Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 15, 1898, Image 13

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p&rcc LIST.
Emporium, Pa., Oct. 19, IS9M. !
NKMOI'HH A, per Hack $1 20
Graham ; 00 :
itye " 60 |
Buckwheat, " 65 i
Patent Meai.., " 40
Coarse Meal, per 100, 90 i
Chop Feed, " 90 j
Middlings " 1 00
Bran, 41 90 I
Corn, per bushel 50 (
White Oats, per bushel 1° j
Choice Clover Seed, 1
Choice Timothy Seed, i At Market Prices. j
Choice Millet Seed.
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, I
r .OCA I. DHPA !« T r>l KX T.
Contribution*- invited. That which you would !
like lo xrr in this department, let >/» know by ;>««•
In 1 curd, or let'.er, rerxonallv.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Card have return- j
ed home from Ulysses.
John A. WykofV, of Grove was an j
Emporium visitor on Tuesday.
Attorney E. J Wimmer, St. Marys, ;
is attending court this week.
Ed. J. Rogers, of West Creek, was a
caller at the PRESS office on Wednes- j
day. »
Mrs. J. R. Woodley will accompany j
her sister, Mrs. Morehouse, to Pitts- j
Attorney John Omerod, of Couders
port, was in attendance at court on
H. D. Burlingame is visiting his j
parents and friends in Emporium for a J
few days.
Miss Ada Bartron, of Belmont, X. Y., j
is guest of P. Sclnveikart and family, ;
on Third street.
We regret to learn that Mrs. C. 0. •
Fay has been quite seriously ill with |
pneumonia, the past week.
Editor Joe S. Johnson, of Driftwood I
Gazette, was one of the star witnesses
on the Gleason robbery case.
Mrs. E. C. Davison and daughter, j
Miss Mary, are spending a few days at !
Buffalo, taking in the sights.
J. G. and L H. Happy, of Bingham- j
ton, N. Y , visited Clias. Specht and I
family, 011 More Hill, over Sunday.
We regret to learn that Mrs. Chas.
Specht is seriously ill at her residence
011 More Hill. Dr. Heilman is attending
Wm. Hackenberg and wife, of Aus
tin, visited in town Monday and Tues
day, guests of Judge Bonham and
V. S. Burnell, postal clerk on W. N.
Y. & P. Ry., was called to lowa, Tues
day, on account of the serious illness
of his father.
Ex-Sheriff Alonzo Bailey, of Sinna
mahoning, shook hands with his many
old friends in town this week, while
attending court.
Postmaster C. W. Beldin, of Sinna
malioning, attended court Monday and
Tuesday, as a witness. He took the
time to call 011 the PRESS.
Mr. and Mr. J. 11. Morehouse, of
Pittsburg, attended the wedding of 1
Mrs. Morehouse's sister, Miss Hose j
Seger, Wednesday morning.
Esquire Yonthers, of Driftwood, who
has been attending court this week, |
made the PRESS a short call, in com- j
pany with Jos S. Johnson, of the Ga- '
Miss Lillian Heilman, who has been I
pursuing a course of study at the Lock j
Normal during the past fall term, re
turned homo this morning to spend |
the Holiday vacation.
Emmet Lord, of Sterling Run, was in j
town on Tuesday, transacting business !
and found time to pay his respects to !
ye editor. Mr. Lord has for many i
years been one of our most esteemed 1
friends. He says he is proud of the |
fact that he "does not carry the brand 1
of a dollar mark 011 his forhead."
Our readers will be pained to learn \
that Peter R. Beattie was taken sud
denly ill while attending Masonic lodge
Tuesday evening He was taken to ■
his home and Dr. Baker summoned, j
who hopes to have him on his feet in i
time to celebrate Chrismas. Mr 15., j
was looking remarkably well when we 1
met him Tuesday evening at his eld
post of duty as Tyler and his sudden
relapse was a surprise to his many
Large A No. 1 potatoes, in ten I
bushel lots 60c. per bushel. Less than j
ten bushel lots 65c. per bushel.
41-3t M. C. Ti'Lis.
To any person having an account at
our store, please call and settle at once,
as we are going to leave Emporium.
41-tf JOHN J. SOBLE.
Hardwood for Sale.
1 have for sale one hundred cords of
good dry hardwood, 14, 16 and 18
inches long. Delivered for §1.25 per
42-2t. E. J. ROGERS.
Flace Your Orders.
C. G. Schmidt, at the City Bakery, is
prepared to serve his patrons, with ice
cream, ices, and fancy baking of all
kinds for balls, parties, weddings, etc.
Orders should be given in time.
Dental Notice.
Dr. J. M. Card will be prepared to
take care of all patrons after Dec. 11th.
Remember he is making plates for $5,
and crown work at $3 per tooth, and
all other dental work at half the former
Shriners at Erie.
The Shriners met at Erie last night
and a large delegation attended from
Emporium. Among the number we
noticed: W. H. Howard, Geo. J. La
liar, D. W. Felt, G. S. Allen, J. I).
Logan, Jos. Kaye, J. W. Kaye, H. D.
Burlingame and Fred Julian. They
fxpeet to have a grand time.
New Clothing Store.
Mr. John J. Soble, ofElmir.'i, N. Y.,
has leased the store room now occupied
by Whitcomb in the Fredericks blocl ■
and will open a clothing store Apri.
Ist. Mr. Soble will putin an entire
new stock of clothing and will make
the celebrated Rochester clothing a
ipeeialtv.—Lock Haven Republican.
Will Bore for Oil.
Messrs. Howard & Perley have leased
a portion of their land 011 Kettle Creek
to parties who will put down test wells
; for gas and oil. The lands extend well
| into the new oil and gas lield recently
j developed along Pine Creek, and ex
i perts say there are strong indications
lof oil. It is well known that gas flows
I continuously from the oil well near
' Hammersley's Fork and the probability
I is that if one or more wells are put
j down a new oil field will be developed.
I —Clinton Republican.
Successful Salesman.
Samuel Faucette . -1' * •- PRESS a
! visit on Tuesday 1* ~ie date on
I his paper one year in advance. Mr. 1
; Faucette is traveling salesman for 1
Foley Bros., of Olean, N. Y , the lead
ing monufhent manufacturers. We
are pleased to know he is very suc
cessful in his trade and has secured i
some large contracts, having just elos- 1
ed with Williamsport part ies for several \
expensive monuments. Parties desir- :
ing to see Mr. Faucette can write him |
at Emporium.
Students' Rates.
Special low rates and limits are of- i
fered via the Nickel Plate Road to I
students returning home for the Holi- i
days. With their peerless trio of fast j
express trains daily, low rates, unex- 1
celled dining car service, and magni
ficent vestibuled sleeping ears, the I
Nickel Plate Road affords its patrons j
every comfort and convenience tie
manned by the exacting American j
If your ticket agent cannot give you
information desired, call on or address i
F. J. Moore, Gen'l Agent, Nickel Plate !
Road, 291 Mai" St., Buffalo, N. Y., or
C. C. Lowry, T. P. A., Holland, N. Y. 1
Holiday Excursion Rates.
Do you intend spending the Holidays
in the West? Low rates will be in
elfeet via the Nickel Plate Road,
tickets on sale good going Dee. 23rd, i
24th, 25th, 26th, 31sr, Jan. Ist and 2nd,
good returning until Jan. 3rd, inclusive
Three fast and splendidly equipped :
trains in each direction, daily, between
Buffalo and Chicago. Dining cars,
uniformed colored porters in charge j
of day coaches, to look after the com- j
fort of passengers, especially the ladies \
and children.
If your ticket agent cannot give you :
all information desired, call on or ad- |
dress F. J. Moore, Gen'l Agent, Nickel 1
Plate Road, 291 Main St., Buffalo, N. j
Y., or C. C. Lowry, T. P. A., Holland, j
N. Y. 106-42-3t
Holiday Rxcursion Rates Over the B.
R. & P. Ry.
In accordance with the usual custom
the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg
Railway will issue excursion tickets
between all stations on its line, account
Christmas and New Year's Holidays,
at a fare and one-third for the round
trip Tickets to be sold and good
going on December 23, 24, 25, 26, 30
and 31, 1898, and January 1 and 2, 1899,
limited for return passage until Janu
ary 3rd, 1899. 42-2t. J
School Reports.
The following is the report of the |
i Sterling Run Grammar School: Num
i ber enrolled, males, 14; females, 13;
! average attendance, males, 13; females,
j 12; per cent, of attendance, males, 92;
females, 95.
Following are the names of pupils
: who were present every day during
J the month:
j Nellie Keefe, Pearl Marsh,
Edna Suminerson, Blanch Kissel,
I Flora Kbersole, l.i.ra Keefe,
I (irace Devling, John Furlong,
James Furlong, Louis Whiting,
Irvin Hart.
Visitors—Mr. Herman Wylie; Dircc
j tors B. E. Smith and Frank Sterling;
j Mr. Trox Fulton, of Sterling Run,
j Misses Laura Arnold and Ethel Swift,
I of Ridgway.
Report of Sterling Primary School
j for month ending Dec. 7. The follow
ing are the names of those who have
| missed no days during the month:
| Francis Suinraer.son, Grace Suninierson,
I Gladys Keefe. Lizzie Devling,
i Celia Gilmartin, Alice Strawbridge,
| Katie May. Jennie Anderson,
I Jennie Libbey, May Cranton,
! Lola Hart, Lucy Fitzgerald,
Grant Hart, DeWitt Mason,
j .John Kissel, John Kissel,
j Wallace Whiting, Harry Whiting,
1 George Whiting, Joe Furlong,
1 Frank Libbey, George Keefe,
j Harley Newkirk, Irven Newkirk.
Total number enrolled, 28.
Visitors—Misses Swift and Arnold.
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
! made and that, too, by a lady in this
country. "Disease fastened its clutches
upon her and for seven years she with
| stood its severest tests, but her vital
organs were all undermined and death
! seemed imminent. For three months
she coughed incessantly, and could
| not sleep. She finally discovered a way
to recovery by purchasing of us a
j bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
j for Consumption, and was so much re
! lieved on taking first dose that she
I slept all night; and with two bottleshas
' been absolutely cured. Her name is
i Mrs. Luther Lutz.' Thus writes W. C.
| Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial
| bottle free at L Taggart's drug store.
| Regular size 50c. and sl. Every bottle
J guaranteed.
France 1,007 women to every 1,000
1 men.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has been in
use for half a century. Some families
have used it for three generations, and
it is to-day the standard cough remedy
of this country.
Among stevedores cotton is regarded
as the hardest to stow and railway iron
the easiest.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will positively
cure croup. Many a home has been
made desolate by the loss of a dear
child which could have been saved by
his great remedy.
History will tell abont "Dewey"
■ Hobson, Sampson and Americans pro
■ tecting themselves from serious throat
diseases by using "Armstrong's Diph
theria and Quinsey Drops." The
greatest t!iro;>t remedy in the world.
Sold by druggist, R. <'. Dodson. 6)y
Holiday doods.
We ask careful buyers of Holiday
Goods to call and examine our immense
line of these new goods. In silver
novelties, fine toilet cases, imported
ehinaware, dolls, toys and games we
are ofl'ering a larger and better variety 1
for less money than can he had else
where. Honest goods at Honest Prices}
41-3t M. C. Tulis.
Rescue Hook and Ladder Ball.
The twelfth annual ball and supper
of Rescue Hook & Ladder Company,
of Emporium, Pa., will take place at
the opera house, Friday evening, Dec.
30th, 1898. The several committees
are actively at work preparing for a |
big time this year. They have engaged I
Jamison's Orchestra, of Bradford, Pa.,
comprising six pieces, and propose j
making their '9B ball the most popular j
yet given The Hooks never do any-[
thing on a small scale. Remember the 1
date. _ 39-Gt ***
Ladies and gentlemen suffering from \
throat and lung difficulties to call at j
our store for a sample bottle of Otto's j
Cure. We confidently recommend it
as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Consumption, and all diseases of the !
throat and lungs. It will stop a cough j
auicker than any other known remedy.
We believe it will cure you. Large :
sizes 50c. and 25c. Sold by R. C. Dod
son. 33-15-ly
llow to Cure a Uold.
Simply take Otto's Cure. We know
of its astonishing cures and that it will
stop a cough quicker than any other j
known remedy. If you have Asthma, ,
Bronchitis, Consumption or any dis- 1
ease of the throat and lungs, a few !
doses of this great remedy will surprise j
you. If you wish to try, call at our
store and we will furnish you a s-imple
bottle. Large bottle 5Cc. and 25c. R.
C.Dodson. 33-141y
Two Pointed Questions Answered.
What is the use of making a better !
article than your competitor if you ;
can not get a better price for it?
Ans. —As there is no difference in the ;
price, so that while our profits may be '
smaller on a single sale they will be i
much greater in the aggregate.
How can you get the public to know j
your make is the best?
If both are brought prominently be- 1
fore the public both are certain to be j
tried and the public will very quickly I
pass judgment on them and use only !
the better one.
This explains the large sale on Cham- '
berlain's Cough Remedy. The people
have been using it for years and have
found that it can always be depended |
upon. They may occasionally take up >
with some fashionable novelty put !
forth with exaggerated claims, but are i
certain to return to the one remedy j
that they know to be reliable, and for I
coughs, colds and croup there is noth- !
ing equal to Chamberlain's Cough !
Remedy. For sale by L. Taggart.
Dec i
mi in ii 1 mil 1 him ■■■in. 1 n»nm
for a feu men and women who liave plenty of !
energy ami business ability, to hire and superin- j
tend agents. $lO a month and all expenses at !
the start.
4>4t 216 Locust St., Philada. 1
WE ARE mm OUT mmim OF mi
i ci
S ' B
; gl n
Opposite the Post Office, JOHN J. SOBLE.
means pain, danger and 112 K
possible death for some \ ) v
wives. For others it /Wk. M\W
means practically no W'ltW V
discomfort at all. There W W
is no reason why child- I'r M
birth should be a period '
of pain and dread. Sev- It is a
eral months before a liniment
woman becomes a to be ap
mother she should plied ex
prepare herself for ternally.
the critical ordeal. It relaxes
There is a prepara- the mu s
tionmade which is cles and re
intended for this lieves the
purpose alone. distension,
The name of giveselastici
this wonderful ty to every
preparation 13 organ con
gjj in , cerned in
fffDliinr Q childbirth, and
a takes away all
Cs-lnfirl danger and
riitfllU. nearly all suffer
ing. Best results
follow if the
remedy is used
during the whole
period of preg
nancy. It is the
hi A only remedy of the
14 Py kind in the world
O rff that is endorsed by
H WfJ n Physicians.
$1 per bottleat all
\ ( ' ru K stores, or sent
\Xrl ) v mail 011 receipt
"©Ss. of price.
V\ Free Books con-
J'j U taining invaluable in
formation for all womei 1,
flaA w '" sent to any ad
fffhi {J i'\\\ dress upon application to
If fjl \\\ The Bradfield Regulator Co.,
'' 'J ' Atlanta, Ga.
Blood and Liver Remedy
This is a medicine tliut cures Ner
vousness, Liver Complaints,
Deranged Stomach and Bowels,
Bad Breath, Biliousness, Con
stipation. It removes pimples
and Beautifies the Complexion.
It causes the liver to throw oft
its bile. It cleans out the entire
alimentary canal and rids it of
worms and other vermin that inhabit
an unhealthy stomach and bowels.
It completely cleanses and purifies
the system and at the same time
strengthens the stomach, nervous
system, heart, lungs and all other
tissues. It causes the head to be
come clear and the patient energetic
for business when dull or indisposed
from biliousness or impure blood.
It produces appetite, strength and
vigor. It does all these things with
certainty by acting upon the causes
of disease.
It is pleasant to take and its effect
on the system is warming and in
every way agreeable.
If not satisfied after using one bot
tle your money will be refunded by
R C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.
Dfo Humphreys'
Speciilcs act directly upon the disease,
without exciting disorder in other parts
of the system. They Cure lite Sick.
I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .'.23
Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25
3—Teething. Colic, Cry lug,Wakefulness .'25
4—Diarrhea. of Children or Adults *25
7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25
B—\eiiraluia, Toothache, Faeeaehe £5
9—lleadnrhe, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. ,'25
10—l>vH|>ei>Nia. Indigestion, Weak Stomach.'2s
1 t—Suppressed or Painful Periods *25
I'2—Whites. Too Profuse Periods '25
13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness '25
14—Salt Illieum. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .'25
1 s—lllieiimatism, Rheumatic Pains '25
Hi—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague '25
1 9—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25
'2O—W liooplng-t'ough *25
*27—Kidney Disease* '25
2H—\ervoiiH I)«l>ility .1.00
30—I'rinary WVakneH*, Wetting Bed... .'25
77—<»rlp, Hay Fever '25
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed Free.
Sold by druggist*, or sent 011 receipt of price.
Humphreys' Wed. Co., Cor. William & John
New York.
Lung troubles, such as pleurisy or
acute inflammation of the lungs,
should be carefully treated to avoid
serious consequences. These ailments
are quickly overcome by the prompt
use of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, a won
derful remedy, which always gives
relief at once, eases coughing, allays
all inflammation, and by its healing
influence soon effects a thorough cure.
Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup
Cures all Lung and Throat Trouble.
Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors
rccommeudit. Price 25 cents. At all druggists.
J. A. Fisher,
J4orse $
Broad Street, Emporiuvi, Pa.
•'v w rvvwwvwvuffwwwwvwwwwww
k *9k a, Mk 4t% *fk jSfc JPk Mk Mk *.*k X
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«+ ww * * v* wa(f m w *sr *. tr wwwwr www w w *
\ *Sk J* \ yr* J % ififc *9t * • 8k m. sttk £% JOk *Sk £Hk A titk **- ■*
I We extend our compliments to the citizens of
Cameron and adjoining counties for their rapidly and j
- increasing patronage. We would invite all to see
our large display of GENERAL HARDWARE and
BUILDERS' MATERIAL. We would call especial
attention to our
ill. 11l SI IS 11
We again desire to call attention to our OIL and
GAS STOVES. The Ladies delight.
This popular light the great
gas saver, is growing in popular
with our people. All who de
sire to economize in gas hil
should use these burners. Call
and see them.
IVULKER. 11l 110.1
:ii<k ait jsik ISST *&. gm 2. * * . IT JGST ;g»k JSST jtxtk JIS *atk ISFE mm »» JET m
® iff
m Ii
I I 'I
Dry Goods I
[i 1 1
!l G I
I|. IT"i The holidays are now at hand and as Jl
"|| 1— usual, our line of holiday goods |J:
[j KI | will be tully tip to date. j|jj:
"lit ! TJ
. in Corsets we handle the R. & G.,Dr.
r[i H Warner's Fetherbone and W. B.
|l 1 Cyclist. m
II R ; fi
!j'l ■ • Men's, Ladies' and Childrens' Under- P
Ijl A wear in cotton and wool. if
p M i
I 1 4
I Li
I 1 1
r! Q p
fe] Our Goods B
i T H
I o AreA " I
1 R First-Class. |
I E 1
112 ;i
111 (ii
iii jij
Ml Fourth Street, Emporium, Pa. IBf
IE 1
Ii Ii