Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 20, 1899, Image 5

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:• U3T.
\■..»»;» orium, l a., .Jan. 3, lh#9.
\"3 MO I' 111 hA, per -ack $1 2(J
•iraham, ' 60
live. •** 60
Buckwheat, '* 65
Patent .Vf<*ai.• • •" 45
Coarse Ural, pe; 100, 1 00
Chop Feed, 44 1 00
Middlings 1 00
Bran, '• 1 00
Corn, per bushel. 56
White Oats, per bushel 45
Choice Clover Seed, 1
Choice Timothy Seed, ~ «,
Choice Millet Seed. j At Market Prices.
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, 1
Contribution■ invited. That which ;/ot/ would
like t > sea in ihi.* department, le* us know hy pos
tal card, or letter, personally.
Jus. McCrossia and family have re
moved to Apollo, Pa.
Jesse Johnson, of Benzinger, was in
town Saturday calling on friends.
I. M. Reynolds is spending a few
days with old friends in Potter county.
Hon. 1. K. Hockley is in attendance
at the closing scenes of the legislature.
Ed. Brown, of Port Allegany, was
visiting old friends in Emporium over
Amos Barber, of Driftwood, shook
hands with old friends in town 011
County Treasurer C. M. Thomas
visited Hazei-Hurst last Monday and
Orlow Jordan, of Coudersport, spent
Saturday and Sunday in town with his
Mrs. Joseph Kays, who is at Wil
liamsport, tor medical treatment, is
Farmer Balcom commenced his
season's work 011 his North Creek
farm, 011 Tuesday.
John 11. Morehouse, of Pittsburg,
passed Wednesday in town, guest of
N. Seger and family.
Geo. J. La Bar and Harry Lloyd went
fishing Tuesday and we shall eat trout
the balance of the week
Wm. Landrigan and wife, of Elmira,
N. Y., are guests of Thomas Lysett and
family at St. Charles Hotel.
Frank McGraw, of Silver Lake. Pa.,
arrived in Emporium on Tuesday and
will reside here this season.
Deputy CcAinty Treasurer Frank
Coppersmith was a social visitor to the
Pit Ess sanctum on Tuesday.
A. N. Cool and family will leave to
day (Thursday) for St. Marys, where
they will reside in the future.
Chas.W.Williams, of Mason Hill, was
in town on Friday and called to pay
his respects to the* PRESS office.
Chas. Butler is stopping at Hazel
Hurst this week, looking after the es
tablishing of his branch wagon shop.
Jos. Farley, of Gibson township, was
in town last Saturday calling 011 old
friends and made the PRESS a pleasant
John Chapman, of Sterling Run,
tranacted business in Emporium on
Tuesday and visited the PRESS while in
Mrs. E. N. Fairchild, of Gardeau, ac
companied by her son from Bradford,
transacted business in Emporium last
Arthur Cote and Octave Willett were
PRESS callers last Saturday before start
ing for the west. Each orders the
PRESS to follow them.
Robt. Devllng who has been danger
ously ill with typhoid tever at his
home near Sterling Run, is improving
we are pleased to learn.
Fred Mills, who has been visiting in
Emporium for some time, returned to
Seattle, Wash., on Monday. He made
many friends in Emporium.
Miss Rose Ritchie, of Emporium, was
the guest of her brother, Mr. Fred
Ritchie, on Centre street, a few days
the past week—St. Marys Gazette.
James Wade, of North Clarendon,
and Frank Wade, of Falls Creek, were
called here Monday, owing to the ser
ious illness of their sister, Mrs. Wm.
J. H. Shanbacher, the well known
landlord of the new Hyde, left Satur
day afternoon for Karlsbad, Austria,
where it is hoped he will be fully re
stored to health. —Ridgway Advocate.
A large number of our citizens gath
ered at the depots, last Monday, to bid
good-bye to the Pelkey family and
Frank Morris and party. Henry
Auchu says the French are getting
scarce in Emporium.
Frank Morris, who has purchased a
hotel property at Port Angeles, Wash.,
transacted business with the PRESS 011
Saturday last—giving us a handsome
order for printing He believes he has
secured a big bargain.
Mrs. Thos.Pelkey, Miss Celia Pelkey,
Willie Pelkey, Francis Pelkey and
Alfred Pelkey and wife, left Emporium
last Monday morning for San Fran
cisco, where they will reside in the
future, Mr. Pelkey having purchased
a home there.
Last Monday morning, Frank Morris
returned to Port Angeles, Was))., ac
companied by his son and Mrs. John
Fredette and son, Octave Willett,
Arthur Cote and Fred Lafiamme.
Some of the party will goto Alaska at
some future day.
Judge Brennan is determined that
Emporium shall celebrate in an appro
priate manner next Fourth of July and
requests that all citizens who favor the
object should meet at the Warner
House next Saturday evening and
make the starter
About thirty little ladies and gents
were guests of Miss Marian Judd, last
Friday afternoon, to celebrate her
eighth birthdav. They had a grand,
good time. The sweet little Miss was
the recipient of many kind tokens of
affection from her little friends.
Hon. M. E. Olmsted, of Harrisbui-g-
Congressman from the Dauphin dis
trict, wasin Emporium Saturday night,
guest of H. C. Olmsted and 'family.
Prothonatary (loodnough drove him to
the Forest House 0:1 Sunday, where lie
was met by 1-is Couderspovl relatives.
Mr. Olmsted is one of the most ablti
corporation attorneys in the state .ml
makes a popularCongre••■man. if.-- re
turned towHarrishurg Monday i-venin.".
I Hon. Geo. A. Jonks, of BrookviilejT.
C. Hippie, Lock Haven; and W. W.
Ames, Esq., of St. Marys, met in arbi
tration at this place on Monday. This
WHS the final hearing in case relative
| to the estate of C. B. Howard, before
j Col. W. W. Ames, Referee. T. C.
Hippie, of Lock Haven, and Green &
i Shaffer, of Emporium, represented the
! estate of C. B. Howard, while Hon.
j Geo. A. Jcnks and Johnson & McNar
; ney argued for W. H. Howard, one of
j the administrators of the estate.
Our friend Schmidt, who believes in
; having everything around his estab
lishmentin line sty le, has recently made
! many improvements and has entered
upon his summer campaign of ice
cream, ices and fancy baking. Our
citizens have every reason to bo proud
of this establishment—it is first-class
in every particular. The Ice Cream
Parlors will be opened to the public on
Saturday next.
Frank G. Judd was 38 years old last
Tuesday and a number of his friends
called to remind him of that fact. Mr.
and Mrs. Judd received them kindly
and the evening was pleasantly passed.
Dr. \V. H. DeLong arrived in Phila
delphia on Monday, from Florida. We
are glad to hear the Dr. is greatly im
proved in health—better than he has
been for weeks. That's good, Doctor.
Miss Dora Sizer came down from
Sizerville this morning and after trans
acting business called to pay her re
spects to ye editor and incidentially to
pay for the PRESS another year.
Mr. B. Munsell, the P. &E. bridge
carpenter, has been confined to his
homo in this place, the past week,
caused by letting a large "jack" fall
upon his foot.
J. P. Felt and family arrived in Em
porium Tuesday evening, after spend
ing several months in Florida.
Ex-Sheriff J. W. Krinor was called
to Mt. Joy, Pa., this morning to attend
the funeral of a niece.
Win. McDonald, Alex. McDougall,
and Harry Hemphill visited St. Marys
Miss Florence Olmsted is visiting
relatives at Coudersport this week.
Mrs. Bardwell went to Buffalo this
noon on business.
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required. |
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- '
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents a box. For sale by L. Taggart.
v.H-n2-ly |
Water Works Sure.
At the regular meeting of the
borough council Wednesday even
ing, the contract was signed .and
the franchise granted for the new
water works, and the ordinance
will appear in the next issue of the
Eagle. The borough gets a com
plete system for lire protection, the
large reservoir being 240 feet above
Main street, and the families will
have a n opportunity of getting pure
spring water for household use, a
blessing which few towns enjoy.
The water company is to sustain
a pressure of 100 pounds to the
square inch which will give Eldred's
famous fire fighters a great advan
tage over the destroying element;
the company also furnishes water
for a public drinking fountain and
water trough, and water for sprink
ling the streets. For this service
the borough is to pay §350 annu
ally, or only about 8100 more than
it costs to keep up the line we now
have for fire protection alone. El
dred is certainly in luck.—Eldred
Diphtheria is in Los Angeles, Cal,
arid a telegram is received by the I
Cure U Co., Butler, Pa., ordering Arm
strong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops
to be sent at once by express. This
shows how a good article is appre
ciated 61y
We publish an advertisement of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cktro in our col
umns this issue, and wish to say to
our patrons that we believe this
preparation is worthy of a trial by
anj' person suffering from this
agonizing complaint. We honestly
believe this preparation will do for
you all the manufacturers claim for
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is pre
pared by the well known and reli
able linn of E. ('. DeWitt &Co.,
Chicago, and from our long ex
perience, in a business sense, with
this Jinn as advertisers, we feel
safe in saying that they would not
place <ni the market a preparation
for the cure of Dyspepsia, unless
they had a remedy of the highest
merit, and conscientiously believed
it would cure this well known and
almost universal complaint.
We further add that if this prep
aration is equal to the other well
known remedies which they make,
viz: DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Saive, and
One Minute Cough Cure, it will
speedily win its way into public
We cheerfully and heartily give
our personal endorsement to this
concern, and the reliability of the
goods they manufacture, which
have been largely the means of !
their success, and in writing this
voluntary endorsement on our part , |
we feel that we are simply per- j
forming a duty which we owe to !
our patrons.
DR. BULL'S Cough Syrup will make
a permanent cure in all cases of cough
or cold on chest or lungs It will euro
when other remedies have failed Phy
sicians recommend it.
Joe Fisher was in our burg a few
i hours on Tuesday.
Miss Irene McGuire was a visitor to
\ St. Marys on Tuesday.
Mr. Denny, of Cameron, was in our
| burg a few honrs Tuesday.
Our people are all rejoicing over the
! improved condition of I) r. Baker.
Farmer Hopkins made a business
| trip to the county seat, Wednesday.
Jesse Laucks, accompanied by Miss
| Ellis, drove through here last Saturday.
Lee Hopkins has accepted a position
' on the P. & E. R. R. with Martin Law
I Walter Hopkins resigned his position
i as assistant manager on the Ilellyard
I iarm.
Rev. Mulliner, our preacher, was
visiting in our burg and on More Hill
I last week.
Farmer Norton has erected a bridge
across the creek from his residence to
the barn.
There is a large force of men work
ing on the bridge and it will soon be
Lawyer Wimmer, of St. Marys,
stopped oft' here betwoen trains one
day last week.
Mr. Clate Toner was seen in our
burg last week. He said he quit the
rat trap business.
Hon. J. C. Johnson, one of Empori
um's prominent lawyers, had buisness
in our city last week.
A number of otir young folks at
tended the necktie party at West
Creek on Saturday.
There is a young man on More Hill
who seems to have a tender spot for
one of our fair damsels.
W. C. Heath is in the fence buisness
clear up to his neck. C. M. Kresge is
superintending the work.
A. Gross, one of Emporium's most
practical butchers was circulating
among our farmers, last week.
Mike Hillyard has added a new
machine to his farm. Mike is the only
up-to-date farmer on West Creek.
Mr. F. Sage, of Johnsonburg, came
down on Saturday to got a few of our
speckled beauties. Fred Norton was
his guide.
Wild ducks were very plenty here
last week, farmer Sippie being one of
the most lucky ones in securing the
wild game.
Our moonlight farmer, Martin Law
son, is doing a land office buisness; in
stead of using a grey horse he carries a
Mason Hill.
Boys take up that $lO bet.
Was the run water cold Stella?
Farming time will soon be here.
Mr. C. W. Williams made a business
trip to Emporium on Friday.
Mrs. O. B. Tanner attended church
on Thursday night.
Mr. Harry Williams left Saturday for
Bradford county he says.
Mr. Clarence Miller made a flying
trip to Medix Run on Monday.
Miss Estella Logue visited her uncle
at Mix Run a few days last week.
Miss Ethel Barr visited friends on
Huston Hill a few days last week.
Mr. Clell Bailey made a flying trip
to Sinnemahoning on Wednesday.
Miss Maud Williams circulated
among friends at Sterling Run a few
days last week.
Mr. Joseph Farley, Claud and Maud
Williams attended the entertainment
at Sterling Run on Friday evening.
Mr. and |Mrs. C. M. Bailey are the
proud father and mother of a bounc
ing nine pound boy which arrived at
their home on Sunday.
C. W. Williams can boast about his
neighbors. He had new potatoes for
dinner last Thursday, grown on his
farm. Anybody doubting this story
can ascertain the fact by asking Q. W.
Tanner. PEGGY.
Beech wood.
Miss Armstrong is visiting friends at
Chas Sibert does not visit our town
very oiten of late.
George Market transacted business
in town on Saturday.
George Market has the bridge com
pleted east of this place.
McLaughlin & Co., are running a
cross-cut saw on a large wood job.
Marion Toner made a flying trip to
St. Marys in a side door palace car.
Messrs. Zerbie and McLaughlin are
going into the farming business this
Dan McDonald and Bert Morrison,
went to Hicks Run on a Ashing trip
Hello Dick ! You don't need to
wonder where "Simple Simon" is; he
is not sleeping.
Amos Davis of Washington, D. C.,
arrived at this place on Wednesday
and is visiting friends on More Hill
at the present time.
Dick Turpin, you don't need to
wonder why we don't hear from Gar
deau through the mail. If a certain
fellow should stay there over night
again, we would not hear from there
through the PRESS.
Rich Valley.
Roads are getting good.
Be careful of forest, fires these days, j
Farmers are beginning their fence
A. O. Swartwood is laying the wall
forWm. Magee's new house.
We learn Rev. W. Redett has come
back to preach to us another year.
We |are glad to learn that Mr. Lin
gle and wife have recovered from their
long spell of sickness
We learn the Wesleyan Methodist ;
have bought the church property in
Rich Valley. Earnest workers will j
show their work in spite of opposition, j
The revival meetings held by Evan- j
gelist F. J. Lewis, at Elk Lick, for the j
last two weeks, closed last week, with !
wonderful power displayed in back- j
sliders being reclaimed and sinners,
brought to Christ. Frank stirs up the j
work wherever he goes and makes the I
Devil very uneasv. Let all good peo
ple in the help of the Lord.
JAY. j
A. C. Beeman had business at Siiser
! ville on Monday.
N. C. Strum is atttending court at
! Smethport this week.
Mrs. F. G. Sleep is quite seriously ill
and confined to her room.
Eli Fairchild and Judson Parker had
; business at Emporium, Tuesday.
Ira Ayere has leased the Burlingame
j farm at Sizerville and takes possession
Robert Burns, of Granere, formerly
of this place, will move back to this
I place.
Emmanuel Zacharias will leave his
j farm and move to the third ward of
! our city.
Chas. xOeitner and Ed. Ayers, of
j Granere, are visiting their parents at
j this place.
: A. C. Beeman has leased the Apiary
of George Fairchild and will study the
, bees in tiie future.
Mrs. E. N. Fairchild, of Shippen, has
j rented the Berger property and moved
I to the first ward.
Our home talent troop will render
the drama Hilda Ward, :it the Sizerville
i opera house, in the near future.
I. T. Hall is performing manual labor
j at the mill.
Eli Fairchild's P. O. address is now
Gardeau, Pa.
The oil well has not shown any of
the fluid as yet.
H. C. Crawford will farm 011 an ex
tensive scale this season.
The necktie party on Saturday eve,
for Rev. Sleep, was a grand success.
Frank Ames, of Granere, is spending
his vacation with his family and father
Earnest Williams, of Port Allegany,
is decorating the interior walls of the
N. R. Covel is at the hospital. lie is
not being treated by Dr. Parsons at
Mr. Glazier, in company with Chas.
Weller. was in town on Friday, exhib
iting a sample of oil from his Gaines
well just struck. Charley says"He pe
do siimartest son-in-law in de whole
pack "
S Robinson had an opening at his
new house last evening. All went well
until the wind-up, which came near
ending seriously. There vas much
demand for J. P's and constables next
On Saturday there was music in the
air, rendered by the Prof. Sheeter and
Happy Jack combination. They gave
a farewell reception on their departure
for Lock Haven; they gave away free
samples of liniment and most anything
V J Hon. CHAS. A. MAYER President Judge and
sociate Judges oft fie Courts of Oyer and Terminer
and Oeneral Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of
the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common
Pleas for the county of Cameron, have issued
their precept bearing date the 17tli day of Dec.,
A. D., 189H, and to me directed for holding
Court of Oyerand Terminer,Oeneral Jail Delivery,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court
and Court of Common Pleas, in the liorough of
Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 21th day of
April, 1899, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and to con
tinue one week.
Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices
of the Peace and Constables within the county,
that they be then and there in their proper per
sons, at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day, with their
rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and
other rememberances, to do those things which
to their offices appertain to be done. And those
"ho are bound by their recognizance to prosecute
against them as will be just.
Dated at Emporium, Pa., March 27th, 1899,
and in the 123 d year of the Independence of the
United States of America.
LORINA E. WOODCOCK, | In the Court of
I Common Pleas of
vs !• Cameron County,
Pa., No. 34, Septem-
GEORGE WOODCOCK. J ber Term, 1898.
To George Woodcock, Respondent.
YOU are hereby notified to appear at the next
term of court to be holden at Emporium,
Cameron county, Pa., commencing on Monday,
24th day of Aprii. A. I)., 1899, atone o'clock, p. in.,
and answer to the complaint of said libellant
and answer to the charge, and show cause if any
you have, why a decree should not be made,
divorcing the said libellant from the bonds of
matrimony which she lias contracted with you,
and if you fail to appear then and there such de
cree will be made in your absence.
Sheriff's Office, I
Emporium, Pa., March 28th, 1899. J 5-4t.
Cameron county people visiting
Philadelphia will find this a convenient
and central location. Terms §I.OO per
day. Reference, by permission, to
PRESS office, Emporium.
No. 7-20t
fiT!u'y overcome Weakness, Irrrpru
luritj; and oil,iHHions, viKor
to (rirls at womanhood, aiding de
velopment of organs and body. N^o
by 'innil! ' N.'.'l'.r I.v 'druKgl'st *
BFOTT CHEMICAL Co.,ll«.elind,U.
For sale by R. C. Dodson.
9 Removes all desire and appetite, builds up the w
A system, renews health and vigor, brightens the A
intellect and fits one for business.
(n rr x«» DATI:
3 AND joj; $
U1 ru
Syrup pepss 11
The Venders ol I-'orelicii and
Domestic Mcrcliaiidlse,
Milliards, Etc.,
In Cameron County, unll take notice
that they are Appraised and Classed
by the undersigned Appraiser of Mer
cantile and other License Taxes for
I the year 1899, as follows, to-unt:
Class. Tax
Balcorn & Lloyd, mdse 11 sls 00
Dodson, R. C., drugs 14 700
Day, John 11., mdse 12 12 50
Edgcomb, Henry, mdse 14 700
Feltwell, J. H., mdse 14 700
Howard, C. 8., & Co., mdse.. 9 25 00
Huntington, L. K., mdse 14 700
Harris, Jasper, clothing 13 10 00
IJacket, S. S., mdse 14 700
Hogan, M. T., grocer 14 700
Hacket, 8. J., mdse 14 700
Hockley, 1. K., coal dealer...l 4 700
Jordan Bros., mdse 14 700
Laßar, Geo. J., furniture 13 10 00
Larrabee, M. M , mdse 14 700
Lloyd, H. S., stationery 14 700
Leet & Co., mdse 11 15 00
Lechner, Jos., boots & shoes. .14 700
Metzger, Geo. Jr., jewelry 14 700
McDougall, Alex., grocer 13 10 00
Olmsted, D. E., mdse 14 700
Olmsted, H. C., mdse 13 10 00
Parsons, John F., mdse 14 700
Rockwell, M. A., drugs 14 700
Raymond, H. L., millinery .. .14 700
Schmidt, C. G., confectionery 14 700
Seger, N., clothing 13 10 00
Shives, Frank, mdse 12 12 50
Schweikart, Peter, mdse 14 700
Seger, R., & Son, clothing. . .13 10 00
Tulis, M. C., mdse 12 12 50
Taggart, L., drugs, 13 10 00
Lewis, P. E., eating house.... 8 500
Bliss,Mrs.llenry, eating house 7 10 00
Vogt, A. F., boots and shoes. .14 700
Walker, Howard <Sc Co., hard
ware. 11 15 00
Zarps, IT. A., notions 14 700
Craven, C. C., mdse 14 700
Lewis, E. M., nulse 14 700
McOwen, 8., mdse 14 700
Smith, John E., mdse 11 15 00
McConnell, Warren, mdse...l4 7 00
Barclay Bros., mdse 8 30 00
Baird, D. P., mdse 14 700
Strayer, J. V., grocer 14 700
Brookbank, J. 0., &Co., mdse 7 40 00
Krider & Yothers, mdse 14 700
Mitchell, W. H, mdse 11 15 00
Nefcy, E. M., mdse 14 700
Rothrock, J. N., clothing 14 700
Redfoot, A. F., mdse 14 700
Kline, C. R., & Co., mdse 14 700
Sizer, W. R., mdse 14 700
McDonald, A. A., 3 billiard
tables 50 00
take Notice.
All who are concerned in this
Qodfity Qoftitoissiotjers,
Saturday, April 22, '99
Hours of 9 a. m.and 4 p. 111.,
When you may attend if you think proper.
Hercantile Appraiser.
Emporium, Pa., March 28th, 1899.
rpHE School Directors of Shippen, desire to an
1 nouncethat they are ready to receive bids
for the erection of a new Township High School-
Huilding. Plans and specifications for the build
ing may he seen at the office of Johnson & Mc-
Naruey, in Emporium, Pa., 011 or after April
'2oth. All bids must be presented, sealed, not
later than May 6th, 1899. The Uoard reserves
the right to reject anv or all bids.
L. BPENCE, President.
GEO. VAN WERT, Sec'y. 7-3t
N'OTICE isherebygiven thatCharles Seger and
S. S. Smith, Executors of the last Will and
Testatment of Bernard Coyle, late of Emporium
Borough,deceased, and J.P. McNarney,Adminis
trator of the estate of Theophilus Belanger, late
of Emporium Borough deceased, have filed their
first anil final accounts of their administration
of said several estates and the same will be
presented to the Orphan's Court, at April term
next for confirmation nisi.
Register's Office, (
Emporium, Pa., March 27, 1899. 112 5-4t
N OTICE is hereby given that an application
will be made to the Court of Common Pleas
of the county of Cameron on the 21th day of
April, A. D., 1899, at 1:00 o'clock, p. in., under
the "Corporation act of one thousand eight hun
dred and seventy-four," and the supplements
thereto, by Josiali Howard, John F. Parsons,
Charles M. Thomas, A. C. Blum, J. B. Schriever
and ('. W. Shatter, for the charter of an intended
corporation to be called "FIREMENS* RELIEF
ASSOCIATION OF EMPORIUM," the character and
object of which is aiding injured and disabled
firemen who may be injured and disabled in the
performance of their duties :H firemen, and aid
ing widows and orphans of firemen who may be
killed in performance of their duties as firemen,
and for the establishing a pension fund tor said
purposes and for these purposes to have, possess
and enjov all the rights, benefits and privileges
conferred by the said act an i its supplements.
C-3t Solicitor.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OK levari Facia*
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of
Cameron county, Pa., and to me directed, I have
seized, levied upon and taken into execution and
will expose for sale to the highest and best bidder
at public vendue or outcry, ;it the Court House,
in Emporium, Cameron county, on
Friday, 21stDay of April A. I)., 1N99,
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M.,
The following described real estate and prop
erty, to-wit:
Ail that certain lot or piece of ground, situate,
lying and being on the northerly side of Fifth
street in the Borough of Emporium, in the
county of Cameron and State of Pennsylvania
and numbered 459 in block 43 in the general plan
of said Borough, recorded in said county in Deed
Book "D," p. —. Containing in front or
breadth on said Fifth street fifty (50) feet, bound
ed and described as follows: Beginning at a
point on the northerly line ot Fifth street at th"
distance of fifty (50) feet westward from the west
erly line of Wood street; thence northerly on a
line parallel with said Wood street one hundred
and forty (140) feet to the southerly line ofOar
den street; thence easterly along said line fiftj
(50) feet to the line of Wood stret t: thence south
erly along said line one hundred and forty (140
feet to a point the line of said Fifth street;
thence west ward ly along said line of Fifth street
fifty (50) feet to a point, the place of beginning.
Bounded northward by Garden street, south
ward by Fifth street, eastward by Wood street
and westward by lot 458 in said block 43.
Haying erected thereon one two-story frame
dwelling 25x36 feet, with wing 16x2H feet, with
usual outbuildings; also fruit trees and vines.
Piped for city water and natural gas.
Seized and taken into execution and to be sold
ns the property of ALFRED IIIK-CH and CLARA
HIUSC'H, at the suit of FRANK -HIVES
TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged
until the purchase money is paid in full.
Sheriff's Office, I
Emporium, Pa., March 21.h, 1899. (
Slner£inr , >» Sale.
I ) Facias issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Cameron county, Pa., and to me
directed I have seized, levied upon and taken
in execution and nil! expose for sale to the
highest and best bidder at public vendue or out
cry, at the Court House, in Emporium, Cameron
county, Pa., on
Friday, 21st Day (»112 April A. I).,1S00,
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M.,
The following described real estate, to-wit:
All those certain lots or pieces of ground situ
ate, lying and being on the easterly side of
Broad street, in the Borough of Emporium,
county of*Cameron and State of Pennsylvania,
and described below in block 54 in the general
plan of said borough, recorded in the office for
recording deeds, etc., in said county in Deed
Book "D," page, 556, etc., containing in front or
breadth on said Broad street, together thirty-five
(3i>)feetand extendingof that width in length and
depth at right angles with said Broad street one
hundred (100) feet and being the southerly ten
110» feet of lot No. 39, of the depth of one hun
dred (loot feet from Broad street and the whole
front of lot No. 40, of the depth of one hundred
(100) feet. Bounded northward by part oflot No.
.'l9, southward by lot No. 41 and eastward by bal
ance of lots Nos. 39 and 10 and westward by
Broad street.
Having erected thereon one two story frame
dwelling and plumbing shop, 33xJ7 feet with
wing 22x10 feet and kitchen attached Sxl* feet.
Piped for city water and natural gas.
Seized and taken into execution and to be sold
as the propertv of JAMES 11. HAVENS and
HELEN L. HAVENS, «t th.- suit of THE If
TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged
until purchase money is paid in full.
Sheriff's Office, t
Emporium. Pa., March 21th,1899 s
Sheriff's Sale.
I ) Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF Fieri Facia* is-
I ) sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Cameron county, and to me directed, I have
seized, levied upon and taken into execution and
will expose for sale to the highest and best bidder
at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House,
in Emporium, Cameron county, on
Friday, 21st Day of April A. I)., 1899.
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M,,
The following described real estate and prop
erty, to-wit:
All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land,
situate, lying and being in Warrant No. 5459, in
the township of Lumber, county of Cameron and
State of Pennsylvania, known as the Cameron
Coal Company Farm. Beginning at a post on
the north bank of the Driftwood Branch of the
Sinnemahoning creek; thence north thirty-three
and three-fourth (33%) degrees west one hun
dred and twenty-six (126) rods to a stone heap;
thence north forty-three and one-half (43%) de
grees east one hundred and fifteen (115) rods to a
post on the bank of said stream; thence along
the bank of said stream south seventy-nine (79)
degrees east, thirty-four (34) rods to a post; thence
south seventy-one (71) degrees east, fifty-one (51 j
rods to a post on the bank of said stream; thence
south seven (7) degrees east thirty-eight (38) rods
to a post, the northwest corner of lot lately oc
cupied by Daniel Rockwell; thence south eighty
four (84) degrees east, twenty-three and one-half
(23, rods to a post; thence north thirty-three and
three-fourths degrees east, sixteen (16) rods
to pine stump 011 bank of said stream; thence
south fourteen and three-fourths (14%) degrees
east, twenty-eight (28) rods along said stream to a
nost; thence south twenty-three (23) degrees west,
I fifly-eight (58) rods along said stream, to a post:
thence south forty-four and one-half (44%) de
grees west, fifty-four (54) rods along north oank
of said stream, to a post; thence south seventy
five and one-half degrees west seventy
seven (77) rods along said stream, to place of Up
ginning. Containing one hundred and fifty (150)
acres, being the same more or less.
Reserving however the right of ingress and
egress and passing over the said lands for the
Cameron Iron & Coal Company, themselves,
their business and their employees by the roads
now existing or such new roads which may here
after be located and made by the mutual con
sent and at the joint expense of the parties here
to, viz: The Cameron Iron and Coal Company
and Robert A. Lord.
Excepting and reserving also the right of way
of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Company.
Excepting and reserving a certain lot or tract
of land conveyed by Robert A. Lord and wife to
Trustees of M. E. Church of Emporium Circuit
by deed bearing date May first, A. I>., 1890, and
recorded in Deed Book "K," page 238, in the
otlice for recording deeds, Cameron county,
bounded and described as follows: All that cer
tain piece and parcel of land, situate, lying and
being in the township of Lumber, county of
Cameron and State of Pennsylvania, known and
described as follows: Beginning at a point East
of Cameron H. It. bridge where the public road
from Sterling Run to Cameron intersects the P.
&E. R. R.; thence down the public road, south
ten (10) degrees West, twenty-one (211 rods to a
post; thence south seventy-nine (79) degrees, east
seven and three-fourths (7 \|) rods to line of P.
<& E. It. It. right of way; thence north, eleven
and one-half (111.;.) rods to a post in the west
line of said right of way; thence north eighteen
(18) degrees West, eleven (11) rods to the place of
beginning, containing one-half (.%) acre. Also
excepting and reserving one other tract of land
conveyed to W. L. Sykes by Robert A. Lord and
wife, by deed bearing date January 17th, A. D.,
1893, and recorded in Cameron County Deed
Book i4 N," page 8, bounded and described as fol
lows: Beginning at a pine stump 011 the East
bank of Driftwood Brauch, running thence
down the said stream, south, fourteen and one
half (14'.,» degrees East, twenty-eight <2B) rods;
thence South twenty-seven (27) degrees West,
thirty-six (36) rod 3 to a post, on the bank of the
stream; thence north fifty-five and one-half (55 1 »
degrees West, sixty-eight (68) rods to a post in
the public road, north twenty-five (25) degrees
East forty-two (42) rods, to a post; thence South
seventy-three (73) degreets East, twelve (12) rods,
to a post; thence north five (5) degrees east four
and four-tenths (4 1-10) rods, south eighty-four(B4)
degrees east, twenty-three and one-half (23*..)
rods to a post. South thirty-three and one-half
(33.%) degrees East sexteen (16) rods to a pine
stump, to place of beginning. Containing
twenty >2O) acres more or less.
Having erected thereon one two story frame
house 20x iu feet with veranda attached Bx4o feet,
wing 17x.'J0 feet and two porches; wash and well
room 12x16 feet, one well of water and good cel
lar. Buildings in good condition. One frame
barn 32x50 feet with shed attached 16x14 feet,
one granary 20x.'M feet, one wagon shed 16x.i0 feet
and other necessary outbuildings; one orchard of
about seventy-five trees, and a quantity of grape
and other vines.
Seized and taken into execution and to be sold
as the property of ROBERT A. LORD, at the
suit of L. It. HUNTINGTON.
TERMS ('ASM. Nodeed will be acknowledged
until the purchase money is paid in full.
Sheriff's Ollice, )
Emporium, Pa., March 27, ?899. {