THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 33. EDITOR'S_ NOTICE. XWHEN you see this item mark ed with an X, in blue or black pencil mark across its face you will know that your subscription is due, or past due. Your name will be found printed on each copy of the PRESS, as you receive it and gives the last date to which you have paid. Our terms are $2.00 if not paid in advance, §1.50 in advance. Many, very many, of our patrons allow their subscrip tions to run year after year. This we are unable to stand. It requires money to purchase paper and pay em ployes and we must insist upon the payment of subscriptions due us. We have been patient, but "patience has ceased to be a virtue," and we now propose to weed out all those subscri bers who show no disposition to pay for their paper. / TOURT PROCLAMATION.— WHEHEAS: -The V Y Hon. CHAS. A. MAVEH President Judge and I the Hons. H. V. WYKOFF and J. C. IIONHAM, AS- j soeiate Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer i and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions ol I the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron, have issued their precept bearing date the 10th day of Sept., A. D., I*9B, and to me directed for holding I Court of Oyer and Terminer,General Jail Deli very, j Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court I and Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of I Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 12th day ol December, 1898, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and to con- | tin tie one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices ! of the Peace a nil Constables within the county, } that they be then and there in their proper per- | sons, at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day, with their j roils, records, inquisitions, examinations, a.nd I other remeniberances, to do those things which j to their offices appertain to be done. And those ; wlio are bound by their recognizance to prosecute | against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., November 14th, 1898, 1 and in the 122 d vear of the Independence of the ! United States of* America. FRANK MUNDY. Sheriff. I,IST OHAI'SKS. I IST OF CAUSES SET DOWN FOR TRIAL I j at December Term of Court. U'9B, commenc ing on Mondax, December 12,1898. No. 63, May Term, 1895. Frank Moon vs Charles W. Hall. G. W. Huntley, Jr., for Pllf. li. W. Green, C.W. Shaffer, for Deft. No. 2", February Term, 1896. H. S. Crissman vs James O. Jordan. Johnson & McNarney, for Plff. 13. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for Deft. No 1, May Terra, 1897. J. Frank Craven vs G. F. Halcom and W. F. Llovd, doing business as Balcom «fc Lloyd and E. H. Marshall. I!. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for PI(T. Johnson & McNarney for Defts. No, 5, December Term, 1897. Isaac Lewis vs Elias Barton, Hoy Chadwick. Johnson A: McNarney, for Plff. J. H. Calkins, for Deft. No. 6, February Term, 1898. Charles M. Vail to use of Elk Tanning Com pany, a corporation, vs S. S. Haeket. li. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for Plff. S. W. Smith, for Deft. No. 1, September Term, 1898. Joseph F.Craven, late Supervisor ofShippen > Townsnip vs Shippen Township. B. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, tor Plff. F.D. Leetfor Dell. No 33, December Term, 1898. Daniel Briton vsW. F. Dickson. C. JAY GOODNOUGH, Prothonotary. MVOR€ENOTICE HENRY W. GRAHAM 1 In the Court of I Common Pleas of vs r-Cameron County, | Pa., No. 10, Decem- MAHY A, GRAHAM. J ber Term, 1897. LIBEL IN DIVORCE. To MARY A. GRAHAM, Respondent : You are hereby notified to appear at the HfcVt term of court to be liolden at Emporium, Camer on county, l'a., commencing on Monday, the 12th day of December, A. D., 1898, at 1 o'clock, p. m., arid answer to the complaint of said libellant | and answer to the charge, and show cause if any you have, why a decree should not be made, ! divorcing the said liabellant from the bonds of j matrimony which he has contracted with you, and if you fail to appear then and there such de cree will be made in your absence. FRANK MUNDY, Sheriff. I Sheriff's Office, I Emporium, Pa., Nov. 14tli, 1898. \ CIIARTEUJOTICE. In the ( Hurt of Common Pleasof Cameron County. No. 41, December Term, 1898. N OTICE is hereby given that an application | will be made to the said Court on the 12th day of December, 1888, at 1:00 o'clock, p.m.. under the Act ot Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pro vide for the incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporations," approved April 29th, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter ot •an intended corporation to be called "Tin: RICH VALI.KY CKMKTKUY ASSOCIATION,"the character and object of which is to establish and main tain a perpetual burying place for the dead and for this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and its supplements The proposed charter is now on file in the Prothonotarv's office. JOHNSON & Mc N A R N EY. Solicitors. 38-3t. \!>MISTU.\TOR K MICE. instate of ELLIOTT L. CHAPMAN, Deceased. I ETTERS of Administration on the estate of I j Elliott L. Chapman, late of Lumber town ship. Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased have been granted to John Chapman, residing in said townthip. to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands, will make known the same without delay. JOHN CHAPMAN, Administrator. Jl. W. GltKI N, C. \V. SHAFFER, Attorneys. November 10. 1898. 38-6t. : 3oe#3cs^«*:sc&ac&ac#. 3ccs3d£> ♦•■# s>' s£'♦ :♦ :# | Uoyd's toiitj forecast of the Wedtber FOR EM and i yicinity. C * FRIDAY, Fair and colder. J SATURDAY, i 'robabh snow. SUNDAY, - probably fair weather. <„ . , \ y V r^\r'\r^\r 0 7 Thoughts of the gift time coming. Christmas is just around the corner from Thanksgiving. Everybody is thinking of what to give, to whom, ami how V -, r * j \ best todoit. And it is by answering just such questions aptly and satisfactorily that we have been kept busy unpacking the largest and best line of Christ- •& ■■, < TUAIIP nias goods that was ever brought to this town the result of our going to the city. A boy g'ring through the store exclaimed, it will be as good as a circus! 1 H 1111 Ij HII ij > This town depends chiefly on this store for holioay supplies. That thought justifies the collection of goods that we are now unpacking. r-] \ 3 Our west window-the east window is the hunters window this week contains a selection of the latest books published. We design to make this de j) partment of our store the best, where the book lover's acquisitiveness may be gratified at such prices as will make acquirement easy. Prices away below value. Come and see. This store is growing in public favor. We are making new friends daily. Great many are surprised that they can buy such a line of popular books, at moderate prices. y * M. S. SXOYD. ' ■£ l ourlh Street. y St. Harys vs Emporium. That "winter's icy blast" has no terrors for the athletic loving populace of Emporium, was plainly evidenced by the large crowd of enthusiastic spectators who gathered at Athletic Park, Thanksgiving afternoon, to wit ness the desperate tussle on the grid iron between the St. Marys and Em porium knights of the pigskin. Half-past two o'clock found both teams on the field of action in good fighting trim, excellent condition and eagerly waiting the beginning of the fray when they would have an oppor tunity of testing their mettle with that of the untried foe. Promptly at three o'clock, after a half hour's vigorous practice, both teams lined up at the command of the referee. Emporium won the toss up and Capt. Hockley took the kick off, giving St. Marys choice of goal. St. Marys chose the south end of the field and Empori um retired to the north side. At the signal from the umpire, Butler kicked off and sent the ball down into St. Marys 25-yard line, where it was recovered by the hardy sons of Germany, who after a spirited contest, succeeded in forcing the ball down to Emporium's 5-yard line where Weis in a mass play managed to cross the goal line and secured a touchdown for St. Marys. Billings failed at goal and Emporium kicked off again, and by a fumble on the part of St. Marys, got possession of the ball. In a sharp end play in the scrimmage, Butler got around the line, and in a brilliant 30-yard dash crossed St. Marys goal line. The referee nullified the touch down on account of the runner going outside of boundry line before crossing the goal line. Four minutes later, time was called for the first half, and ten minutes of an intermission was allowed before the beginning of the second half. At the opening of the second half I both teams appeared greatly refreshed ' and played a good fast game. St. J Marys, by a series of mass plays and a j thirty-five yard sprint by Weis, scored j another touchdown. Emporium ob- j 1 tained the ball on a kick-off from their : j opponents and made rapid and sue- I I cessive gains until within fifteen yards I j of St. Marys' goal where Logan secured j the ball and went around the end for a j I pretty run and would have scored for j the home team had he not been blocked | by the spectators who were crowded j over the side boundry line by at least j ten yards. Upon a second scrimmage j Butier got the ball and aided by good J interference broke through St. Marys' I line, scoring a touchdown for Empo rium. In the latter part of the second i half the St. Marys aggregation showed j i signs of weakness and appeared to be . ! getting groggy, and it is the opinion ; of the spectators that had the game . j continued for ten minutes longer it j | would have resulted in another touch- j I down for Emporium, as our boys re ; tained their normal vigor, and exhibit- ; i ed the staying qualities that would | win in a long game. In the fifth scrimmage following : Emporium's touchdown, the end of; ! the second half was declared and St. I Marys left the field with the honors j of the day by a score of 10-5. The features of the game was the superb playing of Billings, Schweikart, Logan, Farrell, and Taggart, the phe nominal runs of Butler and Weis, and ; the pluck and cool headedness display ed by quarter back McCaslin. | The following is the line-up of both teams: j EMPORIUM. ST. MARYS. Cummings L. E.—R. E Bloom Weeks L. T.-R. T. ./. Miller Schweikart L. G.—lt. G Kenard, Ed Newton Centre Kenard, A Hockley R. G.—L. G. Curry ! Taggart R. T.-L. T Walker Hemphill R. E.—L. li Straub i* McCaslin Quarter Back Rogan Butler R. 11. 11.—L. 11. B Weis j Farrell R. H. B.—L. 11. B Butch Logan Full Back Billings , hubs.- Fry, Pelkey. Billings, A.; Wurm. 1 Referee, Hanhauser. Umpire, Larrabee. Timekeepers, Vogel, Kaye. Linesman, Luhr, Long. Manager Leet is making arrange ments with the St. Marys boys for a return game to be played at that place in a few days. "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß. EMPORIUM PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1,1898. Well No. 4. Drilling at well No. 4, in Emporium, ceased Wednesday morning, at a depth of 1,323 feet, dry as a powder horn. A strong spring of mineral water was found at 290 feet. Mr. Josiah Howard who drilled this well, has located an other well, and operations for drilling, will be commenced at once. Alaska Estate Closed. J. P. McNarney has been appointed Administrator of the estate of T. H. Belanger, who died in Alaska, leaving some interests there unsettled. John son & McNarney have succeeded in settling up his mining claims and from the inventory filed in the Register's office, we take it that Mr. Belanger's Alaska interests have netted the neat cash sum of $5,000. We understand a gold draft has been received for that sum. New Attorney General. The PRESS is pleased to note that the Republican press of the state are lin ing up in favor of Hon. John P. Elkin, the energetic and courteous Chairman of the Republican State Committee, for Attorney General, under the incoming administration of Gov. Win. A. Stone. Mr. Elkin has served and led the party ably, honestly and fearlessly. His se lection by Gov. Stone will be justice to a faithful representative of progressive Republicanism and would be endorsed by the rank and file of the party. True to his principles, true to his friends and an able lawyer his services would be invaluable to the incoming state administration. Not to mince matters, in the history of the recent past, his elevation to the position of Attorney General is expected by the people and they will be disappointed at anything else. Gains Oil Fields. A special correspondent to the Pitts burg Times lias been making investiga tion at Gaines and sends an interesting letter to bis paper from which we clip the following paragraphs: The territory on Pine Creek, near the Potter Tioga line, is excited over a prospective oil field. Perhaps the ex citement is more than commonly ex cusable, for the petroleum world would like to know if a new pool is among the possibilities. So far, what Gaines is to do as an oil producer is a guess. But if there is any virtue in the old darkey's sign of rain, "wet all around and pouring down in the middle," this territory has oil. A well here is put ting into a tank ever day about five barrels of handsome, lively oil, while a second well has a gas pressure said to be 400 pounds has caused a cessation of operations. Is it a field? A Bradford man once offered §lO a barrel for the entire pro duet that should como east of the mountain summit. His bluff is called by tlie Atwell well. But this must be remembered: The surface of the mountains has nothing to do with the geological formation beneath. The ge ology of the vicinity of Gaines is simi lar to the geology of McKean county. The course of the water is eastward, be cause erosion has worn away the sur face. But the rocks 1,200 feet below ground are stiil in their original condi tion. Further north and east the oil bearing rocks rise to the surface, and have long ago lost their treasure, if they had any. But here at Gaines the geological oil formation is found. Oil and gas are proven to be here in some quantity. The only question is now whether further drilling will find more oil, thickening sands and an extending field. The well now drilling should throw decisive light on the future of Gaines within a month. As yet the story is a guess. But Mr. Farnum says it is a field and Mr. Atwell says he has an oil well, and the oil well is here to talk for itself. While the pool is yet to be uncovered the possibilities that might follow a development so far in advance of the older territory give it interest. A Poor Unfortunate. IHK horse went dead an' his mule went lame; He lost six cows in a poker game; A hurricane came on a summer day, An' carried the house where he lived away; Then an earthquake come when that was gone, An' swallowed the land that the house stood on! An' the tax collector, he come roun' An' charged him up for the hole in the groun' An' said he wanted his street tax, too! Did he moan an' sigh? Did he set and cry. An cuss the hurricane sweepin' by? Did he grieve that his ole friends failed tocall, When the earthquake come an' swallowed all? Never a word of hlatue he said, With all them troubles on top of his head! Not him! * * * He climbed to the top o* the hill. Whar standin' room wuz left him stil, An' barin' his head, here's what he said: "I reckon it's time to get up an' git; But, Lord, I hain't had the measles yit!" —Atlanta Constitution. Fire at Smethport. Last Monday night a fire destroyed the opera house, Wells' drug store and other buildings. The entire block was destroyed. Rooms Wanted. Would like to rent part of house in Emporium where wife and boy would have near neighbors, during my ab sense. Address, H. D. BURLINGAME, Williamsport, Pa. Piano Tuner. Prof. O. B. Hummel, of Lock Haven, will be in town for the remainder of the week and any one having a piano that needs tuning will do well to see Prof. Hummel. The Brett piano leads them all. Narrow Escape. A. A. Prowant, while at Glean, last Thursday, had a narrow escape from death. While attempting to jump onto a freight train one of his feet caught in a rail "frog" throwing him to the ground. Another train was passing at the time and his presence of mind pre vented him being run over. When in Buffalo. The readers of the PRESS should not fail to call at the old and popular establishment of Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co. This firm has for many years been the most popular of any of the Buffalo houses with the citizens of this section. Their new "ad" appears in this issue of the PRESS. The Home Paper a Necessity. Only the home paper, the country weekly or the country daily, possesses the full confidence of a permanent constituency. It is the "home" paper par excellence, because it is welcomed and read by every member of the family, and it is just as much of a family necessity as sugar, tea or coffee. It is this faculty of getting close to its readers that makes the "home" paper's value to advertisers wholy out of pro . portion to its modest circulation.— Newspaperdoni. Big Deal in Timber. John N. Ake and John H. Patchin, executors of the A. \V. Patchin estate Friday closed the sale of all the timber adjoining the Susquehanna rivor, in Clearfield county, to the Bowman- Foresman Company, of Williamsport, for $165,000. The timber belonging to the estate in Indiana and Cambria counties is not included in the deal. They also sold all the logs in the river to Elias Deemer, of Williamsport, for §IO,OOO. Messrs. Akc and Patchin purchased from the heirs all the square timber, belonging to the estate, in the Delaware river, at Camden, N. J., for $26,000, and have leased the big Patchin mill at that place to manfacture the same. The timber sold on Friday, stands on 1,700 acres of land in Burn side township, that county, and must |be removed within five years. This is the largest timber sale that has taken ! place in the county for years. It is one of the last large tracts left, and ; when it is cut nearly all of the Clear ; field county pine will have gone to i market. Roys' clothing in great abundance at [N. Segor's. Up-to date styles. Call and see the wonderful bargains. BRIEF HENTION. Chas. Fry's coach dog wanted to be in line, BO it fell on the sidewalk, last Saturday, breaking one of its legs. Dr. Baker was the Good Samaritan in this case. A. C. Blum's valuable bird dog was attacted by a vicious dog and severely injured. One of the front legs was broken and it was feared the poor brute would have to be killed. Dr. Bardwell came to the relief of the suf fering animal and fixed it up. It is now believed that the dog will get well. Sam Jones asked the following perti nent question: "Do you know that boys are much more particular with whom they go than girls are? You may think it a strange statement, but it is so. A girl will goon the streets in open day with a boy that gets drunk, but the minute a boy finds out that a girl gets drunk he won't go with her. I wish our girls would be as particular with whom they go as the boys are." An exchange says that a short time ago a school marm in a back-woods dis trict was teaching a spelling clasp, and when the word "husband" was put on the blackboard, none of the children could pronounce it. In order to help them out of their difficulty the teacher asked: "What would I have if I should get married?" The answer was prompt but not what she expected, and she blushed such a brilliant red that the sunlight paled. A New Jersey editor soberly asserts that he has a cow that gets drunk on cider. She manufactures her own bev erage by eating decayed apples that have fallen in the orchard. He states, furthermore that on the days when she gets drunk, a little nutmeg and egg converts her milk into an exhilirating beverage, resembling a mixture of punch and egg nog. That cow ought to prove highly valuable to any man who is anxious togo on a spree at the lowest possible cost. Learn to laugh, not giggle; a hearty laugh is better than medicine. A well told story is as good as a sunbeam in the sick room. Learn to stop croaking about your neighbors; they are just as good as you are. If you cannot see any good in the town you live in, pull out and leave, and the people will thank you for it. Learn to meet your friends with a smile. A good humored pian or woman is always welcome, but the pessimist is not wanted anywhere. He is a nuisance. State Superin ten dent Schaefl'er finds, upon careful inquiry, that in the first six counties of the state, considered in alphabetical order, fifty school teach ers receive less salaries than the aver age cost of keeping a pauper. He de precates this fact, and says "that times are hard now, but they will be much harder in the next century if the chil dren in our schools do not get as good instruction as those of other states, if competition continues to grow as sharp as it has in the last twenty years." The supply of apples from the 1898 crop of the United States is 27,700,000 | barrels, compared with something over ! •10,000,000 last year and 70,000,000 in the ; record breaking crop of 1986. The fail ure is widespead, reaching from the Pacific coast to Maine, and in none of tho states does the output of fruit ap proach an average. I n the great apple j states of the west the crop is almost an j absolute failure, although the situation | in Michigan is better than elsewhere, ! having about two-thirds of the bumper crop of 1895. New York has only one fifth of a crop. Tho crop of Europe is reported below the normal. An exchange tells how a man in a neighboring town who thinks he knows it all got revenge on election day: The next day he went into one of the prom inent hotels in town with a sample ballot and was showing a friend how he voted. "Now," he said, "I just made up my mind that I would scratch that cussed cur off my ticket." Then he took a pencil from his pocket and made | a cross where his enemy's name ap i peared. "Didn't you make any more | marks on your ballot?" asked his j friend. "I should say not; that was the ! fellow 1 wanted to beat." "Why, you ! monkey, that fellow you made your | cross next was the only person you | voted for." The intelligent citizen dropped his chin on his collar button | and he went out like a cat shot with a ! boot-jack and wept wet tears. Rescue Hook and Ladder Ball. | The twelfth annual ball and supper I of Rescue Ilook & Ladder Company, t of Emporium, Pa., will take place at the opera house, Friday evening, Dec. I 30th, 1898. The several committees ! are actively at work preparing for a | big time this year. They have engaged i Jamison's Orchestra, of Bradford, Pa., | comprising six pieces, and propose ! making their '9B ball the most popular I yet given' The Hooks never do any j thing on a small scale. Remember the I date. 39-6t * TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE. Pressed Bricks. Good manners are a part of good morals. Plant your Holiday "ads" now. "The early bird, &e." Goto the opera house to-night and see the niilk-maids. Note the change in the P. & E. time card in another column. Greatest bargains in winter over coats and underwear at N. Seger's. New line of stylish clothing for winter wear, at N. Seger's. Did you ever pay less for a gown than you intended to when you started out ? While you are preparing for the Holidays it would be well to visit N. Seger's clothing establishment and see the many handsome lines suitable for Christmas presents. Quarterly meeting for the Emporium charge will be held in their hall, Dec. 10-11. Rev. S.Bedford, of Houghton, N. Y., will have charge. This notice means a cordial invitation for all to be with us. E. FrLLEii, Pastor. There are two classes of people in the world—those who have done some thing and want their names kept out of the paper, and those who haven't done anything worth printing, and want their names put in.—Washing ton Star. Why is it that a boy of twenty can run a mile or ascend a flight of steps three at a time, while his sister of the same age can't run a hundred yards or walk up a flight of steps without be coming exhausted ? It is easy to answer this question. Of corset is. A couah is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effectually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. We recommend it because it's good. R. C. Dodson. 451y The Coudersport Gas Company has reduced the price of gas to consumers one-third, or about S3O per year for fuel and lights for ordinary residences. Our citizens would faint should the St. Marys Gas Co., do likewise. Our only fear is they may raise the price per thousand. Quarterly meeting for the Cameron circuit will bo held at North Creek, Dec. 17-18. Rev. A. D. Fero, of Dixon ville, Pa., is expected to be present and have charge of services. The people and pastors of the Emporium and Driftwood circuits are cordially in vited to bo with us. W. READETT, Pastor. The Kane Republican is authority for the statement that Joe Sibley dis tributed §75,000 among the boodlers in this district, before the last election, with which to debauch the voters. No wonder there is hair-pulling among the Democratic managers in this county, as well as other sections, over the division of the spoils The old-line Democrats assert there was too much division and silence and that confined to a few in the inner circle of the ring. The attempt of a few assistant Demo cratic organs to make the people belive that the political friends of Senator Quay in this county and district were opposed to Hon. Charles W. Stone for Congress; and that Mr. Stone and his supporters were opposed to the Repub lican State and County candidates, is the veriest political "rot " The re liable, earnest Republicans in this county, who never desert the party or its candidates, were the men who fought for the ticket from top to bottom. The diversion of a portion of the Republican vote to Mr. Sibley, for j Congress, carried with it the defeat of | the local county ticket. The Quay and i anti-Quay contention was not an issue in the Congressional contest but the I anti-Quay Prohibition vote was cast ! for the Democratic candidates for As | sembly as well as against Hon. C. W. Stone and the rest of the ticket. Had the Republicans who voted for Mr. ! Sibley for Congress, voted the balance of the Republican ticket it would have i been elected, and the State ticket | would have a good plurality in the ■ county. The thing to do however, is for all the Republicans to get together. There isn't any use in "crying over | spilled milk."—Franklin Citizen-Press, Plows for Sale. 1 have ten South Bend Plows for ( sale, at a bargain. Having rented my ; farm 1 desire to dispose of them. They 1 are all new and the best in the world. G. S. WILEY. Emporium, Pa., 37-tf. For Sale. Pair of light Bob Sleighs, two bodies —ono for pleasure and one for work, j Single or double. Good as new. Will sell cheap, or exchange for hay. CIIAS. FRY. I Emporium, Pa., Nov. 22,1898. -39-tt. NO. 40.