To California Via the Midland Route. Every Friday night, at 10:35 p. m., a through Tourist Car for San Francisco, carrying first and second-class passen gers, leaves the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Union Passenger Station at Chicago, via Omaha, Colo rado Springs and Salt Lake City, (with stop over privileges at Salt Lake City all points in Colorado, Utah, Nevada for and California. The Tourist Car berth rate from Chicago to San Francisco is only §6.00 and the sleeping car berths should be reserved a few days in advance of de parture of train. Through tickets and sleeping car accommodations can be secured from any agent in the east, or by applying fit the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul , Depot or City Ticket Offices in Chicago. Send for our free illustrated Califor nia folders. Address Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111., or John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Williamsport, Pa. I 27-7t-alt Business Cards. B. W. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. A business relating to estate, collections, real estates, Orphan's Court anil general law business will receive prompt attention. 42-ly. J. C. JOHNSON. J. P. MCNARNEY, JOHNSON & JIcNARNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en rusted tothem. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENNAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Real estate and pension claim agent, 35-ly. Emporium, Pa. F. D. LEET. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and INSURANCE AG'T. EMPORIUM, PA To LAND O? NIiRS AND OTHERS IN CAMERON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard wood timber lands,also stumpage&c., and parties desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call on me. F. D. LEET. CITY HOTEL, WM, MCGEE, PROPRIETOR Emporium, Pa. Having again taken possession of tliisoldand popular house I solicit a share of the public pat ronage. Thehouseisnewlyfumishedand isone ofthe bestappolnted hotels in Cameron county. 30-1 y. THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. I take pleasure in informing the public that I have purchased the old and popular Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It \yill be my endeavor to serve the public in a manner that shall meet with their approbation. Give me a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hourJs. n027-lyr Win. McDONALD. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, THOS. J. LYSETT. PROPRIETOR Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. This new and commodious hotel is now opened forthe accommodation of thepublic. New in all its appointments, every attention will be paid to the Kuosts patronizing thin hotel. 27-17-ly MAY - 1 to us, and we will Bead ML /,* ( 112 g [>G you OUR HIGH-GRADE BURDICK SEWING MACHINE by freight 4>l K C. O. U., Hebjpet to riaiiiinaiioo. You can examine it at your near- affTffMty tiv wf B ■ e*t freight depot and if found perfectly satisfactory, exactly as nttltrß T? r RI P represented, equal (o machines others sell an hi*b a» HaO.OU, *3 J[J I 11 and TIIK 4. KK AT F.ST It AKGA I N YOU KVKK IIIUIll) OF, pay : MfWr your freight apent Our Special Offer Price 5,50 lIHF"^SSSE3SESSSIEB»^=dI and freight charges. I In- machine w»»ijjlis l'-'O Miffepl 1. pounds and the freight will average 75 rents for each 500 B t?7A 112 T Q Tjj fnBI miles. CIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL in \jMk Tf|tr|f H your own home, and we will return your 915.50 any day i ,||S|SllSl \\ Inr — gou are not satisfied. We ».ell different makes and grade* of M iWw'HI >\ 112 f/ll r ,|H e«in B Machine* at 9«.50,910.00.911 00, 9r-'.OO and up. all ot which are fully described in Our Free Sewintr Hlachine Cat- iilf I^3 alogue, but $15.50 for thU 7-DRAWER BURDICK fm| HMf is the greatest value ever oflored by any house. iiw \l li H'lfl J s lltffiß THE RURDICK aa every modern improvement, every" -•'lf If * // I! IISIIgfI good point of every high-grade machine Jy D H V llr made, with the d?ferls of none. Mado by th«* b«-sl maker in Amcrira. Vf K It SOI.IH OAKt'AIIINFT, UKNTCOVKU. Latent 1 S99Skeleton fnme, piano HU 1t A I polish, finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on 4 raster?, ball bearing n BJfl adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand, finest large high i "-F/V arm head made, positive four-motion feed, self threading vibrat- O ?Egrj giro ing shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable. >»•»»»■■>■>'- t.ut.j.j t mMA ent tension liberator, improved loone wheel, adjustable presserl foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, GUARANTEED »he liphtent mnninp, most dor- Book tells just how anyone can run it and do either "* ■ * •- plain or any kind of fancy work. A 20-YKAE " - " l■■ GUARANTEE is sent with every machine. 1 — IT COSTS YOU NOTHING toand examine this machine, compare it with those your storekeeper sells at ■ S4O. OO to SSO. 00. and then if convinced you are saving S2O. OO to $35*00, pay your freight agent the sls 60. WK TO KKTCK.N YOCR #1i.50 If at any time within three mootliK yon (.ay you ■re not aatUfled. OKDF.K TO*I»AY. liOX'T I'KJLAV. (Sears, Koehuck A Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.) WRITE FOR FBEE CftTALQGUE. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO.. CHICACO. ILL. G. SCHMIDT'S,^ HPAnryi AOTt-PS FOR FRESHBREAD. 13 n 111 \\s IT fancy cakes - QUpUiai ICECREAM, u i NUTS I mmmm& CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and .skillful attention. li|i We have purchased and received our stock of Sping f[|| jM and Summer <|.f DRESS GOODS, Comprising a line ot Linens, Mull, Swisses, Organ dies, Muslins, Ginghams, etc., which we ofter to the people of Emporium and vicinity at exceedingly low M '■o prices for quality of goods. || ii «• « • o • eaimitfiiMitM • a • o •• a • at a • • • • • • e o • •• ;•.>« bin (• WE HAVE •) m If ! (• •> Ml Hv 5* India Linens at 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20 and 25 cents per yd. •> ;?$ , J (o White Lawns at 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20 and 25 cents per yd. Jj ;|j I®! (• Colored lawns,—twelve different shades at 15c per yd. •) [OT Mr. ( * Mulls at from - - - 15 to 25 cents per yd. •) ■, v |; ui '• Organdies, very good at 12 cts. finer at 25 cents per yd. Jj jlg|] !« Dotted Swiss, large and small dotts at 10 and 20e per yd. •) (• Muslins, large quantity at exceptionally low prices. •) [M] £ Outings, light weight for summer uses, at 8 cents per yd. J] 'O, !- ]ojj (• Ginghams, fancy and plain, from 6to 10 cents per yd. S ) \f')} 'ty- (* Calicoes, fast colors, good patterns, at little prices. •) <• ' ' h 1 ' 1 •> M Ijgjji '*• •••••• ••• •••••.••oae ••••• a• g • •••••••• jfi'j We invite you to our store to compare our prices and pj|| goods with others, as we feel sure that after a fair |g| comparison you will be more than pleased with the : Cj| goods we ofler and the service given. l^ 1 CARPETS. When in need of a carpet, call and examine our line fpj of patterns. We handle carpets from sample and from liiM the fact that we do not have to keep a lot of capital >M tied up in the stock, we can offer you lower prices. i;'| Leave us your order and we will have you the carpet i.v [j®|l in two or three days. |M MATTINGS, I We have a line of Mattings, and very desirable pat- | terns, at prices that defy competition. Do not expect Mt to get new mattings at last year's prices, for you can not, as the prices have been advanced by the jobber and we retailers have to follow suit, or not handle Ml! the line. p RUGS, | We have a small line of rugs, very nice patterns,which we would like you to see. Call at our store and the clerks will be only too glad to show you the stock. I - i C. B. HOWA RID & CO. MOST IN QUANTITY. BEST IN QUALITY. WORMS! WHITE'S CREAM £ VERMIFUGE: FOR 20 YEARS fr v Has led all WORM Remedies, v * EVERY SOTTLE GUARANTEED, 112 "j SOLD BY ALL BBtOOIiTS I 112 Prepared by \ V BICHABDBO* lEDICINk CO., BT. LOflft. / For sale by L. Taggart. :S4-l-ly.