Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 22, 1898, Image 12

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||®lp Season for Gladness and Good Clieer. |l|S
We're ready for a larger volume of Christinas trade than ever. We confidently expect it. Kacli year
v_ ] more is expected, more is prepared. OUR STORE is filled with a carefully selected stock ot J iIL,
| Christmas Good Things gj||
|| ' Absolutely the finest assort-
Our Line of | i of Groceries, Meats, etc. ,
J Selected with great care from j| Shopping made a delight j L
J >®ifci T&" is Fresh ' New Stock and will ft I M%\ 5 T -TX ' 1(1 thorough inspection of stock is !g /ft "'"^MXy!
please invited, whether y<m
' POULTRY "' __ | AND j
j make U P y ' L: ' : .S} IS Cranberries, Imported and Do-
WZL CHRISTMAS FARB. I Jfcw IJ jOW^* 1 * ' *3? WLI " JS < : Pears Apples, I^°.
watdfl S wkv Wu • Is Florida and Jamaica Oranges,
We advise early ordering so I) "V"^* 5 jfe? ■%,^ s . A PL, |B iff Grape Fruit, Celery, H ii»fc
, that perfect service and satis- $ »ld XBJ Lettuce, Sweet Potatoes and
faction will be doubly assured, jjj. jf *fj| such other vegetables as the
i® . M ILJ£==L i_ MT, „, llgf
Wc A,so Cull Special Attention to our very Extensive Line of
!s| Queensware, Lamps, Decorated s Plain Toilet Wares Fancy China, g|;
And nianv things to° numerous to mention. Don't forget that some of the handsomest ornaments in the way of Jardiiiiers and Lamps
NS«li& y are to be fmind in our stock. We can interest and please you if you will call to see what a variety of beautiful things we have.
3§|| "fbinK it over - A ol7 ' l ait - Order Early. |g||
\w \ n \ \\.\jNn n n vvSKp \\ \i«v:\ \ \ \ \ /
| » | Elegant Line ef Fruits and Confectionery.; 112
J.H.DAY. 1
| A y Fourth .Street, Emporium, I'a. Telephone 6. -y La I
I S \ /\ V \ \ v m N \ V \ \ \ \ \ ffl'