SHSHSHSS SP SHJa es d S25H5^ 111 1 j minus l | I AT "THE FAIR," | | H. A. ZARPS & CO. S SPECIAL EASTER BARGAINS | zj Fine line of Ladies' Belts, Buckles jjj [n and Shirt Waist Sets. nj l/| A very elegant assortment of rjJ [}{ Ladies' Skirts, in silk, satin, jj] serge—Also Underskirts. rJ Handsome new line of Ladies' uj Gloves at Easter bargain [}j prices. nj Ln The citizens of this and adjoining ru |}{ counties will ttnd many ex- j{] n] cellent bargains in our m uj Fancy Goods, China and nJ [= Glassware departments. =] 111. A. ZARPS&CO. 1 jj Emporium, Pa. m [=s2 25BEJa5BE y-SHSBEES B5 £5 ?SH=I KANE SIEAM LIDRY! KANE, PA., E. Blinzler, Agent, Emporium, Pcnn'a. As Plain as the Nose on Your Face That our laundry work is the finest and best in every way—in color, linish and general excellence, when compar ed to that done by any other methods. Your shirts, collars arid cuffs are sent home from our up-to-date laundry in such perfcet and artistic finish as to make them hard to distinguish them from the new article. GEO. J. LA BAR IS OFFERING S|M k cial -> «liargaiiis Having purchased the largest and most handsomeline of those goods I shall be compelled to cut close to the cost in order not to carry any over to another season. Come quick and get. your pick. PARLOR SUITES, BED-ROOM SUITES, EASY CHAIRS, WINDOW CURTAINS, SIDEBOARDS, HAT RACKS, LOUNGES, DESKS, EASELS. Etc..Etc LUXURY it is to reclinelat ease on one of our superb couches. Slumber comes un sought under sucli delightful conditions. Pieces of furniture like these are as pleasant to look on as they are to lie on and this fact makes them an irresistable temptation to repose. Our entire stock is packed full of temptations for that matter, temptations in parlor and bed room suits and in every kind of furni ture, and unprecedented temptations in prices. Some people are always quoting from somebody, but our favor ite quotations are figures like these: Couches, $5, sfi, SB, and $lO. Best Furniture. We have the largest line ever exhibited in Cameron county. Geo. J. Laßar. Wanted. Ladies and gentlemen suffering from throat and lung difficulties to call at our store for a sample bottle of Otto's Cure. We confidently recommend it as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. It will stop a cough quicker than any other known remedy. We believe it will cure you. Large sizes 50c. and 25c. Sold by R. C. Dod son. 33-15-ly An exchange gets off the following: "I want to be a farmer and till the virgin soil, to labor in the sunshine and sweat and stew and boil; 1 want to own large acres, whereon the rye to sow, and watch the cornstalks waving and hear the mortgage grow; I want to be a farmer and grow a hubbard squash, the pumpkin and potatoes and other stuff b' gosh; I want to be a farmer, I do upon my soul but I haven't got the money to buy a gopher hole." Stubborn COLDS A stubborn cold is easily taken ; it sticks to some people all winter and very often develops into bronchitis or consumption. You should cure a cold promptly by taking Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. This celebrated remedy is ac knowledged to be most efficient and reliable for all a§ecW®ns of the throat and lungs. It cures a cold at once. Br.Bull's Cough Syrup Promptly cures Stubborn Colds. Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctor® recommend it. Price 25 cents. At all druggists. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL C Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. I I Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. E Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO. Sold by druggists, or scut post-puidon r«.*ceipt of price HI nrilUKYS'.llKll. w York. BUY GOODS IN CHICAGf '*ooss 1 Have you 'r.'e.l tho Catalogue ays'cm ol buying EVERYTHING you r-:e at Wholesale Prices? We ;aitsave you 151 40 per cent.cii your purchases. Wc are now t; ectin; and will own and occupy the :i'»ei 1 America, employ 2.000 clerks (;l!irig cc;;n''ry or.:.;s ixciiitivciy, End Mill refuad 3urfl: a3u price ii goods den t suit you. 0;;r General Catalogue- '.OOO pages, IG,OOO I'ustratbns. CO,OOO s costs us 72 roats to print :;ru.i. vie 1 I send it to yoi j;.cn i Cweipl of li cents, io show your good faith. 38BT60§i!B* WISE S SO, MICHIGAN AVE. ANC MADISCM ST. CHICAGO. 33-3-13t. a TABLETS flfT 1? | SUCK EYE Flibli X OINTMENT | ? CURES NOTHING BUT PILES. 6 4 A SURE and CERTAIN CURE 3 known for IS years as the u 0 BEST REMEDY for PILES. 2 y SOLI) I$Y ALL DRUGGISTS. P % MSE&SDMH MEP CO., For sale by L. Taggart. :!4-l-ly. PIS H rC°r. Williams'Xadian File a M IL «%Omtment will cure HliuJ. N B Bleeding and Itching 0 H Is i'iles. It absorbs tlie tumors, ffl H allays the Itching at once, acts fl KElas a poultice, gives instant re- U lief. Dr. V. iMnms'lndisin File Oint " men t is prepared for Files and iteh ig of till! private parts. Kvery box is warranted, liy druggists, by mail on re ceipt of price. AO cents and SI.OO. WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO.. X'rops., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by II C. Dortson. 1 KEELEY CURE, 112 LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. 112 Y Removes all desire and appetite, builds up tho fd system, renews health and vigor, brightens the »i i, intellect and fits or.e for business. *> • U Tin: ONLY KHIII.KV INSTITI TE ♦' \ l: .si t lr- . IN V.T.STRRN I'RNNSYI.VAVIA. .. *l Thel(celeylnsti;ute,4246FifthAve. Pittsburg.Pa. H, v:«n(,l2-l.v. EVERY WOMAN BomottEues nccrta a reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only harmloss und T the purest drugs should bo used. If you waut the best, get Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills 112 \ iff. TIl «T »re prompt, sate and certain in result. The genuine (Dr. Peal's) never diaap " nuint. Bout any where, (1.00. Address i'£AL MSDIUIB Co., Cleveland, O. For sale by R. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, TUI RSDAY, MARCH 16, 1899. AI.L SORTS. You can be cheerful and happy only when you are well. If you feel "out of sorts" take Herbine, it will brace you up. Price, 50c. L. Taggart. mar Novelty is the great parent of pleas ure.—South. To allay pains, subdue inflammation, heal foul sores and ulcers, the most satisfactory results are obtained by using Ballard'BSnow Liniment. Price, 25 cts. and 60 ct«. L. Taggart. mar The Turks have no war songs except j those they have translated from other I tongues. 1 Have you a cough? A dose of Bal lard's Horenound Syrup will relieve it. Price 25 cents and 50 cents. L. Tag ! gart. mar Single eyeglasses worn by women is the form taken by the latest London fashionable insanity. Much pain and uneasiness is caused by piles, sparing neither age nor sex. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment cures the most obstinate cases. Price, 50 cents in bottle, tubes 75 cents. L. Tag gart. mar It is the motive alone that gives character to the actions of men.—Bru yere. The results of an over-indulgence in food or drink are promptly rectified, without pain or discomfort, by taking a few doses of Ilerbine. Price 50 cents. L. Taggart. mar Obstinancy and vehemency in opin ion are the surest proofs of stupidity.— Barton. If your child is cross or peevish, it is no doubt troubled with worms. White's Cream Vermifuge will remove the worms, and its tonic effect restore its natural cheerfulness. Price, 25c. L. Taggart. mar No man doth safely but he that hath learned gladly to obey.—Thos. Kempis. Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the English Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa., when suffering with rheumatism was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says: "A few applications of this liniment proved of great service to me. It subdued the inflammation and relieved the pain. Should any sufferer profit by giving Pain Balm a trial it will please me." For sale by L. Taggart. mar Nature has made occupation a neces sity to us; society makes it a duty; habit makes it a pleasure. Quinsy Sufferers. A remedy highly recommended is Armstrong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops. Druggists sell it. 61y If there be aught surpassing human deed or word or thought, it is_a moth er's love.—Marchioness de Spadara. Answer to Correspondent. No; we never knew a case of Diph theria reported to health officers when Armstrong's Diphtheria and Quinsy drops were used in time 6ly * The true grandeur of humanity is in moral elevation, sustained, enlightened and decorated by the intellect of man. —C. Sumner. Diphtheria. The quick sure cure for all throat dis eases is Armstrong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops. 61y To know how to grow old is the masterwork of wisdom and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living.—Aimel. Pain Unnecessary in Childbirth. Pain is no longer necessary in child birth. Its causes, being understood are easily overcome, the labor being made short, easy and free from danger, morning sickness, swelled limbs, and like evils readily controlled, and all female diseases speedily cured. Cut this out; it may save your life, suffer not a clay longer, but send us two cent stamp and receive in sealed envelope full particulars, testimonials, confi dential letter, &c. Address FRANK THOMAS & Co., 52-261; Baltimore, Md. EXCURSION NOTICES. San I : rancisco and Return. One fare for the round trip, National Baptists' Anniversaries, May 26-30, lsf>9, tickets 011 sale May 14, 15, 16 and 17, good to return until July 15th. For | full particulars call on or address 1 John 11. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ll'y. j 486 William St., Williamsport, Pa., or 1 1500 Chestnut St., Philadephia, Pa. 2-3t. WASHINGTON. Last Low-Rate [Excursion via Pennsylvania Railroad. The last of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company's speciai excursions from points on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, Erie to Lock Haven, in- ; elusive, to Washington, will be run on | March 24. Round-trip tickets, good | going on all regular trains March 24, j and good returning on any regular ] train leaving Washington not later j than April 3, will be sold at greatly re- | duced rates Holders of special excursion tickets ' to Washington can purchase, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Offices in Washington, excursion tickets to | Richmond at rate of $4.00 and to Old | Point Comfort (all rail) at §6.00; at the offices of the Norfolk,and Washington Steamboat Company, excursion tick- i ets (not including meals and state rooms on steamers) to Old Point Com- j fort or Norfolk, Va., at §3.50, and to ' Virginia Beach at $4.50; Washington to Mount Vernon and return, via Electric Railway, 50 cents. For full information consult small handbills, apply to ticket agents, or address E. S. Harrar, Divison Ticket I Agent, Williamsport, Pa. 1230 2-3. eDR. CALDWELL'S JJ» B iYRUP PEPSsSv§ '■s*7 CURES INDIGESTION. H d Spreads Like Wildfire. You can't keep a good thing down. News of travels fast. When things are "the best" they become "the best sell ing." Abraham Hare, a leading drug- ' gist of Belleville, () , writes: "Electric j Bitters are the best selling bitters I ( have ever handled in my twenty years experience." You know why?" Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and j nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys and ; bowels, purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire system. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, run down man or woman. Only 50 cents. Sold by L. j Taggart, druggist, guaranteed. An exchange says. It is 110 trouble 1 to ward off the grip if you only know how. Eat raw cranberries in copious i quantities, put sulphur in your shoes, swallow large capsules of quinine, and either freeze yourself in an iron tank, or boil yourself in oil to kill the germs, and the epidemic will not prove troublesome. If it does, call a doctor, j Notice. To any person having an account at \ our store, please call and settle at once as we are going to leave Emporium. 41-tf JOHN J. SOBLE. llcw to Cure a Uold. Simply take Otto's Cure. We know! of its astonishing cures and that it will stop a cough quicker than any other 1 known remedy. If you have Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption or any dis ease of the throat and lungs, a few ' doses of this great remedy will surprise 1 you. If you wish to try, call at our j store and we will furnish you a sample bottle. Large bottle 5Cc. and 25c. R. C.Dodson. 33-141y In commenting upon the published statement that cards of thanks are out 1 of fashion, the Franklin News very truthfully says that such public ex- | pressions of gratitude are not in good j taste. Friends who help in time of trouble can be thanked personally and there is no call for making a public j matter of it. But, just the same, when j people make up their minds that they j want such a card published, you might J as well try to turn back the waters of 1 Niagara as to dissuade them lrom their ! purpose Wanted. Agent for Cameron and Clinton j counties exclusively, to sell our Farm j Machinery Oils, Creamery Separator ; Oil, Saw and Grist Mill Engine and I Cylinder Oil, Harness Oil, Horse Hoof 1 Oil, Axle Grease, Petrolatum (com monly called Vaseline). Also our celebrated Pure Parraffine Wax, used for sealing fruits, preserves and jellies, j A liberal commission paid 011 all goods ! sold. Samples free to agents who will ; push the sale of our goods. THE PENNSYLVANIA OIL CO., 52-4t Freedom, Pa. Traveler's Ciuicle. BUFFALO & SUSQUEHANNA R. R Time Table taking Effect March sth, 1890. "The (irand Scenic Route." —■■ . —y : — l ——i y\ hL -r . -• ■ j ( ''?> ' y '' ' '/ V - I lp i: K/ If ti Y L \.V A N I y Buffalo end Susquehanna Railroad KRAL) UP. A. M. I*. M.'P. M. 1\ M ar.K't'iitf Snit... 855 73S 12 25, Austin, 810 7 09'. .. 12 00 Costello, 7 01 11 53 ..Wharton, 6 50 11 12 Cross Fork J'ct, 605 .... 10 58 Corbett 5 38 10 31 ...Oerinania 5 27. 10 21 dp.-Galeton.. .. p.m. 5 20 10 15 .... nr. " 7 10 12 65 955 ... Gaines, ... ti 55 12 42 9 42 .. .Westfield, ... 0 19 12 <)« s io .. Knoxvlllc • • 005 11 50 825 Osceola,.... 555 .... 1111 800 Elkland, Elkland, ... 5 51 11 30 8 00 Lv Addison,. . 5 15 11 05 715 P. M.j 1\ M. A. M. A. M BEAD DOWN. A. M. r. M. p. MJA. M Li K'tingSmt 12 'lO. 7 50 9 10 Austin « 10 1 05 8 20 !> .10 Costello 6 47 1 14 ....Wharton— G 59 1 2B I Cross fork Jet. 714 0» ' ! Corbett 8 11 2 30 . ...Uermunia... 8 22 2 47 ) Galeton,. »j» - ■ ;;;;! Gaines 8 50 3 00 i .. Westfield ... 9 33 3 43 .. Knoxvllle.... 947 356 ! Osceola 9 58 l OB Elkland.... 10 03 4 11 Ar. Addison 10 34 4 43 A. M. P. M. | i i iyy j Head up. Head down. p. M. P. M.IA. M. A. M.)p. M .... 3 501 938 lv. Ansonia 9 121 332 .... STATIONS. A.M. P. M. A. .»!. ar dp A. M. P.M I 00 6 30 dp Cross Fork ar 12 00 7 00 All trains run dailv except Sunday. CONNK TiONS. At Keating Summit with W. N. V. &P. R. R. lor all points north and south. At Ansonia with Fall ftroofc !>. R. for all points north and south. At Newfleld Junction with & P. A. R. R. west for ('midersport, east lor Ulvsst sand noints en Cowanesqne Valley branch <>t Fall Brook R.R. At Genesee for points on the New York & Pennsylvania R. R. At Addison with Eric It. It., lor points east and west. At Wellsville with Erie R it.for points east and west. FI.C. rNDEßiniX.Gen'l Puss. Agt. Buffalo, N.Y C.W. GOODYKAR, Gen'l Buffalo. W. C. Park, Supt. Galeton, Pa. SDR. CALDWELL'S g& R YRUP PEPSI pi CURES CONSTIPATION.# * G. SCHMIDT'S,^ HKADOUAKTBRS FOR FFF' FRESH BREAD, || gopdlar s*i„. ' # "" CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful attention. ij Cbe Smith Premier Cypewriter \ Is the leader among writing machines. It em- J w bodies all essentials —easy operation, clear, neat # print, modern time and labor- £ saving devices, and, above all, £ durability and simplicity in con- 4 struction. It is the most econom- eas ' cst to use, and produces the £ SEND FOR ART CATALOGUE. J Cbe smitl) Premier Cypewriter Co. Htf. 300 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. IDr. Fenner's j w YhT LIVER Remedy and j j BLOOD Nerve Tonic# j for Liver Complaint, Nervousness, Biliousness, U Constipation, Blood and Skin Diseases. wt No complaints are more common than the above. Any one of them j j may bn the result or forerunner of the other. You feel dull and depres f( Vsed, Your bowels move irregularly and you feel clumsy and sluggish ))\\both l>ody and mind. May be you have treated with physicians or tried 112 | / some recommended medicine, without benefit. That is no arsument against this wonderful Remedy. This medicine is superior to other preparations and prescriptions, because it is prepared by an eminent physician,whose writings on medical questions are recognized authority. If not satisfied after using one bottle your money will be refunded by R. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa. jf C. B. HOWARD & CO. "1 ® Our line ol Groceries is complete. - ■ J TEA Our aim is to purchase nothing but the ®| i-fe .1 _ 1 best and keep our stock fresh. Come and jIQBCdEgTfA examine our goods. ' Our shoes are from the best manufactures in tin- j nAllt ! ijrfil | i'ol country. They comprise , ! h all the latest styles and j colors in footwear ' 11 ; Onr lines oi linens :m.l DOMKtS domestics are carefully -v A « 112 "rf selected from large stocks ,£\ jSf and are the best goods for ' the money obtainable. If in need ot such < HI goods give us a trial. 11l Onr notion department jTWOTJOArX P vi _ j is made up of onlv reliable M- tgoods at medium prices. & y. Examine and let us name you prices. p; : : (3. Our stock of Fall and }) M P Winter Clothing has ar - # rived. In it you will find /■'' -ijA ■% / 7- (\ ) all the latest cloths. _ Call \ IlyC?i and examine before line is yi \ vkHW qroken. m I mr ' I i ( Hi - - - I P I We have shirts and lots of them at 8 [jt|ij all prices. Let us show them to you and jp na,ne °« r P"ccs. pg (fl If you want to save money, give us a call. |iL We defy competition. All goods guaran- I v. . J teed. \ 112 y :'Yl' b i