Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 22, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
XWHEN you see this item mark
ed with "an X, in blue or black
pencil mark across its face you
will know that your subscription
is due, or past due. Your name will
be found printed on each copy of the
PRESS, as you receive it and gives the
last date to which you have paid. Our
terms are £2.00 if not paid in advance,
51.50 in advance. Many, very many,
of our patrons allow their subscrip
tions to run year after year. This we
are unable to stand—it is not right,
fair nor honorable between man and
man. We shall proceed, after this
issue, to put to work the pruning hook
and should you fail to receive the
PRESS after this date you will know the
reason. Pin this in your hat. Itrequires
money to purchase paper and pay em
ployes and we must insist upon the
payment of subscriptions due us.
. \ holding the several Courts of Cameron
Anil now. to-wit: Dec. 13th, 1898. it is ordered
that hereafter the regular terms of the several
Courts of Cameron County shall be held on the
fourth Monday of April and the fourth .Monday
of October in each and every year.
By the Court,
C. A. MAYER. P. J.
Prothonotary's Office, )
Emporium, Pa., Dec. 19th, 1898. \ 43-31
Its An Elephant on Your hands
When you serve a big Christmas
Dinner if you don't take advantage of
all the help we offer.
Don't worry about t he soup; Armour's
White Label, or Campbell's Con
densed Soup, in cans, cannot be
excelled by the most experienced
Don't make the mince meat. Our
home made article will please
Don't bother about the sal id dressing;
we sell Durkee's, which suits the
most fastidious taste.
Don't make the plum pudding, when
you can buy Richardson & Rob
bins' ready-made at our store.
Don't fail to come to Our Store and
see all the Good Things and
leave your Christmas order.
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
53, A
I'ncle Sam is interested iti the bottle;
says it isn't like the one he had corked
up in Santiago bay, but when he has a
pain that is Cever-a he can't wait togo
to Santiago. At Christmas time people
are susceptible to sudden pains. Why
not prepare for such emergencies? We
sell drugs of the best quality, nothing
adulterated or of questionable strength.
JOCs39C3£>. .♦ joc;s£OC&3C& :♦. *:i£.o s£>: ;♦ yg
| Uoyd's forecast of the Wedther FORem lndvicinity. I
j *1
.1 FRIDAY, Fair and continued unsettled went her. No cold went Iter in sight for tin* next two days, at this writing (Thursday , .
♦ ' ❖
2. CHRISTMAS, I'robablv fair, and looks as if it would I>e a green Christmas.
Lloyds Christinas .Store is an "Open Door" to 4>
a e Anmi UAAn I--Thc Holiday trade in Fmporium. '2—lOiuial prices to all. :!• To low prices to all. 4—To new troods
♦ < OPEN DOOR {1" all. r, Fair dealing to all. ' $
3 r STK AN< <ERS and CI i I /I AS alike, wil! find tins store ready to iiht! their wants, and to gratify your r^%
wishes in new Christmas goods at astonishing low prices. And you will find the prices marked on all goods
♦ in plain figures. 'Till Christmas the "Door will lie Open" until lo o'clock, p. m. q
■'£> l ourtli Street. S. 15.
♦ o ~ 4/ o ♦ o ♦ o <► > ♦ « » <• ♦ <o O -> <r o < <•• <> o ♦ <> 0- o■<>>■<►;♦ o o N -> ♦ o ♦ o ♦
Fatal Accident.
Last Saturday morning, Samuel
Allen, a freight train brakeman, was
killed near this place, by his head
comingjin contact with a bridge. His
remains were [brought to Emporium
and prepared for shipment to his home
at Lock Haven, by Undertaker Laßar.
Deceased was about 35 years of age
and single. The funeral was held from
the residence of his parents, last Mon
day. He is well spoken of by all who
knew him.
A Beacon Light.
j Like to the steady light which streams
j Into the dark, across the restless wave,
j Sending afar its welcome beams
| The storm-tossed mariner to seek and save.
l We wonder if the people of Empori
um realize that night after night for
the past two years, a steady beacon
: light is shining from the reading room
j which Mr. Josiah Howard has opened,
| and which he is gradually increasing
its usefullness, without any flourishing
lof trumpets? Hut nevertheless it is
I so. Starting with a clean, convenient
j and comfortable room, he is continu
j ally adding to its well selected library
|of useful books, that are interesting
j and that are directing the minds of the
i young men in the right direction, to
make them useful and successful men
in life. Only last week Mr. Howard
: putin twenty-five volumns of Rid
path's International Library of Litera
Some people in their philanthrophic
work gropes uncertainly; some blund
er; some waste their resources; philan
throphy overlaps,through the many in
dependent agencies. Especially is this
so in small towns.
In the industrial world we are wit
nessing a consolidation of business in
terest. Why wouldn't the same effort
work advantageously for philanthropy?
There can be no doubt of the good
work that is possible to come from this
reading room; it might be the means
of keeping your boy from spending
his evenings at the card table or in the
fourteen hotels and saloons of our
town; it might sow the seed or waken
the ambition in your boy to prepare
himself for life, so that he might be
come a Dewey or another Kitchener,
thereby making this beacon light in
Emporium shine around the world.
Tall oaks from little acorns grow, so
as we show our appreciation of this
good work, it is possible for great
good to come to our town through
this small beginning.
We would suggest that we make a
l Christmas present to the reading room
by dropping our philanthropic pennies
or dollars in the box which you will
find in the room.
In the darkness, like a slar
Of hope, t saw before me
A steady gleam which more and mo:,?
Threw its bright radiance o'er me.
To the Churches.
The professed object of all churches
is primarily to save souls; incidentially
t he elevat ion of nian, morally, socially,
intellectually. How best can this be
done? The churches must get the
people to come to them, or they must
adopt the methods of the Salvation
Army—goto them, open their meet
ings in the streets and slums, pick
their subjects from the saloons and
guttei's, clean them, convico them,
convert them. Can the churches ex
pect to get the masses to come to their
1 places of worship when they know
that the expense of supporting the
1 institution, if divided in accordance
1 with the ability of each attendant,
would be more than they could pay,
I to say nothing of the many charities
: to which the church is expected and
,in a sense obligated to contribute.
But if this question did not influence
could the church expect to get the
masses from the streets, the saloons,
the green meadows, the apple orchards,
' the vineyards, or even the snow clad
hill-sides to sit with fifty r,r a hundred
1 people to hear a sermon such as the
smartest and most eloquent of preach
: ers could deliver to empty pews.
i Home Made sausage, mince meat,
1 lard. Made to please.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß.
Hazing Abolished.
For some years past the faculty of
the Pennsylvania State College have
been taking measures to abolish hazing
in that institution, but as they did not
accomplish the task of entirely elimin
ating the brutal custom, they succeeded
in preventing it to some extent, and
the last effort made has apparently
brought about good results.
Some weeks ago the proposition was
made to the students of the institution,
by the faculty, that the hazing ques
tion be brought before each of the
classes in the college, and the senti
ment of all the students in regard to
the matter be shown by written resolu
tions; made by them agreeing to dis
continue all hazing in the future and
having these resolutions signed by
each student in the college. The stu
dents accepted the proposition, met
with their several classes and discussed
the matter. This resulted in the re
solutions being presented to the faculty
of the college, signed by each and
every student, thereby abolishing the
inhuman custom in Pennsylvania State
College and setting an example which
it would be well for all our American
colleges to follow.
Beautiful, Useful and Cheap.
People with little money to spare
for Christmas presents should be sure
to look over Mrs. Bardwell's stock be
fore purchasing. Handkerchiefs, im
ported and domestic; handkerchiefs
in infinite variety, from five cents up
Handkerchiefs usually sold at §I.OO
for 50 cents; 50 cent ones for 25 cents.
Ladies' stick pins, latest styles; babies'
Eiderdown coats and little fur sets,
sofa pillows, pillow tops, Irish point
table covers and Bureau covers, ladies'
kid gloves and children's fur lined
gloves and mittens, Sadies' notions and
fancy articles too numerous to men
tion. Everything at bottom prices.
Everything useful; everything latest
style and up to the times.
Remember the place; next door to
Walker, Howard & Co.'s store, Fourth
street, above Broad. 42-2t
Whose Paper Do >ou Read?
A striking example of how unpleas
ant for one to be obliged to lend their
home newspaper was illustrated one
day last week when one of our regular
subscribers called and asked if we
could not get Mrs family to sub
scribe for the Democrat. When asked
her particular reason for this singular
request she answered, that the family
whose name we withold for reasons
best known to ourselves, was continu
ally borrowing their paper and at Just,
the time when her husband could get
the time to read it. It is a disagree
able thing to refuse a neighbor the
loan of a home paper, and also very
unpleasant to be bothered by selfish
borrowing neighbors.—Coudersport
Here's a Bit of Sound Advice.
Every workingman ought to belong
to a fraternal order of some kind that
pays life insurance. The unfortunate
oil well worker whose career was cut
short yesterday by the explosion of a
boiler, leaves a wife and three children
in destitute circmstances. If the man
had belonged to an order of the kind
referred to, the family would not be
forced to endure the privations which
confront them.—Bradford Era.
Holiday Excursion Rates.
The W. N. Y. P. Ry. will sell ex
cursion tickets to points on their line
and return on Dec. 23, 24,25, 26, 30 and
31st, 1898, and Jan 1, and 2, 1899, good
for return to January, 3d, 1899. Call
on agents for particulars.
Reliable and experienced salesmen
to handle a good line of lubricating
oils and greases on commission. Ad
Cleveland, Ohio.
For Sale.
Oil route, known as Emporium Oill
Company. Inquire of
Emporium, Pa.
Installation and Banquet.
The officers of the Driftwood Lodge,
No. 332, A. Y. M., were installed last
evening by W r . H. Howard, acting
• District Deputy Grand Master. Prom
inent members of the order from ad
joining towns attended the installa
tion, among those present from Em-
I poriunt lodge were: W. H. Howard,
Joseph J. Lingle, G. F. Balcom, J. H.
Darrin, E. W. Gaskill, J. W. Kaye, H.
JI. Mullin, A. C. Blum, .Jos. Kaye, G.
S. Wiley, (Jeo. J. Laßar, U. A. Palmer.
After the installation exercises an ele
gant banquet had been prepared by
| mine host Thos. J. Riley, at the Com-
I mercial Hotel, for the members and
j the invited guests. The tables were
! elaborately decorated for the occasion
' and the good things were eagerly de
voured by the hungry good fellows
surrounding the tables.
; Stewed Oysters Haw Oysters,
Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce,
I Fried ('hicken, Cold Ham.
Pickles, Chicken Salad, Cold Slaw,
« Olives, Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Oranges,
IceCream, Nuts,
Cake, Coffee.
After doing ample justice to the
spread, Toast Master, P. M., Capt.
C. F. Barclay, took charge of the pro
gram and called upon several members,
who made appropriate remarks to the
occasion. An hour was pleasantly pass
ed and the several toasts were well re
ceived and heartily applauded. The
Emporium delegation returned this
morning, delighted with the hospitable
treatment received from their Drift
wood brethern, who never can do too
much to make their friends feel at
Christmas at the Churches.
Christmas day, Sunday, Dec. 25,
10:30 a. m., morning prayer and Holy
Communion. Please note the hour.
7:30 p. m., evening prayer; sermon:
: "Isaiah's Conception of God," the
last of the series of the Old Testament
conceptions of God.
The Sunday School festival and
Christmas tree in the Church, on Sat
urday, at 5:00 p. m.
J. M. ROBERTSON, Rector.
Christmas will be observed at the
Presbyterian church by a very inter
-1 csting program on Saturday evening,
i An interesting part of the program
will be the distribution of the gifts.
It is expected that twelve or more fine
bibles will be awarded for momorizing
j the shorter catechism.
On Sabbath morning a sermon ap
propriate to the occasion will be
j preached. The Christmas lesson will
'be studied in the Sunday School. A
i Christmas song service will be held on
| Sabbath evening. The music at all
| these services will be an attractive
; part of the program. All are welcome.
j The M. E. Sunday School Christmas
: services will be held on Sunday at
J 11:45 a in.
Holiday Rxcursion Rates Over the B.
R. & P. Ry.
In accordance with the usual custom
the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg
Railway will issue excursion tickets
between all stations on its line, account
Christmas and New Year's Holidays,
at a fare and one-third for the round
trip Tickets to be sold and good
going on December 23, 24, 25, 2t>, 30
and 31, 1898, and January 1 and 2, 1899,
limited for return passage until Janu
ary 3rd, 1899. 42 2t.
Close Call.
John Montgomery, Sr., met with an
. accident on Tuesday, while working
for Judge Wykoff on Jerry Run, that
came near causing his death. He
jumped away from a passing log but
not in time to entirely escape from
being struck. He is severely injured
i in the hips.
Jos. Newton and family have moved
!to the Wiley property on West Alle
gany Avenue, where they will receive
all those who are fortunate enough to
have the pleasure of attending their
silver wedding on Dec. 30, 1898,
I Large A No. 1 potatoes, in ten
bushel lots (>oc. per bushel. Less than
ten bushel lots 65c. per bushel.
41-3t M. C.
To any person having an account at
our store, please call and settle at once,
as we are going to leave Emporium.
41-tf JOHN J. SOBLE.
Pressed Bricks.
Best Job Printing at the PRESS office.
Big variety of overcoats at N. So
ger's. Prices away down.
For Holiday Goods, goto M. C.
Tulis. 41 3t
Thousands of handsome handker
chiefs at N. Seger's for Xmas presents.
Baltimore shacked oysters, fresh
every other day. " DAY'S.
Goto Dodson's new store and get a
holiday package of fine cigars for your
hubby's Xmas.
A delegation of Emporium Masons
attended the Masonic Banquet at Drift
wood last night.
A line of elegant hair brushes at
Dodson's new store. Just the thing
for an Xmae gift.
Those handsome ties will bo just the
caper for Xmas presents. You can get
them at N. Seger's.
It. C. Dodson, in his new store, has
just received some very extra line per
fumes, for the holiday season.
James R. Keene says this country is
§1,500,000,000 better off than four years
ago. Carry the news to Santa Claus!
If you want holiday, birthday, every
day presents, be sure you see our stock.
liussell & Niver are busy at work
drilling well No. 5, located near well
No 1, in this place. Hope they may
lind the gas belt.
What's the matter with the people
down the county ? Get a move on,
form a stock company and make a test
for gas or oil. Wake up !
The little girl who is unusually wise
in her day and generation said that she
thought that stag parties ought to be
called stagger parties.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de
pended upon and is pleasant and safe
to take. Sold by L. Taggart. Dec
It is said a chemical test of the oil
taken from the Gaines oil well shows
the petroleum to be two per cent,
purer than that taken from other fields.
It is regarded as certain that Grover
Cleveland wants to play for position as
a Presidential candidate again He
will keep the "interviewers" pretty
busy for a time now.
Your boy will look nice in one of
those handsome ready-made suits at N.
Seger's. You will be astonished to
learn how cheap you can purchase"
boys' clothing at Seger's.
The proper way to commence the
New Year—send the editor of the
PRESS a money order for $1 50 and read
this live journal for 18119 and stop bor
rowing your neighbor's.
King Oil Company completed well
No. 2, on C. R Kline's land near Rath
bun, on Thursday last. From what we
can learn there were traces of oil in the
sands. Other wells will be drilled.
The elegant line of women's and
children's winter wraps now being
shown at the store of M. C. Tulis,
should be seen by everyone in quest of
stylish, well made garments, at very
low prices. 41-3t
The indiscriminate use of powders
and tablets for headache leads to had
results sometimes, and care should be
used in their administration. A young
woman of Pittsburg died last "week
from their use.
The removal of the ban by Rome
against the burial of Masons and mem
bers of other secret orders in conse
crated ground, is another victory for
the liberal school of American Catholi
cism over the Italian influence which
has hitherto controlled the Vatican.
The total number of guns captured
from the Spaniaads at Santiago, to be
shipped north, is 131, varying from 1'
inchesuptoSJ inches in calibre. There
are 88 G-incli bronze pieces, 3.steel guns
and 42 cast iron guns. There are also
22,000 Mauser rifles and 10,000,000 cart
The really and honestly independent
Journal of Commerce says of our noble
Republican President that "he has so
carried himself as to enlarge the esti
mate entertained of him by his coun
trymen, and to insure him a prominent
place among the most eminent Ameri
can statesmen."
The Pennsylvania railroad has made
a rule that hereafter no person will be
employed as fireman who is over 24
years old. As new men are usually
obliged to fire for three years or more
before being competent to run an
engine, their age is considered to be of
some importance.
It is reported that plans are being
made for a new passenger route from
New York to the west. It will be a
through line service and will be oper
ated over the tracks of the Central
railroad of New Jersey, the Philadel
phia & Reading, the Beech Creek rail
road, the Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts
burg, the Pittsburg & Western and the
Lake Erie and Western railways.
Clinton Republican.
The editor of the Kane Republican
soliloquises thusly: "Wo sometimes
wish that those who set up such a howl
about there being no news in the paper
would take it upon themselves to hash
up a column or so of local news each
day for a week. We are of theopinion
that they would cease to find so much
fault and try and help make their local
paper interesting by contributing an
item now and then. The life of an
editor is not strewn with roses as many
seem to think.
I Eoliday Goods.
We ask careful buyers of Holiday
Goods to call and examine our immense
line of these new goods. In silver
novelties, fine toilet cases, imported
I chinaware, dolls, toys and games we
are offering a larger and better variety
for less money than can be had else
where. 1 lonest goods at Honest Prices
11-3t M. C. TI LTS.
TERMS: $2.00 —#1.50 IN ADVAKCK.
Our Lawn.
I How little we think when we olFer our help
Some other one's doorway to mind,
i That if we'd but look we would find our own
i yard
Needs sweeping, the very worst kind.
But the weeds in the yard of our neighbors and
Look very mucH worse than our own;
So ours are neglected, with never a thought.
Till to fearful proportions they've grown.
We think we are doing a neighborly deed.
When the failings 01 others we tell,
Not thinking, of course, that others may see
In our lives, the same failings as well.
Let us see that our own yards are perfectly clean .
Ere those of our neighbors we view.
Let us dig our weeds and mend our own way;*.
It will give us each plenty to do.
Mead Run, Pa.
—Ridgtra 1/ A<l row itc.
Before buying your dolls, toys and
games, be sure and call on M. C. Tulis.
Largest stock and lowest price. 41-3t
Everything in readiness to serve you
for Xmas. Promptness and satisfac
tion guaranteed. Store open until noon
Monday. Leave your orders early.
The Ridgway Manufacturing Co.
has secured the contract to furnish the
outfit and to erect the new excelsior
works for Chas Kline & Co., at Beech
wood.—St. Marys Gazette.
You'll want some of our "Royal"
Java and Mocha coffee for your Xmas
djnner. You ought to have it every
dinner. Ask for sample.
"Will you please insert this obitury
notice," asked an old gentleman of an
editor. "I made bold to ask it because
the deceased had a great many friends
about here who would be glad to hear
of his death."
The Coudersport Enterprise in speak
ing of Joshua Simnkins Co.. says:
"They caught the people of this section
once, but they will never do so again.
The two comedians (?), who appeared
in the concert, should have been
"egged." A man must have a cast
iron nerve to appear before an audi
ence as these men did and expect to
get away alive." It does beat the rats
what miserable barn-stormers inflict
themselves upon this section of the
country, under the guise ot artists.
A postmaster who resides not more
than a thousand miles from East Em
porium, read the item in last week's
PRESS, taking off the postofflee cranks.
The P. M. had just finished reading the
item when in came the lady he had in
his mind while reading it. After en
deavoring to satisfy the lady of the
fact that he had no mail for her, he
noticed she was getting ready for
another attack, when he politely said:
"Now, madame please sit down in that
chair while I go into the cellar and
look." She left, satisfied.
Owing to the special meetings which
are being held fit North Creek, there
will not be any service at Rich Valley,
Sunday evening, Dec. 25.
Hardwood for Sale.
1 have for sale one hundred cords of
good dry hardwood, 1-1. lfi and 18
inches long. Delivered for §1.20 per
42-2t. E. J. Rockr^.
Place Your Orders.
C. (J. Schmidt, at the City Bakery, '.n
prepared to serve bis patrons, with i< e
cream, ices, and fancy baking of all
kinds for bails, parties, weddings, etc.
Orders should be given in time.
After the Iron \\ orks.
We learn, from a reliable source,
that a company of capitalists from, the
South are negotiating to lease the ire m
company's plant at this place. We
hope the move may be successful.
Annual Election.
A regular meeting of the Cameron
County Agricultural Society will be
held at the Court House, Saturday,
Dec. 24tli. The annual election of
officers will take place at this time.
Let there be a ful! attendance.
Rescue Hook and Ladder Ball.
The twelfth annual ball and supper
of Rescue Hook & Ladder Company,
of Emporium, Pa., will take place at
the opera house, Friday evening, Dec
30th, 1898. The several committees,
are actively at work preparing for a
big time this year. They have engaged
Jamison's Orchestra, of Bradford, Pa.,
comprising six pieces, and propose
making their '9B ball the most popular
yet given The Hooks never do any
thing on a small scale. Remember the
date. 39 6t
Holiday Excursion Rates,
Do you intend spending the Holidays
in the West? Low rates will be in
effect via the Nickel Plate Road,
tickets on sale good going Dec. 23rd,
24th, 25th, 2tith, 31st, Jan. Ist- and 2nd,
good returning until Jan. 3rd, inclusive
Three fast and splendidly equipped
trains in each direction, ua'dy, between
Buffalo and Chicago. Dining • ai%
uniformed colored porters in chargfc
of day coaches, to look after the com
fort of passengers, especially the lnd'ev
and children.
If your ticket agent cannot give you
all in!': rmatien desfrod, ".".1! cn " ad
dress F. J. Moore, Gen'l Agent. Nickel
Plate Road, 291 Main St., Buffalo, N.
Y., or C. O. Lowrv. T. P. A.. Holland.
N. Y. ' 10(?-42-3t
NO. 43.