2 CAMERON CODNTY PRESS. H. H. MULLIN, Editor. Published Every Thursday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. t»T rear M<* pal* In advane* 1 M ADVERTISING RATES: A4Kertlsements are published at the rate o! IK foliar )>er square fur one Insertion ann the second line are the words "Deutschor Kaiser und Koenig von Prussian." Somi. years ago llonne. la., was suf fering from an epidemic of typhoid fever. Col. (ieorge Waring, who died of yellow fever in New York recently, came west and projected a sanitary system for tiia: town, which is regard ed as equal to that of any city of the same size in America, .lust when he was commissioned togo to Havana he had about completed arrangements to practi .'ally duplicate the lluonc system in sevt nil other lowa cities. A (Ikkmav dentist. Dr. llerz, pro poses to put microbes in our mouths to Steal away our pains. His discovery consists in an itioculant prepared from microbes he cultivates for the purpose. When applied in the case of a decayed tooth it stops the pain, but does not destroy the nerve; further, it again fixes the tooth and makes it possible to putin a lasting stopping, lie lias already treated a number of eases with it.and they have proved most successful. Ik a child in Switzerland does not at tend school on a particular day the parents {rets a notice from the public authority that he is fined so many francs; the second day the fine is in creased and by the third day the amount has become a serious one. In case of sickness the pupil is excused, but if there is any suspicion of sham ming a doctor is sent. If the suspicion proves to be well founded the parent is required to pay the cost of the doc tor's visit. A SI KSTITI TK for tobacco has boon discovered by an eastern chemist. The appearance, odor, taste and effect on the system are all reproduced, it is claimed, and the sham can only be told by a microscopical examination. The one essential difference between the leaf tobacco and the substitute is the absence of nicotine in the latter. The cost of producing the substitute is said to lie small, and a promise of the best perfect!>s of to-day at a price within tilt; reach of all is made. A COMPANY has been incorporated in Pittsburgh to abolish the razor. In stead of shaving a man, the barber will daub over his face a lather that will remove the bristles. The company has a capital of $200,000, with which to start business. As soon as it gets its charter it will open a "parlor," where practical demonstrations will be given. Specimen men will sit in a show win dow on a crowded street and have their beards publicly anil painlessly removed by a gentlemanly lecturer. THE French so ready to use electric ity in automobile locomotion, now pro pose to use the automobile wagons for exploration purposes. M. Felix Du boise, the explorer, intends to use them in his expedition to the Niger river. A number of his wagons were recently inspected and gave satisfac tion. lie can transport his automo bile wagons to within 250 miles of his objective point on the Niger, anil he ■believes he can cover this distance in a week. The bicycle may also be used in exploration. MKDICAI. men of I'lainfleld, N. J., are deeply interested in the discovery of a man with two distinct and sepa rate hearts and two breast bones, all of which he can move about at will. The man who is tli us generously endowed by nature is William King, colored, who claims to be 100 years old. His home is in New IJedford, Mass., and he has been visiting his cousin, Thomas .Mar tin, the jail warden in that city, fur several days. That he has two hi arts Dr. M. 15. Long, chief the Mulilenburg hospital staff, says is undeniable. CIHIOUH creeds can TIE found among the upper classes. Lord l'ollington, eldest son of Lord Mexborough, is a self-confessed Jiuddhist. The duke of Northumberland anil his family, in cluding Lord and Lady Percy, are Irv ingites, as are Sir Herbert Maxwell anil Lady Frances Halfour, a daughter of the duke of Argyll. Lord and Lady Radnor are credited with being ardent spiritualists. The late Lady Charle mont was a Jewess, not by birth, but by conviction, and Lord Stanley, of Al derly, is said to favor the principles of Mohammed. A ROGUE'S CONFESSION. Hankrr Crass Leaves a Written Ar roimt »l Ills Itnsrallty, a llartl l.iii k Story «s Kxrusp, Emporia, Kan., Nov. a:s.—Since the failure of the First national bank, which was followed by the suicide of Charles S. Cross, president of the bank and owner of the celebrated Sunnyside stock farm, there have been rumors of a written confession left behind by the suicide. This letter was made pnblic last night by William Martin dale, vice president of the bank, and has caused a sensation in Emporia, for it is an acknowledgement by the sui cide that he has systematically de ceived and defrauded not only the patrons of his bank, but his business associates. The letter follows: "Emporia. Kan., May 12, IS9B. "I desire to state that the misfor tunes of myself and the bank have been caused through my faults and er rors. I inherited a large debt, which 1 endeavored to meet by going into other schemes which have all been practical failures and only got me deeper into the mire. As to the bank matters, I desire to say that I have carefully tried to deceive both the board of directors, the cashier and employes. Mr. Martindale will now learn for the first time how 1 have carefully deceived him, principally by way of substituted paper of which he has no knowledge. The reports and letters written to the comptroller have been by me misrepresented to the board, they having signed on the last page and 1 having sent other let ters than the ones read to them, changing every one but the last sheet. "I have had a hard luck story most of my lifetime, the only pleasant fea ture being that of my present wife, who has been a good and true woman. Mr. Davis, our cashier, has never made an improper entry on the books and knows nothing of this whole mis erable business. Death Ido not fear. It is preferable to the agony of the past year. I know of nothing further to add except as to Mr. Martindale. This is a terrible thing for him. He has trusted me without reserve. I have given him a bill of sale of all my personal property. C. S. Cross." SHARKEY THE WINNER. lie (lets the Derision In (lie Mitlli ICoiiikl of B B is Itiitile Willi Corbott. New York, Nov. 21!. —The Sharkey- Corbett fight, which was witnessed by the largest and most representative gathering of sporting men that ever congregated to see a ring contest, ended in a disgraceful fiasco last night at the Lenox Athletic club. Corbett had all the worst of the encounter when one of his seconds. Con McVey, jumped into the ring, appealing to the referee, thus violating the rules, and the referee, •'llonest" John Kelley, had no alternative but to disqualify Corbett anil award the bout to Sharkev. AlcVey's interference was absolutely inexcusable and the referee, believing that there was a "job" in MeVey's ac tion, took it upon himself to declare all bets off. In the second round there were wild yells from the admirers of the Irish man when he floored Corbett with a right swing on the head, preceded with a powerful blow on the body. Shar key's rushes were successful invariably and .lim's quickness and leg work were tested to their utmost in trying ty eva e the aggressive sailor. That Sharkey has improved wonderfully goes without saying, anil on the other hand that Corbett is not the Corbett of Xew Orleans is beyond question. At no time had the Californian the upper hand of his younger and more sturdy rival. Sharkey is a fighter and a clever one at that, and his work last night stamps him beyond all doubt as being second only to l itzsiiumons. From the second to the eighth round Sharkey held a decided advantage. In the ninth round, which vas so pro ductive of disappointments and «n --looked for incidents, C'orbett seemed to be stronger than at any time during the fight, but it was evident that he was slowly but surely fading under Sharkey's onslaughts. It was two to one on Sharkey after the second round and had not McVey acted as he did there is very little doubt that Sharkey would have won handily. A NEW COUNTERFEIT. ilHkrrn «>1" "tlie Queer" Produce a $5 Note that 'lay Deceive tlie I nwary —How lo Detect It. Washington, Nov. S3.- —The secret service gives notice of a new counter feit B's legal tender note, series of 1880. check letter A. J. Fount Tillman, reg ister; I). N. Morgan, treasurer; por rait of Jackson, small scalloped seal, this counterfeit is printed on stiff, leavy bond paper, no attempt having iieen made to imitate the silk fiber of the genuine paper. The entire face of he note has a blurred,smutted appear ance; especially is this true of the por trait of Jackson. The check letter has been omitted friuii the left end of the note. The small curved line between "Series of" and "1880" and the small ornamental lloral design at the end of the imprint of the bureau of engraving and print ing. upper left face of note, have also been omitted. The note is from one-sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch smaller than the genuine. The seal is darker than the genuine. The treasury numbers are smaller, but fairly good in color. The back of this note is lighter green than the genuine, and the lathe work and small lettering is very poor. Naval Oflii'l'rn Ketlrc. Washington, Nov. 'So.- —Hear Admiral Joseph N. Miller, recently detached from command of the Pacific station, was placed on the retired list yester day on account of age. The vacancy thus created in the highest grade will be tilled by the promotion of Commo dore Howison, now commanding the Boston navy yard. Other promotions will be made all along the line. The retirement of Hear Admiral liunee oc curs on the 25th proximo. Admiral lSunee is commandant of the New York navy yard. Admiral Dewey will be the ranking admiral in the navy when liunee retires. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER i, 1898. "TEDDY'S" STORY. Col. Roosevelt Toetifiea Before the War Commission. Col. Klmliall, tlie A»»>li»taiil tluartrr inanler lienrral, Nu)n llial All Arin> Contract* Were Lot to the Hltlrier Hltlrier I:« I drnce <>l a I'riml. New York, Nov. "Jii.—The war inves tigating committee decided yesterday that it would not visit Montauk Point, the site of Camp W'ikoff, in a body, but would send a committee to prepare a report. Col. A. S. Kimball, assistant quartermaster general of the army, stationed in this city, said that all the contracts for supplies were let to the lowest bidder after proper advertise ment. "1 never knew of any money or in fluence being used in the matter of awarding contracts. My records show that from May 13 to June 17 my office expended 54,1170,000 for clothing and camp anil garrison equipment." Col. Kimball told of the purchase and hire of transports in this city. He explained that he had obtained a list from the owners of all the ships that ould be purchased or chartered and tad submitted the list to Washington. "When a middleman or broker came to my office 1 ignored liiin entirely. I dealt only with principals." "Was the price paid for the charter of those ships fair and reasonable?" asked Dr. Conner. "Yes, I think so (generally, but when ships were wanted badly they were hard to get. In the case of tne Clyde and Mallory lines, when the govern ment offered the usual price the corn panics said they could not spare the ships unless double that price was paid. The ships were needed and the government paid the price asked." Miss Mary Lowell said she had talked to every man of eight regi ments of regulars. Half of them were on the sick report -and many others were sick, too sick togo to the doctor's tent. There was a great scarcity of doctors anil Miss Lowell considered many of the contract doctors careless and indifferent to the men. Miss Lo well mentioned doctors who she said had neglected their duty and said great suffering resulted from the ill management of the ambulance service. She said the condition of affairs in the general hospital was shocking. She corroborated the testimony of previ ous witnesses as to the lack of sani tary precautions and the plague of flies. itev. Henry Is. Bryan, of the Garden City cathedral, spoke of the manner in which the soldiers dying in hospitals were buried, lie said the publication of a statement of Maj. Brown that all the bodies were decently buried had induced him to testify, "in his pub lished statement," said Mr. Bryan, "Maj. Brown said there was no truth in the report that the bodies were not decently buried: that every body was embalmed and decently clothed in a new uniform: that a bottle containing his name and all the information ob tainable about him was buried in his coffin anil that a cross marked every grave. 1 believe Maj. Brown gave those orders and issued the clothes, but that his orders were not carried out. 1 know personally of '.JO bodies that were not buried as Brown says they were. "1 do not question Maj. Brown in any way. lie had not time to see that his orders were carried out. My duties led me by the morgue every day and I stopped into see who had died during the night. 1 saw the naked bodies of soldier- placed in bare pine coffins and the name of the man and his regiment written on the lid of Ihe coffin. Of course tin- damp earth quickly obliter ated these marks and no further rec ords were kept. Sometimes the body was buried in a night shirt, but they never took the trouble to button the shirt. It was grossly indecent. At the morgue the attendants sat on the coffins with the bodies in them and chewed and smoked and told indecent stories. 1 rebuked them once, but they were Bowery toughs, and it is useless to talk to them." Theodore Roosevelt told of the equip ment and mustering in of the Rough Riders. "When we reached Tatnpa," he said, "there was a condition of ut ter confusion. We were dumped out side, a mile away from our camp. No one knew where the camp was. There was no one to tell us where togo or what to do. After waiting 24 hours 1 bought food for men and horses. Later when we found our camp we were all right." "Was your command fully supplied with food and ammunition,'' was asked. "The ammunition supply was excel lent. The food was insufficient. There was plenty of food at Siboney. 1 suppose it was lack of transportation facilities that kept us without good food until -Lily 24. I organized a trans portation corps with the officers' horses and went to Siboney and got food for the men." "I believe all the difficulties we met with would be obviated in the future if tin- national guard were trained as are the armies of foreign countries, (live them long marches. Let them mass at Nan Antonio and move to Oal veston or some other place. March them to a port anil embark them. No matter if it does cost money, let them be trained. Kacli year let the army in peace lie put through the experience it must meet in time of war." Seized n i'unlraliaud <'urgo. New Orleans, Nov. 23. —The Ameri can schooner \V. 11. Swan was seized Tuesday by the collector of customs at this port for carrying contraband goods. Besides 3,050 cigars which were not down upon her manifest, she had on board 37 Mauser rifles, 14 bayonets, 44 belts of cartridges, 49 boxes of cart ridges and three brags cannon. The ship cleared from Santiago and put into New Orleans in distress, and when the customs inspectors boarded her they discovered the cargo. The. offi cials claim that not only are tlio ord nance and arms contraband but they are the prouertv of Spain. REJECTED. Pre«l IteliiNC* to Ae rfpt tin- Counter I*ro|M>«al«t 'liulr l>)' S|>nnihil Prai r Cofiniil»»ioiicr>». Washington, Nov. 20. A special meeting of tin- cabinet was held at 10 o'clock last niyht. All the members were with the president except Secre tary Long, who is out of the city The meeting was called by the president in order to consider advices received last evening from the American peace com missioners at l'uris. It is understood that the advices related to counter proposals informally made to the American commissioners by the repre sentatives of the Madrid government. At the conclusion of the meeting, which lasted only 40 minutes. Secre tary of Statu May said that the presi dent had received some advices from Paris that he desired to lay before the cabinet and that he had called the members together to consider them. The nature of the advices Mr. Hay declined to discuss, lie added, how ever, that after considering the con tents of the dispatches, the president had cabled the American commission ers reiterating liis lormer instructions. Paris, Nov. !i(J.—Senor Montero liios told a correspondent last evening that the Spanisli peace commissioners had not yet decided upon the answer to be given to the last American memoran dum. To l><- < liriMcnetl \\illi Champagne. San Francisco. Nov. 2U. —The battle ship Wisconsin, which is to be launched at the I'nion iron works to-day, will be the first California-built battleship not christened with the native wine of the state. When a committee of Wis consin people were selected to make arrangements for the christening, the agent of a French wine managed to secure the pledge of the committee to use his company's production in the christening and Miss Klizabeth Steph enson. who will name the battleship, gave her promise to use the wine se lected by the committee. The \\ is consin excursionists who arrived here yesterday brought the champagne with them. A Speeeli from Shatter. New York, Nov. 25.—Gen. Shafter was the principal guest last night at a banquet given at Delinonieo's by the Sons of the Revolution of the state of New York. In the course of a speech he said: "We had lots of suffering. There was always suffering in war. There is not a moment, when 1 could prevent it. that any man suffered un necessarily. Out of the 150 wounded, but i:< died. That is a small percent age. 1 have never heard a complaint from any officer or man of the regular army.'' Lev. Henry Vandyke was in troduced and created a s -nsation by vehement ly denouncing the policy of expansion. I'irM Vmi-ri-.ali ramp at Havana. Havavia, Nov. :i(>. -All four companies of the Second regiment, volunteer en gineers, which arrived off Marianao beach Friday on board the transport Florida,landed at the Marianao wharf. They formed at the landing place and marched to their camp, two miles away, filing past Gen. Greene and his staff, who reviewed the men. All the men. with the exception of five who are still suffering from sea sickness, were in line, and by 11 o'clock the tents were being pitched for the first American camp at Havana. Tlie \c\v ltroom Swept < lean. Santiago de Cuba. Nov. !i<>. —Some time ago Maj. McLeary whom Gen. Wood had appointed mayor of Santi ago, requested to be rel'eved of his mayoralty duties and to return to his military post. This request was granted yesterday. Gen. Wood ap pointed as McLeary's successor Senor Bacarni, an old resident. The first offi cial act of Mayor Bacardi was to dis charge the entire clerical force in tin mayor's office and to employ Cubans who hail served in the war. THE MARKETS. IMnaiii'lal. New York. Nov. SB.—Money—On call percent. Prime mercantile paper 3 ,0r.4 , pei cent. Sterling exchange steady at 4b5J44So 1 i for demand and 482(048i!-< for BO days. Government bonds steady. (.rain, Provision* anil Live Stock. Flour—Minnesota paten.s :t. 8, ,41.10. Wheat—No. 2 red at 77% tt~'J 4C. Corn—No. 2 at 40!tc. Oats—No. 2 at 30 Butter -Western creamery Js'/V®2lc. Cheese—Larsre white 9Vje, small colored 10c. Eggs—Western 2;< .c. Beeves Steam 4 6 veals st.s She -p Sales at Hogs—F.rmer at .3.6i. Wheat—No. 2 red 71c. Corn—No. 2 yellow, in elevator. 38c. Oats No. 2 white 31 j(3>32",c. Cheese -York state 9 1 H'e, Ohio 9!j@!oc. Potatoes—Per bushel 40e. Butter —Extra creamery 23 ?.23!;c. Eggs -Strictly fresh 2l@2.'e. Cattle—Choice steers •SI.->ofjj4.7.>, fair to good 54.2>(r&(.4 ! 1. calves .».? >(*46.25. Sheep—Good tochoiee *BO 43.80, fair to good 13.3&<'&50. lambs 5.0i»5.i5 Hogs Yorkers M.4 ). pigs :3.25>ft3.3">. Chicago. Nov. 2(5. —Wheat -November 60''jc. Corn—November 32 ' 8 14 3c. Oats—November 26c. Pork—November *7.80. Lard November £4.90. Klbs— December 14 50. Hogs -Sales at 3.4 I C1 55, pigs *3. 20,?.3.:t5. Cattle—Fancy shipping b eves t5.60&5.8), stockers and feeders r3.-2.5ij, I 00. Sheep Sales at i2 50 ■ 4.25, iambs ¥1.257^5.50. Toledo. Nov. 20.—Wheat No. 2 cash 72c. Corn—No. 2 mixed 3tc bid. Oats—No. 2 mixed 20c bid. CloverSecd Prime cash, new, 14.05. Oil—Unchanged. East Buffalo, Nov. 26.—Cattle—Nothing do ing. Prime fancy veals i7.50 i77V Hogs Yorkers «3.4.">u3.>0, mediums 53.503 355, pigs #3.40(^3.50. Sheep Best lambs $ .6035.0>, choice sheep 44.25(164 40. East Liberty, Nov. 2C. Cattle—Extra 45.10J4 5.35, good -I.ol>/>4.75. Hogs—Prime heavy '.3.55, best Yorkers 83.50, good pigs .40(£X50. Sheep Best wethers *4 3"> (.4.50. fair mixed $3.60®.'.90, good to choice lambs :5 0 J fjji 15. Cincinnati, Nov. 26.—Hogs—Active at .3. 10.5 3.35. Cattle Steady at (250 4.7\ Sheep Steady at 1f2.2xji4.00. lambs SI.OO J 5 21. Oil market. Oil City, Nov. 26—Credit balances Jl. 15k No bids (or certilicates. HUM! ALL. Secretary Lon<* Gives It to the Men of Our Navy. SUPREME TEST OF WAR. When II Came the Ships and Sailors Were Fully Prepared. NEEDS FIFTEEN NEW SHIPS. The I'rexent SyMteni of Kcwarriiiis: onicci'N lor t.allunt Conduct in ICatile Is Declared to l>e I njllMt \ Kemetly CropoHed. Washington, Nov. 'l~. —The annual report of the secretary of flu navy is much longer than usual. The first sen tence explains this, as follows; "For the first time since its rehabilitation the navy lias been put to the supreme test of war. Years of patient training and development had brought it to a point of high efficiency, which resulted in the victories at Manila and Santia go—victories which have given I lie names of our naval commanders world wide fame and added an additional page to the glorious naval history of our country." The story of Dewey's victory at Ma nila is old and of it the secretary says: "Aside from the mere fact of having won without the loss of a single life such :i brilliant victory at the very outset of the war. with all the confi dence which it infused throughout the country and into the personnel of every branch of the service, it removed at once all apprehension for the Pacific coast. The indirect pecuniary advan tange to the United States in the way of saving an increase of insurance) rates and in assuring the country of freedom from attack on that coast is incalculable.'' One fact disclosed by the history of the days before the surrender of San tiago is that Sampson ».;ked to be rep resented in any conference held to ar range the terms of surrender of San tiago, by virtue of the fact that he had engaged in the joint operations. Shaf fer replied that lie should be glad to have Sampson represented, but tho surrender took place before his repre sentative could reach the camp. Samp son's chief of stall' did arrive before the final articles were signed, but Shafter declined to permit him to be one of the signatories. A brief chapter in the report tells of the operations of the blockade. It is said that this was of an extremely arduous character, generally unre lieved by the exhilaration of combat. Many crews from the beginning of tho war till the end rendered most valu able service, without opportunity for winning distinction in battle. High praise is awarded to the marine corps for their work. Touching upon the naval militia, Secretary Long says these organiza tions were largely recruited outside of the. seafaring class anil lacked the ex perience in gunnery, navigation and the habits of the sea which are essen tial to immediate efficient service in the navy. On the other hand they were men of a high standard of edu cation and rapidly acquired while on shipboard the knowledge necessary for their efficiency. i't:.ise is accorded to the officers and men connected with the auxiliary naval force and (he coast signal serv ice. Secretary Long gives a list of all the merchant vessels and yachts that were acquired by lease or purchase for the navy, and in each case shows the purchase price. There were 110 of these vesseis, including the warships bought abroad. The most expensive ship was the New Orleans, which was bought from Brazil. She cost our government 81,4:29,315, while her sister ship, the Albany, cost 81,205,000. The secretary includes in his report a statement of the operations of each of the bureaus of the department, and submits estimates for the next fiscal year aggregating 847.09)5.251, which is an increase of 89.809,173 over the ap propriations for 18.v items aggregating $7,0:27,834. Of these new items the most important is $4,- 729.899 for yards and docks. In reference to the workings of the system of labor employment at navy yards, the secretary says that in con tinuation of the policy of giving prefer ence in appointment to veterans of the civil wai> he proposes to give prefer ence now to those who served during the Spanish-American war, rating as first those who served in foreign waters or on foreign soil, and next those who served in the I'nited States or its waters, providing they have had honorable discharges. The secretary calls attention to the injustice of the present system of re warding officers fur conspicuous con duct in battle. To cure these evils the secretary recommends legislation and submits hills providing that in rewarding one officer injustice shall not be done to another, and that where officers have been jumped in the present war that fact shall not operate to their disadvantage nor re tard their regular promotion. II is a recommendation of the department, though no names are mentioned, that the grades of admiral and vice admiral shall be revived temporarily as before. The most important chapter of the report is I hat relating to the increase of the navy and indorses the report of the nav 1 board of bureau chiefs look ing to the increase of the navy by 15 ships, some of the most powerful char acter. Ktoamoi-N Collide. Dnluth, Minn.. N. v. 30. —A 1:30 this morning the (ilobe and the whalebaek •lames I>. Co'yile, two large steel steamers, came into collision in the harbor. lioth are badly damaged. Their forward bulkheads kept them from sinking ou the spot. Catarrh In the head, with its ringing noises in tho ears, buxzing, snapping sounds, severe head aches and disagreeable discharges, is per manently cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not dally with local applications. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla and make a thorough and complete cure by eradicating from the blood all scrofulous taints and giving health ind vigol to tho whole system. Hood's Sarsaparilla [8 America's Greatest Medicine. J1 ; six for 15. Hood's Pills cure all river Ills. ZSc^nts. I There is a | Class of People 1 t Who are injured by tho use of cof- 5 C fee. Recently there has been placed z gin all the grocery stores a new pre- 2 t paration called GRAIN-O, made of -j |j pure grains, that takes the place of ~ C coffee. 3 R: The most delicate stomach re- 5 Ceives it without distress, and but H t few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over as much. H C Children may drink it with great ben- sj p efit. 15 cents and 25 cents per pack- ~ C ago. Try it. Ask for GIIAIN-O. ~ | Try Grain=o! H Insist that yonrerocergives you GEAIN-O ~ E Accept no imitation. 3 jfiiiilUtaiiaaaUiiJi.UAl.'liiUaiiHUAlJiMK Reflected Greatness. "Pa, what is a lineal descendant?"' "A lineal descendant is a person who has to fall back on some praiseworthy ancestor tor his own importance."—Detroit i'ree Press. Home Seekers' Cheap KscnrsioiiK. On November 1, li», December 6 and 20, the North-Western Line will sell home seek ers' excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the West and South at exceptionally low rates. For tick ets and full information apply to agents 'Jhicago & North-Western U'y. Some men snatch victory from defeat, but more snatch uelcat from victory.—Chicago Daily News. Forget it? Toothache won't let you. Don't forget St. Jacobs Oil will cure. Only 23 letters can be taken seriously; the others are all in fun.—Golden Days. Deep down to the pain spot. St. Jacobs Oil roots out Sciatica. Less than one-half the things one hears are true. —Washington (la.) Democrat. I £oKQiispflQß I Do not think for a single ( I moment that consumption will | I ever strike you a sudden blow. 1 | It does not come that way. It creeps its way along. I First, you think it is a little | ■ cold; nothing but a little hack- | fi ing cough; then a little loss in S | weight; then a harder cough; 2 I then the fever and the night eg I sweats. gj The suddenness comes when B S you have a hemorrhage, cj Better stop the disease while B ji it is yet creeping. h You can do it with 112 You first notice that you cough less. The pressure on the chest is lifted. That feeling of suffocation is removed. A cure is hastened by placingone of Dr. Ayer's Cherry I Pectoral Plaster | over the Chest. I A Eisoh Free, fi It is on the Diseases of the S Throat and Lungs. jjr Wrlfa us Fraefj/. M If you have any complaint whntcvflr n H ami desire the best medical ailvlce you m E& can possibly receive, write the doctor JB ■sl freely. You will receive apr»'«upt reply ,§H without cost. A'Mross. LA DK. J. C. AYEK, Lowell, Mass. My Have you written to Cell us how much you can afford to pay foran Organ? Do it now. Estey Organ Co., Brattleboro, Vt.