\\N\N\:N\\\:N\\NN\\\N\\\n\S\\NN\\\V\N \ \\ \ s/ : lIOLIDAY « : / / I ANNOUNCEMENT. ; \ ' * UQLLS. S J submit for the earnest considera- SILVER IP tion of the readers of this paper, this, NOVELTIES | > our annual announcement of fine merchan- / G KID DOLLS at DISE. MATCH SAFES, / / 15c. 20c. 25c, __ . JEWEL BOXES, / ✓ 50c. and 75c, A I*CW II llltS. HANDKECHIEF > < UNBREAKABLE BOXES, ' DOLLS, Keep warm, it won't cost yon much to do so either, if you SYRUP PATENT let us fit you out. PITCHERS, ' WASHABLE Seeing is free at our store and believing is easy when you BUTTER DISHES, . / see that our prices agree with our advertisement. r/u/r mcurc / / DOLLS at 50c. A poor man feels rich when he sees what a little money / / "Its your move," and the best move you can make is a FINE TOILET ' Y TOYS. TOYS. move in the direction of our store. Perhaps these prices will / y help to start the move. CASES. / The last few days before Christmas, you know what a jam / I TIN TOYS. there will be in our store then. Buy now, avoid that jam and CELLULOID / wnnn mv<; choose from a stock that's "not all picked over " FAN BOXES. x ' Weeks ago, when "Old Sol" was out with the other W FPKTIF ROYFC / / IRON TOYS, "scorchers," we were "wool gathering" and, as a result of our ' / / MECHANICAL efforts then, we can now enable you to meet the wintry blasts MANICURE SETS, / TQYS without a shiver, at a cost astonishingly small. WORK BOXES. / ; ™ E NEW WINTER WRAPS. J J, THE LITTLE FOLKS Recently we were given a chance to purchase at reduced IMPORTED prices an elegant line of Winter Wraps from a famous maker of PUIIUA / \Vomen and Childrens' wear. We secured the lot at prices start- / 112 _ ling to say the least, and right now at this busy Holiday selling ' / "AMES. time, we offer them a full one-third money saving. Call at CUPS and / / once, and inspect our fine line, at never to before heard of SAUCERS, / / PARCHEESI. prices. SPOON HOLDERS, / FINE DISPLAY OF DRESS GOODS. ZT' > / ' / / 80-PEEP. PIE PLATES. / CINDERELLA, ~ Al . l hat is and freshest as selected from the winter DINNER PLATES. > I lines of America's leading wholesalers of fine Dress Goods for ■■■■ / WATERMELON | this stock. Looking over these rich designs, the thought that P O, SETS. / / and NEWS-BOY. I the limit of artistic achievement must surely have been reached, 4 pc. TEA SETS. ' / ALMOST I P resen f s itself with irresistible conclusiveness. We quote a g TEA SET c / / | few prices, 25c, 40c, 50c, 65c, 75c, 80c, SI.OO and sl.2=;. ' ✓ C EVERYTHING. | " 0 56 pc. TEA SETS. \ BLANKET AND QUILT SURPRISES. ! / Made possible by our very large purchases. We have never been able to save you as much / money in these lines as now. It is sure economy in this department. The guarantee is that everything you buy in this department is reliable. ' ' Blanket, prices, per pair— 7sc, 95c, SI.OO, $1.40, $3.50, #4.50, $5.00, $7,00, SB.OO and SIO.OO. ' ✓ Omit, prices, per pair—sl.oo, $1.20, $1.50 and $2.00. / \ SWEATERS! SWEATERS! J / Men's and Boys', some Men's Sweaters, very good, are only #1.25. They are hand-made ' / and have wide collars. Assorted colors. / ✓ Boys' fine worsted Sweaters that would be cheap at sl. 50, are only #I.OO. With roll collars / / all colors. v ' 1 WINTER HOSIERY. / / / Comlortably priced. Only the better sorts and probably the largest showing you ever '' / happened to see in Emporium. We have a few Ladies' fast black, fleece lined hose,'lßc, 20c / / 2 5 c - Misses English black, ribbed hose, i2j/c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 22c, and 25c. Boys' extra heavv / hose, 15c, 20c, and 25. Men's half hose, Bc, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, and 50c. > ORIENTAL RUGS. ✓ / ✓ This salt- is aptly timed to afford easy ownership of these splendid floor coverings at a season / / when social functions calls for complete detail in the furnishing of the house beautiful Timelv - also for Christinrs gifts, ' - ' / X Sizes and Prices ol | 7 J 18x 3 6 only 95c. ) •*(•)*• ✓ JUL * 26X56 only *2.00 \ / t 30x60 only $3.00 r % / | 36x70 only #3.50 { / ; WINTER UNDERWEAR FOR ALL. ; 7 Brisk selling has been a daily occurrence here since the season opened, but where the trulv ' * phenoimnal bargains are known, its 110 wonder. Your money buys nearly twice as much here / \ as elsewhere. Men's Underwear, price per piece, 50c, 60c, 75c, 80c, SI.OO and $1.25. Ladies' ' / I nderwear, per piece, 2.5 c, 50c, 75c, and 90c. Children's Underwear, 15c, 18c, 20c 22 7nr / 40c, 50c, and 60c. ' ' J ' NAPKINS AND TOWELS. / hirst point to be sure of 111 buying Linens is the purity of the flax. Xo matter how prettv / / the mixed sort may look, with the gloss 011 they arc sure to be fuzzy and unpleasant to the touch / | course these we quote are pure linen. Xapkin, prices, per pair," $1.25, $1.50, ,<2. 2s and $2. - - Towel, prices, per pair, 25c, 30c, 40c, 50c, 60c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50 and $2.00. ' --■/.> / J COME IN AND SEE OUR FINE LINE. J j M. G. TALIS ! / EMPORIUM. PA / \\ • \.^v:v: n\n \ \ \\\ svx .-v;\rs \s: \ N v \.\ \ \ n.v\ \n. s \ \ CAMIKOK COI N'l Y I U IKS, '1 I 1 KSJ A\ I FXFMBEK 15, 1898. ALL SORTS. The sooner a cough or coid is cured without harm to thesufferer the better, i Lingering colds are dangerous,a Hack- I ing cough is distressing - One minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why ? uffer when such a cough cure is with in reach? It is pleasant to the taste. R. C. Dodson. 451y At banquets during Elizabeth's time every guest came with his spoon in his pocket. Constipation prevents the body from ridding itself of waste matter. Do Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and cure sick Headache, Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. R. C. Dodson. 451y The Kansas City Journal tells of a girl whose first name is Analyza. Overcome evil with good. Overcome your coughs and colds with One Min ute Cough Cure It is so good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and all throat and luug diseases. R. C. Dodson. 451y English wedding cakes are now im ported by fashionable brides. Late to bed and early to rise, pre pares a man for his home in the skies. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. R. C. Dodson. 451y A Laplander will often skate 150 miles in a day. Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolute certain cure tor croup such as One Minute Cough Cure. See that your little ones are pro tected against emergency. R. C. Dod son. 451v A pet flea has been known to live 1 six years. Soothing, healing, cleansing, De ! Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the im ! placable enemy of sores, burns and I wounds. It never fails to cure Piles, j "You may rely upon it. R. C. Dod j son. 451y | Ten years ago a kilogramme of 'aluminum cost about $7 in Germany. ' To-day it costs less than one-tenth that ! sum. ; When you ask for De Witt's Witch j Hazel salve don't accept a counterfeit or i imitation. There are more eases ef | Piles being cured by this, than all J others combined. R. C. Dodson. 451y There are 450 employes to every 100 j miles of railroad in the United States. For six years our daughter was sorely ! afflicted with throat affection caused by I Diphtheria. Two years ago we used a j bottle of Armstrong's Diphtheria and I Quinsey Drops, which not only gave | immediate relief but was a positive I cure. Her tonsils were soon back to j their natural size, the first in six years, j C. H. Dumbolten, Opt., Emporium. Thn Japanese are, as a rule, so small that it is necessary to build specially j low bicycles for them, j Pains in the chest when a person has i a cold indicate a tendency toward | pneumonia. A piece of flannel damp ened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm I and bound onto the chest over the seat | of pain will promptly ieave the seat of ( pain and prevent the threatened attack jof pneumonia. This same treatment will cure a lame back in a few hours. Sold L. Taggart. Dec. A cough is not like a fever, it does not have to run a certain course. Cure ! it quickly and effectually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy ; for all ages and for the most severe i cases. We recommend it because it's good. R. C. Dodson. 451y J KEELEY CURETj J LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. 112 Removes all desire and appetite, builds up the w m system, renews health and vigor, brightens the J\ W TIIK ONLY KEEI.EY INSTITUTE W 0 Booklet Trf". IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. A 5 TheKeeleylnstitute.4246Fifthfl»e.Pittsburg. Pa. T v33-no-12iy. PF3 k] S™ €? Dr - Williams' IndianPilo S3 ffi 1,. will cure Blind, kJj h t« Bleedius? and Itching raj R JmPiles. It absorbs tUe tumors. & B allays the itciiiiit,' at once, acts riii ti ® BSils i4 ixiultice, (.'ive.s instant re i 90 H l"'f- J)r. Williams'lndian i'ilcOint- L " ment is prepared for Piles and Itch [g in if of the private parts. Every box is warranted. By druggists, by mail on re ceipt of price, ."■(! cents and SI.OO. Will IflftK MANUFACTURING CO.. Props., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by R. C. Dodson. Jytmm WEAR UK NSk R °y al Worcester Corsets. FOR SALE BY LEADING DEALERS. ttsenuHHMj * >. -pj— ail p 4 Education I , '• ,J i ,: i op|. irtim:ty offered Rs C.I ri.i Pl. 'ii :nl .. ciunj v.omen to }•• JiroiMt.. 112.. f.u !•„.•• or for Uislih.--«. M i' . '-'ul ii' -..r- s; also sj.ecii.l i;i iilmi.d, Type- N r "'riMni;. mil; (• iciu v well £• , I', jji-iiuad wor!;, wood discipline mid . k '«l lußuro bm " miis to $ ;'{ V> si (K jwti & ii. fa j| i II ffuornsai School I $ LOCK f'AVEN. Clir.'or. Co.. PP.. $ M ilurtdmme hiiiMt'ir* period lv I'liilpred, V' steam hei.t, i-i.-ctriu lights, nhundunee of *4 W pur.; mountain water (■.•;•. n. n.• . ionium Si j H nn.l athletic irrouuda. Kx|h-um-n low. J-tate iii j H aid to students. Send for catalog. JAMEiS ELDON, Ph.D., Principal. m Central State Normal School, w ! jgj LOCK HAVEN. PA. 1 ] Dry Goods -»"• Carpets In gilffalo - - GO TO Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co. 1 396 to 408 Main St.—American Block; BUFFALO.N. Y. Established 1867—N0 Branch Store. 1 I Ready For Christmas. Every department in our great store is ready for Christmas trade. We have every convenience for our out-of town customers in cluding the best refreshment room in Buffalo, where you can get anything you want —break- fast, dinner, lunch, supper or simple refreshments—at reason able prices. We lead the trade of Buffalo in— Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloaks, Rugs, Millinery, Curtains, Ladies' Shoes, Upholstery, Dressmaking, Art Goods, Toilet Goods, Crockery, Jewelry, Lamps, Books, Leather Goods, Stationery, Toys and Dolls, Silverware, Games. Grand Display in basement, of holiday goods. Infinite variety of attractions for the children. Our bargains in holiday hand kerchiefs, gloves, neckwear, rib bons, umbrellas and fancy goods are the talk of the city. ©ST" Send your Christmas mail orders early. Read our Advertisements in the Buffalo papers. ADIM, MELI)KtN& AM>KI!SO\ CO., The American Block. j r W- Piled JTto&y Up I WHAT ? STYLISH GOODS AT It. SliSiE'lEt & CO. MKRCHANTTAILORS. Leave your ordeis now for clothing for the ! Holidays. Our inducements this winter to our customers lire away ahead of all former prices, j We have the largest and best line ofgoods to select from. OUR CLOTHING IS HADE WELL AND WEARS WELL. R. SEGER & CO., Opposite M. E. Church. PLACE TO ft® ' ' Boots and Shoes' t\m IS AT W.R.SIZER 'S JIZERVILLE, PA. 'l'rattlern f.uicle. TIJENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. J- PHILADELPHIA A.N'I) ERIE RAIL ROAD DIVISION. In efTect Nov. 20. 18S8. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM EASTWARD. ® ii?n 1 ril ' n * week clays for Sunbury, \\ ilkesbarre, Scranton, ilazleton, Pottsville* » , r ,L'i. 4 r ¥ a *"' '"tTuicdiatt stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.23 P. M. t New York 9.30 P. M Baltimore 6.00 P. M., Washington 7.15 P. M. Pullman Parlor ear from Williamsport to 1 liiladelphia andpassengercoaehes from Kane to I hiladelnhia and Williamsport to Balti more and Washington. 3 IJO P. M.-Train 6 week days for Harris burg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia, 4. 30 A.M., New York7.l3A M Pullman sleeping carsfrom HarrisburgtoPhill adelphia and New York. Philadelphia pas t?| n 7 8 30 A Ca M remainilißleePer undisturbcd »«»• 9 37 P. M.-Train 4 Daily for Sunbury, Harris burg and intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia 6.52 A. M., New York 9.33 A M weekdays, (10.38 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 6.35 , A. M.. Washington 7.45 A. M. Pullman sleep ; ing cars from Erie and Williamsport to Phila delphia and Williamsport to Washington, i Passengers in sleeper for Baltimore and Wash j ington will be transferred into Washington sleeper at Williamsport. Passenger cars from Erie to Philadelphia and Williamsport to i Baltimore. WESTWARD. 5:10 A. M.—Emporium Junction—Train 9 week days tor Erie, Ridgway, Dußois, Clermont and intermediate stations. 10 25 A, M.-—Train 3 Daily for Erie and week days for Dußois and intermediate stations. 6 aB , - P '. M * ~ Train 15. weekdays for Kane and intermediate stations. THROUGH TRAINS FOR EMPORIUM FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. Train 9 leaves New York 5:50 p. in., Philadelphia 8:50 p. m., Washington 7:20 p.m., Baltimore 8:40 p. m., arriving at Emporium .Junction 5:10 a. ni., week days, with Pullman Sleepers and passenger coaches, from Philadelphia to Erie and from Washington and Baltimore to Will iamsport. Train 3 leaves New York 7.40 p.m., Philadel phia 11.20 p. m., Washington 10.40 p. m, Balti -11.55 p, m., daily, arriving at Emporium 10.2.i a. m„ with Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Erie and Baltimore to Williamspc.rt- on Sundays only Pullman Sleepers from Philadelphia to Erie. Train 15 leaves Philadelphiaß.3o a. in., Washing toil 7.50 a.m., Baltimoreß.so a.m., Wiikesbarre 10:15 A.M., weekdays, arriving iit Emporium 1 ' Parlor car from Philadelphia to v\ llliamsport, and passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Kane. -p IDGWAY & CLEARFIELD RAILROAD and I V Connections. (Week days.) SOUTHWARD. Stations. NORTHWARD A.M.I A.M. p, M # 8 55' 4 00 Renovo 5 00 11 05 941 438 ..Driftwood... 103 10 12 10 20 ( ' 5 10 Emporium June 325 940 II 081 •5 52 St. Marys... 240 901 11 12 1 Kane 12 20 9 05 11 31 ! .. ..Wilcox 11 58 842 1! 46 .Johnsonburg.. 11 4.1 8 26 112 10 620 ..Ridgway,... 850 805 12 17 627 ..Island Run... 843 :7 55 12 22 632 Carman Tr'nfer 8 381 1 749 12 31 6 41 .. Croyland 8 2'/ 7 40 12 35 645 ..Shorts Mills.. 826 736 12 39 618 . . Blue Rock .. 822 733 12 43 <; 53 Carrier 8 17 7 2>: 12 53 702 .Brockwayville. 808 7 18 12 57 706 . ..Lanes Mills.. 802 713 107 714 Harveys Run.. 751 704 1 15 7 20 . .Falls Creek... 7 50 7 00 1 10 7 85 Dußois 7 to ■... 6 40 120 725 ..Falls Creek... T (Id 685 ' 135 740 Reynoldsville. 645 6to 2 11 816 . Brookville .. 6 09 604 3 05 9 10 New Bethlehem i 5 20 5 10 350 955 ... Ited Bank.... j 425 630 12 40. .. .Pittsburg .. £ 1 !0 P. ** P. M.| |A. M R. M. ; J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. K. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt. Port Allegany, Coudersport, Smethport, Eldred. j Bradford, Olean and Buffalo,connecting at Buf , falo for points East and West. Buffalo Express, dailv except Sunday 8.30 A. M. Mail, (103i daily except Sunday 1.45 P.M. Train No. 103 fmaili will connect at Olean with j River Division for Allegany,Bradford,Salamanca ; Warren, Oil City and Pittsburg. Call on E. C. DAVISON, Agent, Emporium, for time tables or other information R. BELL, Gen'l Supt. ! J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Pass'ngr & Ticket Agt. Mooney Brisbane Building, Cor. Main and I Clinton Streets, Buffalo. N. Y. BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURGH RAILWAY. TILE SHORT LINE BETWEEN BUFFALO, ROCHESTER, SALAMANCA. RIDGWAY, DUBOIS, PUNXSUTAW NEY, AND ALL POINTS IN THE NORTH. EAST AND WEST. On and after Nov.2o,lß9B,passenger trains will depart from Johnsonburg daily, except Sunday, as follows: 8:17 a. m., from P. A E. station for Ridgway, Brockwayville, Dußois, Punxsutawnex and Clearfield. 11:52 a. 111.. from P. & E. station, mail for Mt. Jewett, Bradford and Rochester. 2:07 p. 111., from P. A E. station, mail for Ridg way. Brockwayville, Dußois, Punxsutawutv, and Clearfield. 2:24 p.m. from B. 1!. & P. station. Buffalo Ex press for Bradford, Salamanca, Springvilleand Buffalo. Thousand mile tickets good for passage be weenall stations at two cents per mile. EDWARD O. LAPEY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Rochester,. fJfILyAMS'Pii I © ffTA5\3SYi!™ B» t» A SURE RELIEF TO WOMAN for :.ll troubles peculiar to her sex. tjST'Send by mail or from our Agent. SI.OO per box. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props., CLEVELAND, OHIO. For sale by R. C. Dodson.