2 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. H. H. ML'LLIN, Editer. Published Every Thursday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Cerjear •* 1 pal< In adrance 1 W ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements are published at the rate ol im ioliar per square forone insertion ami fifty •eats per square for each subsequent insertion Rates by the year, or for six or three months •re low and uniform, and will be furnished on •■plication. Legal and Official Advertising per square, aree times or less, $2: eauh subsequent mser in 1)0 cents per square. Local notices 10 cents per line for one lnser jertlon; 6 cents per line for each subsequent »«nscoutlve Insertion. Obituary notices over fire lines, 10 cents pet |l»e. Simple announcements of births, mar rls*e« imd deaths will be Inserted free. Business cards, fl»e lines or less, i5 per year. »ver ttve lines, at the regular rates of adver tising No local Inserted for less than 75 cents pet Issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRKSS Is complete »r<4 iffords facilities for dointf the best cl&ss ol Work PAHTICULAR ATTKNIION PAID TO LAW PWKTIWO. No paper will be discontinued ntll arrear ages arc paid, except at the option of the pub lisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid lor in advance THE estimated value of the sultan's jewels is 840,000,000. If his majesty has any hobby at all it may be said to be the purchasing of jewels and wit nessing private theatricals. 2s'o pro fessional of note—be he actor, sinyer or conjurer passes through Con stantinople without an invitation from the sultan. lie always pays for these performances in Hank of England notes. RUSSIA possesses the largest stand ins' army on earth. Every year some 280,000 conscripts join the Russian * ).i..l> In titnp of ivaee number 1.000,000 men. (in a war footing this rises to 2.500.000, and calling out the reserves would increase it to 6.947.- 000 well-trained soldiers. Should necessity arise the militia would be called out. bringing the czar's forces up to 9,000,000 men. THERE is a foot-ball team of deaf and dumb players at Jacksonville, 111., and during the season lately ended the eleven put up some astonishingly good work. The members of the team are pupils in the Illinois institution for the education of the deaf and dumb. F. I*. Kawkncr is captain of the team, and he handles his men with rare skill. All signals are given on the fingers. The players are as quick as cats; but their average weight is only 145 pounds. M as. SAKAII JOSKIMIA HAI.K, a Hoston woman and editor of the first woman's magazine published in this country, worked for twenty years to have a de finite day set apart for Thanksgiving. Time did not daunt her courage, but rather increased her insistence. She wrote to governors of states and to presidents of the United States. At last President Lincoln adopted her sug gestion in ISO 4, when there was reason to rejoice over the success of the north in restoring the union. DESPITE the growing difficulty of finding space for the interment of pub lic men within the walls of West minster Abbey, at least one noble family still enjoys a prescriptive right of burial there. These are the dukes oi Northumberland, who have the ex clusive use of a spaeious vault in the chapel of !St. Nicholas. This vault, which was the last resting place of the Seymours, was opened as recently Hs Is:;:; to receive the remains of Lady Louisa l'ercy, the elder sister of the present duke. KARON FF.HDI.VA Nl>, who died a few days ago, was the most popular mem ber of the Rothschild family. An Aus trian by birth, he was a naturalized Englishman and had sat in the house of commons for R reck illgha n1 sh ire since ISSS. He had no active relation witli the firm, but his income as a si lent partner is estimated at $1,000,000 year, of which he spent nearly a third in charity, relieving numberless cases of distress every year. He founded and handsomely endowed a hospital for children, with :JOO beds, in memory of his wife. TJIKISE are now 50 young women studying at the college of agriculture, in Minneapolis. They are entered for the three-year course in farming and lire to study side by side with the men. except that, instead of blacksmithing carpentry and military drill, they will be taught sewing, laundry work and cooking. Until now, young 1 women who desired a course in agriculture had to solace themselves with such in struction as they could gain during the summer months when the men were away. This year their fortunes have changed. TIIK founder of the Red Cross society was a .Mr. Henri Dunant, who is still alive in his native land, Switzerland He spent half of a goodly fortune ir establishing the society, and. beeoin ing reduced in circumstances, lived un til a short time ago in an infirmary Recently, however, various govern ments granted him money, and he is now spending his old age in comfort. His idea was the outcome of a visit to the battle field of Solferino, June 84, 1859, he being appalled by the ter rible suffering he saw there. The only country which does not use the red cross is Turkey. THE life of Calvin Stewart 1J rice was most extraordinary. It was wonder ful in achievement and in method. Hi died in the prime of life, and he was known as the happiest millionaire in America. He had a genuine and whole some jov in living, delight in his achievements. He had never known an important failure. He had always succeeded. At the time of his death lit was engaged in the greatest enterprise of his life the Chinese railroad syndi cate by which lie expected to double his fortune. Mr. lirice violated every cstablised rule for getting rich, anc died worth §10,000,000. NEBRASKA WELCOMES BRYAN. You are coming, Col. Bryan, from the sick ly southern swamp, And we'll lie on hand to greet you with some military pomp; Though yo" faced no Mauser bullets, flying thlckl> through the air. No one blames you, Col. liryan, for you wanted t® be there. You are cornlev. Col. Bryan, firm the scenes of war and strife T r enjoy the betier portion of a peaceful civil life; When you come in all your glory will you rest till you are strong, And then wake the western echoes with your old free silver song? You are coming. Col, Bryan, and I hope you'll state to me What your secret plan and purpose for the future is to be; Will you take the lecture platform to ob tain your daily bread? Will the ones who goto hear you put up 50 cents a head? You are coming, Col. Bryan, and I'm glad to see you come, Far from miasmatic regions and the blare of fife and drum: You had military lockjaw, so they tell me, In the south- Do you come back. Col, Bryan, to do battle with your mouth? You are coming. Col. Bryan, to Nebraska, that is plain; We will bid you hearty welcome, we will meet you at the train. That we are glad to see you you are very sure to find. But our hearts are somewhat heavy for the boys you left behind. Will you suffer. Col. Bryan, any pangs to speak about W hen you think of the dear comrades you have left to tough it out? Did you think how sadly, colonel, these young heroes would be missed In the homes they left behind them when you asked them to enlist? You are coming. Col. Bryan—this glad fact is fully known, But you started with a thousand and are coming back alone. That is where the old shoe pinches—that'* what vexes and annoys— -A.B.H vfpro I l,i four place, oolonel, I WOUhl never leave the boys. —Lincoln (Neb.) State Journal. THE PRESIDENT'S PLATFORM. Plainly Declared by Mr. MeKlnJey in IIIn Speeclie* In the Son I h. President MeKinley, while traveling through states which voted for liryan, said at Savannah; "Ou»* financial and revenue policies cannot be changed for at least four years, and whatever legis lation may be had affecting them dur ing that period will be to improve and strengthen, not destroy them." That was plain-spoken enougl. for anybody. And the president proceeded to say why it should be so. Internal dissen sions, as between parties and policies, must cease while the country, without regard to party unitedly meets the for eign problems which newly present themselves. The president somewhat slyly inti mated that even those who might tic sire different internal policies—and cannot get them—have the satisfaction of sharing iu the prosperity that comes from confidence in permanence, and from absence of the fear of change. lla\ing thus annuonced the platform to which he and his party and the ma jority of his fellow-citizens are devoted for internal affairs, the president gave his views of what may be called the country's foreign policy. These views were ennobled because they took for their mainspring the purpose conveyed in these words. "The chief considera tion is one of duty." The president, boldly declaring his policy as favoring the retention of the Philippines, made one of the most concise summaries of argument yet presented when he said: "Can we leave these people who, by the fortunes of war and our own acts, are helpless and without government, to chaos and anarchy after we have de stroyed the only government they have had?" It was a quite memorable say ing when he remarked: "Whatever covenants duty has made for us in the year 189S we must keep." And the encouragement for this resolve was found in the fact that "final success in a cause which is altogether unsellisi' and humanitarian can only be de ferred. not prevented." It becomes a historical picture whet, the president of the United States takes the occasion of a visit to a section of the country once in revolt to declare frankly the policy and ils declaration are timely. The country is thus given a large disclosure of where it is and whither it is tending.—Troy Times. PRESS GPINIONS. CS'Xo man ever in the white house was more popular with the masses than is the present occupant.—St. Louis (j lobe-Democrat. L/lle is the first republican president who has been regarded as truly the chief magistrate of the entire union. He is so regarded, and has been treated accordingly.—>». O. Picayune (Dem.). t'/Mr. Bryan says that the democrat ic platform of IDOO will include free silver and anti-expansion. It would be characteristic of the democratic party to favor freedom for materials and op pose freedom for men.—Troy Times. next national democratic) plat form, according to Mr. Bryan, will be a repetition of the Chicago platform with a new plank opposing expansion. Nothing more will be needed to insure a republican walk-over. —St. Louis (J lobe- Deinocrat. peculiarity of President Mc- Kinley's speeches which doubtless helped to arouse the enthusiasm of the southerners is noticeable in the fact that his tributes to the south were extemporaneous instead of encyclo pedic —Milwaukee Sentinel. Icy Surviving confederates, their sons and the sons of their dead comrades in arms, no matter how they may differ from Maj. McKinley on questions of pol icy and the practicalities of govern ment, will never cease to regard hiir. with friendship and gratitude for the brave anil healing words he has spoken above the grave of sectionalism. —St. Louis Republic (Dem.). CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1899 THE SPIRIT OF PROGRESS. An American lllrfhrlKht That Ca lamity Mow T# Cannot Haunt Nor Spoil. President McKinley said in a historic document that the purpose of this country «as not aggressive. The docu ment itself and the results which fol lowed it proved that while the national spirit is not aggressive it is progressive. When the way is opened, as it has beer, during the present year by the course of inevitable event*, the American peo ple must go forward, and will. It is as useless to try to stop this movement, as it would be to attempt to check the rising tide from flooding every opened channel. The forward move ment is in the blood. That this indomitable progress is the American birthright was illustrated conspicuously at the annual dinners of the New England societies of New York and Brooklyn. The societies them selves are witnesses to the persistence from generation to generation of the spirit of the Mayflower. The men who were present at the dinners were the most recent leaders in the advance movement. At the New York dinner were Gen. Merritt, liens. Shafter and Wheeler, Col. Roosevelt, Capt. Taylor, of the Indiana, and others who have carried the (lag across seas because the American spirit of progress was in them and with them and behind them. Gov.-elect Koosevelt, who could speak as a type of both civic and military vic tories, with great pertinence traced the sea victories of 1898 back to the sea crossing of 1620, to the stock "which carried the Bible in one hand and in the other the sword." "The good mun who cannot make his virtue practical," said Col. Roosevelt, "counts for very little In the community." The Puritan who, a« has been hu morously said, "first fell upon his knees and then upon the aborigines," did both because he could not help it. it was the union of faith and works, on which the world's progress has been based, it was "she sword of the I.ord and of Gideon." The sun drives away the clouds, and the rushing breeze the deadly vapors of stagnation, without any apologies. "Men of thought and men of action" must clear the way. It is the pioneer making the clearing. Spain should have kept her fences in order and her cattle off the track. The train cannot stop to save material for a bullfight. This idea of the compulsion of the in ward sense of duty has not been put with more forcible conciseness than by Col. Roosevelt when he said at Brook lyn: "1 have scant sympathy with that mock humauitarianism which would prevent the great, free, liberty-loving races of the earth from doing their duty ir the world's waste spaces because there must be some rough surgery at the outset."—Troy Times. OUR CHEAP MONEY. A Direct Hemilt of the Sound Money Pulley of Ite linlilleann. Heretofore those advocating the free and independent coinage of silver have based one of their favorite arguments upon the assumption that the United States is a borrowing nation, and that a cheap and larger volume of money at heme was necessary to deliver the American people ou* of the grip of the foreign money lender. We were told that a gold policy was the policy or" ff reign money lenders and would sure ly make us their slaves. Many people v.ere led to believe this assumption. We have been a debtor nation, but that day of the past. The latest evidence that such is not the casul>lle»ii Voloh In I'eniiKylvaiiiu'M L('Kli>luliiri' 'l'ln* Ollii ra Were AllNl'lll 0|»|>OIICIItH Claim ■ flu llrlrai In Certain. Harrisibuirg, T'a., Jan. 4. —Despite the efforts of the opponents of Senator Quay to secure a postponemenT of the senatorial caucus until a later date, the adherents of the senator carried their point last night and secu-ed the endorsement of their favorite by 109 of the 164 republican members of the legislature. This is 19 less than the number required to elect a senator on joint ballot, the total membership be ing of which 1-8 is a majority. The anti-Quay leaders are jubilant over the result of the caucus and claim that Quay can never succeed himself in the senate. On the other hand the Quay people and Senator Quay himself express con fidence of ultimate victory. They say that of the absentees two, Snyder and Clark, are kept away by sickness and will vote for Quay. This would leave him 17 votes short of the number nec essary to elect and the efforts of the Quay leaders will be directed during the next two weeks toward securing those votes. It goes without saying that they will be just as bitterly op posed in the future by the men who make the fight against Mr. Quay as they have been in the past. The cau cus was held in the hall of the house of representatives. TJie public was admitted by ticket to the gallery and this was packed to suffocation. The Quay leaders during the past few days have been claiming anywhere from 118 to 135 votes in the caucus. The fact that the actual figure was away below their lowest claim is re garded by many here as a great dis appointment to them. This class of prophets is strong in the belief that Quay is beaten. Undoubtedly the de cision of Senator David Martin to re main out of the caucus had much to do with the success of the anti-Quay people. Senator Quay has expressed confidence all along that Martin would be with him when the time came to make his vote effective, but others well informed have felt that if Martin found it possible to defeat. Quay lie would throw all his political power against him. All agree that much depends upon the action that 'the state supreme court, will take in Philadelphia on .January 7 on the proceedings brought before that body through a writ granted recently, the effect of which is to the criminal proceedings against Qnay before the court of re view. If the proceedings are quashed by the supreme court Mr. Quay will assuredly be re-elected. If, on the contrary, the court decides that he must stand trial on the indiemtents found against him, the position of his opponents will be greatly strength ened. Senator Grady, of Philadelphia, pre sided t>ver the caucus, lie called the assemblage to order and made a speech, reminding the party represen tatives present that the duty of select ing a man 'to represent Pennsylvania and the party in the United States sen ate for the next six years was a grave responsibility. The roll call showed 27 of the 37 re publican members of the senate pres ent aud SI of the 127 members of the house, a total of 108. Later Represen tative Harold, of Senator Quay's coun ty of Heaver came in, increasing the total to 109. He voted for Quay. Senator Merrick, of Tioga, who had been selected to place Mr. Quay in nomination, did his work well. When lie had finished with the mention of the name of Quay the vast crowd pres ent, was brought into prolonged ap plause. The nominating speech was a glowing eulogy of Senator Quay's career, his zeal in the ]%rformanee of public duty and his patriotism. Speaker Farr made a brief speech explaining why he would vote for Mr. Quay, as did also Senator McCarrell, of Dauphin, and Representative Ad ams, of Philadelphia; Kreps, of Frank lin; and Harris, of Clearfield. Then Senator Magee, of Allegheny, the man who is looked upon by many as being a possible successor to Senator Quay, took the floor. He made a brief speech nominating Benjamin F. .Tone 3, of Pittsburg, once chairman of the re publican national committee, and a great iron manufacturer. The ballot was then taken, the result being Quay 98, .Tones 9, Magee 2. As soon as the vote was announced Mr. Magee said: "I now move that the nomination of Mr. Quay be ma le unanimous." The outburst of ap plause which followed this motion was by far the greatest demonstration of the niprlit. Cheer followed cheer and the Allegheny man who has so long fought Mr. Quay was the lion of the hour. The motion was carried and an adjournment was taken. f'lovi'ii Sailor* Drowned. London, Jan. 4.—The Italian steam er Yoorwarts has been abandoned near Trevose llead. on the west Corn wall coast. She went ashore in the pale that has been raging in the Irish channel. Eleven of the crew were drowned. Nine were rescued by tha coast guard life boat. Hits <>iiln In tiovermiienl lteecl|>t«. Washington, .Tan. 4. —The monthly statement of the receipts and expen ditures of the United States shows that the total receipts for December were $41,404,793, as compared with 859,646,698 for December, 1897. This last amount, however, includes about $31,000,000 receipts on account of the Pacific railroads' debt. Independent of those payments the increase for the last month as compared with the same month in 1*97 was ahout $13,400,000. The receipts from customs last month were $16,764,324, an increase over Dft sember, 1897, of $5,100,000. THE SENATORIAL INSHNCT. A Detroit Cat Tluit Win Likened Into the l.uxurloua Statesman. "I guess I just about have the blue-ribbon cat story," declared one of the employes at a Detroit depot. "We had a big toin here that was a favorite for months, lie never did anything worse than to whip an occa sional dog that came prowling about, or scratch some kid that wanted to carry him olf. But he became tat, lazy, self-important and impudent, lie asserted a right to be on top of the desks, and resented the noise of a typewriter when he wanted to take his afternoon nap. "So another of the boys and myself slipped Tom into a box car, and sent him to Chicago. There was no chance for him to escape, for it was a tight box car, with the doors sealed, and billed through. "Two weeks later there came a carload of furniture from Chicago, and after it had been shunted to a side track the work of un loading was begun. The men scattered when they saw a "j;iir of fiery eyes working toward them through chair legs and over carpet rolls. While they were arming themselves with coupling pins in order to resist the at tack cr some wild 'critter,' a long, lean and hungry-looking cat sprang out, blinked till he became accustomed to the light and then trotted to my office. There he gave me an ugly leer, winked at the clerks and curled up on a window sill in the sun. I accepted old Tom and now call him 'Senator.' " "Why Senator?" "Because he knew a good thing and was so anxious to get back."—Detroit Free Press. COULDN'T FOOL HIM. How a Colored Iloy Knew Joaeiili Jefferson Win Not a Clr cum Itlder. Joseph Jefferson and his son Tom were walking home from a duck hunt on his plan tation in Louisiana one evening, when one of the colored boys asked Tom what he did in the show. Tom said: "Go up, John, and ask him! he'll tell you." The colored boy went up to Mr. Jefferson and said: "Air. Joe, will you be mad if I axed you somethin'?" "No, John, what it is?" said Mr. Jeffer son. "W hat do you do in de show?" Mr. Jefferson replied that it would be rather difficult for him to explain to him what line of business was. "Well," said John, "dus yer swallow knives?" Air. Jefferson told him he had no talent whatever in that direction. "Well, yer son told me yed swallowed knives and forks and tire, and de Lor' knows what all, aud 1 believe he was jest foolin' me." Mr. Jefferson agreed with him, saying that his son was quite capable of it. "Well, dere's one thing certain," said John, "yer don' act in de circus." Mr. Jefferson asked him how lie could be sure of that. John burst into an immod erate fit of laughter. "O, no; no sir! Yer can't fool me on dat. I've seen yer get on a horse—yer ain't no circus actor."—Boston Globe. Mnj llriiiK l.e|iroH> to Till* Country. It is pointed out that the United .Stales soldiers in Hawaii may con tract leprosy there, and bring it to this country when they return. While leprosy is much to be dreaded, there are a thousand times as many victims to stomach disorders and blood diseases, but there is a cure for them in liostetter's Stom ach Bitters. Other common ailments that the Bitters are a specific for are malaria, fe ver and ague. Sold at all drug stores. Perfectly Harmless. Dix—T once knew a young man who iniokcd 50 cigarettes daily without any par ticular harm resulting therefrom. Ilix—ls it possible? "Yes; and the only noticeable effect was the death of the smoker."—Chicago Evening News. Concliini; I.ends to Connnmptlon. Kemp's Balsam will stop the Cough at once. /divSjk child catches cold don't wait a moment before raH attacking that cold. * *»- pV ftrajj To the ignorance or neglect of parents is duo the fatal termination of many children's com »■ «MJ., If you arc not informed as to the "UifftlJiproper course to pursue to drive off JftiW a child's cold, write to Dr. Ilartman, /wwEHL *L* yV president of tlie Surgical Hotel, C( \ vs. Columbus, 0., for advice, and ask for *\ ' / J\ N\\ some of his free books which contain (112 \ A ( fill \A J the most pertinent facts about colds J )!/, i i \\n/| / I >\y » y andcoughs and all catarrhal diseases /A t V Vi Wit lle~\T j? Pe-ru-na, Dr. Hartman's great pre' /,([ \\\ scription, is wholly vegetable. It /111 \ 1 C wards off colds entirely if taken at / 112 JN! L \ 1 the beginning in proper doses. It J I SBI \ \ 1 I breaks up settled colds quickly; it is \ scientific and safe; there is no mys \ \ tery about it. Dr. Hartman's books \ \ \ IfcjSßjra* I Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, O. *—'' \ A DEAR Slß:— "Your medicine saved jji "tysT ]> 1\ my baby's life. We stopped all treat f\f //v ment but yours, and now he is a jf lj " I ''l j| beautiful boy. It was certainly a I j I | 1 11! ffl. 1 1 f' j Vw Mrs. Becking, East Toledo, 0., 11.1 \\'.nj ——a Wl "ites to the Pe-ru-na Medicine Co.: I' IF \ \\\ MF DEAR SIRS:—•• Pe-ru-na is the best L I \ \ )v®f|lllJufxi^flES^3K.L m ' ■ medicine 1 ever ha Selecting 1 lays. "How to Mako Up.' - SA Ml. FRK.VCII, 2« West JC«U Street, Xrw York ( Ity. Lane's Family Medicine. Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick head ache. Price 25 and 50c. His call had lasted something like two hours when he suggested that he believed he could read her thoughts. ''Then why don't you go?" she asked.—Town and Coun try Journal. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets.. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The man who is full of himself hasn't much space to fill anyhow.—Town Topics. I have found Piso's Cure for Consumption an unfailing medicine. —F. R. Lotz, 1305 Scott St., Covington, Ky., Oct. 1, 1894. Too many make a god out of the majority. —Ram's Horn.