Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 24, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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H. H. MULLIN, Editor.
Published Every Thursday.
U»» 7*»r ®J 2
II palA In adTanc* 1 * 4l
are published »t the rate ot
Me tollar per square forone insertion and nrtj
eeata per square for each subsequent insertion
Rates by ibe year, or for six or three months,
•re low and uniform, and will be furnished on
Xe«nl and Official Advertlstnr per aquare,
three times or less, «: each subsequent inser
tion b« cents per square.
Local notices 10 cents per line for one inser
iertlon. 6 cents per line for each subsequenl
MD'-eeutlve insertion.
Obituary notices oyer flye lines. 10 cents per
Use. Simple announcements of births, mar
riages and deaths will be Inserted free.
Business cards Ore lines or less, i6 per year,
•▼er five lines, at the rsf ular rates of adver
"N" 1 local Inserted for less than 75 cents per
••sus. _____
The Job department of the P«f« Is complete
and iff'irds facilities for doint tho best class of
No paper will bs discontinued ntll arrear-
Kis are paid, except at the option of the pub
Papers sent out of the county must be paid
lor '.u advance.
RR. APM. SCMI.KT will BO assigned tm
command the Ku ropean squadron
when it is established, and It p. A din.
Sampson wil be retained in command
af the North Atlantic squadron, while
a new gulf squadron will probably tie
formed, under command of a commo
EMPEROR WII.I.IAM uses the largest
visiting cards of any member of Ku
rope's royal families. They are of
heavy card, six inches loriff and four
inches wide. On the upper line is the
single word "Wilhelin," and on the
second line are the words "Deutsclicr
Kaiser und Koenig von Prussian."
SOME years ago I loone, la., was suf
fering from an epidemic of typhoid
fever. Col. Leorge Waring. who died
of yellow fever in New York recently,
came west and projected a sanitary
system for that town, which is regard
ed as equal to that of any city of the
same size in America, .lust when he
was commissioned togo to Havana he
had about completed arrangements to
practically duplicate the Boone system
in several other lowa cities.
A GKKMAN dentist. Dr. Ilerz, pro
poses to put microbes in our mouths to
steal away our pains. His discovery
consists in an inoculant prepared from
microbes he cultivates for the purpose.
When applied in the case of a decayed
tooth it stops the pain, but does not
destroy the nerve; further, it again
fixes the tooth and makes it possible
to putin a lasting stopping. He has
already treated a number of cases
with it, and they have proved most
IF a child in Switzerland does not At
tend school on a particular day the
p.'if.'nti; pels !i iiiitice from the public
authority that lie is lined so many
francs; the second day the fine is in
creased and by the third day the
amount has become a serious one. In
case of sickness the pupil is excused,
but if there is any suspicion of sham
ming a doctor is sent. If the suspicion
proves to be well founded the parent
is required to pay the cost of the doc
tor's visit.
A st IISTI n TE for tobacco has been
discovered by an eastern chemist. The
appearance, odor, taste and effect on
the system arc all reproduced, it is
claimed, and the sham can only be told
by a microscopical examination. The
one essential difference between the
leaf tobacco and the substitute is the
absence of nicotine in the latter. The
cost of producing the substitute is said
to be small, and a promise of the best
perfectos of to-day at a price within
the reach of all is made.
A COMPANY has been incorporated in
Pittsburgh to abolish the razor. In
stead of shaving a man, the barber
will daub over his face a lather that
will remove the bristles. The company
has a capital of 8:100,000, with which to
start business. As soon as it gets its
charter it will open a '"parlor." where
practical demonstrations will be given.
Specimen men will sit in a show win
dow on a crowded street and have
their beards publicly and painlessly
removed by a gentlemanly lecturer.
THE French so ready to use electric
ity in automobile locomotion, now pro
pose to use the automobile wagons for
exploration purposes. M. Felix Du
boise, the explorer, intends to use
them in his expedition to the Niger
river. A number of his wagons were
recently inspected and gave satisfac
tion. He can transport his autumo
bilc wagons to within 2."i<) miles of his
objective point on the Niger, and he
believes he can cover this distance in a
week. The bicycle may also be used in
MEDICAL men of Plainfleld, N. J.,
are deeply interested in the discovery
of a man with two distinct and sepa
rate hearts and two breastbones, all of
which he can move about at will. The
man who is thus generously endowed by
nature is William King, colored, who
claims to be 100 years old. His home
is in New Bedford. Mass.. and he has
been visiting his cousin, Thomas Mar
tin, the jail warden in that city, for
several days. That he has two hi arts
Dr. M. 15. Long, chief the Muh len burg
hospital staff, says is undeniable.
CURIOUS creeds can be found among
the upper classes. Lord Pollington,
eldest son of Lord Mexborough, is a
self-confessed Buddhist. The duke of
Northumberland and his family, in
eludii g Lord and Lady Percy, are Irv
ingites, as are Sir Herbert Maxwell
and Lady Frances Balfour, a daughter
of the duke of Argyll. Lord and Lady
ltadnor are credited with being ardent
spiritualists. The late Lady C'harle
mont was a Jewess, not by birth, but
by conviction, and Lord Stanley, of Al
derly, is said to favor the principles of
Spaniards Propose to Settle the
Philippine Question.
Tliey Assert that u Ilri ltliin by a Third
Party I* Necrsiiary to a Satisfac
tory Adjustment of tile Nc-
CutlatloiiM INotv 111 Prog
ress at I'urls.
Paris, Nov. 17.—At the meeting yes
terday of the Spanish-American com
missions the Spanish commissioners
presented a loug document in answer
totne American argument which was
submitted last week. By mutual con
sent the memorandum was handed to
the Americans and the meeting ad
journed until Saturday.
The Spaniards in their communica
tion reaffirmed the position which they
have assumed against the discussion
here of Spain's Philippine sovereignty.
They insist that the words "shall de
termine the control, disposition and
government of the Philippines," in
Article 3 of the peace protocol, do not
warrant any reference to Spain's with
drawal from the Philippines except on
her own terms, and therefore the
Spaniards propose arbitration on the
construction to be placed on the words
"the control, disposition and govern
In signifying their willingness to
submit the Philippine article of the
protocol to a third party for construc
tion the Spanish commissioners urged
that as there is a difference of opinion
regarding the phrase "the control, di»
position and government of the Philip
pines," possibly the result of a misun
derstanding, the Spaniards should no
more be asked to surrender their view
than the Americansto surrender theirs.
The memorandum points out that a
deadlock exists, which might be bro
ken by arbitration on the contending
views, to which the Spanish commis
sioners are quite ready to submit. The
later declare that thej have no idea of
suggesting arbitration as to the main
issue, which touehes the national honor
of both sides, but they are willing to
accept exterior aid to clear the path of
It is safe to say that the American
commissioners will not consent to in
voke exterior aid to construe the terms
of their own protocol.
Another part of the Spanish memor
andum flatly asserts upon the authori
ty of M. Cambon's report of the pro
tocol negotiations between Washing
ton and Madrid through him, that
President McKinlcy at no time ob
jected to Spain's reservation of her
sovereignty in the Philippines. This
allegation is directly opposed to the
American record on the subject.
Moreover, the Spanish commission
ers allege that President Mclvinley's
objection to Spain's phraseology in ac
cepting the terms of peace was based
solely, so far as was made known, upon
this sentence in the Spanish accept
ance: "They accept the proffered
terms subject to the approval of the
eortes of the kingdom, as required by
their constitutional duties."
The Spanish memorandum holds that
M. Cambon answered the American ob
jection to this by pointing out that the
Americans' terms were proffered sub
ject to the approval of« the Americans,
but that President McKinlcy replied
that he did not desire to involve the
internal affairs of Spain in the pro
ceedings in hand.
The Spanish memorandum also asks
' why, if the United States objected to
Spain's reservation of sovereignty, they
did not plainly say so in the protocol
and leave no room for argument.
It Provided that the Hospital l <|ul|>-
mesit ol Hi* A rui) Should be Lett al
Washington, Nov. 17. Col. J. W.
Jacobs, who was chief quartermaster
of the Fifth corps at Tampa and in
Cuba,testified yesterday before the war
investigating commission that Gen.
Humphrey had been in charge of the
embarkation of troops at Tampa, and
that no order specifying what vessels
the different commands were to occupy
had been issued. In reply to a ques
tion from Gov. Beaver he said the em
barkation had been a hap hazard af
fair—"decidedly so."
(■en. McCook asked if there were any
reasons why the cooking utensils and
amp equippage of the troops should
lot have been forwarded from Dai
quiri to the troops in the field.
"There was no reason," Col. Jacobs
replied, "except that Gen. Shatter's'
order forbade."
Continuing he said the order was
most positive. It did not specify what
should not be forwarded, but was spe
oific in providing that only forage and
rations should be forwarded.
Dr. Connor asked whether orders
hail been given to leave ;Ui the hospital
equipments behind at Tampa and Col.
Jacobs responded that he had personal
knowledge that Gen. Shafter had
given such an order concerning the
An important point was developed
through the examination of Maj. La
garde, one of the surgeons in chargeof
the hospital at Siboney. It was that
of the 1,800 or ±,400 wounded men
treated in the hospital only 11 had
died. This was less than 1 per cent,
and Dr. Lagarde said that no war in
history showed so small a mortality
among wounded men.
Abandoned tile Jlaria Teresa.
Washington, Nov. 17.—The armored
cruiser Maria Teresa has been aban
doned by this time andlies a wreck off
the coast of <at island. The depart
ment has wired ('apt. McCalla as fol
lows: "If you are satisfied that the
Teresa cannot be saved you are author
ized to abandon the wreck."
Fastest Kiial ill the Navy.
Newport, It. 1., Nov. 17. —The torpe
:!o boat Dupont yest erday exceeded the
best torpedo boat speed yet developed
in the United States, proving her to
be the fastest boat in the navy. She
ihowed a speed of over o0 knots an
aour with two boilers.
TIIO U. C. T. I . < onvrntion Hecldra
In Al>itiiilon ll* roniirclloii nitli (In
Clilcaso Temple.
St. Paul. Minn., Nov. 15.—The \V. C.
T. U. national convention decided yes
terday by a vote of 285 to 71 to aban
don the Chicago temple project as an
affiliated interest. Five hours of ani
mated, vigorous and occasionally hit
ter debate was necessary before the
vote was reached. The opposition to
this action declared it was an act of
repudiation of a moral Obligation anil
fought every inch of ground, but most
of the leaders were against them and
they carried their point.
At 6:50 the secretaries began the roll
call on the motion to adopt the action
of the executive committee in aban
doning the temple. The roll call lasted
4*2 minutes, nearly ten minutes more
being required for changes and count
ing. The vote resulted 285 to 71, the
temple being dropped as an affiliated
St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 17.—The clos
ing day of the annual convention of
the Women's Christian Temperance
union was full of business. The last
of the temple was heard when Mrs.
Matilda 15. Carse, of Illinois, who for
1 1
[Newly Elected President of the W. C
T. U.l
111 years has been president of the Wo
men's Temperance Publishing associa
tion, made her last report from that
organization and then delivered a
touching farewell to those with whom
she had so long been associated. In a
dramatic scene on the stage, she
clasped hands with Mrs. Stevens and
Miss Cordon beside Miss Willard's va
cant chair.
Pennsylvania was awarded the old
banner for largest membership. Kan
sas took the banner fur greatest gain
in membership and also for the largest
county increase. Harvey, 111., gained
the banner for the largest local union
gain. Ohio was given the old banner
fur increase in numbers; Indiana, for
largest increase in membership during
the year, received what is known as
the white ribbon star spangled ban
ner, which was suggested by Miss Wil
lard at the last convention, making
the second banner won by that state.
l)au»on I il> i* \ ihili-it by it Coiillm
s£rutl«ii thai Caused *.">00,000 L»m>.
Skaguay, Alaska, via Victoria, li.
Nov. 15. —Returning Klondikers bring
the news that the city of Dawson hat
been visited with a $500,000 fire in
which 40 buildings were burned, in
cluding the new post otlice and some
of the best buildings in the city.
At the time the police gong sounded
the fire alarm, a light wind was blow
ing and the people at once saw that : .t
would require quick work to save the
town from total destruction. The post
office was the next building south 01
the saloon where the tire started, and
the work of getting the mail matter
out was quickly done. Although near
ly all the mail was saved it is in great
confusion. All that remains to show
where formerly 10 buildings stood are
a few blackened logs, and the town
was saved from total destruction by
the fire engine.
There is no insurance at Dawson.
Officers are investigating the origin oi
the fire. It was at first thought that
the fire was the result of an incendiary,
hut this idea has been entirely dissi
It is said there is not enough lumber
and window glass in Dawson to re
build the burned district and that the
people are in distress and will have tc
live in tents for the rest of the winter.
Airiiiiialdo .Uiikr* Tlirralh
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 17.—Capt. Barn
eson, commander of the transport Ari
zona, has arrived here from Manila.
Barneson left Manila September 24.
lie said the general impression among
army officers was that when the peace
commission concludes its labors the
United States troops will have trouble
with the natives. Admiral Dewey told
him that Aguinaldo was not only un
reliable, but treacherous. It is said ,
that Aguinaldo has promised his men <
that upon the withdrawal of the Span
iards he will declare war against the
United States. He says he will kill off
American soldiers faster than the Uni
ted States can ship them to the islands.
Agreed on a Date,
Havana. Nov. 17.—The joint session
of the evacuation commissioners yes
terday lasted two hours. It is believed
that an understanding was reached re- !
garding the date i.f evacuation. The
ultimatum sent to the!■ panish commis
sioners provided Hurt the evacuation
should be complete by January 1, and
it is said that the Spanish have agreed
to that date and are trying to secure,
temporary residence here after it, as it
may not be possible to embark all
their troops until some time later.
Cuban Army to lie 2)isl>audcd. I
Havana. Nkv. 15. —Gen. Calixto Gar-|
cia ami the other delegates from the
Cuban assembly will leave for Wash
ington to-morrow. The delev ites ex
pect a satisfactory outcome of their
conference with Prc.d 'ii \iclvinley.
The Cuban dolegat s t their lust ses
sion at Santa Cruz ik'l Sur resolved to
discharge :ill men who enlisted since
August 14. the date of the cessation of
hostilities, and to give an indefinite
leave of absence to all o.beers and men
desirous of being discharged from the
Cuban array. The assembly adjourned the return of the commission
I'om Washington.
Failure of llic Ftr«t National Kanlt of
Fill porta, Kan., IN Followed l>) tin*
■ lealli of lis President.
Kmporia, Kan., Nov. 17. Wednesday
afternoon the First national bank of
Kmporia was closed by order of the
comptroller of the treasury. An hour
later Charles S. Cross, the bank's pres
ident and one of the best known breed
ers of Hereford cattle in the west, shot
and killed himself at "Sunny Slope,"
his famous stock farm near town.
Speculation is said to have led to
Cross' downfall. His fortune lias
doubtless gone down with the bank.
Among the heavy losers by the failure
are Lyon county and the city of Km
poria. All the city and county funds
were deposited in the institution.
Cross was custodian of his father's es
tate, which is also said to be in a
wrecked condition.
Cross' ending was tragic. To
jority of the people of the town the
comptroller's card on the doors of the
bank came as a surprise, but in finan
cial circles the result has been antici
pated for six months. Examiner
Charles .lobs, who closed the bank on
an order from the comptroller, has
been going over its books with the aid
of President Cross for the past week.
No signs of mental agitation on the
part of Cross had been displayed and
when Cross left the bank yesterday,
ten minutes before the bank closed, lie
waved his hand pleasantly to all his
associates and seemed no different
than usual. There was a smile on his
face as he passed his friends on the
street. He went immediately to Sunny
Slope farm and, speaking pleasantly to
the employes, passed into the bed room
of Manager Kvans' house. When he
did not come out, Evans entered the
room. He found Cross lying in a pool
of blood with a pistol in his hand. One had been liredand it went through
the back of the hi*ui. Death must have
been instantaneous.
The bank's statement has been grow
ing bad, first causing comment last
May. The statement issued on Sep
tember 20 last did not show improve
ment. Small withdrawals of deposits
resulted, but most of the business men
kept faith in the bank and up to 10
o'clock yesterday heavy deposits were
made. The last statement issued
showed: Capital 8100,000; surplus and
profits $101,28!); due to depositors,
banks and bankers 8513,500; circulation
$22,500. Total 57:i7,888.
Examiner Jobs has been wrestling
with the problem of the assets for a
week and it is reported that he found
them badly shrunken. To a reporter
be said: "While I do not know ex
actly what the outcome of this matter
may be, 1 think I am justified in say
ing' that the depositors will not suffer
seriously. Yet when a thing like this
occurs it lops off' 25 per cent, of the as
sets of the bank at one blow."
Cross was the son of the late Col.
Harrison C. Cross, who died suddenly
at Mackinac a few years ago and who
was believed to be worth several hun
dred thousand dollars at the time ef
his death. Young Cross was B'J years
old and had worked in the bank which
his father helped organize since troy
liood. Thirteen years ago he became
interested in stock raising and in 1802
began the importation of line Hereford
cattle, for which liis farm is known all
over the country. Sunny Slope farm
was one* of the best stocked farms any
where and it was Cross' ambition to
make it the leading farm of its kind in
the United States.
ilcaltli < <HI<IIIIOIIM Among Soldier* In
Camp at Honolulu are Very Had.
Honolulu, via San Francisco, Nov.
17.—The transports Ohio and lndianr
arrived in port on the sth. The Zc
landia arrived on the 7tli with the
Tennessee regiment. The transport
Indiana brought a woman stowaway,
Sadie White. She came on board in a
soldier's uniform and was not discov
ered until the third day out. Then she
was putin a state room and a guard
placed over her. She was put ashore
here. She claims to have a sweet
heart on the Bennington. She was as
sisted in smuggling aboard by Private
P. .1. Moore. He was given 20 days in
the guard house and a fine of $lO.
The Ohio left for Manila on the 7th
and the Indiana followed her on the
Bth and the Zelandia on the 11th.
Typhoid fever broke out on the Ari
zona just as she was ready to sail for
Manila. The promptness with which
typhoid developed aboard caused the
gravest apprehension among the 1,000
men about to start on a2O days' voy
age through tropical seas. The Ari
zona is held here. Gen. King is very
sick. There are nearly 300 patient;-
uuder treatment at the various state
hospital camps. About 200 New York
ers are on the sick list, yet conditions
are improving. About 20 per cent, of
the men in Camp Otis have been sick
at one time. One Nebraska company
leaves behind it here in the hospital 23
of its men. This is out of a contingent
of 100.
Work IScKiimcd at Virden Mine*.
Virden, 111., Nov. 17.—The plant of
the Chicago-Virden Coal Co. opened
for work Wednesday morning, having
been idle since April 1 anil having
twice attempted to start with colored
men from Alabama. The opening at
this time is the result of a written
agreement entered into with the min
ers conceding to them the Springfield
scale of -to cents perton, mine run, and
agreeing to take away the stockade
surrounding the works.
WOuld I'uy lor a Cable Station.
Washington, Nov. 17.—The acquisi
tion of an island in the Caroline group
owned by Spain will lie part of the
work of the Paris peace commission.
Cable communication between the
United States and Manila via Hono
lulu is regarded as desirable should we
occupy the islands and the distance be
tween Honolulu and (iuain island, in
the Lad rone group, is so great as to
make an intermediary station neces
sary. The acquisition of either of two
of the Caroline islands which are suit
able for a cable station would involve
a money consideration and the United
States will pay Spain a fair price for it.
From the Press, Milroy, Ind.
One of the first to offer their services for the
country in the Civil War, was A. 15. Sefton,
of Milroy, Rush Co., ind. lie made a good
record. The life of every soldier is a hard
one, and Mr. Sefton's case was no exception.
"We were in Tennessee, penned in on all
sides. Our rations were very scarce," said
he,"and we had begun togo on quarter
allowance, and as the rain was not enough
to replenish the wells or streams, our can
teens went empty. We were hurried on,
and the only way to quench our thirst was to
go down on our hands and knees and drink
from the hoof tracks made by the horses.
Our Cants.cnH urre Km fit«.
"Some of us were taken sick from the
sffects of tliis. I was laid up several weeks
in a field hospital from fever. From that
time I was always afflicted more or less.
"About four years ago I became much
worse. Our family doctor seemed puzzled
over my case, and it began to look as if there
was no hope for my recovery, and that the
inevitable end was near.
"Last November I was advised to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. The physicians said
:hcy were an excellent medicine, but would
do no good in my case. Hut 1 tried them,
ind am glad I did for I became better at
once. Eight boxes, taken according to direc
tions, cured me. I used the last of the pills
about a year ago, and have not been troubled
with my ailments since."
The power of Dr Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People in the vast number of diseases
:lue to impure or poisoned blood, has been
demonstrated in thousands of instances ajs
remarkable as the one related above.
Mary Wan a MinernloKiMt.
A teacher in one of the local schools was
nstructing a class of small children in min
ralogy the other day, endeavoring to make
dear to their young minds what a mineral
■eally is. Standing before them, she began
n her clear voice: "A mineral is an inor
(anic, homogeneous substance of definite,
ir approximately definite, chemical compo
ition found in nature. Do you understand
ne? Come now, you have all seen minerals.
\ml vour mothers and fathers have told
rou the names of them, haven't they? Of
;ourse, they have. Now, can any one of
'ou tell rne the names of three minerals?"
t here was no response, and she continued:
'Have not some of you been out and seen
ninerals on exhibition?" One little girl
aised her hand. "1 thought so. Mary will
.'.anie three minerals." Mary arose, and,
mtling her hands behind her, lisped:
"Apollinaris, Vichy and seltzer."—C'hica
;o Chronicle.
To California.
Attention is called to the excellent serv
ce oi the North-Western Line to Califor
nia and the favorable rates which have
Deen made for single and round-trip tick
rts for this season s travel, best accom
modations in tirst-class or tourist sleeping
:ars, which run through every day in the
fear. Personally-conducted tourist ear
parties every week to California and
Jrecon. Choice of a large number of
different routes without extra charge.
Particulars cheerfully given upon_ appli
jation to agents Chicago &. North-Western
R'y, or connecting lines.
No matter how stubborn a man is, he has
to wear glasses when the time comes, just
the same.—Washington (la.) Democrat.
Lane's Family Medicine.
Moves the bowels each day. I n order to be
icalthy this is necessary. Acts gently on
:lie liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache.
Price 25 and 50c.
A fish in the hand is worth a dozen in the
wgler's story.—Golden Days.
Coxa hint;>-*» to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the Cough a
>nce. Goto your druggist to-day and v,?t ;
lample bottle free. Large bottles 25 and 51
:enls. Go at once : delays are dangerous.
Always remember that if a man knows
where you can make a dollar he will not
tell you about it; he will go after it himself.
—Atchison Globe.
An Atchison woman was much pleased
with her son's choice of a wife until she re
cently got a letter from the girl. The girl
signed herself A'Mandee, though named
Amanda, arid the Atchison woman at once
made her son break off the match.—Atchi
son Globe.
Robert—"l had a curious drnam last night.
I thought I was making love to a hand
some young woman, and just as I was going
to £>op the question 1 woke up." Richard —
"Were you glad or sorry ?" Robert —"Didn't
know which to be. She might have said
jes, and then again she might have said
that she would always esteem me." —Boston
1 ranscript.
"What's the reason of your enmity to
that politician?" asked the rather romantic
young woman. "Did he cross your path
early in your career?" "No," answered Sen
ator Sorghum. "He didn't cross my path.
We were after the same office, and he ran
over me from behind." —Washington Star.
Long-Distance Courage.—Biggs—"Can I
use your telephone?" Diggs—"Sure. Who
do you want to talk to?" Biggs—"Sluggs. I |
understand he made a derogatory remark
about mc, and I want to tell him just what
I think of him."—Cincinnati Commercial
Before a youth starts out to fight the
bread-and-butter battles of this cold and
friendless world he should determine in his
own mind whether he wishes to become a
eood whistler or a good office boy. He can't
f,e both. —L. A. W. Bulletin.
When we hold our next general election
the votes from our widely-distributed sea
islands will be classed under the head of
'"scattering."— L. A. W. Bulletin.
Lots of men fall over themselves in striv
ing to get ahead of other*. —Chicago Daily
For Infants and. Children^^^^^ s*** 5 ***
(Jflfi * The Kind You Have Always Bought
▼"■ •■•TAM« COMPAMV. *f MV««AV |TR||T. NSW ▼•«* «mr.
Hla Customer lleut Him at the Stift,
But lie Uut llaek at 111m
in Good Sliape.
There is an old retired merchant in D®>
troit who delights in recalling his experi
ences when an active man running a gen
eral store in one of the northern cities ol
the lower peninsula.
"I used to reap a harvest when the mea
were coming out of the woods," he re
lates. They were not up in styles, and
about any old thing would suit them pro
vided the color was right and the lit even
passable. But there were tricksters among
them and I had to have my wits about
me in order to keep even with them.
" 'How much is this hat?' asked a strap
ping six-footer who arrived from camp
one day with a pocket full of money.
" 'Two fifty,' 1 replied.
"Then he informed me that he alway#
had the crowns of his hats punched full
of holes in order to keep his head cool, andj
his hair from coming out. I soon had this
attended to, and then he asked what the
Liat was worth. 'Two fifty,' I
in surprise, but he laughed at me for asking
such a price for damaged goods. He had ma
and got his hat for a dollar while the
crowd with him had a laugh at my expense.
He wanted to look at some 'fiddles,' andl
after pricing one at $lO concluded to take it^
" 'Where's the bow?' he asked, as I wa#
doing up the package.
" 'You only bought the fiddle,' I laughed.
The others saw the point and laughed, too;
The giant tried to bluff me, but I kept goocj
humored and got even on the hat by charg
ing him $1.50 for the bow. I not only got
even, but the others were so pleased with
my 'Yankee trick' that they spent plenty
of rnc "< > vith me."—Detroit Free Press.
Some Short Sentence* Containing
Truths AVhich We All
Cupid has a snap when he encounters an
idle Drain.
Bucket-shopping is about the only kind
men indulge in.
Some wives prepare for war by rifling
their husband's pockets.
Any man who will enlist to get away from
his wife's mother is a coward.
Marriages may be made in Heaven, but
there will always be a few doubters.
Political economy is the art of getting th«
most votes for the least money.
Lots of friends ire retained by not say
ing the smart things we might have said.
Education benefits a man but little if he is
unable to recognize an opportunity when ho
meets it.
The possibilities of a penitentiary sentence
are about the only thing that can add to
the dangers of football.
It's sometimes difficult for a girl to find
her ideal man, but she's nearly always will
ing to accept a substitute.
A man may be the moneyed factor durirg
the engagement, but after marriage the
woman always appoints herself cashier.—
Chicago Evening News.
Muice Advice.
No man should marry till he can listen
to a baby crying in the next room and not
feel like breaking the furniture.—L. A. W.
There is more Catarrh in this section of
the country than ail other diseases put to
gether, and until the last few years was
supposed to be incurable. For a great many
years doctors pronounced it a local disease,
and prescribed local remedies, and by con
stantly failing to cure with local treatment,
pronounced it incurable. [Science has proven
catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and
therefore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured hy F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It is
taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a
ttaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They
otter one hundred dollars for any case it
fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi
monials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c.
llall's Family Pi"s "re the best.
Couliln't Fuol Her.
"We must lay in an extra supply of fuel
this winter," said the credulous btisinesi
man while talking to his practical wife the
other evening. "The cornhusks are un
usually thick, and that means a long, hard
"Who told you?"
"The man we always buy coal from."
"I thought so. We will just give the
usual order."—Detroit Free Press.
From Buhr In the Htfh Chair
to grandma in the rocker Grain-O i» good 112«»
the whole family. It is the long-dei>ired sufc
■titute 'or coffee. Never upsets the nerroe
or injures the digestion. Made from pur»
grains it is a food in itself. Has the ta«t«
and appearance of the bast coffee at th«
price It is a genuine and scientific article
and is come to stay. It makes for health
and strength. Ask your grocer for Grain-O.
Genius is a loftier quality than talent in
the sense that genius often lives in the attic,
while talent has apartments on the ground
floor.—Town Topics.
To Cure fl Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c.
Professor fin medical college!—" What is
the first thing you do in case of a cold?"
Bright Student—"Sneeze, sir!"—Y'onkers
A "doubting Thomas" full of aches uses
St. Jacobs Oil. He's cured.
"Money talks" and "Silence is golden."
With two such precepts what is u man go
ing to do? —N. Y. Journal.
Piso's Cure for Consumption relieves th©
most obstinate coughs.—Kev. D. Buch
mueller, Lexington, Mo., Feb. 24, '94.
Mr. Oldehap—"Are you interested in fos
sils, Miss Gushley!" Miss Gushley—"Oh—
•r —this is so sudden!" —Tit-Bits.
Will it cure? Use St. Jacobs Oil for lame
back and you'll see.
A Natural Black is Produced by
Buckingham's Dyew» r r,
50cts. of druggists or R.P.Hall& Co. .Nashua, N.H.