Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 03, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Through Sleeping Cars to the Thousand
Islands, August 19th.
The W. N. Y. & P. Ry., will run their
last popular Vacation Excursion to the
Thousand Islands and the St. Lawrence
River, Saturday, August 19th. Tickets
good returning ten days, will be sold
at the low rateofijti 50 from Emporium.
Train leaves 1:45 p. m. These excur
sions offer the cheapest and most de
lightful vacation outings. Arrange
ments have been made for through
sleeping cars; rate per berth from
Olean, $2.00. Secure space of W. N.
Y. & P. Ry. agents in advance to in
sure accommodations. 21-5t
Portage Falls Excursion SI.OO.
On Sundays, July 2nd, 16th, 30th,
August 13th and 27th, the W. N. Y. ifc
P. Ry., will run popular excursions to
Portage Falis.
Special trains will leave Emporium
at 8:00 a. m. Fare, §I.OO Trains will
arrive at Portage Falls Park 11:30 a.
m. Returning, leave 515 p. m., giving
nearly six hours to visit the Falls and
their delightful surroundings. A band
of music will accompany each excur
sion and give a free concert at the
Park during the afternoon. 18-9t
Niagara Falls Excursion. Sunday, Aug. 6.
The W. N. Y. & P. Ry. will run a
popular low rate excursion to Niagara
Falls, Sunday, August 6th. Special
train will leave Emporium at 8:00 a. m.
Fare for round trip §2.50. Seven hours
at the Falls. Returning, special train
will leave Niagara Falls 7:30; Buffalo
8:15 p. in. Tickets also good for return
passage on all regular trains Monday,
August 7th. This will be the last
Sunday excursion to the Falls this
Summer. Take it in. 22-2t
Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the Annual Meet of the League
of American Wheelmen at Boston,
August 14 to 19, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell excursion
tickets, from all points on its line at
rate of single fare for the round trip.
Tickets will be" sold on August 12 to 14,
good to return August 14 to 20 when
properly executed before agent of
initial line from Boston. Upon de
positing ticket with city ticket agent
of initial line from Boston, not later
than August 19, and the payment of
fifty cents, tickets may be extended to
leave Boston, not lated than August 31.
Bicycles carried free when not ac
companied by other baggage. Special
arrangements for clubs traveling as a
body. 22-2t
Annual Low-Rate Excursion to Atlantic
City, &,c., via Pennsylvania Railroad.
August 10 and 24 are the dates of the
remaining Pennsylvania Railroad
Company's low-rate ten day excursions
from Erie, Troy, Bellefonte, Williams
sport, Mocanaqua, Sunbury, Shenan
doah, Dauphin, and principal interme
diate stations i including stations on
branch roads), to Atlantic City, Cape
May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Ava
lon, Anglesea, Wildwood, or Holly
Excursion tickets, good to return by
regular trains within ten days, will be
sold at very low rates. Tickets to At
lantic City will be sold via the Dela
ware River Bridge Route, the only all
rail line, or via Market Street Wharf,
For information in regard to specific
rates and time of trains consult hand
bills, or apply to agents, or E. S. Har
rar, Division Ticket Agent, Williams
port Pa.
Stop over can be had at Philadelphia
either going or returning, within limit
of ticket, provided ticket is deposited
with agent at Broad Street Station im
mediately on arrival. 1385-23-lt.
Of the Emporium School District for
the Year Ending June 5, 1899.
T. If. LLOYD, Treasurer, in Account with Empo
rium Borough School Fund.
State appropriation lor year (2,18-1 01
Balance 011 hand from last year 315 93
From Collector, taxes of all kinds -1,633 31
From loans since last report 397 52
From County Treasurer 9 -19
From allother sources til 00
Total receipts $7,631 26
Renting, repairing, etc 180 75
Teachers' wages l t l«0 00
Paid teachers attending institute flB 76
Hooks and supplies 7-12 79
Fuel and contingencies 815 57
Salary of Secretary and Treasurer. 50 00
Debt and interest paid 1,345 10
Other expenses 109 69
Total expenditures $7,522 66
Cash on hand 108 60
Cash on hand $ 108 60
Amount due district from all sources 825 38
Total Resources $ 933 99
Amount borrowed and unpaid $7,062 50
Total liabilities $7,062 50
Liabilities in excess of resources $6,128 .51
ATTEST:— President.
J. D. LOGAN, Secretary.
Emporium, Pa., July 2-lth, 1899. 22-3t
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics act directly upon the disease,
without exciting disorder iu other parts
of the system. Tliey Cure 1 lie Sick.
I -Fovern, Congestions, Inflammations.
2—lVorms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25
.'J —elhint;,Colic,Crylng, Wakefulness .25
4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults.. .25
7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .25
H— \ruraluia. Toothache, Faccachc. .25
9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo . .25
1 O—Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2 5
11 —Suppressed or Painful Periods • .25
12—\\ hites, Too Profuse Periods 25
13—Croup. Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25
11—Sail Itheuui, Erysipelas, Eruptions . .25
15— Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains.. .25
lfi— Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .2.%
19 —Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25
20 —IV huopi ii -outfit .25
27—Kidney Diseases 25
2M—Xervous Drhility ..1.00
30—I'riiinry Weakness, Wetting Bed. .25
77—rip. Hay Fever .25'
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed Free.
Sold »>y druKKlHts, or sent on receipt of price.
Humphreys* Med. Co., Cor. William & John Sts.,
New York
Diphtheria is in Los Angeles, Cal.,
and a telegram is received by the 1
Cure U Co., Rutler, Pa., ordering Arm
strong':-! Diphtheria and (Quinsy Drops
to be sent at once by express. This
shows how a good article is appre
ciated. lily
A fellow may be an expert wrestler,
but that won't make it any harder t<>
take a fall out of him.
The Rev. W. B. Costley, of Stock
bridge, Ga., while attending to his
pastoral duties at Ellenwood, that state,
was attacked by cholera morbus. He
says: "By chance I happened to get
hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I
think it was the means of saving my
life. It relieved me at once." For
sale by L. Taggart. aug
i* There's lots of peaches this year; in
in fact, there appear to be more pretty
girls than ever in evidence.
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers did me
more good than all blood medicines
and other pills," writes (Jeo. H. Jacobs
of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleas
ant, never gripe—they cure constipa
tion, arouse the torpid liver to action
and give you clean blood, steady
nerves, a clear brain and a healthy ap
petite. R. C. Dodson. Sly
Don't monkey with the business end
of a wasp if you havn't any use for a
tail of woe.
Hamilton Clark, of Cliauncey, Ga.,
says he suffered with itching piles
twenty years before trying DeWitt's
Witch ilazel Salve, two bottles of
which completely cured him. Beware
of wortless and dangerous counterfeits.
L. Taggart. 81y
The female chiropodist might prop
erly be styled "the divinity which
shapes our ends."
Quickly cure constipation and re
build and invigorate the entire system
—never gripe or nauseate —DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. L. Taggart. Sly
A girl necessarily must have a pretty
good cheek to claim that her face is her
Irritating stings, bites, scratches,
wounds and cuts soothed and healed
by DeWitt's With Hazel Salve—a sure
and safe application for tortured flesh
Beware of counterfeits. L. Taggart. 8
The swellest bathing suits are gen
erally the ones that never get near the
A free and easy expectoration is pro
duced by a few doses of Ballard's
Horehound Syrup, in all cases of
hoarseness, sore throat, or difficulty of
breathing. Price 25 and 50 cents. L.
Taggart. aug
Sweaters are not in much demand
these days.
"Our baby was sick for a month with
severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al
though we used many remedies she
kept getting worse until we used One
Minute Cough Cure —it relieved at
once and cured her in a few days
B. L. Nance, Prin. High School, Bluff
dale, Texas. L. Taggart. 81y
The man who grumbles if one fly
gets on the table is the one who grins
most over the dozen or more in the
picnic pie.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure quickly cures
dyspepsia because its ingredients are
such that it cannot help doing so. "The
public can rely upon it as a master
remedy for all disorders arising from
imperfect digestion."—Jas M. Thomas,
M. D., in American Journal of Health.
N. Y. L. Taggart. Sly
A woman asks a woman questions to
discover something. She asks a man
questions to discover the man.
One Minute Cough Cure quiickly
cures obstinate summer coughs and
colds. "I consider it a most wonderful
medicine—quick and safe."—W. W.
Merton, Mayhew, Wis. L. Taggart. 8
Some people use one-half of their
ingenuity to get into debt, and the
other haif to avoid paying for it.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly
digests food without aid from the
stomach, and at the same time heals
and restores the diseased digestive
organs. It is the only remedy that
does both of these things and can be
relied upon to permanently cure dys
pepsia. L. Taggart. Sly
If you wish to learn the truth about
woman, do not goto another woman.
You will learn more than the truth.
Ballard's Snow Liniment gives in
stant relief in cases of bleeding, burns,
bruises, scalds, outs, etc. Price '25 and
50c L. Taggart. aug
For some fellows a straight whiskey
often makes crooked paths.
No one knows the unbearable torture
the peculiar and agonizing pain, caused
,by piles, unless they have suffered
from them. Many believe them incur
able. This is a mistake. Proper treat
ment will cure them. Tabler's Buck
eye Pile Ointment is an infallible cure.
Price, 50c. in bottles, tubes 75 cts. L.
Taggart. aug
The job of census enumeration will
have many attractions.
The Best Remedy for Flux.
Mr. John Mathias, a well known
stock dealer of Pulaski, Ky., says:
"After suffering for over a week with
flux, and my physician having failed
to relieve me I was advised to try
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the
pleasure of stating that the half of one
bottle cured me." For sale by L. Tag
gart. aug
Pain Unnecessary in Childbirth.
Pain is no longer necessary in child
birth. Its causes, being understood
are easily overcome, the labor being
made short, easy and free from danger,
morning sickness, swelled limbs, and
like evils readily controlled, and all
female diseases speedily cured. Cut
this out; it may save your life, suffer
not a day longer, but send us two cent
stamp and receive in sealed envelope
full particulars, testimonials, confi
dential letter, &c. Address
52-2(5t Baltimore, Md.
'/ iic n.ovos all desire and appetite, builds up the w
jii system, renews health and vigor, brightens the /
intellect and fits one for business. 5
jt IliV'klrt lr-" IN MKSTKIIN I'Ii.NNHVI.VANIA. j
Additional Local News.
Thus They Were Married.
An exchange prints the following
marriage ceremony, which was said by
a Tennessee 'Squire a short timo ago:
"Wilt thou take her for thy pard; for
better or for worse; to have, to hold,
to fondly guard till hauled off in a
hearse ? Wilt thou let her have her
way, consult her many wishes; make
the fire every day and help her wash
the dishes? Wilt thou comfort and
support her father and mother, Aunt
Jemima and Uncle John, three sisters
and a brother?" And bis face grew
pale and blank; it was too late to jilt;
as through the floor he sank, he said:
"I wilt."—Nashville Banner.
A Freak.
Lots of men travel on their mouth
singing, or talking, or blowing, but it
remained for a young darkey who
visited this town, to use his mouth lor
a different purpose. Instead of storing
music and oratory in it he made it a
cold storage for billiard balls, pie
plates, etc. It is a tough story to put
in print, but it is a solemn fact, wit
nessed by dozens of people here, that
this cavernous-mugged being stored
away four full-sized pool balls at one
time in his mouth and closed over
them so as to shut them out from view.
He also took a small platter like they
bring beefsteak to you on at a hotel,
and slid it clean out of sight in the
cavern he calls a mouth. He must
have swallowed a beer keg before he
got through, for it became necessary
to lock him in the cooler. A close
watch was kept however, for fear he
might swallow the lockup and escape.
—Dansville Breeze.
Drunk But Still a Gentleman.
The coach was crowded, not a seat
being left and three handsome young
women and one old lady were stand
ing. The man with the new brown
suit and the dinged derby which had
come in contact with a low bridge or
some kind of an obstruction, had im
bibed too much and was disposed to
wobble in his seat. The three dudes
with swell suits, big headed canes and
loud neckties sat and giggled like
monkeys and made joking remarks
about the man who had taken too much.
Finely the latter gentleman looked up
and saw the old lady standing. He
got up instantly, lifted the dinged
derby, bowed politely, and said in a
kind voice. "Here, mother, take this
seat." Then the well dressed man
with a superfluity of the cup that
cheers, went back and sat on the end
of the coal box. Several thoughtful
men remarked that it was better to bo
drunk than to be a dude.—Ex.
He faiil Too Much.
Fighting Bob Evans dressed in
citizen's clothes, went to church on
a Sunday not long ago. Upon en
tering tlie house of worship lie seat
ed himself in a vacant pew about
midway up the aisle. Soon after
wards a gentleman and lady walk
ed in and seated themselves in the
same pew. The gentleman looked
ugly at Bob and the lady partly
turned her back 011 him. The
gentleman stood it as long as he
could and then passed a card over
to Bob which read as follows: •'!
pay $2,500 annually for this pew."
Bob glanced at the card and then
passed it back with the following
written 011 other side: "You pay
too damned much." The preacher
then announced his text, "It's
Blessed to Dwell Together in the
House of the Lord," or words to
that effect.
Bob Burdette to Young Men.
My son, when you hear a young
man growling and scolding because
Moody gets 8200 dollars a week
for preaching Christianity, you will
perceive that he never worried a
minute because Ingersoll gets S2OO
a night for preaching atheism.
Remember, my boy, the good
things in the world are always the
cheapest. Spring water costs less
than corn whiskey; a box of cigars
will buy two or three Bibles; a
gallon of old brandy costs more
than a barrel of Hour; a ''full hand"
at poker often costs a man more in
twenty minutes than the church
subscription amounts to in three
years; a State election costs more
than a revival of religion; you can
sleep in church every Sunday
morning for nothing, if you're
mean enough to dead-beat your
lodging that way, but a nap in a
Pullman car costs you $2 every
time; fifty cents for the circus, and
a penny for the little ones to put
in the missionary box; one dollar
for the theatre, and a pair of trous
ers frayed at the ends, baggy at the
knees, and utterly bursted as to
the dome, for the Michigan suffer
ers; the dancing lady wlio tries to
wear the skirt of her dress under
her arm, the waist around her
arm, and kicks her slipper over the
orchestra chairs every night, gets
S6OO a week and the city mission
ary gets SSOO a year; a horse race
scoops $2,000 the lirst day, and
the church fair lasts a week, works
twenty-five or thirty of the best
women in America to death, and
comes out S4O in debt.
Mr. Adams was again walking on
our streets.
Mr. J. A. Dice was a welcome visitor
in town lately. Come again Jake.
Mrs. Phoenix left on Wednesday for
Muncy where she will make a short
Rev Mulliner was on the sick list
last week, but is again witli us in
health. *
Some of our Cameron boys had great
sport in hanging the Potter county
murderer to a Hag pole in this place in
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Allie
Lord of this place is in poor health
and left Tuesday for Williamsport
hospital, where his friends sincerely
hope he will be benefited in health.
[The above letter was not received at this office
until Thursday p. in., too late for publication
in our last issue.]
(iardeau Waifs.
The farmers are nearly through
Mrs. N. C. Strum has returned from
visiting her old home in Allegany
county, N. Y.
Miss Florence Parker leaves on
Thursday on an extended visit to
friends at Buffalo, Oranere and Brad
Miss Charlotte Bush is home from
Austin on a visit.
Asa Kreitner is tickling the wires at
Shippen, under the direction of Mr. P.
H. Mayer.
Two cases of diphtheria in the home
of Patrick Pickets.
Last Sunday our little burg was
thrown into excitement over an en
counter between an east side and west
side rounder. Disgusting that such
scenes are permitted.
W. W. Bush has purchased the house
owned by A. C. Beeman, situated near
the county line in Cameron.
Mr. Maxwell Philips and Miss Stella
; Bowen are away on a two weeks' trip.
It is rumored they will return as one.
; Congratulations.
Rev. P. O. Sleep has taken his wife
to a Philadelphia hospital for an opera
tion. We hope she may return fully
restored to health.
There will be a liars club organized
next Monday night, at F. N. Taylor's
old ice house. Some of our choicest
members will be J. W. Parker, A. C.
Beeman, Asa Kreitner, Geo. Alden,
Geo. Bush, Sr., and N. C. Strum. If
we can persuade D. Barr and F K. Z.
to ride the goat we will send out chal
lenges to both Emporium and Sinne
mahoning clubs. They would give up
the cake
Mrs. Mary Murphy has gone to
Medix Run on a visit.
EDITOR PRESS: —TheSinnemahoning
Liars Club, Jr., held a special meeting
last Saturday night, Philip Mead hold
ing the hatchet. There was a terrible
uproar when Anthony's communica
tion was read before the club. Pap
Blodget was placed on probation for
six weeks, without cause after his re
port 011 his visit to Emporium. A col
lection was taken and nine cents
raised for refeshments. Pap Blodget
reported that he came in contact with
John Meyers, who holds the champion
ship belt in six states, and held him
level until Mike Dolan came along,
when the old champion took a walk to
find reinforcements, which were in
Emporium for that especial occasion.
He ran against Dalrymple, who was
on his way to church, and cornered
I him in tiic Warner House baggage
room (?). Dalrymple twisted in all
shapes and told his slave stories and
big trips to Potter county and Ken
tucky, but it did not work. Pap had
him tied up so fast that he will not
run down for three weeks, or until the
next democratic caucus in the east end.
We have a fine organization now and
in good working order. Beldin has
washed his feet and he now has a new
pair of socks. We expect our new
goat soon and will be ready for busi
ness Elias Page, of Mt. Vernon, 111.,
was initiated last night and by the
time he gets the Iloyal degree will be
able to face Dalrymple single-handed.
Norman Johnson was fined for non at
tendance. John Johnson is improving
since lie took the second degree.
Grundy Logue is having a circus with
his St. Benard. He was kicking
potato bugs out of the field and ran
against a hedgehog, and before he got
that fellow out of the patch he looked
troubled sure. Harve Smith is doing
fine since he left the old club, which is
getting stale and too slow. They
have to come to us for pointers.
Two weeks ago two eels were caught
011 one hook. The same hook was set
again and another eel caught. Geo.
Sliafer's calf came along and swallowed
eel and hook, and in less than ten
minutes the calf was hooked in the
hind leg. This looks fishy but it is a
fact and can be proven by good wit
nesses. The club adjouned in dis
order and joined in the dog fight in
progress outside.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all members of the organization, while
visiting at Wyside to call 011 Pap
Blodget, who is ready at all times to
entertain strangers. FIDE.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or 110 pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents a box. For sale by L. Taggart.
A medical expert on snakebites as
serfs that the effects of a rattlesnake
bite can be checked if it is properly
treated within eighteen hours. He
further states an immediate sucking of
the wound is the surest cure. Whiskey,
he asserts, is not an antidote, as many
suppose, since, being a stimulent, it
quickens the circulation and carries
the poison rapidly through the system.
Blotches and excrescences, which so
often annoy people, are simply efforts
of nature to throw off impediments to
the proper performance of her duties.
Herbine will aid and assist nature in
her work, and ensure a skin clear and
beautiful, entirely free from all imper
fections. Price 50c. L. Taggart. aug
' J&6&SS2S3££2el, I
What is Celery King?
It is un herb drink, and is a positive cure
for constipation, beadache, nervous disorders,
rheumatism, kidney diseases, and the vari
ous troubles arising from a disordered stom
ach and torpid liver. It is a most agreeable
medicine, and is recommended by physicians
Celery King is sold in 25c. and 6Uc. packages
by druggists and dealers. 1
R. C. Dorlson, Emporium, Pa.
§- %IM DOUBT, TRY They hare stood the test of years*
_ and have cured thousands of
\ t ' & Cr/h *FrJ CSLSCS °f Nervous Diseases, such
ik L ' *- .. , _ j^" o^ an Debility, Dizziness, Slecpless-
A ft £ [ fcj 9 /' v >/ and Varicocele,Atrophy,&c.
ilhfcJK » fifSl They clear the brain, strengthen
rlUrlSßw a 1 c * rcu^at ' on » make digestion
: vigor to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients
' are properly cured, their condition often worries thrm into Insanity, Consumption or Death.
sealed. Price $i per box; 6 boxes, with Iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund the
_ money, $5.00. Send for free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.
For sale by K. C. Dodson, Emporium, F'a.
C. O. I).. ftelijvct to examination. You <-an examine it at your near- 'jfy jj g
rst freight depot and if found perfectly satisfactory, exactly a< Bnfflrl W y. H H
represented, equal lo machines other* sell as high a. #OO.OO, *3 «r w I JbL Haw
jour freight agent Our Special Offer Price $15.50 IrMjj —* pn mwMammmj- ~T||
and freight charges. The machine weighs 120 Hjirjl 1 -f* E jawfe; M"" jT IT EsUl
pounds and the freight will average 75 cents for each 500 IHJBS! 1 i M <rr* i Iff*"' ' pi TviVl I'MEE
your own home, and we will return your 915.50 any day Ml r r-.*u Unit!'Ml v\ I/y^ = ~ ; ' =:= 4rp^S
you are not satisfied. We Hell different makcH and grade* of ?■{ un|jj] A Mr fig flfifl
Sewing Macliinea at »8.50,|10.00.ei 1.00,112.00 and up. all of lißlpSfl Vw 4{frM ktfjl ii'tP?
which are fully described in Our Kree Sewing Machine Cat- ,**l mM
alogue, but $15.50 'or this 7-DRAWER BXJRDICK lTOfl I Bfcjkll [J f/BlMrtii
ib the greatest value ever offered by any house. l aa iirflMT l\ 11 jj irll ImjM
THF RURniPK has every modern improvement, every" s^— i® s l/ si fl U H IIM FgiPl Nlwrjr
punuiuti f?Qod J)oint of every hik , h . Kra4le niac i,ine If II J)
made, with the defects of none. Madcbj tho bent maker in America. H H 1
SOLID OAiiCABINET, liENTtOVEII. Latest 1 809 Skeleton frame, piano U B Jgr A H
polish, finest nickel drawer pulls. restson4 casters, ball bearing u VJjl
adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand, finest large high r —' ,* d
urmhead made, positive four-motion feed, self threading vibrat- //-
ing shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, pat-I[.-"v,-.1 IT, - vr/\
ent tension liberator, improved loose wheel, adjustable presser. - | - -Jfif;. I
foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, I"ffi I
GUARANTEED the lightest runnlne, mont dor- y/ jlj^c
attachment ia fornUhed and onr Free Instruction r J
GUARANTEE is sent wi& every machine.
IT POST 9 YOll NOTHING to see and examine this machine, compare it with those your storekeeper sells at
- S4O. OO to SSO. 00. and then if convinced you are saving S2O. OO to $35-00,
pay your freiltflt agent the sls 50. WK TO KETI/KN YOLK #13.60 If at any time within three month* JOB nay yo«
•re not nailhfled. OKDKK TO-DAY. DO.VI bkLAV. (Sears, Koebuek <t Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.)
$ j PIES,
£■: ■ Unti yf 112 1r fakcy cakes
m .
Dailv Deliverv. A "° rder ».^ iven
.skillful attention.
| - |
Jip We have purchased and received our stock of Spine 'imr
and Summer ' if
Comprising a line ot Linens, Mull, Swisses, Organ- ||)j
dies, Muslins, Ginghams, etc., which we ofiter to the
people of Emporium and vicinity at exceedingly low B
prices for quality of goods.
jjJli ••s«» •• o • •«"••••• ••••••••••• io•o• •«• a # W-'
<o »)
<• V/E HAVE •) i'Cu
|if !i (* •) llffiji
\ * India Linens at 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20 and 25 cents per yd. •'
j: White Lawns at 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20 and 25 cents per yd. I
,'y., <• Colored lawns, — twelve different shades at 15c per yd. •> |jip
<• Mulls at from 15 to 25 cents per yd. ••> <s}>
'J Organdies, very good at 12 cts. liner at 25 cents per yd. Jj
|p!i (• Dotted Swiss, large and small dotts at 10 and 20c per yd. ») ; /
<"• Muslins, large quantity at exceptionally low prices. •)
ifeij] Outings, light weight for summer uses, at 8 cents per yd. i
«t Calicoes, fast colors, good patterns, at little prices. •) 'Mt
c ' ' r/,-
o•••••••••«•••••••c «»••••s*•• e•••••••e •
m S
We invite you to our store to compare our prices and fflj
goods with others, as we teel sure that after a fair
comparison you will be more than pleased with the [jff!
goods we ofter and the service given.
When in need of a carpet, call and examine our line ||t
of patterns. We handle carpets from sample and from ||i!
the fact that we do not have to keep a lot of capital
tied up in the stock, we can offer you lower prices, ilpl
Leave us vonr order and we will have you the carpet &
in two or three days.
We have a line ol Mattings, and very desirable pat- |||
terns, at prices that defy competition. Do not expect f'ifij
to get new mattings at last year's prices, for you can- J%
not, as the prices have been advanced by the jobber io : j
and we retailers have to follow suit, or not handle jidjl
!"• 1
We have a small line of rugs, very nice patterns,which
we would like you to see. Call at our store and the
clerks will be only too triad to show vou the stock.
1 > " lil
1" - I
v Has led all WORM Remedies. \
/ Prepared by \
For sale by L. TagKart. M-l-ly.