Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 22, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., Oct. 19, I*9B.
NEMOI'HII.A, pel sack |1 '2O
Uraham 1
Rye ;; *>
Buckwheat, 65
Patent Mea1..,...." •">
Coarse Meal, per 100 90
Chop Feed " . 90
Middlings " 1 "J 1
Bran, " ™
Corn, per bushel, so
White Oats, per bushel *"'
Choice Clover Seed, 1
Choice Timothy Seed, M ar ket prices.
Choice Millet Seed,
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, I
Contribution* invited. That which you would
like In *ee i u thin department, let us lenou- by }>os
tu card, or letter, personally.
B. W. Green visited Baltimore this
Mrs. Lindley Beattie is visiting in
Win. McDonald visited Austin on
N.JN. Metcalf, of Austin, visited in
town on Monday.
Misses De ,: . and Nellie Clare, of!
Cameron, visited Emporium Monday, i
J. B. Scliriever has made his wife
happy by presenting her a handsome j
J. P. Felt and family departed Mon
day for their Florida home to pass the
Miss Laura McQuay and Miss Nellie
Lingle were PRESS office callers on
L. J. Housler, of Paucoast, Pa., a
former resident of Emporium, will read
the PRESS for 1H99.
Johnnie and Willie Welsh of this
place visited their grand-parents at
Sterling 011 Monday.
Fritz Seger and J. 1.. Wheeler visited j
Elk county on Sunday and enjoyed a
forty mile sleigh ride.
Miss Agnes Wade, of Sterling, Run, |
spent Sunday in Emporium the guest j
of her sister, Mrs. Welsh.
Walter McCaslin returned home on
Saturday from Blairstown Academy, j
to spend the holidays with his parents. |
Don M. Larrabee and sister Miss J
Marrion are taking in the sights at j
Philadelphia, Washington and other j
Chas. Howard returned on Monday j
from the University of Princeton to
spend the holidays with his mother,
Mrs. Geo. Howard.
Clark G. H. Chapman, son of A. ;
Chapman, has had a serious time with
mumps, but is now improving under
Dr. Heilman's care.
Harry Hemphill informs us that he
has been keeping bachelor's hall the
past few days, his wife having visited
Dußois relatives over Sunday.
('has. W. Williams, of Mason Hill,
was in town 011 Monday and called to
see the PRESS. He remembred the
printer and pushed his PRESS ahead
another year.
Hon. Henry W. Williams, formerly
President Judge of this Judicial dis
trict has recently been elected Grand
Master at the session of the Masonic
Grand Lodge.
Miss Gertrude M. Edmundson, who j
organized the Literary Club at this
place, is in town in the interest of the !
Club. She favored the PRESS with a
visit on Tuesday.
Our good friend Joseph Farley, of
Mason Hill, was calling 011 old ac- I
quaintances, and making new ones, in i
town on Monday. We are always
glad to meet you, friend.
Miss Nina Bryan returned from Erie
last Friday evening, where she has
been attending school. Miss Mame
Logan, .after visiting a few days in
Erie, returned home with her.
Street Commissioner Haviland will
see that property owners keep their
walks free from snow and ice or know
the reason why. Go for them, James,
that's what you are appointed for.
R. C. Dodson now has one of the
neatest drug stores in the county, re
cently fitted up for his especial use.
Carpenter Weeks was the architect
and builder of the interior decorations.
Alex. Mclnnes, Jr., who lives in the
Mayze residence 011 Fourth street, is
singing altogether a new tune and
one not calculated for the church
choir. A beautiful little boy made its
advent at his home Sunday morning.
E. G. Coleman, the genial Secretary
and Treasurer of Climax Powder Co.,
dropped into see the PRESS on Mon
day and, with his usual promptness,
pushed the date ahead another year on
his PRESS.
County Treasurer W. L. Thomas is
busy at work putting his office in shape
for transferring the same to his suc
cessor. Cameron county never had a
more obliging and competent official
and he leaves the office with the good
will and respect of all citizens.
Hon. Sol. Ross, of Wharton, was in
Emporium last Friday, shaking hands
with old friends and telling them to
"come over to Potter county and learn
how to defeat the Democrats." The
Judge, when he resided here, was a
pretty good Republican, but now he is
simply red-hot. He says when Quay
is re-elected IK; will he satisfied. Don't
fret, Judge, Quay will get there with
both feet, in spite of bargain-counter
tactics. It's the old game.
Mrs. Jennie Krapft, nee Narby, I
who has been spending the past year
with her parents in this place, left on i
Tuesday for Tampa, Fla., to join her j
husband, who has been compelled to
remain in the south, in order to pro
long his life. Mrs. Krapft and two I
children, who accompanied J. I'. Felt 1
and family South, have the best wishes j
of their Emporium friends who hope I
the change of climate may be bene- j
flcial to Mr. Krapft.
John Kibe, who resides on West j
Fifth street rejoices over the arrival of
a great big twelve pound boy at his
home. He says they are so many un- |
reliable Republicans creeping into the ;
West Ward and his home will soon
add at least one Simon pure Republi
can. Good for John.
Sheriff Mundy, accompanied by
Deputies Jos. Friendoll and F. P.
Rentz, took four prisoners to the
Western Penitentiary on Monday.
They returned last night, having land
ed t heir men safely in the pen.
Our greatly esteemed townsman
Dan'l Downey is visiting his old home
in Lancaster county. lie will also
visit his son at Harrisburg before re
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Newton will cele
brate tiie twenty-tilth anniversary of
their marriage, at their residence on
West Allegany Avenue, on Dee. 30th.
Frank McGloin, Jr., of Ridgway,
was in town on Wednesday calling on
friends, while on his way home from
Niagara University.
Ed T. Dougherty returned from
Carlisle last week, where he is attend
ing Dickinson College. He will gradu
ate next June.
Ralph Davison returned home from
State College last evening, to spend j
the Holiday vacation with his parents
and friends.
Miss Flossie Taggart returned on
Tuesday, from Oberlin (Ohio) College, !
to spend the Holidays with her parents.
Miss M. Grace, of Rochester, N. Y., j
is spending the Holidays in Emporium, j
guest of Miss Nellie Hamilton.
Mrs. S. C. Hyde returned to Empo- j
rium yesterday and is guest of her !
daughter, Mrs. T. F. Moore.
Miss Rose Hair will attend Lock
Haven Normal School, next term, and ]
tit herself for teaching.
A. O. Swart wood cut his left hand J
severely, while handling a butcher j
knife, on Tuesday.
Fred Johnson came home from school j
this morning to spend the Holidays I
with his father.
Mr. P. O. Chilson, of Third street, is
quite seriously ill.
W. H. Howard is visiting in Pitts
We will not issue the PRESS next
week. Compliments of the season to
our readers.
Rich Valley.
Mr. John McClenahan moved to
Beechwood, Monday.
Miss Dessi Lewis visited her sister,
Mrs. Geo. Huffman, the first of the I
Mr. Joseph Ilousler, of Lock Haven,
was seen on our streets the first of the ,
Quite a number of Valley ites attended
court this week, at the county seat.
Grandma Lucore who has been visit- j
ing her grandaughter for some time,
returned to her home at the Four Mile,
Mrs. Wilbert Lewis and Mrs. Morris i
Lewis are both seriously ill at this !
Quite a number of the Valley people
attended church on North Creek, Sun
We learn that C. Craven has sold
one of his driving horses to a party at
First Speaker—Where is that crowd
bound for?
Second Speaker Why Beechwood,to
; be sure.
i Fritz Sanford is working for Henry
j Young, of Big Run.
That dreaded disease, typhoid fever,
is again in our midst.
James Bodel and family moved to
j Lock Haven last week.
Casper Sipple, of Howard, transact
' ed business here last Monday.
Svlvester Beldin, of More Hill, pass
! Ed through our town on Monday.
Mrs. Bennett of Patterson, N. J., is
| visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
j Wiley.
Miss Phoebe Prentiss, of Austin, is
i visiting her sister, Mrs. Sanford, of the
East Ward.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Co., have
finished loading ice at this place, for
I this season.
Since hunting season has closed we
1 are led to inquire, where is that jolly
crowd of sportsmen ?
•'Jack" Rhodes has accepted a po
sition as secretary and general busi
j ness manager for C R Kline.
Dr. Dumbolten has purchased a fine
driving horse Irom the well known
horseman, Bush, of this place.
Messrs. W. J. and George Leavitt
are spending their holiday vacation
here with friends and relatives,
i The many friends of Mr. David Kirk
i patrick will be pleased to learn that he
j is recovering from his prolonged ill
| ness.
I The Methodist conference was held
) in the M. E. Church last Mondaj at
! 10:30 a. m. Rev. Johnston, of Empjri
; um, presiding.
The Rev. Hopkins, of Hopkinsville,
j preached an eloquent sermon to a
; large congregation, in the Methodist
! church last Sunday.
The well known lumber firm, Curtis
& Son, is doing a rushing business this
winter and their teams may be seen
! coming into Beechwood at almost any
time during the day.
The Beechwood manufacturing com
pany has a large force of men em
ployed for the purpose of renovating
the old mill, in which they expect to
manufacture excelsior, soon.
The large amount of work that is go
ing on here abouts reminds one slightly
of the days when Beeekwood and Tru
man were in their ancient glory and
the hum of machinery and tiic ring of
the woodman's axe could be heard for
miles up and down this valley.
Dec. 19, 1898
Buck waiter.
Everybody smiles when the pay car pas*ey.
Mr. Richard II lias moved to Beechwood.
Mrs. Fisher paid St. Marys a visit last Friday.
Clate Toner was seen on our street* la*t week.
The revival meeting was closed last Saturday
Milfred Bliss spent Sunday with the Norton
Mrs. John Hogan was in St. Marys last
Farmer Hopkins is the most industrious man
on our creek.
A. Kresge spent last week in Emporium at
tending court.
Mrs. W. C. Heath was a visitor to St. Marys
last Wednesday.
Beldinn* of Moore Hill, are filling Sipple's ice
house on shares.
Mrs. Martin Lawsun was a visitor to St. Marys
last Wednesday.
Arthur Norton came home to spend Sunday
with the old folks.
Mr. Thomas Norton was a visitor at Emporium
one day last week.
Frank Easterbrooks was seen around our burg
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Van Lew drove through j
our city on Monday.
Mr. Martin Lawson's mother i* spending the
holidays at this place.
Bert Easterbrooks was up from West Creek
looking over the town.
Everybody on West Creek should have a clean j
pair of socks for Saturday.
Chas. Welsh, all-around sport, made a busi- j
11 ess trip to the county sc:»t.
Mrs. Henry Wadner made a short stay at the j
county seat one day last week.
Mr. Eo. Gregory, of Emporium was seen 011 i
our s the lirst of the week.
Wm. Cramer and Mr. Evans, of Emporium, i
passed through our burg Inst Monday.
Martin had the grey out on Saturday seeing j
what time he could make 011 the snow flakes.
Everybody drop in the school house Satur- i
day evening at 7:30 p.m., and see old Santa Clans j
Mr. Thomas claims that he doesn't think he J
will have a feast on ducks this Xmas —too many i
good hunters.
Farmer Kresge and farmer Sipple drove to
Emporium on Sunday to attend the Free Metho
dist conference.
We are sorry to learn that some kind of a dis- !
ease has taken the lives of three very fine pigs of ]
Mike Milliard's.
Miss Fanny Lyons and Mrs. Close made j
a business trip to Emporium last Saturday in be
half of our Xmas tree.
Fred Norton, candidate for road supervisor (
was telling the boys he knew how to make roads
that no matter how wet it is, the mud will
not splash.
W. C. Heath is receiving orders every day for
Belgian hare and the demand is so great that he
is unable to till them. What's the matter with
Buck waiter's industries.
There were burglars at the residence of Mr.
John Hogan, the other night and it not been for
the bravery of John, they would have relieved
him of his check. Buckwalter should have a I
night police.
Some bracelets are HO heavy that
were they not in the jewelry claes
women would regard them an handcuffs.
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'•?*'> —) JHHBKSXa
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in ip
;jg -j- |||
•7 p
j lfl|> *
Every expectant mother hat
a trying ordeal to face. If she <Joe* Dot
P'H for it,
1 \ I ''j there is no telling ;
<3 Child-birth is full I
of uncertainties if |
Oritur? is Tint piven propt r assistance.
Mother's Friend
is the best help you cai; uso at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap
plied several months before baby comes,
it makes the advent easy and nearly pain
i less. It relieves and prevents " morning
i sickness," relaxes the overstrained mus- j
cles, relieves the distended feeling, short- j
i ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer- j
I tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother's friend is good for only one
purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of
danger and pain.
One dollar per bottle at all ■ toru.s, or
B. iii l.y express on receipt of price.
Fiu;k Books, contnini n(S valuable informa
| tion for women, will bo nent to uny address
j upon application to
Atlanta, Oa.
J)r. Fenner's
Kidney k Backache
An asrreeable combination of the
most efficient known remedial agents
for the cure <> Kidney, HI ad
der, Urinary and Uterine dis
| eases.
A desire to make too frequent or
j scanty urine. Bed wetting by child
ren, lame back, dropsy, Brights dis
ease, female weaknesses are cured
by this great medicine.
This is no new discovery but has
been used in private practice for
! more than thirty (30) years Dy one
j of America's most successful physi-
I cians.
In order to extend to a wider use
i fulness a medicine that has produced
i such benificent results in a limited
sphere, we find it necessary to ad
; vertise. Experience teaches that
! merit alone is not sufficient to bring
to the people knowledge of the won
derful curative powers of this extra
j ordinary preparation.
The strongest proof of our faith
in these goods is our statement: "if
not satisfied after using one bottle
your money will be refunded by
R O. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.
Piles or Hemorrhoids;
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
B I Wounds & Bruises.
' Cuts & Sores.
Ri i Boils & Tumors,
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils,
j ! Corns & Bunions.
) | Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO.
| j Sold by druggist k, «»r sent post -paid oil receipt of price
111 nrilltKYK'.«KU. CO., 1)1 X 113 William SI., New York.
A hacking cough is a prave-yard
; | cough; the sooner you get rid of it the
better. Don't wait until it develops
| j into consumption, but use the cele-
I | bratedDr. JohnW. Bull's Cough Syrup
at once. It is a wonderful remedy for
, all throat and lung affections, and will
cure a deep-seated cough or cold in a
112 1 few days. Good for old and young.
Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup
Will cure a Hacking Cough.
Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors
I : recommend it. Price 25 cents. At all druggist*.
J. A. Fisher,
JHorse 1
Broad Street, Emporium, Pa.
aa*aaaaaa aa aa at aa aa aa a• *a*aa*aa aa aa aaaa aa aa aa aaaa *
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We extend our compliments to the citizens of
Cameron and adjoining counties for their rapidly and
increasing patronage. We would invite all to see
our large display of GENERAL HARDWARE and
BUILDERS' MATERIAL. We would call especial
attention to our
IB ill 11 IE
many useful articles
and house-keep er s
We again desire to call attention to our OIL and
GAS STOVES. The Ladies delight.
This popular fight the great •
gas saver, is growing in popular
with our people. All who de
sire to economize in gas
should use these burners. Call
and see them.
»»»»IfWWW****.!* WW W W* W W W WW*
a aa aa a a aa aa aa a a aa aa aa a • a aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa a* *
%3wwwwwwww w*.y wwwwwwwwwwwwww w4
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j|j ■ j
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I 1 -'I
Dry Goods |
I (11
ill! LT i The holidays are now at hand and as III*
;M usual, our line of holiday goods p
I: a | ! will be fully tip to date. IfF
IN #
r { In Corsets we handle the R. 6c G. ,Dr. |r=
Uj! l~ Warner's Eetherboue and W. B.
I X Cyclist. 112
l| R 'I
jpj Men's, Ladies' and Childrens' Under- Ji
A I wear in cotton and wool. 11l
i A I 1
l| 1
I [' L IB
I'' i
! rri o , 11
; IB] 0 We have an elegant assort- p
liJ 8 |
,i /■>.ment of China Ware and our [.
Iti u t
1 p prices are bound to sell the goods. 1
1 \\\ p li]
fli L- p
!___ .. |
1 l| I!
P if!!
if Fourth Street, Emporium. Pa. IPF
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