EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. Pi LICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Jan. 3, 1K99. NBMOl'.ll I.A, per sack |1 20 Irahaui, * 60 Rye " 60 Buckwheat " 65 Patent Meni " 45 Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 00 Chop Feed, " 100 Middlings " 1 00 Bran, " 1 00 Corn, per bushel, 56 White Oats, per bushel 45 Choice Clover Seed, ") Choice Timothy Seed, ! .. \i nr L-,.( Prirrs Choice Millet Seed. 112 At Market Prices. Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, | LOCAL DEPARTItIKNT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would like to see in thin department, let us know by pos tal card, or letter, personally. John Cumford and family is visiting friends in town. Dr. Baker continues to improve, and is able to sit up. Geo. Bupp made Philadelphia a hur ried trip last Friday. Miss Nellie Clair, of Cameron, was visiting in town yesterday. Miss Bird Hoy, of Dußois, was guest of Miss Goldie Lyons last week. Ernest Wimmer, of St. Marys, was an Emporium visitor on Tuesday. Geo. W. Gentry, of Sterling Run, was a PRESS visitor on Monday. E. W. Gaskill has purchased the H. C. Olmsted farm, near Emporium. G. W. Derrick, of St. Marys, trans acted business in Emporium yesterday. John Extrom, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with his parents, at this place. Miss Nellie Huntley, of Driftwood, ia the guest of Miss Elvia Whiting, this week. Surveyor Brooks, of Sinnemahoning, transacted business in Emporium yes terday. J. B. Schriever returned yesterday from a business trip through western Pennsylvania. Mrs. Sarah T. Mantania, of York, Pa., is visiting in town, (he guest of D. Murry and family. Mrs. E. R. Mayo, ofSmethport, was guest of Emporium friends and rela tives, last Sunday. H. D. Farr came down from John sonburg, on Saturday, to spend a few days with his parents. Miss Mame Farrell went to Buffalo on Tuesday, where she will spend the summer with relatives. Master Randolph Morris spent Sun day with "Uncle Dan" Kriner and family, on Clear Creek. C. 11. Ware and wife, of Buffalo, N. Y., were the guests of Mrs. A. M. Hamilton, last Thursday. Miss Grace McC'rea, one of Empori um's popular teachers, loaves for her home at Franklin, Pa., to-day. Mrs. I. K. Hockley and daughter Ada visited friends at Renovo and Williamsport the first of the week. J. S. Hauber is passing around the ten centers on account of the arrival of that twelve-pound boy at his home. Mr. Hyman, the blind, Buffalo mer chant, accompanied by his wife, was visiting his Emporium customers yes terday. Mrs. S. C. Hyde, of Emporium, ar rived in town last Friday and has been the guest of friends here —Smethpor.t Miner. S. S. Hacket, proprietor of the Em porium Independent, was in town on business, Tuesday.—Port Allegany Press. Wm. McDonald, the genial proprie tor of the Novelty Restaurant, treated his patrons to a trout fry on Saturday evening. Attorney J. H. Calkins was transact ing legal business in town, the fore part of the week, guest of B. W. Green and family. Our citizens will be pleased to learn that P. It. Beattie successfully passed through the operation and reports are encouraging. Mr. E. F. Edgcomb, of Bailey Run, visited in town over Sunday. He is a brother of our respected townsman, Henry Edgcomb. Miss Helen Van Vaikenburg having closed her second term as teacher in our schools, leaves for her home at Wellsboro, Pa., this week. 11. S. Drum, of Sinnemahoning, Cameron county, was in town over Sunday, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. L. Taylor.—liidgway Advocate. F. G. Judd, C. L. Butler and A. E. Gross, of Emporium, were looking the town over, Monday, with a view of locating here.—Hazel-Hurst World. L. T. Hacket, of Buffalo, formerly a resident of this place, came over on Saturday to visit relatives, and enjoy a few days at his favorite pastime of catching brook trout. Mrs. Noble Watson, nee Miss Alice Butcher, of Davis, W. Va., for several years one of the most popular and eminently capable teachers in the Emporium schools, is visiting her par ents and friends at this place. Mr. George Russell, of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting at the homo of D. Murry, on Third street. Ho is enjoying an outing in Cameron's woods this week and no doubt will treat his friends to a trout dinner when he returns to Buffalo. Mrs. E. Merereau Newton has re turned home to rest and look after her business interests. She has had a very active winter, and is now a member of the "International Press Association," as well as of the "Society of American Authors." Milton Barr and A W. Mason, of Gibson; B. E. Smith, Lumber; Dr. V. K. Corbett and M. J. B. Brooks, of Driftwood, paid their respects to the PRESS while in town on Tuesday, as sisting in electing Miss Collins County Superintendent. We were pleased to meet the gentlemen. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that, too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughedlincessantly and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle ol Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night; and with two bottles has been ; absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes VV. . Nays: Messrs. Warner, Shafer and Palmer—>3. Moved by Mr. Burke, seconded by Mr. Lloyd, | that the resolution regarding the payment for a bell in the East Ward Hose House be pa.ssrd notwithstanding the veto of the Hurgess. The ayes and nays were called and the following vote i taken: Ayes: Messrs. Warner and Shafer 2. Nays: Messrs. Burke, Shafer, Catlin. Strayer, ! Palmer, Lloyd— 6. The veto was declared SUM- ' tainert. Moved by Mr. Warner, seconded by Mr. Shafer that when we adjourn it shall bo until next j Thursday, at 7:30 p. m. Carried. The committee appointed to prepare plans and | specifications for the bridge on Pine street was continued and Mr. Schweikart was added to the committee. "<)n motion by Mr. Warner, seconded by Mr. ; Burke, the following bills were ordered paid: John Welch, work oil streets $ 7 50 ' John Blinzler, draylng i 00 ! Wm. Snyder, work on streets... 75 j Oh as. Prosser. work on streets, with team.. 10 50 i Thos. Smith, Street Commissioner 37 50 • s. s. Hacket, lumber 12 56 E. far. Strait, invoice 1 % | A . V< gt. drj ing hose l 00 . M. T. Mulcahy, dryiug hos • 1 -'-o I Emporium Machine Co., invoice St. .Marys (iasCo., gas to June Ist, :>l 00 i Walker, Howard & Co., invoice 5 95 S. E. Murry, invoice 1 io The bond of.l. W. Kriner as overseer of the poor was read and aporoved. The amount oeing $2,000. M. T. 11 surety. Move 1 by .Mr.Shafer, . : : onded lA* Mr. Schwei- I kart. that ilie President of the Council, the Secretary and the Cheif of the Fire Department j investigate the matter o! purchasing a bell, fen fire purposes, from S. S. Hackot. and report to ; the Council. Carried. On motion tlie Council then adjourned to meet i Thurldav, May J, 1899. at 7:30 p. in. C. JAY GOODNOUUH, Secretary, gntoranusssrv NORMA :jmnr-~r .> T zrrn-vzxjmjrrr v.m ALL AROUND THE COUNTY. Oardeuu. Ceo. Barney has moved his familv i to St. Marys. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Sleep is not improving in health. Will Wyvall, of 1389. 1899. / ; GREETING. ; / The winter months are gone. Spring, / though a little backward is here. This is / the tune of year for changes, and many / ■ are looking for opportunities "> better / themselves. / / / IS YOUR / / GROCERY AND MARKET / / SERVICE X '' x X SATISFACTORY? A / CAN YOU / ! 7 BETTER 7 I / / YOURSELF ; ! / IN THIS? / - > nity to serve you, we would be ple.i-cd to » ha* e it now. We have jut finished taking account of / ' st< ck 112 and enti red upon the tenth year «•!' 112 <»ur career as caterers to the < iroccrv :»:i t y Market trade who wish GOOD GOOI S / / and service at reasonable prices. / We are in better condition in every z way to serve you now, than ever before, y ' This may seem like au"old chestnut, 'but y nevertheless it is true. / , ' PROGRESS ' ; Is the watch word our Store. / / j NOT / j '' HOW / / CHEAP. Y / 3UT /J • V HOW / 1 / / GOOD, 7 y lias ever been our motto and we will / continue to DO BUSINESS under this v banner. y. / QUALITY > < NOT QUANTITY % / it Is the first consideration —with us—in / the selection of goods. Our judgment tells us this is cheapest in the end. / We desire to express our sincere appre- */■ ciation of the substantial support we have / had in the past, which has made it possi- / ble for us to render a first-class service at * / reasonable prices for our goods and hope / to merit a continuance of same. / Should there be anything in our deal- '/, ings with you, in the way of an error or > ; / an over sight,—which will creep in at / times—kindly remember, our aim is to / right any circumstances of this kind, and / to right it at once. / We are just as anxious to be given an / I opportunity to "fix up" an error or over / sight, as we are to sell you goods. So / don't hide an 3' misunderstandings, tell / us about them, and we will show our ap- / proval by prompt correction. t / Very truly yours, / I J. H. DAY. ' / / Fourth St., Emporium, Pa. ✓XX X X X X X X XXX X X NOTICE. To whom it may concern. '"PHIS is to notify you that the Emporium Oil 1 Co., will collect and dispose 01 all oil cans and property of said Oil Company's Route, dur ing the months of April and May, 1899. Per order Emporium Oil Company. For further particu lars enquire of 9-3t, J. R. FETTER, Manager. S The Plate to Buy Cheap / ? J. F. PARSONS. ? MUTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS For sale bv R. C. Dodson. fc m. mm. mt mm m. mm*•*m**mtmtmj*m. m 4* ** A m. ** » I LEAK HARDWARE HOUSE! I S4»WWVWWWWI*W**.irWWWWWWfWWWiIMIH||imriBIi & m, mk * \ j»t X* *» ' [JFJJ l|i ii \i . ip If! m I'l 11 | Dry Goods I ! PMP'* ii P El o 111 p fl IIp" Now that the holidays are over we expect a llj fjlJj L- share of the same liberal patronage which <[|i | we reeived in 1898 and during the holidays jjj] In Corsets we handle the R. & G.,Dr. L-lj P S Warner's Fetherbone and W. B. j=|l - Cyclist. fl M R 1| 11 • • Men's, Ladies' and Childrens' Under- p ijlj j A wear in cotton and wool. JjjjT P i ffi I |! if || L FFL II j llll; m q ill 111 ° We have an elegant assort- ® mJ * A ment of China Ware and our L ill! U I p prices are bound to sell the goods. !]! i E 1 1— — —0 Ip jj BALCOM & LLOYD. | lei fil p ii II Fourth Street, Emporium, Pa. fif 11 SELSHSHSH SHSHS DSH SHSHSHSB SHSHSHSH 5^ |L _HONES^DEALI Na 1 j 5