Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 16, 1899, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., Jan. 3, 1899.
NEMOPHILA, per sack 112 1 20
(Jraham, - 60
Rye *• 60
Buckwheat, " 6ft
Patent Meal. 4ft
Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 00
Chop Feed, " 1 00
Middlings " 1 00
Bran, 44 1 00
Corn, per bushel, ft 6
White Oats, per bushel, 45
Choice Clover Seed, 1
Choice Timothy Seed, ! «t Market Prices
Choice Millet Heed, 112 At Markct 1 rices -
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, I
Contributions invited. That which you would
like t'l see in this department, let us know by po»-
ta>. card, or letter, personally.
Miss Martha Kayo is visiting Renovo
R. C. Dodson made Renovo a visit
on Tuesday.
Prof. Leet has been 011 the invalid
list this week.
A. M. Hicks, of Huston Hill, was a
PRESS caller this morning.
John Day, Sr., has returned from a
pleasant visit to Boston, Mass.
B. W. Green and family are spending
the month of March 111 Florida.
Mrs. C. F. Barclay and Mrs. V. A.
Brooks visited Emporium friends on
Mrs. Lafayette Lockwood, who has j
been seriously ill for some time, is im- j
proving nicely.
Mercantile Appraiser Franklin Hous- I
ler visited Driftwood and Sinnema- j
honing Tuesday.
Dr. 11. Paul Minard came over from
Austin last Saturday to call on his j
numerous friends.
W. B. Thompson has been confined j
to his residence for several days, suf- |
fering with quinsy.
Capt. Barclay, of Sinnemahoning I
and Ed. C. Counsel, of Cameron, visit- I
ed in town Tuesday evening.
Miss Anna Radinsky, of Emporium, j
has been a guest of Smethport friends |
for the past week. —Smethport Miner.
J. A. Dice was in town on Tuesday,
shaking hands with his many friends.
He will attend M. E. Conference at
Harrisburg this week.
Chas. W. Shafer, one of our popular
attorneys, is setting up the ten cent
cigars 011 account of the arrival of a
beautiful little lady at his home last
Thursday. We congratulate the
young couple.
Mr. S. Faucett, of Emporium, Pa.,
agent for Foley Bros., dealers and j
manufacturers of tombstones, monu- |
meats, etc., was in town the early part
of this week, taking orders.—Renovo
Mr. J. B. Schriever gave his sisters a
very agreeable surprise, dropping in
upon them in a very unexpected man- j
ner last evening, while enroute for his j
home at Emporium from a trip through j
the western states. —Kane Republican. 1
Mr. 11. C. Olmsted, of Coudersport, j
passed down the line last Friday j
morning enroute for Buffalo,where his 1
brotherin-law,Rev. Sparrow, is nearing 1
death's door with heart disease -l'or i
Allegany Press.
Mrs. Thos. Dougherty, died at the i
family residence at Driftwood, Tucs- j
day morning. The funeral will take [
place this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 j
o'clock. Her many friends in this
county will be pained to hear of her
Mrs. Franklin Housler left last Mon
day on a visit to relatives and friends
at Bolivar and Belmont, N. Y. When
our granger friend goes, he will pur
chase a ticket for Olean and not Lock
Haven, as he reported upon a former
Mrs. Lucy Carpenter, Perryville,
Mich., J. C. Carpenter and wife, of
Oden, Mich., were guests of Chas.
Spangler and wife the past week. The |
first named lady is Mrs. Anna Spang
ler's sister. They returned home on
Monday, after a delightful visit with
their West Creek friends.
Hon. H 11. Mullin and wife,of Empo
rium, came to Ridgway, on Saturday
evening last, to hear General Gordon's
lecture. Mr. Mullin and Mr. Don M.
Larrabee, also of Emporium, made the
Advocate office a pleasant social call on
Sunday. The party returned home
Sunday evening.—Ridgway Advocate.
Dr. A. W. Baker, of this city, called
to see the PRESS last Saturday, accom
panied by A. Harvy Shimp, editor of
Hughesvillc Mail. We regret that we
were absent from the ofliice at the
time. Mr. Shimp is Mrs. Baker's
brother and in company with his niece,
Miss Mary Williamson, of Lock Haven,
visited Dr. and Mrs. Baker.
Clarence C. Richie is posing as the
champion poultry fancier in this sec
tion and takes great pride with his
choice blooded stock. During the
late cold snap he invented a plan to |
protect his flock from the severe cold,
at the same time increasing the pro
duction of eggs. The invention has
caused him no amount of trouble and
some expense, yet he is willing to
favor his friends with his recipe upon
receipt of a ten cent stamp and stamp
ed envelope.
Rev. J. M. Johnston left Tuesday foi
Harrisburg to attend Conference.
It. M. Overhiser is making improve
ments in the residence part of hie
r oB. Kaye and Jos. J. Lingle returned
! last Thursday from West Virginia, on
: a tour of inspection.
E. M. Parrott, president of Sinne
-1 mahoning Iron and Coal Co., is trans
: acting business in town.
Mrs. Ed. Pierce, of Union City, nee
' Marie Minard, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. W. A. Sprang, on Third street.
Thomas Gallagher, the P. &E. pas
! senger and freight agent at this place,
visited Williamsport, yesterday, on
Mrs. J. C. Bonham is visiting with
her husband at Franklin, Pa. During
her absence, Mrs. Win Hackenberg is
seeing to the home.
The voters of Jefferson county de
cided by a vote of 3,891 to 2,970 on the
adoption ot the county poor farm sys
tem, at the late spring election. Coun
ties all over the state are thus rapidly
falling into line, and in a short time
there will not be one to retain the over
seer system of caring for the poor.
The wave of prosperity rolls over the
Monongahela Valley, in which the Mc-
Keesport Times sa\s §5,000,000 will be
paid out and upwards of 5,000 more
men given employment. The end of
the present twelve months, adds the
Times, wiil close a decade during
which $25,000 will have been invested
in manufacturing enterprises within a
radias of five miles of that place.
"Advertising don't pay," some peo
ple say, yet the most successful firms
are always the largest advertisers.
There is a way of advertising that don't
pay, and it is to place an ad. in a paper
because it has a cheaper rate than some
other, while the rate paid to the first
paper is high enough at the best judg
ment lrom results coming in, if any at
all. Judicious advertising always pays
and that paper is the cheapest which
brings the best results, no matter what
its rate may be. —Press and Printer.
DR. BULL'S Cough Syrup should be
kept in every household. It is the best
remedy for cough or cold, and is
especially recommended for that grip
cough. Price 25c.
We, the bereaved, would most hear
tily thank our friends and neighbors
for the assistance rendered us in the
death and burial of wife and mother.
F : ruit Trees and Cirape Vines.
Mr. John Sehlecht desires to inform
the people of Emporium and vicinity,
that he is prepared to do all kinds of
pruning and trimming of iruit trees
and grape vines.
As Mr. Sehlecht has had over twenty
years experience in this line of work
we have no hesitancy in reccommend
ing him, to any in need of such services,
as possessing a high degree of compe
tency and proficiency in the art of
Quarterly fleeting.
Quarterly meeting at Wesleyan
Methodist Hall, commencing Thurs
day evening of this week, and holding
over the Sunday services each even
ing at 7:30; Saturday afternoon, 2:30;
Sunday, Love-feast 9:30 a. m. Preach
ing 11:00; Children's meeting, 6:00 p.
m.; preaching, 7:00. Some persons
from a distance .are expected to be
with us. Rev. Walter Ingersoll, of
Odessa, N. Y., will have charge of
these services.
Railroad Rumors.
It is a well known fact that the
Pennsylvania road has for years been
after the Buffalo division of the W. N.
Y. & P., but the latter company has
always refused to sell that part of its
property unless the whole system was
taken. It is now stated that the Penn
sylvania people will take the whole
system, providing the price is not to
steep. The cause of this action is said
to be the desire of the Pennsylvania to
obtain a through line to Buffalo, and
the holding of the Pan-American ex
position in that city in 1901, will make
the line very valuable to this company
should they succeed in buying it.
Whether such a change would prove of
any value to Clean is doubtful, as it
would very likely result in the taking
away of the car shops located here.
Now that the purchase of the Buffalo
& St. Marys by the C. N. Y. & W. is
assured, there is no question but that
the narrow guage division from this
city will be made a standard guage
this summer, and the line extended
from Bolivar to Angelica to connect
with the Angelica branch. This
change will undoubtedly prove of
much benefit to Olean as this city will
very likely be made the headquarters
of a number of m'en employed on the
line.—Olean Ledger.
Millions Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land
who are not afraid to be generous to
the needy and suffering. The proprie
tors of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Coldu, have
given away over ten million trial bottles
of this great medicine, and have the
satisfaction of knowing that it has
absolutely cured thousands of hopeless
eases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness
and all diseases of the throat, chest
and lungs are surely cured by it. Call
on L. Taggart, druggist, and get a free
trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and §l.
Every bottle guaranteed or price re
Huon Hill.
t Mr. C. J. Miller visited home over Sunday.
| Charley Connors visited his wife over Sunday
Mr. G. W. Tanner has been on the sick list foi
the past week.
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Barr called on friends on
the Hill last week.
It seems as though Maud did not like the sum
mer resort very well.
| Miss Maud Williams was the guest of Mrs. O.
| B. Tanner on Thursday.
Harry J. Williams made a business call to
Sinnemahoning one day last week.
W. M. Miller steps high on account of of the
girl that arrived at his home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs..l. M. Knglish attended services
at Castle Garden on Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. I). T. Marsh was called to the bed side ol
her sister. Mrs. Gverturf, on Johnson Hill, Sat
| What made Claud look so down-hearted 011
Sunday? Was it because 8. did not putin ap-
I pearance? Too bad Claud; we sympathize with
Huston Hill.
School has closed at Bailey's corner.
I Wonder what makes Harvey look so pale,
j Chris. Connor has purchased a line colt.
Orin Jordan visited his family on Sunday.
C. L. Williams visited his family over Sunday.
Clauld made a flying trip to Huston Hill Mon
Iloy Miller visited friends at Millers Run last
We are glad to hear that Mr. Dili's'children
are improving.
I wonder what took Daisy home from the
taffy party last Tuesday evening?
j Between Dr. Squirrel and Stella, there came
near being a scrap at the tally pull.
| Wonder who is sick? Dr. Williams passed
over the hill Sunday with his pill bag.Ji
Mr. Olin Fletcher, who has been visiting
friends 011 the Hill for the past two weeks re
turned home Friday.
Claud lost his best girl Tuesday night 'and
John found her. Now John look out or there
might be more than a taffy pull.
nillers Run
Harry Gentry visited friends at Mix Hun, Sun
Millard Lupole was the guest of relatives on
Mason Hill, Sunday.
The young people of this place attended the
revival meetings at Dent's Hun last week.
Holla Ford called 011 Mason Hill friends Sun
Miss Mattie Collins, County Supt., visited the
school at this place one day last week.
Eben Winslow, of Benezette, was the guest of
John M. Hieks and family a few days last week.
The enjoyment of the young people of this
place went with the snow and ice.
Henry Hicks attended the Sunday School Con
vention at Medix Run, last Friday and Saturday.
J. Painter had the misfortune to break his leg
while driving logs in Dents Run, 011 Wednesday
Leßoy Miller, formerly of this place, but now
residing at Sterling Run, called on friends here
Mrs. Martha Lupole returned home from Mt.
Pleasant Saturday, where she has been spending
a week with her sister who is seriously ill.
The leader of the Miller's Run band has been
called away 011 business and the assistant writer
does not get around to get much news. So wait
patiently for his return.
Martin Lawson is stumping his farm.
Our farmers are making ties for the P. R. R.
Dr. Bardwell drove through here last Friday.
A. Kresge visited his son in Dußois, last week.
Miss Eflie Bliss was visiting friends at the
coitnty seat.
Revival meeting closed at Truman with seven
teen converts.
W. H. Kresge spent Sunday last with the old
folks on the farm.
Mrs. Barney McGuirewas inSt. Mfirysbetween
trains, Saturday.
Wlll. More has accepted a position as assistant
cook, at Beechwood.
Poor Master Thos. Waddington was transact
ing business last week.
Miss Lena Evans, of Emporium, was visiting
friends here on Wednesday.
Miss Myrtle Gregory is visiting Miss Ethel
Fisher, at this place,
Farmer Hopkins has taken a contract to clear
Martin Lawson's farm.
Postmaster W. C. Heath made a business trip
to the county seat, Tuesday.
Martin Lawson and wife spent Sunday with
his brother-in-law, John Ilogan, at Hopkinsville.
Thos. Geiswender. operator at Rathbun, was
shaking hands with friends inour burg last week.
Arthur returned home Saturday with a wheel.
112 leaving will be postponed on the stock f.irtn now
till fall.
We understand (hat Road Supervisor Ingersoll
will soon commence building a bridge across the
creek at Howard.
AI lie Morgan, who holds a position with the
Jamestown band, was up talkiiig„over old times
with C. M„ last week.
We understand our friends on More Hill intend
to put a telephone line iron: Andrew Ingersoll's
to Howard, this spring.
The sound of whistles and hells brought our
fire laddies to the residence of Mike Hellyard,
which was discovered to be on fire. Afiersome
brave work our boys soon got the flames under
control, it would do the Emporium Fire De
partment good to see the way our company
handly a fire; especially Mike Doian.
Council Proceedings.
Adjourned meeting Borough Council, March
13th, 1899.
Present: Messrs. Warner, Shafer, Palmer,
Schweikart, Burns, Strayer, Catlin, Burke and
Moved by Mr. Shafer. seconded by Mr. Lloyd
that the matter of the bridge across a stream on
Pine street be referred to a committee, who
should consult the Borough Attorney as to the
liability of the Borough to rebuild or repair said
bridge. The motion was carried and the Chair
appointed Messrs. Shafer, Lloyd and Schweikart
to serve on this committee.
Moved by Mr. Lloyd, seconded by Mr. Burns,
that the matter of a license ordinance be laid
over for one month. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Shafer, seconded by Mr. Lloyd,
that we appropriate $2. r >o to be used for the con
struction of sewers in the Borough of Emporium.
The ayes and nayes were called:
Ayes: Messrs. Shafer, Palmer, Lloyd—3.
Nayes: Messrs. Warner, Schweikart, Burns,
Strayer, Catlin and Burke-G.
The motion was declared lost.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Shafer,
that we build a sewer 011 Pine street from Third
street to Fifth street.
Moved by Mr. Catlin, seconded by Mr. Burke,
to amend the foregoing motion by first having a
petition from all persons living on said Pine
street and Fifth street who can be accommodated
by this sewer for the sewer and signing an agree
ment to connect with the sewer at their own ex
pense. The ayes and nayes weie called and the
following vote taken upon the amendment:
Ayes; Messrs. Warner, Schweikart Burns,
Catlin, Burke—s.
Nayes: Messrs. Shafer, Strayer, Lloyd and
Palmer 4.
The amendment was carried.
The ayes and nayes were called upon the
original motion as amended and the following
vote taken:
Ayes: Messrs. Warner, Catlin. Burke, Palmer.
Nayes: Messrs. Shafer, Schweikart, Burns,
Strayer, Lloyd- 5.
The original motion as amended was declared
Moved by Mr. Lloyd, seconded by Mr. Burke,
that the question of telephones for Fire Depart
ment be laid over until the next regular meeting.
Moved by Mr. Shafer, seconded by Mr. Catlin,
that a committee be appointed to view Third
street, between Spruce and Walnut streets and
ascertain if sidewalks are necessary aud if so
where they should by located and report at next
meeting. Carried and Messrs. Palmer, Burns,
Catlin, Warner and Lloyd were appointed to
serve 011 this committee.
Moved by Mr. Shafer. seconded by Mr. Burke
that the matter of a streetlight on' Third street
be referred to foregoing committee. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr, Burke,
that the regular meeting night for Council be
fixed for first Monday night of each month, at
7:30 p. 111. ('arried.
On motion the Council then adjourned.
If you want to Borrow money,
Advertise in the PRESS.
(0 Next to Bank, Emporium, Pa.
II in moiii
I And fillis.
j Neckwear!
The Finest assortment o
(• .
(• neckwear ever seen int.
% county.
\ New
| in Hats
(• •
9 2
Stop and Thinly
And ascertain that
, J The Popular Herchant Tailors
I /
V Have just displayed their new cloths
t f or ' ate winterand early spring styles.
a m There is no common sense in any
3 € citizen of Cameron county sending
p away for clothing, when they can se
y \ cure better satisfaction by patroniz-
C ing this House, whose reputation for
A honest, square dealing is well known.
/ Patronize homelindustry and at the
\ same time save money.
Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa.
J. A. Fisher,
f-lorse $
Broad Street, Emporium, Pa.
all troubles peculiar to her sex. fSfSend by |
mail or from our Agent. SI.OO per box.
Forsaleby J!. (!. Dodson.
Ln ui» to dati;
S comKIAI, printing 1
$ and m\ ft
in oi
i rwwww ww*w*«vi.nfv*wwww**ww v «,
I ill lill IS! |
We extend our compliments to the citizens of
j Cameron and adjoining counties for their rapidly and
(increasing patronage. We would invite all to see
jour large display of GENERAL HARDWARE and !
BUILDERS' MATERIAL. We would call especial j
attention to our
116. Hi Ml OS STOVES
We again desire to call attention to our OIL and
GAS STOVES. The Ladies delight.
This popular light the greai R9
gas saver, is growing in popular
with our people. All who de
sire to economize in gas bi 1
should use these burners. Call
j! nil win 5# |
\*& *gk set m* m.m \ r. • & ma & *& m. *%. #
P = TJr
I 1
Dry Goods |
m Q w
I? a
ijOj CT Now that the holidays are over we expect a jj]
frlj *—■ share of the same liberal patronage which ifj
jjjjj I we reeived in 1898 and during the holidays
■— In Corsets we handle the R. & G.,Dr. R
r-!| r" Warner's Petherbone and W. B.
I Cyclist. m
JI R m
[p. Men's, Ladies' and Childrens' Under- fl
[||] yy | wear in cotton and wool. J|
jifl 1
( L S
We have an elegant assort- 8
ilr T Wl
J r* ment of China Ware'and our i
r p prices are bound to sell the goods, pji
I 1
P 1 f|l
i| Fourth Street, Emporium, Pa. li
! Si
s=. AJ