Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 23, 1899, Image 8

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    Worcester '
Corsets. ' /'
Bulbs and Plants have gone to thousands cr
satisfied Customers for a half century and to
celebrate the 50th year in business we have
issued a Special Golden Wedding Edition of
Garden and Floral
which is a work of art. It has 24 pages lithographed
in colors, 4 pages souvenir, and nearly 100 pages filled
with handsome half-tone illustrations of Flowers, Veg
etables, Plants, Fruits, etc., elegantly bound in white
and gold A marvel in Catalogue making ;an author
ity on all subjects pertaining to the garden, with care
for the same, and a descriptive catalogue of all that
is desirable. It is too expensive to give away indis
criminately, but we want everyone interested in a
good garden to have a copy, therefore we will send
the Guide with a DUE for
for 25 cents worth of flower .
and vegetable seeds loCtS
It 1«'IK liow credit is given for
full amount of purehaHC to bny
other good* «
Vick's Little Cem Catalogue
A perfect little gem of a price list. It is simply
the Guide condensed, finely illustrated, PPpp
and in handy shape for reference, * lILJLJ
Vicks Monthly Magazine,
enlarged, improved, and up to date on all subjects
relating to Gardening, Horticulture, etc. Regu
lar subscription price 50 cents a year.
Npcrial 1899 offer—the Magazine one
year and Viek'N<l«n and Floral
tiuide, for 25 cent*.
OUR NEW PI AN of selling Vegetable
Seeds gives you more for your . . •
money than any other seed house •
in America•
SDR. CAcbv
jjgßV*y « 'i4 DOUDT, TRY They have stood the test of years,
an< * have cured thousands of
tfip ¥> !; ' ' •■! ' J // S\7ik &0 112 of Nervous Diseases, such
IK #*7 " J j, Debility. Dizziness. Sleepless-
T'J £fL c 'Uk ■if »* &/Jr/?/&** and Varicocele, Atrophy,&c.
V if* F Au/lSfitt q &(-*'' They clear the brain, strengthen
v fIV the circulation, make digestion
v 'B or to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients
are propcriy < ured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death.
Mailed sealed. Price $i per box; 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee tocure or refundthe
money, $5.00. Send for free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.
Fors«le by R. C. Dodsou, Emporium, Pa.
—C. G. SCHMIDT'S/ — ■"
il po Ddl b r fanc¥ cakes '
ry, #
Daily Delivery. All orders piveri prompt un<l
skillful attention.
I u>e Smilb Premier typewriter |
- 112
■- saving devices, and, above all, <®
durability and simplicity in con-
struction. It is the most econom-
' Ca | mac^ne to the 0
Che Smith Premier typewriter go.
Btf. 300 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
@ZL2v-6»»PLACE to
Mi M'JyjJw Mil IiUIaUHi),
Boots and Shoes
!&?:{ v f>* (T>
f T» T»A
# JLAaiila, JTa.
Mrs. M. E. Hancock, West Lebanon,
Pa., writes: "When two of ourchil
dren were as we supposed, beyond
medical help, Armstrong's Diphtheria
and Quinsy Drops cured them. It
seems almost like a miracle. 6ly.
NO. 3255.
First National Bank
at Emporium, in the State of Pennsylvania at
the close of business, February 4th, 1899.
Loans and discounts $126,265 9-1
Overdrafts,secured and unsecured ... 1,057 34
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 00
Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 1,000 00
Stocks, Securities, etc 1,850 71
Bun king-house, Airniture and fixtures. 6,200 00
Internal Revenue Stamps, 154 50
Due from National Banks (not Reserve
Agents) 119 12
Due from State Banks and Bankers.... *2BO 24
Due from approved reserve agents.... 09,753 47
Notes of other National Banks 900 00
Fractional paper.currency, nickels and
cents 70 56
Specie $16,124 50
Legal-tender notes 1,500 00 17,624 0
Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer
(5 per cent, of circulation) 562 50
TOTAI $238,358 88
Capital stock paid in $50,000 00
Surplus fund 35,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid 1,977 70
National Bank Notes outstanding 9,930 00
Due to other National Ranks. 1,478 80
Individual deposits subject to check,... 1.39,661 01
Certified Checks 17 31
Cashier's checks outstanding 296 0'»
TOTAL 1238,358 88
County of Cameron, )
I, M. P. Whiting, Cashier of the above
named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and
M. P. WHITING, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me \
this 13th day of Feb., 1H99. /
Con HECT— Attest:
( J EO. A.WALKER, } Directors.
B. W. GREEN, \
Mott's Nerverine Pills
I ! ! II:I; .\M» A I RI :I i I sIN <•. of' E I the 1
r .ex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing 01
lost Manhood, Impotency, Nightly Emir,
•ions, Youthful Errors, Mental worry, ex
essive use of Tobacco or Opium, whict
ead to Consumption and Insanity. SI.OC
•cr box by mail: 6 boxes for $5.00.
fIOTTS CHEMICAL CO., Prop s, Clevsland, Ohio,
For sale by R C. Dodson.
Their Reckless Tactics Have Com
pletely Blocked Legislation.
Tlio People Demand That Factional
Fight log stall Cease, and Heal Ite
foriners Are Distrusted at tile I'roinl
nenee Given .Men Like Martin. Fllnn
and the Van Valkenbergs.
'Special Correspondence.)
Harrisburg, Feb. 21. —But one bill
passed and the legislature in session
for nearly two months.
This scandalous record of wanton ex
travagance has not been equalled in the
history of Pennsylvania. There is a
general clamor all over the common
wealth for the legislators to drop fac
tional fighting and get down to the
transaction of public business, for
which they are being paid by the peo
ple. The enormous figures for salaries
of the members and employes of the
general assembly, cost of heating and
lighting the eapitol building, and the
other items that goto make up the gen
eral expense account of the legislature,"
are rapidly depleting the state money,
with no substantial results in pros
pective for the taxpayers. The sena
torial deadlock continues without a
single desertion from the ranks of the
regular Republicans since they met in
party caucus and named Hon. Mat
thew Stanley Quay as the Republican
candidate for United States senator.
The 52 Republican bolters who have set
themselves up as empowered to speak
for the Republican party as against the
113 stalwarts who have been standing
loyally by the party nominee, have been
resorting to the most daring and reck
less schemes of filibustering, obstruct
ing the progress of legislation and tend
ing to disrupt the Republican organi
zation in every section of the common
wealth. They have been working hand
and glove with a wing of the Democ
racy which has up to date shown com
plete subserviency to these two bosses.
"Dave" Martin, of Philadelphia, and
"Hill" Flinn, of Pittsburg, who have un
dertaken to lead the so-called reform
movement against the candidate of the
Republican party.
They are acting as though absolutely
unmindful of the interests of the people
or of their sworn obligations to pro
tect and guard the welfare of the state.
The tactics resorted to by these bolt
ers to prevent the passage of the Mc-
Oarrell jury reform bill have complete
ly clogged the wheels of legislation and
prevented the consideration of many
measures requiring immediate atten
tion. Without taking into consideration
the loss of time fir the cost of their
action to the state, these bolters, in
order to gain a temporary advantage,
have been carrying motions to adjourn
from day today in the house, thus cut
ting off debate on bills of vital impor
tance and in most cases preventing
their contents from even being brought
to the notice of the members. There is a
demand from officials of the treasury
department for the enactment of laws
which will at once divert funds to meet
the requirements of the schools, hos
pitals and other institutions which re
ceive financial support from the state.
There will be a deficit in the state
treasury if something is not done at
once to raise revenue. Less than a year
ago there were $3,000,000 at the com
mand of the state treasurer for the
needs of the commonwealth. This sum
iias been reduced to less than $1,000,000,
and there is a continuous drain upon
these funds for current expenses,
rhrough the machinations of the Mar
tin-Flinn-Wanamaker members in the
hous", there has been no opportunity
to seriously consider a single one of the
l-everal propositions to raise revenue to
rover the usual appropriations made by
tile sta'.-!. There is a suspicion in cer
tain quarters that some of the big cor
porations, railroads and others, fear
that the plan to increase the taxation
on corporations might be carried out
and that they have their agents se
cretly encouraging certain of the Re
publican bolters to keep up the fight
against Senator Quay, in order that no
bills raising the tax on corporations
riay have a chance to pass this legis
Something will have to be done soon,
and from the protests that are coming
here dally against the action . of the
bolters, public sentiment may yet drive
these freebooters into line with their
party, stop this awful drain upon the
state funds and maintain the credit
and honor of Pennsylvania.
Sincere reformers like Herbert Welsh
and others, who take an interest in
public affairs for the good of the state,
have no sympathy with the men nor
the methods of the leaders of the fight
against Senator Quay. Though, as an
independent of the most radical type.
Mr. Welsh naturally says he still hopes
for the defeat of Senator Quay, yet he
holds that if this is to be accomplished
by bribery and corruption, he cannot
see "that the cause of good govern
ment will profit much thereby." In hi.,
paper, The City and State, Mr. Welsh
calls attention to the scandalous
charges of bribery and corruption made
against the anti-Quay leaders in the re
cent Lebanon county fight. He calls at
tention to Senator Quay's reward of
SIO,OOO for the discovery of evidence of
bribery in this contest and intimates
that part of Mr. Quay's money might
be fairly earned. Mr. Welsh rises to in
quire why John Wanamaker does not
exert his moral influence to prevent oc
casion for such scandals, and why h -
permits a struggle, ostensibly for hon
est government, to be conducted by
men of the type of the VanValken
The advent of "TTnele .Toe" Sibley, the
untrammeled leader of the Democracy
of the northwest, has created a stir
In the xiolitieal world. Siblev came
out in a long statement to the
public in which he clearly set
forth his views on the United State.:
senatorshlp. He favors the election of
a Democrat to the United States sen
ate. and says that if the bolting Re
publicans will not take Jenks they
should be given an opportunity to vote
j for some other good Democrat. If they
fail to do this, they must take the con
sequences. He doubts the sincerity of
the Martin-Flinn crowd and takes
them to task for the manner in which
the Wanamaker press bureau has been
maligning Democrats who have the
courage to think and act for them
"The Democracy of Pennsylvania,"
says Mr. Sibley, "for years have pro
claimed their loyal purpose, If granted
the power, to purify methods and prac
tices which have brought blight on the
fair fame of the commonwealth. There
have been elected and sent as repre
sentatives of Pennsylvania Democracy
?7 members of the Pennsylvania legis
lature. At their homes these people
bear exalted reputations for high char
acter. capacity and honesty. Their
neighbors, friends and families have
trusted them to come to Harrisburg
?ind maintain their virtue and their
honor unsullied. It is a notorious fact,
however, that Democratic meml>ers of
the legislature have been dogged by
spies, that tiirhl and day they have
been the subjects of espionage. Demo
cratic members may differ the one
from tie- other, but the inuendoes and
Insults heaped upon those who attempt
to reflect 11 i will of their constituents
and perform their duties is an insult
not alone to the Democratic member
ship of til-- legislature, but an insult
to the entile Democracy of the com
monwealth. to which we should not
submit without protest. Through the
assaults of corrupted press the dog
ging of members' footsteps by night
and day by paid detectives and hire]
spies wiitlng letters to members' wives
ami families threatening to visit their
indignation, not alone upon the of
fending Democrat, but threatening to
carry their concentrated venom to the
punishment of their wives and chil
dren tlirouyh the generations yet to
come, this i - the condition of affairs ex
isting today in llarrisburg. This is a
condition against which honest Democ
racy revolts, and against which, for
me, 1 shall not cease my best efforts
,o correct."
Use DR. BULL'S Cough Syrup for
your cough, or cold on chest or lungs.
It is truly a wonderful medicine. No
other remedy has made so many re
markable cures. Price 25c.
For La Grippe.
Thomas Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash
Ave., corner Jackson St., one of Chi
cago's oldest and most prominent
druggists, recommend Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for la grippe, as it not
only gives a prompt and complete re
lief, but also counteracts any tendency
of la grippe to result in pneumonia.
For sale by L. Taggart. feb
Meldrum &
Anderson 00.
396 to 408 Main St.—-American Block;
Dress Goods
52-inch Venetian cloth mixtures,
j beautiful fabrics of good quality, in ail
! the new spring shades, including gray,
blue and brown mixtures, also a lighter
weight cloth in brown, tan, blue and
green, plain colors, 75c yard, worth
Very pretty 42-inch silk and wool
plaids for shirt waists and separate
skirts, choice colorings, 90c yard.
46-inch spring and summer weight
poplins in browns, greens, drabs and
blues, fashionable fabric. 75c yard,
| worth SI.OO.
Elegant quality of 50-inch navy blue
] cheviot, 75c yard, worth SI.OO.
' j All-wool challies, the newest and
■ i daintiest patterns, 29c and 35c yard.
1 ! Finest qualities with satin stripes,
| 590 and 75c yard.
38-inch all-wool basket and canvas
: i dress goods in combinations of brown
and black, green and black and mix
turf s of browns and greens in very
, choice colorings, at 25c yard,worth 50c
46-inch all-wool granite suitings;, the
best colors of the season in all the new
shades, splendid values, 50c yard.
New Silks
Very handsome line of French fou
lards in navy and white and black and
white, with satin stripes, 50c yard,
worth 75c, all handsome stylish pat
, terns
Superb quality ot' black satin Ducli
csse. all silk with beautiful luster, 85c
yard, worth $1.25,
Swiss taffeta novelty silks, plain and
checks, extremely fashionable; also in
rich plain colors, 58c yard, worth 85c
Finest quality imported Habutai
j wash silks in checks, stripes and greys,
| 40c and 50c yard, a wonderful variety
| to choose from.
Wash Fabrics
200 pieces of French organdies in
beautiful patterns, all new goods, 12] c
yard, worth 25c.
Linen zephyrs, stripes and checks, in
pinks, blues and black and whites, 28c
yard, worth 35c.
New Madras cloths in very attractive
colors and patterns for waists and
skirts, 15c yard, worth 25c.
Best value in the city in Oxford shirt
ings and dress ginghams at 12 lc yard.
Fancy chambrays in dainty effects,
1 25 c yard.
Punjab percales in all the best colors,
stripes and checks, yard wide, at 12Ac
Superior quality of sateens, black
grounds, with colored Dresden pat
terns, 121 yard.
Butte rick Patterns
We are agents for Butterick patterns
and publications and have always on
hand a complete stock of all the latest
patterns for every article of dress.
The American Block.
(if IT«» os k. U
[n i'fldli P
inJ and JOH K
■ In ol
S|K'ciiii °-°
~ Bargains
m «mi
Having purchased the largest and most
handsome line of those goods I shall
be compelled to cut close to the
cost in order not to carry
any over to another
seaßon. Come quick
and get your
EASELS. Etc..Etc
\ it is to recline|at ease on one of our
; superb couches. Slumber comes un
j soughtundersuch delightful conditions.
I Pieces of furniture like these are as
; pleasant to look on as they are to lie on
i and this fact makes them an irresistable
j temptation to repose. Our entire stock
j is packed full of temptations for that
j matter, temptations in parlor and bed
! room suits and in every kind of furni
| ture, and unprecedented temptations
in prices. Some people are always
l quoting from somebody, but our favor
] ite quotations are figures like these:
j Couches, $5, $6, §B, and §lO.
Best Furniture.
We have the largest line ever
j exhibited in Cameron eonnty.
Geo. J. La Bar.
fc. B. HOWARD & CO. J
jjji Our line ot Groceries is complete.
jsf m Our aim is to purchase nothing; but the |W|j
!-%' best and keep our stock fresh. Come and •
\/' | examine our goods.
' * O ur shoes are from the <■
best manufactures in the rf>:*
country. They comprise 'l^
H !111 tlie latest - st y lcs and [ / r ¥
colors in footwear.
nr~ n Kfe i M
W tloUirfl° L!) P®' 5 Our lines ol linens and '•••
1 DomfS. Ei (1 ? nest |" al , e care / u "y |-Y\
trom large stocks %
$J M • aiul arc the best g° ods for . « I I
1 ii'iJ ithe money obtainable. If in need ol such
[jjfjj U; 1 goods give its a trial.
k Our notion department rtfOTlQ/yX 'P
if; ij is made up ol only reliable . • '§ ■ )
. ..jtgoods at medium prices. <£:'- ( • V J, .
Examine audi t us name you prices. jA ,
; Our stock of Fall and }
0' Ityf/ Winter Clothing has ar- M
liffi!] / rived. In it you will find > r *••!
' \ ) all the latest cloths. Call 'f >J|
[fll] \ WM and examine before line is
|»i• , \ JKMP qroken. :l &
I fT 8
We have shirts and lots of them at --f '
ffl all prices. Let us show them to you andy j|p;
jg name our prices. |||
jjsj If you want to save money, give us a call. <
;|jj We defy competition. All goods guaran- i f;i
|j teed. Xl-"""'
i b pu 1
Ws£ Jl
M. A. ZARPS & CO., Prop'rs.
Emporium, Pa.
We thank our customers for their very genei
ous trade and encouragement given us during
the past season. We have completed our inven
tory and re-arranged our store after the unpre
cedented Holiday business and filled up all our
gaps with new goods. We have many hundreds
of useful and beautiful pieces that we propose
closing out at reduced prices. This month will
be a bargain month at this Wonderland. Come
and see.
Ladies Wear at Cost.
We shall close out at cost. Ladies' Wrappers,
Skirts and Waists. Call early.
IE 1AM1111!
E. Blinzler, Agent,
Kmporium, Penn'a.
his troubles begin," if he has to depend
on an indifferent laundry at home to
do up his shirts, collars and cuffs. It
need be no cause of annoyance when it
is so easy to have your linen laundered
just like new by our perfect methods,
and at such prices as we charge for
laundering them in a manner that
guarantees satisfaction.