Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 12, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. 3:5.
Business Cards.
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates, Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted to them. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
35-ly. Emporium, Pa.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard
wood timber lands, alsostumpage&c., and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. F. D. LEET.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnishedand is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
I take pleasure in informing the public that j
have purchased the old and popular Novelty
Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be
my endeavor to serve the public in a manner
that shall meet with their approbation. Give me
a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours.
n027-lyr Wm. McDONALD.
Near BufTalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
fortlie accommodation of the public. Newinall
itsappointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught eitner at my home on Sixth |
street or at the homes of the pupils. Outoftown j
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this!
P. O. BIEOK, D. D. s„
Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa. 1
Gas and other local anaesthetics ad- !
77l523EXniinistered for the painless extraction j
-- ■ • !l*of teeth.
SPEClALTY:— Preservation of natural teeth, in
cluding Crown and Bridge Work.
1 will viuit Driftwood the first Tuesdav, and '
sinnemahoning the third Wednesday of each
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.,
V y 4,
€ .'\J
LUCK 13 YOURS. j ,
You carry your luck with you. You ■
are lucky indeed to have the privilege !
of dealing with us. Our customers set \ '
in the midst of good fortune and have a !
tight hold upon it Once they have '
found us they cling to us the yotir •
through. 1899 will be your lucky year
if you purchase of Dodson.
| '
Services at Rich Valley church will I
be resumed again as usual at seven p.
m., Sunday evening, Jan. 15. All are
cordially invited'.
History will tell about "Dewey"
Hobson, Sampson and Americans pro
tecting themselves from serious throat
diseases by using "Armstrong's Diph
theria and Quinsey Drops." The ,
greatest throat remedy in the world.
Sold by druggist, R. C. Dodson. 61y
>'y£3c:£: :«•: o :«c*3eqsjL*c*. >c^3cc^^^:joe3£xss> : '♦. . ytc^yr. <£>": ♦ |
| lloyd'S Long forecast of the Wedther FOR |!
♦: FRIDAY, East wind; warmer; and snow, turning to rain. i
* SATURDAY West wind; colder; probably snow Hurries. SUNDAY fair and cold. !
<y „_ Li i
■ J it is an old saying in tli is community, that we will have a "January tliaw," the lumbermen specially looked forward to a January thaw, that would
• r T m; raise the streams sulllciently to cause a Hood, that would float their logs to market. We hereby annouuee a January thaw in prices, so that our stock of '
< . flniiarv InflW * K"<>ds will move out. JunuyyisthemonthwhenthestorestripsofrniuchoftheoUlstoiktoprepareroomfor the spring stock. A fruit tree starts C j
UI* J.A lAILI Jf I illi II the elements of next q
I , c c during the holidays Therefore the announcement of a January thaw in priecs at Lloyds, will occur with much more certainty than the official weather
A? i gue&ser can fortell whether the January days will call for umbrellas or skates.
\ \ We regularly sell worthy goods cheapest.
>; . sk I
Fourth Street. IS. $4. L.JLOYO.
:4-:i«c^3«c^3oc^x^3»c^^^;X^3OC^JJ^^C* o >r*3cs:<> ♦.3oe^3(c3^ 9r '♦ I
Letters from the I'eople.
[All communications under this head must be
accompanied by the writer's name. We will not
beheld responsible for any expressions in this
department.!— EDlTOß.
There is Profit in Poultry.
Jan. 1, 1898, I had 17 hens and 1 cock
which I inventoried at $9. 1 bought
all the food fed for the year, except
the refuse front the kitchen of which I
make no account. I paid for food
$7.58. Total $16.58. I set 3 hens,
putting 13 eggs under each hen. They
hatched 35 chickens; 3 of which died
when only a few days old, and one
old hen died. I have killed for the
table 7 of the old fowls and 12 of this
year's raising and 3 are gone for which
I cannot account, leaviug me 25 hens
and 1 cock. These I inventory
sit sl3 00
7 old fowls for table at 50c.... 3 50
12 young fowls for table at 25c. 300
I have received 1,725 eggs; take
out 39 eggs set leaves 1,686
eggs used at 20c. per doz... 28 10
sl7 (10
Deduct inventory and cost of
food 16 58
Gain on $9 investment s3l 02
I have made all the fertilizer I have i
used on my garden of which I make 1
no account.
I call these fair figures but lest some
object to 20 cents per dozen for eggs
we will figure them at 10 cents per
26 fowls sl3 00
19 killed for table 6 50
| 140.1 doz. eggs at 10c. per doz... 14 05
$33 55 j
See original inventory and cost
of food 16 58 i
Gain on $9 16 97
Emporium, Pa., Jan. 1, 1899.
To Young Folk.
I will tell you something of the lives
of two men with whom I was acquaint
ed, which will Berve to illustrate what i
I want to call your attention to.
One of these men was the grand-son
of one of the first manufacturers to I
apply machinery to the manufacture
of cloth in this country and bore his j
name. He had, when young, none of
what people usually call bad habits; he 1
neither smoked nor drank, was healthy,
active and quick to learn; had all the !
money he needed and more too, with
out ever having earned a cent. Here
was a mistake —he had no idea of the
value of money or of time, but lived a
careless, heedless life; drifted into bad ;
habits and died years ago, of no good j
use in the world and a dishonor to his j
The other man when young started [
on the shoe bench, with nothing except j
what he could earn with his hands and
no advantages of education. Having I
saved some money he started for an j
academy determined to learn. From
this on il was study, work and work,
study until he secured a diploma as I
M. D. Soon after he started a sani
tarium where he received young peo
ple out of health and endeavored to
build them up and make them hale,
hearty and strong in body, and at the
same time train them mentally. He
surrounded himself with the most im
proved methods of doing both. He
died within a year, honored and
Now what I want to call your at
tention to is the difference in the lives ;
of these two persons. One had an j
object in life and worked diligently;
the other drifted. McKinley and
Dewey are not made of driftwood;
neither are any of the good business
men and women in this or any other
community. Don't drift—work, and
work with an object. Aim high and
then put forth all there is in you to
reach your ideal.
To any person having an account <*it
our store, please call and settle at once
as we are going to leave Emporium.
41-tf JOHN J. SOBLE.
"Liberty and Uuion, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTEß.
Hamilton Ball.
Hamilton Hose Co., No. 3, will give
t their eighth annual ball and supper
3 at the opera house, Manday evening,
Feb. 13th. Tickets for dance, §1.00;
supper,2s cents. The boys have engag
: ed the popular Dußois Orchestra and a
i pleasant time may be expected. The
J object of the dance is to assist the com
-1 pany in building an addition to their
I hose house.
Bank Election.
At the annual meeting of the share
, holders of the First National Bank the
, following directors were elected for
the ensuing year: Geo. A. Walker,
Wm. Howard, B. W. Green, W. S.
Walker, N. Seger, J. E. Smith, J. P.
Felt, W. L Sykes and Josiah Howard.
The staff of officers is as follows:
President, Geo. A. Walker; Vice Presi
dent, Wm. Howard; Solicitor, B. W.
Green; Cashier, M. P. Whiting; Asst.
Cashier, T. B. Lloyd.
Cameron's Oldest Lady Dead.
Last Sunday Mrs. Mahala Sibert the
oldest lady within the confines of Cam
eron county passed tranquilly to her re
; ward, at the home of her son James i
Seibert on Moore Hill, aged ninety- '
three years.
Mrs. Seibert was born in Somerset
' county, Pa., in 1806 and came to this
; county several years ago to reside
with her son.
The funeral was held from Moore
Hill M. E. church Tuesday afternoon
j and was largely attended.
Paid for Doing Good Work.
The Swedes have a custom which
j might profitably be copied by other
| nations. In the mines of that country 1
the workmen have their tools sharpen- ,
| ed by a special blacksmith, and ho is
paid, not by the number of tools ,
sharpened, but by the number of yards i
bored by the miners whose instruments
he has sharpened during the month.
Thus, when the smith is skillful and >
, does his best he makes more money i
than he does when his work is not
i well done, and there is a decided gain i
all around. ,
A Newspaper Worth Reading.
With a circulation showing a grati- ,
fying increase as compared with a year
; ago, with a more extensive advertising
patronage than ever before, with added
j press facilities which permit of en- j 1
larged editions whenever necessary, ' 1
The Pittsburg Times comes to the \ 1
public for 1899. It modestly claims to '
j be a good all-around newspaper, ne- i '
j glecting no opportunity to entertain j '
its readers and sparing no effort or j 1
expense to get the news accurately !
1 and promptly. While it is Republican ; 1
in politics it endeavors to be fair in j*
discussion. Overlooking no field of '
' human interest, it is carefully edited ; '
and courts the favor of the fireside 1 1
rather than the applause of sensation j 1
mongers. For reference it submits to j '
the unbiased judgment of newspaper j
men anywhere in the territory in ; 1
which it circulates. Three dollars a j
year or six cents a week.
A Splendid Promotion, i 1
Willard Fisher, agent for the Wia- i '
consin Central here, has been given a | 1
splendid promotion by the company. | 1
He was called to Milwaukee yesterday I *
and the ofiicials offered him the posi- I t
lion of traveling frieght agent. The j (
promotion was .such a desirable one '
that Mr. Fisher accepted and expects
j to assume his new duties on the first of
the year. As general agent for the j
I company Mr. Fisher is in line for rapid j.
promotion to still higher positions if!,
he displays the right ability and his ! [
j past record is an indication that he !
will do it. Mr. Fisher is an Ashland !
young man who has lived here nearly !
all of his life and his advancement step j
by step with such regularity is very ; :
gratifying to the citizens. The people | !
of Ashland will regret however that ; *
his new position will require his resi- *
dence elsewhere. As traveling freight i '
agent lie will make his headquarters |
in Eau Claire and will move to that!,
town with his bride.—Ashland News.
A Comic History of Spain.
The recent war was a very serious
matter, but it had its funny phases.
These have been put into jingling
verse and merry prose by Charles M.
Snyder, author of the famous comic
history of Greece. It promises to be
i the literary laugh of the year and it
will appear exclusively in"The Sun
day Press," beginning Jan. 15. Each
instalment will be illustrated in a lively
way, quite in keeping with the text.
Next Sunday's "Press" will also con
tain a visit to a dispensary by "Karl,"
Frank G. Carpenter's letter on the ,
chances for investment in South Am- ,
erica, a fashion article by the famous
Anne Rittenhouse, and many other
exclusive features which will interest j
every reader. Be sure to get next j
Sunday's "Press."
Maps for Ready Reference.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Co., has just issued in con- j
venient form for household, library and !
school reference, an atlas of seven
colored maps of the world, the United
States and our new possessions in the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, together
with an amount of valuable informa
tion connected therewith—all up to
date. This atlas will be sent free to
any address on receipt of six cents in
Apply to Geo. 11. Heaflord, General
Passenger Agent, Old Colony Building,
Chicago, or to John R. Pott, District
Passenger Agent, Williamsport, Pa.
To California and Mexico.
On Thursday morning Mr. and Mrs.
William Howard and Mr. and Mrs.
Timothy S. Clark, will leave for an
extended trip through California and
Mexico. From this city the party will
go New Orleans, then through Mexico
to San Diego, California. After spend
ing several weeks in that city they
will goto San Francisco, making
several stops en route. They will go
on one of the Raymond excursions.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard may extend
the' • .iip to Australia, where a brother
of Mr. Howard is located. The party
exj ect to return about the middle of
the month of April.—Williamsport
Air. Edward Blinzler, one of Empo
rium's popular and prominent business
men, goes to St. Marys on Sunday to
prepare for his marriage on Monday,
when he leads to the alter, Miss
Min-lie Flederman, one of St. Marys
fair daughters. Their many Empori
um friends wish them much happiness.
Mr. Blinzler has resided in Empori
um all his life, where he is greatly re
spected by our citizens. By his quiet,
industrious and gentlemanly applica
tion to business he has won the good
will of our people and will make a
model husband. The bride is well and
favorably known in Emporium.
Cigars will bo in order Monday even
ing when Mr. and Mrs. Blinzler return.
Byron King is Coming.
A local institnte will be held in Em
peaium on Saturday, Feb. 4th. Those
in chargejof the institute, are striving to
present a very interesting and instruc
tive program for the occasion, and in
the evening our people will be afforded
the opportunity of hearing the gifted
elocutionist and deelaimer Byron W.
Winter Garments.
As my room is limited I am com
pelled to sell a few ladies' all wool knit
skirts, babies' coats, and some other
articles at cost, to make room for
spring stock.
Local Institute at Sterling Run.
We are requested to announce that
a local institute will be held at Sterling
Run on Jan. 21st, under the auspices
of the teachers of the public schools at
that place. All are cordially invited
to attend.
Don't fail to visit our storo every j
day. There's a bargain waiting you. j
Will You Attend ?
J j All citizens of Cameron county who
i desire to attend the inauguration of
Hon. Wm. A. Stone, Governor of
j Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg on Tues
! day, Jan. 17th, may avail themselves
of the one-fare rate ($5.75) offered the
i Emporium Republican Club.
. I
Republican Nominating Convention.
The Republican electors of Shippen
i township, Pa , are hereby notified to
j meet in convention at Emporium,
Saturday, Jan. 28th, 1899, at the Court
i House, between the hours of two and
; four o'clock, for the purpose of plac
ing in nomination candidates for the
I several township offices to be voted
for at the election to be held on Tues
j day, Feb. 21st, 1899.
The committee have concluded to
I adopt the ballot used at the last gen
j eral election primary, therefore every
j person intending to be a candidate
| must have his name printed on said
ballot. We have arranged with the
ment to print fJtllfl bnllnfu unci 1° T 1 OTVTOI*
that all candidates names may be
printed we hereby give notice that
they call at said oftiee and pay the
fee charged, when their names will ap
pear on the official ballots. No other
ballots can be used.
Shippen Committeemen.
Reduced Rates to Harrisburg via Penn
sylvania Railroad, Account Inaugura
tion of Governor Stone.
For the accommodation of persons
desiring to witness the ceremonies in
cident to the inauguration of Hon. W.
A. Stone, as Governor of Pennsylyania,
at Harrisburg, Janaary 17, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets from all stations on
its line in Pennsylvania, to Harris
burg, on January 16 and 17, good to
return until January 18,1899, inclusive,
at rate of single fare for the round trip
(minimum rate twenty-five cents).
Children between five and twelve
years of age, half rates. 1206-46-lt
Fortnightly Tours via the Pennsylvania
The midwinter exodus has begun.
The discomforts and dangers of our
Northern winter are directing atten
tion to the sunny lands of the South.
The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour
to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks in
Florida, will leave New York and
Philadelphia January 24.
Excursion tickets, including railway
transportation, Pullman accommoda
tions (one berth), and meals en route
in both directions while traveling on
the special train, will be sold at the
following rates: New York, S6O; Phila
delphia, Baltimore and Washington,
§48.00; Pittsburg, §515.00, and at pro
portionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries, and other in
formation apply to ticket agent, Tour
ist Agent at 1196 Broadway, New York,
or to Geo. V.'. Boyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station,
Philadelphia. 1202-46-2t
Extraordinary Tour via the Pennsylvania
America is a great country. In |
variety and grandeur of natural seen- I
cry it is unrivaled. To traverse it, to
beheld its diversities and its wonders,
is a liberal education, a revelation to
the immured metropolitan citizen.
The Personally-Conducted Tour to
California under the direction of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
which leaves on February 9, affords a
most excellent opportunity to view '
the vast variety and boundless beauty |
of this marvelous land. The party |
will travel over the entire route in the j
model Pullman train of smoking,
dining, sleeping, and observation cars
exhibited at the World's Fair, Chicago,
and subsequently at Atlanta, Nash
ville, and Omaha. This train will be
placed in service for the first time on
this occasion,and will in be charge of a
Tourist Agent and Chaperon, who will
look after all details of the trip, as well
as the individual welfare of members
of the party. Stops will be made at j
Mammoth Cave, New Orleans during S
the Mardi Gras Carnival, El Paso, Los !
Angeles, San Diego, Redlands, River- |
side, Pasadena, Santa Barbara, Monte- i
I rey, Del Monte, Santa Cruz, Mount j
| Hamilton, Menlo Park, San Francisco, 1
| Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, j
| Colorado Springs, Manitou and Garden
] of the Gods, Denver, and Chicago,
i Nineteen days will be spent in Cali
j fornia. Round-trip rate, including all j
; necessary expenses during entire trip,
j §4OO from all points on the Pennsyl
j vania Railroad System east of Pitts- ;
i burg; $395 from Pittsburg. For intin
' erary and full information apply to
i ticket agents; Tourist Agent, ' 119(5
| Broadway, New York; or address Geo.
| W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger
I Agent, Broad Stseet Station, Philadel
j pliia. 1203-4«-3t
Bucklen s Arnica Stilve.
The best Salve in the world for cuts,
: bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
i tively cures piles, or no pay required. !
; It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- I
j faction cr money refunded. Price 25 i
cents a box. For sale by L. Taggart.
I V3l-n4O-iy j
TERMS: 52.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE
1 miIAM |
Pressed Bricks.
* Big lino of underwear at N. Seger's.
P Crushed oyster shells for poultry at
, Good, well-made and comfortable
, clothing at N. Seger's.
The County Auditors are closing up
their audit of county affairs.
R. Seger & Son, clothing merchants,
! are offering some after-holiday bar
* gains. See ad.
The Hamilton Hose Co., are building
•in addition, 20x32, to their hose house.
It will bo used for a meeting room.
American Poultry Food is not a
powder, but a food especially prepared
for the production of eggs, and has
met with pronounced success. On sale
at Day's.
Gov. \\ m. A. Stone will be inaugur
ated next 1 uesday. Join the Republi
can Club and avail yourself of the
cheap rate—ss.7s for round trip. Apply
at this office not later than Saturday.
There are others, but none so good
0.0 riati-n rxiuii. rigs fatten quickly,
cows give more milk, and horses are
free from colds. Eggs are more plenti
ful and poultry raising more profitable
throughout the cold weather, especi
ally if fed Pratt's Food and Poultry
Powder. It does what is claimed for
To escape the grip and possibly the
pneumonia, you must clothe yourself
warmly. To do so you can to the best
advantage secure just what you want
by calling at that old and reliable
clothing store of N. Seger, at the old
stand. What you cannot get at Seger's
in the clothing line there is no use in
looking for elsewhere.
Civil Service examinations, open to
all, will be held in most large towns in
March, to get clerks for Uncle Sana.
Persons wishing to know the dates and
place and how the positions can be
obtained can write Columbian Corre
spondence College, Department B,
Washington, D. C., and same will be
furnished without cost.
At the Musical College, Freeburg,
Snyder county, Pa., none but the best
methods are used, so that to-day it is
recognized as one of the foremost
schools of music in the country. §33
will pay for a term of six weel.s, in
struction and board. Spring term will
begin May 8. For catalogues address.
Death of Isaac A. hirsch.
Isaac A. Hirsch, aged 76 years, is
dead. The sad intelligence was an
nounced last Monday evening. Mr.
Hirsch, who had been in failing health
during the past two years, had but
recently returned from New York City,
where he hoped to receive medical aid.
Mr. Hirsch and family came to Empo
rium in 1873 and he has conducted a
jewelry establishment in this place
ever since. No citizen of Emporium
has been held in higher esteem by all
classes and creeds. Charitable to a
fault, his last dollar always being given
cheerfully to aid the afflicted and de
pressed. I. A. Hirsch will be pleasant
ly remembered by our citizens.
| Mr. Hirsch was born in Germany in
I 1822 and after serving in the German
j army, learned the trade of jeweler,
| married and came to America with h!s
I most excellent wife, 1854. After a
I short residence in New York City he
! located at Rouseville, Pa., and came to
Emporium in 1873. Ho and his estim
! able wife,(who is prostrated with griei
' and confined to her bed, her condition
I being quite serious,) reared a family of
j live children, all of whom are living
and present to-day at the funeral:
Alfred Hirsch, (son ) of New York
City; H. S. Ness, wife (daughter) and
children, Johnsonburg; Richard H.
Hirsch, (son) Emporium; David Weil,
and wife, (daughter) Buffalo; Theo.
Hirsch, (son) Buffalo.
Isaac A. Hirsch was an honored
| member of Emporium Lodge, A. Y. M.,
i No. 382, and Emporium Chapter, No.
! 227. He has held a number of prom
inent elective positions and faithfully
I discharged the duties of every positioi
; called upon by his fellow citizens to.
i fill.
The funeral was held t his (Thursday i
j afternoon, from the family residence
on Fifth street. Rev. J. M. Robertson,
Rector of Emmanuel Church, con
-1 ducted brief services, after which the
Masonic fraternity took charge of the
remains and directed the burial ac
; cording to the rites of the order.
Education of Priests.
Cardinal Gibbons has issued a circu
lar to be read in all of the Catholic
churches in reference to the raising ot
funds for the education of young men
j for the priesthood. The departure is
to be -".n.' 1 " tv )is year from
mary method in this connection.
' Each church will be requested to con-
I tribute a fixed amount.
NO. 46.