Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 01, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Traveler's Onidr.
Time Table taking Effect June (ith, 1898.
"The Grand Scenic Route." I
iy'r.'* >, zL.fiJ
ta - L jgxS
) "ZS JM
1"• (J '"I ' • 1
if \k H/i( 8 \ Lv a a i a.'
1 ---X ■ I / J >
Buffalo &nd Suvqu< IT-'-RMIIOJI
A. M. I*. M.jr. M. I'. 11,
ar.K't'ng Smt... 855 738 ....12 25
.... Austin 810 708 . .. 12 00
... Costello, 700 11 53 j
Wharton,.. 6 46 11 41 j ....
('ross Fork J'ct, 6 00 ..... 10 56 ; !
... .Corbett 531 10 29 J
. .Germania 5 20 10 18 ...
dp.. Gaieton P.M. 5 13 10 12 j
ar. 44 .... 7 10 12 55 10 00 I
Gaines, ... 6 55!... .12 41 9 42 J
..Sabinsville,.. 630 jl2 17 906 j
West field, ... 6 19 12 (Mi 852 !
.. Knoxvllle ... 605 11 50 830
...Osceola 5 55 11 41 8 07
. .Elkland 5 51 11 36 7 58
Lv Addison, 5 15. 11 05 7 15
P. M. P. M.'A. M. A. M. I W
WN . ~
A. M.P. M. P. M.IA. M.| !
I,\ K'tingSmt 12 40 7 50 9 10 !
Austin 6 40 1 05 8 20 1 U 50 '
Costello 1 6 47 1 12 J
—Wharton 6 50 1 24
Cross Fork Jet.! 7 44 '-'O9 !
....Corbett 8 11 2 36
. ...Germania .. 822 247
Lv. |Gaieton,. 112 £J} ;;;; |
Gaines .... 8 52 3 OH
Sabinsville.... 921 3 33]
...Westfield.... 9 33 3 43 J i
. Knoxville.. 9 47 3 .%
Osceola 9 58 4 Ofl
Elkland 10 03 4 11 j
Ar Addison 10 31 4 43, '
I A - M.|P.M.[ I [ |
Head up. Read down. |
P. M.'P. M. A. M.I ! A. M. P. M.I
.... 451 9 411 Walton 647 1 24;
11 Newfleld Jet.. 713 1 «0i
... , 4 09 8 .WIWeKt Bingham,. 7 .*lO 2 00 i |
| 3 58 H4H Genesee.... 7 41 2 18
j 3 30 8 20 dp Wellsville ar 8 06 2 46
I 1 I I i 1
P. M A. M.I A. M.I P. M.'
1 40 10 10 ar. .Gaieton.. lv 825 ] 2 00,
I3 50 »38 lv. Ansonia 9 15' 300 ..
.... P. M. A.M. ar dp A. M. P. M
j 1 00 6 30 dp Cross Fork ar 12 00 7 00l
All trains run daily except Sunday.
At Keating Summit with W. N. Y. & P. R. R.
lor all points north and south.
At Ansonia with Fall Brook R. R. for all points
north and south.
At Newfleld Junction with C. & P. A. R. R.
west for Coudersport, east for Ulysses and points !
on Cowanesque Valley branch of Fall Brook R.R. j
At Genesee for points on the New York & |
Pennsylvania R. R.
At Addison with Erie R. R., for points east |
and west.
At Wellsville with Erie R. R. for points east |
and west.
H.C. UNDERBILL,Gen'I Pass.Agt.Buffalo, N.Y i
C.W. GOODYEAR, Gen'l Man'scr. Buffalo.
W. W. ATWOOD, Supt. Addison. N. Y.
W. C. Park, Supt. Austin. Pa.
Taking effect June 15th. 1898.
10 4 0 2'l
P. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. I
Port Allegany, L\v 3 15! 7 18 12 10 I
Coleman, »3 23 *l2 15
Burtville, *3 30 7 29.... 12 22
Roulette 3 40 : 7 36 12 30
Knowlton's, *3 45 *l2 33
Mina *3 59 7 46 12 40
Olmsted 4 05 *7 50 »12 44
Hammonds, 00 *l2 49
Coudersport. {ft; " 20 7 -—j « g
North Coudersport, °° »l 05
Frink's, «6 29 *1 14
Uolesburg, »6 36 121
Seven Bridges, •« 39 *1 24
Raymonds's, *6 49 135
Gold 654 141
Newfleld 1 45
Newfleld Junction, 702 150 j
Perkins 00 «1 53 j
Carpenter's, 00 *1 56
Crowell's, »7 10 «i r,g |
Ulysses,. Ar • 718 210 '
-COVS 1 6 8~1 I
A. M. P. M. A. M ;
Ulysses Lv. 7 32 230 10 05 ....
Crowell's, *7 41 *2 39 »10 15
Carpenter's, 41 *lO 18 j
Perkins, *2 44 *lO 21
•N'ewfleldlJunction, 7 47 2 46 10 25
Newfleld, *7 51 2 50 *lO 30 j
Gold. 7 55 254 10 35
Raymond's *7 59 2 59 *lO 40 j
Seven Bridges, *8 11 *3 11 *lO 55
C'olesburg *8 14 3 14 *ll 00
Frink's. *8 22 *3 22 *ll 09
North Coudersport, °° 331 'll 20 ■
1 Ar. 8 36 336 11 30
Coudersport, < P.M.
( Lv. 8 11 600 120
Hammonds, 00 00 03 i
Olmsted, *8 46 *8 06 *1 27
Mina, 850 610 131
Knowlton's, 00 *6 18 00
Roulette, 900 621 145 !
Burtville, 908 629 255 ,
Coleman, 00 *6 35 00
Port Allegany j 9 211 6 40, 2 351 |
(*) Flag stations. (°°) Trains do not stop.
Connections—At Ulysses with Fall Brook R'y.
for points north and south. At Newfleld Junc
tion with Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R., north of
Wellsville, south of Gaieton and Ansonia. At I
I'ort Allegany with W. N. Y. & P. R. R., north !
lor Buffalo, Olean, Bradford and Smethport; j
south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium j
and Penn'a R. P., points.
B. A. McCLURE, Gen'l Supt.
Coudersport, Pa. J
On and after July 3, 1898, passenger trains will I
depart from Johnsonburg daily, except Sunday,
as follows: j
8:52 a. m., from P. ,V E. station for Ridgway, j
Brockwayville, Dußois, Punxsutawnev and i
11:52 a.m., from P. & E. station, mail for Mt.
Jewett, Bradford and Rochester.
2:35 p. m., from P. .V E. station, mail for Ridg- |
way, Brockwayville, Dußois, I'unxsutawney,
and Clearfield.
2:28 p. in.from B. H. & I', station, Buffalo Ex- !
press for Bradford, Salamanca, Spriiucville and 1
Thousand mile tickets good for passage be- 1
weenall stations at two cents per mile.
EDWAHD C. LAPEY, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Rochester,N. v .
..11 troubles peculiar to her sex pf/~Send by >
mail or from our Agent. SI.OO per box. i
For sale by R. C. Dodson.
Lowest Rates West.
Rates to the west are lower via the !
! Nickel Plate Road than via other lines, i
| while the service is excelled by none.
! Three fast trains are run every day in
j the year from Buffalo to Chicago. The j
j day coaches are of the latest pattern, j
j are elegantly upholstered, and have j
| all the modern improvements, such as j
marble lavatories, steam heat, lighted I
by Pintsche gas, while colored porters 1
are in charge to look after the wants j
of passengers, especially the ladies
and children. Vestibuled buffet sleep
ing cars are run on all trains, while
the dining cars and meal stations are
operated by the company and serve
the best of meals at moderate prices.
If your ticket agent cannot give you
all the information you desire in re
gard to rates, routes, etc , address F. J.
Moore, Gen'l Agent, Nickel Plate Road,
291 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. 31-10.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in the world for cuts, ;
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
-1 faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents a box. For sale by L. Taggart.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure
I croup and whooping cough. No dan
ger to the child when this wonderful
j medicine is used in time. Mothers,
I always keep a bottle on hand.
Priceless Pain
*• If a price can be placed on pain, 1
Friend • is worth its weight in gold as an allevi
ator. My wife suffered more in ten minutes with
j either of her other two children than she did al
i together with her last, having previously used
four bottles of 'Mother's Friend.' It is a blessing
to nay one expecting to become a mother," says
a custodier.
Thus writes Henderson Dale, Druggist,
of Cartni, 111., to the Bradfield Regulator
Company, of Atlanta, Ga., the proprie
tors and manufacturers of " Mother's
Friend." This successful remedy is not
i one of the many internal medicines ad
; vertised to do unreasonable things, but a
j scientifically prepared liniment especially
effective in adding strength and elasticity
to those parts of woman's organism which
I bear the severest strains of childbirth.
Tlie liniment may be used at any and
all times during pregnancy up to the j
! very hour of confinement. The earlier it j
I is begun, and tlie longer used, the more |
, perfect will be the result, but it has been j
j used during the last month only with j
I great benefit and success.
It not only shortens labor and lessens j
j the pain attending it, but greatly dimiu
j ishes the danger to life of both mother j
j and child, and leaves the mother in a con- j
j dition more favorable to speedy recovery. !
" Mother's Friend " is sold by druggists j
| at SI.OO, or sent by express on receipt of
. price.
Valuable book for women, "Before
j Baby is Born," sent free on application, j
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I 1 VVounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils <fi Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects, j
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO.
Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid on reeHpt of price I
UUSIPIIUKYS* JIKD. CO., 11l 113 milium St., New York. =
Sore lungs, pain in the chest and pain- j
ful breathing are quickly relieved and ;
cured by the old reliable specific, Dr. j
Bull's Cough Syrup. This remark- j
able remedy breaks up a cold in one
night and is, without doubt, the very j
best medicine for all affections of the 1
throat and lungs. It has cured thou- 1
sands and will cure you. It never dis- I
appoints. Try it at once.
Gough Syrup
Will quickly heal Sore Lungs.
Doses arc small and pleasant to take. Doctors |
recommend it. Price 25 cents. At all druggists. 1
J. A. Fisher,
{Horse $
Broad Street, Emporium, Pa. |
Col. Henry Watterson Laments That
the Democracy Sits No More at the
Will never the <icod old times couie j
u»»inV Slmll Ohio uet it all? Has tin; i
old with its offices and appropriations, i
gone forever from the uplifted hands of '
(Jod's people? Are millions of ardent, ,
honest, credulous Democrats to be slau»h- j
tered upon the altars of vanity and ego- ;
tisin from one Presidential election to an- j
other—blindly following wind and noise— !
lured by fox - fire, and sustained by dry !
bones and dead languages uutil the j
breath has qnite gone out of the poor old :
beast that carries us ?
Fn the good old days of pristine Demo- I
cratic purity, when Jefferson buncoed j
Napoleon out of Louisiana, and Monroe j
secured from Spain the reluctant cession
j of Florida, when Jackson laid the found- :
ations for the annexation of Texas, and |
Polk whisked California and other terri
tory from the all-too-feeble grasp of the 1
greasers, Democrats had plenty of elbow
room. I'ncle Sam was not onlv rich
enough to give us ail a farm, but, in case
of a needy politician, with a Democratic j
cl'alk-mark across his back and a valid
claim, there was never any serious want
of an office for the faithful. Kven as late
as Pierce's administration the Democracy
had a hold upon the government, with its ;
abundance of loaves and fishes.
Just as we were closing the book on
that old history—the Republicans having
for another generation followed the ex
ample of the Democrats before tiieui and
parceled out the good things among them- i
selves—the war with Spain comes along ,
to give the Democrats another chance, j
Shall we throw it away, as (Jrover Clove- !
land and .Mr. Sherman and Carl Schurz
urge us to do, or shall we sail in and win ? J
There is enough to give every one of !
the boys in the trenches a show for his
marbles. If we can't make Mr. Hryan j
President of the I'nited States, what is |
the matter with sending him to Cuba to |
come back a Senator? It maybe that !
he would prefer Porto Rico, and, iu that 1
event, as in Cuba, there may be a good
dual of trouble developed to the square
inch, and as Mr. Blackburn is out of a
job why not send Joe to Cuba ? Gov. |
Altgeld, being of foreign birth, cannot be !
President. He would doubtless be satis- j
fied with Hawaii. There are 1,400!
islands in the Japanese atehipelago, a j
I Philippine apiece for those that be hungry j
j and thirsty, all the way from Debs to j
I'rey! Good Lord! in the face of such !
a prospect, think of patriotic and fam- |
ished Democrats trailing after John Slier- j
man and Carl Seliurz. Think of William j
Jennings Bryan trailing after Grover
| Cleveland ! It is just simply awful, is it j
j not? (live us Cuba, Porto Itico and the
j Philippines and we can work off' all our j
| surplus silver upon the natives and have |
| Governorships, Senatorships and post
j offices to burn ! What's the matter with
' a new shuffle, cut and deal of the picto- I
I rial pasteboards ? It is too, too late for |
! William togo hobnobbing with Grover!
! Come, Billy, come ! Better get up in the j
j band wagon with the rest of us old-fash- |
ioned, manifest destiny, expansionist !
Democrats and join in the chorus, I
"Where the Hag Hies there fly we!" j
You may not be able to lift yourself into I
j the White by your shoulder- !
j straps. But they give a mighty fine
j finish to the gentlemen and Democrat i
| who would lead the boys in the trenches j
| throughout the Nation, as well as in j
| Kentucky, Nebraska and Texas, where j
leading is easy and costs only wind and j
j noise. Hut if you can not lead the grand j
old party to victory at lea.-t do not lead, j
; or try to lead, it into a Mind alley, such j
! as witnessed the death of the old Feder- ■
alists and the old Whigs. They died i
I because they refused to see the hand- j
writing on the wall. Shall we? They [
died because they could not keep up with !
the proces.ion. Shall we? What we
really want, Billy, dear Billy, i- to call
you our u Sweet William," not to hear
folks use about you such improper lan
j guage as " Billy be d d!"
1 And now, ladies and gentlemen, while
j Mr. Bryan meanders down the center
! aisle, the band will please play "Home,
I Sweet Home !"
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup should be j
kept in every household. It is the best j
remedy for cough or cold and is espec
ially recommended for that grippe i
cough. Price 25c.
When you ask for De Witt's Witch
Hazel salve don't accept a counterfeit or j
imitation. There are more cases ef j
Piles being cured by this, than all I
others combined. R. C. Dodson. 451y |
One Itetl Kosp Kent For a Church Situ.
A unique celebration occurs in .Tune oi |
every year at Manlicim, l'a., according to
The Ladies' Home Journal. It is known {
as the least of roses ami is held to com- [
mcmoratc the benevolence of Baron St le
ge!, who more than a century and a quar
ter ago leased a tract of land at Manheiui j
to a congregation for a church site at an |
annual rental of one red rose to be paid in
•Tune of each year. After Baron Stiegel's j
death the rent was never demanded until |
a few years ago, and now it is formally I
paid to one of the baron's descendants, i
The occasion is known as "the feast of i
fuses," and the quaint ceremony attracts j
Vie greatest interest.
Currj'hij; Out the Proposition.
"The subject of Alice's graduation oe
suy, you remember, was 'Aim lligh.' "
"Well, .she has been throwing herself at
the new preacher's head, and ho is 0 feet j
tall." —Cincinnati Enquirer.
A distinguished professor says that what
is called stupidity is simply the indication i
that a certain brain area is not properly |
nourished or is without communication \
with the nerve liber.
Analysts say that butter is tho most
nutritious article of diet, closely followed
by bacon. _ ...
The sooner a cough or cold is cured
without harm to thesufTerer the better.
I Lingering colds are dangerous,a Hack
ing cough is distressing- One minute
Cough t.'ure quickly cures it. Why
j Miffer when such a cough cure is with
j in reach? It is pleasant to the taste.
R. C. Dodson. 451y
The selfishness of the seemingly un
; selfish is a characteristic hard to
Constipation prevents the body from
! ridding itself of waste matter. Do
| Witt's Little Early Risers will remove
i the trouble and cure sick Headache,
j Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear
! the Complexion. Small, sugar coated,
don't gripe or cause nausea. R. C.
Dodson. 451y
The gayest widow always wears the
I deepest bands of crepe on her gown.
Overcome evil with good. Overcome
your coughs an,d colds with One Min
ute Cough Cure It is so good children
t cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and all throat and
luug diseases. R. C. Dodson. 451y
We always regard a person as par
ticularly honest who runs himself
Late to bed and early to rise, pre
pares a man for his home in the skies.
But early to bed and a Little Early
Riser, the pill that makes life longer
and better and wiser. It. C. Dodson.
How many friends would stick to us
if we were really poor ?
Many a household is saddened by
death because of the failure to keep on
hand a safe and absolute certain cure
tor croup such as One Minute Cough
Cure. See that your little ones are pro
j tected against emergency. R. C. Dod
son. 451y
It is quite impossible to livo alto
gether in the present.
Soothing, healing, cleansing, De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the im
placable enemy of sores, burns and
1 wounds. It never fails to cure Piles.
You may rely upon it. It. C. Dod
| son. 451 y
The tan shoe of the winter man is
, much in evidence.
j Ladies and gentlemen suffering from
throat and lung difficulties to call at
our store for a sample bottle of Otto's
Cure. We confidently recommend it
as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Consumption, and all diseases of the
j throat and lungs. It will stop a cough
: quicker than any other known remedy,
j We believe it will cure you. Large
i sizes 50c. and 25c. Sold by li. C. Dod
-1 son. " 33-15-ly
Great Excitement in Town.
Over the remarkable cures by the
grand specific, Bacon's Celery King,
j which acts as a natural laxative, stim
' ulates the digestive organs, regulates
I the liver and kidneys and is nature's
great healer and health renewer. If
| you have kidney, liver and blood dis
j order do not delay but call at our store
| for a free trial package. R. C. Dodson.
| Large sizes 50c. and 25c. 33-151y
"Educated,by Jovet"
At u leading New England college some
j years ago when the commencement exer
| cises were over mid tho diplomas had been
distributed, says 1). S. Sanford in Tho
; Atlantic, a member of tho graduating
j class, who had been more distinguished by
| conviviality than studionsness, and who
had barely escaped losing his degree, ap
j peared upon tho campus and, waving tin
| much prized parchment over his head,
i shouted gleefully: "Educated, by Jove I
j Educated!"
The idea expressed by the rollicking
| student, more in jest than in earnest, il
| lustrates a notion of education which dies
: hard. The popular prejudice that culturo
! is something extracted from books, picked
I up in a lecture hall or a laboratory or
I seized during tho fleeting years of one's
j school or college life is so prevalent that
I it becomes the obvious duty of the school
| to press home to the consciousness of ev
j cry person the conviction that an obliga
tion rests upon him to undertake a course
of education lasting throughout his life.
b-A. Jk
r ' m
Piled Jlw&y Up !j
Leave your orders now for clothing for the
I Holidays. Our inducements this winter tn our
I customers are away ahead of till former price*.
We have the largest a. rid best line of goods to
j select from.
I Opposite M. K. Churcli.
Fg\ BB §j g* Dr. Williams' Indian Pile
uB ra M LJaOintmeiitwill cure mind.
SS @ H arid Itching
I®' ii B Piles. It absorbs the tumors,
PI R a^u >' K itching at once, acts
m END a * a poultice, gives instant re
h lief. J)r. Williams' Indian Pile Oint
-83 mont is prepared for Piles and Itch
ing of the private parts. Every box is
j warranted. By druggists, by mail on re- i
ceipt of price. 50 cent* and SI.OO. WILLIAMS
MANUFACTURING CO.. Props., Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale by R. C. Dodson.
Dry Goods Carpets
In gdffalo - -
Meldrum &
Anderson Co.
U9G to 408 Main St.—American Block; j
Established 1867—N0 Branch Store. ;
Ready For Christmas.
Every department in our great ■
store is ready for Christinas trade. '
We have every convenience j
lor our out-of town customers in- j
eluding the best refreshment
room in Buftalo, where you can
get anything you want—break-!
fast, dinner, lunch, supper or'
simple refreshments—at reason
able prices.
We lead the trade of Buffalo j
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Cloaks, Rugs,
Millinery, Curtains,
Ladies' Shoes, Upholstery,
Dressmaking, Art Goods,
Toilet Goods, Crockery,
Jewelry, Lamps.
Books, Leather Goods,
Stationery, Toys and Dolls,
Silverware, Games
Grand Display in basement, of'
holiday goods. Infinite variety
of attractions for the children.
Our bargains in holiday hand- j
kerchiefs, gloves, neckwear, rib-'
bons, umbrellas and fancy goods I
are the talk of the city.
tfcj?" Send your Christmas mail j
orders early.
Read our Advertisements
in the Buffalo papers.
The American Block.
112 \ ROYAL
Perfect Fitting.
I Dr. r enner s
® H ,•/"•>
# Superior t
® to all others. M ! Co
For all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases.
$ most successful remedy known. If suffering from too
frequent 01* scanty urine, you need this great remedy.
111 case of Dropsy it means life and health to you.
Bed Wetting in Children cured by one bottle.
When you take this preparation you have the assurance that yen are
obtaining a medicine prepared by a Physician of many years study
and wide experience, whose writings on medical questions are accepted
as authority. We prove our faith in our goods by stating that if you
are not satistied after using one bottle your money will be refunded by
R. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.
_Boots and Shoes
Traveler** Uuide,
Bn»r.r,, F I{ n ' AnELPUIA AND ERIK "AH
In effect Nov. 20, 1808.
; 8
Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Hazleton, Pottsville
1 tDu'i j r ? t®^i n termediate stations, arriving
at Philadelphia 6.23 P. M., New York 9.30 P. M
Ba timore P. M„ Washington 7.15 P. M!
iJh ! n !i a V ,^ ar ' or car from Williamsport to
i.I S , 1 , 3 "' 1 passenger coaches from Kane
| to I hiladelphia and Williamsport to Haiti
more and W aßhingbon.
320 P. M.—Train 6 week days for Harns
♦ DIM 11 . , intermediate stations, arriving
at Philadelphia, 4.30 A. M. t New Y0rk7.13 A .31.
i \! 1 'J n ? anslee pinK cars from Harrisburg toPhil.
adelphia and New York. Philadelphia pas
i ®®®Kerßcanremainiusleeper undisturbed ua.
| 9 37 P. M. Train 4 Daily for Sunbury, Harris
i nV ■? ?'! d , intermediate stations arriving at
Philadelphia 6.52 A. M., New York 9.33 A M
weekdays, <10.38 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 6.15
; A. M.. Washington 7.45 A. M. Pullman sleep-
I ingcars from Erie and Williamsport to Phila;
I delphia and Williamsport to Washington
, Passengers in sleeper for Baltimore and Wash -
| ington will be transferred into Washington
I sleeper at Williamsport. Passenger cars from
| Erie to Philadelphia and Wiliiamrport t»
5:10 A. M. -Emporium Junction—Train 9 wesk
; days lor Erie, Ridgway, Dußois, Clermont and
intermediate stations.
;10 25 A M. —Train 3 Daily for Erie and
j Stations" 18 lJ ußois and intermedial
I 6 28 i M ' ~. Train 15. week days for K»r.«
j and intermediate stations.
i Tra !" 9 leaves New York 5:50 p. m„ Philadelphia
! B:.jop. m., Washington 7:20 p.m., Baltimore
8:40 p. in., arriving at Emporium Junction 5:10
a. in.. week days, with Pullman Sleepers and
I passenger coaches, from Philadelphia to Erie
| and from Washington and Baltimore to Will-
I la m sport.
Train 3 leaves New York 7.40 p. m„ Philadel
! phia 11.20 p. in., Washington 10.40 p. m, Balti
i '''ore 11.55 p, m., daily, arriving at Emporium
10.2;) a. m., with Pullman Palace Sleeping
Cars from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and
passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Erie
and Baltimore to Willlanispc rt —on Sundays
only Pullman Sleepers from Philadelphia to
, Erie.
; Train 15 leaves Philadelphia 8.30 a. m., Washing
ton 7.50 a.m., Baltimore 8.50 a.m., Wilkesbarrc *
»V - ' wet '' c *lajarriving sit Emporium )
wit' l Parlor car from Philadelphia ;
t" .Willmiusport.and passenget coaches from
j Philadelphia to Kane.
i 11 Connections.
jA. M.| A.M. P. M. P. M .
• 8 551 ' 400 . .. Renovo .... 500 11 05
| 9 44:....' 438 .. .Driftwood... 403 10 1 2
• 10 20 5 10 Emporium June 325 940
U.W; • 552 ... Hi. Marys... 240 9o:
jll 121 | Rane 112 20 9 Of.
: 11 31 1 . .Wilcox 11 58 842
I 11 16 | .Johnsonburg.. 11 43 8 26
:] 2 '2 620 . .Ridgway, 850 805
; 12 17 627 ..Island Run... 8 43 ; 755
| 12 22 632 Carman Tr'nfer 8 38j | 7 <9
12 31 ; 6 41 .. Croyland 8 29 7 40
'l 2 35 fi 45 . .Shorts Mills.. 82K 7 3t;
: 12 39 048 .. .Blue Rock ... 822 733
1 12 43 6 53 Carrier 8 17 7 2>
j l 2 53 7 02 .Brockwayville. 8 08 ! 7 18.
1 12 57 708 ..Lanes Mills.. 802 713
115 720 .. Falls Creek .. 750 .... 701
, I_<o 785 Dußois 7 40! ,
120 1 7 25 ■ Falls Creek... 700 BW>
1 35j 740 Reynoldsville.. 645 «40
21] 816 ... Brookville .. 609 604
305 910 New Bethlehem 520 5 10
350 ..... 955 ... Red Bank 4 25
6 30.... 12 10! . .Pittsburg I^o
P-M.l |4. M.I 'p. M.
Genera! Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt.
Ml dL-4 J Table
jg >lll April
Port Allegany, Coudersport, Smethport, Eldred,
Bradford, Oleanand Buffalo,connecting at Buf.
falo for points East and West.
Rtiffalo Express, dailv except Sunday 8.30 A. M,
Mail, (103 daily except Sunday 1.45 P.M.
Train No. 103 (mail) will connect at Olean with
River Division for Allegany,Bradford, Salamanca
Warren, Oil Oity and Pittsburg.
Call on E. C. DAVISON, Agent, Emporium, for
time tables or other information
R. BELL, Gen'l Supt.
J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Pass'ngr & Ticket Agt.
Mooney Brisbane Building, Cor. Main and
Clinton Streets, Buffalo, N. Y.