Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 05, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Gonoepoi) (Sdui)}y press.
Editor and Manager.
Per year |2 00
paid in advance $1 50
Advertisementsarc published at the rate of one
lollar per square for one insertion and fifty cents
per square for each subsequent insertion.
Rates by the year or for s»x or three months are
low and uniform, and will be furnished on appli-
Qftf lon.
Legal and Official Advertising per snuare. three
times or less, $2 0U; each subsequent insertionso
cents ner square.
Local noticesten cents per 1 i ne for one insertion,
Jive cents per line for each snbscque nt consecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
line. Simpleannouncenicntsofbirthfi,marriages
una deaths will be inserted free.
Hu-ine«« Cards, five lines or less S"».OD per year
over live lines, at the regular rates of advertising
No local inserted for less than 75 cts. per issue.
Those Ohio agitators \vh<> are
going to revive the silver and other
dead issues should be arrested for
grave robbery.
If the Cubans are trying to
demonstrate to the world their in
abilitv to rule themselves they are
succeeding admirably.
It is said that until the comple
tion of his remodeled home in
Bellefonte, Governor Hastings and
family will reside in New York
The occurrence of another poi
soning ease evidences the folly of
drinking anything sent anony
mously through the mails, without
first trying it on the dog.
The Baker heirs have purchased
the old Nipple homestead in Perry
county, and are digging about the
property for valuable documents
said to have been buried there a
century ago. The documents are
said to contain evidence proving
the title of the Baker heirs to a
large portion of the land on which
Philadelphia is built, and valuable
tract? in Berks, Chester and Lan
caster counties.
Remarkable Hoscue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111.,
makes tho statement that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse, lie told
her she was a hopeless victim of con
sumption and that no medicine could
cure her. Her druggist suggested I)r.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion; she bought a bottle and to her
delight found herself benefitted from
first dose. She continued its use and
after taking six bottles found herself
sound and well; now does her own
housework, and is as well as she ever
was. Freo trial bottles of this Great
Discovery at L. Taggart's drug store.
Large bottles 50c. and SI.OO.
Bobbed tho Grave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was tho
subject, is narrated by him as follows;
"I was in a most dreadful condition.
My skin was almost yellow, eyes
sunken, tongue coated, pain continu
ally in back and sides, no appetite—
gradually growing weaker day by day.
Three physicians had given me up.
Fortunately a friend advised trying
Electric Bitters, and to my great joy
and surprise, the first bottle made a
decided improvement. I continued
their use for three weeks and am now
a well man.l know they saved my
life, and robbed the grave of another
victim. No one should fail to try them.
Only 50c. per bottle at L. Taggart's
drug store.
XiaGrippe Successfully Treated:
"I just have recovered from the
second attack of la grippe this year,"
says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of
the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the
latter case I used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, and I think with considerable
success, only being in bed a little over
two days against ten days for the
former attack. The second attack I
am satisfied would have been equally
as bad as the first but tor the use of
this remedy, as I had togo to bed in
about six hours alter being 'struck'
.vith it, while in the first case I was
able to attend to business about two
daye before getting 'down.' " For
sale by L. Taggart. jan
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
You are perhaps aware that pneu
monia always results from a cold or '
from an attack of la grippe. During I
the epidemic of la grippe a fow years
ago when so many cases resulted in
pneumonia, it was observed that the
attack was never followed by that dis
ease when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy was osed. It counteracts any ten
dency of a cold or la grippe to result
in that dangerous disease. It is the
best remedy in the world for bad colds
and la grippe. Every bottle warranted.
I'or sale by L. Taggart. jan
To the Public.
We are authorized to guarantee j
every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and if not satisfactory to re
fbe money to the purchaser. There
ile better medicine made for la grippe,
colds and whooping cough. Price, 25 '
and 50c per bottle. Try it. L. Tag
gart, * jan
History will tell about "Dewey"
Hobson, Sampson and Americans pro
tecting themselves from serious throat
diseases by using "Armstrong's Diph
theria and Quinsey Drops." The
greatest throat remedy in the world.
Sold bv druceist, R. C. Dodson. 61y
Rich Valley.
Mrs. Etta Lewis is home on a visit.
Mr. Goff has moved to Cross Fork.
Mrs. W. Lewis is some better at this
I writing.
B. Dewey returned from Potter
I county last week.
Merrick Barker was seen on our
i streets, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Swoope visited F.
| Craven, Friday.
B. Montgomery spent Christmas
; with his family.
Miss Nettie V. Lewis has gone to
Battle Creek, Mich.
N. Mcintosh has been on the sick
j list for the past week.
Mr. Montgomery has had a severe
attack of the quinsy.
Messrs. Pye and Carter attended the
Band dance, Friday night.
Messrs. Huffman and Chadwiek were
visitors in the Valley, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Shives were seen driv
• ing through our burg Monday.
Wm. Thompson spent Christmas
( with his friends in the Valley.
Mr. Tlios. Dixon has given his boys
I a vacation until sleighing is better.
Quite a number of Valley people at
tended Hook's d.'ince Friday night.
Miss Anna Carter spent her Holiday
vacation with friends in the Valley.
Mr. Anson Swartwood cut his hand
severely, while carving pork, Tuesday
i last.
Nelt Lewis has returned to Cross
| Fork, after a short visit with friends
; here.
Mr. F. Swesey is home from Sterling
where he has been at work for Mr.
Quite a number of little Edna Adam's
young friends called at her home Sat
day, in honor of her birthday. All re
port a good time.
The Christmas entertainment at the
Clear Creek school house was largely
attended, and was a success through
out. Thanks to the untiring efforts of
our teacher, Miss Alda Carter.
Farmer Kresge was at Gardeau last
! week.
Mr. and Mrs Wadner spent Xmas in
| Emporium.
Wm. Moore made a trip to Empori
j um last week.
School started again on Monday.
| Now boys be good.
Clyde Drum spent Sunday with A.
| Kresge and family.
We are sorry to say that Mr.
| McGuire is quite ill.
Frank Easterbrooks took part in our
| Xmas entertainment,
i Mr. John Ilogan was a visitor to the
j county seat last week.
Mart Lawson made a trip to Beech
wood one day last week.
Luie Norton returned with tiie colts
on account of the break up.
Mrs. Fisher and daughter spent the
holidays with Renovo friends.
Miss Gregory, of Emporium, was
visiting with friends last week,
j Wm. Kresge and family came up to
help farmer Kresge down that 991b
, turkey.
Mr. Chas. Welsh and Miss Carrie
! Specht, of Moore Hill, spent Xmas in
i our burg.
Rev. Mulliner preached a fine
sermon to a crowded house on Xmas
j evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parks came up
to help his father-in-law devour that
big turkey.
Geo. Specht and Ray Lyons return
ed from Glen Hazel on account of the
bad weather.
The entertainment given by Miss
Fanny Lyons, assisted by her school
was a grand success.
Our young folks were all made glad
Christmas eve by the appearance of
old Santa at the school house.
Fred Norton has a box of clear
Havanas and farmers are puftiing
away and thinking what a good road
supervisor he will make.
C. M. Kresge claims that if Christ
mas would come twice a year he would
have to purchase one of those large
mother-hubbard dresses.
Miss Effie Bliss, of Beechwood, will
spend the winter with Mrs. Hobson.
The surprise party given in honor of
Miss Bliss and Johnnie Priest, was a
very enjoyable affair.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson and
family spent Xmas with his father-in
law. Will looked twenty pounds
heavier as he came walking down
Mason Hill.
O. B. Tanner took in the sights at
Dents Run, the fore part of tho week.
Huntley Miller had business at Medix
Run, on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lane visited
friends at Renovo on Christmas.
C. W. Williams and daughter Maud
had business at Emporium on Friday.
School director J. W. Lane attended
the annual school meeting at Driftwood
on Saturday.
(Jatch Hicks, of Hicks Run, passed J
over the hill on Monday, enroute to |
Mißses Mary and Edna Summerson, ,
of Sterling Run, visited friends here'
on Friday.
C. W. Williams had the misfortune (
to fall and fracture his left arm one day !
last week.
The Sunday School was reorganized !
on Sunday last and the following offi- I
cers elected for tho ensuing year: J. I
M. English, Supt.; Mrs. A. Barr, As- !
sistant Supt.; Mrs. J. W. Lane, Treas.; j
Clarence Miller, Sec.
Miss Amy Summerson, of Sterling !
Run, resigned her position as teacher
at this place on account of sickness.
Miss Summerson is an able teacher and ;
gave satisfaction to parents and chil- j
dren, which is a great record in these
days of abject criticisms. Miss Emma 1
Marsh, of Sterling Run, was appointed
to fill the vacancy. Miss Marsh is pre
eminently fitted audit it is to be hoped
that the progress of the school will con
tinue in the future as it has in the past.
Jan. 2, 181)9. DING.
Beech wood.
Michael Evers was at the county
seat, Friday last.
Mr. Charles Ross, of More Hill, passed
through our town Friday.
Glen Toner transacted business in St.
Marys several days last.
Miss Maggie Wylie, of Milton, Pa.,
is visiting relatives here.
George Cook and family, of John
sonburg, have moved to this place.
Mrs. Wm. McDonald is suffering
from a serious attack of heart disease, j
Mrs. C. H. Dumbolten visited her
daughter, Mrs. Henry Weidner, at 1
Buckwalter, last Saturday.
Messrs. Jacob Andrews and Oilman
Leavitt transacted business in Einpori- j
| um Thursday.
Tho Rev. Mr. Cool, of Emporium, ■
' held services in the school house, at |
i this place, last Thursday, Saturday j
I and Sunday evenings.
We are informed that Mr. .Jeff Dowd !
| and Miss Myrtle Morrison, both of this j
place, were married in Emporium on
j Christmas.
The well known firm of Adams & j
Robinson finished their wood job re- ;
cently, thus throwing out of employ
ment a large number of men.
Messrs. S. D. Ilousler, of Rich Val- !
1 ley, and Thos. Waddington, of Empo- J
rium, were among the number seen on I
our streets Saturday.
To any person having an account at !
our store, please call and settle at once
as we are going to leave Emporium.
41-tf JOHN J. SOBLE.
\\ \A \. V.N N \ .\aa:^|
: Ifon :
/ /
/ / .
/ OlilfX l a
/ /
i nm l
' / • 112 iL -
I v'tf/; 1 |
y If you arc seeking infor- $ !
y ination about groceries, j
this is the place to find p
112. it. No one can convince !
/ you, if you try once, / |
/ that others can give you / i
/ as great values. We / .
make it to your interest '
to come to us. Values I
f* as great and stock as 112.
/ varied as you can find /
/ anywhere in tliis section. /
I^veil after holiday feast- > ;
ing and though we had a big / |
/ rush during that season our /
/ stock is still ample to supply /
$ your wants. New goods con- "■/\
y tinually arriving. ■ j
SPEC!A' L for a few days
only. Tibs Bulk Starch 'Joe. !*;
& Careful attention given
V to all orders whether great or /
S small. If you can't come %
in yourself send in your
order or advise us and we j
(. will have our order clerk call.
Telephone and mail orders
/ will have as careful attention, as /
< if you were here in person. •'
Yours for business,
' J. !i. DAY. >
/ /
Fourth St., Emporium, Pa. j
y\\\ \ \ N. X X \ V \ \ V \ j
The sympathetic tenderness of n lov
ing husband is everything to an expec
tant mother, especially during her first
orileal. George Layton, Esq., a promi
nent druggist of Dayton, 0., gives the
following case:
A customer of mine, whose wife has used
four bottles of • Mother's Friend " before con
finement, says, after seeing the effects of the
remedy, that if she had togo through the ordeal !
Oftain, and there were but four bottles on the 1
m tricet, and the cost was SIOO per bottle, she :
would have them.
" Mother's Friend" is .a scientifically j
Compounded liniment which affords cer- i
tain relief in the various ailments pre- |
ceding childbirth, and assures proper \
elasticity to the cords and muscles in
volved in the final ordeal.
"Mother's Friend" is sold by drug
gists, or expressed on receipt of one
Valuable book, "Before Baby is
Born," mailed free on application.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics act directly upon tho disease,
without exciting disorder in other parts
of the system. They Cure the Sick.
1 —Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .!£<s
ti—\\ orms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic...
3—Teething, Colic, Crying,Wakefulness .25
4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults.. . .25
7—('ougim, Colds, Bronchitis 25
H— \e urn lain, Toothache, Faceache. . ,25
O—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25
I 0—I) y«|>ep*in. Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2s
II Suppressed or Painful Periods • .25
12—Whiten, Too Profuse Periods 25
13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 j
14—Sail Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. ,25
1 s—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25
16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25
19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head .25
20—Whooplng-t'ougt 25 I
27—Kidney Diseases 25 I
2H—.\ervous Debility 1.00 |
30—I'rinnry Weakness, Wetting Bed... .25 I
77—Grip, Hay Fever .25 '
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your |
Druggists or Mailed Free.
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William dc John
New York
A stubborn cold is easily taken ; it j
(ticks to some people all winter and j
very often develops into bronchitis or j
consumption. You should cure a cold i
promptly by taking Dr. Bull's Cough j
Syrup. This celebrated remedy is ac- I
knowledged to be most efficient and (
1 -liable for all aß'ecM»ns of the throat j
It cures a. cold at once.
Cough Syrup
Promptly cures Stubborn Colds.
Doses arc small and pleasant to take. Doctors
recommend it. Price 25 cents. At all druggists.
Perfect Fitting.
pleases T he tM cFM tidioil s
Fastidious persons who enjoy
toothsome delicacies are con
noiseurs in the Sweetmeats
Line, but even the most criti
cal of these place the stamp of
approval 011
For which M. A. ROCKWELL,
"The Druggist," is agent.
Splendid Christmas Pres
ents there —and good and
pretty, too.
Best Perfumes
From the Leading Manufacturers
of the World.
| Look at Our Goods Before Pur
chasing Elsewhere.
|Dn Goods lie. 112
[rj J)EI'A It TMENI.
Ladies elegant Winter
Ln Coats from §6 00 up. Bar
gains which will find ready tr
and quick buyers in Empori- [};
Ln urn's great clonk store. .Jack- nj
eta and Coats for Misses and u]
Children. Ladies' Capes, [y
Ln Jackets, Collarettes and nJ
Ladies' Wrappers, Wool rri
Waists, Single Skirts and (}J
lit Night Dresses.
[q This is also the Carpet and f[j
m Curtain store —nothing bet- m
u] for a Christmas present for pJ
i |n your wife or friend than a n]
fu fine Carpet an a beautiful in
I Lace Curtains. [tj
Oil (Cloths and Window [(]
Shades in abundance.
J] Oil ESS 112 100 Its.
| Dlt ESS GOODS. [)|
i Ln nJ
iu in
Lfl This is the House for bar- nJ
;[y gains in Dress Goods. You
; nj can find here just what you [n
;uj want, and the price you want pi
: j]j and please don't forget this [H
pj is the House for Under- m
!- r j wear, Hosiery, Blankets, 01
! [p Comforts, Notions, Handker
chiefs, Umbrellas, Corsets, [n
uj Showing more new goods all Fu
the time than any other store. [{]
Spring will scon be here. A m
u] world of getting ready to be pJ
[}, done- and next to 110 time „]
for the doing. Jolly, happy, In
u| hurry thought. Half the W
[]j pleasure is in getting ready, [{]
and this store is so helpful— in
so much here that is sugges- fu
tive amid the tiring, hurry f{]
days. Standard designs— In
December patterns and fash- W
ion sheets now open. Fash- }{]
|IJ ion sheets, free to all. Uj
p] OUJt STOCK. [n
ffi H. C. OLMSTED, t
IS s
L Emporium, Pa. nj
J. A. Fisher,
fiorse 1
Broad Street, Hxnporittsi, Pa.
| Kidney *BKkwh« §
§ Superior
% to all others. C»
For all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases.
$ If you have BACKACHE, you want this Cure.
# For FEMALE WEAKNESSES it has been proven the
$ most successful remedy known. If suffering from too
frequent or scanty urine, you need this great remedy.
In case of Dropsy it means life and health to you.
Bed Wetting in Children cured hy one bottle.
When you take this preparation you have the assurance that yen are
obtaining a medicine prepared hy a Physician of many years study
and wide experience, whose writings on medical questions are accepted
as authority. \Ve prove our faitli in our goods by stating that if you
are not satis'iied after using one bottle your money will be refunded by
R. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.
I 11^^^0^ B FORGET S^^^Pf
Ji m/QzV that the best V^m-SL
Boots and Shoes
'ITOPIUIf 112 p PA
— ... - . -
Trn*fler» (illicit*.
In effect Nov. 20, 1898.
' Train 8 weekdays for Sunburv.
i "««>barre, Scrunton, Hazleton, Pottsville.
Ilarrisburg and intermediate stations, arriving
I at Philadelphia 6.'23 p. M., New York 9.30 P. M.,
Ha timore 0.00 I'. M., Washington 7.15 P. M.
iii i i U V *' ar^<>r from Williamsport to
! ; h V, a . U .V lp , h ! a . a . nd Passenßercoachesfrom Kane
to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Balti
more and Washington.
320 P. M.—Train ti week days for Harris-
I burg and intermediate stations, arriving
at Philadelphia, 1.30 A. M„ New Y0rk7.13 A.M.
Pullman sleeping cars from HarrisburKtoPhil
| adelphia and New York. Philadelphia pas.
senders can remainiu sleeper undisturbed un.
ti I 7:30 A. M.
9 37 P. M. Train •> Daily for Sunbury, Harris
burjj and intermediate stations arriving at
Philadelphia 8.5'2 A. M.. New York 9.33 A. M
weekdays, 110.3H A. M, Sunday;' linltini<rc 6.85
A. M.. Washington 7.1"> A.M. Pullman sin p
in« cars from Eric ami Williamsport to Phila
delphia and Williamsport to Washington,
p. engera in ale*■ j>< r for Baltimore and Wash
ington will la- transferred into Washington
sleeper at Williamsport. Passenger cars from
Erie to Philadelphia and William? port to
5:10 A. M —Emporium Junction—Train 9 week
deys tor Erie, Ridgway, Duliois, Clermont and
intcrm filiate stations.
10 25 A M. - Train 3 Daily for Eric anrl
week days for DuHois and intermediate
0 28 P. M. - Train 15. weekdays for Kane
and intermediate stations.
Train 9 li avrs New York 5:50 p. m., Philadi lphia
8:50 p. m., Washington 7:20 p.m.. Baltimore
8:10 p. in., arriving at Emporium Junction 5:10
a. m., week days, with Pullman Sleepers and
passenger conches, from Philadelphia to Erie
and from Washington and Baltimore to Will
Train 3 leaves New York 7.40 p.m., Philadel
phia 11.20 p. m., Washington 10.40 p. in, Haiti
more 11.55 p, in., daily, arriving at Emporium
10.25 a. m., with Pullman Palace Sleeping
Cars from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and
passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Erie
and Baltimore to Williamsport- on Sundays
only Pullman Sleepers from Philadelphia to
Train 15 leaves Philadelphiaß.Bo a. in., Washing
ton 7.50 a.m., Baltimoreß.6o a.m., Wilkesbarre
10:15 A.M., week dajs, arriving at Emporium
fi.-H J'. M., with Parlor car from Philadelphia
to Williamsport.and passenger coaches from
Philadelphia to Kane.
J V Connections.
(Week days.)
A.M.I A.M. IP. M. P. M.
866 ■ iOO Renovo ... 600 .... n 06
9 41 1 38 .. Drift w00d... 103 10 12
10 20 • 5 10 Emporium June 325 940
11 OH, • 552 .. St. .Marys 240 901
Hl2 i .. Kane 112 20 905
11 31 .. ..Wilcox 11 58 842
11 46 .Johnsonburg.. 11 43 8 20
12 10 6 201 .. Ridgway,... 850 . BCo
12 17 627 ..Island Run... 8 43, 755
12 22 032 Carman Tr'nfer 8 38j 749
12 31 0 41 .. Croyland 8 29 7 40
12 35 045 ..Shorts Mills.. 8 2(5 730
12 39 648 ... Blue Rock ... 822 733
12 43 0 53 Carrier 817 728
12 53 702 .Brockwayville. 808 7 18
12 57 7 Ofi ...Lanes Mills.. 802 713
107 714 Harveys Run.. 7 54j 704
1 15 7 20 . .Falls Creek... 7 50 7 00
140 ... 735 Dußois 7 401... 640
120 726 Falls < Jreek... :00 ... 666
135 740 Reynoldsville.. 645 640
2 11 8 16 . . Brookville... 609 604
305 9 10 New Bethlehem 520 510
350 .... 955 .. Red Bank 425
6 30 12 40 .. ..Pittsburg 140
P. M P. M. A. M. P. M.
J. B. J. 11. \v< >( i >,
General Manager. Oen'l Passenger Agt.
Port Allegany, Coudersport, Sniethport, Eldred,
Bradford,Oleanand Bull'alo, connecting at Buf
falo for points East and West.
Bull'alo Express, dailv except Sunday 8.30 A. M.
Mail, «103 daily except Sunday 1.15 P.M.
Train No. 103' mail* will connect at Olean with
It i ver Division for All eg; i ny, Br ad ford, Sal am a nca
Warren, Oil City and Pittsburg.
Call on E. C. DAVISON, Agent, Emporium, for
time tables or other in format ion
R. BELL, Oen'l Supt.
J. A. FELLOWS, Oen'l Pass'ngr & Ticket Agt.
Mooney Brisbane Building, Cor. Main and
Clinton Streets, Buffalo, N. Y.