8 11. E. OLMSTED'S Dm IIS 111 A near odd fellows hall. Q. Part of our Fall Goods are here and more are on the W U way. Come and see is the cordial invitation we extend to all. w The goods are new and the prices are right. * Jvt A large assortment of y * i Men's, Women's P » • Table Cloths, <*JK Tj and Children*' wBSIW Sheeting!), M «• Cnderwear, ** Hlankets and V JvL Art Linens, ■"•.rTojr VJSBSS* <#r'*!rfSortsr* Hod Comfortables, Jyi, Traced Corsets, < 'entre Pieces, ':KfJHff? |SiiK"'>fit Corset Covers, Damask Tablings. 'w |; 1 Infants llobes. | f'. ! : i' •••••• •••• •• • • 'w W fi, Ladies, set, white wool vests and pants, - usually sold at ft si. 00, for 60 cents. v? * Ladies' set, white wool vests and pants, usually sold at $1.25, for 75 cents. S& W Ladies' set, white wool vests and pants, usually sold at W & $1.50, for 90 cents. U Childrens' white wool vests and pants, usually sold at L £ 65c, for 45 cents. Q, tt Childrens' white wool vests and pants, usually sold at ry Q. 75c, for 50 cents. 8 * Childrens' white wool vests and pants, usually sold at & 85c, for 60 cents. $ Childrens' white wool vests and pants, usually sold at P $1.15, for 70 cents. W •vj, Childrens' white wool vests and pants, usually sold at Q 50c, for 35 cents. tf Childrens' white wool vests and pants, usually sold at Jyl, H 45C, for 30 cents. * Infants' pants and vests usually sold at 45c, for 30c. ft & These are short sleeves. | » Ladies' white Merino vests, sold at 65c for 45 cents. $0 ;p> These are all perfect goods. Come early. & | D. E. OLMSTED, | Near Odd Fellows Hall, East Fourth St. | C. B. HOWARD & CO.*! Jjj JV r rV Our line ot Groceries is complete. 11l : M tea Our aim is to purchase nothing but the |f| best and keep our stock fresh. Come and P P exain ' ne our goods. Wf Our shoes are from the ; i Jgi"' :i% and are the best goods for I ' ' if' ! <£?' the money obtainable. Tf in need oi such ,-0 f |jj dS givC,US a tria * Xi Our notion department rKlOliovX (fls H made up ofonlv reliable lf"~m f| JBESxeoct tgoods at medium prices. X- A K [djj Examine and let us name you prices. JM~ lira' X A S y Our stock of Fall and ( : 1 VjWtVjK H Winter Clothing has ar- im If] / rived. In it you will find ;'' / hvr '\ 5. the latest cloths. Call j|| \ and examine before line is IV """ 1 We have shirts and lots of them at ||| all prices. Let us show them to you and» name our prices. ~yJ If you want to save money, give us a call. |^v We defy competition. All goods guaran- 112 J tM I teed ' _ ' I jc. B. HOWARD & col CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 1898. Lowest Rates West. Rates to tho west are lower via the | Nickel Plate Road than via other lines, ! while the service is excelled by none, j Three fast trains are run every day in ; the year from Buffalo to Chicago. The j day coaches are of the latest pattern, are elegantly upholstered, and have all the modern improvements, such as marble lavatories, steam heat, lighted by Pinteche gas, while colored porters are in charge to look after the wants of passengers, especially the ladies and children. Vestibuled butfet sleep ing cars are run on all trains, while the dining cars and meal stations are operated by the company and serve | the best of meals at moderate prices. If your ticket agent cannot give you all the information you desire in re gard to rates, routes, etc , address F. J. Moore, Gen'l Agent, Nickel Plate Road, 291 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. 31-10. Anxious Mother: If one child has Diphtheria the rest may have it. To prevent, check and cure it, the best known remedy is Arm. strong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops- Baby Mine! tscribable dread of the pain and ant upon the Becoming a mother should be a source of joy suffering and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a blessing to woman. SI.OO PER BOTTLE at all Drug- Stores, or sent by express on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing Invaluable information of rprr interest to all women, will be sent rntt to any address, upon application, by The BBADFIELD BEGCLATOB CO.. Atlanta. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics act directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in other parts of tho system. Tlicy Cure the Sick. NO. CURES. PRICES. 1— Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .*£s Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25 3—Teething.Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .'25 4 —Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .25 fc—!\'e oral gin, Toothache, Faceache 25 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo . .25 10—Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak .Stomach.2s 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods 25 12—Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness. 25 I I—halt Hlieum, Erysipelas, Eruptions .25 1 s—llheiiinatimu, Rheumatic Pains .25 10—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25 20— Whoopintf-Cough .25 27—Kidney Diseases 25 2H—lVervous Debility 1.00 30—L'rinary Weakness, Wetting Bed. .25 77—<;rip, Hay Fever 25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co,, Cor. William & John New York Bronchitis is very prevalent. It gen erally begins with a common cold, at tended with cough, hoarseness, sore ness of the lungs, tightness of the cbesfc and difficulty in breathing. If not at tended to, it becomes dangerous—thou sands dio from bronchitis annually. Dr. JohnW. Bull's Cough Syrup is tho best remedy for this disease; it relieves tho cough at once, effects an easy ex pectoration, and cures in a few days. Dr-Bull's Oough Syrup Will promptly cure Bronchitis. 7' •- s are small and pleasant to take. Doctors imm end it. Price 25 cents. At all druggists. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS For aale by it. C. DOCIHOD. J. A. Fisher, PRACTICAL J-lofse 1 §boer, Broad Street, Emporium, Pa. From New Zealand. I am very pleased to state that si nee I took the agency of Chamberlain's medi cines the sale has been very large, more especially of the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more ot this par ticular remedy than of all other makes for the previous five years. As to its ellleacy, 1 have been informed by scores of persons of the good results they have received from it, and know its value from the use of it in my own household. Itjis so pleasant to take that we have to place the bottle beyond the reach of the children. E. J. SCANT-EBUHY. For sale by L. Taggart Nov. The large crop of chestnuts is said to be a token of a cold winter. The Best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound onto the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with a pain in the chest or side, or lame back, give it a trial. You are certan to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheumatism. For sale by L. Taggart. Nov. ALL SORTS. Wise turkeys should now settle down to writing their wills. The sooner a cough or cold is cured without harm to thesufferer the better. Lingering colds are dangerous,a Hack ing cough is distressing- One minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when such a cough cure is with in reach? It is pleasant to the taste. R. C. Dodson. 451y The gas man's smile grows longer as the days grow shorter. History will tell about "Dewey" Hobson, Sampson and Americans pro tecting themselves from serious throat diseases by using "Armstrong's Diph theria and Quinsey Drops." The greatest throat remedy in the world. Sold by druggist, R. C. Dodson. 61y Roses are becoming scarcer and higher priced. When you ask for De Witt's Witch Hazel salve don't accept a counterfeit or imitation. There are more cases ef Piles being cured by this, than all others combined. R. C. Dodson. 451y The man without a cold is envied by his fellows. Constipation prevents the body from ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and cure sick Headache, Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. R. C. Dodson. 451y Only four more weeks to save up for Christmas. Overcome evil with good. Overcome your coughs and colds with One Min ute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and all throat and luug diseases. R. C. Dodson. 451y Neckwear is gradually assuming a less vivid hue. Late to bed and early to rise, pre pares a man for his home in the skies. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. R. C. Dodson. 451y The merchants are receiving their holiday goods. Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolute certain cure for croup such as One Minute Cough Cure. See that your little ones are pro tected against emergency. R. C. Dod son. 451y The meteor isn't in it with the gas meter. Soothing, healing, cleansing, De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the im placable enemy of sores, burns and wounds. It never fails to cure Piles. You may rely upon it. R. C. Dod son. " 451y It is the open season for shooting stars. A couuh is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effectually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for ail ages and for the most severe cases. We recommend it because it's good. R. C. Dodson. 451y Roast turkey is becoming a common dish. Worth Knowing. Thousands have found a friend in Bacon's Celery King. If you have never used this specific for the prevail ing maladies: dyspepsia, liver com plaint, rheumatism, costiveness, nerv ous exhaustion, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, and all diseases arizing from derangement of the stomach, liver and kidneys, we will give you a package of this nerve tonic free. Large packages 50c. and 25c. R. C. Dodson. 33-141v Double soled shoes are again in vogue. How to Cure a Cold. Simply take Otto's Cure. We know of its astonishing cures and that it will stop a cough quicker than any other known remedy. If you have Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption or any dis ease of the throat and lungs, a few doses of this great remedy will surprise you. if y OU wish to try, call at our store iltK ] we will furnish you a sample bottl e Large bottle 5Cc and 25c. R. C> Christmas money iB being hoarded. Mott's Nerverine Pills Bi i'oki: AND AK i KI: rs iso. gans of eitfiei »zx, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing oi lost Manhood, Impotency, Nightly Emis sions, Youthful Errors, Mental worry, ex cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, whicf. lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.0( oer box by mail; 6 boxes for $5.00. POTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Prop's, Cleveland, Ohio For sale by R C. Dodson. Adam, Meldrum & • Anderson Go. The American Block. HTr B'l''A.l-O, 3*. Y. About Our Book and Stationery Department. We solicit mail orders Tor books and stationery. We will gladly quote you our prices at any time for any book or books published, and we can always supply you with the best writing paper and stationery at very low prices. We do card engraving in the best form for much less than usual prices. SOME BOOK PRICES. Quo Vadis, the authorized and unabridged edition, cloth binding, illustrated,soc., postage 12c The .same in papercovers 18c., postage 7c. The Prince of the House of David, new edition, cloth, illustrated, 19c, postage 6c. The Prince of the House of David, new edition, cloth, illustrated, lflc, postage 6c. The Beth Book, by Sarah Grand, published at $1.50, our price sl.loc, postage l'Jc. The Story of an untold Love, by Paul Leicester Ford, published at $1.25, our priceosc.. postage9c. Corleone, by F. Marion Crawford, 2 vols., $1.40, postage 17c. The Seats of the Mighty, by Gilbert Parker ♦1.20, postage, lie. The C hoir Invisible, by James Lane Allen, pub lished $1.50, our price, $1.15 postage Bc. The Chautauqua Books, for course 1898, 5 vols., $4.50 the set, expressage 25c. Pelonbet's Notes on the International Sunday School Lessons for 1898, 85c. postage 12c. Subscriptions for all magazines and periodicals are received at publishers' rates. Stationery. Our "Swan Vellum," and "Swan Satin" are high-class writing papers, made in four sizes— "Joseph" and "Billet" sizes, 40c box of Squires. Envelopes to correspond, 40c box of 125. "Octavo" size, 50c. a box; envelopes 50c. Our "Swan Everwyn" and "Swan Feather" are smooth and rough linen papers made only in octavo and commercial sizes, ruled and plane, 30c and 35c the 5 quire packets, envelopes 7c and 8c packet. "Swan Seconds" in octavo and commercial sizes, ruled and plain, 18c pound packet, envelopes 5c and fic a packet. Papeteries of new square shaped paper and envelopes in fashionable tints, azure, heliotrope, cream and mazarin 15c box, worth 20c, postage Bc. The same in larger size 20c. worth 30c, postage 10c. Papeteries of initial paper with envelopes, all initials, new and beautiful, all colors 40c box, worth 50c. The same illuminated in gold and colors square paper 55c box, worth 75c. Card Engraving. Plate and 50 cards for $1.25, postage 6c. En graving address line 30c extra. 50 cards from your own plate 55c, postage 6c. 100 cards from your own plate 95c, pvstage 11c. Specimens of engraving and sizes of cards for warded 011 application. Monograms and address dies sunk from $1.50 upwards. Stamping |in any color 50c for 120 sheets, or 90c in gold and silver. A HAM, & \mwm to., The American Block. Worcester ' Corsets. * /' FOR SALE BY LEADING DEALERS. S '&? '£? '*&' if I J S/aSV THAT THE BEST \<*Hi |L mJSL_S/PLACE TO BUY^-V—UP MY GOODS MO NOTIOJIS. Boots and Shoes i Nffji® /P\ * \vm, !S AT W.«.SIZER ? S Travelers «iulc!e. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. I PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD DIVISION. In effect May 29, 1 S!)8. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM EASTWARD 8 20 A. M. Train H week days for Sunbury \V ilkesbarre, Scran ton, ilazleton, PottsviJie ilarrintiurg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.23P. M„ New York9.3oP. M., Baltimore C.oo p. M„ Washington 7.15 P. M. Pullman Parlor car from Williamsport to Philadelphia and passengercoaches from Kane to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Balti more and Washington. 320 P. M.—Train 6 week days for Harris burg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia,4.3o A. M„ New York7.3BA.M. Pullman sleeping earn from Harrisburg to Phil adelphia and New York. Philadelphia pae sengerscan remaininsleeper undisturbed ut. til 7:30 A. M. 9 37 P. M. Train 4 Daily for Sunbury, Harris burg and intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia 6.52 A. M., New York 9.33 A. M weekdays, (10.38 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 8.25 A. M.. Washington 7.40 A.M. Pullman sleep ing cars from Erie and Williamsport to Phila delphia and Williamsport to Washington. Passengers in sleeper for Baltimore and Wash ington will he transferred into Washington sleeper at Williamsport. Passenger cars from Erie to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Baltimore. WESTWARD. 5:10 A. M. Junction—Train 9 week days lor Erie, Ridgway, Dußois, Clermont and intermediate.stations. 10 30 A. M. —-Train 3 Daily for Erie ai>3 week days for Dußois and intermediate stations. OaBP. M. Train 15, week days for Kane and intermediate stations. THROUGH TRAINS FOR EMPORIUM FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. Traill 9 leaves New York 5:50 p. m., Philadelphia 8:50 p. m., Washington 7:20 p.m., Baltimore 8:40 p. m., arriving at Emporium Junction s:lti а. in., week days, with Pullman Sleepers an. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt. Port Allegany, Coudersport, Smethport, Eldred, Bradford, Olean and Buffalo,connecting at Buf falo for points East and West. Buffalo Express, dailv except Sunday 8.30 A. J!. Mail, (103 daily except Sunday 1.45 P. M. Train No. 103 (mail) will connect at Olean with River Division for Allegany,Bradford, Salamanca Warren, Oil City and Pittsburg. Call on E. C. DAVISON, Agent, Emporium, for time tables or other information R. BELL, Gen'l Supt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Pass'ngr & Ticket Apt. Mooney Brisbane Building, Cor. Main and Clinton Streets, Buffalo, N. Y.