Trinkets I ~~ ' . " 1 Oh! Ho! Oh! Christmas Display. . Paper Envelope Openers, Hat I . . , , , . . JJ 3 i ri t1 .. Hnis i lPe Trnv■ W yWVWkfI Oh. ho! Oh, ho! to Liovds < hristmas cenl - 11/ IV I I ¥ ¥ /1 v/ 1 l «rvrH e,K ° I Musical Instruments from a I I I J I ■ W I W VT jL Ha came o'er the snow, jewsharp to piano. In fact we IIHa -Mk.—JML || I—( He whisttled merrily over the snow. carry about everything you may S 111 11 on, ho! on, ho! Lloyd's wish for in our line. ►tor I go, Oil ho. I|| «{l KbiMs4ii ti tTrr'**f jßaby Showing *l* 1 Sellaloyd 4 Va 1 The demands of our business in dolls, has made increase | T fovd. wSTje ToilM?-!les « jJ space an necessity, one whole section on west side of our store, I '£) y|| IL ! \/.~ Y trhnnied with''silver S 'Nectie Cases" W you will find our Babies' Kingdom. So many dolls that little. a jlj x jJLIi Fan Cases, Combination Cufis and >jj mothers will get distracted in the choosing. Grown-up dolls,\ ijyT { fVI Collar Hoxes, Manicure Sets, Combi- S) baby dolls, boy dolls, girl dolls, French dolls, German dolls, XllMßiiVr . Y \ nation To,lpt and Manicure Cases, Swiss dolls, dolls that bring thoughts of the Emerald Isle, Jx*' w>»w \ Glove Boxes, Whisk Holders, Ladies' jv A colorrd dolls Chinese rubber dolls, just plain rag dolls,dolls with j| ( "" Av ! ' H a . Earl v choosers get movable eyes and limbs, and every other kind, to please the 1 \ in these dainty remeni- fmJ When liooks are used as gifts they not only cause pleasure //M / / I and satisfaction to the recipient, but also carry with tliein / (111 I J If you think of buying a Kodak yf* evidence of the refined feeling which inspired their/ / if / / "J //"oi your lady or gentleman friend, 4& selection, thus doing double duty. A good, pure /you want to be sure that it is a good Hm m Book makes an ideal gift and few if any, are insensible 112 jp=S" I one. The Bull's-Eye Kodak, is per- \A W( to its charm. We've so many Suitable Books I j/ haps the safest clioice—surest to suit JMP here, and for all ages and taste, that a whole pn» P ' V an Y one ; collvcl " c ' nt a,u ' eas >' to operate. I uJ of description would be scarcely a hint. Come in pT j Makes pictures 3 y> inches square; of- | | and take a look at our large line, it won't cost J? have^ oilier uf Kodaks ■ --j—IWJTW.....I H.IWIWWWIfW In I I .11.1.1J !.., IwlP I PJIIII, t Vmm ~w . .. , . . Games, FUINFOR YOUNG and OLD „-A\x\% \! Photo Frames \ \ . .• f.i-.i r t»- <-n ;ve .i ■ ! I U LeatherQifts > ! Wgktf»'" iW ovl „ ,vu-ni«cs W WII Combination Pockety liooks of »' \\ strictly new Toys, Dolls and Games ever put on |[ 1^' iese books foi ( Liil> jottitij*, some 111 < • AN " |l \\ , 11 11 II folks would liardlv do without, and 111 i fi , Irr U \\ sale 111 Emporium is now ready. No hold-overs --till nianv others >r ftr cud elim ill (|LAS,i »WARb U here from previous years as every article was their memories for things they'd'know \U The home table must have its dainty China and Glassware, and It \\ purchased this season. 1 lie little folks all say | |\lmy in a moment with an easilv kept diarv \\\ notable is complete without some fine piece of China on it. Our If i«v\ that its the greatest loy Circus ever came toE 111 to help. Almost starting time. The >lm assortment of Jardinieres we think is the finest display in f he city. lj ,M\ porium, and they seem to be practically a unit 111 ih w i)j ar j es a , e licrc splendid as. jlltt A charming choosing in sizes, shapes, and decorations, colors and L : ' " " St (1: "'"t>^" (l aeeeptalile Christinas CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THUSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1898.